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Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 82: e39695, maio 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1523965


A incidência da lesão renal aguda caracteriza-se como evento frequente em pacientes críticos internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva e está associada ao aumento de mortalidade, causando grande impacto à Saúde Pública. As intercorrências clínicas são minimizadas com intervenções dialíticas, acarretando a exposição do paciente a volumes expressivos de água tratada durante a terapia renal em leito. As análises microbiológicas e de determinação de endotoxinas bacterianas em amostras de água tratada e em soluções de dialisato foram executadas em dois hospitais públicos do município de São Paulo, seguindo metodologias analíticas preconizadas em compêndios oficiais. A avaliação demonstrou que a porcentagem de resultados satisfatórios no período de 2010 a 2022 variou entre 35,2 a 100% e de 40 a 100% para as unidades hospitalares I e II para a água tratada, respectivamente; e, 100% para as soluções de dialisato para a unidade hospitalar I. A eficácia de ações delineadas pelas equipes técnicas das unidades hospitalares, na adequação da água destinada à terapia dialítica, aponta para a importância em estimular outras instituições hospitalares na padronização e implantação de melhoria contínua de seus sistemas de tratamento de água para uso em procedimento dialítico, prevenindo riscos adicionais aos pacientes expostos à terapia renal.

The incidence of acute kidney is high among critically ill patients admitted to Intensive Care Units and is associated with increased mortality, having a major impact on public health. Clinical complications are minimized with dialysis interventions, which expose patients to significant volumes of treated water during in-bed renal therapy. Microbiological analyzes and determination of bacterial endotoxins were performed on treated water samples and dialysate solutions in two public hospitals in São Paulo city, using analytical methodologies recommended in official compendia. The evaluation showed that the percentage of satisfactory results for treated water ranged from 35.2% to 100% in Hospital Unit I and from 40% to 100% in Hospital Unit II between 2010 and 2022. For dialysate solutions in Hospital Unit I, the percentage of satisfactory results was 100% during the same period. The effectiveness of actions implemented by the technical hospital teams, in adapting water for dialysis therapy, points to the importance of encouraging other hospital institutions to standardize and implement a program of continuous improvement for their water treatment systems used in dialysis procedures. This will help to prevent additional risks to patients exposed to renal therapy.

Control de la Calidad del Agua , Diálisis/normas , Endotoxinas/análisis , Bacterias Heterotróficas , Lesión Renal Aguda , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/normas
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 51(2): 149-153, 20191011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024961


Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da água de bebedouros destinada ao consumo humano de uma instituição de ensino superior em Caxias do Sul-RS. Métodos: O método utilizado para bactérias heterotróficas foi o spread plate, e, para coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa sendo que o método é a ausência ou presença com substrato enzimático. Foram coletadas oito amostras, cada uma com aproximadamente 150 mL de água em frascos esterilizados após desinfecção dos bicos dos bebedouros com álcool 70%. Resultados: Na primeira coleta, o bebedouro 4 foi o único que apresentou alterações, com presença de 4,5 x 101 de bactérias heterotróficas, no entanto, este nível estava de acordo com a quantidade permitida. Na segunda coleta, todas as amostras apresentaram positividade para bactérias heterotróficas, porém a amostra de número 3 estava no limite aceito pela legislação, e as demais mostraram resultados superiores a 500 UFC/mL. Todas as amostras foram negativas para as análises de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coliformes totais e Escherichia coli. Conclusão: Apesar de os resultados terem sido negativos para Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coliformes totais e Escherichia coli, três amostras apresentaram valores superiores ao aceito pela portaria para bactérias heterotróficas, expondo números superiores a 500 UFC/mL. Conclui-se que esta água é considerada inadequada para consumo humano, baseando-se nos padrões de potabilidade estabelecidos pela portaria vigente.

Objective: To evaluate the microbiological quality of drinking water from drinking fountains intended for human consumption at a higher education institution in Caxias do Sul-RS. Methods: The method used for heterotrophic bacteria was spread plate and for total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa the method is absence or presence with enzyme-substrate. Eight samples were collected, each with approximately 150mL of water in sterilized bottles, after disinfection of the drinking nozzles with 70%. Results: In the first collection, the drinker 4 was the only one that presented alterations, with a presence of 4,5 x 10¹ of heterotrophic bacteria, however this level was in agreement with the quantity allowed. In the second sample, all samples were positive for heterotrophic bacteria, but the number 3 sample was within the limit accepted by the legislation, the others showed results higher than 500 CFU/mL. All Samples were negative for the analyzes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, total coliforms and Escherichia coli. Conclusion: Although the results were negative for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, total coliforms and for Escherichia coli, three samples presented higher values than those accepted by Ministry of Health Ordinance 2914/2011 for heterotrophic bacteria. It is concluded that this water is considered inadequate for human consumption, based on the potability standards established by the aforementioned ordinance

Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Agua Potable , Escherichia coli , Bacterias Heterotróficas
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 108 p. tab, graf.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015331


O monitoramento da qualidade da água de diálise caracteriza uma importante ferramenta para a tomada de decisões quando resultados laboratoriais insatisfatórios são disponibilizados em curto período de tempo. Os inconvenientes relacionados ao tempo de espera para a obtenção dos resultados têm conduzido à busca de métodos microbiológicos alternativos que permitam obter dados exatos, precisos e em menor tempo do que os obtidos por métodos clássicos. Este projeto teve por finalidade avaliar o desempenho do método microbiológico alternativo para a contagem de bactérias heterotróficas em água tratada para diálise através da técnica de detecção microbiana pelo uso de fluorescência. Inicialmente foi realizada a determinação do tempo mínimo de incubação para obtenção de valores de contagem confiáveis pelo método alternativo, seguido pela avaliação de desempenho do método contemplando todos os parâmetros estabelecidos em compêndios nacionais e internacionais e a demonstração da equivalência do método alternativo frente ao método tradicional, através da avaliação de 23 amostras de água tratada para diálise. Os resultados demonstraram que o método alternativo permite a quantificação de bactérias heterotróficas após 40 horas de incubação, com exatidão e precisão para o range de 5 a 100 UFC/placa, resultando em uma redução de aproximadamente 67% do tempo atualmente empregado no método tradicional. Portanto, a técnica de detecção microbiana pelo uso de fluorescência se mostrou uma opção viável para a implementação de um método microbiológico rápido para a contagem de bactérias heterotróficas em amostras de água tratada para hemodiálise

Monitoring the quality of dialysis water is an important tool for decision-making when unsatisfactory results are available in a short period of time. The drawbacks related to waiting time for obtaining results have led to the search for alternative microbiological methods that allow accurate data to be obtained in less time than those obtained by classical methods. This project aimed to evaluate the alternative microbiological method performance for the heterotrophic bacteria counts in dialysis treated water through the microbial detection technique using fluorescence. Initially, the determination of the minimum incubation time to obtain reliable count values by the alternative method was performed, followed by the performance evaluation of the method, considering all the parameters established in national and international compendiums and demonstrating the equivalence of the alternative method to the traditional method, through the evaluation of 23 samples of dialysis treated water. The results demonstrated that the alternative method allows quantification of heterotrophic bacteria after 40 hours of incubation, with accuracy and precision for the range of 5 to 100 CFU/plate, resulting in a reduction of approximately 67% of the time currently used in the traditional method. Therefore, the microbial detection technique using fluorescence showed a viable option for the implementation of a rapid microbiological method for the heterotrophic bacteria counts in samples of treated water for hemodialysis

Agua Esterilizada/clasificación , /métodos , Diálisis , Bacterias Heterotróficas/análisis , Calidad del Agua/normas , Diálisis Renal , Bacterias Heterotróficas , Fluorescencia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(6): e20180306, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045378


ABSTRACT: Litopenaeus vannamei is the most cultured marine shrimp in all types of systems including the Bioflocs Technology System (BFT). Bioflocs are formed by microorganisms, among these, autotrophic bacteria are responsible for the nitrification process. This study aimed to identify and promote the development of nitrifying bacteria by adding artificial substrates and biofloc inoculum in L. vannamei culture in a BFT system. The experiment consisted of four treatments with three replics (4x3) as follows: (1) Control: clear water in which bioflocs were formed; (2) IN (10%): clear water with biofloc inoculum (10%); (3) IB: clear water with substrate (immature "bioballs"); and (4) MB: clear water with mature "bioballs" inoculum from a recirculation system. Treatments were stocked with shrimp juveniles (4.92±0.45 g) in 12 tanks with 200 L working volume at a stocking density of 200 shrimp/m³. Shrimps were fed twice a day with a commercial feed (38% CP) following a feeding table, and daily observations intake were made over the four weeks of the experiment. Biofloc and "bioballs" samples were collected to detect the growth of the population of nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria by FISH. There was no significant difference between treatments (P>0.05) for survival, obtaining mean values greater than 88%. The IN (10%) treatment had lower concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, and nitrate concentration increased, while MB had a higher weight and biomass final, productivity, weekly weight gain and lower conversion of apparent feed for production performance results.

RESUMO: Litopenaeus vannamei é o camarão marinho mais cultivado em todos os tipos de sistemas, incluindo o Sistema de Tecnologia de Bioflocos (BFT). Os bioflocos são formados por microorganismos, entre estes, bactérias autotróficas que são responsáveis pelo processo de nitrificação. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e promover o desenvolvimento de bactérias nitrificantes pela adição de substratos artificiais e inóculo de bioflocos no cultivo de L. vannamei em sistema BFT. O experimento consistiu de quatro tratamentos com três repetições (4x3), sendo: (1) Controle: água limpa, na qual foram formados os bioflocos; (2) IN (10%): água limpa com inóculo de bioflocos (10%); (3) BI: água limpa com substrato ("bioballs" imaturos); e (4) BM: água limpa com inóculo de "bioballs" maduros de um sistema de recirculação. Para tanto, os tratamentos foram estocados com juvenis de camarão (4,92±0,45 g) em 12 tanques com 200 L de volume útil com densidade de 200 camarões/m³. Os camarões foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia com ração comercial (38% PB) seguindo uma tabela de alimentação, e observações diárias foram feitas ao longo das quatro semanas de experimento. Amostras de bioflocos e "bioballs" foram coletadas para detectar o crescimento da população de bactérias nitrificantes e heterotróficas por FISH. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos (P>0,05) para sobrevivência, obtendo-se valores médios superiores a 88%. O tratamento com IN (10%) apresentou menores concentrações de amônia e nitrito, e a concentração de nitrato aumentou, enquanto o BM apresentou maior peso e biomassa final, produtividade, ganho de peso semanal e menor conversão alimentar aparente para resultados de desempenho zootécnico.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 23(3): 431-435, maio-jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-953251


RESUMO A quantidade e a qualidade da água potável ingerida estão diretamente relacionadas com a saúde humana. A garantia de segurança e potabilidade depende do funcionamento adequado de etapas que vão desde o tratamento até a distribuição; e, caso alguma delas apresente falhas, pode haver processo de contaminação. Partindo desse pressuposto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho verificar a qualidade microbiológica da água fornecida em bebedouros de escolas públicas e privadas de ensino fundamental e infantil da cidade de Santa Rita, na Paraíba. As análises de coliformes totais, termotolerantes e bactérias heterotróficas foram realizadas segundo os padrões e metodologias da American Public Health Association. Por meio dos resultados deste trabalho, baseados nos padrões contidos na Portaria nº 2.914, de 12 de dezembro de 2011, do Ministério da Saúde, em relação à contagem de coliformes totais, verificou-se que 100% das amostras apresentavam-se impróprias para consumo, enquanto coliformes termotolerantes foram detectados em 33,33% das amostras). A contagem de bactérias heterotróficas variou entre 1,5x102 e 1,6x103 UFC.mL-1, sendo assim, todas as amostras foram consideradas impróprias ao consumo humano. Sugere-se um rigoroso controle de qualidade e a adoção de boas práticas, tais como tratamento da água, limpezas periódicas e manutenção dos reservatórios, filtros e bebedouros, bem como medidas preventivas e corretivas para manutenção da higiene e do controle microbiológico dos reservatórios de água, de forma a ser disponibilizada água com qualidade.

ABSTRACT The quantity and the quality of drinking water intake are directly related to human health. In order to guarantee the safety and potability of drinking water, a series of steps ranging from treatment to distribution must work properly, and if any of them fails, contamination can occur. Based on this assumption, the aim of the present work was to check the microbiological water quality in drinking fountains from pre-school and elementary public and private schools in the city of Santa Rita, Paraíba, Brazil. The analyzes of total coliforms, thermotolerant bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria were carried out according to the standards and methodologies of the American Public Health Association. Based on the standards from Decree 2,914 of December 12, 2011, from the Brazilian Health Ministry, of the total coliforms, 12 samples (100%) were unfit for consumption, and thermotolerant coliforms were detected in 33.33% of the samples. The heterotrophic bacteria count ranged from 1.5x102 to 1.6x103 CFU.mL-1, and as such, all of the samples were unsuitable for human consumption. Thus, we suggest the implementation of a rigorous maintenance process that monitors and controls hygiene and microbiological contamination in the drinking fountains at these locations. Additionally, we recommend the adoption of preventive and corrective measures such as water treatment, regular cleaning and the maintenance of reservoirs, filters and drinking fountains, in order to provide quality water at these schools.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 48(1): 51-61, Jan.-Mar. 2017. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-839360


Abstract The diversity and abundance of retrievable pelagic heterotrophic bacteria in Kongsfjorden, an Arctic fjord, was studied during the summer of 2011 (June, August, and September). Retrievable bacterial load ranged from 103 to 107 CFU L−1 in June, while it was 104-106 CFU L−1 in August and September. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities, a higher number of phylotypes was observed during August (22 phylotypes) compared to that during June (6 phylotypes) and September (12 phylotypes). The groups were classified into four phyla: Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. Bacteroidetes was represented only by a single member Leewenhoekiella aequorea during the three months and was dominant (40%) in June. However, this dominance changed in August to a well-known phytopathogenic species Rhodococcus fascians (32%), which could be a result of decrease in the phytoplankton biomass following the secondary bloom. It is the first report of Halomonas titanicae isolation from the Arctic waters. It showed an increase in its abundance with the intrusion of Atlantic water into Kongsfjorden. Increased abundance of Psychrobacter species in the late summer months coincided with the presence of cooler waters. Thus, the composition and function of heterotrophic bacterial community was fundamentally different in different months. This could be linked to the changes in the water masses and/or phytoplankton bloom dynamics occurring in Arctic summer.

Bacterias/aislamiento & purificación , Bacterias/clasificación , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Bacterianos , Biodiversidad , Procesos Heterotróficos , Regiones Árticas , Bacterias/genética , ARN Ribosómico 16S/genética , Carga Bacteriana
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(3): 1057-1065, jul.-sep. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-958195


Abstract:Community structure and composition are dictated by evolutionary and ecological assembly processes which are manifested in signals of, species diversity, species abundance and species relatedness. Analysis of species coexisting relatedness, has received attention as a tool to identify the processes that influence the composition of a community within a particular habitat. In this study, we tested if microbialite genetic composition is dependent on random events versus biological/abiotical factors. This study was based on a large genetic data set of two hypervariable regions (V5 and V6) from previously generated barcoded 16S rRNA amplicons from nine microbialite communities distributed in Northeastern, Central and Southeastern Mexico collected in May and June of 2009. Genetic data of the most abundant phyla (Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria) were investigated in order to state the phylogenetic structure of the complete communities as well as each phylum. For the complete dataset, Webb NTI index showed positive and significant values in the nine communities analysed, where values ranged from 31.5 in Pozas Azules I to 57.2 in Bacalar Pirate Channel; meanwhile, NRI index were positive and significant in six of the nine communities analysed with values ranging from 18.1 in Pozas Azules I to 45.1 in Río Mesquites. On the other hand, when comparing each individual phylum, NTI index were positive and significant in all groups, except in Cyanobacteria for which positive and significant values were only found in three localities; finally, NRI index was significant in only a few of the comparisons performed. The results suggest that habitat filtering is the main process that drives phylogenetic structure in bacterial communities associated to microbialites with the exception of Cyanobacteria where different lineages can contribute to microbialite formation and growth. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 10571065. Epub 2016 September 01.

ResumenLa estructura y composición de las comunidades son determinadas por procesos evolutivos y ecológicos que se manifiestan en señales de diversidad, abundancia y la relación de especies. El análisis de la relación de especies que coexisten ha recibido atención como una herramienta para identificar los procesos que influyen en la composición de una comunidad dentro de un hábitat particular. En este estudio, evaluamos si la composición genética de bacterias microbialíticas depende de acontecimientos al azar vs factores biológicos/ abióticos. Este estudio se basa en un conjunto de datos genéticos de dos regiones hipervariables (V5 y V6) de gen 16S rRNA generados previamente de nueve comunidades de microbialitos distribuidos en el Noreste, Centro y Sureste de México, recolectados en mayo y junio 2009. Los datos genéticos de los filos más abundantes (Proteobacteria, Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes y Cyanobacteria) fueron analizados para determinar la estructura filogenética de la comunidad y de cada filo por separado. Para el análisis conjunto, el índice NTI de Webb mostró valores positivos y significativos en las nueve comunidades analizadas, en donde los valores oscilaron entre 31.5 en Pozas Azules I y 57.2 en el Canal Pirata en Bacalar; en contraste, los valores del índice NRI fueron positivos y significativos en seis de las nueve comunidades analizadas con valores oscilando desde 18.1 en Pozas Azules I hasta 45.1 en Río Mezquites. Por otro lado, en la comparación de cada filo individual, el índice NTI fue positivo y significativo en todos los grupos excepto en Cyanobacteria, en donde valores positivos y significativos fueron encontrados sólo en tres localidades; finalmente, el índice NRI fue significativo sólo en unas cuantas de las comparaciones realizadas. Los resultados sugieren que el filtrado del hábitat es el proceso principal que determina la estructura filogenética de las comunidades bacterianas asociadas a microbialitos con la excepción de las cianobacterias en donde diferentes linajes pueden contribuir a la formación y crecimiento del microbialito.

Filogenia , Bacterias/genética , Archaea/genética , Ecosistema , Eucariontes/genética , Valores de Referencia , Bacterias/crecimiento & desarrollo , ADN Bacteriano , ARN Ribosómico 16S , Archaea/crecimiento & desarrollo , Eucariontes/crecimiento & desarrollo , Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico/métodos , Filogeografía/métodos , México
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 74(1): 66-70, 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-783224


Infectious diseases in renal patients may be associated with the dialysis water quality, which may be contaminated with microorganisms. In Brazil, the water quality is evaluated by analyzing total coliforms, heterotrophic bacteria, and bacterial endotoxin, but not Pseudomonas sp. and fungi. Water samples from haemodialysis units in Curitiba/PR were investigated on their conformity with the standard established by the Brazilian Health Ministry. Total coliforms, heterotrophic bacteria,P. aeruginosa and fungi counts were performed according to APHA, and LAL methodology for detecting bacterial endotoxin. All of the samples showed the total coliforms counts ≤1.1 MPN/100 mL,and ≥ 95 % of analyzed samples complied with the standards for heterotrophic bacteria counting.P. aeruginosa was recovered from 4 % of samples. In 15 % of samples, bacterial endotoxin was detected in values above the limit established by legislation. Yeasts were isolated from 26 % samples and filamentous fungi from 58 %, being 46 % characterized as melanized fungi. The fungi genera were Cladosporium spp., Penicillium spp., Beauveria spp., Exophiala spp., Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp., Trichoderma spp, Acremonium spp. and Rinocladiella spp.. The study highlights the significance ofP. aeruginosa and fungi detection in those systems, as these microorganisms are potentially pathogenic to immunocompromised patients...

Humanos , Bacterias Heterotróficas , Coliformes , Diálisis Renal , Endotoxinas , Hongos , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Calidad del Agua , Brasil , Unidades de Hemodiálisis en Hospital
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153384


Background: Adequate supply of fresh and clean drinking water is a basic need for all human beings. In terms of public and environmental health, it is essential that water sources be free of pathogenic bacteria and safe to drink. Continuous increase in the sale and indiscriminate consumption of packaged drinking water is of public health significance. In order to safeguard public health it is essential that the available packaged water is of the highest quality. Aims & Objective: The current study was designed to assess the microbial quality of sachet and bottled drinking water sold in retail outlets in Chennai. Materials and Methods: In the present study, fifty one samples including 36 sachet and 15 bottled drinking water samples were analyzed for the presence of bacterial indicators of water quality. Total and faecal coliform count, total viable plate count and culture were performed to determine the identities of the isolates. Results: Of the 36 sachet water samples analysed, 33.3% failed to meet the WHO drinking water standard of zero coliform per 100 ml making them unsuitable for human consumption whereas all the 15 bottled water samples are of better quality. Faecal coliforms were not isolated from any of the sachet or bottled drinking water. The bacteria that were isolated from water samples included Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii, Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative Staphylococci, Micrococcus spp. and Bacillus spp. Conclusion: The bottled water samples analyzed are of better microbiological quality when compared to that of the local brands of sachet water samples. The findings therefore suggests that these sachet water are not fit for human consumption and are hazardous to health. Hence there is a need for strict and routine monitoring of the packaged drinking water with the view of raising their standards.

Hig. aliment ; 27(226/227): 183-188, 30/12/2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-964292


A qualidade microbiológica e físico-química de amostras de água fora dos padrões legais permitidos tem contribuído para o aumento do consumo de água envasada por parte da população. Objetivou-se verificar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química de quatro marcas de água mineral comercializadas no município de São Mateus, ES. Para a detecção de coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e Salmonella spp. utilizou-se kit microbiológico Tecnobac® e para contagem de bactérias heterotróficas utilizou-se a técnica de semeadura em profundidade. Para as análises físicoquímicas utilizou-se kit analítico Ecokit®. Verificou-se o pH, a condutividade, além da análise de ferro. Os resultados das análises microbiológicas demonstraram que todas as marcas de água mineral investigadas estavam em conformidade com a Portaria 2914/2011 em relação aos coliformes totais e E. coli. Constatou-se a ausência de Salmonella spp. em todas as amostras. Com relação à contagem de bactérias heterotróficas, 5 amostras (13,89%) excederam o limite máximo permitido, estando em desacordo com a legislação vigente. As análises físico-químicas demonstraram que 25 amostras (55,56%) obtiveram valores fora dos padrões preconizados pela portaria. Sugere-se a implementação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) e de ações conjuntas com os responsáveis pelas empresas, de forma a garantir a saúde da população.

The microbiological and physicochemical quality of water samples out of permitted legal standards has contributed to the increased consumption of bottled water by the population. It has been our objective to verify the microbiological and physicochemistry quality of four brands of bottled water sold in the town of São Mateus-ES. We have used microbiological sekit Tecnobac® for detection of total coliforms, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp and; for counting heterotrophic bacteria we have used the pour plate technique. For physical and chemical analyzes we have used Ecokit sekit ®. We have verified the pH and conductivity as well as analysis of iron. The microbiological analysis showed that all brands of mineral water were investigated in accordance with Ordinance 2914/2011 in relation to total coliforms and E.coli. We have noted the absence of Salmonella spp. in all samples. In relation to the count of heterotrophic bacteria, five samples (13.89%) exceeded the maximum allowed, which is in disagreement with the current legislation. The physical-chemical analyzes showed that 25 samples (55.56%) had values outside the standards recommended by the Ordinance. It is suggested the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and joint actions with the companies and their staff to ensure the health of the population.

Control de la Calidad del Agua , Legislación , Bacterias Heterotróficas , Aguas Minerales , Industria de Alimentos , Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación , Coliformes , Estándar de Potabilidad del Agua
J Environ Biol ; 2012 Jul; 33(4): 769-773
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148427


An investigation was made on total heterotrophic bacterial (THB) load in relation with hydrographical features of Pazhayakayal estuary, Tuticorin, from July 2009 to June 2010. The water temperature (25 to 32oC), pH (7 to 10), and salinity (0‰ to 35.7‰) were maximum during summer season (April - June) and minimum during monsoon season (October - December). The dissolved oxygen (do) varied from 0.2 to 9.95 mg l-1. The THB load was high (42.0?0-7cfu ml-1) during monsoon season and low (1.2?0-7cfu ml-1) during summer. The correlation was insignificant between temperature, pH and THB load, however THB load was negatively correlated with salinity. Almost in all the stations (I-VI), THB load were found to be maximum (40.0?0-7,36.0?0-7, 30.0?0-7,36?0-7, 42.0?0?0-7 and 29.6?0-7 cfu ml-1) during monsoon season might be due to the bulk rainfall and freshwater input.

Braz. j. biol ; 71(2): 409-419, maio 2011. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-592576


Several techniques are currently used to treat effluents. Bioaugmentation is a new bioremediation strategy and has been employed to improve effluent quality by treating the water during the production process. This technology consists basically of the addition of microorganisms able to degrade or remove polluting compounds, especially organic matter and nutrients. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of bioaugmentation on some parameters of organic matter and on the performance of juvenile tilapias in an intensive aquaculture production system. The combination of two bacterial consortiums in a complete randomized design was employed in a factorial analysis with two factors. Statistical differences between treatments were analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test at the 5 percent level. One of the treatments, heterotrophic bacterial supplementation, was able to reduce biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) by 23 percent, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by 83.7 percent and phytoplanktonic biomass by 43 percent. On the other hand, no damage was done to either the physical-chemical indicators of water quality or to the growth performance of juvenile tilapias assessed in this study.

Existem diversas tecnologias para tratamento de efluentes, o processo de bioadição consiste em uma vertente da biorremediação e tem sido empregado na melhoria da qualidade dos efluentes através do tratamento da água de produção. Esta tecnologia consiste basicamente na adição de microrganismos com a capacidade de degradar ou remover compostos poluentes, especialmente matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de composto bioativo sobre alguns parâmetros de matéria orgânica e de desempenho de juvenis de tilápias em um sistema intensivo de produção aquacultural. Foi empregada a combinação de dois consórcios bacterianos em delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado, em um esquema fatorial com dois fatores. As diferenças estatísticas entre os tratamentos foram analisadas por meio da análise de variância (ANOVA) e do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5 por cento. Verificou-se neste estudo, que a bioadição heterotrófica foi capaz de reduzir em 23 por cento a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO); em 83,7 por cento, o carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD); e em 43 por cento, a biomassa fitoplanctônica. Por outro lado, não se observou nenhum prejuízo com relação aos parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade de água bem como ao desempenho de crescimento para juvenis de tilápias avaliados neste estudo.

Animales , Acuicultura/métodos , Biodegradación Ambiental , Reactores Biológicos , Bacillus/metabolismo , Cíclidos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Compuestos Orgánicos/metabolismo , Agua Dulce/química
J Environ Biol ; 2010 Sept; 31(5): 643-648
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146473


Samples of soils underlying wastes were collected from four sites representing four demographic regions of a medium sized town in southwestern Nigeria. Standard methods and reference strains of isolated bacteria were employed for identification. Evaluation of the enzymatic and biochemical reactions showed that all isolated and identified microbes were non-fermenting heterotrophic (HTB). For example, Klebsiella pnemuniae may be involved in wound infections, particularly following bowel surgery. Similarly, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can produce serious nosocomial infections if it gains access to the body through wounds or intravenous lines. From the 15 culure plates, 88 colonies with various characteristics were enumerated. They differed in aspect of viscosity and color. The bacterial species were identified by percent positive reactions while oxidative and sugar fermentation tests revealed various characteristics among the isolated strains. All of the isolates were negative for citrate utilization, gelatin liquefaction, nitrate reduction, methyl red and Voges Proskaur, motility and hydrogen sulphate production. The quantity of HTB present in an area serves as an index of the general sanitary conditions of that area. The presence of a large number of HTB, in an ecological area may be considered a liability, as it can enhance the spread of diseases and on a larger scale may enable epidemics to arise. Therefore, there is need for control of waste sites by recovery and regular germicidal sanitation.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 41(1): 15-18, Jan.-Mar. 2010. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-531727


Due to the fact the incubation conditions may influence the microbiological evaluation of water for dialysis, the objective of the present study was the comparison of the efficiency of R2A and PCA media in the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in 193 samples of water collected in dialysis clinics from 12 cities in São Paulo, between October and December 2007. Results showed counts significantly greater in R2A, suggesting that enumeration should be carried out in R2A, suggesting that enumeration should be carried out in R2A agar associated with longer incubation times, because of the greater sensitivity.

Humanos , Agua/análisis , Infecciones Bacterianas , Medios de Cultivo , Diálisis Renal , Purificación del Agua , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos , Métodos , Muestras de Agua
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 68(2): 232-236, maio-ago. 2009. graf


Com o reconhecimento da má qualidade da água em causar potencial risco aos pacientes em tratamentos dialíticos, foram definidos os parâmetros de avaliação, entre os quais a contagem de bactérias heterotróficas. Considerando que a escolha dos meios de cultura e as condições de incubação utilizadas podem influenciar nos resultados da avaliação microbiológica da água tratada para diálise, este estudo realizou a análise da eficiência do ágar R2A para efetuar a contagem de bactérias heterotróficas. Foram analisadas 193 amostras de água tratada provenientes de clínicas de diálise do município de São Paulo e de Grande São Paulo, em que foram avaliadas diferentes temperaturas de incubação, bem como o desempenho analítico de ágar R2A em comparação ao teste realizado com ágar PCA. Não houve diferença significativa entre as contagens obtidas após a incubação por 96 horas a temperaturas de 23oC e 34oC. Entretanto, contagens significativamente maiores foram observadas em ágar R2A (p < 0,02), sendo este, portanto, mais adequado para a avaliação da qualidade de água tratada para diálise. Com a finalidade de minimizar os riscos ao paciente sob tratamento dialítico, recomenda-se o uso do teste em ágar R2A combinado com maior tempo de incubação, em função de sua maior sensibilidade, para a efetuar a contagem de bactérias heterotrófica sem água tratada para diálise.

Agar , Bacterias Heterotróficas , Diálisis Renal
Rev. biol. trop ; 55(3/4): 777-786, Sep.-Dec. 2007. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-637625


The diversity and load of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi associated with the mangrove soil from Suva, Fiji Islands, was determined by using the plate count method. The ability of the bacterial isolates to produce various hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase, gelatinase and lipase were determined using the plate assay. The heterotrophic bacterial load was considerably higher than the fungal load. There was a predominance of the gram positive genus, Bacillus. Other genera encountered included Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Listeria and Vibrio. Their effectiveness on the degradation of commercial polythene carry bags made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) was studied over a period of eight weeks in the laboratory. Biodegradation was measured in terms of mean weight loss, which was nearly 5 % after a period of eight weeks. There was a significant increase in the bacterial load of the soil attached to class 2 (HDPE) polythene. After eight weeks of submergence in mangrove soil, soil attached to class 1 and class 3 polythene mostly had Bacillus (Staphylococcus predominated in class 2 polythene). While most of the isolates were capable of producing hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase and gelatinase, lipolytic activity was low. Class 2 HDPE suffered the greatest biodegradation. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (3-4): 777-786. Epub 2007 December, 28.

Se determinó la diversidad y la carga de bacterias heterotróficas, así como los hongos asociados al suelo del manglar de Suva, Islas Fiji, utilizando el método de conteo de placas, usado también para medir la capacidad de bacterias aisladas para producir enzimas hidrolíticas como amilasa, gelatinasa y lipasa. La carga bacteriana heterotrófica resultó ser considerablemente más alta que la carga funguicida. Hubo predominancia de bacterias "Gram-positivas" del género de Bacillus. Otros géneros encontrados fueron Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Listeria y Vibrio. La eficacia de esta microflora en la degradación del polietileno comercial de bolsas hechas de polietileno de alta densidad (HDPE) y de baja densidad (LDPE) fue estudiada en el laboratorio por un periodo de ocho semanas. La biodegradación fue medida en términos de pérdida de peso, la cual indicó una disminución del 5 %. Después de ocho semanas en el suelo de un manglar, el polietileno clase 1 y clase 3 contenía fundamentalmente Bacillus, pero en el polietileno clase 2 predominó el género Staphylococcus. Mientras que la mayoría de bacterias aisladas fueron capaces de producir enzimas hidrolíticas como la amilasa y la gelatinasa, la actividad lipolítica fue muy baja. La clase 2 (HDPE) experimentó la mayor biodegradación.

Hongos/metabolismo , Bacterias Gramnegativas/metabolismo , Bacterias Grampositivas/metabolismo , Hidrolasas/biosíntesis , Polietileno/metabolismo , Microbiología del Suelo , Biodegradación Ambiental , Biodiversidad , Hongos/clasificación , Hongos/enzimología , Bacterias Gramnegativas/clasificación , Bacterias Gramnegativas/enzimología , Bacterias Grampositivas/clasificación , Bacterias Grampositivas/enzimología , Rhizophoraceae , Factores de Tiempo
Rev. biol. trop ; 55(1): 135-146, Mar. 2007. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-501490


We analyzed relations among phytoplankton and total bacterioplankton fractions in three lentic ecosystems (Neusa and Prado dams, and Fúquene lagoon) with different physicochemical characteristics, in the Andes of Colombia. Samplings were made in three sites of each water body during three surveys. Neusa dam (meso to oligotrophic) had the lowest bacterial concentration; Prado dam (eutrophic) had a high bacterial and algal abundance, and the Fúquene lagoon (mesotrophic) had lower concentrations of phytoplankton but a high relative concentration of bacteria, probably because of its particular conditions: high organic matter and low nutrient levels in the water. There was a negative correlation of total bacterioplankton with the phytoplankton (Pearson = -0.4479, p = 0.019, n=27) and a positive correlation between phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria (Pearson = 0.3866, p = 0.062, n=24) and between total bacterioplankton and DBOs (Pearson = 0.4088, p = 0.034, n=27). Apparently, total bacterioplankton and phytoplankton were not coupling, but cultivable bacteria and the phytoplankton had some degree of relationship.

Animales , Bacterias/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ecosistema , Fitoplancton/fisiología , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Colombia , Recuento de Colonia Microbiana , Densidad de Población , Fitoplancton/microbiología , Agua Dulce/análisis
Microbiology ; (12)1992.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-684996


26 heterotrophic bacteria strains were isolated from grown abalone digestion guts and their fanning waters in Jiansheng Abalone Farm in Shangwei, Guangdong province. Analyses of extra-cellular pathogenic factors were performed and API 20 E strips were employed to identify all the isolates. Results indicated that isolates from digestion guts displayed greater ability of producing protease , amylase, gelatinase and/or hemolysis than those from farming waters, while their ability of producing lipase and phospholipase were lower than the later. Regardless of their source of origins, there were some isolates which had great abilities of producing extra-cellular products and most of them were Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Therefore, Sphingomonas paucimobilis should be considered as an opportunistic pathogen in the abalone fanning environments, while the digestion guts and fanning waters should be both regarded as the sources of harboring potential pathogens. In addition, apart from predominant strains, the roles of extra-cellular products of the bacteria community as a whole should be taken into consideration when dealing with fish diseases.