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Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(4): 257-266, out.-dez. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507907


Entrelaçando fragmentos de uma experiência clínica com a narrativa de um dia na vida de Ana, personagem de um conto da escritora Clarice Lispector, a autora considera o feminino não como um adjetivo, uma qualidade, mas como um estado mental, algo não definitivo, não adquirido e perdido de forma absoluta; um estado mental fugidio que encarna o constitutivo do ser humano, isto é, o enigma da criação, a vida e a morte, o indizível, o mistério, a falta; o feminino como uma metáfora do sujeito na psicanálise, constituindo-se permanentemente na sustentação e no repúdio ao que espanta, fascina, causa horror e assombro.

Interweaving fragments of a clinical experience with the narrative of a day in the life of Ana, a character in a short story written by Clarice Lispector, the author considers the feminine not an adjective or a quality, but rather a mental state, something that is not definitive, not acquired and altogether lost; it is a fleeting mental state that embodies what constitutes the human being, that is to say, the enigma of creation, life and death, the unsayable, the mysterious, the lack; the feminine as a metaphor for the subject in psychoanalysis, which is permanently constituted in the support and repudiation of what frightens, fascinates, causes horror and dread.

Entrelazando fragmentos de una experiencia clínica con la narrativa de un día en la vida de Ana, personaje de un cuento de la escritora Clarice Lispector, la autora considera lo femenino no como un adjetivo, una cualidad, sino como un estado mental, algo no definitivo, no adquirido y perdido absolutamente; un estado mental fugaz que encarna lo que constituye el ser humano, es decir, el enigma de la creación, la vida y la muerte, lo indecible, el misterio, la carencia; lo femenino como metáfora del sujeto en psicoanálisis, constituyéndose permanentemente en el soporte y el rechazo de lo que asombra, fascina, provoca horror y asombro.

Entrelaçant des fragments d'une expérience clinique avec le récit d'une journée dans la vie d'Ana, le personnage d'une nouvelle de l'écrivaine Clarice Lispector, l'auteure considère que le féminin n'est pas un adjectif, une qualité, mais un état mental, quelque chose de non définitif, pas acquis et absolument perdu ; un état mental fugace qui incarne ce qui constitue l'être humain, c'est-à-dire, l'énigme de la création, la vie et la mort, l'indicible, le mystère, le manque ; le féminin comme métaphore du sujet en psychanalyse, se constituant en permanence dans le support et le rejet de ce qui étonne, fascine, fait horreur et stupéfaction.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478676


Objective:To evaluate the quality of root filling with Resilon/Epiphany Self-Etch(RESE).Methods:30 recently extrac-ted mandibular premolars were randomly divided into 2 groups.After root canal preparation,the roots in experimental group(n =1 4) were filled with RESE,those in control group(n =1 6)were filled with Gutta-percha/AH plus.The quality of the optical obturation was evaluated by X-ray photography.Results:The buccolingual X-ray scores of the two filling materials were higher than the mesiodistal sores(P 0.05).The mesiodistal X-ray score of RESE group was higher than that of Gutta-percha/AH plus group(P <0.05).Conclusion:The X-ray resistance of the RESE filling system is more favorable than Gutta-percha/AH plus for the evaluation of root filling quality by X-ray examination.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145812


Context: The study assesses the apical sealing ability of two obturating materials (resilon and gutta-percha) with their sealants by means of the dye penetration method using India ink. Aims: To compare the resistance to apical dye penetration between resilon (with Epiphany sealer; Epiphany®, Pentron clinical technologies, USA) and gutta-percha (with AH Plus sealer; Dentsply, Maillefer, Germany). It was hypothesized that there would be no difference between the two groups with regard to apical dye penetration. Settings and design: Hundred mandibular first premolars from individuals aged between 20 to 25 years were selected after their lengths were standardized. Materials and Methods: Instrumentation was performed with NiTi hand protaper files (Dentsply, Maillefer) using EDTA paste and copious irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. Experimental group 1 consisted of roots that were treated with Epiphany primer and obturated with resilon (with Epiphany sealer). Experimental group 2 consisted of those obturated with gutta-percha using AH Plus sealer. The samples were immersed in blue India Ink and cleared using 5% nitric acid. Dye penetration was assessed under a stereomicroscope. Statistical analysis: Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Roots obturated with resilon core material and Epiphany sealer exhibited lesser mean apical dye penetration (1.281 mm; SD: 0.742) in comparison to those obturated with gutta-percha and AH plus sealer (2.154 mm; SD: 0.814). The difference was found to be highly significant (P<0.0025). Conclusion: Resilon (with Epiphany sealer) provided better radicular apical sealing in comparison to gutta percha (with AH Plus sealer).

Resinas Epoxi/uso terapéutico , Gutapercha/uso terapéutico , Humanos , Ensayo de Materiales , Resinas Sintéticas , Materiales de Obturación del Conducto Radicular/uso terapéutico , Irrigantes del Conducto Radicular , Ápice del Diente/terapia
Braz. j. oral sci ; 10(3): 171-174, Jul.-Sep. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-725236


Tooth crown discoloration may possess a heavy emotional burden and esthetic concern, especially when the anterior teeth are affected. Residue of sealers within the pulp chamber is a major contributor to the occurrence of tooth discoloration. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of crown discoloration when recently introduced sealer, Epiphany, is used. Methods: Forty human incisors were examined in vitro. Fifteen teeth were sealed with either AH26 or Epiphany sealer as experimental groups and root canals of the remaining 10 teeth with distilled water. Digital photographs of the buccal aspect of teeth were then examined in terms of brightness (value) and saturation (chroma) using Photoshop software at the beginning and consecutive 3, 6 and 9 months. Degree of brightness and saturation changes was defined as follows: less than 5% as slight, 10% to 15% as moderate and 15% to 20% as severe. Results: Fifteen, 14 and 10 teeth entered in Epiphany, AH26 and control groups, respectively. Significant brightness deterioration was noticed by time in both experimental groups [F (2, 8) =29.16, p<0.001], with no differences in Epiphany compared with AH26 (p=0.086). Saturation differed neither by time [F (2, 8) =0.129, p=0.881, nor by sealer type (p=0.136) during 9-month observation. At 9th month, crown segments (incisal, middle and cervical thirds) were not contrasted by the sealer type (p=0.982) or discoloration type (either brightness or saturation) (p=0.50). All changes in the experimental groups were significantly higher than the control group (p<0.001). Conclusions: Epiphany was equal to AH26 sealer in terms of relative long-term crown discoloration. One clinical correlation learned from the results of the present study is that Epiphany may safely be used interchangeably with the traditional AH26 sealer.

Decoloración de Dientes , Cementos Dentales , Estética Dental
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 39(2): 123-129, abr. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-874376


Ao se obturar o sistema de canais radiculares, deseja-se que o material obturador apresente, entre suas propriedades, biocompatibilidade, selamento e que seja estável dimensionalmente. Sabe-se que, tanto da região apical como da coronária, fluidos e micro-organismos fluem, o que pode ocasionar uma contaminação do canal radicular ou então servir de nutriente para as bactérias que possam ter ficado após o preparo químico-mecânico, levando-se, assim, ao insucesso do tratamento endodôntico. Os materiais e métodos usados para execução da obturação têm sido amplamente estudados a fim de se conseguirem os melhores resultados, o que ainda representa um grande desafio na Endodontia. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi avaliar os estudos comparativos entre o sistema obturador de canais radiculares Resilon/Epiphany® e a guta-percha/cimento, apontando qual deles apresentou melhor capacidade seladora. Os resultados mostraram que, em se tratando de selamento apical, o Resilon/Epiphany® pode substituir a associação guta-percha/cimento. Contudo, estudos comparativos das outras propriedades desse sistema obturador são imprescindíveis.

During the obturation procedure of the root canals system is important that the filling substance presents among its qualities biocompatibility, sealing and that it can be dimensionally stable. There is a flow of fluids and microorganisms in the apical and coronary area, that can cause the contamination of the root canal or serve as nutriment to bacteria that can have remains after chemical and mechanical preparation, this situation will lead to failure to the endodontic treatment. The materials and methods used to the execution of obturation have been largely studied in order to get better results, what still representing a great challenge in Endodontics. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the comparative studies between the obturator system of root canals Resilon/Epiphany® and the gutta-percha/cement, pointing which of them presents best sealing capacity. The results showed that, concerning to apical sealing, Resilon/Epiphany® can substitute the association of gutta/percha convention, however comparative studies of other qualities of the system filled are indispensable.

Obturación del Conducto Radicular , MEDLINE , Cementos Dentales , LILACS , BBO , Revisión Sistemática , Gutapercha
Acta odontol. venez ; 48(1): 17-22, mar. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630242


El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el sellado apical entre los cementos AH plus y los sistemas resinosos de obturación Endo-Rez y Epiphany. Se incluyeron 68 premolares humanos monorradiculares de reciente extracción, los cuales fueron decoronados e instrumentados con la técnica corono-apical hasta la lima # 50. Posteriormente, se dividieron en tres grupos de 20 raíces cada uno para ser obturados por condensación lateral: Grupo 1.- AH Plus, Grupo 2.- Endo-Rez, Grupo 3.- Epiphany y dos grupos de cuatro especímenes como controles (positivo y negativo). Los especímenes fueron teñidos con azul de metileno al 2% durante 48 hs en un ambiente de vacío. Los resultados revelaron una filtración promedio de 0.27 mm con AH Plus, de 0.40 mm para el Endo-Rez y de 0.41 mm para el Epiphany. La prueba de ANOVA complementada con la prueba DSH Post-Hoc de Tukey’s Test reveló los mejores resultados con AH plus (p<0.05), y entre los otros grupos no hubo diferencias estadísticas significativas. Bajo las condiciones de éste estudio concluimos, que el cemento AH Plus mostró las mejores condiciones de sellado apical.

The purpose of this study is to compare the capacity of apical sealed between the cements AH Plus, Endo-Rez and Epiphany. Sixty eight human single-rooted inferior premolars of recent extraction were included. The specimens were decrowned and instrumented with the crown-down technique until the #50 file. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups of 20 each one and obturated with the technique of lateral condensation. Group 1: AH Plus, Group 2: Endo-Rez, Group 3: Epiphany and two groups of fourth specimens for control (positive and negative). The specimens were prepared to be submerged in 2% blue of methylene solution by 48 hours in to vacuum atmosphere. The results showed an apical sealed average of 0.27 mm for AH Plus, 0.40 mm for the Endo-Rez and 0.41 mm for the Epiphany. The ANOVA test supplemented with the Post-Hoc Tukey’s HSD Test revealed best apical sealed for the group with AH plus (p <0.05) and no statically significant differences were found between other groups. Under the conditions of this study, the AH Plus cement showed the best conditions of apical sealed.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-105062


The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether intracanal irrigation method could affect the adhesion between intracanal dentin and root canal filling materials (Gutta-percha/AH 26 sealer and Resilon/Epiphany sealer). Thirty extracted human incisor teeth were prepared. Canals were irrigated with three different irrigation methods as a final rinse and obturated with two different canal filling materials (G groups : Gutta-percha/AH 26 sealer, R groups : Resilon/Epiphany sealer) respectively. Group G1, R1 - irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl. Group G2, R2 - irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl, sterile saline. Group G3, R3 - irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl, 17% EDTA, sterile saline. Thirty obturated roots were horizontally sliced and push-out bond strength test was performed in the universal testing machine. After test, the failure patterns of the specimens were observed using Image-analyzing microscope. The results were as follows. 1. Gutta-percha/AH 26 sealer groups had significantly higher push-out bond strength compared with the Resilon/Epiphany sealer groups (p < 0.05). 2. Push-out bond strength was higher when using 17% EDTA followed by sterile saline than using NaOCl as a final irrigation solution in the Resilon/Epiphany sealer groups (p < 0.05). 3. In the failure pattern analysis, there was no cohesive failure in Group G1, G2, and R1. Gutta-percha/AH 26 sealer groups appeared to exhibit predominantly adhesive and mixed failure patterns, whereas Resilon/Epiphany sealer groups exhibited mixed failures with the cohesive failure occurred within the Resilon substrate.

Humanos , Adhesivos , Colodión , Dentina , Ácido Edético , Incisivo , Materiales de Obturación del Conducto Radicular , Diente