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Braz. j. biol ; 80(4): 872-880, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142543


Abstract Studies on the bacterial diversity associated with wild plants are rare, especially on those that grow in association with bromeliads. In the present study, we isolated and identified epiphytic and endophytic bacteria from the roots of the bromeliads Dyckia excelsa, Dyckia leptostachya and Deuterocohnia meziana occurring in the "cangas" in the Pantanal from Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The epiphytic bacteria were isolated from washed roots, while the endophytic bacteria were isolated from surface disinfested roots. Bacterial representatives corresponding to each BOX-PCR fingerprint, as well as those that did not result in amplicons, were selected for 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. The BOX-PCR data showed intrageneric and intraspecific diversity and could discriminate strains and identify their phenotypic characteristics. The 16S rDNA gene sequence and phylogeny analysis showed a higher occurrence of strains belonging to the genus Bacillus than Mycobacterium and Brevibacterium, which were found in lower numbers. Species from the Bacillus genus are well known for their sporulation capacity and longer survival in arid locations, such as the "cangas". This study clearly showed that the bromeliad species represent a vast reservoir of bacterial community diversity, and the cultivable strains represent a new source for biotechnological prospecting.

Resumo Estudos sobre a diversidade bacteriana associada a plantas silvestres são raros, especialmente naqueles que crescem em associação com bromélias. No presente estudo, isolamos e identificamos bactérias epífitas e endofíticas das raízes das bromélias Dyckia excelsa, D. leptostachya e Deuterocohnia meziana ocorrentes nas "cangas" no Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As bactérias epifíticas foram isoladas de raízes lavadas, enquanto as bactérias endofíticas foram isoladas de raízes desinfestadas na superfície. Representantes bacterianos correspondentes a cada perfil do BOX-PCR, bem como aqueles que não resultaram em amplificações, foram selecionados para o sequenciamento do gene 16S rDNA. Os dados da BOX-PCR mostraram diversidade intragênica e intraespecífica e puderam discriminar cepas e identificar suas características fenotípicas. A seqüência do gene 16S rDNA e a análise filogenética mostraram uma maior ocorrência de cepas pertencentes ao gênero Bacillus do que as bactérias Mycobacterium e Brevibacterium, encontradas em menor número. Espécies do gênero Bacillus são bem conhecidas por sua capacidade de esporulação e maior sobrevida em locais áridos, como as "cangas". Este estudo mostrou claramente que as espécies de bromélias representam um vasto reservatório de diversidade de comunidades bacterianas, e as linhagens cultiváveis podem representar uma nova fonte para a prospecção biotecnológica.

Bacterias/genética , Biodiversidad , Filogenia , Brasil , ADN Bacteriano/genética , ARN Ribosómico 16S/genética , Raíces de Plantas
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 41(2): 203-216, jun./dez. 2020. Ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1224373


Os epífitos desempenham importantes funções ecológicas, e em particular as samambaias, mostram uma diversidade significativa em ambientes florestais, ocupando microambientes específicos e diversos. A diversidade de samambaias epifíticas no estado do Paraná ainda é relativamente pouco conhecida. A região de Paula Freitas, em particular, não apresenta estudos específicos para este grupo de plantas. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar a riqueza de espécies de samambaias epífitas em regiões de trilhas no Parque Municipal Guairacá em Paula Freitas, Paraná. Foram registradas 10 espécies distribuídas em oito gêneros e quatro famílias. A família Polypodiaceae foi a mais rica na área avaliada (oito espécies), reflexo das características morfoanatômicas comuns às espécies da família. Os resultados encontrados contribuem com o reconhecimento das características florísticas e ecológicas de samambaias epífitas ocorrentes no estado do Paraná.(AU)

Epiphytes play important ecological role, and the ferns shows a significant diversity in the forest environments, due to the numerous specific and diverse microenvironments. The diversity of epiphytic ferns in Paraná state is still relatively unknown. The Paula Freitas region, in particular, does not present specific studies for this group of plants. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate the diversity of epiphytic ferns in regions of trails in the Guairacá Municipal Park in Paula Freitas, Paraná. Ten species in eight genera and four families were recorded. The family Polypodiaceae (eight species) was the richest in the evaluated area, reflecting the morphoanatomic characteristics common to the family species. The results contribute to the recognition of the floristic and ecological characteristics of epiphytic ferns occurring in the state of Paraná.(AU)

Plantas , Polypodiaceae , Reflejo , Bosques
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507682


Introducción: Las investigaciones sobre ontogenia de los soros, esporangios, paráfisis receptaculares y esporogénesis de los helechos leptosporangiados son escasas en la literatura científica. Objectivos: Describiry analizar la ontogenia de los soros, esporangios, paráfisis receptaculares y esporogénesis de Phymatosorus scolopendria. Métodos: Entre marzo y mayo 2017 (época lluviosa del año) se recolectaron frondas fértiles de P. scolopendria en el campus de la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.Las frondas fértiles, en diferentes etapas del desarrollo se fijaron y procesaron de acuerdo a protocolos estándar para la inclusión y corte en parafina y resina. Las secciones de 0.5 µm obtenidas en resina se tiñeron con azul de Toluidina que tiñe diferencialmente paredes primarias y secundarias, resalta núcleos celulares, y esporopolenina y de manera secundaria tiñe polifenoles. Para descripciones detalladas, otros cortes se tiñeron con Safranina-azul de alciano que discrimina entre componentes de pared primaria, secundaria, núcleos, cutícula y polifenoles; Hematoxilina-azul de alciano para resaltar núcleos y paredes primarias y Fluoroglucinol ácido para detectar lignina. Las observaciones y registro fotográfico se efectuaron con microscopio fotónico. Para la observación y descripción con microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), los soros se deshidrataron con 2,2 dimetoxipropano, se desecaron a punto crítico y se metalizaron con oro. Resultados: Los soros son exindusiados, superficiales, vascularizados y de desarrollo mixto, se encuentran asociados a paráfisis receptaculares multicelulares uniseriadas. Durante el desarrollo del soro primero se diferencian las células epidérmicas receptaculares que darán origen a los esporangios y posteriormente las células que originarán a las paráfisis receptaculares. El esporangio es de tipo leptosporangio de pedicelos largos de una o dos filas de células. Los anillos de los esporangios muestran paredes secundarias con engrosamientos en forma de "U" ricos en lignina. La meiosis es simultánea y las tétradas de esporas se disponen de forma decusada o tetragonal. El tapete celular es inicialmente uniestratificado pero por una división mitótica de tipo periclinal, se torna biestratificado. Las células del estrato interno del tapete pierden la integridad estructural dando origen a un tapete plasmodial que invade los esporocitos en meiosis, el estrato externo persiste hasta la etapa de esporas maduras. En las diferentes etapas de desarrollo del esporodermo, primero se forma el exosporio, compuesto por esporopolenina, seguida del endosporio, conformado por celulosa, pectina y polisacáridos carboxilados y finalmente el perisporio. Los polifenoles fueron detectados, principalmente, en las vacuolas de las células de los esporangios, paráfisis y células receptaculares. Para el momento de la liberación de las esporas, tanto la capa externa del tapete celular como el plasmodial han degenerado por completo. En la cavidad esporangial se aprecian orbículas adyacentes a las esporas. Conclusiones: la ontogenia de los esporangios y esporogénesis de P. scolopendria es similar al descrito previamente para helechos leptosporangiados. Adicionalmente, se indica que las paráfisis receptaculares presentes en los soros de P. scolopendria tienen la función de protección de los esporangios durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo.

Introduction: Research about the ontogeny of sori, sporangia, receptacular paraphyses and sporogenesis of leptosporangiate ferns are scarce in the scientific literature. Objectives: To describe and analyze the ontogeny of sori, sporangia, receptacular paraphyses and sporogenesis of Phymatosorus scolopendria. Methods: Fertile fronds of P. scolopendria were collected in the campus of the Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, during the months March and May (annual rain season) of 2017. The fertile fronds of the samples at different developmental stages were fixed and processed according to the standard protocols for embedding and sectioning in paraffin and resin. Sections of 0.5 µm obtained in resin were stained with Toluidine blue, which differentially stains primary and secondary walls, highlights the cell nucleus and sporopolenin and secondarily stains polyphenols. For detailed descriptions, additional sections were processed with Safranin-Alcian blue, allowing the distinction of components of primary and secondary walls, nuclei, cuticle and polyphenols; Hematoxylin-Alcian blue to enhance nuclei and primary walls and Phloroglucinol-HCl for lignin. Observations and photographic records were done with a photonic microscope. For the observations and descriptions with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the sori were dehydrated with 2,2-dimethoxypropane, critical point dried and coated with gold. Results: The sori are exindusiate, superficial, vascularized and have mixed development; they are associated with uniseriate and multicellular receptacle paraphyses. During the development of the sori, the epidermal cells of the receptacle that will form the sporangia are the first differentiated followed by those forming the receptacle paraphyses. The sporangium is leptosporangiate, with long stalks formed by one or two cell rows. The annulus of the sporangia displays secondary walls with U-shaped thickenings rich in lignin. The meiosis is simultaneous and the spore tetrads are arranged in a decussate or tetragonal shape. The cellular tapetum is initially unistratified but becomes bistratified after a periclinal division. The cells of the internal strata of the cellular tapetum loose structural integrity giving rise to a plasmodial tapetum that invades the meiotic sporocytes. During the sporoderm development, the sporopollenin-composed exospore is the first formed followed by the endospore, composed by cellulose, pectin and carboxylated polysaccharides; the process ends with the perispore. Polyphenols were mainly detected on vacuoles in cells of the sporangium, paraphysis and receptacle. When the time comes for the spore maturation, the remnants of cellular and the plasmodial tapeta have fully degenerated. Abundant orbicles are seen near the spores in the sporangial cavity. Conclusions: The ontogeny of the sporangia and sporogenesis of P. scolopendria are similar to the previously described for leptosporangiate ferns. Furthermore, in P. scolopendria, the receptacle paraphyses of the sori have a role protecting the sporangium during the early development stages.

Polypodiaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Esporangios/crecimiento & desarrollo , Colombia , Helechos/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 67(6)dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507598


Introducción: Las investigaciones sobre la ontogenia de los esporangios y más aún, de la estructura y función de las escamas receptaculares presentes en los soros de algunas especies de helechos, son escasos en la literatura científica. Objetivos: Describir y analizar la ontogenia de los esporangios y las escamas receptaculares de Pleopeltis macrocarpa. Metodología: Durante marzo y mayo de 2017 se recolectaron frondas fértiles de esta especie en los troncos de árboles en el vivero El Edén de las Flores en el municipio de Rionegro, Antioquia-Colombia. Las muestras se fijaron y procesaron de acuerdo a protocolos estándar para la inclusión y corte en parafina y resina. Las secciones obtenidas en resina (0.5 µm) se tiñeron con azul de Toluidina. Para descripciones adicionales sobre la anatomía e histoquímica se aplicaron reactivos específicos para determinar paredes primarias, secundarias, núcleos, lignina, polifenoles, polisacáridos, sustancias pécticas y celulosa. Las observaciones y registro fotográfico se efectuaron con microscopio fotónico y microscopía de epifluorescencia. Para observaciones con microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), los soros se deshidrataron con 2,2 dimetoxipropano, se desecaron a punto crítico y se metalizaron con oro. Resultados: Los soros son superficiales, vascularizados y de desarrollo mixto y están cubiertos por escamas receptaculares que se desprenden con la maduración de los esporangios. El esporangio de tipo leptosporangio tiene pedicelos largos de paredes primarias, anillos de los esporangios muestran paredes secundarias con engrosamientos en forma de "U" ricos en lignina. Las células epidérmicas de los receptáculos originan a los esporangios y las escamas receptaculares. Los eventos de división mitótica de estas dos estructuras son inicialmente similares, pero luego divergen para la diferenciación reproductiva y vegetativa de estos dos órganos. La meiosis es simultánea y las tétradas de esporas se disponen de forma decusada o tetragonal. El tapete celular es inicialmente uniestratificado pero por una división mitótica se torna biestratificado. Las células del estrato interno del tapete se rompen dando origen a un tapete plasmodial. En el desarrollo del esporodermo, primero se forma el exosporio, compuesto por esporopolenina, luego el endosporio compuesto de celulosa, pectina y polisacáridos carboxilados y finalmente el perisporio. Los resultados histoquímicos y de epifluorescencia indican que las paredes celulares tanto de los esporangios como las escamas receptaculares inmaduras son de naturaleza celulósica. Al madurar, estas estructuras, así como las células de la pared del esporangio mantienen esta composición. En tanto que las células epidérmicas de los escudos de las escamas receptaculares maduras se caracterizan por mostrar cutícula engrosada. Los polifenoles están presentes durante todas las etapas de desarrollo de los esporangios y escamas receptaculares. Los almidones son abundantes en etapas tempranas del desarrollo en las células del receptáculo y primordios de los esporangios. Conclusiones: La ontogenia de los esporangios de P. macrocarpa es similar al descrito para helechos leptosporangidos. Las escamas receptaculares son estructuras principalmente de protección, su morfología y composición de las paredes celulares evitan la desecación o perdida de humedad en los esporangios durante las etapas lábiles de su desarrollo. Estos resultados concuerdan con la función de protección atribuida a las escamas peltadas pluricelulares presentes en las estructuras vegetativas de algunas especies de helechos y angiospermas tolerantes a la sequía.

Introduction: The ontogeny of sporangia and furthermore the structure and function of the receptacle scales showed by the sori of some fern species are topics scarcely represented in the scientific literature. Objectives: To describe and analyze the ontogeny of sporangia and receptacle scales of Pleopeltis macrocarpa. Methods: During March and April of 2017, fertile fronds of P. macrocarpa were collected from tree stems located in the plant nursery "El Edén de las flores", municipality of Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia. The samples were fixed and processed according to the standard protocols for embedding and sectioning in paraffin and resin. Sections obtained in resin (0.5 µm) were stained with Toluidine blue. The additional descriptions of the anatomy and histochemistry required specific reagents, applied for the determination of primary walls, secondary walls, nuclei, lignin, polyphenols, polysaccharides, pectic substances and cellulose. The observations and photographic records were performed by photonic and epifluorescence microscopy. For the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique, the sori were dehydrated with 2,2- Dimethoxypropane, dried to critical point and coated with gold. Results: The sori are superficial, vascularized and have mixed development, covered by receptacle scales that detach as the sporangia reaches maturity. The leptosporangiate type sporangium have long stalks of primary walls, the annulus of the sporangia shows secondary walls with "U" shaped thickenings rich in lignin. The epidermal cells of the receptacle originate the sporangia and receptacle scales. The mitotic division events of these two structures are initially similar, but then diverge for the reproductive and vegetative differentiation of these two organs. Meiosis is simultaneous and the spore tetrads are arranged in a decussate or tetragonal shape. The cellular tapetum is initially unstratified but becomes bistratified by mitotic division. The inner layer of the tapetum cells break originating a plasmodial tapetum. During the sporoderm development, the first structure formed is the exospore, composed of sporopolenin, followed by the endospore composed of cellulose, pectin and carboxilated polysaccharides, and finally the perispore. The histochemistry and epifluorescence results indicate that both the sporangia and immature receptacle scales have cell walls of cellulosic. These structures as well as those of the sporangium wall cells maintain its composition during maturation. Whereas, the epidermal wall cells of the shields from the mature receptacle scales are characterized by thickened cuticle. The polyphenols are present during all the development stages of the sporangia and receptacle scales. Starch is abundant in the early stages of development of the receptacle cells and sporangial primordia. Conclusions: The ontogeny of the sporangia of P. macrocarpa is similar to the described for leptosporangiate ferns. The receptacle scales are mainly protective structures, its morphology and cell wall composition prevent desiccation or humidity loss of the sporangia during the labile stages of development. These results agree with the protective function attributed to the peltated pluricellular scales present in the vegetative structures of drought tolerant species of ferns and angiosperms.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 33: 1-10, May. 2018. graf, tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022816


Background: Marine ecosystems contain benthic microalgae and bacterial species that are capable of secreting extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), suggesting that settlement of these microorganisms can occur on submerged surfaces, a key part of the first stage of biofouling. Currently, anti-fouling treatments that help control this phenomenon involve the use of biocides or antifouling paints that contain heavy metals, which over a long period of exposure can spread to the environment. The bacterium Alteromonas sp. Ni1-LEM has an inhibitory effect on the adhesion of Nitzschia ovalis, an abundant diatom found on submerged surfaces. Results: We evaluated the effect of the bioactive compound secreted by this bacterium on the EPS of biofilms and associated epiphytic bacteria. Three methods of EPS extraction were evaluated to determine the most appropriate and efficient methodology based on the presence of soluble EPS and the total protein and carbohydrate concentrations. Microalgae were cultured with the bacterial compound to evaluate its effect on EPS secretion and variations in its protein and carbohydrate concentrations. An effect of the bacterial supernatant on EPS was observed by assessing biofilm formation and changes in the concentration of proteins and carbohydrates present in the biofilm. Conclusions: These results indicate that a possible mechanism for regulating biofouling could be through alteration of biofilm EPS and alteration of the epiphytic bacterial community associated with the microalga.

Diatomeas , Biopelículas , Microalgas , Matriz Extracelular de Sustancias Poliméricas , Ambiente Marino , Incrustaciones Biológicas , Metagenómica , Microbiota
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(3): 1022-1032, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897600


AbstractOstreopsis cf. ovata is a toxic epiphytic dinoflagellate widely distributed in warm waters that often co-occur with species of the genera Coolia, Fukuyoa, Gambierdiscus and Prorocentrum. We investigated a strain isolated from the coast of Ubatuba, Brazil (Southwest Atlantic Ocean) by light and epifluorescence microscopies; we also report molecular data based on the LSU rDNA and ITS markers. Cells were 35-65 µm in the dorso-ventral diameter and 20-40 µm wide. We obtained the sequence of a ~1 900 base pair region of the rRNA gene cistron. In the LSU rDNA phylogeny, the sequences under the names O. ovata and O. cf. ovata branched into three clades. The ITS marker showed greater resolving power and the sequences of O. ovata/O. cf. ovata split into five clades. Our ITS sequence branched in a clade with sequences of strains from the Mediterranean Sea, European Atlantic coasts, subtropical NE Atlantic, other sequences from Brazil at Rio de Janeiro, and a few sequences from Japan. The cell dimensions and thecal plate arrangement were under the variability range reported in other ocean regions. Our observations confirm O. cf. ovata as the most commonly recorded species of Ostreopsis in the SW Atlantic Ocean. Ostreopsis cf. ovata co-occurred with Coolia malayensis in Brazil and Asia, but it has been commonly reported from the Mediterranean Sea, where C. malayensis has not yet been recorded; while Coolia malayensis has been reported from the Caribbean Sea, but not O. ovata. With the current knowledge, it is difficult to understand the factors that determine the biogeography of the tropical epiphytic dinoflagellates. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 1022-1032. Epub 2017 September 01.

ResumenOstreopsis cf. ovata es un dinoflagelado tóxico epifítico de amplia distribución en aguas cálidas, que a menudo coincide con especies de los géneros Coolia, Fukuyoa, Gambierdiscus y Prorocentrum. Investigamos una cepa aislada en la costa de Ubatuba, Brasil (Atlántico sudoccidental) mediante microscopía óptica y de epifluorescencia. Obtuvimos una secuencia de una región de unos 1 900 pares de bases del cistrón del gen del ARN ribosómico. Las células tenían 35-65 µm de diámetro dorso-ventral y 20-40 µm de ancho. En la filogenia del marcador LSU rADN, las secuencias con los nombres O. ovata and O. cf. ovata se sitúan en tres grupos. El marcador ITS mostraba un mayor poder resolutivo y las secuencias de O. ovata/O. cf. ovata se separan en cinco grupos. Nuestra secuencia ITS se sitúa en un grupo con secuencias de cepas procedentes del Mar Mediterráneo, costas europeas Atlánticas, Atlántico subtropical nororiental, otras secuencias procedentes de Río de Janeiro en Brasil, y algunas secuencias de Japón. Las dimensiones celulares y la disposición de las placas tecales se sitúan en el rango de variabilidad descrito en otras regiones oceánicas. Nuestras observaciones confirman a O. cf. ovata como la especie más comúnmente registrada de Ostreopsis en el Atlántico sudoccidental. Ostreopsis cf. ovata coindice con Coolia malayensis en Brasil y Asia. Ostreopsis cf. ovata ha sido comúnmente encontrada en el Mar Mediterráneo, donde C. malayensis aún no ha sido registrada. Coolia malayensis has sido registrada en el Mar Caribe, donde O. ovata aún no ha sido encontrada. Es difícil comprender los factores que determinan la biogeografía de los dinoflagelados epífitos tropicales, a partir del conocimiento actual.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467381


Abstract Studies on the bacterial diversity associated with wild plants are rare, especially on those that grow in association with bromeliads. In the present study, we isolated and identified epiphytic and endophytic bacteria from the roots of the bromeliads Dyckia excelsa, Dyckia leptostachya and Deuterocohnia meziana occurring in the cangas in the Pantanal from Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The epiphytic bacteria were isolated from washed roots, while the endophytic bacteria were isolated from surface disinfested roots. Bacterial representatives corresponding to each BOX-PCR fingerprint, as well as those that did not result in amplicons, were selected for 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. The BOX-PCR data showed intrageneric and intraspecific diversity and could discriminate strains and identify their phenotypic characteristics. The 16S rDNA gene sequence and phylogeny analysis showed a higher occurrence of strains belonging to the genus Bacillus than Mycobacterium and Brevibacterium, which were found in lower numbers. Species from the Bacillus genus are well known for their sporulation capacity and longer survival in arid locations, such as the cangas. This study clearly showed that the bromeliad species represent a vast reservoir of bacterial community diversity, and the cultivable strains represent a new source for biotechnological prospecting.

Resumo Estudos sobre a diversidade bacteriana associada a plantas silvestres são raros, especialmente naqueles que crescem em associação com bromélias. No presente estudo, isolamos e identificamos bactérias epífitas e endofíticas das raízes das bromélias Dyckia excelsa, D. leptostachya e Deuterocohnia meziana ocorrentes nas cangas no Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As bactérias epifíticas foram isoladas de raízes lavadas, enquanto as bactérias endofíticas foram isoladas de raízes desinfestadas na superfície. Representantes bacterianos correspondentes a cada perfil do BOX-PCR, bem como aqueles que não resultaram em amplificações, foram selecionados para o sequenciamento do gene 16S rDNA. Os dados da BOX-PCR mostraram diversidade intragênica e intraespecífica e puderam discriminar cepas e identificar suas características fenotípicas. A seqüência do gene 16S rDNA e a análise filogenética mostraram uma maior ocorrência de cepas pertencentes ao gênero Bacillus do que as bactérias Mycobacterium e Brevibacterium, encontradas em menor número. Espécies do gênero Bacillus são bem conhecidas por sua capacidade de esporulação e maior sobrevida em locais áridos, como as cangas. Este estudo mostrou claramente que as espécies de bromélias representam um vasto reservatório de diversidade de comunidades bacterianas, e as linhagens cultiváveis podem representar uma nova fonte para a prospecção biotecnológica.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-258430


In order to make Dendrobium officinale return to the nature, the temperature and humidity in whole days of the built rock model with different slopes and aspects in the natural distribution of wild D. officinale in Tianmu Mountain were recorded by MH-WS01 automatic recorder. The results showed that the slope has a significant impact on the extreme temperature on the surface of the rocks. In summer, the extreme temperature on the surface of horizontal or soft rock can reach to 69.4 ℃, while the temperatures were lower than 50 ℃ on the vertical rock. In winter, the temperatures on the surface of vertical rock were higher and the low temperature duration was shorter than those on the horizontal or soft rock. Also, the humidity of the rocks was significantly influenced by the slope. The monthly average humidity on the surface of vertical rock was above 80%RH. Furthermore, the aspect had a significant impact on the temperature and humidity on the surface of the rocks, but had no significant effect on the daily mean temperature and extreme temperature on the surface of vertical rock. Therefore, the slope affects the survival of D. officinale by affecting the extreme temperature of rocks and affects the growth of D. officinale by affecting the humidity. The choice of slope is the key to the success of cliff epiphytic cultivation for D. officinale.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 46(1): 29-39, 05/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-748236


Awareness on antioxidants and its significance in human healthcare has increased many folds in recent time. Increased demand requisite on welcoming newer and alternative resources for natural antioxidants. Seaweed associated pigmented bacteria screened for its antioxidant potentials reveals 55.5% of the organisms were able to synthesize antioxidant compounds. DPPH assay showed 20% of the organisms to reach a antioxidant zone of 1 cm and 8.3% of the strains more than 3 cm. Pseudomonas koreensis (JX915782) a Sargassum associated yellowish brown pigmented bacteria have better activity than known commercial antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) against DPPH scavenging. Serratia rubidaea (JX915783), an associate of Ulva sp. and Pseudomonas argentinensis (JX915781) an epiphyte of Chaetomorpha media, were also contributed significantly towards ABTS (7.2% ± 0.03 to 15.2 ± 0.09%; 1.8% ± 0.01 to 15.7 ± 0.22%) and FRAP (1.81 ± 0.01 to 9.35 ± 0.98; 7.97 ± 0.12 to 18.70 ± 1.84 μg/mL of AsA Eq.) respectively. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed bacteria that have higher antioxidant activity belongs to a bacterial class Gammaproteobacteria. Statistical analysis of phenolic contents in relation with other parameters like DPPH, ABTS, reducing power and FRAP are well correlated (p < 0.05). Results obtained from the current study inferred that the seaweed associated pigmented bacteria have enormous potential on antioxidant compounds and need to be extracted in a larger way for clinical applications.

Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Organismos Acuáticos/clasificación , Organismos Acuáticos/metabolismo , Gammaproteobacteria/clasificación , Gammaproteobacteria/metabolismo , Algas Marinas/microbiología , Organismos Acuáticos/genética , Organismos Acuáticos/aislamiento & purificación , ADN Bacteriano/química , ADN Bacteriano/genética , ADN Ribosómico/química , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Gammaproteobacteria/genética , Gammaproteobacteria/aislamiento & purificación , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Pigmentos Biológicos/metabolismo , /genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 37(2): 143-149, abr.- jun. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-847879


An efficient in vitro propagation method was established for Brasilidium forbesii (Hook.) Campacci using transverse and longitudinal thin cell layer (tTCL and lTCL, respectively) culture systems. Six-month-old protocorms from in vitro germinated seeds were used for this study. TCLs (1.0-mm thick) from protocorms were grown on Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with benzyladenine (BA) (0.5­4.0 µM).The lTCL technique was more efficient for inducing protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) and regenerating shoots than the tTCL technique. The frequency of PLB formation was influenced by BA concentration, and the lTCL explant grown on a medium containing 2.0 µM BA produced the highest percentage of new protocorms (77%) with a total of 22.7 PLBs per explant, after the first subculture on the same medium. Plantlet development was optimal on WPM medium containing 3.0 g L -1 activated charcoal, and indole-3 -butyric acid was not necessary for rooting. Regenerated plants were successfully acclimatized in a greenhouse after 16 weeks using vermiculite as the substrate (100% survival).

Foi estabelecido um método eficiente de propagação in vitro para Brasilidium forbesii (Hook.) Campacci utilizando a técnica 'thin cell layer' transversal (TCLt) e longitudinal (TCLl). Foram utilizados protocormos de seis meses obtidos da germinação in vitro. TCLs (1,0 mm de espessura) dos protocormos foram cultivados no meio 'Woody Plant Medium' (WPM), acrescido com benziladenina (BA) (0,5 a 4,0 µM). A técnica TCLl foi mais eficiente para indução de estruturas semelhantes a protocormos (ESPs) e regeneração de brotações do que a técnica TCLt. A frequência de formação de ESP foi influenciada pela concentração de BA e o explante TCLl, cultivado em um meio contendo 2,0 µM BA, produziu a mais alta percentagem de novos protocormos (77%), com um total de 22,7 PLBs por explante, após o primeiro subcultivo para o mesmo meio. O desenvolvimento das plântulas foi eficiente no meio WPM contendo 3,0 g L -1 de carvão ativado e o ácido indol-3- butírico (AIB) não foi necessário para o enraizamento. Plantas regeneradas foram estabelecidas com sucesso em casa de vegetação, utilizando vermiculita como substrato (100% de sobrevivência), após 16 semanas.

Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Orchidaceae
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 47(1): 62-71, Mar. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-757142


The aims of this study were to select microbial isolates from phyllosphere of maize and to examine their antagonistic activity against Exserohilum turcicum. Selection was performed through the ability of isolates to compete with the pathogen using an index of dominance and to affect growth parameters of E. turcicum. Most of the epiphytic populations obtained for the screening were bacteria. These isolates were found in the order of 6 log CFU/g of leaf fresh weight. According to similar morphological characteristics and staining, 44 out of 111 isolates obtained were selected for testing antagonistic effects. At water potential, ψ, −1.38 MPa and −4.19 MPa, three Bacillus isolates showed dominance at a distance (5/0) and a significant reduction of growth rate of the pathogen. Three Bacillus isolates only decreased the growth rate of E. turcicum at −1.38 MPa. At −4.19 MPa the growth rate decreased with three isolates of Pantoea and three Bacillus. In this study a negative and significant correlation was observed between the growth rate of E. turcicum and the dominance index in the interaction of the pathogen with some bacteria. These results show that with decreasing growth rate of the pathogen the dominance index of the interaction increases. Eleven potential biocontrol agents against E. turcicum were selected.

El objetivo de este estudio fue seleccionar aislamientos microbianos de la filósfera de maíz y examinar su actividad antagonista contra Exserohilum turcicum. La selección se realizó a través de la capacidad de los aislamientos de competir con el patógeno usando un índice de dominancia y también la capacidad de afectar los parámetros de crecimiento de E. turcicum. La mayoría de las poblaciones epifíticas aisladas para la selección fueron bacterias. Estos aislamientos se encontraron en el orden de 6 log de UFC por gramo de peso fresco de hoja de maíz. En base a características morfológicas y tintóreas similares, se seleccionaron 44 de 111 aislamientos obtenidos para evaluar su capacidad antagónica. A los potenciales agua, ψ, −1,38 MPa y −4,19 MPa, tres aislados del género Bacillus mostraron dominancia a distancia (5/0) y una reducción significativa de la velocidad de crecimiento del patógeno. Tres aislamientos de Bacillus disminuyeron la velocidad de crecimiento de E. turcicum a −1,38 MPa. A −4,19 MPa la velocidad de crecimiento disminuyó con tres aislamientos de Pantoea y tres de Bacillus. En este estudio se observó una correlación negativa y significante entre la velocidad de crecimiento de E. turcicum y el índice de dominancia cuando el patógeno interactuó con algunas bacterias. Esto estaría indicando que cuando disminuye la velocidad de crecimiento del patógeno se incrementa el índice de dominancia de la interacción. Se seleccionaron once posibles agentes de biocontrol contra E. turcicum.

Ascomicetos , Bacterias , Agentes de Control Biológico , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control , Zea mays/microbiología
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(4): 1295-1308, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-753691


The present study was aimed to investigate the endophytic and epiphytic bacteria associated with selected ethnomedicinal plants from the pristine subtropical forests of Meghalaya and analyse them for plant growth promotion and antagonistic ability. This study is an attempt to explore plant associated bacteria which are beneficial to host plants, and thus aid in the conservation of ethnomedicinal plants of the studied subtropical forests, which are dwindling due to exploitation. The plant growth promotion parameters like indole acetic acid (IAA) production, mineral phosphate solubilisation, acid phosphatase activity, presence of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase (ACC) gene, nitrogen fixation, cellulose digestion, chitin and pectin degradation were screened among the isolates. The study revealed significant differences in bacterial population not only between the epiphytic and endophytic microhabitats, but also amongst the host plants. Out of the 70 isolated plant associated bacteria, Bacillus sp., Serratia sp., Pseudomonas sp., Pantoea sp., and Lysinibacillus sp. showed potent plant growth promotion properties. Bacillus siamensis C53 and B. subtilis cenB showed significant antagonistic activity against the tested pathogens. This study indicated the isolates inhabiting the plants prevalent in the subtropical sacred forests could be explored for use as plant growth promoters while practising the cultivation and conservation of ethnomedicinal plants. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (4): 1295-1308. Epub 2014 December 01.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las bacterias endófitas y epífitas asociadas con plantas medicinales seleccionadas de los bosques subtropicales prístinos de Meghalaya, para estimular el crecimiento de plantas y la capacidad antagónica. Este estudio es un intento de explorar las plantas asociadas a bacterias que benefician a la planta hospedera, y así ayudar en la conservación de plantas medicinales de los bosques subtropicales estudiados, los cuales son cada vez más escasos debido a la explotación. Los parámetros de promoción de crecimiento de las plantas, tales como: índice de producción de ácido acético (IAA), solubilización de fosfato mineral, actividad de la fosfatasa ácida, presencia del gen 1-aminociclopropano-1-ácido carboxílico desaminasa (ACC), fijación de nitrógeno, digestión de celulosa, quitina y pectina fueron seleccionados entre los aislamientos. El estudio reveló diferencias significativas en la población bacteriana, no sólo entre los microhábitats epífitos y endófitos, sino también entre las plantas hospederas. De las 70 bacterias aisladas de plantas asociadas, Bacillus sp., Serratia sp., Pseudomonas sp., Pantoea sp. y Lysinibacillus sp. mostraron potentes propiedades estimulantes del crecimiento vegetal. Bacillus C53 siamensis y B. subtilis cenB mostraron actividad antagónica significativa contra los patógenos probados. Este estudio indicó que los aislamientos que habitan en las plantas predominantes en los bosques sagrados subtropicales podrían explorarse para su uso como promotores del crecimiento vegetal, mientras se practica el cultivo y conservación de plantas medicinales.

Bacterias/aislamiento & purificación , Bosques , Plantas Medicinales/microbiología , Bacterias/clasificación , Bacterias/genética , India , Plantas Medicinales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Clima Tropical
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174123


Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) is a minimally-processed green leafy vegetable traditionally used for its antianaemic properties in the form of leaf juice without a heating or inactivation step before consumption. The aim of the study was to assess the presence of surface microbiota on T. occidentalis leaves and also to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated organisms. Bacterial contaminants on 50 samples of T. occidentalis leaves were isolated and characterized using standard biochemical methods and the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolated organisms was determined using the antibiotic disc diffusion assay. The results obtained show that the leaves of T. occidentalis is contaminated with organisms which included Enterobacter agglomerans (25.9%), Proteus vulgaris (24.9%), Klebsiella spp. (2.6%), and Serratia liquefaciens (2.1%). Other bacterial isolates recovered in order of frequency included: Staphylococcus spp. (33.7%), Bacillus spp. (8.3%), and Pseudomonas fluorescens (2.6%). Of the 193 bacterial isolates from the leaves of T. occidentalis samples tested for antimicrobial resistance, all (100%) were found to be resistant to ampicillin, cloxacillin, augmentin, erythromycin, and tetracycline while 96% of the isolates were resistant to cephalothin. Resistance to trimethoprim (93%) and gentamicin (83%) was also observed. Approximately, 22% of the isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin; however, only 11 (5.8%) were resistant to ofloxacin. Thus, uncooked T. occidentalis is a potential source of highly-resistant epiphytic bacteria which could be opportunistic pathogens in consumers.

Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1053-1065, sep. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-688459


The survival of plants in epiphytic environments depends on vegetative adaptations capable to defraud different stresses. Based on the structural diversity of the Orchidaceae, the current study has the objective of relating the anatomical structure of Dichaea cogniauxiana and Epidendrum secundum with the distinct environments where they live. It was expected that, despite structural similarities as strategies for resource acquisition, some peculiar variations related to the distinct light microenvironments (inside or in the edge of the nebular forest, near to “campo rupestre” area) might be found. Leaves and roots of both species were collected in a nebular forest located at a “campo rupestre” area at Serra da Piedade, Brazil), in January and February 2005. D. cogniauxiana is adhered to trunks, in sites with high atmospheric humidity and shaded, while E. secundum is located at the edge of the nebular forest, in more luminous sites. The leaves of E. secundum had thicker cuticle and higher number of stomata per area than those of D. cogniauxiana, characteristics coherent with their distinct pattern of exhibition to sun light. The suprastomatic chambers formed by the thicker cuticle may function as a barrier of resistance to water evaporation. The succulence of the leaves of E. secundum propitiates organic acids storage at night, and the storage of starch may be involved in PEP-carboxylase metabolism, both propitiating CAM mechanism. Roots with larger number of cell layers of the velamen, and specialized thick walled cortical cells (both in E. secundum) help water absorption and indicate better adaptation to an environment with intense solar radiation and a probable higher water deficit. The remarkable cell wall thickening of E. secundum exodermis can confer more efficient protection against the excess of transpiration at the border of the nebular forest. On the other hand, besides D. cogniauxiana be epiphyte, it is in a low position - in a shaded environment and with high relative humidity. Its thin thickened velamen permits the entrance of the low available light, and photosynthesis, producing oxygen and helping to avoid hypoxia condition. As features registered for D. cogniauxiana and E. secundum roots, we can depict the velamen, distinct exodermis and endodermis, and specialized thick walled cortical cells as characteristic of epiphytic plants.

La sobrevivencia de las plantas epífitas a su ambiente depende de las adaptaciones vegetativas que les permiten afrontar diferentes tipos de estrés. Basado en la diversidad estructural de las Orchidaceae, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo relatar la estructura anatómica de Dichaea cogniauxiana y Epidendrum secundum con relación a los distintos ambientes donde viven. Hojas y raíces fueron recolectados en un bosque nuboso de un campo rupestre en la Serra da Piedade, Brasil. Dichaea cogniauxiana está adherida a los troncos, en sitios con alta humedad atmosférica y sombra, mientras que E. secundum está localizada en el margen del bosque nebular, en sitios más iluminados. Las hojas de E. secundum tienen una cutícula más gruesa y un mayor número de estomas por área que las de D. cogniauxiana, características coherentes con los diferentes patrones de exhibición a la luz del sol. Las cámaras supraestomáticas formadas por la cutícula pueden funcionar como una barrera de resistencia a la evaporación del agua. La suculencia de las hojas de E. secundum propicia el almacenamiento de ácidos orgánicos por la noche, y el almacenamiento de almidón puede estar implícito en el metabolismo de la PEP-carboxilasa. Las raíces con mayor velamen y especializadas paredes gruesas de las células corticales (ambas en E. secundum) ayudan a la absorción e indican una mejor adaptación al ambiente con intensa radiación solar y probable alto déficit de agua. El engrosamiento de la pared celular en la exodermis de E. secundum puede conferir una protección más eficaz contra el exceso de transpiración en el margen del bosque nebular. Por otra parte, D. cogniauxiana además de ser epífita, está en una posición baja, en un ambiente sombreado y con una alta humedad relativa. Su velamen delgado permite la entrada de la baja luz disponible y la fotosíntesis, produciendo oxígeno que ayuda a evitar la condición hipóxica.

Adaptación Fisiológica/fisiología , Ecosistema , Orchidaceae/fisiología , Árboles , Brasil , Orchidaceae/clasificación , Fotosíntesis/fisiología , Epidermis de la Planta/fisiología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Simpatría
J Environ Biol ; 2013 May; 34(3): 579-584
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148567


Air pollution induced climate change affecting the pigmentation and diversity of lichen, Pyxine cocoes were monitored around the industrial area and traffic area of Bhadravthi using European guidelines. The obtained data has been discussed and results compared with data from that of Kuvempu University campus (control). From the present study, it was evident that the air pollutants emitted from the two major industries and other small scale industries affected the total chlorophyll (0.16 mg g-1) and carotene pigments (0.11 mg g-1) in Pyxine cocoes, as well as their diversity (approx 13) on two plants (M. indica and P. pinnata) in the vicinity of the industrial area. Further, as a result of vehicular pollution at traffic area resulted in the deterioration of total chlorophyll (0.11 mg g-1), carotene pigments (0.07 mg g-1) and diversity (approx. 17) of Pyxine cocoes compared to control site. The present study has thrown light on lichens sensitivity to the air pollution.

Rev. biol. trop ; 59(4): 1805-1812, Dec. 2011. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-646553


The orchid community in the Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario, Cuba. The Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario is located in Western Cuba and two different areas can be characterized: one for tourism and forestry activities, El Taburete (ET), and the other for conservation and research, El Salón (ES). With the aim to know the effect of visitation activities on the orchid community in the Reserve, a comparative study between the disturbed area and the preserved one was undertaken. The field work, held between 2004-2005, consisted on four transects in each locality (10x100m, 0.1ha). For each transect, the existing orchid species (terrestrial and epiphytic), kind of phorophytes, and level of occupation were identified. Different analysis were considered: dominance-diversity, Sorensen similarity, the dominance index and the relative abundance of the most abundant species. Our results showed 27 phorophytes species, 20 species in ET (98 phorophytes), and 16 species in ES (76 phorophytes). A total of 22 genus, 26 species and 8 326 individuals of orchids were identified. In ET, 17 genus, 18 species and 5 075 individuals were found, while for ES were 15 genus, 18 species and 3 251 individuals. Both locations have a similarity of species of 57.14%. Oeceoclades maculata, an invasive species, was the most abundant. The most dominant species were Microchilus plantagineus in ES and O. maculata in ET. The dominance in ET was of 81.79%, while in ES of 69.27%. It is important to sketch management plans focused on controlling O. maculata in both areas, and the restoration of the disturbed area. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1805-1812. Epub 2011 December 01.

Teniendo en cuenta la escasez de estudios previos que permitan apreciar el efecto de la antropización sobre las comunidades de orquídeas en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Rosario, al occidente de Cuba; se procedió a realizar un estudio comparativo entre un hábitat conservado (El Salón; ES) y uno antropizado (El Taburete; ET) y se encontraron en total 27 especies de forófitos, 20 especies presentes en ET (98 forófitos) y 16 especies en ES (76 forófitos). Por lo tanto se identificaron 22 géneros de orquídeas, 26 especies y 8 326 plantas. En ES fueron 15 géneros, 18 especies y 3 251 plantas, en ET, 17 géneros, 18 especies y 5 075 plantas. Oeceoclades maculata, una especie invasora, fue la más abundante. Ambas localidades tienen una similaridad de especies de 57.14%. Las especies más dominantes fueron: Microchilus plantagineus en ES y O. maculata en ET. La dominancia en ES es de 69.27% y en ET de 81.79%. Es importante elaborar planes de manejo enfocados a controlar O. maculata en ambas áreas, y en restablecer el estrato arbóreo original de la zona antropizada.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Orchidaceae/clasificación , Árboles , Cuba
Acta biol. colomb ; 14(3): 159-172, dic. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-634923


La distribución y el crecimiento de los líquenes están condicionados por diferentes factores ambientales, entre estos la variación en gradientes altitudinales. En la cordillera Oriental de los Andes de Colombia, no se han realizado estudios sobre zonación altitudinal de líquenes. En este trabajo se estudiaron las variaciones en la estructura de la comunidad de líquenes epifitos en un gradiente altitudinal (2.000- 2.600 m) en el PNN Tatamá. Se encontró que con el aumento en altura hay una disminución en riqueza y diversidad, siendo esto una desviación del patrón encontrado generalmente en otros trabajos sobre líquenes y gradientes altitudinales. La comunidad a bajas alturas se compone principalmente de líquenes fruticosos (cobertura de 30% a 2.070 m y 0% a 2.560 m) y a mayores alturas de líquenes foliosos (cobertura de 15% a 2.070 m y 43% a 2.560 m). La altura, además de influenciar la estructura de la comunidad de los líquenes, puede afectar el desarrollo y la morfología de estos. En el género folioso Sticta se presentaron variaciones intraespecificas en la densidad de cifelas (órganos de intercambio gaseoso) asociadas a la altura, encontrándose un efecto significativo de la altura sobre la densidad de cifelas en las especies S. andensis y S. gyalocarpa (ANOVA, valor p= 0.008 y 0.05 respectivamente). Esto muestra un mecanismo de adaptación a los cambios ambientales que se dan con la altura.

Lichen’s growth and distribution are conditioned by various environemental factors, altitude being an important one. In the Cordillera Oriental of Colombian Andes, there haven’t been studies on lichen’s altitudinal zonation. We studied the variation on lichen community structure along an altitudinal gradient (2000- 2600 m) in PNN Tatamá, we found diversity diminishes as altitude increases, this being a variation from what’s generally found in lichen community behavior. At low altitudes, the community was conformed by fruticose lichens (30% cover at 2070 m and 0% at 2560 m), and by foliose lichens at high altitudes (15% cover at 2070 m and 43% at 2560 m). Altitude, besides influencing lichen’s community structure, may affect their development and morphology. In the foliose genus Sticta we found intraspecific variation on cyphellae (gaseous exchange organs) density associated with altitude, a significant effect of altitude on cyphellae density was found for the species S. andensis and S. gyalocarpa (ANOVA p value= 0.008 and 0.05 respectively). This shows an adaptation mechanism of these organisms to the environmental changes given with altitude.

J Environ Biol ; 2009 Mar; 30(2): 205-212
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146173


In order to evaluate environmental factors limiting distribution of species, diversity of epiphytic lichens was studied in 34 sites along an altitudinal gradient from 1300 to 1900 m on north-facing and south-facing slopes of Elmali Cedar Research Forest (Antalya province, Turkey) regarding the dispersion of lichens in different tree-diameter classes (0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-45 cm, 45-60 cm and >75 cm). The results showed that the relationship between diameter classes with the number of lichen species was R2=0.6022. The highest number of species was in the diameter class of 30-45 cm. There was a clear relationship between all parameters, diameter, altitude and aspect, with species richness. Changes in the community structure of the epiphytic lichen vegetation were detected along an altitudinal gradient revealing the highest species richness in the highest zone. The elevation affected both the number and the composition of the lichen communities and the relationship between the altitudinal zones with number of lichen species was designated as R2=0.6462. The number of species was higher in the north aspects than in the south aspects in all diameter classes. The species number depending on the altitude was also higher in the north-facing slopes than in the south-facing slopes.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 51(1): 83-93, Jan.-Feb. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-482057


The present study compared roots of terrestrial and epiphytic Orchidaceae, analyzing the anatomical characteristics from an ecological point of view. The material was collected at three different sites in Minas Gerais / Brazil and was fixed in FAA. Transverse sections were obtained by freehand sections or from material previously embedded in Paraplast® or Historesin®. The prominent characteristics of the epiphytic group were: significant smaller perimeter, epidermis with 3 or more cell layers, U-thickened exodermal cell walls, O-thickened endodermal cell walls, and a low ratio between the caliber and the number of protoxylem arches. The terrestrial group presented simple or multiseriate epidermis, and exodermis and endodermis with typical Casparian strips. The anatomical characteristics should have evolved with several adaptations to distinct environments during evolutionary process.

O presente trabalho comparou raízes de Orchidaceae epífitas e terrestres, analisando as características sob um ponto de vista ecológico. O material foi coletado em três diferentes regiões de Minas Gerais/Brasil e fixado em FAA. Cortes transversais foram obtidos à mão livre ou em material infiltrado em Paraplast ou Historresina. As principais características do grupo epifítico foram: perímetro significativamente menor, epiderme com 3 ou mais camadas celulares, exoderme com espessamento em U, endoderme com espessamento em O e uma baixa razão entre o calibre e o número de pólos de protoxilema. O grupo terrestre apresentou epiderme simples ou bisseriada e exoderme e endoderme com estrias de Caspary. As características anatômicas podem estar envolvidas com diferentes adaptações aos distintos ambientes durante o processo evolutivo.

Rev. biol. trop ; 54(2): 317-328, jun. 2006. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-492066


A total of 96 epiphytic algae species were identified from Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México. 60.4% (58) belonged to the Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19) to the Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16) to the Chlorophyta and 3.1% (3) to the Cyanophyta; 49 species (50.5%) were found only in one month, while Heterosiphonia crispella was found in all of the sampled months. That species provided the largest contribution to the biomass of epiphytes. During January we registered the greater biommass and richness of epiphytes species, coincidently with high values of host species cover and rainfall.

Se identificó un total de 96 especies de algas epífitas de Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México; el 60.4% (58) pertenecieron a la división Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19) a la división Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16) a la división Chlorophyta y 3.1% (3) a la división Cyanophyta; 49 especies (51%) se presentaron solamente en un mes de muestreo. Heterosiphonia crispella se presentó en todos los meses de muestreo, y fue la que tuvo mayor contribución en la biomasa de epífitas. En enero se registró la mayor biomasa y riqueza de algas epífitas, lo cual coincidió con valores altos de cobertura de especies hospederas y precipitación pluvial.

Eucariontes , Biomasa , Agua de Mar , Eucariontes , Especificidad de la Especie , Estaciones del Año , México , Región del Caribe