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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828030


The wild plant Dactylorhiza hatagirea commonly used in Tibetan medicine. In recent years, it is on the verge of extinction due to improper excavation and habitat deterioration. Based on the literature review, and the meteorological and ecological data of Qinghai Province and data derived from the field survey, this study took the altitude, humidity index, annual average wind speed, monthly average sunshine, precipitation and temperature in growing season, soil type and vegetation type as the zoning indexes, and applied ArcGIS software for spatial superposition analysis. The results showed that the D. hatagirea was primarily found in the alpine meadow in the east and south of Qinghai Province. The overall suitable area was about 30 700 km~2. Taking Qinghai Lake as the boundary for reference, the area in the south appeared to be more suitable, while the area in the east appeared to be secondary in suitability. Henan County, Zeku County, Jiuzhi County and Banma County were the main suitable areas covering the expanse of 12 454 km~2. Through the field verification, such zoning results appeared to be accurate, precise and illustrative. The spatial distribution of ecological suitability provides the decision-making basis for the resource investigation, environment protection and comprehensive resource management. It also provides the empirical case for developing the interdisciplinary research method in the suitability study of medicinal plants.

Altitud , China , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Plantas Medicinales , Suelo
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 238-243, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774251


The present market for herbal drugs is estimated about ₹40 billion, which is expected to increase by 16% in next 3-4 years. The current production of many Ayurvedic herbs is less than their market demand, which incentivizes adulteration in the Ayurvedic drug supply chain. The present work aims to highlight the most used Ayurvedic plants that have been listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature's "red list" of endangered or vulnerable plants. The future of Ayurvedic medicines from these listed plants is uncertain, as the collection of herbs from their natural habitat is prohibited and their cultivation does not meet market demands. Many of these plants, such as Taxus baccata and T. wallichiana, are endangered and are only grown in their natural habitats; their cultivation in other areas is impractical. This is the present state, and will worsen as demand continues to grow, with increasing populations and increasing adoption of this system of medicine. It is possible that in coming years most of the Ayurvedic drugs will be adulterated, and will cause only side effects rather than the therapeutic effects. The Ayurvedic fundamentals are under-explored areas where the Ayurvedic practitioners and research scientists can work together. The scientific work on the basic principles will unravel many unknown or little-known facts of this ancient science. Hence, the present review emphasizes the conservation of Ayurvedic herbs, minimization of the use of medicinal plants and the promotion of the research based on Ayurvedic fundamentals.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(2): 885-896, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-843321


ResumenAraucaria angustifolia es una conífera nativa de Brasil y una especie en peligro de extinción. Sus semillas tienen un corto período de viabilidad, factor que contribuye a su vulnerabilidad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad fisiológica durante el período de desarrollo y post-almacenamiento de semillas de A. angustifolia. Conos de A. angustifolia fueron recolectados en poblaciones naturales en Curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brasil, en marzo, abril, mayo y junio y clasificados en los estadios de desarrollo cotiledonar i, ii y iii de acuerdo con el mes de recolecta. Un total de 10 conos fueron recolectados para cada estadio. Las semillas fueron almacenadas en refrigerador durante 60 y 120 días y posteriormente sometidas a pruebas de germinación (25 °C - fotoperiodo de 12 h) siendo evaluados el contenido de humedad, tetrazolio y el vigor (conductividad eléctrica [75 mL de agua destilada a 25 °C], índice de velocidad de germinación, y la longitud de la parte aérea y de la raíz). Durante el desarrollo de las semillas, el contenido de humedad se redujo desde el estadio cotiledonar (66.54 %) al estadio iii (47.44%), y el vigor aumentaron en el último estadio. Durante el almacenamiento, el contenido de humedad en el estadio cotiledonar y estadio i fue estable. Entretanto, las semillas almacenadas mostraron una reducción en el contenido de humedad después de 120 días en los estadios ii y iii. La calidad fisiológica en el estadio cotiledonar mostró un aumento de 86 % y 93 % de germinación después de 60 y 120 días de almacenamiento, respectivamente, a diferencia de los estadios ii y iii, los cuales mostraron una disminución en la viabilidad de las semillas y en el vigor después del almacenamiento. La conductividad eléctrica fue mayor para las semillas en estadio cotiledonar recién recolectadas que para aquellas almacenadas durante 60 y 120 días. Sin embargo, en otras estadios, el contenido de lixiviados después de 120 días de almacenamiento aumentó con el avance del período de recolecta. El índice de velocidad de germinación y la longitud de la parte aérea y raíz después del almacenamiento eran más altos para las semillas en el estadio cotiledonar y el estadio i, a diferencia del estadio ii y iii, los cuales tenían raíz y parte aérea de menor longitud durante el almacenamiento. Por lo tanto, el mantenimiento del contenido de humedad de la semilla durante el almacenamiento fue variable y depende del período de recolecta. Además, la calidad fisiológica de las semillas difiere entre los estadios más tempranos o tardíos. Una recolección precoz favoreció la calidad fisiológica de las semillas, y puede ser una estrategia para aumentar la conservación de semillas de A. angustifolia.

AbstractAraucaria angustifolia is a conifer native to Brazil and is an endangered species. Since this species seeds have a short period of viability, its vulnerability is higher. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of A. angustifolia seeds during the development and post-storage periods. For this, cones of A. angustifolia were collected from a natural population in Curitibanos, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in March, April, May and June 2012. The collected seeds were classified into developmental stages of cotyledonary, i, ii and iii according to the month of collection; a total of 10 cones were collected for each stage. Seeds were stored in a refrigerator for 60 and 120 days, and were submitted to a chamber germination test (25 °C-photoperiod 12 h). Additionally, seeds were tested for moisture content (105 °C for 24 hours), tetrazolium (0.1 % for 1 hour) and vigor (electric conductivity [75 mL distilled water at 25 °C], germination speed index, and shoot and root length). Our results showed that during seed development, moisture content decreased from the cotyledonary stage (66.54 %) to stage iii (49.69 %), and vigor increased in the last stage. During storage, moisture content at cotyledonary stage and stage i was stable. On the other hand, stored seeds exhibited a decrease in moisture content after 120 days at stages ii and iii. Physiological quality at the cotyledonary stage resulted in an increased germination rate of 86 % and 93 % after 60 and 120 days of storage, respectively; unlike stages ii and iii exhibited a decrease in seed viability and vigor after storage. Electrical conductivity was higher for fresh seeds at the cotyledonary stage, than for those stored for 60 and 120 days. However, in other stages, released leachate content after 120 days of storage, increased with the advance of the collection period. Germination speed index and shoot and root lengths after storage were highest for seeds at the cotyledonary stage and stage i; unlike stages ii and iii which had short root and shoot lengths during storage. Thus, the maintenance of seed moisture content during storage was variable and dependent on the period of collection. Furthermore, the physiological quality differed among earlier and later stages. Early collection favored seed physiological quality, and may be a strategy for better conservation of A. angustifolia seeds. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (2): 885-896. Epub 2016 June 01.

Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Germinación/fisiología , Tracheophyta/embriología , Brasil , Tracheophyta/fisiología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478584


This article was aimed to carry a comparative study on the quality of 16 populations of wild herbs of rare and endangered plant ofPsammosilene tunicoidesin order to provide a basis for its domestication, GAP and selective breeding. Methods for determination of moisture content, total ash and extract content were taken in this comparative study. The results showed that different populations had different moisture content, total ash and extract content. The moisture content and the total ash ofXiang-Shan population were the lowest; and the extract content was the highest. The total ash ofLiu-De population was the highest; and the extract content was the lowest. The moisture content ofShun-Zhou population was the highest. It was concluded that different populations had different quality among 16 populations of wild herbs. Therefore, there was a probability to choose the best population.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-854972


This paper mainly introduced the resource situation including contents and methods of resource protection about rare and endangered characteristic medicinal species in Chinese She nationality. In the meanwhile, authors had summarized and analyzed the kinds and distribution, medicinal value, and present situation of resources protection about the medicinal species which are rare and endangered, characteristic, sharply reduced, and relative scarce. Then, the resources information and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions were provided in the view of the existing problems.