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Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 764-768, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514307


SUMMARY: The purpose of this research is to determine a regression equation for estimation of stature from forearm length measurements. This research was carried out on 1200 subjects (604 male and 596 female) among the population of Montenegrin adolescents. The stature and forearm length measurements were taken according to the ISAK protocol, and the data were analyzed statistically. Linear regression analysis determined the prediction of forearm length on the criterion variable a body height at the significance level of p <0.05. These relations are presented in the form of scatter diagram. Thereby, we obtained the coefficient of determination, the multiple correlation coefficients, the partial correlation coefficient, the regression, t-test and standardized beta coefficient. The results of this research study confirmed that forearm length reliably predicts stature in both sexes of Montenegrin adolescents and revealed a very useful finding for physical anthropologists and experts from related fields. It was confirmed that there is a correlation between forearm length and body height (males: 31.9 %, females: 33.3 %).

El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar una ecuación de regresión para la estimación de la estatura a partir de medidas de la longitud del antebrazo. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en 1200 sujetos (604 hombres y 596 mujeres) entre la población de adolescentes montenegrinos. Las medidas de estatura y longitud del antebrazo se tomaron de acuerdo con el protocolo ISAK y los datos se analizaron estadísticamente. El análisis de regresión lineal determinó la predicción de la longitud del antebrazo en la variable de criterio una altura del cuerpo en el nivel de significación de p <0,05. Estas relaciones se presentan en forma de diagrama de dispersión. De tal manera obtuvimos el coeficiente de determinación, los coeficientes de correlación múltiple, el coeficiente de correlación parcial, la regresión, la prueba t y el coeficiente beta estandarizado. Los resultados de este estudio confirmaron que la longitud del antebrazo predice de manera confiable la estatura en adolescentes montenegrinos de ambos sexos y reveló un hallazgo muy útil para los antropólogos físicos y expertos en áreas relacionadas. Se confirmó que existe una correlación entre la longitud del antebrazo y la altura del cuerpo (hombres: 31,9 %, mujeres: 33,3 %).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Estatura , Antebrazo/anatomía & histología , Modelos Lineales , Antropometría , Montenegro
Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 934-939, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153427


Abstract During the present study thirteen Megaderma lyra bats were observed roosting in dark, domed shaped room of Rohtas Fort, district Jhelum. Out of these, six specimens were captured from the roosting site, using hand net. All captured specimens were male. These bats were identified through their unique facial features, an erect and elongated nose-leaf, large oval ears that joined above the forehead and no tail. Mean head and body length of captured specimens was 80 mm, forearm length was 67 mm while average lengths of 3rd, 4th and 5th metacarpals were 51.73 mm, 55.17 mm and 60.42 mm, respectively. Mean skull length was 29.84 mm, breadth of braincase was 12.77 mm. Average Penis length of two specimens was 6.6 mm and total bacular length was 3.08 mm respectively. This is the first record of Megaderma lyra from district Jhelum.

Resumo Durante o presente estudo, 13 morcegos Megadermalyra foram observados empoleirados em uma sala escura em forma de cúpula no Forte Rohtas, distrito de Jhelum, dos quais 6 espécimes foram capturados no local usando rede manual. Todos os espécimes capturados eram machos. Esses morcegos foram identificados por suas características faciais únicas, uma folha nasal ereta e alongada, grandes orelhas ovais que se juntam acima da testa e sem cauda. O comprimento médio da cabeça e do corpo dos espécimes capturados foi de 80 mm, o comprimento do antebraço foi de 67 mm, enquanto os comprimentos médios do 3º, 4º e 5º metacarpos foram de 51,73 mm, 55,17 mm e 60,42 mm, respectivamente. O comprimento médio do crânio foi de 29,84 mm, e a largura da caixa craniana, de 12,77 mm. O comprimento médio do pênis de duas amostras foi de 6,6 mm, e o comprimento total do báculo foi de 3,08 mm. Este é o primeiro registro de Megadermalyra no distrito de Jhelum.

Animales , Masculino , Quirópteros , Pakistán
Int. j. morphol ; 36(1): 135-139, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-893200


SUMMARY: Carrying angle, or cubital angle defined as the acute angle formed by the median axis of the arm when forearm is in fully extended and supinated position. This angle changes with skelatal growth and maturity. This study was aimed to investigate the correlation of carrying angle with bi-acromial diameter and bi-acromial diameter/bi-trochanteric diameter in our healthy young adult population. This was a cross-sectional study that included 400 (204 male, 196 female) young adult students selected from Çukurova University aged between 18-25 years (mean±standard deviation of females: 20.11±2.05 years; mean±standard deviation of males: 20.45±1.82 years) which originated from different cities in Turkey. After recording demographic data, carrying angle, forearm length, arm length, bi-trochanteric diameter and bi-acromial diameter were measured by using nonelastic tape measure, pelvimeter and manuel goniometer. In addition, body mass index and bi-acromial diameter/bi-trochanteric diameter were calculated for each participants. The mean values of body height and weight were in following respectively for both genders: 178.53±6.40 cm (male), 163.88±5.73 cm (female); 74.89±10.81 kg (male), 57.56±8.61 kg (female). Whereas on dominant arm this angle was as in males 9.77°±2.82° and 13.94°±3.97° in females. The mean value of the carrying angle on nondominant arm in males was 9.85°±2.95° and 14.03°±4.08° in females. The mean carrying angle was 9.81°±2.82° in males and 13.99°±3.97° in females. There are linear relationship between the carrying angle and height (r=-0.474, p<0.001, bi-acromial diameter (r=-0.490, p<0.001), bi-acromial diameter/bi-trochanteric diameter (r=-0.449, p<0.001), forearm length (r=-0.366, p<0.001) and arm length (r=-0.273, p<0.001). We believe that the reference values of carrying angle will help the clinician in the management of elbow displacements, fractures, prosthetic design and diagnosis of epicondylar diseases.

RESUMEN: Se estudió el ángulo de sustentación o ángulo cubital definido como el ángulo agudo formado por el eje mediano del brazo al estar en posición completamente extendido y supinado el antebrazo. Este ángulo cambia con el crecimiento esquelético y la madurez. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la correlación del ángulo con el diámetro biacromial y el diámetro bi-acromial / diámetro bi-trocantérico en una población adulta joven y sana. Se realizó un estudio transversal que incluyó 400 (204 hombres, 196 mujeres) estudiantes adultos jóvenes seleccionados de la Universidad de Çukurova con edades comprendidas entre 18-25 años (media ± desviación estándar de las mujeres: 20,11 ± 2,05 años; media ± desviación estándar de los hombres: 20,45 ± 1,82 años) que se originaron en diferentes ciudades de Turquía. Después de registrar los datos demográficos, el ángulo de desplazamiento, la longitud del antebrazo, la longitud del brazo, el diámetro bi-trocantérico y el diámetro biacromial se midieron utilizando cinta métrica no elástica, pelvímetro y goniómetro manual. Además, se calcularon el índice de masa corporal y el diámetro bi-acromial / diámetro bi-trocantérico para cada participante. Los valores medios de la altura y el peso corporal fueron respectivamente para ambos sexos: 178,53 ± 6,40 cm (masculino), 163,88 ± 5,73 cm (femenino); 74,89 ± 10,81 kg (masculino), 57,56 ± 8,61 kg (femenino). Mientras que en el brazo dominante este ángulo fue como en los hombres 9,77° ± 2,82° y 13,94° ± 3,97° en las mujeres. El valor medio del ángulo de transporte en el brazo no dominante en los hombres fue de 9,85° ± 2,95° y de 14,03° ± 4,08° en las mujeres. El ángulo medio de desplazamiento fue de 9,81° ± 2,82° en hombres y 13,99 ° ± 3,97 ° en mujeres. Hay una relación lineal entre el ángulo de desplazamiento y la altura (r = -0,474, p <0,001, diámetro bi-acromial (r = -0,490, p <0,001), diámetro biacromial / diámetro bi-trocantérico (r = -0,449, p <0,001), longitud del antebrazo (r = -0,366, p <0,001) y longitud del brazo (r = -0,273, p <0,001). Creemos que los valores de referencia del ángulo de carga ayudarán al clínico en el manejo de los desplazamientos del codo, las fracturas, el diseño protésico y el diagnóstico de enfermedades epicondilares.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Articulación del Codo/anatomía & histología , Antebrazo/anatomía & histología , Estudios Transversales
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467528


Abstract During the present study thirteen Megaderma lyra bats were observed roosting in dark, domed shaped room of Rohtas Fort, district Jhelum. Out of these, six specimens were captured from the roosting site, using hand net. All captured specimens were male. These bats were identified through their unique facial features, an erect and elongated nose-leaf, large oval ears that joined above the forehead and no tail. Mean head and body length of captured specimens was 80 mm, forearm length was 67 mm while average lengths of 3rd, 4th and 5th metacarpals were 51.73 mm, 55.17 mm and 60.42 mm, respectively. Mean skull length was 29.84 mm, breadth of braincase was 12.77 mm. Average Penis length of two specimens was 6.6 mm and total bacular length was 3.08 mm respectively. This is the first record of Megaderma lyra from district Jhelum.

Resumo Durante o presente estudo, 13 morcegos Megadermalyra foram observados empoleirados em uma sala escura em forma de cúpula no Forte Rohtas, distrito de Jhelum, dos quais 6 espécimes foram capturados no local usando rede manual. Todos os espécimes capturados eram machos. Esses morcegos foram identificados por suas características faciais únicas, uma folha nasal ereta e alongada, grandes orelhas ovais que se juntam acima da testa e sem cauda. O comprimento médio da cabeça e do corpo dos espécimes capturados foi de 80 mm, o comprimento do antebraço foi de 67 mm, enquanto os comprimentos médios do 3º, 4º e 5º metacarpos foram de 51,73 mm, 55,17 mm e 60,42 mm, respectivamente. O comprimento médio do crânio foi de 29,84 mm, e a largura da caixa craniana, de 12,77 mm. O comprimento médio do pênis de duas amostras foi de 6,6 mm, e o comprimento total do báculo foi de 3,08 mm. Este é o primeiro registro de Megadermalyra no distrito de Jhelum.

Int. j. morphol ; 31(3): 832-838, set. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-694964


The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictors contributing to be in the first three places with right and left arm in armwrestling. Seventy-three male senior armwrestlers competed in Turkish National Championship voluntarily participated in this study. Some participants competed with both arms. Two samples were composed of according to the participant competition category, for right (69 participants) and left arm (65 participants). The data were collected from eight different weight classes. Handgrip strength, auditory reaction time, forearm length, and forearm circumference were determined as the predictors. All the measurements were taken after weigh-ins had been done and before the first day of national championship competition. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to predict whether a competitor in armwrestling would be in the first three places either with right or left arm, to be a winner or non-winner. Relative handgrip strength was found a significant predictor for both right and left arm ranking (p < 0.05). Auditory reaction time was found a significant predictor only for right arm ranking (p < 0.05) and forearm circumference was found a significant predictor only for left arm ranking (p < 0.05). These results suggest that strength can be viewed as the main predictor in left arm ranking; however, auditory reaction time is also an important factor to be in the first three places in right arm ranking. Thus, competitors should also focus to improve this perceptual skill.

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los predictores que contribuyen a clasificar en los tres primeros lugares en la lucha de fuerza de brazos (vencidas o pulsadas) con el brazo derecho e izquierdo. Setenta y tres hombres luchadores senior compitieron en el Campeonato Nacional de Turquía y participaron voluntariamente en este estudio. Algunos participantes compitieron con ambos brazos. Dos muestras fueron conformadas de acuerdo con la categoría de competencia del participante, para el brazo derecho (69 participantes) y el brazo izquierdo (65 participantes). Los datos se obtuvieron para 8 categorías de peso. La fuerza de prensión, tiempo de reacción auditiva, largo del brazo y circunferencia del antebrazo se determinaron como predictores. Todas las medidas fueron tomadas después de pesaje clasificatorio y antes del primer día de competición. Un análisis de regresión logística se realizó para predecir si un competidor en lucha de fuerza estaría en los tres primeros lugares ya sea con el brazo derecho o izquierdo, para ser un ganador o no ganador. La fuerza de prensión relativa resultó un predictor significativo para la clasificación tanto en el brazo derecho e izquierdo (p <0,05). El tiempo de reacción auditiva se encontró un predictor significativo sólo para la clasificación del brazo derecho (p <0,05) y la circunferencia del antebrazo un predictor significativo sólo para el brazo izquierdo (p <0,05). Estos resultados sugieren que la fuerza puede ser vista como el principal predictor en la clasificación para el brazo izquierdo, sin embargo, el tiempo de reacción auditiva es también un factor importante para estar en los tres primeros lugares de la clasificación para el brazo derecho. Por lo tanto, los competidores también deben centrarse en mejorar esta habilidad perceptual.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Antebrazo/anatomía & histología , Antebrazo/fisiología , Fuerza de la Mano , Antropometría , Lateralidad Funcional , Fuerza Muscular , Lucha
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134637


Estimation of stature holds a special place in the field of Forensic anthropometry. The present study is an attempt to evaluate a possible correlation between stature of an individual & six parameters; hand-length, hand-width, foot-length, foot-width, forearm length & knee-to-ankle length individually in a local population of Mumbai. A sample of 300 medical students; 147 male & 153 female studying in Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals was considered & measurements were taken for each of the parameters. It was found that all the six parameters showed a correlation with stature but at different degrees (significance calculated through the paired t-test). Forearm-length showed the highest degree of correlation (r = 0.6558) followed by foot-length (r = 0.6102). Knee-to-ankle length showed the lowest degree of correlation (r = 0.2086). Mathematical formulae for estimating stature were developed for each of these parameters through basic linear regression. It can be concluded that the present study has provided regression equations for six different parameters that can be used for stature estimation in the population of Mumbai. These equations should not be used for other Indian population groups.

Antropometría , Estatura/análisis , Estatura/etnología , Femenino , Pie/anatomía & histología , Antebrazo/anatomía & histología , Antropología Forense , Mano/anatomía & histología , Humanos , India , Pierna/anatomía & histología , Masculino , Grupos de Población
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association ; : 709-713, 2002.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-652196


PURPOSE: Forearm lengths in cases of unilateral congenital radioulnar synostosis, were analysed radiographically to evaluate the amount of length discrepancy according to different types. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We measured the ulnar length ratio (length of affected forearm/length of unaffected forearm) in 15 cases of uni-lateral congenital radioulnar synostosis. We observed two distinct radiographic patterns. Type I (Lamda type) appeared to be of gamma character grossly, and showed severe radial bowing and a severely hypoplastic radial head. Type II (Chi type) seemed x like in character, showed mild radial bowing and a mildly hypoplastic, or normal radial head. RESULTS: Nine cases were type I and 6 were type II. The ulnar length ratio was 0.89 in type I and 0.98 in type II. Significant differences were formed in the ulnar length ratios between normal subject and type I, and between type I and type II (p<0.05). The equation determined by simple linear regression analysis in a patient of type I, who had been followed for 10 years, was'ulnar length ratio=0.959-0.013 X age (year)'. CONCLUSION: Unilateral congenital radioulnar synostosis can be classified into two types according to radiological morphology. This classification can be helpful in the prediction of forearm length discrepancy, and in the determination of surgical treatment type.

Humanos , Clasificación , Antebrazo , Cabeza , Modelos Lineales , Sinostosis