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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2021, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520219


ABSTRACT A 33-year-old male presented with unilateral subacute infectious keratitis 4 weeks after surgery. Corneal inflammation was resistant to standard topical antibiotic regimens. During diagnostic flap lifting and sampling, the corneal flap melted and separated. Through flap lifting, corneal scraping, microbiological diagnosis of atypical mycobacteria, and treatment with topical fortified amikacin, clarithromycin, and systemic clarithromycin, clinical improvement was achieved.

RESUMO Paciente do sexo masculino, 33 anos, apresentou ceratite infecciosa subaguda unilateral 4 semanas após a cirurgia. A inflamação da córnea foi resistente aos regimes de antibióticos tópicos padrão. A aba da córnea foi derretida e seccionada durante o levantamento e amostragem para diagnóstico. A melhora clínica só foi alcançada após levantamento do retalho, raspagem e diagnóstico microbiológico de micobactérias atípicas e tratamento com amicacina fortificada tópica, claritromicina e claritromicina sistêmica.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(3): e2021, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520221


ABSTRACT Primary graft failure (PGF) is a known complication following penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). The usual approach to treat this complication is to repeat a penetrating keratoplasty. Here, we report a case of Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) for the treatment of PGF after PKP. A patient that underwent PKP, developed PGF with persistent graft edema and very poor visual acuity despite aggressive steroid use and a proof anti-viral treatment. Three months after the initial surgery, a DMEK was performed under the PKP graft. There was progressive early corneal clearing and, by the end of the first month, the patient already had no corneal edema. Uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) improved to 20/40 and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) to 20/20. DMEK may be an alternative to a second PKP for the treatment of PGF. This technique is a less invasive option when compared to the standard PKP procedure.

RESUMO A falência primária do enxerto é uma complicação conhecida que pode ocorrer após o transplante penetrante de córnea. O tratamento usual dessa complicação é com um novo transplante penetrante. Apresentamos um caso em que foi usado o transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet (DMEK - do inglês Descemet membrane endo-thelial keratoplasty) para o tratamento da falência primária após o transplante penetrante. Uma paciente submetida a transplante penetrante evoluiu com falência primária do enxerto a despeito do uso intenso de corticoide tópico e uma prova terapêutica de antivirais. Três meses após a cirurgia inicial, foi optado pela realização do transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet sob o transplante penetrante. Houve um clareamento precoce e progressivo do enxerto com melhora importante da visão. Após um mês, a visão sem correção era de 20/40 melhorando para 20/20 com refração. O transplante endotelial de membrana de Descemet pode ser uma alternativa a um novo transplante penetrante como tratamento da falência primária.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(6): e2022, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520242


ABSTRACT Purpose: To study epidemiological data, laboratory results, and risk factors associated with microbial keratitis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of corneal sample cultures from patients with microbial keratitis from January 2010 to December 2019. Results were analyzed according to the etiological diagnosis of bacterial, mycotic, or parasitic infection and were associated with related risk factors. Results: We analyzed 4810 corneal samples from 4047 patients (mean age 47.79 ± 20.68 years; male 53.27%). The prevalence of bacterial, fungal, and Acanthamoeba infections were 69.80%, 7.31%, and 3.51%, respectively. The most frequently isolated bacteria were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) (45.14%), S. aureus (10.02%), Pseudomonas spp. (8.80%), and Corynebacterium spp. (6.21%). Among CoNS, the main agent was S. epidermidis (n=665). For mycotic keratitis, Fusarium spp. (35.42%) and Candida parapsilosis (16.07%) were the most common agents among filamentous and yeasts isolates, respectively. Contact lens use was associated with a positive culture for Acanthamoeba spp. (OR = 19.04; p < 0.001) and Pseudomonas spp. (OR = 3.20; p < 0.001). Previous ocular trauma was associated with positive fungal cultures (OR = 1.80; p = 0.007), while older age was associated with positive bacterial culture (OR = 1.76; p = 0.001). Conclusions: Our findings demonstrated a higher positivity of corneal sample cultures for bacteria. Among those, CoNS was the most frequently identified, with S. epidermidis as the main agent. In fungal keratitis, Fusarium spp. was the most commonly isolated. Contact lens wearers had higher risks of positive cultures for Acanthamoeba spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Ocular trauma increased the risk of fungal infection, while older age increased the risk of bacterial infection.

RESUMO Objetivo: Estudar os dados epidemiológicos, resultados laboratoriais e fatores de risco associados às ceratites infecciosas. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo das amostras de cultura de córnea em pacientes com ceratites infecciosas entre Janeiro/2010 a Dezembro/2019. Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com o diagnóstico etiológico de infecção bacteriana, fúngica ou parasitária e correlacionado com os fatores de risco relacionados. Resultados: Quatro mil, oitocentas e dez amostras corneanas de 4047 pacientes (média de idade de 47,79 ± 20,68 anos; homens em sua maioria (53,7%) foram incluídas. A prevalência de infecções por bactéria, fungo e Acanthamoeba foram de 69.80%, 7,31%, and 3,51%, respectivamente. A maioria das bactérias mais frequentemente isoladas foram Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo (CoNS) (45,14%), S. aureus (10,02%), Pseudomonas spp. (8,80%), e Corynebacterium spp. (6,21%). Dentre CoNS, o principal agente foi S. epidermidis (n = 665). Nas ceratites fúngicas, Fusarium spp. (35,42%) e Candida parapsilosis (16,07%) foram os agentes mais comuns entre os filamentosos e leveduriformes, respectivamente. O uso de lentes de contato foi associado à cultura positiva para Acanthamoeba spp. (OR = 19,04; p < 0,001) e Pseudomonas spp (OR = 3,20; p < 0,001). Trauma ocular prévio foi associado a culturas positivas para fungo (OR = 1,80; p = 0,007), e idade avançada foi associada a culturas positivas para bactéria (OR = 1,76; p = 0,001). Conclusões: Nossos achados demonstraram uma maior positividade para bactérias em amostras de cultura corneana. Dentre estas, CoNS foi mais frequentemente identificado, sendo S. epidermidis o principal agente. Nas ceratites fúngicas, Fusarium spp. Foi o mais comumente isolado. O risco de positividade para Acanthamoeba spp. e Pseudomonas spp. foi maior em usuários de lentes de contato. Trauma ocular aumentou o risco de cultura positiva para fungo, ao passo que idade mais avançada aumentou o risco de infecção bacteriana.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(4): e2023, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557095


ABSTRACT Endophthalmitis is a severe form of purulent inflammation caused by the infection of the intraocular tissues or fluids. This infection infrequently occurs through endogenous routes, which are often correlated with major risk factors. Escherichia coli, a gram-negative rod, can cause endophthalmitis through hematogenous spread. We here report a 59-year-old man who presented to our service with acute visual impairment in his left eye, preceded by floaters. He was taking sirolimus and azathioprine for a transplanted kidney, had undergone catheterization for bladder atresia, and had a history of recurrent E. coli urinary tract infections. On evaluation, the left eye exhibited visual acuity of hand motion, anterior chamber reaction (3+/4+), and intense vitritis (4+/4+) with white flake clusters, which prevented appropriate retinal evaluation. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed, and the culture yielded E. coli. The present case highlights the importance of identifying the signs and symptoms of infection early so that diagnosis and treatment of endophthalmitis can be promptly initiated.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0031, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565361


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular alterations in patients diagnosed with dengue, admitted to a reference center for infectious and parasitic diseases in Manaus (AM), Brazil. Methods: This was an observational, analytical, and prospective case series study with 33 patients admitted to the hospital with positive clinical pathology tests during a 90-day period of a dengue epidemic in 2011. The investigations included measurement of visual acuity, macular assessment with Amsler grid test, fundus biomicroscopy, retinography and optical coherence tomography. Results: The average age of the patients was 35.48 years (minimum age 17 years and maximum 69 years). The main symptoms reported were blurred vision, followed by retro-ocular pain, photopsia, halos, foreign bodies, scotoma, double vision, and floaters. Visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to 20/40 (median 20/30). Macular assessment with Amsler Grid Test was unsatisfactory in three patients. The most common retinal findings were perimacular edema, macular edema, retinal hemorrhage, vasculitis, and changes in the retinal pigment epithelium. Optical coherence tomography showed retinal edema in 16 patients (51.51%). Conclusions: In all cases, the disease was self-limiting and resolved spontaneously without treatment. Therefore, this study confirms that ocular manifestations in dengue fever are varied and frequent.

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações oculares em pacientes com diagnóstico de dengue, internados em um centro de referência para doenças infecciosas e parasitárias em Manaus (AM), Brasil. Métodos: Estudo observacional, analítico e prospectivo de série de casos de 33 pacientes admitidos no hospital com exames de patologia clínica positivos durante um período de 90 dias de uma epidemia de dengue em 2011. As investigações incluíram medida da acuidade visual, avaliação macular com tela de Amsler, biomicroscopia de fundo de olho, retinografia e tomografia de coerência ótica. Resultados: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 35,48 anos (idade mínima de 17 anos e máxima de 69 anos). Os principais sintomas relatados foram visão turva, seguida de dor retro-ocular, fotopsia, halos, corpos estranhos, escotoma, visão dupla e moscas volantes. A acuidade visual variou entre 20/20 e 20/40 (mediana 20/30). A avaliação macular com a tela de Amsler foi insatisfatória em três doentes. Os achados retinianos mais comuns foram edema perimacular, edema macular, hemorragia retiniana, vasculite e alterações no epitélio pigmentar da retina. A tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou edema da retina em 16 doentes (51,51%). Conclusões: Em todos os casos, a doença foi autolimitada e resolveu-se espontaneamente sem tratamento. Este estudo confirma, portanto, que as manifestações oculares da dengue são variadas e frequentes.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0016, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559589


ABSTRACT A 41 year-old man presented with unilateral vision loss for a week and constitutional symptoms for 3 months. Ophthalmic evaluation revealed cotton wool spots on the right eye and widespread retinal necrosis and hemorrhage on the left eye, suggestive of cytomegalovirus uveitis and HIV infection and retinopathy, and confirmed by serology. The patient was treated with ganciclovir and highly active antiretroviral therapy and preserved contralateral vision. Clinicians should be aware of uveitis and retinopathies to prevent irreversible vision loss and systemic conditions.

RESUMO Paciente do sexo masculino, 41 anos, com queixa de perda de acuidade visual unilateral por 1 semana e sintomas constitucionais por 3 meses. Ao exame oftalmológico, apresentava exsudatos algodonosos, em olho direito, e áreas de necrose e hemorragias retinianas, em olho esquerdo, com suspeita de uveíte por citomegalovírus e retinopatia por HIV, confirmadas por sorologias. O paciente foi tratado com ganciclovir e terapia antirretroviral e preservou a visão contralateral. Os oftalmologistas devem estar atentos para casos de uveítes e retinopatias, para prevenirem perda visual irreversível e condições sistêmicas.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(4): 345-352, July-Sep. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447366


ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate the antibiotic susceptibility as well as the clinical, epidemiological, and microbiological profiles of microbial keratitis. Methods: This was a longitudinal retrospective study, and we retrospectively reviewed medical and laboratory records from 2015 to 2019. Results: In total, 380 pathogens (321 bacteria and 59 fungi) were isolated from the corneas of 352 patients. Staphylococcus species (45%) were most abundant within the organisms that were isolated, followed by Pseudomonas (18.4%), fungi (15.5%), Streptococcus (7.9%), and Serratia species (3.2%). The isolated gram-positive bacteria were not resistant to amikacin or vancomycin, although 14.8% of the gram-positive isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin (p<0.05). All the gram-negative isolates were susceptible to amikacin. Male patients represented 62.8% of the 129 cases with accessible clinical data. The mean age of the patients was 53.17 ± 21 years. The time to presentation (from onset of symptoms) was 14.9 ± 19.4 days (median: 7 days). Large ulcers (>5 mm in any dimension) were present in 49.6% (64 eyes) of the cases. The duration of treatment was 49 ± 45.9 days (median: 38 days). Direct ocular trauma was reported by 48 (37.2%) patients, and 15 patients (11.6%) reported using contact lenses. For 72 (55.8%) patients, topical treatment had been previously prescribed, and 16 (12.4%) patients reported using other classes of drugs. Hospitalizations were required for 79 (61.2%) patients, and in terms of major complications, 53 (41.1%) patients had corneal perforations. A total of 40 patients (31%) underwent tectonic penetrating keratoplasty, and 28 (21.7%) developed secondary glaucoma. A progression to endophthalmitis occurred in 8 (6.2%) patients, with 50% of those patients' (3.1% of the total) endophthalmitis evolving to evisceration. The patients' microbial keratitis was largely treated empirically, with 94 (72.9%) patients prescribed moxifloxacin and 56 (43.4%) prescribed ciprofloxacin before receiving their culture results. Conclusions: For the most part, our hospital treated patients with severe microbial keratitis. Despite identifying gram-positive bacteria in most of the isolates, we also frequently identified gram-negative rods and fungi. Our susceptibility results support prescribing a combination of vancomycin and amikacin as an effective empirical therapeutic regimen to treat microbial keratitis.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a susceptibilidade a antibió­ticos, o perfil clínico, epidemiológico e microbiológico das ce­ratites infecciosas. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo longitu­dinal. Registros médicos e laboratoriais de 2015 a 2019 fo­ram revisados retrospectivamente. Resultados: Trezentos e oitenta patógenos (321 bactérias e 59 fungos) foram isolados das córneas de 352 pacientes. As espécies de Staphylococcus foram os microorganismos mais isolados (45%), seguidos de Pseudomonas (18,4%), fungos (15,5%), Streptococcus (7,9%) e Serratia (3,2%). Não houve resistência das bactérias Gram-positivas à amicacina ou vancomicina, enquanto 14,8% isolados Gram-positivos foram resistentes à ciprofloxacina (p<0,05). Todos os organismos Gram-negativos eram suscetíveis à amicacina. Pacientes do sexo masculino representaram 62,8% de 129 casos com dados clínicos acessíveis. A média de idade foi 53,17 ± 21 anos. O tempo até a apresentação (desde o início dos sintomas) foi de 14,9 ± 19,4 dias (mediana: 7 dias). Úlceras grandes (>5mm em qualquer extensão) representaram 49,6% (64 olhos) dos casos. A duração do tratamento foi de 49 ± 45,9 dias (mediana: 38 dias). Trauma ocular direto foi relatado por 48 (37,2%) pacientes e uso de lentes de contato por 15 (11,6%) pacientes. Foi prescrito tratamento prévio para 72 (55.8%) pacientes. Outras classes de medicamentos foram prescritas para 16 (12.4%). Setenta e nove (61,2%) pacientes tiveram que ser hospitalizados. Como complicações maiores, 53 (41,1%) pacientes apresentaram perfuração corneana, 40 pacientes (31%) foram submetidos à ceratoplastia penetrante tectônica e 28 (21,7%) desenvolveram glaucoma secundário. Oito pacientes (6,2%) evoluíram para endoftalmite. O tratamento empírico da ceratite microbiana foi amplamente empregado, com 94 (72,9%) pacientes em uso de moxifloxacina e 56 (43,4%) em uso de ciprofloxacina antes do resultado da cultura. Conclusões: Nosso hospital tratou predominantemente de pacientes com úlceras microbianas graves. Embora bactérias Gram-po­sitivas constituíssem a maioria dos isolados, bacilos e fungos Gram-negativos também foram frequentemente identificados nas ceratites microbianas. Os resultados de suscetibilidade sugerem a combinação de vancomicina e amicacina como um regime terapêutico empírico eficaz para essa condição grave com risco de perda visual permanente.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022772


Objective:To investigate the virological testing results of patients with corneal graft at the time of repeat keratoplasty and the diagnostic efficacy of multiple viral examinations.Methods:A case-control study was conducted.A total of 14 consecutive patients diagnosed with corneal graft failure were enrolled as graft failure group from March 2018 to December 2018 in Peking University Third Hospital, and 15 consecutive patients diagnosed with bullous keratopathy (BK) were enrolled as BK group in the meantime.All patients had unilateral involvement and indications for keratoplasty.Serum samples were collected from venous blood on the day of surgery, and specimens of aqueous humor and corneal tissue were obtained during corneal transplantation.Viral DNA in aqueous humor and corneal specimens was detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).The level of viral antibodies in serum and aqueous humor was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the Goldmann-Witmer coefficient (GWC) was calculated.The tested viral species included herpes simplex virus (HSV), herpes zoster virus (VZV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV).For graft failure group, the relevance between elevated intraocular pressure, multiple previous keratoplasty surgeries, histories of viral keratitis and any positive result of viral analyses in this study were measured by the kappa consistency test.This study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki.The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of Peking University Third Hospital (No.2017299-02).Written informed consent was obtained from each subject.Results:At the time of keratoplasty, 9 out of 14 eyes in the graft failure group tested positive for at least one type of virus, with 6 eyes positive for CMV and 3 eyes positive for VZV.Positive aqueous humor PCR analysis detected VZV in 5 out of 14 eyes.Corneal tissue PCR analysis detected CMV in 5 out of 14 eyes.Positive GWC calculations detected CMV in 3 out of 10 eyes.The concordance between viral DNA and antibody detection was poor.All eyes in BK group were negative for the virological test, except for 2 eyes (2/15) with elevated aqueous humor GWC for CMV.The prevalence of viral infection was 64.2%(9/14) in graft failure group, which was significantly higher than 13.3%(2/15) in BK group ( P=0.014).In graft failure group, 7 eyes (7/14) had elevated intraocular pressure, 3 eyes (3/14) had multiple keratoplasty surgeries, and 6 eyes (6/14) had viral keratitis before this keratoplasty.However, none of these factors showed significant relevance with positive virological results (kappa=0.143, -0.155, -0.286). Conclusions:Viral infection has become a major cause of corneal graft failure.A combination of various virological analyses during keratoplasty can help to clarify the etiology and the viral infection status, and ultimately guide subsequent treatment.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0063, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529926


ABSTRACT Ocular cysticercosis is a parasitic infection caused by Taenia solium. Its early diagnosis and treatment decreases the possibility of visual morbidity. It can either compromise the anterior chamber or the posterior segment, which translates into an very variable and interspecific presentation that changes depending on the site of the infection. It is important to report this case due to its low presentation rate and the fact that a high suspicion index is required to make an assertive and timely diagnosis. This is especially important in geographical areas that are endemic to this parasite due to the direct relationship between an early diagnosis and treatment and better visual outcomes. In this case report, we will discuss the multidisciplinary interventions of a pediatric patient in a high complexity hospital.

RESUMO A cisticercose ocular é uma infecção parasitária causada pela Taenia solium. O diagnóstico e tratamento precoces diminuem a possibilidade de morbidade visual. Ela pode comprometer a câmara anterior ou o segmento posterior, o que se traduz em uma apresentação muito variável e interespecífica, que muda dependendo do local da infecção. É importante relatar esse caso devido à sua baixa taxa de apresentação e ao fato de que é necessário um alto índice de suspeita para fazer um diagnóstico assertivo e oportuno. Isso é especialmente importante em áreas geográficas endêmicas para esse parasita, devido à relação direta entre diagnóstico e tratamento precoces e melhores resultados visuais. Neste relato de caso, discutiremos as intervenções multidisciplinares de um paciente pediátrico em um hospital de alta complexidade.

Humanos , Femenino , Preescolar , Cisticercosis/diagnóstico , Infecciones Parasitarias del Ojo/diagnóstico , Retinoblastoma/diagnóstico , Vitrectomía , Cuerpo Vítreo/citología , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Ultrasonografía , Taenia solium , Diagnóstico Diferencial
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(6): e20230062, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520206


ABSTRACT Ocular sporotrichosis involving adnexa can present in 4 types: granulomatous conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome, and bulbar conjunctivitis. The incidence of ocular sporotrichosis has increased in regions with high incidence rates of sporotrichosis. We present a series of three cases of ocular involvement by the fungus Sporothrix species, including its manifestations, approaches, and relevance in areas where sporotrichosis has considerable incidence rates.

RESUMO A esporotricose ocular envolvendo anexos pode se apresentar de quatro formas: conjuntivite granulomatosa, dacriocistite, Síndrome Oculoglandular de Parinaud e conjuntivite bulbar. A esporotricose ocular, apesar de incomum, tem aumentado em regiões com alta incidência de esporotricose. Apresentamos uma série de três casos de envolvimento ocular pelo fungo Sporothrix sp.: suas manifestações, abordagem e sua relevância em áreas com alta incidência de esporotricose.

Medisur ; 20(6)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440608


El virus Sars-Cov-2, agente etiológico de la COVID-19, provoca manifestaciones sistémicas y oculares en el ser humano. Por la repercusión mundial que ha tenido la pandemia, el daño multisistémico que ocasiona y la presencia de manifestaciones oculares, que pudieran ser la forma de presentación de la enfermedad, se decidió realizar el presente trabajo que tiene como objetivo ofrecer un referente teórico acerca de las manifestaciones oculares de la COVID-19 y algunas pautas terapéuticas a tener en cuenta. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Pubmed, Infomed, SciELO y Google académico, de artículos en idioma español e inglés, que incluían información novedosa relacionada con la enfermedad y su repercusión en la salud ocular. Los procesos inflamatorios e infecciosos del aparato visual como las conjuntivitis y uveítis, se encuentran con notable frecuencia. En la etapa de recuperación se presentan hallazgos oculares asociados a la inmunosupresión sistémica, procesos vasculíticos y troboembólicos. La terapéutica indicada no suele diferir de las convencionales. Los médicos de primera línea juegan un papel esencial en el diagnóstico oportuno de los casos pues las manifestaciones oculares pueden ser el primer signo de la enfermedad sistémica.

The Sars-Cov-2 virus, the etiological agent of Covid-19, causes systemic and ocular manifestations in humans. Due to the global repercussion that the pandemic has had, the multisystemic damage it causes and the presence of ocular manifestations, which could be the presentation of the disease, it is decided to carry out the present work to offer a theoretical reference about the ocular manifestations of Covid-19 and some therapeutic guidelines to consider. A bibliographic search was carried out in the Pubmed, Infomed, SciELO and academic Google databases, of articles in Spanish and English, which included new information related to the disease and its impact on eye health. Inflammatory and infectious processes of the visual apparatus, such as conjunctivitis and uveitis, are found with remarkable frequency. In the recovery stage, ocular findings associated with systemic immunosuppression, vasculitic and thromboembolic processes are presented. The indicated therapy does not usually differ from the conventional ones. First-line doctors play an essential role in the timely diagnosis of cases, since ocular manifestations can be the first sign of systemic disease.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(6): 851-855, dic. 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422079


Abstract Objective: Acknowledging the rates of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery is very important to understand the seriousness of the disease. Until now, there is no data of this situation in Argentina. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery at a tertiary hospital, a medical facility which provides a high degree of subspecialty expertise, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Method: Retrospective cohort study of adult patients who underwent cataract phacoemulsification sur gery between 2006 and 2020 at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, was performed. Patients with endophthalmitis diagnosis within the first 6 weeks after surgery were included. Those who underwent extracapsular surgery or combined surgeries were excluded. Results: A total of 29 326 cataract surgeries were performed in ten years. The annual incidence of acute postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery was 0.102% (95% CI 0.069-0.146). Thirty cases of endophthalmitis were diagnosed. The main microorganism was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (45.4%). Final visual acuity was higher than 0.3 (LogMAR) in 46.6% of the patients. Conclusion: The incidence of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery in this hospital is within the range reported globally. Knowing the regional incidence contributes to decide if new prophylaxis measures are necessary.

Resumen Objetivo: Conocer las tasas de endoftalmitis después de la cirugía de cataratas es muy importante para comprender la gravedad de la enfermedad. Hasta el momento, no hay datos de su situación en Argentina. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la incidencia de endoftalmitis postoperatoria tras cirugía de catarata en un hospital de tercer nivel o alta complejidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Método: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo de pacientes adultos operados de facoemulsificación de cataratas entre 2006 y 2020 en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de endoftalmitis dentro de las prime ras 6 semanas posteriores a la cirugía. Se excluyeron los pacientes que se sometieron a cirugía extracapsular o cirugías combinadas. Resultados: En diez años se realizaron un total de 29.326 operaciones de cataratas. La incidencia anual de endoftalmitis postoperatoria aguda después de la cirugía de cataratas fue del 0.102% (IC del 95%: 0.069-0.146). Treinta casos de endoftalmitis fueron identificados. El principal microorganismo fue Pseudomonas aeruginosa (45.4%). La agudeza visual final fue superior a 0.3 (LogMAR) en el 46.6% de los pacientes. Conclusión: La incidencia de endoftalmitis después de la cirugía de cataratas en este hospital está dentro del rango reportado a nivel mundial. Conocer la incidencia regional contribuye a decidir si son necesarias nuevas medidas de profilaxis.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 85(3): 301-305, May-June 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383792


ABSTRACT Syphilis is a reemerging and potentially serious disease. Owing to its ubiquity and pleomorphism, it is called "the great imitator". We report the case of a young woman with secondary syphilis who presented with bilateral acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinopathy along with a syphilitic skull periostitis. A pachymeningeal enhancement was observed on magnetic resonance imaging, but we believe it was an extension of the bone process rather than a meningitis itself on the basis of the normal cerebrospinal fluid analysis results. Treatment with intravenous crystalline penicillin resulted in complete resolution of the signs, symptoms, and imaging findings. Secondary syphilis is the stage with the highest bacteremia and the highest transmissibility, presenting mainly with mucocutaneous disorders and, less frequently, with involvement of other organs. High suspicion and a pragmatic approach are essential to the diagnosis because this disease can affect several organs, as in the present case, in which the eyes, bones, and skin were affected.

RESUMO A sífilis é uma doença reemergente e potencialmente grave. Por sua onipresença e pleomorfismo, é denominada "grande imitadora". Relatamos caso de paciente jovem com sífilis secundária, que se apresentou com coriorretinopatia placóide sifilítica posterior aguda bilateral, simultaneamente a periostite craniana sifilítica. A despeito de realce paquimeníngeo observado na ressonância magnética, acreditamos que este tenha sido uma extensão do processo ósseo e não, uma meningite em si, uma vez que o exame do líquido cefalorraquidiano estava completamente normal. Tratamento com penicilina cristalina intravenosa resultou em completa resolução dos sinais, sintomas e achados de imagem. A sífilis secundária é o estágio de maior bacteremia e maior transmissibilidade da doença, apresentando-se principalmente com quadros mucocutâneos, mas também, menos frequentemente, com envolvimento de outros órgãos. Elevada suspeição e uma abordagem pragmática são necessárias para o diagnóstico, uma vez que essa doença pode afetar vários órgãos, como no caso relatado, em que foram acometidos olhos, ossos e pele.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 85(1): 1-6, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350093


ABSTRACT Purpose: To examine subbasal corneal nerve changes in patients with bacterial infectious keratitis using in vivo confocal microscopy. Methods: Thirteen patients (13 eyes) with unilateral bacterial keratitis and 12 healthy controls were prospectively enrolled in the study. In vivo confocal microscopy was performed in all the patients at 2 time points, in the acute phase of infectious keratitis and at 28 ± 0.6 months after resolution of the infection. Results: The subbasal nerve length was 5.15 ± 1.03 mm/mm2 during the acute phase of bacterial keratitis (compared with that of the controls: 19.02 ± 1.78 mm/mm2, p<0.05). Despite the significant corneal nerve regeneration over the interval of 28 months after the resolution of the infection, the nerve density was still significantly reduced as compared with that of the controls (9.73 ± 0.93 mm/mm2, p<0.05). Moreover, in vivo confocal microscopy images showed diffuse high-reflecting areas referring to the scar tissue areas with thin and tortuous nerve branches regenerating toward these areas. Conclusions: A partial corneal nerve regeneration of subbasal nerve plexus during the first 28 months after the acute phase of infectious keratitis was observed. Moreover, the regenerated nerves of the patients remained morphologically altered as compared with those of the healthy controls. These results may be relevant to the clinical follow-up and surgical planning for these patients.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar as alterações no plexo nervoso corneano subbasal em pacientes com ceratite infecciosa de origem bacteriana utilizando a microscopia confocal in vivo. Métodos: Treze olhos de 13 pacientes com ceratite bacteriana unilateral e 12 indivíduos saudáveis como grupo controle foram incluídos prospectivamente no estudo. A microscopia confocal in vivo foi realizada em todos os pacientes em 2 momentos: na fase aguda da ceratite infecciosa e após 28 ± 0,6 meses da resolução da infecção. Resultados: A densidade dos nervos no plexo subbasal foi de 5,15 ± 1,03 mm/mm2 na fase aguda da ceratite infecciosa (comparada com o grupo controle: 19,02 ± 1,78 mm/mm2, p<0,05). Apesar de significativa regeneração dos nervos corneanos ao longo de um intervalo de 28 meses após a resolução da infecção, a densidade dos nervos se manteve significativamente reduzida (9,73 ± 0,93 mm/mm2) quando comparada com o grupo controle (19,02 ± 1,78 mm/mm2, p<0,05). Além disso, as imagens obtidas com a microscopia confocal mostraram áreas de hiperreflectividade referente ao tecido corneano cicatricial com ramos de nervos, afinados e tortuosos, se regenerando nessas áreas. Conclusões: Foi observado regeneração parcial dos nervos do plexo corneano subbasal durante os primeiro 28 meses após a resolução da fase aguda da ceratite infecciosa. Além disso, os nervos corneanos regenerados se mantiveram morfologicamente alterados quando comparados ao grupo controle. Esses resultados podem ser relevantes para o acompanhamento clínico e planejamento cirúrgico desses pacientes.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(6): 549-553, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350070


ABSTRACT Purpose: To identify ocular manifestations in patients with Chikungunya fever in the chronic phase and describe their sociodemographic profile. Methods: Patients with serologic confirmation of Chikungunya infection were included in this transverse study. All subjects underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic evaluation, including specific lacrimal function tests (tear break-up time test, Schirmer test, and lissamine green). Results: Overall, 64 eyes of 32 patients were evaluated. Most patients were women (71.9%), with the mean age of 50.0 ±13.7 years. The mean interval between serologic confirmation and the examination was 12.7 ±7.7 months. Twenty patients (62%) presented with dry eye. No statistically significant association was observed between dry eye and infection diagnosis time (p=0.5546), age (p=0.9120), sex (p=1.00), race (p=0.2269), arthralgia in acute infection (p=0.7930), retro-orbital pain (p=0.3066), and conjunctivitis (p=1.00). Conclusion: Dry eye was the most prevalent manifestation observed. No signs of intraocular inflammation and affected visual acuity were observed.

RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar manifestações oculares em pacientes na fase crônica da febre Chikungunya e descrever seu perfil sociodemográfico. Métodos: Estudo transversal com a inclusão de pacientes com confirmação sorológica de febre Chikungunya. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo, incluindo testes específicos de função lacrimal (teste de ruptura do filme lacrimal, teste de Schirmer e teste da lissamina verde). Resultados: Foram avaliados 64 olhos de 32 pacientes. A maioria dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino (71,9%) e a idade média foi 50,0 ±13,7 anos. O intervalo médio entre a confirmação sorológica e o exame oftalmológico foi de 12,7 ±7,7 meses. Vinte pacientes (62%) apresentaram olho seco. Não houve significância estatística na associação entre olho seco e o tempo de diagnóstico da infecção (p=0,5546), idade (p=0,9120), sexo (p=1,00), raça (p=0,2269), artralgia durante a infecção aguda (p=0,7930), dor retro-orbitária (p=0,3066) e conjuntivite (p=1,00). Conclusão: A presença de olho seco foi a manifestação mais prevalente observada. Não foram observa dos sinais de inflamação intraocular ou baixa acuidade visual.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(5): 474-480, Sept.-Oct. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339208


ABSTRACT Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze patient data and the laboratory results of corneal samples collected from patients followed at the Ophthalmology Department, Hospital São Paulo, Brazil over a 30-year period, and correlate the analize with contact lens wearing. Methods: Corneal samples from patients diagnosed clinically with microbial keratitis between January 1987 and December 2016 were included in this study. Cultures that were positive for bacteria, fungi, and Acanthamoeba spp. were analyzed retrospectively. To ascertain if the number of patients with contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis (as a risk factor for microbial infection) changed over time, the analysis was divided into three decades: 1987-1996, 1997-2006, and 2007-2016. Information pertaining to patient gender and age, as well as type of organism isolated, were compared among these periods. Results: The corneal samples of 10.562 patients with a clinical diagnosis of microbial keratitis were included in the study, among which 1.848 cases were related to the use of contact lenses. The results revealed that the frequency of contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis increased over the last two decades. Overall, females had contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis more frequently (59.5%). Patients aged 19-40 years also had contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis more frequently in all study periods. Staphylococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were the most frequent Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively, in the microbial keratitis groups. Among the fungal cases of microbial keratitis, filamentous fungi were the most frequent fungi over the entire study period, with Fusarium spp. being the most frequent fungi in the group with microbial keratitis not associated with contact lens wearing (p<0.001). Samples positive for Acanthamoeba spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were significantly correlated with contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis (p<0.001). Conclusions: Females and young adults aged 19-40 years exhibited the highest frequency of contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis in our study. Staphylococcus spp. and Fusarium spp. were the predominant bacteria and fungi, respectively, isolated from corneal samples. Pseudomonas spp. and Acanthamoeba spp. were significantly correlated with contact-lens-associated microbial keratitis in this study.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar da dos epidemiológicos de pacientes e resultados laboratoriais para todas as amostras de córnea coletadas de pacientes atendidos no Departamento de Oftalmologia do Hospital São Paulo, Brasil, durante um período de 30 anos e correlacionar com o uso de lentes de contato. Métodos: Amostras de córnea de pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de ceratite microbiana (de janeiro de 1987 a dezembro de 2016) foram incluídas neste estudo. Resultados laboratoriais para culturas positivas para bactérias, fungos e Acanthamoeba spp. foram analisados retrospectivamente. Para verificar se o número de pacientes com ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato, fator de risco para infecção microbiana, mudou ao longo do tempo, a análise foi dividida em três décadas: 1987-1996, 1997-2006 e 2007-2016. As informações incluindo o sexo do paciente, idade e tipo de organismo isolado foram comparadas entre os períodos. A análise estatística foi realizada no software SAS/STAT 9.3 e SPSS (v20.0). Resultados: Amostras de córnea de 10.562 pacientes com ceratite microbiana foram incluídas no estudo, das quais 1.848 foram relacionadas ao uso de lentes de contato. Os resultados revelaram que a frequência de ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato aumentou nas últimas duas décadas analisadas. No geral, os homens compreendiam uma proporção maior do grupo ceratite microbiana não associada à lente de contato (CMNLC) (60,3%) e as mulheres eram mais frequentes no grupo ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato (59,5%). Pacientes com idade entre 19 e 40 anos foram mais frequentemente observados no grupo ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato em todos os períodos. Staphylococcus spp. foi a bactéria Gram-positiva mais frequentes, enquanto Pseudomonas spp. foi a bactéria Gram-negativa nos grupos ceratite microbiana. Entre os fungos ceratite microbiana, os fungos filamentosos foram os fungos mais frequentes durante todo o período do estudo, com Fusarium spp. sendo o mais frequente no grupo ceratite microbiana não associada à lente de contato. Acanthamoeba spp. e Pseudomonas spp. amostras positivas foram significativamente correlacionadas com ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato. Conclusões: A maior prevalência de ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato no nosso estudo foi observada em mulheres e adultos jovens com idade entre 19 e 40 anos. Staphylococcus spp. e Fusarium spp. foram as bactérias e fungos predominantes isolados nas amostras da córnea. Pseudomonas spp. e Acanthamoeba spp. foram significativamente correlacionados a ceratite microbiana associada à lente de contato neste estudo.

An. bras. dermatol ; 96(3): 349-351, May-June 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285054


Abstract Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis that affects humans and animals, with a typically subacute or chronic evolution, caused by Sporothrix spp., a dimorphic fungus. Although the cutaneous form is the most frequent presentation, the ocular involvement has been more frequently diagnosed in endemic areas, affecting mainly children and the elderly. Approximately 80% of affected patients have the lymphocutaneous form, while only 2.3% have conjunctival lesions, with 0.7% showing primary ocular involvement. We describe two cases of sporotrichosis with ocular involvement in children through inoculation by felines, with a good response to antifungal treatment.

Humanos , Animales , Niño , Anciano , Gatos , Esporotricosis/diagnóstico , Esporotricosis/tratamiento farmacológico , Sporothrix , Dermatomicosis/tratamiento farmacológico , Ojo , Antifúngicos/uso terapéutico
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912420


Objective:To observe the clinical characteristics of patients with visual impairment caused by fungal sphenoid sinusitis and analyze the influencing factors related to visual prognosis.Methods:A retrospective clinical study. From January 2006 to December 2020, 44 patients (55 eyes) with visual impairment caused by fungal sphenoid sinusitis confirmed by imaging and pathological examination in the Department of Ophthalmology of Beijing Tongren Hospital were included in the study. Patients was first diagnosed in the Department of Ophthalmology due to monocular or binocular vision loss, or binocular diplopia, limited eye movement and ptosis. All patients underwent visual acuity examination and fundus color photography. CT examination of paranasal sinus or orbit was performed in 37 cases; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of paranasal sinus, brain or orbit was performed in 34 cases. All patients underwent endoscopic sinus opening combined with intrasinus lesion clearance; 14 cases were treated with antifungal drugs after operation. The average follow-up time was 59.61±37.70 months. Comparison of clinical characteristics between invasive and non-invasive fungal sphenoid sinusitis were by χ 2 test or Fisher exact test. The influencing factors with P<0.2 in univariate analysis were selected for multivariate regression analysis. Results:Among the 44 patients, there were 19 males and 25 females; the ratio of male to female was 1:1.3; the average age of visual symptoms was 61.48 ± 12.17 years; 23 cases (52.3%, 23/44) suffered from immune dysfunction, including 21 cases of diabetes mellitus. The visual acuity decreased in 33 cases (44 eyes) (75.0%, 33/44). There were 15 cases of binocular diplopia with eye movement disorder (34.0%, 15/44), including 6 cases with visual impairment. The visual acuity of the affected eye was no light perception-0.8. There were 35 cases with headache (79.5%, 35/44). Nasal symptoms were found in 14 cases (31.8%, 14/44). There were 40 and 4 cases of Aspergillus and Mucor infection in sphenoid sinus, respectively. Among the 37 cases who underwent CT examination of paranasal sinus or orbit, there were soft tissue filling in the sinus cavity, including 19 cases of high-density calcification in the sinus cavity (51.4%, 19/37); bone defect of sinus wall were in 24 cases (64.9%, 24/37). There were 26 cases (70.3%, 26/37) of sinus wall osteosclerosis. MRI of paranasal sinus, brain or orbit was performed in 34 cases. T1WI of sphenoid sinus lesions showed low signal, high signal and equal signal in 14, 10 and 9 cases, respectively; T2WI showed high signal, low signal and equal signal in 13, 16 and 2 cases respectively. After enhancement, the lesions were strengthened in 11 cases, no obvious enhancement in 23 cases, and the surrounding mucosa was thickened and strengthened. The lesions involved the orbital apex and cavernous sinus in 18 and 16 cases, respectively; orbital apex and cavernous sinus were involved in 12 cases. Six months after operation, visual acuity was significantly improved in 27 eyes (65.9%, 27/41); visual acuity did not improve in 14 eyes (34.1%, 14/41). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the change of sinus wall osteosclerosis was associated with higher visual acuity improvement rate (odds ratio= 0.089, 95% confidence interval 0.015-0.529, P=0.008). Conclusions:Fungal sphenoid sinusitis related visual impairment is relatively common in elderly female patients with low immune function; monocular vision loss with persistent headache is the most common clinical symptom; imaging findings of sphenoid sinus lesions are an important basis for diagnosis. Sphenoid sinus opening combined with sinus lesion clearance is an effective treatment. After operation, the visual acuity of most patients can be improved. The prognosis of visual acuity was relatively good in patients with hyperplasia and sclerosis of sphenoid sinus wall bone.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344689


Buffaloes are one of the important farm animals in the south of Iraq and play an essential economical role mainly acting as dairy, meat, and draft animals. This study intended to diagnose buffalo mycotic eye infections in Thi-Qar province/Iraq. Some 250 buffaloes in the herd of 3,700 animals suffered from eye infections from December 2017 to November 2018. Eye swabs were collected from each infected eye of the affected buffaloes of both sexes before treatment. The animals were in different age groups. All samples were transferred to the laboratory in transfer media, and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose (SDA) agar with and without 0.05 g/mL and 0.4 g/mL chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, respectively. Later, the agars were incubated at 25oC and 37oC. The total percentage of eye infection was (6.75%), constituting (49.2%) mycotic infections. The predominant clinical manifestations that appeared on the infected buffaloes were eye inflammation represented by congestion, lacrimation, the opacity of cornea and edema, and reduced productivity of the infected animals. Different fungal isolates were identified from the samples including Aspergillus fumigates, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucor spp. and Rhizopus spp. Calves buffaloes below one-year-old were more prone to mycotic infection than one-year-old or more. Additionally, male buffaloes were more susceptible to infection than females. In conclusion, this study isolated various types of fungus from the inflamed eyes of buffaloes. Fungal eye infection and the potential risk factors for fungal keratitis in buffaloes were also investigated. The study also approved the rapid diagnosis of fungi by direct microscopic detection and culture. The author recommends future studies including large numbers of the buffalo herd in Iraq to determine the epidemiology of this condition in the country.(AU)

Os búfalos são um dos animais de fazenda mais importantes no sul do Iraque e desempenham um papel econômico essencial, atuando principalmente na produção de leite, carne e como animal de tração. Este estudo objetivou diagnosticar infecções oculares micóticas em búfalos na província de Thi-Qar, Iraque. 250 búfalos no rebanho de um total de 3700 animais apresentaram infecção ocular durante o período compreendido entre dezembro de 2017 e novembro de 2018. Os esfregaços oculares foram colhidos dos olhos infectados dos búfalos afetados de ambos os sexos antes do tratamento. Os animais estavam em diferentes faixas etárias. Todas as amostras foram transferidas para o laboratório por meio de transferência e cultivadas em Ágar Sabouraud e Dextrose (SDA) com e sem 0,05 g/mL e 0,4 g/mL de cloranfenicol e cicloheximida, respectivamente. Posteriormente, os ágares foram incubados a 25ºC e 37ºC. A porcentagem total de infecção ocular foi de 6,75%, representando 49,2% de infecção micótica. As manifestações clínicas predominantes nos búfalos infectados foram inflamação ocular com congestão, lacrimejamento, opacidade da córnea e edema. Os animais acometidos também apresentaram redução de produtividade. Diferentes isolados de fungos foram identificados a partir das amostras, incluindo Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucour spp. e Rizopus spp. Búfalos com menos de um ano de idade foram mais propensos a infecções micóticas do que com um ano ou mais. Além disso, os búfalos machos foram mais suscetíveis a infecção do que as fêmeas. Em conclusão, este estudo registrou o isolamento de vários tipos de fungos em olhos inflamados de búfalos. Além disso, a infecção ocular por fungos e os fatores de risco potenciais para ceratite fúngica em búfalos também foram observados. O estudo também aprovou o diagnóstico rápido de fungos por detecção microscópica direta e cultura. O autor recomenda outro estudo futuro, incluindo um grande número de rebanhos de búfalos no Iraque para determinar a epidemiologia desta condição no país.(AU)

Animales , Aspergillus flavus , Búfalos/anatomía & histología , Infecciones Fúngicas del Ojo
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 83(6): 463-472, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153079


ABSTRACT Purpose: The aims of this study were to characterize alpha-hemolytic streptococci among isolates from cases of infectious endophthalmitis and keratitis and to determine their distributions. Methods: The sample included 27 and 35 nonduplicated isolates of alpha-hemolytic streptococci recovered from patients with infectious endophthalmitis (2002-2013) and keratitis (2008-2013), respectively. Isolates were identified by the optochin susceptibility and bile solubility tests, using a biochemical identification system. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined by the broth microdilution method. Molecular identification was performed by analyses of three constitutive genes and the complementary multilocus sequence. The molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae was investigated using multilocus sequence typing, and the presence of the capsular polysaccharide-encoding gene was assessed using conventional polymerase chain reaction. Outcomes were evaluated using the patients' medical records. Results: Phenotypic tests differentiated S. pneumoniae from other alpha-hemolytic streptococci, consistent with later molecular identifications. Streptococcus oralis was significantly prevalent among the endophthalmitis isolates, as was S. pneumoniae in the keratitis isolates. High levels of susceptibility to antibiotics were observed, including vancomycin, cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones. High genetic variability was detected among the 19 S. pneumoniae strains, with 15 predicted to be encapsulated. The medical records of patients with infectious endophthalmitis were reviewed (n=15/27; 56%), and final visual acuity was assessed in 12 cases (44%). Many patients progressed to a final visual acuity state of "no light perception" (6/12; 50%), "light perception" (3/12; 25%), or "hand motion" (1/12; 8%). The medical records of patients with infectious keratitis were also reviewed (n=24/35; 69%), and final visual acuity was assessed in 18 cases (51%). Similarly, most patients progressed to a final visual acuity state of "no light perception" (6/18; 33%), "light perception" (1/18; 6%), or "hand motion" (6/18; 33%). Overall, the majority of patients progressed to a final visual acuity state of "no light perception" (12/30), "light perception" (4/30), or "hand motion" (7/30). Conclusions: The distribution of alpha-hemolytic streptococci in ocular infections suggested the presence of a species-specific tissue tropism. The prognoses of patients with ocular streptococcal infections were highly unfavorable, and antibiotic resistance did not contribute to the unfavorable clinical progressions and poor outcomes.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos isolados de endoftalmite infecciosa e ceratite e determinar sua distribuição. Métodos: A amostra incluiu 27 e 35 isolados não-duplicados de estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos recuperados de pacientes com endoftalmite infecciosa (2002-2013) e ceratite (2008-2013), respectivamente. Os isolados foram identificados pelos testes de suscetibilidade à optoquina e bile solubilidade, utilizando um sistema de identificação bioquímica. A concentração inibitória mínima foi determinada pelo método de microdiluição em caldo. A identificação molecular foi realizada pela análise de três genes constitutivos e análise complementar de sequências multilocus. A epidemiologia molecular do Streptococcus pneumoniae foi investigada por tipagem de sequência multilocus, e a presença do gene codificador do polissacarídeo capsular foi avaliada por reação em cadeia da polymerase convencional. Os resultados foram avaliados utilizando os prontuários médicos dos pacientes. Resultados: Os testes fenotípicos diferenciaram S. pneumoniae dos outros estreptococos alpha-hemolíticos, consistentes com identificações moleculares posteriores. S. oralis foi significativamente prevalente entre os isolados de endoftalmite, assim como S. pneumoniae nos isolados de ceratite. Foram observados altos níveis de suscetibilidade a antibióticos, incluindo vancomicina, cefalosporinas e fluoroquinolonas. Alta variabilidade genética foi detectada entre as 19 cepas de S. pneumoniae, com 15 previstas para serem encapsuladas. Os prontuários médicos dos pacientes com endoftalmite infecciosa foram revisados (n=15/27; 56%), e a acuidade visual final foi avaliada em 12 casos (44%). Muitos pacientes evoluiram para um estado final de acuidade visual de "sem percepção luminosa" (6/12; 50%), "percepção luminosa" (3/12; 25%) ou "movimentos de mãos" (1/12; 8%). Também foram revisados os prontuários médicos dos pacientes com ceratite infecciosa (n=24/35; 69%), e a acuidade visual final foi avaliada em 18 casos (51%). Da mesma foram, a maioria dos pacientes evoluiu para um estado final de acuidade visual de "sem percepção luminosa" (6/18; 33%), "percepção luminosa" (1/18; 6%) ou "movimentos de mãos" (6/18; 33%). No geral, a maioria dos pacientes evoluiu para um estado final de acuidade visual de "sem percepção luminosa" (12/30), "percepção luminosa" (4/30) ou "movimentos de mãos" (7/30). Conclusões: A distribuição de estreptococos alfa-hemolíticos nas infecções oculares sugeriu a presença de um tropismo de tecido específico da espécie. Os prognósticos dos pacientes com infeções oculares por estreptococos foram altamente desfavoráveis e a resistência a antibióticos contribuiu não para as progressões clínicas des­favoráveis e os maus resultados.

Humanos , Endoftalmitis , Endoftalmitis/tratamiento farmacológico , Endoftalmitis/epidemiología , Queratitis , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico , Antibacterianos/farmacología , Streptococcus pneumoniae , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Queratitis/tratamiento farmacológico , Queratitis/epidemiología