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Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24): 3770-3776, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846306


Objective: To screen the upstream regulatory transcription factors of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS) in the triterpenoid synthesis pathway in Ganoderma lucidum. Methods: In this study, the FPS promoter was cloned and connected to the pAbAi plasmid to construct bait vector pAbAi-FPS, which was transformed into Y1H yeast competent cells to construct bait yeast. The yeast one-hybrid cDNA library was constructed by using SMART technology, then the purified ds-cDNA and pGADT7-Rec were co-transformed into bait yeast strain to screen the upstream transcriptional regulatory factors of PFS. Results: The bait vector containing pAbAi-FPS was constructed and the bait strain was screened, the cDNA library was constructed and transformed to the bait strain. A total of 37 positive clones were screened and sequenced. The sequences of conserved domain were predicted and performed blast search against the whole-genome database to identify their function. As a result, a total of 18 upstream regulatory factors were screened out including three transcription factors, five ribosomal proteins, and 10 other transcription regulators. Conclusion: The results indicated that transcription factors GlSNF2, GlMHR, and GlZn2Cys6 were candidate genes for regulating the expression of FPS, and this study offered data for further study on the regulation mechanism of FPS expression.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2018. 207 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-913431


Filtros orgânicos são amplamente utilizados em formulações fotoprotetoras, com habilidade de absorver radiações ultravioleta (UV). Contudo, parte destes compostos possuem limitações, como: fotoinstabilidade, permeação cutânea e fotossensibilização e entre outros. Este trabalho envolveu a síntese de matriz mesoporosa do tipo SBA-15, encapsulação/incorporação de ρ-metoxicinamato de octila (MCO), benzofenona-3 (BZF-3) e avobenzona (AVO) na SBA-15 para aplicação em formulações fotoprotetoras. Fez-se a determinação da eficácia in vitro dos filtros encapsulados/incorporados combinados a ingrediente cosmético; o preparo de bastão fotoprotetor e determinação eficácia estimada; a avaliação do potencial de irritação ocular dos bastões por HET-CAM - Hen's Egg Test - Chorioallantoic Membrane, e a avaliação da permeação/retenção cutânea e perfil de biodistribuição dos filtros. Para a caracterização dos materiais foram empregadas técnicas físico-químicas e analíticas. As medidas de adsorção/dessorção de N2 mostrou que as amostras dos filtros solares encapsulados/incorporados apresentaram diminuição na área superficial e volume de poro (V), indicando que os filtros solares foram encapsulados/incorporados na superfície e nos poros da SBA-15. Os resultados de Espalhamento de raios X a baixo ângulo evidenciaram que os filtros solares não afetaram a estrutura hexagonal da SBA-15. Por TG/DTG e análise elementar foi possível determinar a quantidade de filtros solares na superfície e nos mesoporos da SBA-15. Enquanto, as curvas DSC e DTA revelaram aumento na estabilidade térmica da AVO e BZF-3, quando encapsulados/incorporados. Os resultados da eficácia fotoprotetora in vitro mostraram que a combinação dos três filtros solares encapsulados/incorporados na SBA-15 promoveram aumento de 52% no fator proteção solar (FPS), enquanto que, na formulação fotoprotetora contendo os três filtros encapsulados/incorporados, o aumento foi de 94%. O ensaio de HET-CAM evidenciou que os bastões contendo SBA-15 e os filtros encapsulados/incorporados não foram irritantes. O ensaio de permeação/retenção cutânea mostrou que o processo de encapsulação/incorporação da BZF-3 promoveu diminuição de sua permeação em todos os tempos de exposição. As quantidades permeadas de AVO e MCO ficaram abaixo do limite de quantificação nos tempos 6 e 12 h, no entanto, no tempo de 24 h foi possível quantificá-los. As quantidades dos filtros solares retidas na pele a partir da formulação contendo os filtros solares encapsulados/incorporados na SBA-15 (F4) foram menores (tempos 6 e 12 h) em comparação à formulação contendo os filtros solares não encapsulados (F3). A investigação da biodistribuição dos filtros solares mostrou que a retenção total na pele, como na derme, foi menor na formulação F4 em comparação à F3. O estudo comparativo entre pele suína e a pele humana mostrou que as quantidades de BZF-3 e AVO permeadas e retidas na pele suína foram superiores do que em relação à humana para ambas as formulações (F4 e FR). Pela técnica de biodistribuição, foi possível determinar que os filtros solares oriundos das formulações F3 e referência (FR) apresentaram maior retenção destes compostos na derme do que em outras camadas da pele. Contudo, observou-se que os filtros encapsulados apresentaram taxa reduzida de retenção na derme

Organic Filters are chemical compounds widely used in sunscreens formulations with the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation (UV). Despite the effectiveness of these compounds in UV radiation protection, disadvantages related to their photo instability, potential skin permeation and photo sensibility pose significant challenges for improving these products. The aim of this work was to synthesize mesoporous matrix SBA-15, encapsulation/entrapping of octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC), benzophenone-3 (BZF-3) and avobenzone (AVO) into SBA-15 for application in photoprotective formulations. It was accessed in vitro photoprotection efficacy and in vitro photostability assay of encapsulated/entrapped UV filters combined with cosmetic ingredient and photoprotective stick formulations; evaluation of the ocular irritation potential of photoprotective stick formulations by in vitro method HET-CAM - Hen's Egg Test - Chorioallantoic Membrane; evaluation the skin permeation/deposition and biodistribution profile of photoprotective stick formulations. The decrease in the surface area and in mesoporous volume (V) observed in the nitrogen adsorption desorption isotherms of encapsulated/entrapped samples indicated that UV filters were efficiently encapsulated/entrapped into SBA-15. Additionally, SAXS results showed that UV filters did not affected the hexagonal structure of the mesoporous material and that these compounds filled the SBA-15 pores. TG/DTG and elemental analysis were efficient tools to confirm the presence and the quantity of UV filters into SBA-15. DTA and DSC curves of encapsulated/entrapped materials showed that the thermal stability of AVO and BZF-3 were increased. On the other hand, DSC curves of encapsulated/entrapped materials demonstrated that thermal stability of OMC was not increase. The in vitro photoprotective efficacy results demonstrated that the combination of the three sunscreens encapsulated/entrapped into SBA-15 increased 52.0% the SPF values, while the stick formulation containing the UV filters encapsulated/entrapped, the increase was 94.0%. Delivery experiments using porcine skin demonstrated that the encapsulation/entrapping process of UV filters resulted the decreased of BZF-3 permeation and deposition in skin (6 and 12 hours). The cutaneous biodistribution profile of UV filters showed that the deposition of these compounds from encapsulated/entrapped stick formulation (F4) was significantly lower than that from UV filters stick formulations (F3) in the total slices of the skin and dermis. The comparative study between porcine skin and human skin demonstrated that the amounts of BZF-3 and AVO permeated and deposited in porcine skin were higher than in human skin for both formulations (F4 and FR - reference formulation). By the biodistribution technique it was possible to determine that the UV filters from the formulations F3 and FR presented higher retention of these compounds in the dermis than in other layers of the skin. On the other hand, it was observed that the encapsulated UV filters presented low retention rate into dermis

Protectores Solares/análisis , Rayos Ultravioleta/efectos adversos , Silicatos , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión de Rastreo/instrumentación , Dióxido de Silicio/administración & dosificación , Isoterma
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24): 971-978, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-852951


Objective: Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPS) gene of Fritillaria thunbergii was cloned and the correlation between the expression content of gene and alkaloid accumulation was analyzed to explore the role of FPS gene in the regulation of alkaloid synthesis and metabolism. Methods: In this study, the new bulbs and different tissues of Fritillaria thunbergii varieties "Narrow leaf" "Broad leaf" and "New Meiyuan" were used to clone the full-length sequence of FPS gene via RACE technology. RT-qPCR and HPLC-ELSD technology was used to determine the expression of FPS in 10 different developmental stages and the content of alkaloid (Peimine and Verticinone), respectively. Finally, the correlation was analyzed. Results: The full-length cDNA sequence of FPS gene was 1 629 bp. Open Reading Frame (ORF) was 1 056 bp and encoded 351 amino acids. Among them, the tissue specific expression trends of FPS gene were same, flowers had the highest expression level, followed by the new bulb. The results of correlation analysis showed thatthe content Peimine and Verticinone had significant positive correlation with the expression level of FPS gene in "Broad leaf" and "New Meiyuan" (The correlation coefficients were 0.289 and 0.613, 0.427 and 0.622, respectively);FPS gene expression and alkaloid content in different tissues had a positive correlation (The correlation coefficients were 0.057 and 0.476, 0.085 and 0.495, 0.375 and 0.432, respectively). Conclusion: The full-length sequence of FPS gene was successfully cloned in this study. The FPS gene involved in the regulation of alkaloid synthesis and metabolism.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2017. 110p tab, graf, ilus.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-876412


A exposição crônica à radiação solar pode contribuir para o aparecimento do câncer de pele, sendo o uso de fotoprotetores um fator primordial na prevenção desses efeitos deletérios. Atualmente, substâncias bioativas tais como a rutina têm sido foco de interesse da comunidade científica graças às suas propriedades fotoprotetoras e antioxidantes, que podem promover aumento dos valores de FPS, além de conferir características multifuncionais às formulações. Achados in vitro recentes indicam que a rutina, quando incorporada em emulsões fotoprotetoras óleo em água, promove aumento da atividade antioxidante e aumento do FPS. No entanto, a realização de estudos clínicos é fundamental para confirmar e quantificar esses resultados, já que a metodologia in vitro possui baixa repetibilidade e ausência de correlação com ensaios in vivo, principalmente quando as formulações analisadas apresentam substâncias antioxidantes em sua composição. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar pela primeira vez a atividade da rutina frente ao FPS e sua segurança clínica através da comparação de formulações fotoprotetoras contendo rutina 0.1% (w/w), avobenzona 3.0% (w/w) e octil dimetil PABA 8.0% (w/w) com uma preparação similar sem o composto bioativo. Adicionalmente, hidratação cutânea, FPS in vitro e atividade antioxidante da rutina em associação com outros filtros foram investigados. O perfil de segurança das formulações qualificou as fórmulas para os testes de eficácia clínica. O teste de DPPH confirmou a capacidade antioxidante da rutina, demonstrando cerca de 40% de aumento na capacidade de sequestro de radicais livres na presença do composto bioativo. A rutina em combinação com os filtros UV aumentou o FPS clínico de 7.30 ± 0.60 para 12.37 ± 1.13, o que representa cerca de 70% de aumento. Os resultados encontrados provam que a rutina em combinação com outros filtros pode aumentar significativamente o valor do FPS e que a mesma é segura para uso clínico

Unprotected chronic exposure to solar radiation can contribute to premature skin cancer and sunscreens are a key factor to avoid those detrimental effects. Currently, there is a growing interest in the photoprotector and antioxidant potential of bioactive substances, such as rutin, that could help to increase the SPF value and add multifunctional characteristics to the formulations. Recent in vitro findings indicated that rutin, when incorporated in oil-in-water photoprotective emulsions can provide antioxidant activity and SPF increase. However, clinical studies are fundamental to determine this activity duo to in vitro methodology lack of repeatability and correlation between the in vivo data, especially when the analyzed formulas contain antioxidant substances. The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time to date the rutin in vivo SPF and clinical safety by comparing sunscreens formulations containing rutin 0.1% (w/w), butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane 3.0% (w/w) and octyl dimethylPABA 8.0% (w/w) with a similar bioactive-free preparation. Additionally, skin hydration, in vitro SPF and in vitro antioxidant activity of rutin, in association with the UV filters were investigated. The safety profile of the formulations under sun-exposed skin conditions qualified the formulas for clinical efficacy assays. DPPH test confirmed rutin antioxidant properties, demonstrating about 40% increase in radical scavenging potential when the bioactive compound was present. Rutin in combination with the UV filters increased the clinical SPF from 7.30 ± 0.60 to 12.37 ± 1.13, representing about 70% growth in the SPF value. The results obtained proved that rutin in combination with UV filters can improve the SPF value significantly and is safe for clinical use

Rutina/análisis , Protectores Solares/metabolismo , Ácido 4-Aminobenzoico/análisis , Antioxidantes/análisis , Composición de Medicamentos/clasificación , Factor de Protección Solar , Antioxidantes
HU rev ; 40(1/2): 81-88, jan.-jun. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1858


A exposição ao sol pode resultar em muitos benefícios para as pessoas como a saúde física e mental, a síntese de vitamina D, o tratamento de icterícia, entre outros. No entanto, também pode causar danos à pele pela exposição excessiva. Os filtros solares são produtos concebidos para absorver os raios ultravioleta A e B. Para avaliar o desempenho destes foram adquiridos em farmácias magistrais cinco produtos (amostras 1, 2 e 3), filtros solares solúveis em água contendo (ácido 2 - fenilbenzimidazol - 5 - sulfónico) e submetidos a ensaios físico-químicos. A análise dos dados revelou que nenhum dos produtos e respectivas amostras (1, 2 e 3) mostrou um valor de pH dentro das especificações (7,2-7,5) necessário para a solubilização completa do filtro solar. O tempo de escoamento relacionado com a viscosidade dos géis mostrou que apenas as amostras do produto D exibiram valores muito semelhantes, ao passo que as amostras da farmácia C apresentaram maiores diferenças. As amostras que correspondem às outras farmácias também mostraram mudanças suaves, contudo, quando aplicado sobre a placa de vidro, não houve percepção visível. Considerando-se o Factor de Proteção Solar (FPS), nas amostras estudadas os FPS encontrados "in vitro" pelo método Mansur (1986b) e modificado por (Renata, 2004), apresentaram valores bem abaixo do FPS rotulado, especialmente produtos C e E não mostraram nenhuma característica do espectro de absorção, indicando a ausência de protetor solar hidrossolúvel.

Protectores Solares , Factor de Protección Solar , Protectores Solares/uso terapéutico , Rayos Ultravioleta , Factor de Protección Solar/métodos , Geles
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-672213


A pesquisa tem como objetivo a aplicação da transmitância espectral utilizando uma esfera de integração para estimar o Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS) de fotoprotetores comerciais para o uso infantil. Fotoprotetores com FPS 30 (A, B e C), disponíveis comercialmente, foram selecionados para avaliação conforme as seguintes metodologias: valor de pH, perfil reológico, e valor de FPS in vitro por espectroscopia. As amostras A, B e C apresentaram, respectivamente, os seguintes valores de pH: 7.8, 7.4 e 7.0. O perfil reológico identificou os sistemas como semissólidos pseudoplásticos não-Newtonianos, com área de histerese. O teste-T (p < 0.05) foi utilizado para confrontar o FPS alegado (FPS = 30) com o estimado por espectroscopia. Estudos in vitro foram considerados de grande importância para a área cosmética, podendo corroborar, previamente, a realização dos estudos de eficácia in vivo. De acordo com os resultados, as amostras A, B e C apresentaram valores de FPS sem diferença estatisticamente significativa, quando comparados àqueles citados nos rótulos. A transmitância espectral utilizando esfera de integração provou ser uma metodologia conveniente, rápida e reprodutível para a avaliação estimada do FPS.

This research focused on the measurement of spectral transmittance using an integrating sphere to estimate the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of commercial sunscreens oriented for child use. Commercially available SPF 30 sunscreens (A, B and C) were selected and assessed by the following methodology: pH measurement; rheological profile analysis; and in vitro SPF estimation by spectroscopy. Samples A, B and C exhibited, respectively, pH values of 7.8, 7.4 and 7.0. The rheological profile identified the systems as pseudoplastic non-Newtonian semisolids with hysteresis loops. The t-test (p < 0.05) was used to confront the claimed SPF (SPF = 30) with that estimated by spectroscopy. In vitro tests are considered of utmost importance in the cosmetic , since their results may be used to validate submission to subsequent in vivo efficacy experiments. According to our results, sunscreens A, B and C generated SPF values without any significant difference from those claimed on the commercial sunscreen labels. The measurement of spectral transmittance with an integrating sphere proved to be a convenient, fast and reproducible method for SPF estimation.

Reología , Análisis Espectral , Protectores Solares
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; 12: 105-112, nov. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-707479


Tras ubicar el discurso capitalista con su correlato de secuelas forclusivas del sujeto propias de la ciencia, mostraremos algunas repercusiones en el cuerpo de la caída de los ideales, entre ellas la propensión a la caída en el organismo del fenómeno psicosomático (FPS). Luego desarrollaremos la oposición FPS/síntoma, apoyándonos en las indicaciones de Lacan (Seminario 11) respecto a la holofrase (S1/S2 sin intervalo) dando cuenta de la lesión psicosomática como de un jeroglífico en el desierto, escrito para no ser leído. Este rechazo del inconsciente no afecta al conjunto de la cadena, sino a una secuencia específica. Por eso el lenguaje no puede cumplir su función de separar el goce del cuerpo, lesionando tal órgano. Fragmentación que no es tributaria de la fragmentación propia del síntoma conversivo, sino más bien lleva en sí el poderoso bisturí del S1. Por este rodeo se hace un nombre propio, dejando de lado el “Nombre del Padre” en el punto preciso en que ha fallado. La lógica de un recorte clínico nos permitirá interrogar las estrategias de reducción de goce tras la aparición fortuita de un fenómeno psicosomático por una intervención de la analista ligada a la vacilación calculada de la neutralidad. En ella aparecen concernidos, conceptos tales como: duelo detenido, cuerpo endosado y mimesis.

Humanos , Pesar , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Trastornos Psicofisiológicos/psicología , Psicoanálisis
São Paulo; s.n; 2012. 210 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-691533


A tendência atual do mercado cosmético é desenvolver produtos que contenham insumos de origem vegetal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a aplicação da Tecnologia da Química Verde na síntese da rutina visando o aumento da estabilidade dessa em formulações cosméticas com sua eficácia antioxidante e fotoprotetora. Realizou-se a síntese química por meio da introdução de grupos carboxilatos às hidroxilas do dissacarídeo na molécula de rutina, gerando como produto final o succinato de rutina. Este derivado e/ou a rutina foram incorporados em 74 formulações-teste e, selecionadas 12 (sistemas emulsionados O/A), após serem submetidas à Avaliação Preliminar de Estabilidade (APE) e ao Teste de Estabilidade Acelerada (TEA), sob variações de temperatura e umidade. Utilizou-se agentes emolientes e silicones para facilitar a solubilização e/ou dispersão dos filtros químicos e físicos. A segunda etapa deste trabalho foi a avaliação da segurança do succinato de rutina, tendo como padrão a rutina, por meio do método alternativo de toxicidade in vitro, o XTT. Após o screening das concentrações ensaiadas, as que apresentaram menor nível de morte celular foram respectivamente, 0,1% ou 1 mg/mL (rutina) e 0,4% ou 4 mg/mL (succinato de rutina). Segundo os resultados do TEA, as formulações contendo succinato de rutina associada ou não aos filtros solares em ambas as bases cosméticas (A - Crodafos®CES + Uniox®C e B - Hostacerin®SAF) foram selecionadas para a continuidade do Teste de Estabilidade Normal (TEN). Neste teste, as emulsões fotoprotetoras foram avaliadas frente aos parâmetros: propriedades organolépticas (aspecto, cor e odor), aspectos físico-químicos (medição de pH e de viscosidade) e funcionais (atividade antirradicalar e eficácia fotoprotetora in vitro). Os resultados apresentados pela formulação MS (succinato de rutina associado aos filtros químicos e físico) foram: homogeneidade, a não modificação de cor e odor em temperatura ambiente, a não alterações significativas...

The current cosmetic market trend is to develop products containing vegetables raw materials. This work proposed to use the Technology of Green Chemical to increase the rutin stability in cosmetic formulas as regards of its antioxidant and photoprotective properties. The chemical synthesis was realized by the introduction of carboxylate groups on sugar moiety of rutin producing in rutin succinate. This derivative and/or rutin were incorporated into 74 test formulas. After the undergoing to preliminary and accelerated stabilities under different temperature and humidity conditions were selected 12 formulas (O/W emulsions). Emollient agents and silicones were used to improve the solubility and/or dispersion of the chemical and physical filters. The second stage of this work was to evaluate the safety of rutin succinate, rutin used as an internal standard, using the alternative method of in vitro toxicity, the XTT. After the screening of tested concentrations, the concentrations of the samples with the lowest level of cell death were 0.1% or 1 mg/mL (rutin) and 0.4% or 4 mg/mL (rutin succinate), respectively. According to results obtained in accelerated stability testing, the formulations containing rutin succinate in combination or not with UV filters in both O/W emulsions (A - Crodafos®CES + Uniox®C and B - Hostacerin®SAF) were selected for the long term stability test. In this test the sunscreens were evaluated in the following parameters: the organoleptic properties (appearance, color and odor), physico-chemical aspects (pH value and viscosity) and functional (antiradicalar activity and in vitro photoprotection efficacy). The results presented by the MS formula (rutin succinate associated with physical filter and chemical filters) were: uniformity, stability of color and odor at room temperature and showed no significant difference, as well stability in: pH and SPF (Sun Protection Factor) values, hysteresis area, antiradicalar activity. These results were...

Ácido Succínico/análisis , Ácido Succínico/efectos de la radiación , Ácido Succínico/síntesis química , Técnicas In Vitro , Factores Protectores , Rutina/análisis , Rutina/efectos de la radiación , Rutina/síntesis química , Química Farmacéutica , Tecnología Química Verde , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-fes/farmacocinética , Proteínas Proto-Oncogénicas c-fes/química
Anesthesia and Pain Medicine ; : 125-129, 2010.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-193398


BACKGROUND: The hemodynamic changes associated with orotracheal intubation may result from direct laryngoscopy and the endotracheal intubation. This study was designed to compare the hemodynamic changes after the endotracheal intubation with either the Levitan FPS scope or Macintosh laryngoscope. METHODS: Sixty patients, aged 20 to 60 years, were randomly allocated into two groups, the Levitan FPS scope group (LF group, n = 30) and the Macintosh group (M group, n = 30). The endotracheal intubation with the Levitan FPS scope or Macintosh blade was performed after inducing anesthesia. The heart rate and arterial pressure were measured before induction, just before intubation and at 1, 3 and 5 min after intubation. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the arterial pressure and heart rate responses to tracheal intubation with the Levitan FPS scope and the Macintosh laryngoscope. In both groups, the arterial pressures at 1 and 3 and 5 min after intubation were increased significantly compared with the preintubation values, and the heart rates at 1 and 3 min after intubation were increased significantly compared with the preintubation values. CONCLUSIONS: The Levitan FPS scopic intubation does not attenuate the hemodynamic responses associated with endotracheal intubation compared with the Macintosh laryngoscopy.

Anciano , Humanos , Anestesia , Presión Arterial , Corazón , Frecuencia Cardíaca , Hemodinámica , Intubación , Intubación Intratraqueal , Laringoscopios , Laringoscopía
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 17(4): 626-630, out.-dez. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-476214


O óleo de andiroba extraído da Carapa guianensis tem apresentado considerável interesse pelas indústrias farmacêutica e cosmética devido a suas propriedades antiinflamatória e repelente de insetos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade fotoprotetora in vitro e in vivo do óleo de andiroba. Emulsões estáveis do tipo O/A foram preparadas com o metoxicinamato de etilhexila aditivadas ou não com óleo de andiroba. As características organolépticas foram avaliadas através de análises macroscópicas e o tipo de emulsão pelo teste de diluição. O FPS in vitro foi determinado pelo método espectrofotométrico desenvolvido por Mansur, e o teste in vivo de acordo com a metodologia padronizada pela Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Não houve diferença estatística entre as formulações, demonstrando que o óleo de andiroba não apresentou atividade fotoprotetora.

The andiroba oil extracted of Carapa guianensis has attracted considerable interest by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries because of its anti-inflammatory and insect repellent properties. This research evaluated the in vitro and in vivo andiroba oil photoprotection activity. Stable O/W emulsions with ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate were prepared with and without andiroba oil. These emulsions were assessed by evaluating several parameters such as macroscopic analysis and organoleptic aspects, emulsion type by diluition test and in vitro and in vivo determinations of Sun Protect Factor (SPF). The in vitro SPF was determined according to the spectrophotometric method developed by Mansur. The in vivo SPF values were determined according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) method. There was not statistical difference among the formulations, demonstrating that the andiroba oil did not present photoprotective activity.

Técnicas In Vitro , Meliaceae/efectos de la radiación , Aceites de Plantas/efectos de la radiación
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24)1994.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570953


Object To compare HPLC-FPS of five kinds of Ciwujia Tablets (CWT) in nine batches from five different sources. Methods HPLC-FPS analysis method of CWT was developed, and the HPLC-FPS of nine samples was established. Results The methodological evaluation showed that this method had a good repeatability, and the ratio of common peak area for different samples was different. Conclusion This method can be used to differentiate CWT from different sources conveniently.

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24)1994.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-573038


Objective To study the HPLC fingerprints (HPLC-FPS) Taxus cuspidatea twigs and leaves (TCTL) for reflecting the internl chemical information and evaluating its internal quality of TCTL. Methods HPLC was used to analyze the alcohol extracts of TCTL. Results The fingerprint of TCTL was established. HPLC-FPS of ten batches of T. cuspidata samples collected at different time were analysed and extablished. The correlation technicl parameters of T. cuspidata were obtained, i.e. the main common peak with relative retention time and relative peak area. Conclusion The fingerprint can be used to evaluate the quality of TCTL.

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24)1994.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-575499


Objective To clone and sequence the cDNA encoding farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase(FPS) from Panax notoginseng.Methods The cDNA,encoding FPS in P.notoginseng,was amplified by RACE strategy with the total RNA of root as the template.The fragment of FPS was cloned and sequenced.Results The analysis results revealed that the full-length cDNA had(1 409) bp with an open reading frame encoding 343 amino acids of protein.The FPS sequence had 95%,87%,and 86% amino acid sequence homology to the FPS sequence of Centella asiatica,Parthenium argentatum,and Artemisia annua,respectively. Conclusion The cDNA encoding FPS from P. notoginseng is cloned and reported.This works provide a foundation for exploring the mechanism of saponins biosynthesis and application to the other medical plants.

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24)1994.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-576718


Objective To establish the fingerprint of Gentiana straminea from Qinghai Province by HPLC. Methods By orthogonal design and related methods based on information theories and chemometrics to optimize the proper HPLC conditions so that the fingerprint spectra of ten groups of different samples have been formed. Results The experimental results are the fact that the common fingerprint peaks, precision, and repeatability in the fingerprint totally meet the relative regulations required in Technical Requirements of the Fingerprint Research in Injection of Chinese Materia Medica (Tentatine Standard). Conclusion The chromatographic fingerprint can be used to identify and evaluate the quality of G. straminea.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-681065


Objective: To study comparatively the HPLC FPS of Chinese Red Ginseng and Korean Ginseng in the same group. Methods: The HPLC FPS of samples of Red Ginseng were established. Results: The chromatographic overlap rate of them was over 65%, even though the overlap rate of 3 samples of korean Ginseng was only 63%~66%. The relative area resultant of 8 samples was over 55%. Conclusion: The qualities of analyzed samples are similar and the HPLC FPS can provide the useful formation for the quality estimation of Radix Ginseng.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-682048


Objective: The similarities and the differences among Peru's Ginseng healthcare product, Radix Ginseng and Panax quinquefolium were studied. Methods: The work was performed by analysis of HPLC FPS and 4 dimensional UV FPS. Results: Their 4 dimensional UV FPS were very similar with each other, and the common peaks ratio of the components extracted from Peru's Ginseng healthcare product, Radix Ginseng with absolute alcohol was larger than that of the components extracted from Peru's Ginseng healthcare product and Panax quinquefolium. The variant ratio between the healthcare product and Radix Ginseng were more similar and much lower than that between the healthcare product and Panax quinquefolium. Conclusion: The components extracted from the healthcare product with absolute alcohol are the same as that from Radix Ginseng and are of quite large difference from the components from Panax quinquefolium.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-682171


Objective:To study comparatively HPLC FPS of seven kinds of snowlotus, Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. from different sources of Xinjian area. Methods: HPLC fingerprint analytical method of Snowlotus, from Urumqi was developed, and the HPLC FPS of seven samples were established. Results: The methodological evaluation showed that this method had a good repeatability, and the ratio of common peaks area of different samples were different. Conclusion: The method can be used to distinguish Snowlotus from different sources conveniently.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-570153


Objective: To study comparatively HPLC-FPS of three kinds of Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi from different sources. Methods: HPLC fingerprint analysis method of Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi from Ningan was developed, and the HPlC-FPS of three samples were established. Results: The methodological evaluation showed that this method had a good repeatability, and the ratio of common peaks' area of different samples were different. Conclusion: This method can be used to differentiate Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi from different sources conveniently.

Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-571286


Objective: A HPCE capillary zone eletrophoretic method for the determination of evodiamine in Fructus Evodia was established. Similarly, areliable HPCE-FPS (fingerprint spectrum) was applied to compare quality of Fructus Evodia to 14 samples of 3 species from different areas. Methods: The evodiamine was detected on 254nm and proteins was on 196nm、254nm by HPCE. The electrophoretic parameters were optimized by studying the efffect of the buffer composition. Results: Calibration graph was constructed in the range 1.944 ?g?mL -1~7.766 ?g?mL -1 for evodiamine (r=0.9974). The regression equation was y= 188.7x-32.1. The average recovery was 101.3 (n=3). In this paper, the proteins of Frutus Evodia HPCE-FPS was established at 196nm and 254nm. Conclusion: Content of evodiamine from Fructus Evodia was determined by HPCE-CZE and HPCE-FPS and distinguished three species from different growing areas related to intrinsic quality of them. The research provides new technique for evaluating quality of traditional Chinese medicine.