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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 334-350, abr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430603


Resumen El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se establece como patológica y genera un malestar psicológico significativo en las personas, al punto de deteriorar el funcionamiento social y profesional. A esto se suman graves problemas económicos como producto del endeudamiento. Bajo este escenario, los jóvenes son particularmente sensibles, ya que con el consumo acceden a objetos simbólicos que forman parte de su construcción de identidad. Una dimensión relacionada con la compra compulsiva y el acceso al consumo bajo elementos simbólicos es la discrepancia del yo, la cual establece la distancia entre quién soy y quién me gustaría ser de acuerdo a patrones sociales que motivan el consumo como extensión del sujeto y materialización de la propia identidad. En base a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el efecto de la discrepancia del yo sobre las actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. A través de una regresión lineal múltiple se aprecia que la discrepancia del yo físico (belleza), económico y el sexo son predictores significativos de la compra compulsiva. De igual manera, se observa que las mujeres son un grupo con mayores puntuaciones en cuanto a las compras compulsivas que los hombres, las cuales pueden verse mayormente afectadas por el contexto, y las campañas de marketing pueden influir en una mayor brecha entre el yo real y el yo ideal.

Abstract Consumption has been established in postmodern societies as a means of regulating social relations. In this context, compulsive buying could be established as pathological, creating significant psychological discomfort in people, to the point of impairing social and professional functioning, coupled with serious economic problems resulting from indebtedness. Along the same lines, in the construction of a social identity and a socially shared reality, consumption patterns arise that are linked to what the public should be and what they want to be. Therefore, while compulsive buying has been conceptualized for decades, it is a substantial threat to psychological and financial well-being. Few studies have explored the link between self-discrepancy and compulsive buying within an identity construction context. In this scenario, it is young people who become particularly sensitive, since with consumption they access symbolic objects that are part of their identity construction and a dimension related to compulsive buying. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that access to the consumption of symbolic elements is self-discrepancy. That is why this research aims at determining the effect of the self-discrepancy on attitudes towards compulsive buying in Chilean university students. The study uses a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental cross-sectional design. Study sample was comprised of 1 229 Chilean university students, who responded to the scale of attitudes towards consumption, the self-discrepancy scale, and answered questions for sociodemographic characterization including: gender (male/female), age, geographical area of residence (rural/urban), people with whom they live, and whether they have any bank credit cards. Prior to data collection, a letter was sent to Faculty Deans and Program Directors of all the universities associated with the Council of Rectors of Chile; these letters described the aims of the study, and requested information and authorization for the distribution of the instrument previously described. It is important to indicate that, after this, a random sampling process was initiated, after which each participant was contacted, so that they could sign an informed consent form, thus ensuring the anonymity ethical guidelines of the study. The data was processed through SPSS version 22 software, looking for the presence of univariate and multivariate outliers through Z-scores and Mahalanobis distance. A descriptive analysis of the variables was then carried out based on the dispersion, central trend and shape measurements. Subsequently, the data was analysed through bivariate statistics through Pearson correlations, to indicate into empirical relationships between compulsive purchase as a dependent variable and sociodemographic variables (sex and bank credit card holding) and the dimensions associated with the self-discrepancy (intellectual, physical, physical beauty, personal, social, emotional and economic) as independent variables. Once the behaviour of the variables was observed, a hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed. Regarding the results of this research, multiple linear regression shows that physical self-discrepancy (beauty), economic self-discrepancy and gender are significant predictors of compulsive buying. Similarly, it is noted that women are a group with higher scores in terms of compulsive purchases than men, which may be mostly affected by the context, where marketing campaigns can influence a greater gap between the real self and the ideal self.

Psicol. rev ; 35(2): 358-384, 22/12/2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1443141


O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a Socialização Financeira Familiar (SFF) sob a ótica da psicologia e das relações familiares. Para compreender de que forma a SFF é definida e avaliada, a revisão seguiu as recomendações do método PRISMA. Foi feita busca por artigos científicos de delineamento quantitativo em inglês, português e espa-nhol nas bases de dados Scopus, PsychNET, Web of Science, Science Direct, Redalyc, Lilacs, Pepsic, Scielo e Ebscohost, publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2020. Os resultados mostraram prevalência de estudos realizados nos EUA, com população adulta e sob uma perspectiva individual. Não foram localizados estudos brasileiros. Conclui-se que a SFF está associada a desfechos importantes na vida adulta, porém ainda há carência instrumental para mensuração do construto, bem como lacunas importantes na compreensão e avaliação de aspectos que compõem a dimensão implícita da SFF. (AU)

The aim of this study was to conduct an integrative review of the literature on Family Financial Socialization (FFS) from the perspectives of psychology and family relationships. To understand how FFS is defined and measured, the review followed the recommendations of the PRISMA Method. A search was conducted for scientific articles with a quantitative design in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, published between 2010 and 2020 in the Scopus, PsychNET, Web of Science, Science Direct, Redalyc, Lilacs, Pepsic, Scielo and Ebscohost databases. The results showed a prevalence of studies carried out in the USA with an adult population and an individual perspective. No Brazilian studies were found. It is concluded that FFS is associated with important outcomes in adulthood, but there is still a lack of instruments for measuring the construct, as well as important gaps in understanding and evaluating aspects that compose the implicit dimension of FFS. (AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión integradora de la litera-tura sobre Socialización Financiera Familiar (SFF) desde la perspectiva de la psicología y las relaciones familiares. Para comprender cómo se define y evalúa el SFF, la revisión siguió las recomendaciones del método PRISMA. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos con un diseño cuantitativo en inglés, portugués y español en las bases de datos Scopus, PsychNET, Web of Science, Science Direct, Redalyc, Lilacs, Pepsic, Scielo y Ebscohost, publicados entre 2010 y 2020. Los resultados muestran una prevalencia de estudios reali-zados en EEUU, con población adulta y desde una perspectiva individual. No se encontraron estudios brasileños. Se concluye que la SFF se asocia a resultados importantes en la edad adulta, pero aún existe una falta instrumental para medir el constructo, así como importantes vacíos en la comprensión y evalu-ación de aspectos que conforman la dimensión implícita de SFF. (AU)

Humanos , Relaciones Familiares/psicología , Economía del Comportamiento , Psicología Aplicada/economía , Socialización
Suma psicol ; 28(2): 79-87, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352275


Resumen Introducción: El consumo se ha instaurado como medio de interacción social generando altos niveles de endeudamiento en la población chilena. Los adolescentes han sido especialmente sensibles a esto, producto que a través del consumo acceden a elementos simbólicos asociados a la construcción de la identidad. El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la existencia de relaciones entre valores materiales, susceptibilidad al efecto de pares y actitudes hacia el dinero con respecto a las actitudes hacia el endeudamiento hedónico en estudiantes secundarios chilenos. Método: La muestra es de 1297 estudiantes secundarios chilenos, el 46% es hombre y el 54% es mujer, correspondientes a las ciudades de La Serena, Coquimbo, Santiago y Temuco. Se aplicaron las escalas de Actitudes hacia el Endeudamiento, Materialismo para Adolescentes, Escala de Susceptibilidad a la Influencia de los Pares y la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Dinero. Los datos fueron analizados a través de una regresión lineal múltiple jerárquica. Resultados: Se evidencian relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre sexo, valores materiales, susceptibilidad al efecto de pares y las actitudes hacia el dinero con respecto al endeudamiento hedónico. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio entregan pistas al momento de abordar la educación financiera, donde debe considerarse que la cultura materialista del modelo económico neoliberal impacta en las actitudes, valores y propensión al endeudamiento de los adolescentes y posteriormente adultos.

Abstract Introduction: Consumer spending has established itself as a means of social interaction, generating high levels of indebtedness among the Chilean population. Adolescents have been especially sensitive to this situation, since through consumption they have access to symbolic elements associated with the construction of identity. The objective of this research is to determine the existence of relationships between material values, influence of peers, and attitudes towards money with regard to attitudes towards hedonic indebtedness in Chilean high school students. Method: Of a sample of 1297 Chilean high school students, 46% are men and 54% are women, corresponding to the cities of La Serena, Coquimbo, Santiago and Temuco. The scales of Attitudes towards Indebtedness, Materialism for Adolescents, Scale of Susceptibility to the Influence of Peers and the Scale of Attitudes towards Money were applied. The data were analyzed through a hierarchical multiple linear regression. Results: The results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between sex, material values, peer effect and attitudes towards money with respect to hedonic indebtedness. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study provide clues when approaching financial education in adolescents, where it must be considered that the materialistic culture of the neoliberal economic model impacts on the attitudes, values ​​and propensity to indebtedness of adolescents and later adults.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 117-132, ene. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149384


Resumen Chile es uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida en Latinoamérica, así como con mayor porcentaje de personas mayores de 60 años. Este grupo etario es considerado como grupo vulnerable en procesos de inclusión económica. A esto se suma que muchos adultos mayores deben trabajar hasta edades avanzadas debido a las bajas pensiones y escasos recursos económicos, lo cual impacta su bienestar. Atendiendo a los antecedentes y desde la psicología económica, el objetivo de este estudio es conocer el significado del bienestar subjetivo y la inclusión económica en adultos mayores de entre 60-75 años, en zonas urbanas del sur de Chile. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa y se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, las cuales fueron analizadas con la técnica análisis de contenido y con el soporte del programa N-VIVO 11. Los participantes fueron 10 adultos mayores -3 hombres y 7 mujeres- todos líderes de clubes de adultos mayores. Los principales hallazgos muestran que los significados asociados al bienestar subjetivo se refieren a las fuentes de este, tales como familia, amigos y la participación en organizaciones de adultos mayores. Sin embargo, asocian sentimientos negativos relacionados con las dificultades que enfrentan por sus precarias condiciones económicas. En cuanto a los significados asociados a la inclusión económica, se refieren a habilidades tales como la capacidad de administración y distribución de los ingresos y la necesidad de aprender sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas que se requieren para sentirse incluidos en el sistema. Además, indican prácticas como el endeudamiento formal e informal y escaso ahorro.

Abstract Increasing life expectancy brings with it research challenges associated with the evidence of the psychosocial and economic implications of this fact in contemporary societies. At the same time, it is necessary to develop a field of study related to the quality of life and subjective well-being of this age group. Chile is one of the countries with the highest life expectancy in Latin America, as well as the highest percentage of people over 60. Faced with this panorama, it is necessary to know aspects that impact and take on meanings associated with subjective well-being in old age, as well as towards economic inclusion, considering that older adults, together with women heads of household and young people, are considered vulnerable socioeconomic groups in the processes of economic inclusion. Added to this is the fact that many older adults must continue to work into old age due to low pensions and scarce economic resources, which have an impact on their well-being. In this research, subjective well-being is considered to be composed of an affective and a cognitive dimension and is defined as the evaluation that people themselves make of their lives. On the other hand, economic inclusion is understood as a process of promoting affordable, timely and adequate access to a wide range of regulated financial products and services. Based on economic psychology, the objective of this study is to understand the meaning of subjective well-being and economic inclusion in older adults between the ages of 60-75 in urban areas of southern Chile. The study was realized in the Araucanía Region, the region with the highest poverty rate in this country. The research methodology is qualitative and semi-structured interviews were applied, which were analyzed with the content analysis technique and with the support of the N-VIVO 11 program. The participants were 10 older adults, 3 men and 7 women, leaders of older adult clubs. The research's ethical safeguards included the approval of the University of La Frontera Ethics Committee, incorporating the use of informed consent and authorization for the recording of interviews. The main findings show that the meanings associated with subjective well-being refer to its sources, such as family, friends and participation in organizations of older adults, declare positive feelings associated with happiness and satisfaction with life; however, they associate some negative feelings related to the difficulties they face due to precarious economic conditions that prevent them from satisfying basic needs (for example, health and food). As for the meanings associated with financial inclusion, they refer to skills such as the ability to manage and distribute income and the need to learn about the use of technological tools required to feel included in the system. In addition, they indicate practices associated with financial inclusion, highlighting formal and informal indebtedness and scarce savings. The results are discussed in light of the emerging categories of study population and theoretical background. It is suggested that financial capacities, as mechanisms that contribute to economic inclusion, are a dimension that should be highlighted in research and intervention, based on plans and programs aimed at the active ageing of older adults in Chile.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 40: e194281, jan.-maio 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143549


Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a experiência de um projeto de extensão realizado em um Tribunal de Justiça com consumidores superendividados no período de 2015-2017. Acompanhou-se nesse período o surgimento do Programa de Prevenção e Tratamento de Consumidores Superendividados e do Centro Judiciário de Soluções de Conflito e de Cidadania Superendividados, que atenderam um total de 1.142 participantes em ações de tratamento e 1.296 pessoas em ações de prevenção (apuração em 05/07/2017), dos quais 163 foram atendidos especificamente pelas ações da extensão. Houve resultados em três vertentes: alunos, cidadãos e tecnologia social. Para os alunos, o impacto ocorreu no desenvolvimento de habilidades de atendimento psicossocial, na pesquisa com dados qualitativos e quantitativos, no treinamento e apresentação em grupo e no aprendizado de conteúdos relacionados tanto à psicologia econômica - área negligenciada no Brasil - quanto a diferentes técnicas de intervenção. O impacto para o cidadão superendividado esteve em receber atendimento em diferentes temáticas, como prevenção de recaída e tratamento do problema. Ressalta-se que o cidadão que busca atendimento no Poder Judiciário usualmente não recebe apoio psicossocial. Finalmente, o impacto em termos de tecnologia social esteve no desenvolvimento de planejamentos de intervenções replicáveis para o tratamento do superendividamento com viabilidade de implementação e baixo custo de execução. Operacionalmente, criou-se o planejamento e testes em diferentes níveis (reação e comportamento) de grupos temáticos ligados às estratégias de enfrentamento, inquérito apreciativo e autorreferentes. Todos os grupos foram criados a partir das demandas advindas das orientações psicossociais individuais. Portanto, acredita-se que o projeto de extensão cumpriu o seu objetivo.

Abstract This paper describes the experience of an extension project performed in a Court of Justice with over-indebted consumers from 2015 to 2017. Meanwhile, the creation of the Over-indebted Prevention and Treatment Program and the Judicial center of conflict resolution - overindebted has led to 1,142 participants undergoing treatment operations and 1,296 people in prevention operations total (as of 05/07/2017), of which 163 were specifically attended by the extension program. The results revealed three actionable aspects: students, citizens and social technology. For students, the most impact occurred in the development of psychosocial care skills, in qualitative and quantitative research, in group training and presentation, in learning of content related to economic psychology (a neglected field in Brazil), and in the process of learning different intervention techniques. The impact on over-indebted citizens was to receive care regarding different matters related to both relapse prevention and treatment. Citizens who seek care in the Judiciary system usually do not receive psychosocial support. Lastly, social technology impacted the development of reproducible, low-budget intervention plans for treatment of over-indebtedness. Operationally, thematic groups associated with coping strategies, appreciative inquiry and self-referrals were planned and tested at different levels for reaction and behavior. All groups were created based on the demands of individual psychosocial support. Therefore, we believe that the extension program has fulfilled its purpose.

Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la experiencia de un proyecto de extensión realizado en un Tribunal de Justícia con consumidores superendeudados en el período de 2015- 2017. Se dieron conjuntamente en ese período el surgimiento del Programa de Prevención y Tratamiento de Consumidores Superendeudados y el Centro Judiciario de Soluciones de Conflicto y de Ciudadania Superendeudados, que atendieron a un total de 1142 participantes en acciones de tratamiento y 1296 en acciones de prevención (apurado en 05/07/2017), de los cuales 163 fueron atendidos específicamente por las acciones de extensión. Hubo resultados en tres vertientes: alumnos, ciudadanos y tecnología social. Para los alumnos, el impacto ocurrió en el desarrollo de habilidades de atención psicosocial, en investigación con datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, en entrenamiento y presentación en grupo y en aprendizaje de contenidos relacionados a la psicología económica, área descuidada en Brasil, y a diferentes técnicas de intervención. El impacto para el ciudadano superendeudado estuvo en recibir atendimiento en diferentes temáticas relacionadas a la prevención de recaída y al tratamiento. Se resalta que el ciudadano que busca atención en el Poder Judiciario usualmente no recibe apoyo psicosocial. Finalmente, el impacto en cuanto a tecnología social estuvo en el desarrollo de planeamientos de intervenciones replicables para el tratamiento del superendeudamiento con viabilidad de implementación y bajo coste de ejecución. Operativamente, se creó el planeamiento y testes en diferentes niveles (reacción y comportamiento) de grupos temáticos ligados a las estrategias de afrontamiento, investigación apreciativa y autorreferentes. Todos los grupos fueron creados a partir de las demandas emergidas en las orientaciones psicosociales individuales. Por lo tanto, se evalúa que el proyecto de extensión cumplió su objetivo.

Psicología , Presupuestos , Negociación , Poder Judicial , Investigación , Atención , Justicia Social , Terapéutica , Adaptación Psicológica , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Planificación , Personas
Suma psicol ; 26(2): 75-85, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099373


Abstract Consumer decision-making is part of the purchase process. Therefore, as a relevant element for the evaluation of the purchase process, it is essential to have valid, reliable and culturally relevant measurements. For that reason, in this study the development and validation of the Purchases Decision-Making Inventory (PDMI) are presented. The general sample consisted of 518 Mexican participants, which were randomly divided into two groups, 300 for exploratory analysis, and 218 for confirmatory analysis. The results show that PDMI evaluated from its general components of emotional and reasoned decisions in purchases, present high internal consistency. The confirmatory factor analysis shows a good fit to dimensions extracted from the exploratory analyses. In terms of convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity, relations according to the nomological network were found, and the factors showed independency. Finally, from the confirmed structures of the inventory, spending per week was modelled, finding that emotional decisions turned out to be a positive significant predictor. PDMI is an evaluation tool with cultural relevance and appropriate psychometric indexes that can be used to integrate into consumer behavior models.

Resumen La toma de decisiones del consumidor es parte del proceso de compra. Por tanto, al ser un elemento relevante para la evaluación del proceso de compra, es esencial contar con mediciones válidas, confiables y culturalmente relevantes. Por esta razón, en este artículo se presenta el desarrollo y validación del inventario de toma de decisiones de compras (ITDC). La muestra general estuvo conformada por 518 participantes mexicanos, la cual se dividió aleatoriamente en dos, 300 para análisis exploratorios y 218 para análisis confirmatorios. Los resultados muestran que el ITDC, evaluado a partir de sus componentes generales de decisiones emocionales y razonadas en las compras, presenta altos índices de consistencia interna. El análisis factorial confirmatorio muestra buen ajuste a las dimensiones extraídas en los análisis exploratorios. En términos de validez convergente, divergente y discriminante, se encontraron relaciones según la red nomológica, y los factores mostraron independencia. Por último, a partir de las estructuras confirmadas del inventario, se modeló el gasto por semana. Encontrando que las decisiones emocionales resultan ser un predictor significativo positivo. ITDC es una herramienta de evaluación con relevancia cultural e índices psicométricos apropiados, que se pueden utilizar para integrar en modelos de comportamiento del consumidor.

Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 2(1): [18-34], jan.-jun. 2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-875820


Trata-se da descrição de características de sucesso de projetos desenvolvidos em perspectivas internacionais tomando como exemplo o projeto intitulado iGOES ­ Generalização Internacional de Fatores de Sucesso entre Expatriados. A colocação internacional de pessoal no trabalho vem aumentando e desempenhando papel importante para o desenvolvimento das organizações no futuro. Melhorar a performance dessas pessoas e aumentar a sua chance de sucesso nas novas situações de trabalho depende do conhecimento obtido por meio de pesquisas seguras e com instrumentos equivalentes em perspectiva internacional. O levantamento de dados em diferentes culturas sobre o tema da expatriação, a exemplo de critérios para a transferência de empregados contratados por empresas internacionais, sua adaptação aos novos ambientes culturais e o desempenho nessas novas situações, tem sido feito apenas parcialmente e de forma não sistemática. Ao mesmo tempo, pessoas com atuação gerencial e trabalhista internacional acreditam, em sua maioria, que o sucesso de empregados que se encontram nessa situação tem as mesmas características, independentemente de seu país de origem ou de destino. No presente estudo se utilizaram instrumentos como entrevista, questionário e testes psicológicos para levantar conhecimento sobre a adaptação e o desempenho dos pesquisados. Com a utilização de instrumentos de pesquisa adequados, a colaboração institucional internacional e o levantamento de uma amostra que permite a generalização de seus resultados sobre empregados expatriados, o projeto iGOES se apresentou como o maior projeto no âmbito da pesquisa diagnóstica sobre expatriação, uma vez que todos os clusters culturais do mundo são levados em conta.

This is the description of characteristics of successful projects developed in international perspective taking as an example the project entitled iGOES, international Generalization of Expatriate Success Factors. The placement of international staff at work is growing and playing an important role in the development of organizations in the future. Improve their performance and increase their chance of success in new work situations depend on the knowledge gained through secure research with equivalent instruments in international perspective. Survey data in different cultures on the subject of expatriation, the example of criteria for the transfer of employees hired by international companies, their adaptability to new cultural environments and performance in these new situations have been studied only partially and unsystematically. At the same time, managers with international reach believe, in most cases, the success of employees who are in this situation have the same characteristics regardless of their country of origin or destination. For the treatment of questions related to cultural adequacy of projects it was used different instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and psychological tests. With these resources it was possible to raise and increase the knowledge on adaptation and performance of respondents. With the help of appropriate research tools, with the collaboration among different research teams and with no international institutional support it was possible to survey a sample that allows generalization of results on expatriate employees. Therefore, the project iGOES presented itself as the largest project in the field of diagnostic research on expatriation, in which all cultural clusters in the world are taken into account.

Trabajo , Investigación Operativa , Cultura Organizacional , Formulación de Proyectos , Rendimiento Laboral
Fractal rev. psicol ; 22(3): 525-542, dez. 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-573681


As finanças comportamentais vêm mostrando divergências entre o comportamento do investidor e a teoria econômica. Este artigo apresenta uma forma de compreensão dos aspectos emocionais da decisão humana através da abordagem centrada na pessoa. Este enfoque mostra como decisões são tomadas de modos diferentes, com base no sentido que cada investidor atribui à realidade. O sentido varia de acordo com a percepção de cada um sobre sua experiência. Investidores com maior maturação psicológica tomam decisões mais assertivas e flexíveis, modificandoas com mais rapidez quando novos dados da realidade forem surgindo.

Behavioral finances have been showing differences between investor behavior and the economic theory. This article sets out an understanding of the emotional aspects of the human decision process through the person-centered approach. The focus shows how decisions differ according to the meaning each investor attributes to his "reality" based on his/her personal perception and experience. Investors with a higher psychological maturity take more assertive and flexible decisions and are quicker to react more when fresh data throws new light on reality.

Humanos , Toma de Decisiones , Economía , Percepción , Psicología