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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 223-236, jul./dez. 2024. ilus; tab.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554861


Urban growth and human impacts on the environment have forced animals to adjust to habitat fragmentation and reduced home ranges. Capuchin monkeys are known for their great social and behavioral flexibility, occupying even highly urbanized environments in a way that the time budget of this primate in synanthropic situation may be affected by the area they inhabit. This study aims to analyze the activity budget of a group of Sapajus nigritus living in an anthropized area, 1) comparing the behavioral frequencies in urbanized areas and forest fragments; 2) comparing behavioral frequencies in different sex-age classes. During the study, the number of individuals ranged from 35 to 40 individuals identified based on sex-age classes. Behavioral data were collected using the instantaneous scan sampling method, for two minutes with eight-minute intervals. We obtained 319 scans over 28 days, distributed between November 2021 and June 2022, with eight hours per day. We compared the behaviors different areas and between sex-age classes using the Kruskal-Wallis's test. Overall, the group performed a higher frequency of traveling (21.22%), followed by foraging (18.07%), feeding (16.57%) and vigilance (15.61%). The frequency of behaviors varied between areas, with vigilance, social, resting, interaction with humans and self-activity more frequent in urbanized areas compared to forest fragments. We also found variation between the sex-age classes, primarily with juveniles foraging more and adults performing more vigilance. The differences in the behaviors performed by the group express the behavioral flexibility of S. nigritus, adapting its activity pattern according to the area occupied.

O crescimento urbano e os impactos humanos no ambiente forçaram os animais a se adaptarem à fragmentação de hábitat e à redução da área de vida. Os macacos-prego são conhecidos por sua flexibilidade social e comportamental, ocupando até mesmo ambientes altamente urbanizados, sendo que seu padrão de atividades pode ser afetado pela área que habitam. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o padrão de atividades de um grupo de Sapajus nigritus vivendo em área antropizada, com base em: 1) comparação das frequências comportamentais em áreas urbanizadas e fragmentos florestais; e 2) comparação das frequências comportamentais em diferentes classes sexo-etárias. Durante o estudo, o número de indivíduos variou entre 35 e 40 indivíduos, identificados a partir de classes sexo-etárias. Os dados comportamentais foram coletados pelo método scan sampling, durante dois minutos com intervalo de oito minutos. Foram obtidos 319 scans ao longo de 28 dias (entre novembro de 2021 e junho de 2022), por oito horas diárias. Comparamos os comportamentos em diferentes áreas e entre classes sexo-etárias através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Em geral, o grupo apresentou frequência maior de deslocamento (21,22%), seguido de forrageio (18,07%), alimentação (16,57%) e vigilância (15,61%). A frequência dos comportamentos variou entre áreas (vigilância, social, descanso, interação com humanos e autoatividade foram mais frequentes em áreas urbanizadas) e classes sexo--etárias (principalmente com os juvenis forrageando mais e os adultos realizando mais vigilância). As diferenças nos comportamentos realizados pelo grupo expressam a flexibilidade comportamental de S. nigritus, adaptando seu padrão de atividade conforme a área ocupada.

Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557975


Introducción: Es importante la relación entre el desarrollo de las categorías originalidad, flexibilidad, autonomía y motivación del modo de actuación creativo. El objetivo del artículo consistió en elaborar un sistema de indicaciones para el desarrollo de categorías del modo de actuación creativo en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación mixta, donde el universo lo constituyeron estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía-Sicología de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" en el curso 2021-2022 y se tomó una muestra aleatoria intencional de 24 educandos del tercer año. Resultados: El procesamiento estadístico de los instrumentos aplicados permitió ubicar al 75 % de la muestra entre un nivel medio y bajo en el desarrollo de categorías del modo de actuación creativo, por carencias en su expresión. Discusión: Desde fundamentos teóricos referenciados se analizó una propuesta de indicaciones que permiten la sistematización de contenidos de aprendizaje y facilitan el desarrollo de acciones autónomas y motivadoras para solucionar problemáticas en el contexto laboral. Conclusiones: La elaboración de indicaciones, desde la disciplina principal integradora y en estrecha relación con las categorías declaradas del modo de actuación creativo, facilitaron su desarrollo y demostraron pertinencia y factibilidad en el contexto de la práctica laboral.

Introduction: The relationship between the development of the categories of originality, flexibility, autonomy and motivation of the creative mode of action is important. The objective of the article was to develop a system of indications for the development of categories of the creative mode of action in university students. Methods: A mixed investigation was carried out, where the universe was made up of students of the Pedagogy-Psychology degree at the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" in the 2021-2022 academic year and an intentional random sample of 24 students from the third year was taken. In the research, actions were designed to solve problems in work practice and a self-assessment scale about the development of the categories of the creative mode of action. Results: The statistical processing of the applied instruments allowed 75 % of the sample to be placed between a medium and low level in the development of categories of the creative mode of action, due to deficiencies in its expression. Discussion: From referenced theoretical foundations, a proposal of indications was analyzed that allow the systematization of learning content and facilitate the development of autonomous and motivating actions to solve problems in the work context. Conclusions: The development of indications, from the main integrative discipline and in close relationship with the declared categories of the creative mode of action, facilitated its development and demonstrated relevance and feasibility in the context of work practice.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 150-157, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040013


Objective: Rapid bone development in growing children causes excessive tension in the lower extremities’ muscles and tendons, leading to reduced flexibility and increased musculoskeletal disorder risk. Further, lack of exercise causes obesity. Therefore, we created a stretching exercise protocol to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in elementary school (middle and upper grades) children during their growth period, when rapid bone development begins.Patients and Methods: We examined the effects on pain, injury, and flexibility. Fifty-three (boys: 34, girls: 19) students in grades 3–5 (ages 9–11) performed the stretching exercises at school thrice a week for one year, and we compared the results before and a year after the intervention.Results: A three-minute stretching exercise routine achieved an intensity of 4.6–4.9 metabolic equivalents (METs; equivalent to brisk walking). Obesity (P=1.000), flexibility problems (inability to bend forward [P=0.754] or squat problems [P=1.000]), bone/joint pain (P=1.000), and injury (P=1.000) did not significantly increase.Conclusion: Stretching exercises during the growth period may help prevent childhood musculoskeletal disorders, obesity, and flexibility loss.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 262-266, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039259


BackgroundLung cancer is a malignancy of high incidence rate and mortality in China. The fear of relapse can affect the patient's treatment compliance and reduce their quality of life. There have been previous studies on the relationship between fear of lung cancer relapse and disease perception, as well as disease perception and psychological flexibility. However, current research on the status quo of fear of lung cancer relapse and its correlation with illness perception and psychological flexibility is limited. ObjectiveTo explore the fear of cancer relapse and its relations with illness perception and psychological flexibility in patients with lung cancer, and to provide references for subsequent related clinical interventions. MethodsA total of 96 patients were selected as the research subjects, who were pathologically diagnosed with lung cancer and admitted to Fuyang People's Hospital from January 2021 to July 2022. Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form (FoP-Q-SF), Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ) and Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Ⅱ (AAQ-Ⅱ) were used for evaluation. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the correlation between scores of various scales, and multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the influencing factors of relapse fear in lung cancer patients. ResultsThe total FoP-Q-SF score of lung cancer patients was (35.35±7.66) and a total of 65 cases (67.71%) had a FoP-Q-SF score≥34. As relevant analyses showed, the BIPQ total score of lung cancer patients was positively correlated with the total score, social family dimension score and physiological health dimension score of Fop-Q-SF (r=0.586, 0.445, 0.475, P<0.05), the AAQ-Ⅱ score was positively correlated with the total score, social family dimension score and physiological health dimension score of FoP-Q-SF (r=0.485, 0.652, 0.513, P<0.05). According to the results of single factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, age (β=-0.142, P<0.01), education level (β=-0.254, P<0.01), monthly household income (β=-0.527, P<0.01), illness perception (β=0.847, P<0.01) and psychological flexibility (β=0.781, P<0.01) are all factors influencing the fear of relapse in lung cancer patients. ConclusionMost lung cancer patients have a fear of recurrence. It is not only related to illness perception and psychological flexibility, but also influenced by factors including age, education level and monthly family income.[Funded by Special Research Project on Business Construction of National Clinical Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine under the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (number, JDZX2015074)]

CoDAS ; 36(2): e20220334, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520735


RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar as funções neuropsicológicas de estudantes de uma escola pública do Distrito Federal (Brasil), matriculadas 1º e 2º ano de Ensino Fundamental na reabertura das escolas públicas na pandemia da COVID-19 e a influência dos fatores familiares e contextuais sobre o desempenho dessas habilidades. Métodos Participaram 117 estudantes, bem como seus responsáveis. As crianças foram avaliadas presencialmente por meio do Instrumento de Avaliação Neuropsicológica Breve Infantil (NEUPSILIN-Inf). Os pais/responsáveis responderam remotamente ao Inventário de Recursos do Ambiente Familiar e as questões para classificação socioeconômica e de escolaridade materna. Resultado Os dados apontam alta prevalência de crianças em fase de alfabetização que apresentam alerta ou déficit das funções de orientação, memória, linguagem, habilidades visuoespaciais, habilidades aritméticas e fluência verbal. Ainda, as atividades previsíveis que sinalizam algum grau de estabilidade na vida familiar são preditoras do desempenho das crianças na habilidade de orientação e os recursos que promovem processos proximais refletem significativamente no desempenho em linguagem. Os resultados sugerem que crianças inseridas em família com estimativas da renda domiciliar abaixo de um salário mínimo apresentam piores desempenhos do controle inibitório. Conclusão Foram apresentados e discutidos os impactos das alterações das habilidades neuropsicológicas para o aprendizado das crianças, destacando a necessidade de intervenções imediatas e direcionadas para essas funções. Foram considerados os fatores contextuais que apresentaram influência sobre o desempenho das habilidades neuropsicológicas.

ABSTRACT Purpose The objective of this study was analyzed the neuropsychological functions of students from a public school in Brazil, enrolled in the 1st and 2nd year of Elementary School at the time of the reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and to access the influence of family and contextual information on the performance of these skills. Methods 117 students participated in the study, as well as their parents or guardians. The children were evaluated in person using the Brief Child Neuropsychological Assessment Instrument (NEUPSILIN-Inf). The parents/guardians answered remotely the Inventory of Resources of the Family Environment and questions about socioeconomic classification and maternal education. Results The data showed a high prevalence of children who had problems or deficits in the functions of orientation, memory, language, visuospatial skills, arithmetic skills and verbal fluency. Furthermore, predictable activities that signal some degree of stability in family life are predictors of children's performance in orientation skills and resources that promote proximal processes significantly reflect on language performance. The results suggest that children included in families with a household income below one Brazilian minimum monthly salary presented poorer inhibitory control performances. Conclusion The impact of changes in neuropsychological skills in children's learning were presented and discussed, highlighting the need for immediate and targeted intervention of these functions. Contextual factors that influenced the performance of neuropsychological skills were also considered.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 12063, out./dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524121


Objetivou avaliar o nível de atividade física, capacidade funcional (CF) e a flexibilidade de adultos jovens antes e após dez meses de ingresso em um programa de exercícios físicos no Exército brasileiro. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de coorte prospectivo. O nível de atividade física foi avaliado pelo Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ), a CF, pelo Teste de Cooper, e a flexibilidade, pelo Banco de Wells. Amostra (n = 198; 18±0,27 anos) com índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 23,23±3,84 kg/m2. Após dez meses de admissão no Exército, constatou-se redução na prevalência de sedentarismo (33  28%) e na CF (2.982±243,61  3.117±192,87 m), sem alteração da flexibilidade (27,31±7,39  27,52±7,40 cm). Houve grande tamanho de efeito no IMC, na relação cintura quadril (RCQ) e na flexibilidade. Conclui-se que a inserção em um programa de exercícios físicos no Exército brasileiro aumentou a CF e reduziu a RCQ dos jovens.

This study aimed to evaluate the level of physical activity, functional capacity (FC), and flexibility of young adults before and ten months after joining a physical exercise program in the Brazilian Army. This was a prospective cohort study. The level of physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), FC using the Cooper Test, and flexibility using the Wells bench. Sample (n = 198; 18±0.27 years) with a body mass index (BMI) of 23.23±3.84 kg/m2. After ten months of admission to the Brazilian Army, there was a reduction in the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle (33  28%) and FC (2,982±243.61  3,117±192.87 m), without change in flexibility (27.31±7.39  27.52±7.40 cm). There was a large effect size on BMI, waist-hip ratio (WHR), and flexibility. In short, inclusion in a physical exercise program in the Brazilian Army increased FC and reduced the WHR of young recruits.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(5): 698-705, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529936


Abstract Objective To determine the correlation between posttreatment trunk range of motion (ROM) and isometric strength (TIS) and pain and disability in patients who underwent multimodal rehabilitation for low back pain (LBP). Methods In this prospective cohort study, 122 patients undergoing multimodal rehabilitation for LBP were analyzed. The pre- and posttreatment numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) scores, as well as trunk ROM and TIS were compared. The Pearson correlation was used to determine correlation between posttreatment clinical outcomes and ROM and TIS. Results At the end of treatment, the mean NPRS (p< 0.0001) and ODI (p< 0.0001) scores, mean trunk extension (p< 0.0001), and flexion (p< 0.0001) ROMs improved significantly. Similarly, posttreatment, the mean extension (p< 0.0001) and flexion (p< 0.0001) TISs improved significantly. There was a weak correlation between the NPRS score and ROM extension (r = -0.24, p= 0.006) and flexion strength (r = -0.28, p= 0.001), as well as between the ODI score and TIS extension (r = -0.30, p= 0.0007) and flexion (r = -0.28, p= 0.001). Conclusion Despite significant improvement in pain, disability, trunk ROM, and TIS with multimodal treatment, there was a weak correlation between posttreatment pain and function and trunk ROM and TIS. Improvement in pain and function with physical rehabilitation treatment for LBP is a complex phenomenon and needs further investigation.

Resumo Objetivo Determinar a correlação entre a amplitude de movimento (ADM) do tronco pós-tratamento e a força isométrica do tronco (FIT) e a dor e a incapacidade em pacientes submetidos à reabilitação multimodal para dor lombar (DL). Métodos Neste estudo de coorte prospectiva, 122 pacientes submetidos à reabilitação multimodal para DL foram analisados. Foram comparados os escores de escala numérica de dor pré- e pós-tratamento (END) e do índice de incapacidade Oswestry (Oswestry disability index - ODI), a ADM do tronco e a FIT. A correlação de Pearson foi utilizada para determinar a correlação entre desfechos clínicos e a ADM e a FIT pós-tratamento. Resultados Ao final do tratamento, as médias de ADM (p< 0,0001) e ODI (p< 0,0001), as ADMs médias de extensão (p< 0,0001) e a flexão (p< 0,0001) do tronco melhoraram significativamente. Da mesma forma, a FIT pós-tratamento, as FITs médias de extensão (p< 0,0001) e flexão (p< 0,0001) melhoraram significativamente. Houve uma correlação fraca entre o escore do END e a ADM de extensão (r = -0,24, p= 0,006) e força de flexão (r = -0,28, p= 0,001) pós-tratamento, assim como entre o escore de ODI e FIT de extensão (r = -0,30, p= 0,0007) e flexão (r = -0,28, p= 0,001) pós-tratamento. Conclusão Apesar da melhora significativa da dor, capacidade, ADM do tronco e FIT com tratamento multimodal, houve uma fraca correlação entre dor pós-tratamento e função e ADM e FIT de tronco. A melhora da dor e da função com o tratamento de reabilitação física para DL é um fenômeno complexo e precisa de uma investigação mais aprofundada.

Humanos , Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral/terapia , Resultado del Tratamiento , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/rehabilitación , Dolor de la Región Lumbar/terapia , Terapia Combinada , Fuerza Muscular
Med. infant ; 30(3): 289-292, Septiembre 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1516000


Las funciones ejecutivas generalmente se conceptualizan como un conjunto de procesos generales de control de orden superior que trabajan juntos para dirigir y gestionar las funciones cognitivas, emocionales y conductuales, especialmente durante la resolución activa de problemas. Su disfunción es frecuente de ser detectada como comorbilidad de otros trastornos del neurodesarrollo, causa o efecto? La detección precoz de la disfunción ejecutiva y su abordaje terapéutico temprano, mejora el pronóstico global madurativo en el periodo infantojuvenil. Esta sucinta revisión de las funciones ejecutivas intenta resaltar su importancia para el pediatra y su mirada de los trastornos del neurodesarrollo (AU)

Executive functions are typically understood as a set of general higher-order control processes that collectively direct and manage cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functions, especially during active problem solving. Their dysfunction is often detected as a comorbidity of other neurodevelopmental disorders; cause or effect? Early detection of executive dysfunction and a prompt therapeutic approach improves the overall developmental prognosis in childhood and adolescence. This brief review of executive functions aims to highlight their importance for the pediatrician and his/her view of neurodevelopmental disorder (AU)

Humanos , Atención/fisiología , Cognición/fisiología , Función Ejecutiva/fisiología , Disfunción Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo/diagnóstico
Kinesiologia ; 42(2): 62-69, 20230615.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552458


Introducción. Actualmente existe un aumento considerable de lesiones de miembros superiores en trabajadores con labores de escritorio y trabajo de escritorio. Una de las lesiones más comunes es el DHRMR (Dolor de Hombro Relacionado al Manguito Rotador).1,2 Por esta razón, la presente investigación buscó intervenir un grupo de trabajadores de oficina de la Universidad de Las Américas, campus Santiago Centro con dolor de hombro3, realizando pausas activas (PA), y ejercicios focalizados que buscaban aliviar el dolor y aumentar la funcionalidad. Objetivo. Comparar las PA basadas en ejercicios de fuerza, versus, las PA basadas en ejercicios de flexibilidad sobre las variables de función de hombro, dolor, dinamometría y síntomas asociados a sospecha de ansiedad y depresión en trabajadores administrativo de la Universidad de Las Américas, campus Santiago Centro. Métodos. Estudio pseudo-experimental, simple ciego (individuos no conocen a que grupo pertenecen), 40 participante mayores de 18 años que presentaron dolor de hombro en un periodo de 6 meses. Para la evaluación se utilizaron escalas DASH, ASES, EVA y GOLDBERG. Se separaron en dos grupos, grupo de ejercicios de fuerza y un grupo de ejercicios de flexibilidad, la aleatorización de los participantes en cada grupo se realizó con el software OxMaR. Resultados. Se observaron en todas las variables que no existieron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. Conclusión. No se observaron mayores diferencias entre ambas intervenciones, con una tendencia a una mayor mejoría al grupo de fuerza.

Background. Currently there is a considerable increase in upper limb injuries in workers with desk and teleworking tasks. One of the most common injuries is the DHRMR (Shoulder Pain Related to the Rotator Cuff).1,2 For this reason, the present investigation sought to intervene a group of office workers with shoulder pain3, performing active pauses (PA), and focused exercises that sought to relieve pain and increase functionality. Objective. To compare BP based on strength exercises versus BP based on flexibility exercises on the variables of shoulder function, pain, dynamometry, and symptoms associated with suspicion of anxiety and depression. Methods. Single-blind clinical trial, 40 subjects over 18 years of age who presented shoulder pain in a period of 6 months. For the evaluation, DASH, ASES, EVA and GOLDBERG scales were used. They were separated into two groups, a strength exercise group and a flexibility exercise group. Results. It was observed in all the variables that there were no significant differences between both groups. Conclusion. No major differences were observed between the two interventions, with a tendency to a greater improvement in the strength group.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221410


The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and agility of female kho-kho players. For this purpose, a sample of forty (N=40) female kho-kho players of age ranging from 14 to 17 years were selected from Laxmi Narayan Inter College, Meja, Prayagraj. Further, the subjects were purposively divided in two groups. First group, designated as experimental group (N1=20) and the second one as control group (N2=20). All the participants were informed about the objectives and methodology of this study and they volunteered to participate in this experimental study. The study was restricted to the variables: muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and agility. The same were measured by using Flexed Arms Hang Test, Sit-Ups Test, Sit and Reach Test and Shuttle Run Test respectively. Experimental group have undergone yoga training for 6 week by following a sequence of selected yogic asanas. Paired sample t-test was applied to study the effects of yoga training on female kho-kho players. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results revealed significant differences between pre and post-tests of experimental group in respect to Muscular strength (t-6.946*), Muscular endurance (t-9.863*), Flexibility (t-11.052*) and Agility (t-14.068*). However, insignificant differences were observed between pre and post-tests of control group.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440744


Las cualidades de la condición física como la flexibilidad, fuerza y VO2max en el deportista, se manifiestan en su totalidad en cualquier actividad deportiva. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el nivel de flexibilidad y la relación existente con el nivel de fuerza explosiva y VO2max. Se seleccionaron 137 deportistas de la provincia de Imbabura en las disciplinas de fútbol, basquetbol, escalada, atletismo, ciclismo y taekwondo y se evaluaron mediante la prueba de sit and reach, salto vertical (VERT) y test de Queen College. Los resultados mostraron que el 81,8% fueron de etnia mestiza, el 56 % de la muestra de género masculino. Las disciplinas taekwondo y escalada fueron más flexibles (31 cm), la fuerza explosiva promedio que destacó fue la escalada (48cm) de capacidad de salto, seguido del basquetbol (45cm); el VO2max de los basquetbolistas fue excelente (57 ml*kg-1*min-1). El fútbol presentó un VO2max promedio (52,8 ml*kg-1*min), con diferencias significativas entre las medias (p=<0,05). La flexibilidad de las disciplinas deportivas tuvo una relación (p=<0,00) directa moderada con la fuerza e inversa moderada (p=<0,01/ rho =-0,4) con el VO2max. La flexibilidad fue directamente proporcional a la fuerza, es decir, si aumentó la flexibilidad también aumentó la fuerza; sin embargo, la flexibilidad fue inversamente proporcional a el VO2max, es decir, la flexibilidad disminuyó y el VO2 max aumentó.

As qualidades de aptidão física como flexibilidade, força e VO2max no atleta se manifestam em sua totalidade em qualquer atividade esportiva. O objetivo da pesquisa era avaliar o nível de flexibilidade e a relação existente com o nível de força explosiva e VO2max. Um total de 137 atletas foram selecionados da província de Imbabura nas disciplinas de futebol, basquete, escalada, atletismo, ciclismo e taekwondo e foram avaliados usando o teste sit and reach, salto vertical (VERT) e o teste Queen's College. Os resultados mostraram que 81,8% eram de etnia mista, 56% da amostra era masculina. As disciplinas de taekwondo e escalada eram mais flexíveis (31 cm), a força explosiva média que se destacava era a capacidade de saltar (48 cm), seguida do basquetebol (45 cm); o VO2max dos jogadores de basquetebol era excelente (57 ml*kg-1*min-1). O futebol tinha um VO2máx médio (52,8 ml*kg-1*min-1), com diferenças significativas entre os meios (p=<0,05). A flexibilidade das modalidades esportivas teve uma relação direta moderada (p=<0,00) com força e uma relação inversa moderada (p=<0,01/ rho =-0,4) com o VO2max. A flexibilidade foi diretamente proporcional à força, ou seja, se a flexibilidade aumentou, a força também aumentou; entretanto, a flexibilidade foi inversamente proporcional ao VO2máx, ou seja, a flexibilidade diminuiu e o VO2máx aumentou.

The qualities of the physical condition such as flexibility, strength and VO2max in the athlete, are fully manifested in any sporting activity. The objective of the research was to evaluate the level of flexibility and the existing relationship with the level of explosive strength and VO2max. One hundred thirty-seven athletes from the province of Imbabura were selected in the disciplines of soccer, basketball, climbing, athletics and taekwondo and were evaluated through the sit and reach test, vertical jump (VERT) and Queen College test. The results showed that 81.8 % were of mixed ethnicity, 56 % of the sample male. The taekwondo and climbing disciplines were more flexible (31 cm), the average explosive strength that stood out was climbing (48cm) of jumping capacity, followed by basketball (45cm); the VO2max of the basketball players was excellent (57 ml*kg-1*min-1). Soccer presented an average VO2max (52.8 ml*kg-1*min), with significant differences between the means (p=<0.05). The flexibility of the sports disciplines had a moderate direct relationship (p=<0.00) with strength and a moderate inverse relationship (p=<0.01/ rho =-0.4) with VO2max. Flexibility was directly proportional to strength, that is, if flexibility increased, strength also increased; however, flexibility was inversely proportional to VO2max, that is, flexibility decreased and VO2max increased.

Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510903


CONTEXTO: Sentar-se por muito tempo e um estilo de vida sedentário podem resultar em encurtamento dos isquiotibiais. Um declínio na atividade física regular pode levar a uma diminuição da flexibilidade do músculo em um adulto mais jovem. Aumentar a flexibilidade dos músculos isquiotibiais pode diminuir as possibilidades de lesões e prevenir a dor lombar. A aplicação da terapia a laser de alta intensidade (TLAI) tem demonstrado inúmeros benefícios para diversas condições. No entanto, até o momento, não hápesquisas publicadassobre a eficácia dessaterapia para melhorar o comprimento dos músculos isquiotibiais em adultos jovens saudáveis. Este artigo descreve o protocolo de estudo para investigar os benefícios do TLAI no tratamento da rigidez muscular dos isquiotibiais em adultos jovens. MÉTODOS: 136 indivíduos jovens saudáveis serão recrutados, pelo método de amostragem intencional, para participar de um estudo randomizado, simplescego e controlado por simulação. Os participantes recrutados serão divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, o grupo TLAIativo e o grupo TLAI placebo. A duração do tratamento será de 8 a 10 minutos por sessão em ambos os membros inferiores, em dias alternados, durante duas semanas. O teste de extensão ativa do joelho e o teste de sentar e tocar são as medidas de resultado que serão registradas na linha de base, no final do período pós-intervenção de 2 semanas. O valor de p ≤0,05 será considerado estatisticamente significativo. DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados do estudo fornecerão os dados para determinar se aTLAI seria uma futura intervenção não farmacológica não invasiva para reduzir a tensão muscular dos isquiotibiais em adultos jovens. REGISTRO DE ENSAIO: Registro de Ensaios Clínicos NCT05077761.

BACKGROUND: Prolonged sitting and a sedentary lifestyle may result in hamstring shortness. A decline in regular physical activity could lead to a decrease in the flexibility of the muscle in a younger adult. Increasing hamstring muscle flexibility could decrease the possibility of injuries and prevent low back pain. The application of high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) has proved to be innumerable benefits for many conditions. However, to date, no published research is available on the effectiveness of this therapy in improving hamstring muscle length in healthy young adults. This article describes the study protocol for investigating the benefits of HILT in treating hamstring muscle tightness among young adults. METHODS: 136 healthy young individuals will be recruited, by purposive sampling method, to participate in a randomized, single-blinded, sham-controlled study. Recruited participants will be randomly divided into two groups, the active HILT group, and the sham HILT group. The treatment duration will be 8-10 minutes per session, on both lower limbs, for alternate days a week, for two weeks. The active knee extension test and sit-toe and touch test are the outcome measures that will be recorded at baseline, end of the 2-week post-intervention period. The p-value ≤0.05 will be considered statistically significant. DISCUSSION: The study findings will provide the data to determine whether HILT would be a future non-pharmacological non-invasive intervention to reduce hamstring muscle tightness among young adults. TRIAL REGISTRY: Clinical Trials Registry NCT05077761.

Terapia por Láser , Docilidad , Músculos Isquiosurales
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981615


OBJECTIVE@#To introduce a scout view scanning technique of back-forward bending CT (BFB-CT) in simulated surgical position for evaluating the remaining real angle and flexibility of thoracolumbar kyphosis secondary to old osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture.@*METHODS@#A total of 28 patients with thoracolumbar kyphosis secondary to old osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture who met the selection criteria between June 2018 and December 2021 were included in the study. There were 6 males and 22 females with an average age of 69.5 years (range, 56-92 years). The injured vertebra were located at T 10-L 2, including 11 cases of single thoracic fracture, 11 cases of single lumbar fracture, and 6 cases of multiple thoracolumbar fractures. The disease duration ranged from 3 weeks to 36 months, with a median of 5 months. All patients received examinations of BFB-CT and standing lateral full-spine X-ray (SLFSX). The thoracic kyphosis (TK), thoracolumbar kyphosis (TLK), local kyphosis of injured vertebra (LKIV), lumbar lordosis (LL), and the sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were measured. Referring to the calculation method of scoliosis flexibility, the kyphosis flexibility of thoracic, thoracolumbar, and injured vertebra were calculated respectively. The sagittal parameters measured by the two methods were compared, and the correlation of the parameters measured by the two methods was analyzed by Pearson correlation.@*RESULTS@#Except LL ( P>0.05), TK, TLK, LKIV, and SVA measured by BFB-CT were significantly lower than those measured by SLFSX ( P<0.05). The flexibilities of thoracic, thoracolumbar, and injured vertebra were 34.1%±18.8%, 36.2%±13.8%, and 39.3%±18.6%, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that the sagittal parameters measured by the two methods were positively correlated ( P<0.001), and the correlation coefficients of TK, TLK, LKIV, and SVA were 0.900, 0.730, 0.700, and 0.680, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Thoracolumbar kyphosis secondary to old osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture shows an excellent flexibility and BFB-CT in simulated surgical position can obtain the remaining real angle which need to be corrected surgically.

Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Anciano , Fracturas por Compresión/cirugía , Fracturas de la Columna Vertebral/diagnóstico por imagen , Vértebras Lumbares/cirugía , Vértebras Torácicas/cirugía , Cifosis/cirugía , Fracturas Osteoporóticas/cirugía , Lordosis , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990130


Objective:To explore the intervention effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological flexibility, self-compassion, anxiety and depression of the primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer, so as to provide reference for the clinical care of the primary caregivers of cancer patients.Methods:This was a prospective study. A total of 80 primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer treated in Tianyou Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University of Science and Technology from July to December 2021 were selected as the observation objects, and they were randomly divided into the control group and the intervention group according to the random drawing method, with 40 cases in each group. The control group was given routine nursing measures, while the intervention group was given acceptance and commitment therapy on the basis of routine nursing. The intervention effect was evaluated by the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-2nd Edition (AAQ-Ⅱ), Self-Compassion Scale Short-Form (SCS-SF) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before the intervention, on the day of discharge, and one month after discharge.Results:Finally, 71 primary caregivers completed the intervention and follow-up, 36 in the control group and 35 in the intervention group. Before the intervention, there was no statistically significant difference in the scores of AAQ-Ⅱ, SCS-SF, Anxiety subscale of HADS(HADS-A) and Depression subscale of HADS(HADS-D) between the two groups ( P>0.05). The AAQ-Ⅱscores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (19.63±2.59), (19.12 ± 2.20) points, which were significantly lower than those of the control group (23.14 ± 2.49), (22.56 ± 2.40) points. The differences were statistically significant ( t=5.83, 6.25, both P<0.01). The SCS-SF scores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (39.34 ± 2.68), (39.89 ± 2.81) points, which were significantly higher than those of the control group (36.69 ± 3.08), (37.72 ± 2.41) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t=-3.86, -3.49, both P<0.01). The HADS-A/HADS-D scores of the intervention group on the day of discharge and one month after discharge were (9.31 ± 1.95), (9.09 ± 1.60) points and (8.80 ± 2.15), (8.54 ± 1.75) points,which were significantly lower than those of the control group(11.42 ± 1.50), (11.03 ± 1.70) points and (10.11 ± 1.92), (10.03 ± 1.84) points, the differences were statistically significant( t values were 2.71-5.10, all P<0.01). The scores of AAQ-Ⅱ, SCS-SF, HADS-A and HADS-D of the two groups were analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance, and there were significant differences in time effect, inter-group effect and interaction effect ( F vaules were 3.42-37.90, all P<0.05). Conclusions:Acceptance and commitment therapy can improve the self-compassion and psychological flexibility, reduce anxiety and depression of the primary caregivers of patients with primary liver cancer.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991340


Objective:To explore the relation among self-esteem, psychological flexibility and mental health in medical students, and to provide scientific reference for mental health education for medical students.Methods:A total of 788 medical students selected from a medical university in Chongqing City were investigated with the symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90), self-esteem scale (SES), acceptance and action questionnaire-Ⅱ (AAQ-Ⅱ), and cognitive fusion questionnaire-fusion (CFQ-F). SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis. T test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and tests for mediation effects were conducted. Results:There were significant differences in self-esteem and mental health level among medical students in gender and different grades ( t=-2.55, P<0.05; F=6.53, P<0.05). Mental health, self-esteem and psychological flexibility of medical students were correlated in pairs ( r=-0.528-0.694, P<0.01). Psychological flexibility played a partial mediation role between self-esteem and mental health of medical students, and the mediating effect accounted for 60.03% of the total effect. Conclusion:Self-esteem can directly predict the mental health of medical students, and can also indirectly affect mental health through psychological flexibility. Medical universities should carry out psychological education and promotion work with pertinence.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992051


Objective:To explore the differences of the resting-state functional connectivity(FC) between goal-directed network and habituation networks in patients with early- and late-onset obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and the correlation between the strength of FC in the differential brain regions and cognitive flexibility.Methods:From October 2019 to April 2021, 40 patients with OCD were included in this study, including 22 patients with early-onset OCD and 18 patients with late-onset OCD.The cognitive flexibility of all subjects was assessed using the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST), the Stroop task and the trail making test (TMT). The brain regions which were associated with goal-directed network(caudate, orbitofrontal cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex) and the brain regions which were associated with habituation network(putamen, supplementary motor area and insula) were selected as FC regions of interest (ROI). The DPABI and SPM12 plug-ins in the matlab2011a platform were used for whole brain FC analysis to compare the difference of FC between patients with early-onset OCD and patients with late-onset OCD on the two networks.The data were analyzed by SPSS 25.0 with χ2 test, independent samples t-test, and Pearson correlation analysis. Results:Compared with patients with early-onset OCD, patients with late-onset OCD had significantly enhanced FC of the left supplementary motor area with the left putamen and left insula.The total number of persistent errors of WCST in patients with late-onset OCD was greater than that in patients with early-onset OCD ((20.61±11.30), (14.95±8.94), P<0.05). The FC of the left putamen-left supplementary motor area was significantly and positively correlated with the total number of sustained responses ( r=0.678, P=0.003) and the total number of incorrect responses ( r=0.590, P=0.013) in patients with late-onset OCD.The FC of the left supplementary motor area-left insula was significantly positively correlated with the number of responses required to complete the first classification in patients with late-onset OCD ( r=0.485, P=0.049). Conclusion:Patients with late-onset OCD have stronger habituation network FC than patients with early-onset OCD, and the enhanced FC correlates with patients' cognitive flexibility performance, while late-onset OCD has more impaired cognitive flexibility than early-onset OCD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992132


Objective:To investigate the effect of online acceptance and commitment therapy(ACT) group intervention on psychological flexibility of undergraduate students with facial negative physical self.Methods:From March to June 2022, thirty-two undergraduates with facial negative physical self-image were recruited, assessed and selected from a university in Zhejiang Province.The subjects were randomly divided into the training group( n=16) and the control group( n=16). The training group received 20 days of online ACT group intervention, while the control group kept waiting.The cognitive fusion questionnaire(CFQ), acceptance and action questionnaire version Ⅱ(AAQ-Ⅱ) and negative physical self scale-face(NPSS-F) were used to measure the two groups before and after intervention and 1 month after intervention.Repeated measurement analysis of variance(ANOVA) conducted was used to compare scale results with SPSS 26.0. Results:(1)The interaction effect between group and time of CFQ scores was statistically significant( F(1.625, 48.755)=4.316, P=0.025, ηp2=0.126). After intervention, the CFQ score of the training group was significantly lower than those of the control group(34.38±8.66, 40.94±8.82, P<0.05). The CFQ scores of the training group after intervention and 1 month after intervention(36.00±9.49) were both significantly lower than those before intervention(41.87±8.72, all P<0.05). (2)The interaction effect between group and time of AAQ-Ⅱ scores was marginally statistically significant( F(2, 29)=3.009, P=0.065, ηp2=0.172). After intervention, the AAQ-Ⅱ score of the training group was significantly lower than those of the control group(24.12±4.97, 28.69±6.78, P<0.05). The AAQ-Ⅱ score of the training group after intervention was significantly lower than those before intervention(28.75±6.11, P<0.05). (3)The interaction effect between group and time of NPSS-F scores was not statistically significant( F(2, 29)=1.509, P=0.238, ηp2=0.094), while the main effect of time was marginally statistically significant between the two groups( F(2, 29)=3.315, P=0.051, ηp2=0.186). The NPSS-F score of the training group after intervention was significantly lower than those before intervention(16.06±6.67, 18.81±7.85, P<0.05). Conclusion:Online ACT group intervention can effectively reduce the cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance of undergraduate students with facial negative physical self, then can improve their psychological flexibility.

Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy ; (6): 641-648, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019619


Objectve:To observe the change of functional connectivity(FC)characteristic and its correlation with cognitive flexibility in type 2 diabetes mellites(T2DM)patients with cognitive flexibility decreased.Methods:A retro-spective analysis was performed in 24 T2DM patients with cognitive flexibility decreased(T2DM+CD),34 T2DM pa-tients without cognitive flexibility decreased(T2DM-CD)and 31 healthy controls(HC).Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST)and the Stroop Color Word Test(Stroop)were respectively used in three groups of subjects to assess cognitive flexibility and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)scans was used to assess the FC.The differences of cogni-tive flexibility were found between three groups of subjects.The differences of FC between the bilateral(Left and Right,L.and R.)striatum(ST)and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(dlPFC)were found between three groups of subjects.Further analysis was focused on the interactive effect of T2DM and cognitive flexibility on FC changes.Results:Com-pared with T2DM-CD and HC,the number of response administered,errors responses,perseverative response,and time in WCST of T2DM+CD were significantly increased,while the number of correct responses was decreased.In Stroop,the number of correct,word-color contradiction and correct word-color indifference in T2DM+CD were lower than HC.In T2DM+CD,FC between L.ST-L.dlPFC,R.ST-L.dlPFC and R.ST-R.dlPFC were decreased,and decreased FC between R.ST-R.dlPFC was associated with cognitive flexibility scale scores.There existed an interactive effect between T2DM and cognitive flexibility on FC changes.Conclusion:Decreased FC between ST and dlPFC is the neural mechanism of cognitive flexibility impairment in T2DM.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998240


ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of health-related physical fitness of patients with chronic neck pain, and the relationship between neck pain and physical fitness. MethodsFrom Match to June, 2020, 30 healthy controls and 30 patients with chronic neck pain in Dalian University of Technology were included. They were assessed with Neck Disability Index (NDI) and Visual Analog Scale for pain (VAS). The body composition, grip strength (dominant), shoulder joint flexibility, cardiopulmonary endurance and neck muscle endurance of all the participants were measured. ResultsThe content of standardized subcutaneous fat was more, and the trunk muscle content was less in the patients than in the healthy controls, while the standardized grip strength, endurance of neck flexor and extensor, right shoulder flexibility, absolute maximum oxygen uptake were all poorer (|t| > 2.088, P < 0.05). The score of VAS correlated (P < 0.05) with the score of NDI score (r = 0.407), grip strength (r = -0.406), endurance of neck extensor (r = -0.384), right shoulder joint flexibility (r = -0.551) and absolute value of maximal oxygen uptake (r = -0.510). ConclusionHealth-related physical fitness has been impaired for patients with chronic neck pain, and correlates with the intensity of pain.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998276


ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between lower limb muscle strength and walking speed in older adults, and to analyze the mediating role of flexibility and dynamic balance. MethodsFrom November to December, 2021, a total of 155 older adults at the Shanghai Senior Sports and Health Home were included. Their basic health information was collected, and the lower limb muscle strength, flexibility, dynamic balance and walking speed were tested. A mediated effects analysis was conducted. ResultsThere was a pairwise correlation among lower limb muscle strength, flexibility, dynamic balance and walking speed in older adults (r > 0.210, P < 0.01). In the mediated effects model, after controlling for age and gender, lower limb muscle strength did not directly predict walking speed in older adults (β = 0.029, P = 0.699), however, lower limb muscle strength could influence walking speed through the partial mediation of dynamic balance (effect = 0.0130, 95% CI 0.0073~0.0197) and the chain mediation of lower flexibility and dynamic balance (effect = 0.0019, 95% CI 0.0003~0.0043). ConclusionLower limb muscle strength can indirectly affect walking speed in older adults through the mediators of flexibility and dynamic balance, or the dynamic balance alone.