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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018260


The occurrence of cervical cancer in women is closely related to high-risk HPV infection, and timely and effective interruption of high-risk HPV infection is of great significance to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer. Huang Yuanyou's theory of "circular flow of Qi" emphasizes on the harmonization of the overall Qi flow, which can explain the physiopathology of women. The occurrence of high-risk HPV infection is related to the loss of spleen and earth transportation in the middle Jiao, poor circulation of Qi, and the low resistance of the body to evil, resulting in the malfunctioning of clear and turbid. Based on the theory of "circular flow of Qi" combined with the idea of "prevention treatment of disease", the author proposes to "prevent the disease before it occurs, regulate the middle earth to preserve the correct Qi" and "prevent the disease before it occurs". The principles of prevention and treatment of high-risk HPV infection are "prevent before the disease, regulate the middle earth to preserve the righteousness", "promote and descend to dispel the poisonous evil", and "prevent recurrence after the disease, balance yin and yang and harmonize Qi and blood", in order to provide reference for clinical treatment.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019901


The concept of"one qi peripheral flow"originates from the ancient Chinese philosophy of"qi monism"and the theory of yin and yang chi chemistry in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine,and was formally proposed in Huang Yuanyu's The Origin of the Four Sacred Hearts,which elaborates on the theory of one qi circumference in which the earth pivots on four signs and the left rises and the right descends.Based on this theory,this paper discusses the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules,believes that the development of thyroid nodules is closely related to the deficiency of the earth and qi,and the disorder of the liver and lungs,and combines the evidence of modern research to argue that the deficiency of the earth and qi,and the disorder of the liver and lungs are the important pathomechanisms of the thyroid nodules,proposes to refer to the results of ultrasound elasticity imaging of the thyroid gland for staging and typing treatment of thyroid nodules.It also summarizes the clinical use of medicines in different stages and types,aiming at estoring the"one qi peripheral flow"in the body,and provides a new diagnostic and therapeutic idea for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031400


It is believed that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Daoyin (conduction exercise) therapy has potential in treating diabetic foot, which is a concrete embodiment of HUANG Yuanyu's theory of one qi circulation applied in practice. Based on Daoyin therapy of Baduanjin and the Origin and Indicators of Disease (《诸病源候论》), a Daoyin prescription for diabetic foot was compiled and created. Based on the zang-fu concept of "One Qi Circulation", combined with the theory of chief, deputy, assistant and envoy, this article explained the theoretical basis and functional mechanism of the Daoyin prescription for diabetic foot. This Daoyin therapy is mainly based on the prone position movements, which includes seven movements, namely, pull-up, knee bending, toe tilting, phoenix nodding, internal rotation of taiji, two hands climbing feet and closing. With "phoenix nodding" and "tilting toes" as the chief, with the help of toes opening-closing and pointing-pressing momentum in prone position, regulating the central qi; with "bending the knee" and "internal rotation of taiji" as the deputy, knee and ankle flexion and extension can unblock the meridians of liver and lungs; with "pull-up" and "two hands climbing feet" as the assistant, on the one hand, assisting to unblock zang-fu organs, on the other hand, applying the yang of the foot taiyang bladder channel and du mai to warm the cold and dampness; with "closing" as the envoy to regulate all organs, so that the blood return to the natural flow of circulation. Diabetic foot Daoyin therapy could regulate internal organs and qi circulation of body, and provides a new idea for the treatment of diabetic foot.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031420


Based on the theory of "one qi circulation" founded by HUANG Yuanyu, the core disease mechanism of colorectal cancer is the innate spleen deficiency and stomach qi failing to bear downward, which leads to the turbidity assemble in large intestine, forming the carcinoma toxin, and ultimately transforms into colorectal cancer. The treatment should base on recovering the circulation of qi, Huangya Decoction (黄芽汤) as the basic formula, the circulation of qi ascending and descending as the base, adjusting ascending and descending together with Xiaqi Decoction (下气汤), and differentiating the syndrome on yin-yang excess-deficiency; for spleen-kidney yang deficiency syndrome, treated with Tianhun Decoction (天魂汤) to supplement liver, kidney and assist yang; for liver-kidney yin deficiency syndrome, treated wtih Dipo Decoction (地魄汤) to supplement lung, kidney, and assist yang. They jointly prompt one qi circulation to provide the thoughts for the treatment of colorectal cancer by traditional Chinese medicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997277


As one of notable works of HUANG Yuanyu, a renowned physician from the Qing Dynasty, The Indications of Classics by Four Medical Sage emphasize the theoretical paradigm of “one qi circulation” with a particular focus on the middle qi. Building upon disease differentiation and treatment, HUANG Yuanyu attaches great importance to understanding the underlying cause of the disease. It is believed that the imbalance of the six climatic factors is the fundamental cause of diseases. The concept of mutual interaction between the physiological and pathological aspects of the six climatic factors is proposed to grasp the basic pathogenesis. Based on the individual's specific condition of six climatic factors, excess or deficiency, specific prescriptions are formulated. The diagnosis and treatment system can be summarized as a “differentiation of diseases → disease etiology → differentiation of the condition of six climatic factors → individualized pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) → prescription of TCM” model based on the holistic view. HUANG Yuanyu' s diagnosis and treatment system is highly practical and can provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases in TCM.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-510109


HUANG Yuan-yu's understanding of viscera qi and blood based on the theory of rise and fall of middle qi. He believes that rise and fall of middle qi plays a vital role in the normal operation of the function of organs and blood, so the blood stasis and qi disorder of spleen and stomach can cause the dysfunction of other organs. Therefore, he adopts the method of rising and falling middle qi and four dimensions, which can provide new ideas for clinical treatment of qi and blood stasis syndrome.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-608067


The famous TCM doctor, HUANG Yuan-yu, proposed the theory of rise and fall of middle qi, which was a main academic ideology for the understanding of human physiology and pathology. He believed that rise and fall of middle qi played an important role in qi-blood and yin-yang and normal operation of five zang viscera. He also emphasized that there was an important relationship between the consumptive diseases and function damage of other viscera caused by imbalance of middle qi. Based on the theory of rise and fall of middle qi, this article discussed its guiding function to the treatment of syndrome differentiation for consumptive diseases, with a purpose to provide new ideas for clinical treatment.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-439646


Huang yuanyu imperial theory is the core theory of circle, has had a huge impact on later age, he thought the gas is a part of qi in the human body, the gas of the upper abdomen spleen and stomach is the main in the human person and plays a decisive role in the process. In the middle burner, the middle qi is produced, which makes circulation, and changes to wood, fire, liquid and gold, known as thefour states;Four states, with mutual transforma-tion, change, suddenly a circular formation, cal ed the circle, in the circle, the viscera, spirit, Qi, blood, five flavors and sensations are converted, al are from the Qi circulation and change;only with ful middle Qi, harmonious and smooth 4 kinds of Qi, wil the human body have orderly Qi circulation and be healthy. On treatment, pay attention to advocating Yang and Yin suppression, medication dexterity and curative effect, therefore, it is necessary to carry out the clinical research to highlight the scholars of traditional Chinese medicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-680504


Concept of respecting classic formulae is one feature of TCM,it mainly came from edification of Confucianism culture,and matured formally in Qing Dynasty.It discusses the effect of famous doctors in Qing Dynasty and Qiantang medical school on the concept of respecting classic formulae of TCM.