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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 559-578, ago. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448510


Resumen Los gobiernos municipales de Costa Rica tienen un papel significativo en el Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo (SNGR) para enfrentar las múltiples amenazas y riesgos que afectan al país desde sus territorios. Los distintos marcos y políticas que trabajan en el enfoque de la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (GRD) promueven la realización de análisis de riesgos como proceso que contribuye a su reducción y mitigación, y destacan el enfoque de género como principio o eje para visibilizar la necesidad de realizar revisiones y acciones diferenciadas por género. El presente artículo recoge la investigación realizada que responde a la pregunta "¿Cuáles son los elementos psicosociales que influyen en la puesta en práctica de la transversalización del enfoque de género en los procesos de la GRD de las oficinas municipales?" Esta pregunta se respondió desde la Psicología Social Comunitaria y la Psicología Social Feminista. Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cualitativo y diseño fenomenológico, en el que se aplicaron entrevistas a representantes institucionales en GRD y género. Se identificaron doce elementos psicosociales que influyen en la transversalización del enfoque de género en la GRD municipal, que deben visibilizarse y pueden ser trabajados para abordar los riesgos de dos poblaciones históricamente discriminadas: mujeres y población LGTBIQ+. Trabajar las desigualdades de género como causa subyacente del riesgo es prioritario para la GRD.

Abstract The city governments of Costa Rica have a significant role in the National Risk Management System (SNGR in Spanish) to face the multiple threats and risks that affect the country from their territories. The different frameworks and policies that work with the Disaster Risk Management approach, among which are international (e. g., Sendai Framework for Action), regional (e. g., Central American Policy for Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management), and national instruments (e. g., National Risk Management Policy), promote risk analysis as a process that contributes to their reduction and mitigation, which, together with specific policies focused on gender (e. g., Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW]), highlight the gender approach as a principle or axis, making the need to carry out reviews and actions differentiated by gender visible. The growth of inequalities in events such as disasters emphasizes the fact that there are gender differences in the perception of risks, the levels of vulnerability that exist and the capacities to cope. This article collects the research carried out that answers the question: "What are the psychosocial elements that influence the implementation of mainstreaming the gender approach in DRM processes in municipal offices?" from Community Social Psychology and Feminist Social Psychology. A study with a qualitative approach and phenomenological design was carried out, in which interviews were applied to institutional representatives in DRM and gender. The first seeks to promote processes of social transformation, considering the psychosocial processes that permeate community dynamics, which, in turn, are influenced by specific contexts. As for Feminist Psychology, it promotes the identification of inequalities and the creation of options for change. The relationship between feminist political perspectives and psychological practices and sexual and gender differences were considered as causes of inequalities, generating certain psychosocial analyzes not widely developed so far. A subjective perspective to the lived experience of the people participating in the research was considered in order to emphasize the meanings and knowledge as a process, based on interviews with institutional representatives of municipal offices and national institutions both focused on DRM or gender. Twelve psychosocial elements that influence the mainstreaming of the gender approach in municipal DRM were identified: the need for training and awareness, the requirement of political will, the naturalization of gender roles and stereotypes, the recognition of gender differences, resistance to mainstreaming gender, subjectivity, the presence or absence of inter and intra-institutional articulations, the social participation of women, the recognition of gender violence, the recognition of vulnerable populations, the cultural context and social inequalities. Moreover, gender inequalities are recognized as an element that affects and emphasizes the vulnerabilities of specific populations, such as women of different ages, transgender people, people with disabilities, among others. The research allowed an approach to ten different territorial contexts where DRM is put into practice from an office or as a process, and how the experience of the people who lead them understands the gender approach, contrasting with the institutional perspective applied at the national level. It is concluded that these should be made visible and can be worked on to address the risks of two historically discriminated populations: women and LGTBIQ+ population. Considering gender inequalities as an underlying cause of risk is a priority for Disaster Risk Management.

Rev. luna azul ; (37): 219-238, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-696599


Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar algunos aspectos que potenciaron las inundaciones en Colombia en el periodo 2010/2011. La metodología consistió en la revisión y síntesis de información sobre diferentes enfoques para el manejo de inundaciones, en armonía con la visión ecosistémica y de gestión integral de los recursos hídricos. Los resultados indican que las temporadas de lluvias y el fenómeno La Niña de abril de 2010 a diciembre de 2011 dejaron 5,2 millones de personas afectadas y 683 muertos. Dicho evento es el más crítico en la historia, ya que duplica las pérdidas acumuladas por inundaciones en 30 años. Además de lo anterior, se identifica que el desastre se debió a una suma de factores, entre los que destacan: cambios en la cobertura vegetal; las deficiencias en la gestión del suelo y los recursos hídricos; las debilidades en el diseño y gestión de infraestructura, en los patrones de crecimiento demográfico; los problemas institucionales en la prevención y atención de emergencias; la falta de transparencia y la corrupción; una legislación que carece de metodologías para aplicación, de recursos fiscales y de mecanismos para el seguimiento y medición resultados; entre otros. Una de las conclusiones es la necesidad de incluir nuevos conocimientos del clima en la gestión del riesgo y la planificación pero, sobre todo, es recomendable abordar el manejo de las inundaciones con un enfoque diferente, migrando hacia procesos integrales y con mayor capacidad de adaptación de la sociedad colombiana en los próximos años, mediante una gestión del riesgo de inundación más eficiente, acorde a conceptos modernos y en armonía con los procesos de desarrollo sostenible.

The main objective of this article is to analyze some aspects that fostered floods in Colombia in the period 2010/2011. The methodology followed was a review and synthesis of information on different approaches to flood management, in harmony with the ecosystemic vision and integrated management of water resources. The results indicate that the rainy season and La Niña phenomenon from April 2010 to December 2011 left 5,2 million people affected and 683 people dead. This has been the most critical event in history, because it doubled the accumulated losses from flooding in 30 years. Besides the above, it has been identified that the disaster was due to a combination of factors, among which are: changes in vegetation cover, deficiencies in the management of land and water resources, the weaknesses in the design and management of infrastructure, the population growth patterns, the institutional problems in the prevention and emergency care, lack of transparency and corruption, legislation that lacks enforcement methodologies, fiscal resources and mechanisms for monitoring and measuring the results, among others. One conclusion is the need to include new knowledge on climate, risk management and planning, but above all, it is recommended to address the management of floods with a different approach, migrating to more comprehensive processes and with a higer adaptation capacity from the Colombian society in the coming years through a more efficient flood risk management, in accordance with the modern concepts and in harmony with sustainable development processes.

Humanos , Cambio Climático , Inundaciones , El Niño Oscilación del Sur , Desastres Naturales