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Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [12], ago. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514157


Fundamento: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, fisiólogo y médico austrohúngaro nació el 26 de enero de 1907, posteriormente se naturalizó canadiense, este hombre que vivió 75 años y llegó a ser director del Instituto de Medicina y Cirugía Experimental de la Universidad de Montreal, Canadá, hasta su retiro en 1970. Falleció en 1982, en esa misma ciudad. Objetivo: Describir la vida y obra del ilustre académico Hans Hugo Bruno Selye y la historia del estrés como hito en la historia de la Medicina moderna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de corte histórico donde se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis documental y el histórico-lógico. Desarrollo: El doctor empezó a desarrollar su famosa teoría acerca de la influencia del estrés en la capacidad de las personas para enfrenarse o amoldarse a las consecuencias de lesiones o enfermedades en el segundo año de sus estudios de Medicina (1926). Esta investigación le permitió descubrir que los pacientes con variedad de dolencias manifestaban síntomas similares, los cuales podían ser atribuidos a los esfuerzos del organismo para responder a esta condición de estar enfermo. Él llamó a este conjunto de síntomas síndrome del estrés o síndrome de adaptación general (GAS). Conclusiones: Este médico es una de las personalidades más importantes de la historia de la Medicina; su teoría del estrés proporcionó un marco conceptual transcendental para cuestiones posteriores de los mecanismos y manifestaciones de las reacciones del mismo.

Background: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, Austro-Hungarian physiologist and physician, born January 26, 1907, later naturalized Canadian citizen, this man who lived 75 years and became the Director of Experimental Medicine and Surgery Institute of Montreal University in Canada, until his retirement in 1970. He passed away in 1982, in the same city. Objective: Describe the life and achievements of the distinguished academic Hans Hugo Bruno Selye and the history of stress as a milestone in modern medical history. Methodology: A historical retrospective study was conducted using theoretical methods such as documental and historical-logical analysis. Methodology: The doctor began to build his famous theory about the influence of stress on the ability of persons to cope or adjust to the injury or illness consequences in the second year of his medical studies (1926). He discovered with this investigation that patients with a variety of ailments exhibited similar symptoms, which could be attributed to the organism efforts to respond to the condition of being sick. He named this set of symptoms stress syndrome or general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Conclusions: This physician is one of the greatest personalities in medical history; his stress theory provided a transcendental conceptual framework for later issues of the mechanisms and manifestations for stress reactions.

Estrés Psicológico , Rasgos de la Historia de Vida , Historia de la Medicina
Estilos clín ; 28(2)2023. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1452597


O artigo desenvolve a hipótese de que o trabalho de releitura do caso Hans, realizado por Lacan no Seminário 4, A relação de objeto (1956-1957), antecipa a formulação do conceito de objeto a em seu ensino. Dois pontos cruciais em relação ao objeto são destacados em um trabalho de leitura próxima e atenta ao texto do Seminário. Nesse percurso, a introdução da falta de objeto, modulada pelas operações de privação, frustração e castração, se contrapõe à noção de uma certa presença do objeto. O artigo propõe que em sua teorização sobre a angústia do pequeno Hans, Lacan introduz a função da mancha operando como objeto a, situando-a como um resíduo impossível de ser simbolizado, a coisa preta na boca do cavalo, objeto da fobia de Hans

El artículo desarrolla la hipótesis de que la relectura del caso Juanito realizada por Lacan en el Seminario 4, La relación de objeto (1956-1957) presenta una primera versión del concepto de objeto a en su enseñanza. Del trabajo de lectura cercana del texto del Seminario se destacan dos puntos cruciales con relación al objeto. En este recorrido, la introducción de la falta de objeto, modulada por las operaciones de privación, frustración y castración, admite la noción paradójica de una cierta presencia del objeto. El artículo propone que, a partir del desarrollo de su teorización sobre la angustia del Juanito, Lacan introduce la función de la mancha operando como objeto a, ubicándola como un residuo imposible de simbolizar, la cosa negra en la boca del caballo, objeto de la fobia de Juanito

The article develops the hypothesis that the re-reading of little Hans, carried out by Lacan in Seminar 4, The Object Relation (1956-1957), presents a primary version of the objet petit a in his teaching. In this course, two crucial points concerning the object are emphasized in a close reading of the Seminar's text. The introduction of the notion of lack of object, modulated by the operations of deprivation, frustration and castration, is then opposed to the notion of a certain presence of the object. The article proposes that with the development of a theorization on little Hans' anxiety, Lacan introduces the function of the stain working as na object a, a residue impossible to be symbolized, located in the black spot in the horse's mouth, object of Hans' phobia

L'article développe l'hypothèse qui la relecture du cas le petit Hans effectuée par Lacan dans le Séminaire 4, La relation d'objet(1956-1957) anticipe la formulation du concept d'objet (a) dans son enseignement. Deux points cruciaux par rapport à l'objet sont mis en évidence dans un travail de lecture attentive du texte du Séminaire. Dans ce parcours, l'introduction de la notion de manque d'objet, modulée par les opérations de privation, frustration et castration, s'oppose à la notion d'une certaine présence de l'objet. L'article soutient qui depuis sa théorisation sur l'angoisse du petit Hans, Lacan introduit la fonction de la tache comme un résidu impossible à symboliser, la chose noire dans la bouche du cheval, objet de la phobie de Hans. Et comme tel, la tache noire opère la fonction d'(a)

Angustia de Castración , Frustación , Apego a Objetos , Psicoanálisis
Fractal rev. psicol ; 34: e38194, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1421512


Buscamos, neste artigo, interrogar a relação da mãe com sua criança a partir da equivalência filho=falo. Neste sentido, são as consequências clínicas da sexualidade feminina para todo sujeito que estão colocadas. É determinante para cada sujeito a relação da mulher que é sua mãe com a falta. Investigaremos, a partir do caso Hans, a relação da mãe com sua criança quando ela se situa no lugar do falo imaginário e quais consequências podemos vislumbrar. Hans fornece um paradigma da versão edipiana da mãe não apenas através da identificação da criança como falo imaginário que responde ao desejo da mãe, mas também a partir do encontro com a castração materna, na medida em que a posição de sua mãe na sexuação, ou seja, enquanto mulher em relação ao seu pai, não se evidencia. Torna-se fundamental recolher esses efeitos no caso para destacar o desafio estrutural a ser enfrentado pela criança.(AU)

In this article, we question the mother's relationship with her child from the equivalence child = phallus. In this sense, it is the clinical consequences of female sexuality for every subject that are posed. For each subject, the relationship of woman / mother with castration is fundamental. From the Hans case, we will investigate the mother's relationship with her child when the child is in the place of the imaginary phallus and what the consequences are. Hans provides a paradigm of the Oedipal version of the mother from the identification of the child as an imaginary phallus that responds to the mother's desire and from the encounter with maternal castration, insofar as her mother's position in sexuation, that is, as woman in relation to her father is not evident. It is essential to collect these effects in this case to highlight the structural challenge facing the child.(AU)

En este artículo, intentamos cuestionar la relación de la madre con su hijo basándonos en la equivalencia: niño = falo. En este sentido, son las consecuencias clínicas de la sexualidad femenina para cada sujeto que están planteadas. Es determinante para cada sujeto la relación de la mujer, que es su madre, con la carencia. A partir del caso Hans, investigaremos la relación de la madre con su hijo cuando ella está en el lugar del falo imaginario y cuáles consecuencias podemos atisbar. Hans proporciona un paradigma de la versión edípica de la madre, no sólo a través de la identificación del niño como un falo imaginario que responde al deseo de la madre, sino también desde el encuentro con la castración materna, en la medida en que la posición de su madre en la sexuación, es decir, como mujer en relación con su padre, no queda evidente. Resulta fundamental recoger estos efectos en el caso para poner de manifiesto el reto estructural al que se enfrenta el niño.(AU)

Psicoanálisis , Responsabilidad Parental , Sexualidad/psicología , Relaciones Madre-Hijo
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 27(2): 169-178, maio-ago. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340863


O presente artigo objetiva apresentar o percurso teórico-metodológico, construído pelo primeiro autor em sua Dissertação de Mestrado sob a orientação do segundo, baseado na filosofia hermenêutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Justifica-se sua relevância por ser uma alternativa estruturada para a realização de pesquisas bibliográficas dentro do escopo da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP). Para isso, procura-se inicialmente justificar a escolha da hermenêutica gadameriana em sua relação com o objetivo da pesquisa. Em seguida, apresenta-se a rede conceitual formada pela articulação das concepções preconceito, linguagem, tradição, atualização e fusão de horizontes que sustentam essa perspectiva, de forma que permita, posteriormente, sistematizar as fases investigação das informações, análise compreensiva e síntese hermenêutica para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa sobre o problema proposto. Finaliza-se o artigo com a constatação da potencialidade e proficuidade referente à aproximação, e consequente articulação, entre a ACP e a perspectiva filosófica gadameriana, com reflexões sobre as implicações quanto ao uso de um método hermenêuticofilosófico na produção de conhecimento na abordagem.

This article aims to present the theoretical-methodological route, built by the first author in his Master's Dissertation under the guidance of the second, based on Hans-Georg Gadamer hermeneutic-philosophical philosophy. Its relevance is justified because it is a structured alternative for conducting bibliographic research within the scope of the Person Centered Approach (PCA). For this, we initially want to justify an epistemological choice of gadamerian hermeneutics in its relation to the research objective. Then, we present the conceptual network formed by the articulation of prejudice, language, tradition, update and fusion of horizons that supports this perspective, in a ways that allows, later, to systematize the phases of information investigation, comprehensive analysis and hermeneutic synthesis to the development of research on the proposed problem. The article ends with the observation of the potentiality and proficiency related to the approximation, and consequent articulation, between PCA and the Gadamerian philosophical perspective, with reflections on the implications regarding the use of a hermeneutic-philosophical method in the production of knowledge in the approach.

El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar el camino teórico-metodológico, construido por el primer autor en su disertación de maestría bajo la guía del segundo, basado en la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Su relevancia se justifica porque es una alternativa estructurada para realizar investigaciones bibliográficas dentro del alcance del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (ECP). Para eso, se busca inicialmente justificar la elección de la hermenéutica gadameriana en su relación con el objetivo de la investigación. En seguida, presenta-se la red conceptual formada por la articulación de las concepciones prejuicio, lenguaje, tradición, atualización, y fusión de horizontes que sostiene esa perspectiva de forma que permita, posteriormente, sistematizar las fases investigación de las informaciones, analisis comprensiva y síntesis hermenéutica para el desarrollo de la investigación sobre el problema propuesto.El artículo finaliza con la verificación de la potencialidad y rentabilidad relacionadas con la aproximación, y la articulación consiguiente, entre ECP y la perspectiva filosófica gadameriana, con reflexiones sobre las implicaciones con respecto al uso de un método hermenéutico-filosófico en la producción de conocimiento en el enfoque.

Humanos , Hermenéutica , Psicoterapia Centrada en la Persona/métodos , Conocimiento
Med. j. malaysia ; : 98-102, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825411


@#Introduction: In recent years, "double hit" and "double protein" involving gene rearrangement and protein expression of c-MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 are the most used terms to describe poor prognostic factors in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This study was to determine the frequency of double or triple protein expression by using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and comparing the result with clinicopathological features and cell of origin (COO) classification. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study by using 29 archived formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks of DLBCL. All the samples were evaluated for the subgrouping of COO DLBCL was determined by expression of CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 based on Hans classification. In addition, expressions of c-MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 were detected by IHC. Results: Among the 29 cases, MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 proteins were detected in 72.4%, 62.1% and 62.1% of patients, respectively. Concurrent expression (c-MYC positive/BCL2 positive and/or BCL6 positive) was present in 58.6% of patients. 34.5% were categorised as germinal centre like (GCB) subgroup and 65.5% were categorised as nongerminal centre like (non-GCB) subgroup. Among the clinicopathological features, the double/triple protein expression lymphoma was significantly associated with elevated LDH level (p=0.018), IPI score (p=0.003), Ann Arbor stage (p=0.011) and complete response rate (p=0.011). Conclusion: Double/triple protein lymphoma was strongly associated more adverse clinical risk factors. Thus, analyses of MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 expression by IHC represents a rapid and inexpensive approach to risk-stratify patients with DLBCL at diagnosis.

Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 25(2): 178-184, maio-ago. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013331


Pretende-se nesse artigo recuperar as bases da crítica de Renaud Barbaras à fenomenologia da vida de Hans Jonas tal como essas se apresentam na sua obra de 2008 Introduction à une phénoménologie de la vie. Para tanto, trata-se de levantar, entre outros argumentos, o problema da interpolação entre a interioridade e a exterioridade, o que teria permanecido, segundo Barbaras, como um problema não solucionado na tese de Jonas, o que levaria à impossibilidade de sua fenomenologia da vida, stricto senso. Embora não desenvolver-se-á a argumentação nesse trabalho, apontar-se-á, contudo, a possível resposta de Hans Jonas por meio do conceito de "vida expressiva", que indica a insistência na relação e na inter-compreensão como fenômeno mais originário da vida.

This paper aims to recover the basis of Renaud Barbaras's critique of the Hans Jonas's phenomenology of life life, as presented in his 2008 work Introduction à une phénoménologie de la vie. In order to do so, it is a question of raising the problem of the interpolation between interiority and exteriority, which would have remained, according to Barbaras, as an unresolved problem in Jonas's thesis, which would lead to the impossibility of his phenomenology of life, stricto senso. Although the argument will not be developed in this work, it will be pointed out, however, Hans Jonas's possible answer through the concept of "expressive life", which indicates the insistence on relation and inter-understanding as a phenomenon originating from life.

Se pretende en este artículo recuperar las bases de la crítica de Renaud Barbaras a la fenomenología de la vida de Hans Jonas tal como éstas se presentan en su obra de 2008 Introducción a la unión de la filosofía de la vie. Para ello, se trata de plantear, entre otros argumentos, el problema de la interpolación entre la interioridad y la exterioridad, lo que habría permanecido, según Barbaras, como un problema no solucionado en la tesis de Jonás, lo que llevaría a la imposibilidad de su fenomenología de la vida, stricto sentido. Aunque no se desarrollará la argumentación en ese trabajo, se señalará, sin embargo, la posible respuesta de Hans Jonas por medio del concepto de "vida expresiva", que indica la insistencia en la relación y en la intercomprensión como fenómeno más originario de la vida.

Relaciones Metafisicas Mente-Cuerpo , Vida
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;25(supl.1): 51-68, agosto 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-953889


Resumen El médico chileno Hans Betzhold publicó en 1939 el libro Eugenesia, obra que recibió múltiples galardones y tuvo una segunda edición en 1942. Ambas ediciones y la participación de Betzhold en las Segundas Jornadas Peruanas de Eugenesia de 1943 lo muestran como un actor importante del campo eugénico chileno. Este trabajo analiza su transición desde la publicación de Eugenesia, en la cual propone una Oficina Nacional de Eugenesia aunando proyectos y leyes existentes para hacer realidad el ideal eugénico hasta su intervención, en el año 1943 en la que su optimismo cede a la decepción en torno a la tarea de engendrar un "superhombre chileno".

Abstract The Chilean physician Hans Betzhold published the book Eugenesia (Eugenics) in 1939, which was a work that received multiple awards and ran to a second edition in 1942. Both editions and the participation of Betzhold at the Second Peruvian Conference on Eugenics in 1943 attest to the fact that he was an important actor in the field of Chilean eugenics. This paper analyzes his transition from the publication of Eugenesia, in which he proposes a National Eugenics Department combining existing projects and laws to make the eugenic ideal a reality until its intervention, in the year 1943, when his optimism yields to disillusion regarding the task of creating a "Chilean superman."

Historia del Siglo XX , Eugenesia/historia , Libros de Texto como Asunto , Chile
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507073


Objective To analyze the differences in the clinical characteristics,pathological characteristics and survival between Uygurs and Hans gastric signet ring cell carcinoma (SRC) ,and the clinicopathological data of Uygurs SRC were analyzed by COX proportional hazard model. Methods 120 clinical data of patients with gastric cancer from January 2009 to January 2015 were analyzed. The patients were divided into Uygurs and Hans gastric signet ring cell carcinoma (SRC). The gender,age,tumor location,size,depth of invasion,lymph node and distant metastasis,the median time to progression,survival rate after radical operation of two groups were analyzed. The clinicopathological data of 57 cases with Uygurs SRC were analyzed ,multivariate analysis was done by COX proportional hazard model. Results In Uygurs,the age,lymphnode metastasis,distant metastasis and the median time to progression were statistically different from Hans (P 0.05). Conclusion Compared with Uygurs,Hans has early age of onset,more lymph node and distant metastasis,and is prone to progression. Also,age,lymphnode metastasis and depth of invasion serve as independently prognostic indexes of Uygurs gastric SRC by COX proportional hazard model.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178745


Background & objectives: Primary central nervous system lymphomas (PCNSLs) are relatively uncommon, accounting for 2-3 per cent of primary brain tumours. Majority of these are diffuse large B cell lymphomas (DLBCL) occurring both in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients. We undertook this study to classify PCNSL into germinal centre (GC) and non-germinal centre (NGC) type based on Hans classification and to find the role of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in pathogenesis both by conventional immunohistochemistry (IHC) and chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH). Methods: The consecutive cases of PCNSL during a 10 years period were analysed by IHC for CD45, CD20, CD3, B-cell lymphoma 2 and 6 (Bcl-2 and Bcl-6), B-cell specific octamer binding protein-1 (BOB-1), multiple myeloma oncogene-1 (MUM-1), EBV latent-membrane protein 1 (LMP-1), cyclin-D1, CD10, CD5 and CD23, as well as by CISH for EBV. Results: During a period of 10 years, 65 PCNSL were diagnosed which comprised 0.69 per cent (65/9476) of all intracranial tumours. The mean age of presentation was 49 yr with sex ratio (M:F) of 1.4:1. Most common location was supratentorial region with predominant involvement of frontal lobe. Single lesions were seen in 38 (58.4%) and multifocal lesions in 27 (41.5%) patients. None of the patients were immunocompromised. All cases were B cell immunophenotype and were DLBCL except one case of follicular lymphoma. According to Hans classification, majority of them were NGC (n=51, 79.6%) and 13 (20.3%) were GC type. Bcl-2 expression was noted in 34 (52.3%) tumours. EBV was positive in three (4.6%) cases; two were detected both by IHC and CISH and one case by CISH only. Interpretation & conclusions: In Indian population, PCNSL occurs mainly in immunocompetent patients, and a decade earlier than in western population. Immunophenotyping revealed that all cases were DLBCL with predominance of NGC type. No prognostic difference was seen between GC and NGC DLBCL. Association of EBV was rare and this virus was possibly not involved in the pathogenesis of PCNSL in immunocompetent individuals. CISH was an easy, economical and less cumbersome method for detection of EBV in PCNSL.

Estilos clín ; 21(1): 80-95, abr.2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-789641


Este artigo consiste na releitura do caso clínico do pequeno Hans, problematizando acerca da dificuldade presente na tarefa de educar e tratar simultaneamente uma criança. Mesmo reconhecendo a importância desse estudo para o desenvolvimento da teoria freudiana sobre a sexualidade infantil, nossa discussão recairá sobre o que compreendemos como função "educativa" exercida por Max Graf. Considerando esse caso como uma experiência que inaugura a proposta freudiana de 1933 sobre uma educação psicanaliticamente orientada, conclui-se que, ocupado na função de analista/educador do próprio filho, Graf acaba permitindo o acesso absoluto de Hans à mãe, acentuando seu fracasso enquanto agente da castração...

This article consists in a new approach to the clinical case of little Hans, questioning the difficult task of educating and simultaneously treating a child. While recognizing the importance of this study for the development of Freud's infantile sexuality theory, our discussion will be on what we understand as the "educational" function of Max Graf. Considering this case as an experience that introduces Freud's 1933 proposal of a psychoanalytically oriented education, it is concluded that, engaged in the function of analyst/educator of his own son, Graf enables the absolute access to Hans' mother, accentuating his failure as the castration agent...

Este artículo consiste en una nueva lectura del caso clínico del pequeño Hans, problematizando acerca de la dificultad presente en la tarea de educar y tratar simultáneamente a un niño. Aun reconocemos la importancia de este estudio para el desarrollo de la teoría freudiana sobre la sexualidad infantil, nuestra discusión recaerá sobre lo que se entiende por "función educativa", ejercida por Max Graf. Considerando este caso como una experiencia que inauguró la propuesta freudiana del 1933 sobre una educación psicoanalíticamente orientada, se concluye que, al ubicarse en la función de analista/educador de su propio hijo, Graf acabó permitiendo el acceso absoluto de Hans a la madre, acentuando su fracaso como agente de castración...

Humanos , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Psicoanálisis/educación
Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 1729-1733, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-506304


Objective:To study the association of RAC1 gene polymorphisms with protein expression levels of Rac1-GTP. Methods:A total of 182 healthy Hans population in Hubei were recruited. The 4 tag-SNPs in RAC1 gene were genotyped by Real time TaqMan-MGB genotyping assay. And the Rac1-GTP protein levels in plasma samples from all participants were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays ( ELISA ) . The distribution characteristics of Rac1-GTP expression levels were also analyzed. Furthermore,the expression levels of Rac1-GTP were compared among different genotypes of the 4 tag-SNPs in RAC1 gene. Results:The distribution of Rac1-GTP expression levels was positive skewed in healthy Chinese Hans population. The expression levels were significantly higher in females than in males (P0. 05). Different expression levels of Rac1-GTP were observed in different genotypes for rs702482 and rs10951982 (P0. 05). Conclusion:RAC1 genetic polymorphisms can potentially affect the expression levels of Rac1-GTP protein in healthy Chinese Hans population.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486040


Objective:To explore the relationship of NSCL/P with MTHFR gene polymorphism in Xinjiang Uyghur and Han popula-tion and the ethnic difference.Methods:rs1801131 and rs1801133 polymorphism was detected by SNaPshot genotype method in 170 children with NSCL/P and 100 healthy controls of Uyghur and Han population.Results:Rs1801133 TT and T allele was statistically difference between 2 nationalities(P 0.05).Conclusion:Rs1801133 TT and T allele in Han nationality are more likely to suffer from NSCL/P than in Uyghur,rs1801133 CT and CT +TT genotypes are protective factors.Rs1801131AC and rs1801133CC conjoint is relevant to NSCL/P,and the risk in Uyghur is higher than in Han.MTHFR rs1801131 gene polymorphism may not be relat-ed with NSCL/P in Uyghur or Han.

Rev. psicanal ; 22(2): 359-380, ago. 2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-786641


Este trabalho discute o sintoma fóbico no caso do pequeno Hans, comunicado por Freud em 1909. Para tal realizou-se um estudo teórico, cuja metodologia foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. No artigo, considera-se que a fobia, enquanto saída sintomática, serviu a Hans como meio possível para que ele se posicionasse no mundo e se inserisse na ordem simbólica. Assim, trabalham-se temas como a ansiedade, a angústia e a aposta na função de suplência assumida pelo sintoma fóbico de Hans diante da função paterna claudicante.

This paper discusses the phobic symptom in the little Hans’ study case, as stated by Freud in 1909. For such, we performed a theoretical study, whose methodology was the literature research. The article considers Hans’ phobia as a symptomatic output that served him as a possible mean to put himself in the world and set himself in the symbolic order. Thus, issues such as anxiety, distress, and the challenge of the substitutive function taken by Hans’ phobic symptom faced with the lame paternal function are studied.

Este artículo discute el síntoma fóbico en el caso del pequeño Hans, comunicado por Freud en 1909. Para este fin se realizó un estudio teórico, cuya metodología fue la investigación en la literatura. En el artículo se considera que la fobia, como producción sintomática, le sirvió a Hans como un medio posible para posicionarse en el mundo y entrar en el orden simbólico. De este modo, se trabajan cuestiones como la ansiedad, la angustia y la apuesta en función sustitutiva asumida por el síntoma fóbico de Hans ante la función paterna fallida.

Humanos , Preescolar , Complejo de Edipo , Psicoanálisis/historia , Trastornos Fóbicos
Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 1156-1162, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476706


Objective:To develop a method for the detection of 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) of Nm23 gene,and to explore the genotypic and allelic distributions of the 10 SNPs in Chinese Hans population in Wuhan.Methods: Two hundreds healthy subjects ,115 men and 85 women included ,were enrolled as DNA sample donors.The real time TaqMan-MGB genotyping assay was used for the determination of the 10 SNPs selected ,and the results were validated by direct gene sequencing.Results:The method established could accurately and quickly screen the genotypes of the 10 SNPs of Nm23/NDPK gene.Distribution frequencies of the 10 SNPs were similar to these in other researches as well as these of HCB.All the loci follow the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.Highly linkage disequilibriums were found between rs 16949649 and rs7207370 , rs16949649 and rs34214448 , rs2159359 and rs2302254 , rs2159359 and rs8075231 ,rs2159359 and rs2041296 ,as well as rs2159359 and rs8071647 ,respectively.Four Tag SNPs:rs34214448 , rs2302254 ,rs11868380 and rs2318785 were initially selected by Heploview software.Conclusion:The method established for SNP gen-otyping can meet the needs for rapid analysis of Nm 23 gene polymorphisms ,and may have great values in investigating the association between gene polymorphisms and diseases as well as adverse drug reactions.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 11(1)ene. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536418


La responsabilidad hoy es frente al progreso y los sueños de la primera Modernidad; más que una necesidad imperativa, es una urgencia axiológica. Con todos los recursos teóricos que ofrece el principio de responsabilidad de Hans Jonas, se requiere, además, un alcance prospectivo, es decir, una previsión ética que ejerza no solo una crítica de los valores sociales y políticamente dominantes sino que vincule todos los agentes del desarrollo y las fuerzas culturales de transformación.

Responsibility today is towards the progress and the dreams of the first Modernity. More than an imperative necessity, it is an axiological urgency. With all of the theoretical resources provided by Hans Jonas' principle of responsibility a prospective scope is also required, and this means an ethical prevision that not only criticizes social and politically dominant values, but also involves all of the development agents and the cultural forces of transformation.

A responsabilidade hoje é frente ao progresso e os sonhos da primeira Modernidade; mais do que uma necessidade imperativa, é uma urgência axiológica. Com todos os recursos teóricos que oferece o princípio de responsabilidade de Hans Jonas, requerse, ademais, um alcance prospectivo, isto é, uma previsão ética que exerça não só uma crítica dos valores sociais e politicamente dominantes senão que vincule todos os agentes do desenvolvimento e as forças culturais de transformação.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 11(1): 112-123, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-657052


Se ejemplifica, mediante el análisis de las nuevas tecnologías de manipulación de genes humanos como la terapia génica y el clonaje, lo que es común a la mayor parte de las ramas de la ciencia: El imperativo tecnológico de aplicar toda la capacidad técnica adquirida sin considerar las implicaciones éticas que éstas puedan presentar. La clonación por transferencia nuclear, por ejemplo, ha comenzado a ser una realidad científica y la presión ejercida por sectores de la comunidad científica y por determinados grupos está creando un imperativo tecnológico contra el que parece imposible oponerse o, al menos, establecer un diálogo reflexivo. Se argumenta que la validez del principalismo bioético anglosajón está limitada a la esfera de los efectos humanos recíprocos, considerando sólo la humanidad presente. Por lo anterior, tecnologías como la terapia génica con células somáticas, pueden ser apoyadas por los principios y no presentan problemas éticos diferentes a los de otro tipo de terapia experimental. Una decisión ética con repercusión para el futuro debe tener en cuenta las razones a favor y en contra de hacer o no hacer una investigación y por ello nuevas bases de sustentaciones teórico-metodológicas más abarcadoras que las del principalismo. Se demuestra la validez del Principio de la Responsabilidad de Hans Jonas que, como evaluación crítica de la ciencia y la tecnología modernas, llama a actuar con cautela y humildad frente al enorme poder transformador de la tecnociencia pues el orden ético está presente, no como realidad visible, sino como un llamado que pide calma, prudencia y equilibrio...

In this paper we exemplified by the analysis of new technologies of manipulation of human genes such as gene therapy and cloning, which is common to most branches of science: the technological imperative to apply all the technical capabilities acquired without considering the ethical implications they may have. Cloning by nuclear transfer, for example, has begun to be a scientific reality and the pressure exerted by sections of the scientific community and certain groups are creating a technological imperative against which it seems impossible to oppose or at least set a reflective dialogue. It is argued that the validity of anglo bioethical principles is limited to the sphere of reciprocal human effects, considering only the present humanity. Therefore, technologies such as somatic cell gene therapy can be supported by the principles and have no ethical problems different from other experimental therapy. An ethical decision with implications for the future must take into account the reasons for and against doing or not doing an investigation and thus new theoretical and methodological bases more comprehensive than the principles. We demonstrate the validity of Hans Jonas' principle of responsibility as and critical evaluation of science and modern technology, called to act with caution and humility in face of the tremendous transforming power of technoscience as the ethical order is present, not reality visible, but as an appeal that calls for calm, caution and balance...

Exemplifica, mediante análise das novas tecnologias de manipulação de genes humanos como a terapia gênica e a clonagem, o que é comum à maior parte dos ramos da ciência: o imperativo tecnológico de aplicar toda a capacidade técnica adquirida sem considerar as implicações éticas que disso podem advir. A clonagem por transferência nuclear, por exemplo, começou a ser uma realidade científica, e a pressão exercida por setores da comunidade científica e por determinados grupos vem criando um imperativo tecnológico contra o qual parece impossível se opor ou, ao menos, estabelecer um diálogo reflexivo. Argumenta que a validez do principialismo bioético anglo-saxão está limitada à esfera dos efeitos humanos recíprocos, considerando apenas a presente humanidade. Dado o exposto, tecnologias como a terapia gênica em células somáticas podem ser apoiadas pelos princípios, e não apresentam problemas éticos distintos aos de outro tipo de terapia experimental. Uma decisão ética com repercussão no futuro deve levar em conta as razões a favor e contra de ser feita ou não uma investigação, e com isso novas bases de sustentação teórico-metodológicas mais abrangentes que as do principialismo. Demonstra a validez do Principio da Responsabilidade de Hans Jonas, que como avaliação crítica da ciência e da tecnologia modernas chama para que se atue com cautela e humildade diante do enorme poder transformador da tecnociência, pois o preceito ético está presente não como realidade visível, mas como um chamado que pede calma, prudência e equilíbrio...

Humanos , Bioética , Clonación Molecular , Clonación de Organismos , Ética , Terapéutica , Tecnología/ética , Tecnología/tendencias , Terapéutica/ética , Terapéutica/tendencias , Terapéutica
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227750


Many predictive models have been proposed for better stratification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Hans' algorithm has been widely used as standard to sub-classify DLBCL into germinal center B-cell (GCB) and non-GCB origins. However, there have been disagreements in the literature regarding its prognostic significance. Here, we retrospectively analyzed Hans' algorithm and the individual immunohistochemical biomarkers at different cut-off values (5%, 30%, 50% or 75%) in 94 Korean patients with DLBCL treated with combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, daunorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone. No significant differences were observed between the GCB (18 patients, 19.1%) and non-GCB (76, 80.9%) groups. Among individual biomarkers, CD10 negativity (cut point: 30%) and bcl-6 positivity (cut point: 5%) were independent good prognostic markers in progression-free survival (PFS), whereas bcl-6 (cut point: 5%) positivity was an independent good prognostic marker in overall survival irrelevant of international prognostic index. The present study showed the lack of predictability of Hans' algorithm in DLBCL patients, and that CD10, Bcl-6 may have diverse prognostic significance at different cut-off values. Our results suggest that the proposed cut-off value may not be applied universally, and that the optimal cut-off value may need to be optimized for individual laboratory.

Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Algoritmos , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapéutico , Ciclofosfamida/uso terapéutico , Proteínas de Unión al ADN/análisis , Doxorrubicina/uso terapéutico , Linfoma de Células B Grandes Difuso/clasificación , Neprilisina/análisis , Prednisona/uso terapéutico , Pronóstico , República de Corea , Estudios Retrospectivos , Biomarcadores de Tumor/análisis , Vincristina/uso terapéutico
Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma ; (12): 585-587,595, 2009.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-601670


Objective To investigate the effect of chemotherapy regimen of rituxmab combined with CHOP (R-CHOP) on the survival of patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Methods One hundred and fifty-six cases of DLBCL diagnosed according to the WHO 2008 classification were collected from the haematopathological laboratory, the department of pathology, and Beijing University Health Science Center. Standard two-step method of immunohistochemical staining with Envision was used to assess the expression of CD10, MUM-1, bcl-6, and bcl-2. The different classification models were made according to the immuaohistochemical staining results. Hans algorithm classifies the patients into two subgroups originating from germinal center B cell-like cell (GCB) and non-germinal center B cell-like cell (non-GCB), and Muris model were classfied the DLBCL patients into the good-survival groupl and the poor-survival group2. Thirty patients with treatment of R-CHOP were set as study group and the other 126 patients without Retuxmab were defied as control group. The data were analyzed with X2 test, log-linear model and Life Table survival analysis by the SAS 8.2 statistical package. Results The 3-year survival rate of the study group was 78.3 %, but was 53.4 % in the control group. The over-all survival of the study group was obviously better than the control group with the significant difference (P <0.05). Hans algorithm showed no implication of survival for any group. The survival of different groups in Muris model has no difference in study group but was obvious in control group. The expression of bcl-2 protein has no association with survival in study group but acted as a worse implication of survival in control group. Conclusion R-CHOP chemotherapy regimen could improve the remission rate and over-all survival of DLBCL. Rituxmab could weaken the effect of bcl-2 expression in the prognosis, and the implication of survival by Muris model has diminished.

Agora USB ; 9(2): 571-591, 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-563269


La humanidad se caracteriza por la diversidad de razas, culturas, religiones, cosmovisiones. Pretender tener una ética universal era para el cristianismo una realidad posible ya que los 10 mandamientos cubrían a todos los hombres y a la humanidad entera. Sin embargo, gracias a la globalización y al desarrollo de los medios de comunicación, vamos descubrimiendo que las culturas con sus sistemas de valores, tradiciones y creencias tienen propuestas complelentarias, diferentes y a veces contrarias o a la posición cristiana. Hans Küng lleva años trabajando en una “Ética Universal” desde las grandes religiones. Si bien,esta propuesta tiene un desarrollo y alcance bastante significativo, nos parece interesante contraponer la propuesta nacida en la experiencia de Francisco de Asís y luego del Franciscanismo,de una “Fraternidad Universal” como la ética mundial que podría llegar a todos los hombres y culturas...

Humanity has been characterizedby the diversity of races, cultures, religions and views of the world. Expecting to have a universal ethics was a possible reality for Christianity since the 10 Commandments covered every man and the whole humanity.Nonetheless, thanks to the globalization and the development of mass media, we can realize that the cultures with their systems of values, traditions and beliefs have complementary, different and at times,contradictory proposals or the Christian position. Hans Küng has been working for years on a “Universal Ethics” based on the great religions. Although this proposal has a quite meaningful development and scope, wethink it is interesting to contrast the proposal which originated from the experience of Francis of Assisi and after Franciscanism, of a“Universal Fraternity” like the world ethics which could reach every men and cultures.

Humanos , Ética , Religión
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;71(3): 405-409, maio-jun. 2008. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-486120


OBJETIVO: Relatar, de forma retrospectiva, a experiência no diagnóstico e tratamento do granuloma eosinofílico da órbita em serviço de referência. MÉTODOS: Identificados os pacientes com diagnóstico de granuloma eosinofílico orbitário, no Registro do Laboratório de Patologia Ocular do Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, no período entre 1974 e 2004. Coletados dados referentes ao diagnóstico, tratamento e realizada revisão das lâminas coradas pela hematoxilina e eosina. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 3 casos com idade de 1, 6 e 11 anos. Em nenhum caso o diagnóstico de granuloma eosinofílico foi aventado pré-operatoriamente. Todos pacientes foram submetidos a biópsia, exibindo aspecto anatomopatológico típico. Em um dos casos, após a biópsia, havia tomografia computadorizada da órbita disponível, exibindo padrão característico. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com corticoesteróides sistêmicos, com resolução do tumor orbitário. CONCLUSÃO: Trata-se de doença rara, de difícil diagnóstico clínico sem avaliação radiológica. Apesar da grande destruição tecidual, apresenta boa resposta ao tratamento com corticoesteróides.

PURPOSE:To report the retrospective experience of a reference center in the diagnosis and treatment of orbital eosinophilic granuloma. METHODS: A review of the files in the Opththalmic Pathology Laboratory, of the Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, between 1974 and 2004, was conducted to identify cases of orbital eosinophilic granuloma. Data of diagnosis and treatment were collected. The hematoxilin and eosin stained sections were reviewed. RESULTS: Three cases with ages of 1, 6 and 11 years were retrieved. In none of them the clinical diagnosis of eosinophilic granuloma was suspected. All patients underwent diagnostic biopsy with characteristic histological aspect. In one case a orbital computed tomography after biopsy exhibited typical findings. All patients improved with systemic steroids./ CONCLUSIONS: This is a rare disease, with a difficult clinical diagnosis if radiological evaluation is not available. In spite of its aggressiveness at presentation, the disease shows good response to systemic steroids.

Niño , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Granuloma Eosinófilo/patología , Órbita/patología , Enfermedades Orbitales/patología , Biopsia , Granuloma Eosinófilo/tratamiento farmacológico , Glucocorticoides/uso terapéutico , Enfermedades Orbitales/tratamiento farmacológico , Prednisona/uso terapéutico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Coloración y Etiquetado