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Acta méd. costarric ; 65(2): 92-96, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556684


Resumen La deficiencia congénita de factor VII es uno de los desórdenes congénitos de la coagulación más comunes, con una prevalencia a nivel mundial de 1:300,000- 1:500,000. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 37 semanas y 5 días, nacido por cesárea intraparto y con el antecedente heredofamiliar de muerte de hermano a los 4 días de nacido por hemorragia intracraneal, quien a los 14 días de nacido es llevado a emergencias por sangrado umbilical que persistía después del desprendimiento del cordón. Su abordaje inicial incluyó la toma de tiempos de coagulación, lo que mostró alteración del tiempo de protrombina con tiempo de tromboplastina parcial y fibrinógeno normales. El sangrado, así como el tiempo de protrombina prolongado, persistió a pesar de que se administrara vitamina K en tres ocasiones y de transfundir plasma fresco congelado. Se sospechó defecto congénito de factor VII, que se confirmó con la cuantificación del factor. A los 2 meses y 10 días de edad, se le realizaron estudios moleculares basados en secuenciación masiva de nueva generación (NGS por sus siglas en inglés). El análisis determinó dos variantes heterocigotas: F7, intrón 5, c.430+1G>A y F7, intrón 8, c.805+1G>A. Actualmente, el paciente se maneja con profilaxis 5 días de la semana con factor VII recombinante 200 µg/día intravenoso (280 µg/kg) sin recurrencia de sangrados.

Abstract Factor VII congenital deficiency is one of the most common congenital deficiencies of the blood system, with a worldwide prevalence of 1:300,000- 1:500,000. Here we describe a male patient, born by C section, with the family history of death at 4 days old of a sibling caused by intracranial hemorrhage, who presented bleeding at the umbilical cord site at 14 days old, even after falling of the cord. The initial assessment included laboratory tests with coagulation times revealing prolonged prothrombin time, with normal partial thromboplastin time as well as fibrinogen. The bleeding and the prolonged prothrombin time persisted despite the administration of vitamin K in three doses as well as fresh frozen plasma. Congenital defect of factor VII was suspected and later confirmed by measuring the factor. At the age of 2 months and 10 days, molecular studies based on next-generation massive sequencing (NGS) were performed. The analysis exhibited two heterozygous variants: F7, intron 5, c.430+1G>A y F7, intron 8, c.805+1G>A. Currently the patient is receiving prophylaxis 5 days per week with recombinant factor VII 200 µg/ day intravenous (280 µg/kg) with no recurrent bleeding.

Humanos , Masculino , Lactante , Hemorragias Intracraneales/diagnóstico , Deficiencia del Factor VII/diagnóstico , Costa Rica , Herencia
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-687441


Dao-di herbs have been recognized as "quality models" with a firmly stable status. The formation of Dao-di herbs quality is involved from the genetic inheritance on the molecular level to the metabolic phenotype of final products, and the full material-based biosynthetic pathway remains unknown. In recent years, an increasing variety of omics technologies has provided new methods and ideas for the analysis of complex life systems and are suitable for explanation of quality formation in Dao-di herbs as well. In order to alleviate the scarcity of natural resources and offer scientific guidance of transplanting varieties, achievements of omics in the aspects of Dao-di herbs from genetics to phenotyping, the biosynthetic pathway of secondary metabolites, the interaction with human body and the new methods of quality evaluation have been summarized. It will be a fundamental work for protection and utilization of Chinese medicine resources.

Ciênc. rural ; 47(5): e20151147, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-839797


ABSTRACT: In order to assess the genetic control of resistance in the melon ‘Gaúcho Redondo’ to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three blocks and six treatments using the parental lines ‘Gaúcho Redondo’ (P1 resistant) and JAB 20 (P2 susceptible), as well as F1, F2, and backcross generations (RC1P1 and RC1P2). Seventy days after inoculation, individual plants were evaluated for resistance using the nematode reproduction factor (RF). The hypothesis of monogenic inheritance was rejected by the chi-square test (χ2), and results indicated that resistance is controlled by more than one gene locus, as confirmed by the quantitative analysis that revealed the presence of six genes.

RESUMO: Com o objetivo de avaliar o controle genético da resistência do melão ‘Gaúcho Redondo’ ao nematoide de galha Meloidogyne incognita, foi conduzido um experimento em blocos casualizados com três blocos e seis tratamentos, os quais envolveram as linhas parentais ‘Gaúcho Redondo’ (P1, resistente) e JAB 20 (P2, suscetível), assim como as gerações F1, F2, e retrocruzamentos (RC1P1 e RC1P2). Avaliaram-se plantas individuais após 70 dias da inoculação com o patógeno, por meio do fator de reprodução do nematoide (FR). A hipótese de herança monogênica foi rejeitada pelo teste do qui-quadrado (χ2), indicando que a resistência está sob controle de mais de um loci gênico, sendo confirmado pela análise quantitativa, que evidenciou a presença de seis genes.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 23(4): 104-114, out.-dez.2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-848713


A Distrofia Muscular de Cinturas (DMC) possui herança autossômica dominante ou recessiva e caracteriza-se por paresia progressiva que induz à deterioração funcional e dificuldades no desempenho de atividades cotidianas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a evolução funcional de indivíduos com diagnóstico de DMC de uma mesma família. Nove indivíduos foram avaliados por um questionário para identificação do parentesco, idade de inicio dos primeiros sintomas e queixas principais, e pelas Escalas de Vignos (EV) e Hammersmith (EMFH). O projeto foi aprovado pelo CEP/UFVJM, protocolo nº061/12. A idade média foi de 33 ± 8.1 anos, com seis indivíduos sendo do sexo masculino, a idade de aparecimento dos primeiros sintomas foi aos 9± 2,83 anos e os sintomas iniciais mais frequentes foram dificuldade de correr, quedas e marcha equina. Os sujeitos pontuaram 4, 6 e 7 na EV e no exame físico verificou-se acometimento principalmente dos membros inferiores. Foi encontrado correlação negativa entre idade dos sujeitos e escore na EMFH (r2=-0,839) e entre pontuação na EV e EMFH (r2 =-0,819), e correlação positiva entre EV e uso de dispositivos (r2=0,866). Nossos achados sugerem que a mesma patologia diagnosticada em indivíduos de uma mesma família apresenta repercussões funcionais diferentes. O aspecto ambiente deve ser levado em consideração ao avaliar a funcionalidade desses indivíduos uma vez que, independente do diagnóstico em comum, da idade, e limitações físicas, os indivíduos apresentaram adaptações particulares com objetivo de manutenção do seu deslocamento de acordo com as características do ambiente em que vive.(AU)

Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) is an autosomal-dominant or recessive hereditary disease. Progressive muscular weakness leads to functional damage and difficulty to perform activities of daily life. The present study aimed to analyze the functional evolution of LGMD individuals of the same family. Nine individuals were assessed using a questionnaire (to identify their relationship, age of onset of the first signs of the disease and main complaints) and by Vignos and Hammersmith Scales. Projetct was aproved by Ethics Committee of UFVJM, protocol nº061/12. Mean age was 33±8.1 years old, six male, mean age of onset of the first signs was 9± 2,83 years old and the most frequent signs were difficulty to run, falls and gait with ankle on plantar flexion. Subjects scored 4, 6 and 7 on Vignos Scale and on physical exam, lower limbs were the most affected. Negative correlation between age and Hammermith scale (r 2=-0,839), Vignos and Hammersmith Scale (r2=-0,819) were found. Positive correlation between Vignos Scale and use of assistive devices (r2=0,866). Our finds suggest that the same disease in individuals of the same family leads to different functional impairment. The environmental aspect should be considered when assessing functionality of individuals with LGMD once although they present the same diagnosis, they present particular adaptations with the aim of maintain displacement according to characteristics of the environment where they live.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Progresión de la Enfermedad , Herencia , Destreza Motora , Distrofia Muscular de Cinturas
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 27(4): 528-539, oct.-dic. 2014. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-746390


OBJETIVOS: identificar la presencia de rasgos clínicos de distrofia corneal endotelial de Fuchs en familiares de pacientes con este diagnóstico. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 15 familias trigeneracionales de pacientes con distrofia corneal endotelial de Fuchs, captados en consulta de córnea del Instituto cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" del año 2008 al 2011. La muestra quedó constituida por un total de 78 pacientes. Se utilizaron planillas de recolección de datos para estudiar las siguientes variables de interés: gutas corneales según grados, clasificación clínica, edad, sexo y grado de parentesco según árbol genealógico familiar. Se resumieron las variables cualitativas utilizando frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales. RESULTADOS: del total de descendientes directos, el 44,1 % presentó gutas en su córnea. El 34,6 % de los pacientes estudiados presentaron la enfermedad y el 23,1 % córnea guttata. La distrofia y la córnea guttata se constataron más en el sexo femenino, con mayor incidencia en mayores de 60 años para los primeros. Los descendientes del primer nivel evidenciaron más afectación corneal que los de segundo nivel, con el 75,9 y el 23,5 % respectivamente. Todas las familias presentaron miembros afectados en su descendencia. CONCLUSIONES: la mayor parte de las familias de pacientes con distrofia corneal endotelial de Fuchs presentan cambios endoteliales en las córneas, por lo que estas deben ser incluidas en el estudio con fines diagnósticos y preventivos.

OBJECTIVE: to identify clinical features of Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy in relatives of patients with this diagnosis. METHODS: bservational, descriptive and transversal study of 15 three- generation families of those patients with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy who went to the cornea consultation of the "Ramón Pando Ferrer", Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from 2008 to 2011. The sample was made up of 78 patients. Data collection forms were used to study the following variables of interest: Cornea Guttata by degree, clinical classification, age, sex and degree of relationship as family tree. Qualitative variables were summarized using percentage absolute and relative frequencies. RESULTS: of the total number of direct descendants, 44,1 % had cornea guttata; 34,6 % of the patients presented with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy and 23,1 % of them had cornea guttata. Dystrophy and cornea guttata were found more frequently in females, with the highest incidence of the former in patients over 60 years. First degree descendants showed more corneal involvement than the second degree ones (75,9 and 23,5 %, respectively). All the families had offspring affected by the disease. CONCLUSIONS: most of the members of the families suffered corneal endothelial changes, so they should be included in the study for diagnostic and preventive purposes.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Linaje , Endotelio Corneal/anatomía & histología , Distrofia Endotelial de Fuchs/diagnóstico , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Estudio Observacional
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 55(2): 68-77, Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-740410


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar las heredabilidades, correlaciones, heterosis y tendencias genéticas para peso al nacer (PN) y al destete ajustado (PDA; 270 d) en una población multirracial Angus×Brahman en el Trópico bajo colombiano. Se utilizaron 561 registros de pesos al nacer y al destete entre los años 1999 al 2010. Los datos fueron analizados mediante un modelo bivariado que incluyó los efectos fijos de grupo contemporáneo (año-época de nacimiento-sexo), edad de la madre, efectos genéticos directos y maternos de raza, heterosis individual y materna; y los efectos aleatorios genéticos directos y maternos del animal, ambiente permanente materno y residual. Los componentes de varianza se estimaron por el método de máxima verosimilitud restringida, mediante el programa AIREML. Las heredabilidades directas estimadas para PN y PDA fueron 0,08 ± 0,005 y 0,10 ± 0,006, respectivamente. La heredabilidad materna para PN fue de 0,04 ± 0,002 y 0,08 ± 0,005 para PDA. Se encontraron correlaciones genéticas negativas entre efectos directos y maternos para PN (-0,51 ± 0,02) y PDA (-0,21 ± 0,03) y entre efectos directos para PN y maternos para PDA (-0,50 ± 0,02). Las tendencias genéticas para efectos directos y maternos fueron cercanas a cero y no significativas (P>0,05). Las heredabilidades directas y maternas para ambas características, sugieren que se deben mejorar y homogenizar en la población las condiciones de nutrición y manejo para mejorar el crecimiento de los animales en la fase predestete. Las tendencias genéticas indican, que la intensidad de selección aplicada a esta población multirracial no fue suficiente para influir sobre los valores de cría directos y maternos durante los años de estudio.

The aim of this study was to estimate heritabilities, correlations, heterosis, and genetic trends for birth weight (BW) and adjusted weight at weaning (AWW, 270 d) in a multibreed Angus × Brahman population in the Colombian tropical lowlands. A total of 561 records of BW and weaning weight from 1999 to 2010 were used. Data were analyzed using a bivariate model, which included the fixed effects of contemporary group (year-season of birth-sex), age of mother, direct genetic effects and maternal effects of breed, individual and maternal heterosis; and the direct and maternal genetic random effects of the animal, maternal permanent environment, and residuals. Variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method, using the AIREML program. Estimates of direct heritability for BW and AWW were 0.08 ± 0.005 and 0.10 ± 0.006, respectively. The maternal heritability for BW was 0.04 ± 0.002 and 0.08 ± 0.005 for AWW. Negative genetic correlations were found between direct and maternal effects for BW (-0.51 ± 0.02) and AWW (-0.21 ± 0.03), and between direct effects for BW and maternal for AWW (-0.50 ± 0.02). The genetic trends for direct and maternal effects were closed to zero and not statistically significant (P>0.05). The direct and maternal heritabilities for both traits suggest that nutrition conditions and management should be improved and homogenize in the population to improve animal growth in the pre-weaning phase. Genetic trends indicate that the selection intensity applied to this multiracial population was not enough to exert an influence on the direct breeding and maternal values during the years of the study.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-154640


Talon’s cusp is an anomalous structure that projects palatally from the cingulum areas of maxillary or mandibular anterior teeth. This dental anomaly may pose several pathological, functional and esthetic problems. Talon cusps usually affect a single tooth, but may rarely affect an entire sextant. Such multiple talon cusps may not always occur in association with a syndrome. Furthermore, they may exhibit a genetic pattern of inheritance. This article emphasizes rare occurrence of such nonsyndromic multiple talon cusps in two siblings.

Adolescente , Niño , Dens in Dente/genética , Femenino , Humanos , Incisivo/anomalías , Masculino , Diente Molar/anomalías , Hermanos , Anomalías Dentarias/genética , Corona del Diente/anomalías
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 607-617, jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-638107


In Coffea arabica (arabica coffee), the phenotypic as well as genetic variability has been found low because of the narrow genetic basis and self fertile nature of the species. Because of high similarity in phenotypic appearance among the majority of arabica collections, selection of parental lines for inter-varietals hybridization and identification of resultant hybrids at an early stage of plant growth is difficult. DNA markers are known to be reliable in identifying closely related cultivars and hybrids. Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) is a new molecular marker technology developed based on PCR. In this paper, sixty arabica-hybrid progenies belonging to six crosses were analyzed using 31 highly polymorphic SRAP markers. The analysis revealed seven types of SRAP marker profiles which are useful in discriminating the parents and hybrids. The number of bands amplified per primer pair ranges from 6.13 to 8.58 with average number of seven bands. Among six hybrid combinations, percentage of bands shared between hybrids and their parents ranged from 66.29% to 85.71% with polymorphic bands varied from 27.64% to 60.0%. Percentage of hybrid specific fragments obtained in various hybrid combinations ranged from 0.71% to 10.86% and ascribed to the consequence of meiotic recombination. Based on the similarity index calculation, it was observed that F1 hybrids share maximum number of bands with the female parent compared to male parent. The results obtained in the present study revealed the effectiveness of SRAP technique in cultivar identification and hybrid analysis in this coffee species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 607-617. Epub 2011 June 01.

En Coffea arabica (café arabica), el fenotipo y la variabilidad genética son bajos debido a la estrecha base genética y la autofecundación de la especie. Por su alta similitud fenotípica entre la mayoría de las colecciones de arábica, la selección de líneas parentales para hibridación entre variedades, y la identificación de los híbridos resultantes en una fase inicial de crecimiento, es difícil. Para la identificación de variedades estrechamente relacionadas y sus híbridos, los marcadores de ADN son confiables, pero los polimorfismos de amplificación de secuencias relacionadas (SRAP, por sus siglas en inglés) constituyen una nueva tecnología de marcadores moleculares basada en PCR. En este trabajo, sesenta progenies arábica híbridas, pertenecientes a seis cruces, fueron analizadas utilizando 31 marcadores altamente polimórficos. El análisis reveló siete tipos de perfiles de marcadores que son útiles en la discriminación de los progenitores y los híbridos. El número de bandas amplificadas por pares de cebadores estuvo entre 6.13 a 8.58 con un promedio de siete bandas. Entre las seis combinaciones de híbridos, el porcentaje de bandas compartidas entre híbridos y sus progenitores estuvo entre 66.29% y 85.71% con bandas polimórficas que variaron entre 27.64% y 60.0%. El porcentaje de fragmentos híbridos específicos obtenidos en diversas combinaciones híbridas varió entre 0.71% y 10.86% lo que se atribuye a la recombinación meiótica. Con base en el cálculo del índice de similitud, se observó que los híbridos F1 compartieron un número máximo de bandas con el progenitor femenino que con el masculino. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio muestran la eficacia de la técnica de SRAP en la identificación de cultivos e híbridos de esta especie de café.

Coffea/genética , ADN de Plantas/genética , Hibridación Genética/genética , Polimorfismo Genético/genética , Marcadores Genéticos/genética , Fenotipo , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Técnica del ADN Polimorfo Amplificado Aleatorio
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 53(1): 27-34, Jan.-Feb. 2010. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-543189


This work investigated the genetic control of seed morphological traits and its correlations with grain yield in common bean. Three crossings among bean cultivars with different growth habit and seed characteristics were analyzed. F1 progenies gave origin to F2, RC1P1F1 and RC1P2F1 generations. Random samples of seeds from F2 generations and parents, F1 and backcrossings were sown during the season 2003/2004. Plant grain yield and seed morphological traits were determined by a sample of 150 plants from F2 generations and 20 plants from parents, F1 and backcrosssings. Genetic effects involved in each crossing were obtained from estimates of genetic components means and genetic and environmental components of phenotypical variance. Results showed that the seed morphological traits were controlled by a complex of genes, with additive effects predominance although dominance effects were present. High and negative correlations among seed length and thickness with grain yield suggested greater grain yield in bean plants with smaller seeds.

Este trabalho estudou o controle genético de características morfológicas de sementes e suas correlações com a produtividade de grãos em feijoeiro comum. Para tanto, foram efetuados três cruzamentos entre cultivares de feijoeiro com diferentes características de sementes. As progênies F1 deram origem às gerações F2, RC1P1F1 e RC1P2F1. Uma amostra aleatória de sementes das gerações dos parentais, F1, F2 e retrocruzamentos foram semeadas na safra das águas de 2003/2004. Na maturação fisiológica foram amostradas 150 plantas das gerações F2 e 20 plantas dos parentais, F1 e retrocruzamentos, nas quais foram determinados a produtividade de grãos por planta e as seguintes características morfológicas de sementes: comprimento, largura e espessura. Os efeitos genéticos envolvidos em cada cruzamento foram obtidos por meio das estimativas dos componentes das médias e variâncias fenotípicas. As características morfológicas de sementes foram controladas por um complexo de genes, com predominância de efeitos aditivos, embora os efeitos de dominância foram presentes. Correlações altas e negativas entre a largura e espessura de semente com produtividade de grãos sugeriram maiores produtividades de grãos em feijoeiros que possuem sementes menores.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-22603


We report a case of one sister and brother with mirror image myopic anisometropia. One sister and brother complained visual disturbance. The sister was 10 years 11 months old, and brother was 8 years 4 months old. Full ophthalmic examinations were performed, including slit lamp examination, intraocular pressure, keratometry, anterior chamber depth, axial length, fundus examination and the cycloplegic refraction. The cycloplegic refractive power was -15.50 dpt cyl.+4.50 dpt Ax 85degrees (right eye), -1.00 dpt cyl.+0.50 dpt Ax 90degrees (left eye) in the sister; -1.75 dpt cyl.+2.25 dpt Ax 90degrees (right eye), -9.50 dpt cyl.+4.00 dpt Ax 80degrees (left eye) in the brother. The co-occurrence of severe myopic anisometropia in a sister and brother is extremely rare. The present case suggests that severe myopic anisometropia may be related by genetic inheritance.

Niño , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Anisometropía/etiología , Miopía/complicaciones , Refracción Ocular , Hermanos , Agudeza Visual
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet ; 49(2): 113-120, dic. 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-631473


En este cuarto artículo de la serie, se evalúan caracteres reproductivos del rebaño Brahman registrado de la Estación Experimental La Cumaca “Alí Benavides Zapata”, ubicada en el estado Yaracuy, Venezuela. Información de 2180 hembras nacidas entre los años 1970 y 2002 fue analizada por modelos mixtos bajo modelo animal, para la estimación de índice de herencia para preñez de novillas (PN), intervalo inicio de temporada de servicio a primer parto (IIP), sobrevivencia en el rebaño hasta los seis años de edad (S6), número de hijos hasta los seis años de edad (NH6) y kilogramos de becerro destetado hasta los seis años de edad (KD6). Con la excepción de KD6, los estimados de índice de herencia fueron inferiores a 0,09. El máximo valor obtenido fue de 0,11 para KD6. Estos resultados indican que las características consideradas no son de importancia relevante desde el punto de vista genético para establecer un programa de selección de reproductores.

Reproductive traits were evaluated in this fourth article of the serie related to the Brahman herd located at La Cumaca “Alí Benavides Zapata” Experimental Station, in Yaracuy State, Venezuela. Information from 2180 females borned between 1970 to 2002 was analyzed by mixed model techniques using an animal model in order to obtain heritability estimates for pregnancy in heifers (PN), interval between first day of service season to first calving (IIP), survival up to six years of age (S6), number of calves up to six years of age (NH6) and total kilograms of weaned calves up to six years of age (KD6). With exception of KD6, heritability estimates were less than 0.09. Maximum value obtained was 0.11 for KD6. Results showed that traits considered in this paper are not of relevant importance, from the genetic point of view,  in a beef cattle selection program.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-156593


PURPOSE: Bacterial degeneration of sweat and increased secretion of over developed apocrine sweat gland are known causes of osmidrosis. In addition, genetic inheritance must be another important cause, because there are high incidence rates of osmidrosis in familial members. But the research about genetic inheritance has been overlooked. For this reason we studied genetic inheritance in osmidrosis patients based on pedigree analysis. METHODS: We have evaluated pedigree of 52 patients who have diagnosed and treated in our hospital from January 2003 to August 2007. For making pedigrees, we have evaluated 3 generations of affected lineage from osmidrosis patients. Family members having uncertain information or those who are before puberty are excluded. In pedigree analysis, inheritance rate and inheritance pattern from parents, prevalence rate in generations and sexual prevalence are evaluated. RESULTS: In this study, we divided pedigrees into 3 different groups according to inheritance pattern. Group A is genetically unrelated pattern with no prevalence between familial members in 7 families. Group B is weakly expressed pattern with 17 families there are genetically related but no genetic patterns are founded. In group B inheritance rate is 34% and incidence rate is 21% in 2nd generation and 22% in 3rd generation. Group C is autosomal dominant pattern with 31 families. In group C, there are no differences in sexual prevalence. Incidence rate is 43% in 2nd generation and 49% in 3rd generation. CONCLUSION: In this study, we have studied pedigrees of 52 families of osmidrosis patients. 60% of the pedigrees shows autosomal dominant pattern, 33% shows genetically related but no definite autosomal dominant pattern and 7% shows genetically unrelated pattern. In Conclusion, This study can be basic data for future gene analysis study of osmidrosis.

Humanos , Composición Familiar , Incidencia , Patrón de Herencia , Padres , Linaje , Prevalencia , Pubertad , Sudor , Glándulas Sudoríparas , Testamentos
Genet. mol. biol ; 31(2): 505-511, 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-484990


Asian soybean rust (ASR), caused by the phytopathogenic fungi Phakopsora pachyrhizi, has caused large reductions in soybean (Glycine max) yield in most locations in Brazil where it has occurred since it was first reported in May 2001. Primary efforts to combat the disease involve the development of resistant cultivars, and four dominant major genes (Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3 and Rpp4) controlling resistance to ASR have been reported in the literature. To develop new long-lasting soybean ASR resistance genes, we used field experiments to assess ASR leaf lesion type in 11 soybean genotypes (BR01-18437, BRS 184, BRS 231, BRS 232, BRSGO Chapadões, DM 339, Embrapa 48, PI 200487, PI 230970, PI 459025-A and PI 200526) and the 55 F2 generations derived from their biparental diallel crosses. The results indicated that PI 200487 and PI 200526 carry different dominant resistance major genes which are both different from Rpp2 through Rpp4. Furthermore, resistance to ASR in BR01-18437 is controlled by a single recessive major gene, also different from Rpp1 through Rpp4 and different from the genes in PI 200487 and PI 200526.

Genet. mol. biol ; 30(3): 594-598, 2007. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-460077


The purpose of this research was to elucidate the genetic control of orange corona color in carioca common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). We made four crosses between carioca group cultivars that differed in respect to the presence or absence of an orange hilum corona color. The F2, F3, F1BC11, F1BC21, F2BC11 and F2BC21 phenotypic segregations were evaluated with a chi-square test which fitted with the hypothesis that one gene with a dominant allele is responsible for the orange corona color. All generations resulting from the four different crosses showed segregation patterns which agreed with the expected proportions. Our results show that the dominant G allele controls orange corona color in the carioca bean group.

Acta sci., Health sci ; 28(1): 1-11, jan.-jun. 2006.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-485567


Neste artigo, apresentam-se alguns dos dados obtidos em um estudo qualitativo sobre o quotidiano dos sujeitos em risco genético de câncer hereditário do cólon. A perspectiva analítica, que é possível esboçar a partir da análise dos relatos desses indivíduos remete para a importância das condições-limite de aceitação positiva do risco e que, actualmente, se exprime na tendência de diferentes projectos tecnológicos - de que a genética é um exemplo ? apelarem aos desejos individuais e colectivos de um futuro melhor. Outro dos traços estruturantes da gestão quotidiana do risco genético centra-se na experiência familiar do câncer, que permite accionar práticas preventivas indispensáveis ao controlo da doença. Esse saber acumulado e transmitido de geração em geração, por vezes oralmente, outras vezes através da experiência quotidiana com o sofrimento e a morte, ou na partilha das alegrias inerentes ao triunfo sobre o câncer configura-se como um dos pilares na gestão quotidiana da herança, indesejada.

This study presents some results obtained on a qualitative study about the everyday life of the individuals in genetic risk of hereditary cancer. The analytical perspective, which can be outlined on the basis of an analysis of the individuals' reports, points out the importance of the limiting conditions of risk acceptance. This is presently expressed in the tendency for the different technological projects -including genetics - to appeal to both individual and collective wishes for a better future. Another conclusion is that the daily management of genetic risk is centred on the family experience of cancer, which allows preventives practices, indispensable to control the disease, to be put into action. This knowledge, sometimes accumulated and transmitted orally from generation to generation, and other times obtained from experiencing pain and death on a daily basis, or even by sharing in the joy of triumphing over cancer represents one of the pillars of the daily management of an unwelcome inheritance.

Humanos , Fenómenos Genéticos , Herencia , Neoplasias