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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 446-451,455, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-605041


Objective To perform the validation and analysis of forensic param eters of G oldeneye?DNA ID 26Y system . Methods B ased on the validation rules of Scientific W orking G roup on DNA A nalysis M ethods (SW G D A M ),the kitwas assessed from several parts, as test of PCR system, reproducibility, ac-curacy, and sensitivity, etc. A nd Y-STR loci of 517 unrelated healthy individuals from E astern C hina were genotypes by this kit. The distribution and frequency of haplotype were calculated and forensic param e-ters of the kit were assessed. Results The com plete profiles can be obtained even when the PC R reac-tion volum e with 6.25μL . A nd correct profile was obtained with DNA down to 125 pg.No reproducible peaks were detected with the DNA of com m on anim als and m icroorganism with the kit. For the m ale-m ale m ixture testing, average 70% of the m inor alleles were obtained when the ratios of 1∶19 and 19∶1. For the m ale-fem ale m ixture testing, results showed that the sensitivity of the kit was no compromised with the addition of fem ale sam ples. Conclusion The validation studies dem onstrated that G oldeneye?DNA ID 26Y system has good sensitivity and specificity, and suitable for m ixture testing. The polym orphism of 26 Y-STR loci included in this kit are good for forensic application.