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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019895


Objective To optimize the spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules based on quality by design(QbD)concept.Methods Using powder yield and the contents of uridine,adenosine,guanosine,and(R,S)-goitron as the critical quality attributes(CQAs),Plackett-Burman design was used to screen out critical process parameters(CPPs)for inlet temperature,spray pressure,liquid temperature,pump speed,and liquid relative density.The central-composite design(CCD)test was used to optimize the CPPs,which were screened.Based on the quadratic polynomial regression model,the design space of spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules was established,and further validated by experiments.Results Plackett-burman test results show that liquid relative density and inlet velocity are the key parameters for the study.The variance analysis results of CCD test showed that the constructed model in a good prediction ability,since the P-values of model was less than 0.01 and P-values of items lack of fit was more than 0.05.The optimized design space of CPPs was the liquid relative density 1.05-1.08,and pump speed 30%-40%.Conclusion Based on the QbD concept,the design space for the spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules can improve the stability of its process and help ensure the consistency of product quality.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 3108-3115, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-999048


Based on the dual needs of analgesia and anti-inflammation in trauma treatment, this study uses acetaminophen and moxifloxacin hydrochloride as active pharmaceutical ingredients and develops a composite bilayer tablet with a dual-phase drug release system by using binder jet 3D printing technology. Due to the complexity of the 3D printing process, there is an interaction between the various parameters. Through the optimization of the process, the relationship between the key process parameters can be determined more intuitively. In this study, the process of extended-release tablets was optimized to maintain the mechanical properties of the tablets while realizing the regulation of release. The full-factor experimental design of three central points 23 was used to analyze the factors that significantly affect the quality attributes of extended-release tablets and the interaction between factors. The optimal extended-release process parameters were obtained by the response optimizer: the inkjet quantity of the printing ink was 10 (about 13.8 pL), the powder thickness was 180 μm, and the running speed was 360 mm·s-1. The in vitro of release of 3D printed composite bilayer tablets showed that the in vitro of release of 3D printed tablets and commercially available tablets conformed to the Ritger-Peppas release model. The results of porosity showed that the immediate-release layer of the preparation has many pores and large pore size, and the dissolution of the immediate release layer within 15 min was greater than 85%. The internal pore size of the extended release layer is large, but it can still release slowly for up to 8 h, the mechanism may be related to the extended release of HPMC gelation. On the basis of verifying the rationality of the design goal of 3D printed composite bilayer tablets, this study also provides a theoretical basis for the preparation of 3D printing complex preparations.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387700


Resumen Introducción: Tradicionalmente, los estudios de escarabajos coprófagos en los bosques secos tropicales (BST) del Caribe colombiano han aplicado metodologías diseñadas para zonas húmedas y andinas del país, lo cual podría estar incidiendo en el rendimiento y la eficiencia del muestreo. Objetivo: Con el fin de aportar a esta discusión, se analizó cómo la cantidad de cebo y el tiempo de operación de la trampa de caída inciden en la efectividad de captura de escarabajos coprófagos en un fragmento de BST en La Reserva Campesina la Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Métodos: Para la captura de los escarabajos, se utilizó trampas de caída, cebadas con tres cantidades diferentes de atrayente: pequeño (34.6 g), mediano (53.8 g) y grande (114.9 g), las cuales permanecieron activas en campo durante 48 h. Cuatro muestreos fueron realizados entre marzo y septiembre de 2015, abarcando por igual la época seca y de lluvia. Resultados: Se registró un total de 4 563 individuos, agrupados en 10 géneros y 27 especies de escarabajos coprófagos. Los mayores valores de riqueza, abundancia y biomasa se presentaron en el cebo grande, a las 48 h, durante la época de lluvias. Sin embargo, el tiempo de operación de la trampa no tuvo efecto en la estimación de la riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos independientemente de los tamaños de cebo. Los tres órdenes de la diversidad ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D), presentaron valores similares entre las cantidades de cebo durante la época de lluvia, pero en la época seca, los cebos de mayor tamaño presentaron los valores de diversidad más altos. Por su parte con el cebo de mayor tamaño se capturó significativamente más riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos de cuerpo pequeño y grande siendo esta situación más notaria durante la época seca. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este trabajo evidencian que para el estudio de los ensamblajes de escarabajos en el BST la utilización de un cebo de mayor tamaño contribuye a una mejor estimación de riqueza, abundancia, diversidad y biomasa, sobre todo durante la época seca, cuando las condiciones ambientales propician que los cebos pierdan su atractividad con mayor rapidez.

Abstract Introduction: Typically, research on dung beetles in the Tropical Dry Forests (TDF) of Colombian Caribbean region, have applied methodologies designed for wet or Andean areas of the country, which could be influencing the performance and efficiency of sampling. Objective: In order to contribute to this discussion, we analyzed how the bait amount and pitfall trap operating time influence the collection effectiveness of dung beetles in a TDF fragment at Reserva Campesina La Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Methods: For the collection of beetles, we utilized pitfall traps baited with three different amounts of attractants: small (34.6 g), medium (53.8 g), and large (114.9 g), which remained active in the field for 48 h., 4 samplings between March and September 2015 were carried out, covering both, dry and rainy seasons. Results: A total of 4 563 individuals were recorded, grouped into 10 genera and 27 species of dung beetles. The highest values of richness, abundance and biomass were registered in the large bait, at 48 h, during the rainy season. However, the trap operating time had no effect on the estimation of beetles' richness, abundance, and biomass, regardless of bait sizes. The three diversity orders ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D) showed similar values between the bait amounts during rainy season, but in the dry season, the largest baits displayed the highest diversity values. On the other hand, with the largest bait, significantly more richness, abundance, and biomass of small and large body beetles were registered, especially during the dry season. Conclusions: The results of this research show that, for the study of beetles' assemblages in the BST, the use of a larger bait contributes to a better estimate of richness, abundance, diversity and biomass, especially during the dry season, when environmental conditions promote a more rapidly loss of baits attractiveness.

Animales , Escarabajos , Biomasa , Muestreo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931403


Objective:To evaluate the teaching effectiveness of independent experimental design from students' active learning behavior, and further provide the basis for advancing the reform of functional experimental teaching and teaching quality.Methods:In June 2019, 186 undergraduates (5-year-programme and 8-year-programme) of Xiangya School of Medicine were included in the teaching research. Self-administered questionnaires were applied to characterize students' active learning behavior in independent experimental design education. Spearman rank correlation analysis and Logistic regression analysis were used in the study. SPSS 23.0 was used for descriptive analysis of the data.Results:During the independent experimental design, 85.0%(158/186) of the students thought it was necessary and important to conduct independent experimental design education; 72.6%(135/186) of the students tentatively raised new scientific questions; 97.8%(182/186) of the students actively searched literature; 77.4%(144/186) of the students participated in reply positively. The value of correlation coefficient of actively learning behavior "tentatively raising new science questions" and teaching effectiveness "improving the ability of scientific thinking" was 0.81. And only 42.5%(79/186) of the students agreed that students needed to summarize after reporting.Conclusion:Independent experimental design education is welcomed and widely accepted by students, which has effectively improved the capacity for scientific research and innovation spirit of students. Whether students' active learning behavior can be fully mobilized in the education practice is closely related to the teaching effect. And the cultivation of leadership and leading consciousness still need to be improved.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 53(1): 36259, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368243


O método experimental (ME) envolve um conjunto de procedimentos que podem ser utilizados por várias ciências para responder questões de pesquisa, refutar ou corroborar hipóteses. No presente trabalho, conduzimos uma revisão sistemática de artigos de revisão publicados em português que tiveram como foco explicar o ME. Utilizamos as bases de dados SciELO e Google Acadêmico, sem restringir a data de publicação dos artigos. Incluímos 64 artigos após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade. Por meio da análise de conteúdo, sintetizamos informações desses artigos que favorecem a condução de estudos experimentais e a avaliação crítica de seus métodos. Adicionalmente, apontamos lacunas como a carência de artigos sobre estatística aplicada ao ME e uso de técnicas qualitativas.

The experimental method (EM) involves a set of procedures that can be used by different sciences to answer research questions, refute or corroborate hypotheses. In the present work, we conducted a systematic review of review articles published in Portuguese that focused on explaining the EM. We use the SciELO and Google Scholar databases, without restricting the articles publication date. We included 64 articles after applying the eligibility criteria. Using content analysis, we synthesized information from these articles that favor the conduction of experimental studies and the critical evaluation of their methods. Additionally, we point out gaps such as the lack of papers on statistics applied to the EM and the use of qualitative techniques.

El método experimental (ME) implica un conjunto de procedimientos que pueden ser utilizados por diferentes ciencias para responder preguntas de investigación, refutar o corroborar hipótesis. En el presente trabajo, realizamos una revisión sistemática de artículos de revisión publicados en portugués que se centraron en explicar el ME. Utilizamos las bases de datos SciELO y Google Académico, sin restringir la fecha de publicación de los artículos. Incluimos 64 artículos después de aplicar los criterios de elegibilidad. Mediante el análisis de contenido, sintetizamos información de estos artículos que favorecen la realización de estudios experimentales y la evaluación crítica de sus métodos. Además, señalamos lagunas, como la carencia de artículos sobre estadísticas aplicadas a él ME y el uso de técnicas cualitativas.

Ciencia , Investigación , Ensayo Clínico
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(1): 61-68, jan.-fev. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154111


RESUMO O diuron (DI) é um herbicida utilizado em culturas agrícolas para o controle de ervas daninhas que podem causar desde irritações na pele até problemas cancerígenos. Neste estudo, a fotocatálise heterogênea foi utilizada para a degradação do DI aplicando o dióxido de titânio (TiO2) como catalisador em um reator em batelada. Planejamentos experimentais foram realizados a fim de avaliar a influência do pH, da concentração do catalisador e do substrato, e de maximizar a degradação do DI. Depois de 3 horas de reação, foi possível observar que o pH foi a variável com maior influência na degradação do herbicida utilizando o TiO2 como catalisador. Com o estudo mecanístico foi possível propor que a degradação desse herbicida é realizada pelos radicais hidroxilas gerados da redução do O2. O modelo estatístico realizado neste estudo pode ser aplicado para o aprimoramento do processo de tratamento de efluentes industriais e agrícolas utilizando a fotocatálise heterogênea.

ABSTRACT Diuron (DI) is a herbicide used in agricultural fields for weed control that can cause skin irritations and carcinogenic problems. In this study, heterogeneous photocatalysis was used for the degradation of the DI applying TiO2 as catalysts in a batch reactor. Experimental designs were performed to evaluate the influence of pH, catalyst concentration and substrate, also to maximize DI degradation results. After 3 hours of reaction, it was possible to observe that pH was the variable with the significant influence on the degradation of the DI using TiO2 as a catalyst. With the mechanistic study it was possible to propose that the degradation of this herbicide is carried out by the hydroxyl radicals generated from the O2 reduction. The statistical models performed in this study can be applied to improve the process of treatment of industrial and agricultural effluents using heterogeneous photocatalysis.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 52(4): 36259, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362361


O método experimental (ME) envolve um conjunto de procedimentos que podem ser utilizados por várias ciências para responder questões de pesquisa, refutar ou corroborar hipóteses. No presente trabalho, conduzimos uma revisão sistemática de artigos de revisão publicados em português que tiveram como foco explicar o ME. Utilizamos as bases de dados SciELO e Google Acadêmico, sem restringir a data de publicação dos artigos. Incluímos 64 artigos após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade. Por meio da análise de conteúdo, sintetizamos informações desses artigos que favorecem a condução de estudos experimentais e a avaliação crítica de seus métodos. Adicionalmente, apontamos lacunas como a carência de artigos sobre estatística aplicada ao ME e uso de técnicas qualitativas.

The experimental method (EM) involves a set of procedures that can be used by different sciences to answer research questions, refute or corroborate hypotheses. In the present work, we conducted a systematic review of review articles published in Portuguese that focused on explaining the EM. We use the SciELO and Google Scholar databases, without restricting the articles publication date. We included 64 articles after applying the eligibility criteria. Using content analysis, we synthesized information from these articles that favor the conduction of experimental studies and the critical evaluation of their methods. Additionally, we point out gaps such as the lack of papers on statistics applied to the EM and the use of qualitative techniques.

El método experimental (ME) implica un conjunto de procedimientos que pueden ser utilizados por diferentes ciencias para responder preguntas de investigación, refutar o corroborar hipótesis. En el presente trabajo, realizamos una revisión sistemática de artículos de revisión publicados en portugués que se centraron en explicar el ME. Utilizamos las bases de datos SciELO y Google Académico, sin restringir la fecha de publicación de los artículos. Incluimos 64 artículos después de aplicar los criterios de elegibilidad. Mediante el análisis de contenido, sintetizamos información de estos artículos que favorecen la realización de estudios experimentales y la evaluación crítica de sus métodos. Además, señalamos lagunas, como la carencia de artículos sobre estadísticas aplicadas a él ME y el uso de técnicas cualitativas.

Ciencia , Investigación , Ensayo Clínico
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254858


Aims: outcomes of research in education and training are partly a function of the context in which that study takes place, the questions we ask, and what is feasible. Many questions are about learning, which involves repeated measurements in a particular time window, and the practical context is usually such that offering an intervention to some but not to all learners does not make sense or is unethical. For quality assurance and other purposes, education and training centers may have very locally oriented questions that they seek to answer, such as whether an intervention can be considered effective in their context of small numbers of learners. While the rationale behind the design and outcomes of this kind of studies may be of interest to a much wider community, for example to study the transferability of findings to other contexts, people are often discouraged to report on the outcomes of such studies at conferences or in educational research journals. The aim of this paper is to counter that discouragement and instead encourage people to see small numbers as an opportunity instead of as a problem. Method: a worked example of a parametric and a non-parametric method for this type of situation, using simulated data in the zero-cost Open Source statistical program R version 4.0.5. Results: contrary to the non-parametric method, the parametric method can provide estimates of intervention effectiveness for the individual participant, account for trends in different phases of a study. However, the non-parametric method provides a solution in several situations where the parametric method should be used. Conclusion: Given the costs of research, the lessons to be learned from research, and statistical methods available, small numbers should be considered an opportunity, not a problem.

Objetivo: os resultados da pesquisa em educação e treinamento são, em parte, uma função do contexto em que esse estudo ocorre, das perguntas que fazemos e do que é viável. Muitas perguntas são sobre a aprendizagem, que envolve medições repetidas em uma janela de tempo específica, e o contexto prático, geralmente, é tal, que oferecer uma intervenção a alguns, mas não a todos os alunos, não faz sentido ou é antiético. Para garantia de qualidade e outros propósitos, os centros de educação e treinamento podem ter perguntas orientadas localmente que procuram responder, como, por exemplo, se uma intervenção pode ser considerada eficaz em seu contexto de pequeno número de alunos. Embora a justificativa por trás do projeto e dos resultados deste tipo de estudos possa ser do interesse de uma comunidade muito mais ampla, por exemplo, para estudar a possibilidade de transferência de resultados para outros contextos, as pessoas são frequentemente desencorajadas a relatar os resultados de tais estudos em conferências ou em revistas de pesquisa educacional. O objetivo deste artigo é combater esse desânimo e, em vez disso, incentivar as pessoas a verem os pequenos números como uma oportunidade em vez de um problema. Método: realizado um exemplo de método paramétrico e não paramétrico para este tipo de situação, utilizando dados simulados no programa estatístico Open Source R versão 4.0.5 de custo zero. Resultados: ao contrário do método não paramétrico, o método paramétrico pode fornecer estimativas da eficácia da intervenção para o participante individual, levando em conta as tendências em diferentes fases de um estudo. No entanto, o método não paramétrico fornece uma solução em várias situações, onde o método paramétrico deve ser usado. Conclusão: dados os custos da pesquisa, as lições a serem aprendidas com a pesquisa e os métodos estatísticos disponíveis, pequenos números devem ser considerados uma oportunidade, não um problema.

Estudiantes de Medicina , Enseñanza , Educación , Personal de Salud
Rev. colomb. enferm ; 19(3): 1-10, Dic 11, 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1147751


Objetivo: Determinar a percepção que têm os pacientes do Hospital Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social da cidade de Portoviejo sobre a aplicação de princípios bioéticos e cuidados oferecidos pelos alunos de enfermagem da Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo não experimental baseado na perspectiva qualitativo-quantitativa. Foi aplicado um inquérito a 36 pacientes do serviço de cirurgia do Hospital IESS Portoviejo que constituem a população total durante o período de outubro de 2016 a abril de 2017. O inquérito foi definido com base nos quatro princípios da bioética que são a autonomia, justiça, beneficência e não maleficência. Resultados: obtiveram-se como resultados mais relevantes que, com relação à autonomia, em média, a opção usual está acima de 70,00%; quanto ao princípio da justiça, obteve-se em média respostas que, na opção de habitual e de às vezes, distribuem-se 50,00% cada; por outro lado, em relação ao princípio da beneficência, os resultados obtidos refletem uma percepção positiva, sendo estes superiores a 75,00% na média; e por fim, sobre o princípio da não maleficência, os resultados obtidos refletem em média mais de 70,00% na opção de habitual, sendo este um fator positivo na percepção dos pacientes. Conclusões: os estudantes de enfermagem cumprem todos os aspectos envolvidos nos princípios da bioética durante o processo de atendimento no âmbito das práticas formativas

Objective: To determine the perception that the patients at the Hospital Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social of the city of Portoviejo have about the application of bioethical principles and care by nursing students at the Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Method: Non-experimental descriptive, based on a qualitative-quantitative perspective, a survey was conducted among 36 surgery service patients at the Portoviejo IESS Hospital who make up the total population during the period from October 2016 to April 2017. The survey was defined based on the four principles of bioethics, which are autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Results: The most relevant results were that, in terms of autonomy, the average option "always" is above 70.00%. Regarding the principle of justice, on average, it obtained answers in the options "always" and "sometimes" distributed 50.00% each. Regarding the principle of beneficence, the results obtained reflect a positive perception as they are, on average, higher than 75.00%. Finally, on the principle of non-maleficence, the results obtained reflect an average of more than 70.00% in the option "always", a positive factor in the patients' perception. Conclusions: Nursing students comply with all aspects involved in the principles of bioethics during the caring process within the framework of training practices

Objetivo: determinar la percepción que tienen los pacientes del Hospital Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social de la ciudad de Portoviejo sobre la aplicación de principios bioéticos y cuidados por parte de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Método: descriptivo no experimental basado en una perspectiva cuali-cuantitativa; se aplicó una encuesta a 36 pacientes del servicio de cirugía Hospital IESS Portoviejo que conforman el total de la población durante el periodo comprendido entre octubre del 2016 y abril del 2017. La encuesta se definió con base en los cuatro principios de la bioética que son autonomía, justicia, beneficencia y no maleficencia. Resultados: se obtuvieron como resultados más relevantes que en lo que refiere a autonomía en promedio la opción de siempre se encuentra por encima del 70,00%; en lo que respecta al principio de justicia, este en promedio obtuvo respuestas que en la opción de siempre y a veces se distribuyen el 50,00% cada una; por su parte referente al principio de beneficencia los resultados obtenidos reflejan una percepción positiva siendo estos superiores al 75,00% en promedio; y por último, sobre el principio de no maleficencia los resultados obtenidos reflejan en promedio más del 70,00% en la opción de siempre siendo este un factor positivo en la percepción de los pacientes. Conclusiones: los estudiantes de enfermería cumplen con todos los aspectos involucrados en los principios de la bioética durante el proceso de atención en el marco de las prácticas formativas.

Pacientes , Percepción , Investigación , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Bioética , Autonomía Personal , Beneficencia
Psicol. teor. prát ; 22(3): 263-286, Sep.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1125466


This study evaluated the effectiveness of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) on clinically relevant behaviors (CRBs) in the context of substance abuse/chemical de pendence and identifying the therapeutic components of change. The Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale (FAPRS) was used to categorize therapist and client behaviors, and Timeline Followback was used to record drug abuse. Two participants were treated in a single case A/A + B quasi-experimental design, in which A = analytical-behavioral therapy and A + B = FAP. The results showed that with the introduction of FAP, specifically the therapist's contingent responding to the participant's progress, there was a decrease in the use of substances after three months for both participants. The participant who spent more time in psychotherapy experienced greater benefits at follow-up and a larger reduction in drug use. We concluded that FAP altered CRBs by positively reinforcing progress in-session and was significantly correlated with improvement out-of-session.

O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) sobre os comportamentos clinicamente relevantes (CRBs) e abuso de substâncias de dependentes químicos e identificar os componentes terapêuticos de mudança. Foram utilizados os instrumentos Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale para categorização de comportamentos do terapeuta e cliente e Timeline Followback para registrar o abuso de drogas. Dois participantes foram atendidos em um delineamento quase-experimental de caso único A/A+B, onde A = Terapia Analítico-Comportamental e A+B = FAP. Os resultados indicaram que a introdução da FAP, em especial o responder contingente do terapeuta, acompanhou os progressos e houve melhora no consumo de substâncias após 3 meses para ambos. O participante que se manteve mais tempo em psicoterapia obteve maior benefício no follow-up e no consumo de drogas. Concluiu-se que a FAP alterou CRBs reforçando positivamente progressos em sessão e que isto provavelmente se correlacionou com melhoras extrassessão.

El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de la Psicoterapia Analítica Funcional (FAP) en los comportamientos clínicamente relevantes (clinically relevant behaviors - CRBs) e el abuso de sustancias de dependientes químicos, e identificar los componentes terapéuticos de cambio. Se utilizaron Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Rating Scale, para clasificar los comportamientos del terapeuta y del cliente, y timeline followback, para registrar el abuso. Dos participantes fueron evaluados a través de un diseño cuasiexperimental de caso único A/A + B, donde A = terapia analítico-comportamental y A + B = FAP. Los resultados indicaron que la implementación de la respuesta contingente del terapeuta llevó a cambios en las CRBs y mejorías en el consumo de sustancias en los dos participantes después de tres meses de intervención. El participante que se mantuvo más tiempo en psicoterapia obtuvo mayor beneficio durante el seguimiento. Se concluye que FAP modificó las CRBs a través del reforzamiento positivo en sesión, lo que se relacionó con las mejoras fuera de sesión.

Humanos , Centros de Tratamiento de Abuso de Sustancias , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Terapia Conductista , Relaciones Interpersonales
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e18259, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089173


The present work describes the development of a capillary electrophoresis (CE) method for the chiral discrimination of amlodipine (AML) enantiomers using cyclodextrine (CD) derivatives as chiral selectors. A large number of native and derivatized, neutral and ionized CD derivatives were screened to find the optimal chiral selector; and carboximethyl-β-CD (CM-β-CD) was selected for the enantiomeric discrimination. A factorial analysis study was performed by orthogonal experimental design in which several factors were varied at the same time to optimize the separation method. The optimized method (25 mM phosphate buffer, pH = 9.0, 15 mM CM-β-CD, 15 ºC, + 25 kV, 30 mbar/1 second, detection wavelength 230 nm) was successfully applied for the baseline separation of AML enantiomers within 5 minutes. Successful validation and application of the proposed CE method suggest its routine use in enantioselective control of AML in pharmaceutical preparations.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(3): e20190123, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089550


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the optimal plot size for evaluating the fresh weight of black oats (Avena strigosa Schreb) and the common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in scenarios comprising combinations of the number of treatments, number of replications and levels of precision. Fifteen uniformity trials were conducted with single-crop and intercropped black oats and vetch. Fresh weight was evaluated in 540 basic experimental units (BEU), each of 1 m × 1 m (36 BEU per trial). The Smith index of soil heterogeneity (1938) was estimated. Plot size was determined using the HATHEWAY method (1961), in scenarios comprising combinations of i treatments (i = 5, 10, 15 and 20), r replications (r = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) and d levels of precision (d = 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18% and 20%). To evaluate the fresh weight of monocropped or intercropped black oats and vetch in a completely randomized or randomized complete block design, with from 5 to 20 treatments and five replications, plots of 10 m2 are sufficient to identify, at a probability of 0.05, significant differences between treatments of 10% of the overall mean value of the experiment.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho ótimo de parcela para avaliar a massa de matéria fresca de aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb) e de ervilhaca (Vicia sativa L.), em cenários formados por combinações de números de tratamentos, números de repetições e níveis de precisão. Foram conduzidos 15 ensaios de uniformidade com aveia preta e ervilhaca, em cultivo solteiro e em consórcio. Foi avaliada a massa de matéria fresca em 540 unidades experimentais básicas (UEB) de 1 m × 1 m (36 UEB por ensaio). Foi estimado o índice de heterogeneidade do solo de SMITH (1938). Foi determinado o tamanho de parcela por meio do método de HATHEWAY (1961) em cenários formados pelas combinações de i tratamentos (i = 5, 10, 15 e 20), r repetições (r = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8) e d níveis de precisão (d = 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18% e 20%). Para avaliar a massa de matéria fresca de aveia preta e de ervilhaca, em cultivo solteiro ou em consórcio, nos delineamentos inteiramente casualizado e de blocos completos ao acaso, com 5 a 20 tratamentos e com cinco repetições, parcelas de 10 m2 são suficientes para identificar diferenças significativas entre tratamentos, a 0,05 de probabilidade, de 10% da média geral do experimento.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 27(1): 1-8, 2020. Ilustraciones
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1117156


Background: The determination of polyphenols in cocoa beans allows the establishing of antioxidant properties of great benefit to this product. Objectives: Optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction method to determine the content of polyphenols in cocoa beans. Methods: Two experiments design stages were carried out to optimize the ultrasound-assisted extraction process of polyphenols from the cocoa bean. In the first experiment design stage, the adequate extraction solvent was determined; for this purpose, five types of solvents were evaluated through a completely random design unrestricted (CRD). In the second experiment stage, a central composite design 22 + star point (with two central points) was used, which was evaluated using the response surface methodology to determine the influence of the temperature, time, and solute / solvent ratio. Results: The experiment found that acetone: water: acetic acid (70: 29.5: 0.5) mixturee, leads to a greater amount of total extracted phenols measured for the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) found that six significant effects that influence the response variable (total phenols extracted). The main effects were of the three factors and three of their interactions. Conclusions: After the optimizing said factors, an optimal point was found: 39.3 ° C of temperature, 74.5 minutes, and 22.8 mL of solvent per gram of cocoa sample.

Antecedentes: La determinación de polifenoles en granos de Cacao permite establecer propiedades antioxidantes de gran valor agregado a este producto. Objetivo: Optimización del método de extracción asistida con ultrasonido para determinar el contenido de polifenoles en granos de Cacao. Métodos: Se realizaron dos etapas del diseño experimental para la optimización del proceso de extracción de polifenoles del grano de cacao por ultrasonido. En la primera etapa se determinó el solvente de extracción más adecuado evaluando cinco tipos de solventes, mediante un diseño completamente al azar sin restricciones (DCA). En la segunda etapa experimental, se usó un diseño central compuesto 22 + estrella (con dos puntos centrales), que se evaluó mediante la metodología de superficie de respuesta para determinar la influencia de los factores Temperatura, tiempo y relación soluto/solvente. Resultados: Se determinó que la mezcla acetona: agua: ácido acético (70:29.5:0.5) extrae la mayor cantidad de fenoles totales cuantificados por el método de Folin-Ciocalteu. Mediante la aplicación de un análisis ANOVA, se encontró que seis efectos significativos influyen sobre la variable de respuesta (fenoles totales), estos incluyen los efectos principales de los tres factores y tres de sus interacciones. Conclusiones: Después de la optimización de dichos factores se encontró un punto óptimo que corresponde a 39.3 °C de temperatura, 74.5 minutos y 22.8 mL de solvente por gramo de muestra de cacao.

Humanos , Cacao , Polifenoles , Ultrasonido , Optimización de Procesos
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180534, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132214


Abstract Microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms whose composition and biomass production can be influenced by manipulating the cultivation conditions employed. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of various cultivation conditions in autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. The present work aimed to evaluate the effects of cultivation conditions on the cell growth and biosynthesis of fatty acids (FAs) by microalgae of the genus Chlorella in autotrophic and mixotrophic cultivation. Evaluation of the effects of the conditions was performed using an experimental design methodology. The highest values of maximum biomass concentration (Xmax) and maximum biomass productivity (Pmax) were obtained in autotrophic cultures. Palmitic acid was the FA obtained at the highest concentration in both cultivation modes. The concentrations of polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs) ranged from 12.2 to 41.2% in autotrophic cultures and from 11 to 34.3% in the mixotrophic cultures. The variables photoperiod and sodium bicarbonate concentration showed the greatest influence on the Xmax, Pmax, and PUFA concentration in autotrophic and mixotrophic cultivations, respectively. This study verified that the selection of conditions and mode of cultivation contribute to the production of microalgal biomass and FA biosynthesis.

Chlorella/metabolismo , Ácidos Grasos/biosíntesis , Chlorella/crecimiento & desarrollo , Medios de Cultivo
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(12): e20200012, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133242


ABSTRACT: Rice bran is a by-product of the rice milling process, found worldwide in abundance and highlighted due its protein content. This study optimized the conditions for ultrasonic-assisted extraction of protein from defatted rice bran (DRB) and characterized the rice bran protein concentrate (RBPC). A sequential strategy of experimental design was employed; the effect of pH, temperature, ultrasound exposure time, and amplitude were evaluated regarding the percentage of protein extraction by a Full factorial design (FFD) with a fixed frequencies (FFD-A: 37 kHz; FFD-B: 80 kHz). Subsequently, the percentage of protein extracted was optimized employing a Central composite rotatable design (variables: pH and ultrasound exposure time) and RBPC obtained was characterized regarding chemical and functional properties. The pH and ultrasound exposure time had positive effect (P ≤ 0.05) on percentage of protein extraction; moreover, 37 kHz frequency was more effective in protein extraction. The optimized condition (frequency: 37 kHz; temperature: 30 °C; pH: 10; ultrasound exposure time: 30 min; and amplitude: 100%) allowed 15.07% of protein recovery and the RBPC presented 84.76 g 100 g-1 of protein. Magnesium and copper were the main mineral in RBPC (34.4 and 25.5 µg g-1, respectively), while leucine was the limiting amino acid (0.42) and threonine presented the highest chemical score (1.0). The RBPC solubility was minimal at pH 4 and higher at pHs 6-10; the water and oil absorption capacity were higher than bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the emulsifying capacity was comparable to BSA, with a suitable stability. It was possible to obtain a higher purity RBPC than described in the literature, due to the optimization in the extraction process steps, with functional properties suitable for application in food products, especially emulsified ones.

RESUMO: O farelo de arroz é um subproduto do processo de moagem do arroz, encontrado em abundância em todo o mundo e destacado devido ao seu teor de proteínas. Este estudo otimizou as condições para a extração assistida por ultrassom da proteína do farelo de arroz desengordurado (DRB) e caracterizou o concentrado de proteína do farelo de arroz (RBPC). Uma estratégia sequencial de desenho experimental foi empregada; o efeito do pH, temperatura, tempo de exposição ao ultrassom e amplitude foram avaliados em relação à porcentagem de extração proteica por um Delineamento Fatorial Completo (FFD) com frequências fixas (FFD -A: 37 kHz; FFD-B: 80 kHz). Posteriormente, a porcentagem de proteína extraída foi otimizada empregando um Planejamento Composto Central (variáveis: pH e tempo de exposição ao ultrassom) e o RBPC obtido foi caracterizado quanto às propriedades químicas e funcionais. O pH e o tempo de exposição ao ultrassom tiveram efeito positivo (P ≤ 0,05) na porcentagem de extração proteica. Além disso, a frequência de 37 kHz foi mais eficaz na extração de proteínas. A condição otimizada (frequência: 37 kHz; temperatura: 30 °C; pH: 10; tempo de exposição ao ultrassom: 30 min; e amplitude: 100%) permitiu 15,07% de recuperação de proteínas e o RBPC apresentou 84,76 g 100 g-1 de proteína. Magnésio e cobre foram os principais minerais da RBPC (34,4 e 25,5 µg g-1, respectivamente), enquanto a leucina foi o aminoácido limitante (0,42) e a treonina apresentou o maior escore químico (1,0). A solubilidade do RBPC foi mínima em pH 4 e superior em pH 6-10; a capacidade de absorção de água e óleo foi maior que a albumina sérica bovina (BSA) e a capacidade de emulsificação foi comparável à BSA, com uma estabilidade adequada. Assim, foi possível obter um RBPC com elevada pureza, maior do que o descrito na literatura, devido à otimização nas etapas do processo de extração, com propriedades funcionais adequadas para aplicação em produtos alimentícios, principalmente emulsificados.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e18502, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249161


Considering the importance of an adequate composition of the formulation in the development of stable, safe and effective cosmetic products, experimental design techniques are tools that can optimize the formulation development process. The objective of this study was to develop topical formulations using the Box-Behnken design with response surface methodology and evaluate its physical, sensory and moisturizing properties. The experimental design used in the first step allowed to identify and to quantify the influence of raw materials, as well as the interaction between them. In the second step, the analysis identified the influence of soy lecithin, the phytantriol and capric acid triglyceride and caprylic on the consistency index, stickiness and greasiness and skin hydration. Cetearyl alcohol, dicetyl phosphate and cetyl phosphate 10EO and acrylates/C10-30 alkylacrylate crosspolymer showed effects in rheological parameters. The addition of soy lecithin had significant effects in terms of consistency index, stickiness, oiliness and immediate moisturizing effects. Phytantriol showed effects on increasing consistency index and oiliness sensation. Thus, the experimental design was shown to be an effective tool for research and development of cosmetics, since it allowed the assessment of the individual and interaction effects of raw materials in the responses: rheological parameters, sensory and clinical efficacy.

Piel , Química Farmacéutica/instrumentación , Emulsiones/análisis , Tecnología de Cosméticos , Optimización de Procesos/métodos , Proyectos de Investigación , Ácidos/administración & dosificación , Acrilatos/efectos adversos , Resultado del Tratamiento , Cosméticos/análisis , Estabilidad de Cosméticos , Métodos
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145854


Research in education is often associated with comparing group averages and linear relations in sufficiently large samples and evidence-based practice is about using the outcomes of that research in the practice of education. However, there are questions that are important for the practice of education that cannot really be addressed by comparisons of group averages and linear relations, no matter how large the samples. Besides, different types of constraints including logistic, financial, and ethical ones may make larger-sample research unfeasible or at least questionable. What has remained less known in many fields is that there are study designs and statistical methods for research involving small samples or even individuals that allow us to address questions of importance for the practice of education. This article discusses one type of such situations and provides a simple coherent statistical approach that provides point and interval estimates of differences of interest regardless of the type of the outcome variable and that is of use in other types of studies involving large samples, small samples, and single individuals.

A pesquisa em educação é frequentemente associada à comparação de médias de grupo e relações lineares em amostras suficientemente grandes, e a prática baseada em evidências trata do uso dos resultados dessa pesquisa na prática educacional. No entanto, há questões importantes para a prática da educação que não podem ser realmente abordadas por comparações de médias de grupo e relações lineares, por maiores que sejam as amostras. Além disso, diferentes tipos de restrições, incluindo as logísticas, financeiras e éticas, podem tornar a pesquisa com amostras maiores inviável ou, pelo menos, questionável. O que tem ficado menos conhecido em muitos campos é que existem desenhos de estudos e métodos estatísticos para pesquisas envolvendo pequenas amostras ou mesmo indivíduos que nos permitem abordar questões de importância para a prática da educação. Este artigo discute um tipo de tais situações e fornece uma abordagem estatística coerente simples que fornece estimativas de ponto e intervalo de diferenças de interesse, independentemente do tipo de variável de resultado e que é útil em outros tipos de estudos envolvendo grandes amostras, pequenas amostras, e indivíduos solteiros.

Estadística como Asunto/métodos , Teorema de Bayes , Educación Médica/estadística & datos numéricos
Psicol. teor. prát ; 21(3): 418-436, sept.-Dec. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040916


Autoscopy is a methodological resource that includes video recording procedures with interventional practices, directing the analysis, and self-evaluation to the protagonists of this practice. The objective of this study is to present evidence of the effectiveness of the autoscopy procedure in autism interventions. Autoscopy was an independent variable in two of the experimental single-subject studies. Study A verified the effects of autoscopy on the teacher using pictographic cards to enhance student's communication and waiting for students' responses after their requests . Study B analyzed the effect on the socio-communicative abilities of the mother of the child and the child during the intervention. It was concluded that the responses of the teachers, just as much as the parents, showed significant statistical effects by the autoscopy, attesting to its robustness. The change in the participants' behavior wielded by the autoscopy is discussed.

A autoscopia é um recurso metodológico que inclui procedimentos de videogravação de práticas interventivas, visando a análise e a autoavaliação por um ou mais protagonistas dessa prática. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar evidências de eficácia do procedimento da autoscopia em intervenções com autismo. A autoscopia é utilizada como variável independente em dois estudos experimentais intrassujeitos. O estudo A verificou o efeito da autoscopia sobre os comportamentos de duas professoras que buscavam favorecer a comunicação do aluno com o uso de cartões pictográficos e aguardavam resposta deles após suas solicitações. Já o estudo B analisou o efeito sobre as habilidades sociocomunicativas da mãe de uma criança com autismo e seu filho durante uma intervenção. Concluiu-se que tanto as respostas das professoras quanto a dos pais mostraram efeitos estatisticamente significativos da autoscopia, atestando sua robustez. A mudança nos comportamentos dos participantes exercido pela autoscopia é discutida.

La autoscopia es un recurso metodológico que incluye procedimientos de vídeo con prácticas de intervención, dirigiendo el análisis y la auto-evaluación a los protagonistas de esta práctica. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar evidencia de la efectividad del procedimiento de autoscopia en intervenciones de autismo. La autoscopia se utiliza como una variable independiente en dos de los estudios experimentales. El Estudio A verificó los efectos de la autoscopia en el maestro usando tarjetas pictográficas para mejorar la comunicación del estudiante y esperar las respuestas después de sus solicitudes. El estudio B analizó el efecto sobre las habilidades socio-comunicativas de la madre del niño y del niño durante la intervención. Se concluyó que las respuestas de los profesores, tanto como los padres, mostraron efectos estadísticos significativos por la autoscopia, lo que demuestra su solidez. Se discute el cambio en el comportamiento de los participantes manejado por la autoscopia.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Adulto
Interaçao psicol ; 23(3): 357-367, ago.-dez. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511453


Para satisfatório desempenho na universidade, é relevante um repertório de habilidades sociais desenvolvido, o qual nem sempre está presente, o que pode trazer implicações para a saúde mental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do Promove-Universitários, em estudantes de primeiro e segundo anos, valendo-se de um delineamento experimental de grupo, com medidas repetidas. Participaram catorze universitários, nove no Grupo Experimental e cinco no Controle, distribuídos aleatoriamente, os quais eram equivalentes nas medidas iniciais. Foram aplicados instrumentos para avaliar habilidades sociais e saúde mental, cujos dados foram analisados estatisticamente nas comparações entre os grupos. Os resultados demonstraram aquisições comportamentais, estatisticamente significativas, no Grupo Experimental para habilidades sociais e saúde mental, que se mantiveram nas medidas de seguimento. A mesma análise entre as linhas de base 1 e 2 do Grupo Controle não indicou mudança estatisticamente significativa. Considerando os resultados, conclui-se que o Promove-Universitários se mostrou efetivo ao proposto.

It is needed a developed repertoire of social skills in order to achieve a satisfying development in the university, although it is not always present, which can bring consequences to mental health. This study aimed to assess the effects of the Promoting-Academics Program in freshmen and sophomores through a group experimental design, with repeated measures. Fourteen students participated in the study ­ nine in the Experimental Group, five in the Control Group ­ who were randomly distributed and presented equivalent initial measures. Instruments were applied to assess social skills and mental health whose data were statistically analyzed in comparisons between the groups. Results showed statistically significant behavior acquisitions in the Experimental Group for social skills and mental health, which were maintained in the follow-up measures. The same analysis between 1 and 2 baselines in the control group did not indicated any statistically significant chance. Considering the results, the conclusion is that the Promoting-Academics Program revealed itself effective.

J Biosci ; 2019 Oct; 44(5): 1-6
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214175


Current interest in the potential for clinical use of new tools for improving human health are now focused on techniques forthe study of the human microbiome and its interaction with environmental and clinical covariates. This review outlines theuse of statistical strategies that have been developed in past studies and can inform successful design and analyses ofcontrolled perturbation experiments performed in the human microbiome. We carefully outline what the data are, theirimperfections and how we need to transform, decontaminate and denoise them. We show how to identify the importantunknown parameters and how to can leverage variability we see to produce efficient models for prediction and uncertaintyquantification. We encourage a reproducible strategy that builds on best practice principles that can be adapted for effectiveexperimental design and reproducible workflows. Nonparametric, data-driven denoising strategies already provide the beststrain identification and decontamination methods. Data driven models can be combined with uncertainty quantification toprovide reproducible aids to decision making in the clinical context, as long as careful, separate, registered confirmatorytesting are undertaken. Here we provide guidelines for effective longitudinal studies and their analyses. Lessons learnedalong the way are that visualizations at every step can pinpoint problems and outliers, normalization and filtering improvepower in downstream testing. We recommend collecting and binding the metadata and covariates to sample descriptors andrecording complete computer scripts into an R markdown supplement that can reduce opportunities for human error andenable collaborators and readers to replicate all the steps of the study. Finally, we note that optimizing the bioinformatic andstatistical workflow involves adopting a wait-and-see approach that is particularly effective in cases where the features suchas ‘mass spectrometry peaks’ and metagenomic tables can only be partially annotated.