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Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ; (12): 396-400, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958797


Objective:To analyze the disaster vulnerability of hospitals in Macao Special Administrative Region to assess the disaster risk objectively, so as to provide reference for Macao hospitals to formulate their emergency plans and improve their emergency response and handling capacity.Methods:From December 2021 to February 2022, 118 medical staff were selected for a questionnaire survey using the method of departmental stratified random sampling from three general hospitals in Macao. At the same time, 7 full-time medical staff and 2 experts in the field of health care were selected for expert consultation. The main content of the questionnaire was the hospital disaster risk assessment based on the Kaiser model, and three-round expert consultation method was used to determine the model indicators. The risk value of each indicator was calculated to analyze the hospital disaster vulnerability.Results:107 valid questionnaires were collected. The top five events in the hospital disaster risk value were typhoon(52.42%), large-scale public health events/epidemic outbreaks(47.55%), strong thunderstorm convective weather(38.68%), extreme temperature(37.31%) and information system failure(33.75%). As ranked by the total risk value, the categories of hospital disasters were natural disasters(35.69%), information security(29.49%), medical technology accidents(29.36%), equipment technology accidents(26.25%), dangerous goods injuries(25.13%) and personnel injuries(19.98%).Conclusions:Macao hospitals are exposed to the highest total risk value in natural disasters, followed by information security. In addition, the risk value of large-scale public health events and epidemic outbreaks of personal injury is also so high as to deserve attention. Macao hospitals should formulate effective emergency response plans according to the risk values of various disasters and the actual situation of each medical department, so as to minimize the losses caused by disasters to both hospitals and patients.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 54(2): 220-235, dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-740288


El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad proponer el manejo adecuado de sustancias peligrosas en los laboratorios del Departamento de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad de Carabobo, de acuerdo a la norma ambiental vigente. El tipo de investigación que se implementó fue documental y de campo. El tiempo de recolección de datos fue de cuatro meses y las herramientas utilizadas para la recolección de los mismos fueron la entrevista, la aplicación de encuesta y el muestreo; se trabajó con una muestra de 54 estudiantes y un técnico y un profesor para cada laboratorio. Se caracterizaron los efluentes una vez tomadas las muestras y también luego de la aplicación de los tratamientos fisicoquímicos (oxidación química para remover la DBO y la DQO) según el parámetro en estudio. Luego de la recolección de datos y el análisis de los resultados se determinó que los laboratorios no están tomando en cuenta un plan de manejo de las sustancias peligrosas que se deben manipular de acuerdo a lo establecido por la normativa legal vigente (Decreto 2635) y que algunos de los efluentes no cumple con los límites máximos permisibles para las descarga a redes cloacales según el Decreto 883. Finalmente se propone mejorar el plan de manejo de sustancias peligrosas mediante el acondicionamiento del depósito de desechos, la elaboración de hojas de seguridad y etiquetas para todos los reactivos, la señalización adecuada dentro de las instalaciones, la incineración de los desechos almacenados en el deposito destinado para ello y el reúso del formol y etanol.

The aim of this study was to propose ways to ensure the correct handling of hazardous substances in laboratories at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Carabobo University. Both documentary and field data were collected. The survey was completed in four months and consisted of interviews, questionnaires and sampling. A total of 54 students, and one technician and one professor for each laboratory were surveyed. Samples were taken of all effluents and these were characterized before and after physiochemical treatments were implemented (chemical oxidation to remove BDO and CDO) when applicable. The laboratories surveyed did not follow pre-set procedures for the handling of hazardous substances, which should be manipulated according to the provisions of the current legislation (Decree No. 2635). In addition, the concentrations of some of the effluents were higher than the maximum permitted limits for discharge into the sewage system according to Decree No 883. The handling of hazardous substances could be greatly improved by: refurbishing the waste reservoir, drawing up safety data sheets, labelling chemical substances, the use of adequate signage within the facilities, incinerating waste materials stored in the designated warehouse and the reuse of formaldehyde and ethanol.