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Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564257


Esse trabalho tem como objetivo investigar se o período do dia influencia no desempenho dos indivíduos numa bateria de TAF. A amostra foi composta por dez indivíduos de ambos os sexos (24,10 ± 0,96 anos), que realizaram o TAF nos três períodos do dia: manhã, tarde e noite, em três dias não consecutivos no decorrer de uma semana. O TAF foi composto por cinco testes (teste de preensão manual, teste na barra fixa, teste de flexão abdominal, teste de impulsão horizontal e Shuttle-run) para homens e quatro testes para as mulheres, que não realizaram o teste de força na barra fixa. No primeiro dia da bateria de testes, eles foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica e de composição corporal com bioimpedância. Em cada dia de avaliação, os participantes tiveram a temperatura corporal aferida antes de iniciar os testes e responderam à percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) após cada teste. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado a anova one-way com post-hoc de bonferroni para comparar as diferenças de performance ao longo dos três períodos do dia. Não foram encontradas diferença significativas (P>0,05) no desempenho entre os testes realizados, nem na PSE nas comparações entre os três períodos do dia. A temperatura corporal foi significativamente (P<0,01) menor no período da manhã (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) quando comparada ao período da tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) e da noite (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Assim, é possível concluir que o período do dia não influência o desempenho de adultos jovens em uma bateria de TAF.

This work aims to investigate whether the time of day influences the performance of individuals in a TAF battery. The sample consisted of ten individuals of both genders (24.10±0.96 years), who performed the FAT in three periods of the day: morning, afternoon and night, on three non-consecutive days over the course of a week. The FAT consisted of five tests (handgrip test, fixed bar test, abdominal flexion test, horizontal impulsion test and Shuttle-run) for men and four tests for women, who did not perform the strength test on the bar. fixed. On the first day of the battery of tests, they underwent an anthropometric and body composition assessment with bioimpedance. On each evaluation day, the participants had their body temperature measured before starting the tests and answered the subjective perception of exertion (RPE) after each test. For the statistical analysis, one-way anova with Bonferroni post-hoc was used to compare performance differences over the three periods of the day. No significant differences (P>0.05) were found in the performance between the tests performed, nor in the PSE in the comparisons between the three periods of the day. Body temperature was significantly (P<0.01) lower in the morning (36.28±0.08 ºC) when compared to the afternoon (36.54±0.69 ºC) and night (36.70 ±0.10 ºC). Thus, it is possible to conclude that the time of day does not influence the performance of young adults in a TAF battery.

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar si la hora del día influye en el rendimiento de los individuos en una batería de pruebas de aptitud física (BAF). La muestra estuvo conformada por diez individuos de ambos sexos (24,10±0,96 años), quienes realizaron el BAF en tres momentos del día: mañana, tarde y noche, en tres días no consecutivos en el transcurso de una semana. La BAF constaba de cinco pruebas (handgrip test, test de barra fija, test de flexión abdominal, test de impulsión horizontal y Shuttle-run) para hombres y cuatro pruebas para mujeres, que no realizaron la prueba de fuerza en barra fija. El primer día de la batería de pruebas se les realizó una valoración antropométrica y de composición corporal con bioimpedancia. En cada día de evaluación, a los participantes se les tomó la temperatura corporal antes de comenzar las pruebas y respondieron la percepción subjetiva de esfuerzo (PSE) después de cada prueba. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó Anova unidireccional con Bonferroni post-hoc para comparar las diferencias de rendimiento en los tres períodos del día. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0,05) en el rendimiento entre las pruebas realizadas, ni en el PSE en las comparaciones entre los tres períodos del día. La temperatura corporal fue significativamente (P<0,01) más baja en la mañana (36,28 ± 0,08 ºC) en comparación con la tarde (36,54 ± 0,69 ºC) y la noche (36,70 ± 0,10 ºC). Por lo tanto, es posible concluir que la hora del día no influye en el rendimiento de los adultos jóvenes en una BAF.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-7, fev. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418225


Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a avaliação da resistência aeróbia avaliada pelos testes de McArdle e Conconi e associar as medidas indiretas com a percepção subjetiva por meio da Escala de Capacidade Percebida (ECP). Foram recrutados 29 participantes, 17 homens e 12 mulheres, com idades iguais ou maiores de 18 anos da região de São José, Santa Catarina. Após os recrutamentos foram analisados variáveis como sexo, idade, estatura, massa corporal, frequência cardíaca e esforço físico por meio dos testes de banco de McArdle e Conconi, além da capacidade percebida por meio da ECP. A média da pontuação da ECP foi de 9,72 (DP = 1,60). O Índice de Correlação Intraclasse entre os dois testes foi considerando excelente (r = 0,939; p < 0,001). Além disso, ambas análises apresentaram associação com a variável desfecho. No entanto, o poder explicativo da Regressão Linear, considerando como variável independente o VO2max a partir do deste de McArdle foi maior (45,3%). Assim, recomenta-se a utilização da tabela de referência deste teste para identificação do VO2máx a partir da percepção subjetiva pela ECP. Desta forma, a ECP pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa na avaliação, prescrição de exercícios e em estudos epidemiológicos por sua fácil e rápida aplicabilidade em adultos ativos fisicamente

This study aimed to compare the assessment of aerobic resistance evaluated by the McArdle and Conconi tests and to associate the indirect measures with the subjective perception through the Rating of Perceived Capacity (RPC). 29 participants were recruited, 17 men and 12 women, aged 18 years or older from the region of São José-SC. After recruitment, variables such as gender, age, height, body mass, heart rate and physical effort were analyzed using the McArdle and Conconi bench tests, in addition to the perceived capac-ity through the ECP. The mean ECP score was 9.72 (SD = 1.60). The Intraclass Correlation Index between the two tests was considered excellent (r = 0.939; p < 0.001). In addition, both analyses were associated with the outcome variable. However, the explanatory power of Linear Regression, considering VO2max as an independent variable from McArdle's, was higher (45.3%). Thus, it is recommended to use the reference table of this test to identify the VO2max from the subjective perception by the ECP. In this way, ECP can be a valuable tool in the evaluation, exercise prescription and in epidemiological studies due to its easy and quick easy applicability in physically active adults

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Consumo de Oxígeno , Valores de Referencia , Evaluación del Rendimiento de Empleados , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Prueba de Esfuerzo
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 15(3): 474-483, sept.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143457


Resumen La aptitud física se relaciona con la capacidad orgánica de un sujeto para realizar eficientemente una actividad física determinada. En la modelación de las clases de educación física es imprescindible contar con herramientas que permitan el control eficaz de diferentes capacidades, y en función de ello diseñar la aplicación del estímulo físico en específico, y la toma de decisiones pedagógicas en general. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar baremos del rendimiento en aptitud física para estudiantes varones universitarios de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). El siguiente estudio se basa en una Investigación descriptivo-analítica de orden cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se utiliza un muestreo aleatorio simple y se selecciona una muestra representativa de 581 estudiantes varones de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (17-38 años), aplicándole seis pruebas de valoración en aptitud física para conformar baremos a partir de la aplicación de los percentiles 95, 85, 75, 50, 25, 15 y 5. En materia de resultados, se alcanzaron valores medios en la prueba de velocidad (V50m: 7.75s), en la prueba de abdominales (A30s: ≈  23 repeticiones), la prueba de flexiones de brazos (FB30s:≈ 24 repeticiones), la prueba de flexibilidad (F: ≈  2.5cm), la prueba de Salto Horizontal (SH: ≈189cm) y de resistencia (R1000m: ≈ 4.9min), conformando los baremos con siete ítems fundamentales. Se determinaron los baremos del rendimiento en aptitud física para estudiantes varones universitarios de la universidad mencionada. Se recomienda construir y socializar resultados para el género femenino.

Resumo A aptidão física está relacionada com a capacidade orgânica de um sujeito para realizar eficientemente uma determinada atividade física. Na modelação das aulas de educação física, é essencial dispor de ferramentas que permitam o controlo efetivo das diferentes capacidades, e em função disso, conceber a aplicação do estímulo físico especificamente, e a tomada de decisões pedagógicas em geral. O objectivo deste trabalho é determinar escalas de desempenho em aptidão física para estudantes universitários masculinos na Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo . O estudo seguinte baseia-se numa pesquisa descritiva-analítica de ordem quantitativa e qualitativa. Foi utilizada uma amostragem aleatória simples e foi selecionada uma amostra representativa de 581 estudantes masculinos da Escola Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (17-38 anos), aplicando 6 testes de aptidão física para conformar escalas a partir da aplicação de percentis 95, 85, 75, 50, 25, 15 e 5. Em termos de resultados, foram alcançados valores médios no teste de velocidade (V50m: 7,75s), no teste abdominal (A30s:≈ 23 repetições), no teste de flexão de braços (FB30s:≈  24 repetições), no teste de flexibilidade (F: ≈  2,5cm), no teste de salto horizontal (SH: ≈  189cm) e no teste de resistência (R1000m: ≈  4.9min), formando as escalas com 7 itens fundamentais. As escalas de desempenho físico foram determinadas para os estudantes universitários masculinos da universidade mencionada. Recomenda-se a construção e socialização de resultados para o género feminino.

Abstract Physical fitness is related to organic capacity of a subject to efficiently perform a certain physical activity. In the modeling of physical education classes, it is essential to have tools that allow the effective control of different capacities, and based on this, design the application of the specific physical stimulus, and pedagogical decision-making in general. The objective is to determine performance scales in physical fitness for male university students of the Superior Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH in Spanish). This work is based on a descriptive-analytical research of a quantitative and qualitative order. It is used a simple random sampling, a representative sample of 581 male students from the Higher Multi technical school of Chimborazo (17-38 years old) is selected, applying 6 assessment tests in physical fitness to form scales based on the percentiles application (95, 85, 75, 50, 25, 15 & 5.). In terms of results average values were reached in Speed Test (V50m: 7.75s), in the Abdominal Test (A30s: ≈ 23 repetitions), the Arm Push-up Test (FB30s: ≈ 24 repetitions), the Flexibility Test (F: ≈ 2.5cm), the Horizontal Jump Test (SH: ≈189cm) and the Endurance Test (R1000m: ≈4.9min), making up the scales with 7 mainl items. The performance scales in physical fitness for male university students of the mentioned university were determined. It is recommended to build and socialize results for the female gender.

Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1429-1436, Dec. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040149


The aim of this study was to establish the anthropometric and physical profiles of young soccer players according to their playing position and to determine their relevance for competition success. One hundred and twenty young soccer players participated in the study. Players aged 19 were classified into the following groups: defenders (n=40), midfielders (n=40) and attackers (n=40). The anthropometric variables of participants (height, weight, body mass index, 4 skinfold, 2 diameters, and 2 perimeters) were measured. Also, their somatotype and body composition were calculated. Participants performed Bruce treadmill test protocol and Yo-Yo Intermittent Test to estimate their relative VO2max, sprint tests (5 m and 20 m flat), 2 jump tests (countermovement jump and standing long jump test), 3 tests for assessing agility (Illinois with balls and without balls, and 505-test) and seven fitness tests for assessing power, speed, agility, flexibility, frequency, abdominal muscle power and balance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determinate differences between team positions. On the base of the obtained results, it can be established that players playing in midfield position have less body height, weight, and achieve less results in fitness tests Illinois 20-meter running, leg-tapping, sit-ups in 30 seconds, but better results in the tests 'sit and reach', 'flamingo' and the tests of assessing maximum oxygen consumption compared to the defenders and attackers. The attack players have less values in skinfolds and achieve better results in 5-meter running test and standing long jump compared to the midfielders and defenders. The obtained results can serve as normative morphologic-functional indexes for regular medical control of young footballers in the R. Kosovo. They can also be used as a model of comparison of morphologic- functional data between young footballers of similar levels in different countries.

El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer los perfiles antropométricos y físicos de jóvenes futbolistas de acuerdo con su posición de juego y determinar su relevancia para el éxito de la competencia. Ciento veinte jóvenes futbolistas participaron en el estudio. Jugadores de 19 años de edad fueron clasificados en los siguientes grupos: defensores (n = 40), mediocampistas (n = 40) y atacantes (n = 40). Se midieron las variables antropométricas de los participantes (altura, peso, índice de masa corporal, 4 pliegues cutáneos, 2 diámetros y 2 perímetros). Además, se calculó su somatotipo y composición corporal. Los participantes realizaron el protocolo de prueba de cinta de andar de Bruce y la prueba intermitente Yo-Yo para estimar su VO2 máx. relativo, pruebas de velocidad (5 m y 20 m planos), 2 pruebas de salto (contraataque y prueba de salto de pie), 3 pruebas para evaluar la agilidad (Illinois con balones y sin balones, y 505-test) y siete pruebas de condición física para evaluar la potencia, la velocidad, la agilidad, la flexibilidad, la frecuencia, la potencia de los músculos abdominales y el equilibrio. El análisis de varianza (ANOVA) se utilizó para determinar las diferencias entre las posiciones del equipo. Sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos, se puede establecer que los jugadores que juegan en la posición del medio campo tienen menos altura corporal, peso y logran menos resultados en las pruebas de condición física, en comparación con los defensores y atacantes: carrera de 20 metros de Illinois, golpeo de piernas, abdominales en 30 segundos, pero mejores resultados en las pruebas 'sentarse y alcanzar', 'flamingo' y las pruebas de evaluar el consumo máximo de oxígeno. Los jugadores de ataque tienen menos valores en los pliegues cutáneos y logran mejores resultados en una prueba de carrera de 5 metros y en salto largo, en comparación con los centrocampistas y defensores. Los resultados obtenidos pueden servir como índices morfológicos-funcionales normativos para el control médico regular de los jóvenes futbolistas en Kosovo. También pueden usarse como un modelo de comparación de datos morfológico-funcionales entre jóvenes futbolistas de niveles similares en diferentes países.

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Fútbol , Antropometría , Prueba de Esfuerzo/métodos , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Somatotipos , Composición Corporal , Kosovo
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2009 Oct-Dec; 53(4): 375-379
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145949


Exercise increases oxygen consumption and causes a disturbance of intracellular pro-oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis. Athletes are exposed to acute and chronic stress that may lead to increased generation of oxidative species. Hence oxidative stress increases in athletes. Administration of antioxidant like alpha-tocopherol as supplementation may reduce the cell damage caused due to oxidative stress. In the present study, our aim was to study the effects of alpha-tocopherol supplementation on the cardiopulmonarv fitness in endurance athletes (cyclists) and non-athletes. Our study included 40 cyclists who were trained under District Youth Service & Sports Office. 40 controls were randomly selected from student group of B.L.D.E.A’s Medical College. Aloha-tocooherol (Vitamin E) 200 mg/ day for 21 days was given to study group and placebo was given to placebo group. Various physiological parameters like heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate were recorded, for assessing cardiopulmonarv fitness: Physical Fitness Index (PFI) and VO2 max ml/min/kg were recorded before and after supplementation of vitamin E in athletes, and were compared with placebo group before and after supplementation of placebo and also with non-athletes. The results obtained from present study indicate that antioxidant like alpha-tocopherol supplementation did not contribute significantly to improve the cardiopulmonarv fitness of endurance athletes.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-379123


An Elderly Health and Fitness Promotion Program was carried out in the 32 on areas of Ichihazama Town (now Kurihara City), Miyagi Prefecture to promote the health of the elderly population by making as many townspeople as possible aware of their health and fitness levels, and develop active lifestyles. We evaluated the effectiveness of this program on the basis of the results during the past 4 years.In 2001, the Elderly Health and Fitness Promotion Program was started in each of the town's 32 administration areas. The number of participants continued to increase until it exceeded 600 in 2004, with increases in the percentages of males, those aged 80 years or above, and those withlimited ADL among the participants. While the results of fitness tests varied widely and were very low in some participants, changes in the fitness level were small in regular participants.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-372081


The purpose of this study was to confirm the causal effect model of strength on walking ability development as a result of exercise participation among elderly people in a community, utilizing the latent curve model (LCM) in structural equation modeling (SEM) . Twenty-six male and 57 female subjects, 83 in total, aged 67.8±5.7, 63.9±7.1 and 65.1±6.9 in a pooled sample participated in the exercise program which lasted for two years. Grip strength and sit-ups used in the Japan Fitness Test were measured for muscular strength, 10-m hurdle walk and 6-min walk for walking ability, and the fitness test score for physical ability. The data analysis procedures were as follows : a) analysis of test-retest reliability and construct validity of measurement items, b) analysis of causal structure model of aging, muscular strength and walking ability, c) analysis of variance for repeated measurement of walking performance by sex, age and year, d) analysis of LCM for walking performance development. The highest goodness-of-fit indices of SEM were obtained in the LCM of 10-m hurdle walk performance development (GFI=0.989, AGFI=0.920, CFI=0.998, RMSEA=0.038) . The path coefficient of sit-ups at pre-test effect on the intercept of 10-m hurdle walk performance development was significant (<I>p</I><0.05) . The path coefficients of age to intercept and slope of 10-m hurdle walk development were also significant (<I>p</I><0.05) . It was concluded that walking ability development through participation in exercise age and strength level was more effective for maintaining walking ability in older age.