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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e27006, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565777


Resumen A pesar de la alta diversidad de epífitas vasculares (EV) reportadas en Perú, no existe un listado actualizado que esté acorde con las nuevas delimitaciones taxonómicas y los nuevos conceptos de epífitas. En este trabajo actualizamos el listado de EV de Perú, a partir de una búsqueda bibliográfica y visitas a herbarios locales. Se actualizaron los nombres de las especies según World Flora Online, se confirmó su presencia en la EpiList, su distribución altitudinal y por departamento, su categoría de riesgo y endemismo; y finalmente, se estimó el coeficiente epífito. Encontramos 2462 especies, pertenecientes a 18 órdenes, 25 familias y 249 géneros. Las familias con mayor riqueza fueron Orchidaceae (1606), Bromeliaceae (201) y Piperaceae (139 spp.); el 85 % de las especies estaban en la EpiList (2088 spp.). El departamento con mayor riqueza fue Amazonas (709) y los de menor fueron Ica y Tacna (2 spp.). El rango altitudinal con mayor riqueza se ubica entre los 1501 - 2000 m (649); 689 especies son endémicas y 220 se encuentran en alguna categoría de riesgo; el cociente epífito es de 13.12. Esta actualización representa un incremento aproximado del 40%, lo que posiciona a Perú como el tercer país con mayor diversidad de EV. Se obtuvo un listado más completo y acorde con el concepto de epifitismo; con lo que se hace evidente la necesidad de incluir 384 especies a la EpiList, lo que ayudaría a complementar el listado global de EV en el mundo.

Abstract Despite the high diversity of vascular epiphytes (VE) reported in Peru, there is no updated checklist that is in line with the new taxonomic delimitations and the new concepts of epiphytes. In this study, we update the list of VE in Peru, based on a bibliographic search and visits to local herbaria. Species names were updated according to the World Flora Online, their presence in the EpiList was confirmed, as well as their altitudinal distribution and distribution by department, risk category, and endemism. Finally, the epiphyte coefficient was estimated. We found 2462 species, belonging to 18 orders, 25 families, and 249 genera. The families with the highest richness were Orchidaceae (1606), Bromeliaceae (201), and Piperaceae (139 spp.); 85% of the species were in the EpiList (2088 spp.). The department with the highest richness was Amazonas (709) and the lowest were Ica and Tacna (2 spp.). The altitudinal range with the highest richness is between 1501 - 2000 m (649); 689 species are endemic and 220 are in some risk category; the epiphyte quotient is 13.12. This update represents an approximate 40% increase, positioning Peru as the third country with the highest VE diversity. A more comprehensive list was obtained, in line with the concept of epiphytism, highlighting the need to include 384 species in the EpiList, which would help complement the global list of VE worldwide.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1407241


Abstract Introduction: "Ant gardens'' are ant nests located at different heights on trees on which vascular epiphytic plants that have been transported and sown by ants have germinated. Although this mutualistic relationship has been studied in humid tropical ecosystems, information on other tropical and Colombian ecosystems is scarce. Objective: To characterize the distribution, building, diversity, demography and phenology of ant gardens in dry tropical forest. Methods: In January and February, 2018, we identified 170 ant gardens on a 100x5 m transect on the banks of the Quesada River, Colombia, and in adjacent secondary dry premontane transitional forest; we monitored changes, for gardens and plants, in 28 of them, every two weeks (March 2018-February 2019). Results: The gardens, built by Azteca ulei, were aggregated near water bodies; had 10 species of epiphytes and were on 13 tree species. Larger gardens had more epiphyte species. Some epiphytes had a bimodal phenological pattern. Less seedlings become established in the dry season, and less adults remain in the gardens. Garden characteristics benefit both epiphytes and ants. Conclusions: The gardens built by A. ulei have ecological characteristics that favor the germination, establishment, and reproduction of diverse epiphytes in this dry tropical ecosystem, including aggregation near water flows.

Resumen Introducción: Los "jardines de hormigas'' son nidos de hormigas en árboles, que se localizan a diferentes alturas, sobre los que germinan plantas epífitas vasculares que han sido transportadas y sembradas previamente por hormigas. Aunque esta relación mutualista ha sido estudiada en ecosistemas húmedos tropicales, la información en otros ecosistemas tropicales y en Colombia, es escasa. Objetivo: Caracterizar la distribución, construcción, diversidad, demografía y fenología de los hormigueros en bosque tropical seco. Métodos: En enero y febrero de 2018, identificamos 170 hormigueros en un transecto de 100x5 m a orillas del río Quesada, Colombia, y en el bosque secundario premontano seco de transición adyacente; monitoreamos cambios, para jardines y plantas, en 28 de ellos, cada dos semanas (marzo 2018-febrero 2019). Resultados: Los jardines, construidos por Azteca ulei, se agregaron cerca de cuerpos de agua; tenían 10 especies de epífitas y estaban sobre 13 especies arbóreas. Los jardines más grandes tenían más especies epífitas. Algunas epífitas tuvieron un patrón fenológico bimodal. Se establecen menos plántulas en la estación seca y quedan menos adultos en los jardines. Las características del jardín benefician tanto a las epífitas como a las hormigas. Conclusiones: Los jardines construidos por A. ulei tienen características ecológicas que favorecen la germinación, establecimiento y reproducción de diversas epífitas en este ecosistema tropical seco, incluyendo la agregación cerca de cursos de agua.

Animales , Hormigas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Bosques , Ecología
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 42-53, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152667


ABSTRACT Elevational patterns in flowering phenology have been reported for trees, shrubs and herbs. However, for vascular epiphytes that rely on atmospheric sources for humidity and nutrients, and depend on phorophyte microhabitat, elevational patterns of variation are unknown. In this study, we described the flowering phenology of Tillandsia carlos-hankii, an epiphytic bromeliad, along an elevational gradient in Capulálpam de Méndez, Oaxaca. We analyzed the onset, seasonality and duration of flowering along and within different elevation zones, and we evaluated the effect of phorophyte features (tree height, DBH and canopy diameter) on flowering start date and duration. From June 2016 to May 2017, we periodically recorded phenological data from six populations along three elevation zones ("low": 2151 to 2283 m. a. s. l., "medium": 2284 to 2416 m. a. s. l. and "high": 2417 to 2548 m. a. s. l.), monitoring two population per zone. Start of flowering occurred between December and January, beginning six to 16 days earlier at low elevations than in the other zones, although this difference was not statistically significant. We observed marked flowering seasonality at all the elevation zones, with differences between zones (W≥18.49, p≤0.0001) and between the populations at medium and high elevations (W≥8.57, p≤0.05). Flowering duration spanned from December to May. Phorophyte features were not related to the onset or duration of flowering (t≤-1.47, p≥0.14, in all cases). Our results suggest that vascular epiphytes follow the same elevational patterns in phenology as other life forms, and that populations in the same elevation range can vary. The causes of such intra-elevational variation merit further investigation.

RESUMEN Se han reportado los patrones altitudinales en la fenología de floración para árboles, arbustos y hierbas. Sin embargo, para epífitas vasculares, que dependen de fuentes atmosféricas para la humedad y los nutrientes, y del microhábitat del forofito, los patrones de variación en gradientes de elevación se desconocen. Se describe la fenología de floración de Tillandsia carlos-hankii, una bromelia epífita, en un gradiente de elevación en Capulálpam de Méndez, Oaxaca. Se analiza el inicio, estacionalidad y duración de su floración entre y dentro de diferentes elevaciones y se evalúa también el efecto del forofito (altura, DAP y diámetro de copa) sobre el inicio y la duración de la floración. De junio de 2016 a mayo de 2017, se monitorearon individuos localizados en seis poblaciones en tres elevaciones (bajo: 2151-2283 m. s. n. m., medio: 2284-2416 m. s. n. m., alto: 2417-2548 m. s. n. m.), dos poblaciones por zona. El inicio de la floración ocurrió entre diciembre y enero, empezando de seis a 16 días antes en la elevación baja que en las otras, aunque estas diferencias no fueron significativas. Hubo una marcada estacionalidad en todas las zonas de elevación, con diferencias entre elevaciones (W≥18,49, p≤0,0001) y entre poblaciones de media y alta elevación (W≥8,57, p≤0,05). La floración duró de diciembre a mayo. Las características del forofito no estuvieron relacionadas con el inicio ni la duración de la floración (t≤-1,47, p≥0,14, en todos los casos). Los resultados sugieren que las epífitas vasculares siguen el mismo patrón fenológico altitudinal de otras formas de vida, y que las poblaciones en un misma elevación altitudinal pueden variar. Las causas de tal variación intra-altitudinal merecen mayor investigación.

Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507692


Introducción: Los bosques montanos tropicales se caracterizan por una alta riqueza y endemismo de briófitos. Sin embargo, la diversidad es altamente sensible a cambios microclimáticos relacionados con alteraciones antrópicas. Objetivo: En este estudio, se evaluó la riqueza y composición de briófitos epífitos en los troncos de árboles de bosques montanos alterados y bosques no alterados ubicados en la ladera occidental del Parque Nacional Volcán Barú. Métodos: Los bosques no alterados mostraron alta humedad, mientras que los bosques alterados mostraron altos niveles de luz y temperatura. En cada árbol evaluamos la presencia y cobertura de briófitos epífitos en 160 cuadrantes de 20 × 30 cm. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 86 especies (49 hepáticas y 37 musgos). La riqueza fue positivamente influenciada por la alteración antrópica, donde los bosques alterados presentaron un mayor número de epífitos de sol. La composición de las comunidades difiere entre los dos tipos de bosques, donde las epífitas de sombra fueron restringidas a bosques no alterados, mientras que las epífitas de sol a zonas alteradas. Conclusiones: Las comunidades de briófitos fueron indicadores efectivos de la alteración de los bosques montanos del Parque Nacional Volcán Barú. Por lo tanto, la conservación de los bosques no alterados garantizará la conservación de una rica y diversa comunidad de briófitos epífitos.

Introduction: Tropical montane forests are characterized by high species richness and endemism of bryophytes. However, this diversity is highly sensitive to microclimatic changes related to anthropogenic disturbance. Objective: In this study, we assessed the richness and composition of epiphytic bryophytes on the trunks of trees in undisturbed and disturbed montane forests on the Western slope of the Baru Volcano National Park. Methods: Undisturbed forests were highly humid, while disturbed forests showed high light levels and temperature. In each tree we measured the presence and cover of epiphytic bryophytes in 160 quadrants of 20 × 30 cm. Results: In total, we recorded 86 species (49 liverworts and 37 mosses). Bryophytes richness was positively influenced by disturbance, with disturbed forests showing a high number of sun epiphytes. Bryophyte community composition was different in each forest type, with shade epiphytes confined to primary forests and sun epiphytes restricted to disturbed sites. Conclusions: Bryophyte communities were effective indicators of montane forests disturbance on the Baru Volcano. Thus, protection of the undisturbed forests remnants might help to preserve a rich and diverse community of epiphytic bryophytes.

Bosques , Briófitas/microbiología , Fenómenos Ecológicos y Ambientales , Panamá , Análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1275, Jul-Dic. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094805


RESUMEN La orquídea Cattleya trianae Linden & Rchb.f. es reconocida como flor nacional de Colombia y se encuentra en peligro crítico, al presentar una reducción estimada mayor al 80% en los últimos 100 años, debido a la disminución en la calidad del hábitat y niveles altos de explotación o recolección. La familia Orchidaceae es una de las que mayor número de especies posee en el reino Plantae, con aproximadamente 900 géneros, de los cuales, el 38% es endémico de Colombia, concentrado en la región Andina, con 87,2%. Esta investigación buscó profundizar en el tema de la propagación como mecanismo de conservación, para lo cual, se determinó el efecto de la 6-Bencilaminopurina (6-BAP), sobre el desarrollo in vitro, en Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca), en un diseño de bloques completamente al azar, con 3 repeticiones. Cuerpos protocórmicos provenientes de semillas recolectadas en Pacho (Cundinamarca) fueron sembrados en medio básico Murashige & Skoog, enriquecido con 4 concentraciones de 6-BAP. Los resultados mostraron respuestas diferenciales a la adición de la citoquinina, ya que, con la concentración más alta, se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de callos, con la de 0,05mg.L-1, el mayor porcentaje de brotes y sin la aplicación del regulador de crecimiento, el mayor porcentaje de raíz.

ABSTRACT The orchid Cattleya trianae Linden & Rchb.f. is recognized as the national flower of Colombia, the species is in a critical danger, presenting an estimated reduction of more than 80% in the last 100 years due to the decrease in habitat quality and high levels of exploitation or harvesting. The Orchidaceae family is one of the largest number of species in the Plant Kingdom, with approximately 900 genera, of which 38% are endemic in Colombia, concentrated in the Andean region with 87.2%. This research sought to deepen in the topic of the propagation as mechanism of protection for their conservation, for which the effect of cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) on development was determined in vitro in Fusagasugá (Cundinamarca), in a completely randomized block design with 3 replicates. The protocorm-like bodies from seeds collected in Pacho (Cundinamarca) were sown in a basic medium Murashige and Skoog enriched with 4 concentrations of 6-BAP. The results showed differential responses to the addition of cytokinin, as the highest concentration was obtained the highest percentage of callus, with the 0.05mg. L-1, the highest percentage of shoots and without the application of the growth regulator, the highest root percentage.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 83-93, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041896


Abstract The solubility equilibrium of calcite is influenced by physicochemical, climatic and biological factors. Annual cycles of exceptionally prolonged drought, in conjunction with naturally occurring diffuse organic pollution, generate the unique conditions for the precipitation of lithified carbonate structures (microbialites). The aim of this article is to analyze the possible implications of calcite precipitation produced in mats of Cladophora sp. in an Andean subtropical basin, considering it is the first time this phenomenon is described for the region. We collected samples from selected sites at the Lules River Basin, in four sampling dates between the years 2003 and 2004, within a monitoring work of 15 years. Samples were analyzed using an electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis. We found that Gomphonema sp. attached to Cladophora sp. contributes to precipitation of calcite and formation of microbialite like structures, in the studied area. This work presents an initial discussion of the discovery of microbialites-like structures attached to Cladophora sp. mats in a subtropical Andean stream and the environmental conditions that lead to their production, as well as the possible ecological implications of these microbialites.(AU)

Resumen La fase sólida de las sales de los cuerpos de agua juega un papel importante en la concentración de los elementos mayoritarios. El equilibrio de solubilidad de la calcita está influenciado por factores fisicoquímicos, climáticos y biológicos. Los ciclos anuales de sequía excepcionalmente prolongada, junto con la contaminación orgánica difusa de origen natural, generan condiciones únicas para la precipitación de estructuras de carbonato litificado (microbialitos). El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las posibles implicaciones de la precipitación de calcita producida en Cladophora sp. en una cuenca subtropical andina, considerando que es la primera vez que se describe este fenómeno para la región. Recolectamos muestras en sitios seleccionados en la Cuenca del Río Lules, en cuatro fechas de muestreo entre 2003 y 2004, en el marco de un trabajo de monitoreo de quince años. Usamos red Surber para realizar los muestreos. Las muestras de algas, una vez libres de macroinvertebrados, se secaron y pesaron. Analizamos utilizando microscopía electrónica y difracción de rayos X. Encontramos que Gomphonema sp. unido a Cladophora contribuye a la precipitación de calcita y la formación de estructuras similares a microbialitos, en el área estudiada. Este trabajo presenta una discusión inicial sobre el descubrimiento de estructuras similares a microbialitos unidas a filamentos de Cladophora sp. en una cuenca andina subtropical y las condiciones ambientales que conducen a su producción, así como las posibles implicaciones ecológicas de lo mencionado anteriormente.(AU)

Carbonato de Litio/análisis , Diatomeas/química , Contaminación Ambiental , Sequías , Argentina , Difracción de Rayos X/instrumentación , Microscopía Electrónica/instrumentación , Muestreo
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1078-1089, jul.-sep. 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977368


Resumen Pleopeltis macrocarpa y Microgramma mortoniana son dos helechos epífitos de la familia Polypodiaceae hallados con baja frecuencia en la Reserva Natural Punta Lara (Buenos Aires, Argentina). El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la morfogénesis de gametófitos epífitos para fortalecer poblaciones vulnerables y contribuir a su conservación. Se recolectaron hojas fértiles. Las esporas se sembraron en placas de Petri con medio de cultivo Dyer. Las esporas se caracterizaron por ser monoletes, elipsoidales, amarillentas y con ornamentación verrucosa. La germinación fue del tipo Vittaria y el desarrollo del gametofito es del tipo Drynaria. El esporofito de P. macrocarpa surgió a los 500 días y el de M. mortoniana a los 120. El patrón de germinación, el desarrollo del gametofito, el glóbulo lipídico en la célula protálica y los pelos unicelulares capitados en el margen podrían considerarse en la sistemática del grupo. La demora en la formación de esporofitos a través de la reproducción sexual, permite inferir que el éxito de su propagación estaría sujeto a la reproducción vegetativa.

Abstract The Punta Lara Natural Reserve is located on the riverside of the La Plata River in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is the Southernmost relict in the world of subtropical riparian forest. The epiphytic ferns studied in this work belong to the Polypodiaceae family: Microgramma mortoniana and Pleopeltis macrocarpa. Plant communities are subject to high levels of anthropization and introduction of exotic species. The goals of this work are to provide information on the morphogenesis of epiphytic gametophytes and to extend knowledge of their life cycles, contributing to their conservation. Sowing was carried out in Dyer medium. In both species the spores are monolete, ellipsoidal, yellowish and with verrucate sculpture. The equatorial diameter is 60-61 μm, the polar diameter is 39-42 μm. The germination is the Vittaria type; in M. mortoniana occurs at 20 days, while in P. macrocarpa occurs at six days. The filaments are uniseriate of 3-6 cells in length. The gametophyte development is Drynaria type. The cordated form is given after 40 days. In M. mortoniana, buds originated after 40 days. In P. macrocarpa, after 120 days, clathrate trichomes scale-like appear mainly on the margins of the gametophyte. The gametangia are typical of leptosporangiate ferns. The sporophyte of M. mortoniana emerged after 120 days and that of P. macrocarpa arose after 500 days, its blades are simple, spatulate and unicellular and multicellular branching hairs were observed. The germination pattern, gametophyte development, the presence of a lipid globule in the prothalic cell and the formation of unicellular capitated hairs are relevant characters that could be considered for systematic group. The delay in the formation of sporophytes through sexual reproduction, allows us to infer that the success of their establishment in situ would be given by the vegetative reproduction through creeping rhizomes and buds of gametophytes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1078-1089. Epub 2018 September 01.

Argentina , Helechos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Polypodiaceae/anatomía & histología , Células Germinativas de las Plantas/crecimiento & desarrollo
Braz. j. biol ; 76(2): 367-373, Apr.-June 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-781379


Abstract The germination characteristics of the native cactus species are poorly known, being the temperature and the light the factors that the most interferes in that process. Thus, the objective of the present work was to characterize the fruits and evaluate the influence of the temperature and the light in the seed germination of Rhipsalis floccosa, Rhipsalis pilocarpa and Rhipsalis teres. The tested constant temperatures were 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C and the alternate of 20-30 °C and 25-35 °C in a photoperiod of 10 hours, and with determination of the most appropriate temperature, the germination was tested in light absence. The germination percentage, the index of germination speed and medium time of germination were evaluated. For R. floccosa, the highest germination percentage was at 20 °C. For R. pilocarpa and R. teres, the highest germination percentages occurred in 15 °C and 20 °C. There was correlation to germination percentage between the three species, indicating that they had similar germination behavior. Total absence of germination was verified for the three species in condition of light absence. In conclusion, the temperature of 20 °C is the most suitable for the seed germination of R. floccosa. For the species R. pilocarpa and R. teres, the temperatures of 15 and 20 °C are the most suitable.

Resumo Existem poucos estudos sobre características germinativas de espécies de cactos nativos, sendo a temperatura e a luz, os fatores que mais interferem nesse processo. Assim, objetivou-se caracterizar os frutos e avaliar a influência da temperatura e luminosidade na germinação de sementes de Rhipsalis floccosa, Rhipsalis pilocarpa and Rhipsalis teres. Testou-se temperaturas constantes de 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35 °C e alternadas de 20-30 °C e 25-35 °C com fotoperíodo de 10 horas, e com a determinação da temperatura mais adequada, testou-se a germinação na ausência de luz. A porcentagem de germinação, o índice de velocidade de germinação e o tempo médio de germinação foram avaliados. Para R. floccosa, a maior porcentagem de germinação foi obtida a 20 °C. Para R. pilocarpa e R. teres, as maiores porcentagens de germinação ocorreram a 15 °C e 20 °C. Verificou-se correlação entre as três espécies para a porcentagem de germinação, indicando comportamento semelhante entre essas. Na ausência de luz não ocorreu a germinação das sementes das espécies estudas. Em conclusão, a temperatura de 20 °C é a mais indicada para a germinação de sementes de R. floccosa. Para as espécies R. pilocarpa e R. teres, as temperaturas de 15 e 20 °C são as mais indicadas.

Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Temperatura , Germinación/fisiología , Cactaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Cactaceae/fisiología , Frutas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Luz , Brasil , Fotoperiodo , Fenómenos Ecológicos y Ambientales
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(4)Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507442


ropical moist forests are ecosystems of high biodiversity and high endemism, like the Choco biogeographic ecoregion. Few studies have characterized this vegetation system, and less attention has been given to the epiphytes. The aim of this study, was to evaluate the diversity and composition of vascular and nonvascular epiphytes, in a transition zone between tropical moist forest and tropical dry forest in the Choco biogeographic region of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. For this study, the data were grouped into six zones along the Loboguerrero-Buenaventura road: Zone 1 was closest to the Pacific Ocean (tropical moist forest) and Zone 6 was closest to the subxerophytic enclave of The Dagua River (transition zone to tropical dry forest). The data also were grouped depending on exposure to light (microsites), and the sites were categorized as open, semiopen and closed. A total of 43 trees densely covered by epiphytes were sampled: non-vascular epiphytes were sampled up to 2 m high, while vascular epiphytes were sampled along the entire phorophyte. A total of 485 specimens of non-vascular epiphytes belonging to 77 species of lichens, five of liverworts and eight of mosses were collected, for a total of 90 species. In addition, 5 987 individuals belonging to 24 species of vascular epiphytes were found; Bromeliaceae (six species) was the richest in species, followed by Gesneriaceae, Orchidaceae and Polypodiaceae (each with four species). We found 25 new records of lichens for Colombia and 26 for the Choco biogeographic region; for vascular epiphytes, we found 11 new records for this same Choco region. The richness and diversity of nonvascular epiphytic communities were affected by the zone and the microsite in which the trees were located, while the vascular epiphytic communities, were affected by the zone along the road. Thus, the richness and diversity of the communities of nonvascular epiphytes were affected by both the forest type and the microsite where the trees were found, while communities of vascular epiphytes, were affected only by the forest type. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (4): 915-926. Epub 2015 December 01.

os bosques húmedos tropicales son ecosistemas que acumulan una alta biodiversidad y alto endemismo, principalmente en la ecorregión del Chocó biogeográfico. La vegetación en esta zona ha sido poco estudiada, sobre todo para el grupo de las epífitas. De esta forma, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la diversidad y composición de estas plantas (vasculares y no vasculares) en una zona de transición entre bosque húmedo tropical y bosque seco tropical en el Chocó biogeográfico. Se muestrearon 43 árboles con abundante cobertura de epífitas: las no vasculares fueron muestreadas hasta los 2 m de altura, mientras que las vasculares a lo largo de todo el forófito. Los datos se agruparon en seis zonas a lo largo de la vía, siendo la zona 1 la más cercana al Pacífico (bosque húmedo tropical) y la zona 6 la más cercana al enclave subxerofítico del río Dagua (bosque seco tropical); también se agruparon dependiendo de la exposición a la luz en tres micrositios: abiertos, semi abiertos y cerrados. Se recolectaron 485 ejemplares de epífitas no vasculares pertenecientes a 77 especies de líquenes, cinco de hepáticas y ocho de musgos, para un total de 90 especies. Por otro lado, se registraron 5 987 individuos pertenecientes a 24 especies de epífitas vasculares, siendo la familia Bromeliaceae la más rica en especies (seis especies), seguida de Gesneriaceae, Orchidaceae y Polypodiaceae (cuatro especies). Se encontraron 25 nuevos registros de líquenes para Colombia, 26 para el Chocó biogeográfico, también 11 nuevos registros de epífitas vasculares para Chocó biogeográfico. La riqueza y diversidad de las comunidades de no vasculares fueron afectadas por la zona y el micrositio donde estaban los árboles, mientras que en las comunidades de vasculares, fueron afectadas por la zona a lo largo de la carretera.

Acta biol. colomb ; 20(3): 167-179, jul.-set. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-757218


Se presenta el catálogo de la vegetación epifita vascular de un sector del Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo (PNNP) y zona amortiguadora (Córdoba, Colombia). Se realizaron muestreos en un área de 0,1 hectárea, donde se colectaron todas las epífitas vasculares distribuidas en los forófitos que presentaron un DAP > 2,5 cm en cuatro sectores, El Silencio (interior del PNNP), Tuis Tuis, Tuis Tuis Arriba y Alto de Chibogadó (zona amortiguadora), correspondientes al bosque húmedo tropical (Bh-T) en el municipio de Tierralta. Se encontraron 2504 individuos de epífitas vasculares. El catálogo contiene 73 especies distribuidas en 41 géneros y 18 familias. El sector Tuis Tuis presentó el mayor número de especies (33). Las familias mejor representadas corresponden a las Araceae, Bromeliaceae y Orchidaceae, destacándose por mayor número de especies y géneros la familia Orchidaceae (20/15). Los géneros más diversos fueron Anthurium con ocho especies, Guzmania seis, Tillandsia y Aechmea con cinco cada uno. Los helechos reúnen solo el 6 % de la flora epifita. Se reportan nuevos registros de especies para el departamento de Córdoba (39), ampliando el rango de distribución de este grupo de plantas en el país.

The catalogue of the vascular epiphyte vegetation of Silencio sector (Paramillo National Natural Park) and buffer zone (Córdoba) is showed. Sampling was conducted in an area of0,1 ha, collecting all vascular epiphytes distributed in phorophytes with a DAP> 2,5 cm, in four sectors. Collections were performed in the Silencio sectors (PNNP), Tuis Tuis, Tuis Tuis Arriba and Alto Chibogadó (buffer zone) of the tropical rain forest (Bh -T) in Tierralta town. 2504 individuals were recorded as vascular epiphytes. The catalog includes 73 species in 41 genera and 18 families. The sector Tuis Tuis showed the greatest representation of species (33). The families with the highest representation corresponds to Araceae, Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae families. The Orchidaceae family had the highest diversity with 20 species and 15 genera. The most diverse genera were Anthurium with eight species, Guzmania with six species and Aechmea and Tillandsia with five species each one. Ferns are presented only in 6 % of the epiphytic plants. 39 new species records for the department of Córdoba-Colombia are reported, extending the range of distribution of this group of plants in the country.

Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 719-727, Jun.-Aug. 2014. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715466


Oak forest represents an ecologically important plant formation in Colombia, partly due to the large amount of epiphyte flora that harbors, especially non-vascular plants which have been poorly studied in Colombia. One of the biggest oak forests in the country is the one found in the Parque Natural Municipal “Robledales de Tipacoque” (PNMRT), in Boyacá, municipality of Tipacoque. The epiphyte bryoflora was evaluated in Q. humboldtii, using canopy climbing techniques and dividing the trees (25 individuals sampled) each into five layers (base, trunk, inner canopy, middle and outer canopy). A total of 365 samples were collected: 29% liveworts and 71% mosses. Hepatics represented 10 families, 16 genera and 26 species; mosses 11 families, 26 genera and 49 species. Considering the tree layers, the most diverse one was the base with 51 species, followed by the trunk with 43; in the canopy, the inner canopy was found the most diverse with 28 species, and was followed by the middle canopy with 18, and the outer canopy with 15. A species similarity index shows that the trunk and the middle canopy were the most closely related (0.42) in terms of species composition. The results showed that non-vascular plants were mostly found in lower layers (base and trunk), where the diversity was greater, richer (species number), and this might be caused by the microclimatic conditions in these places, such as higher humidity, lower light intensity and shade. Thus, some species are considered shade epiphytes (ombrophiles) because they are unique to these areas, like Bazzania gracilis and Taxilejeunea pterigonia, among others. Likewise, Jungermannia sp. is considered a sun epiphyte (heliophilous) because it is found only in the outer canopy. We concluded that Q. humboldtii could be considered as a potential host for the conservation of non-vascular epiphytes in Colombian forests. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (2): 719-727. Epub 2014 June 01.

Los bosques de roble representan una formación vegetal de importancia ecológica, debido a la cantidad de plantas epífitas que pueden llegar a albergar; estas han sido muy poco estudiadas en Colombia, especialmente las no vasculares. Para el país, uno de los robledales de mayor extensión es el Parque Natural Municipal “Robledaes de Tipacoque” (PNMRT), que se encuentra ubicado en Boyacá, en el municipio de Tipacoque. Se evaluó la brioflora epífita en Quercus humboldtii, mediante técnicas de ascenso a dosel y división de cada uno de los árboles (25 individuos muestreados) en cinco estratos cada uno (base, tronco, dosel interno, dosel medio y dosel externo). Se recolectaron en total 365 muestras, 29% pertenecen a hepáticas y 71% a musgos. Las hepáticas se distribuyeron en 10 familias, 16 géneros y 26 especies, mientras que los musgos se distribuyeron en 11 familias, 26 géneros y 49 especies. La base del árbol es el estrato con mayor diversidad de especies (51), seguida del tronco (43), mientras que en el dosel, la parte interna fue la más diversa con 28 especies, seguida del dosel medio con 18 y el dosel externo con 15. Los análisis de similitud muestran una baja relación entre los estratos, donde la mayor afinidad esta entre el tronco y el dosel medio con el 0.42. Los resultados muestran que las plantas no vasculares prefieren los estratos inferiores (base y tronco), donde la diversidad es mayor, debido a las condiciones microclimáticas que éstas zonas presentan, como mayor humedad, menor intensidad lumínica y sombra; además, algunas especies se consideran como epífitas de sombra (hombrófilas) al ser exclusivas de éstas zonas, como Bazzania gracilis y Taxilejeunea pterigonia, entre otras. El caso contrario, Jungermannia sp. Se considera epífita de sol (heliófila) al encontrarse únicamente en el dosel externo. Se concluye que Q. humboldtii puede ser un hospedero potencial para la conservación de epífitas no vasculares en bosques colombianos.

Biodiversidad , Briófitas/fisiología , Quercus/clasificación , Briófitas/clasificación , Colombia , Simbiosis
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(4): 127-131, Oct.-Dec. 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-578491


Many Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest plant and animal species are geographically restricted to Southern Bahia and Northern Espírito Santo States. We investigated the geographic distribution of epiphytic bromeliads in the lowland forest of the Una region (15° 17' 34' S - 39° 04' 30'' W) in Southern Bahia. Specifically, we addressed the following questions: i) what is the extent of each species distribution?; and ii) are the Bromeliaceae subfamilies distributed differently from one another? Almost half of the 40 species (47.5 percent) occur exclusively in the Southern Bahia-Northern Espírito Santo region and are herein referred as endemic species. The highest percentage of the 15 species of Tillandsioideae (46.7 percent) occur throughout the South American Continent and most of the 25 species of Bromelioideae (68.0 percent) are mainly represented by endemic species. The Una region has almost two times more species than a forested area located 40 km west, suggesting marked increases in diversity in over relatively short distances. The endemism data around Una indicates that species are geographically distributed over an area spanning approximately six to seven degrees in latitude and longitude. This result contrasts with the geographic distribution of Andean epiphytes, mainly represented by Tillandsioideae, that have large geographical distributions. Larger-scale analyses and standardized methods are necessary to verify whether the narrow geographical distribution of most epiphytic bromeliads in the Una region is consistent across different forest types of the Atlantic Rainforest.

Na Floresta Atlântica, muitas espécies vegetais e animais são geograficamente restritas à região do Sul da Bahia e Norte do Espírito Santo. A distribuição geográfica das bromélias epífitas da floresta de planície da região de Una, Sul da Bahia (15° 17' 34' S - 39° 04' 30'' W), foi investigada para responder às seguintes questões: i) qual a extensão da distribuição geográfica das espécies?; e ii) existe diferença na distribuição geográfica das subfamílias de Bromeliaceae? Quase metade (47,5 por cento) das 40 espécies ocorre exclusivamente na região entre o Sul da Bahia e o Norte do Espírito Santo, aqui chamadas de endêmicas. A maior percentagem das 15 espécies de Tillandsioideae (46,7 por cento) ocorre através do Continente Sul-Americano e a maioria das 25 Bromelioideae (68,0 por cento) é principalmente representada por espécies endêmicas. Una possui quase duas vezes mais espécies que a região de Jussari que se localiza aproximadamente 40 km à oeste, sugerindo que a diversidade desta comunidade aumente rapidamente em uma pequena extensão geográfica. Os dados de endemismo das epífitas de Una indicam que as espécies estão distribuídas através de uma área geográfica de aproximadamente seis a sete graus quadrados. Este resultado contrasta com a distribuição geográfica das epífitas andinas, que são representadas principalmente por Tillandsioideae de ampla distribuição. Análises de larga escala e com metodologias padronizadas são necessárias para verificar se a pequena distribuição geográfica da maioria das bromélias epífitas de Una é uma característica constante nas diferentes feições da Floresta Atlântica.

Acta biol. colomb ; 15(2): 229-246, ago. 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-635020


In order to determine the occurrence of epiphytic toxic dinoflagellates in the coastal waters of San Andrés Island, Caribbean Colombia, we analyzed the seagrass beds on the northern and eastern sides of the island. We found seven species of toxicogenic dinoflagellates, belonging to the genera Prorocentrum and Ostreopsis. The cell densities were generally low if compared with previous studies in other Caribbean sites, ranging from 0 to 836 cells/dry weight. The species encountered are known to produce toxins causing the Diarrehic Shellfish Poisoning and Ciguatera, poisonings which have been documented in the island.

Con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de dinoflagelados tóxicos epifitos en aguas costeras de la isla de San Andrés, Caribe colombiano, se analizaron las praderas de pastos marinos de los sectores norte y oriente de la isla. Se encontraron siete especies toxinogénicas de dinoflagelados pertenecientes a los géneros Prorocentrum y Ostreopsis. Las densidades celulares fueron bajas comparadas con estudios en otros sitios del Caribe, con rangos entre 0 y 836 cel./peso seco. Las especies encontradas son conocidas por producir toxinas que causan diarrea (PSP) y Ciguatera, intoxicaciones que ya han sido documentadas en la isla.

Acta biol. colomb ; 15(2): 37-46, ago. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635027


Se evaluó la diversidad de orquídeas epífitas en un bosque húmedo tropical (bh-T), perteneciente al corregimiento de Tutunendo (Quibdó). En él fueron establecidas tres zonas de acuerdo al grado de intervención del bosque: poco (300 m²), medio (400 m²) y altamente intervenido (300 m²); dentro de estos fueron registrados 66 forófitos con un DAP ≥a 20 cm, en los cuales se muestrearon las orquídeas huéspedes, obteniendo un registro total de 1.348 individuos, distribuidos en 49 especies y 20 géneros. Los géneros más representativos en número de especies fueron Maxillaria (11) y Dichaea (5). Según el índice de Shannon-Weiner, se aprecia una alta diversidad de orquídeas epífitas en el área de estudio (H’=3,30). En cuanto a las zonas de acuerdo al grado de intervención, el bosque medio y el poco intervenido fueron los más altos en diversidad, sin embargo, el altamente intervenido, donde se da el tipo de cultivo de tumba y siembra y la extracción maderera es constante, presentó los más bajos resultados. Según la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, estas zonas presentaron diferencias significativas (P<0,05) en cuanto a la riqueza y abundancia de especies registradas. Evidentemente, la alta diversidad de este grupo de plantas puede deberse a algunas condiciones climáticas (precipitación, humedad e intensidad lumínica), que facilitan su establecimiento en el área.

The diversity of epiphytes orchids in a tropical humid forest of the municipality of Tutunendo (Quibdó) was evaluated. According to its level of intervention, it was established three zones in the forest: low (300 m²), medium (400 m²) and highly intervened (300 m²); 66 forófitos with a DAP ≥20 cm were recorded, in which orchids guests were sampled giving a total record of 1348 specimens, distributed in 49 species and 20 genera. In terms of number of species, the most representative genera were Maxillaria (11) and Dichaea (5). According to the Shannon-Weiner index a high diversity of epiphytes orchids can be observed in the area of study (H‘= 3.30). Regarding to areas according to the level of intervention, the low and medium intervened forest showed the highest diversity, however, the highly intervened, where tomb cultivation, sowing logging is constant, presented the lowest results. According to the Kruskal-Wallis test, these areas showed significant differences (P <0.05) in terms of richness and abundance of recorded species. Evidently, the high diversity of this group of plants may be due to certain climatic conditions (precipitation, humidity and light intensity), facilitating their establishment in the area.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(4): 149-161, Oct.-Dec. 2009. mapas, ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-543231


A região da Serra Negra constitui um importante remanescente de floresta atlântica situado no sul da Zona da Mata mineira, na Serra da Mantiqueira, composta por um mosaico de campos rupestres (nos afloramentos de quartzito) a arbustais nebulares, florestas estacionais semideciduifólias a perenifólias e florestas nebulares, de ambientes inferomontanos a superomontanos ripícolas a interfluviais. A área de estudo é um fragmento de floresta de grota (floresta perenifólia ripícola), de aproximadamente 0,9 ha, situada no Cânion do Ribeirão do Funil, na Vila do Funil, município de Rio Preto, localizada no sul da Serra Negra. O presente trabalho foi realizado entre os anos de 2004 e 2009 e teve como objetivos o conhecimento da flora vascular não-arbórea, a discussão dos hábitos e habitats das plantas e a descrição da fisionomia do fragmento. Foram registrados 157 táxons de plantas vasculares (sendo 41 pteridófitas e 116 angiospermas), pertencentes a 48 famílias (10 de pteridófitas e 38 de angiospermas). As famílias de maior riqueza específica foram Orchidaceae, dentre as angiospermas, com 27 espécies e Pteridaceae, dentre as pteridófitas, apresentando 11 espécies. O hábito mais representativo foi o herbáceo (124 spp.), destacando-se as espécies epífitas (42 spp.), que perfazem cerca de 25 por cento de todas as espécies registradas na área. Doze espécies estão incluídas na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção no estado de Minas Gerais (duas pteridófitas e 10 angiospermas). O elevado número de espécies encontradas em uma área consideravelmente pequena ressalta a importância deste fragmento para a diversidade da Serra Negra e aponta para a necessidade de implantação de um plano de ação para sua conservação.

Serra Negra is an important remnant of Atlantic Forest located in the southern part of the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, in Mantiqueira Range, composed by a mosaic of "campos rupestres" (on quartzite outcrops), cloud scrubs, lower-montane to upper montane seasonal semi-deciduous forests or evergreen cloud forests, and riparian to interfluvial forests. Despite floristic importance of this area, there are only two Natural Patrimony Private Reserves: São Lourenço do Funil and Serra Negra. The study area is a ravine forest fragment (evergreen forest), comprising ca. 0.9 ha, localized in the Cânion do Ribeirão do Funil, in Funil Village, municipality of Rio Preto, southern of Serra Negra. The present study was carried out from 2004 to 2009 and its goals were: (1) to survey the non-arboreal vascular flora of the area, (2) discuss plant habits and habitats, and (3) describe the physiognomy of this forest fragment. A total of 157 taxa of vascular plants (41 ferns and 116 angiosperms) were recorded, belonging to 48 families (10 of ferns and 38 of angiosperms). The richest families of ferns and angiosperms were Pteridaceae (11 spp.) and Orchidaceae (27 spp.), respectively. The most representative habit was herbaceous (124 spp.), within which epiphyte species (42 spp.) must be emphasized, representing about 25 percent of all recorded species. Twelve species are cited in the endangered species list of Minas Gerais State (two ferns and 10 angiosperms). The high number of species found in this small area remarks the importance of this fragment for the knowledge of biodiversity of Serra Negra, in particular, and Minas Gerais, in general. In addition, the results reinforce the need of an action plan addressed to the conservation of the region.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 9(1): 73-79, Jan.-Mar. 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-518432


Vascular epiphytes are frequent in mesic habitats and mid-elevation regions. The present study investigated the diversity and species composition of epiphytic bromeliads in the Natural Reserve of Serra do Teimoso (RNST) located in a transitional area between ombrophilous and semideciduous forests. Adapted from the "Rapid and Representative Sampling of Vascular and Non-vascular epiphyte Diversity of Tropical Rain Forests" protocol, our survey method used eight phorophytes of Cariniana legalis (Martius) Kuntze found between 284 and 573 m a.s.l.. We registered 19 morphospecies and 526 bromeliad groups. Almost one third of the species were classified as widely distributed and 27.3% are endemic to southern Bahia. Shannon index was 2.2 nats.ind-1 and the estimated number of species in this area was 25 (SD = ± 3.5). Most C. legalis harbored a similar abundance and species composition of epiphytes, which was dominated by Hohenbergia and Aechmea species. This study registered the occurrence of three species that are new to the state of Bahia, and one genus was collected for the first time in the RNST. Results are in accordance with the known pattern of lower epiphytic diversity in drier locations. Since all new records are exclusive to the crowns of large trees, the sampling of these new records was only possible because climbing techniques were used. Compared to other methodologies for floristic surveys, the one employed here demanded lower sample effort and yielded similar results. Large trees play an important role for epiphytes due to the concentration of species and individuals on them. Thus, the utilization of canopy methodologies in other field surveys would be desirable to sample appropriately epiphytes in large trees.

Biodiversidad , Bromelia/clasificación , Bromelia/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ecosistema/análisis , Ecosistema/clasificación , Ecosistema/efectos adversos , Árboles
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(4): 2069-2086, Dec. 2008. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637798


Vertical stratification and host preference by vascular epiphytes in a Chiapas, Mexico, cloud forest. The high diversity of vascular epiphytes in neotropical montane forest has been explained as the result of vertical stratification of the forest and specific relationships between epiphytes and their hosts trees at local scales. In a lower montane cloud forest, we studied the vertical stratification and host preferences of vascular epiphytes in a 0.0625 ha plot where 41 trees ≥ of 10 cm DBH were sampled during 12 months in 2001 and 2002. We found 43 epiphyte species growing on 15 tree genera. We tested for vertical strata and host preferences using 19 epiphyte taxa. We found strong evidence that epiphytes divided the canopy, but those epiphyte species dispersed by animals were generalists with respect to hosts and vertical strata. Wind dispersed epiphytes were vertically stratified, with a higher richness in the lowest tree strata. On average the epiphytes preferred 3.5 host species, suggesting low host preference. Two host species, Ardisia and Quercus, were avoided by the majority of the epiphyte species. Our results show that epiphytes divided the canopy horizontally and were stratified vertically, suggesting that host identity could be important determining the abundance of colonizing sites for epiphytes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 2069-2086. Epub 2008 December 12.

En escala local, la alta diversidad de epífitas vasculares en bosques montanos neotropicales ha sido explicada por que logran estratificar verticalmente al dosel y tienen relaciones específicas con sus hospederos. En un bosque de montaña estudiamos la estratificación vertical y las preferencias de hospedero de las epífitas vasculares en un cuadrante de 0.0625 ha en donde muestreamos 41 árboles ≥10 DAP, durante 12 meses en los años 2001 y 2002. Encontramos 43 especies de epífitas en 15 géneros de árboles. Probamos preferencia de estratos verticales o de hospedero con 19 táxones epífitos. Encontramos evidencia de que las epífitas se dividen el dosel; aunque, las epífitas dispersadas por animales tendieron a ser generalistas. Entre las epífitas dispersadas por el viento reconocimos una clara estratificación vertical, concentrando especies en la parte baja de los árboles. En promedio las especies de epífitas prefirieron 3.5 especies de hospederos, sugiriendo una baja preferencia. Dos especies de árboles resultaron ser malos hospederos, Ardisia y Quercus. Nuestros resultados muestran que las epífitas parten el dosel horizontalmente, se estratifican verticalmente y sugieren que la identidad de los hospederos es importante por que puede determinar la abundancia de sitios colonizables para muchas epífitas.

Ecosistema , Simbiosis , Árboles/clasificación , Biodiversidad , México , Clima Tropical
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(4): 123-129, Oct.-Dec. 2008. ilus, graf, tab, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-509790


A extração ilegal de Dicksonia sellowiana Hook., uma espécie de samambaia arborescente, da Floresta Ombrófila Mista, no sul do Brasil, modifica a estrutura da vegetação e reduz a disponibilidade de microhabitats para espécies epifíticas. A composição e a distribuição vertical de pteridófitas epifíticas foram estudadas sobre D. sellowiana. O estudo foi desenvolvido em área de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, do Parque Municipal da Ronda, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram selecionados 164 forófitos e seus cáudices foram divididos em intervalos de 1 m, a partir do solo. Em cada intervalo, foi registrada a ocorrência de espécies de pteridófitas e foi calculada a freqüência por forófitos e por intervalos. Foram registradas 20 espécies, pertencentes a 13 gêneros e sete famílias, sendo que houve o predomínio de holoepífitos habituais. A maior riqueza específica foi encontrada em Aspleniaceae (6) e no gênero Asplenium L. (6). As espécies com maior freqüência relativa nos forófitos foram Trichomanes angustatum Carmich., Blechnum binervatum (Poir.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger e Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm.. Considerando uma sub-amostra de 60 forófitos, T. angustatum e B. binervatum apresentaram freqüência decrescente de ocorrência a partir do solo até 4 m de altura. A riqueza média foi maior nos três primeiros intervalos. A riqueza encontrada sobre os cáudices de D. sellowiana representa 67 por cento do total de pteridófitas epifíticas encontradas na área de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, no Parque Municipal da Ronda e demonstra a importância dessa planta hospedeira para a manutenção de espécies epifíticas, no ambiente florestal.

Dicksonia sellowiana Hook., a tree fern species, is illegally extracted from the Mixed Ombrophylous Forest of southern Brazil, what changes the vegetation structure and reduces the availability of micro-habitats for epiphytic species. The composition and the vertical distribution of epiphytic pteridophytes were studied on D. sellowiana. The study was carried out in a Mixed Ombrophylous Forest area, at the Parque Municipal da Ronda in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. One hundred and sixty four phorophytes were selected and their caudices were divided at intervals of 1 m, from the ground. At each interval the occurrence of pteridophyte species was recorded, and the frequency by phorophyte and by interval was calculated. Twenty species were recorded, from 13 genera and seven families, and habitual holoephiphytes predominated. The largest specific richness was found in Aspleniaceae (6) and in the Asplenium L. genus (6). The species with the highest relative frequency on the phorophytes were Trichomanes angustatum Carmich., Blechnum binervatum (Poir.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger and Vittaria lineata (L.) Sm.. Considering a sub-sample of 60 phorophytes, T. angustatum and B. binervatum had decreasing frequency of occurrence from the ground up to 4 m. The average richness was higher in the first three intervals. The richness found over the caudices of D. sellowiana represented 67 percent of the total epiphytic pteridophytes found in Mixed Ombrophylous Forest area, at the Parque Municipal da Ronda and this shows the importance of this host plant for the maintenance of epiphytic species in the forest environment.

Biodiversidad , Clasificación , Recolección de Datos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/efectos adversos , Ecosistema , Helechos , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 26(2): 7-21, 2007. ilus, mapas, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-559717


Epífitas são plantas que se desenvolvem sobre outras plantas sem parasitá-las. Pouco se conhece sobre este grupo de plantas na região, tornando-se importantes estudos deste caráter. Desta forma o objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a composição florística do componente epifítico vascular das formações florestais ocorrentes no local. A área alvo do estudo situa-se na Fazenda Noiva da Colina, Município de Borebi, Estado de São Paulo. O local estudado com aproximadamente 120.000m², possui Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Mata de Galeria e Floresta Latifoliada Higrófila. Foram identificadas 27 espécies, pertencentes a 18 gêneros e 8 famílias, sendo que as famílias com maior riqueza de espécies foram Bromeliaceae e Orchidaceae, juntas representando pouco mais da metade dos taxa encontrados. Tillandsia com cinco espécies foi o gênero mais abundante e relativo à categoria ecológica, as holoepífitas características foram as mais representadas na sinúsia estudada.

Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants without sponging them. Little her on this group of plants knows in the Area, becoming important studies of this character. This way the objective of that work was to characterize the composition florístic of the component vascular epiphyte of the formations forest ocorrents in the place. The area white of the study locates in Finance it Becomes engaged of the Hill, Municipal district of Borebi, State of São Paulo. The place studied with approximately 120.000m², it possesses Seasonal Forest Semidecidual, Forest of Gallery and Floresta Latifoliada Higrófila. They were identified 27 species, belonging to 18 goods and 8 families, and the families with larger wealth of species were Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, committees representing little more of the half of the rate found. Tillandsia with 5 species was the most abundant and relative gender the ecological category, the characteristic holoephytes were the more represented in the studied sinúsia.

Plantas/clasificación , Árboles , Bromeliaceae/clasificación , Orchidaceae/clasificación , Tillandsia
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(3): 935-942, sept. 2006. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-492297


A 3,000 m2 area of seasonally inundated forest on the island of Ilha do Mel (25 degrees 30[quot ] S 48 degrees 23[quot ] W) in Paraná, Brazil, was sampled by collecting plants from all strata, using climbing equipment when necessary. The area harbors 103 species of epiphytes, in 49 genera and 20 families, of which 28 species are pteridophytes and 75 magnoliophytes (64 Liliopsida, 11 Magnoliopsida). The most common families are Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Polypodiaceae and Araceae, and frequent genera are Vriesea, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Pleurothallis and Prosthechea. Eight families were represented by one species each. Most species were classified as obligatory holoepiphytes (62 %), followed by the relatively more rare preferential holoepiphytes (13 %), facultative epiphytes (11 %), hemiepiphytes (9 %) and accidental epiphytes (6 %).

Se muestreó plantas de todos los estratos en una área de 3 000 m2 de selva estacionalmente inundada en Ilha do Mel (25º30 “S 48º23’ W), Paraná, Brazil. El área tiene 103 especies de epífitas en 49 géneros y 20 familias, de las cuales 28 especies son pteridófitas y 75 magnoliófitas (64 Liliopsida, 11 Magnoliopsida). Las familias más comunes son Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Polypodiaceae y Araceae, y los géneros más frecuentes Vriesea, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Encyclia y Pleurothallis. Ocho familias solamente están representadas por una especie cada una. La mayoría de las especies son loepífitas obligadas (62 %), seguidas de las relativamente escasas holoepífitas preferenciales (13 %), epífitas facultativas (11 %), hemiepífitas (9 %) y epífitas accidentales (6 %).

Magnoliopsida/clasificación , Simbiosis , Araceae/clasificación , Brasil , Bromeliaceae/clasificación , Orchidaceae/clasificación , Polypodiaceae/clasificación , Estaciones del Año