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Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 75-87, feb. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1416728


Los efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas (HD, por sus siglas en inglés) son controvertidos debido a que superan el número de Avogadro. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre los efectos de las HD sobre los modelos in vitro. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en la base de datos PubMed de estudios que evaluaran las HD simples sobre modelos in vitro, publicados de 2007 en adelante. Resultados: 28 publicaciones cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión/exclusión. 26 estudios mostraron efectos evidentes de las HD simples sobre modelos in vitro. La mayor parte de tales estudios fueron realizados en países en donde la homeopatía ha alcanzado un alto nivel de institucionalización. Conclusiones: Los modelos in vitro evidencian de forma clara la actividad biológica de las HD superiores al número de Avogadro y dan cuenta de los efectos encontrados en la práctica clínica. La mayor parte de los estudios fueron realizados en países en donde la homeopatía es reconocida oficialmente, lo cual facilita el acceso a recursos para el desarrollo de la investigación.

the effects of homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) are controversial because they exceed Avogadro's number. Aim: to perform a literature review on the effects of HDs on in vitro models. Methods: a systematic search was performed in database PubMed for studies assessing simple HDs on in vitro models published from 2007 onward. Results: 28 publications met the inclusion/exclusion criteria; 26 studies demonstrated patent effects of simple HDs on in vitro models; most such studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy attained a high level of institutionalization. Conclusions: in vitro models patently evidence biological activity of HDs above Avogadro's number and account for effects found in clinical practice. Most studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy is officially recognized, which facilitates access to resources for the development of research.

Dinamización , Investigación Homeopática Básica
Homeopatia Méx ; (n.esp): 88-100, feb. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1416732


Entre los supuestos no convencionales de la homeopatía, el uso de medicamentos en diluciones altas (HD, por sus siglas en inglés) es una causa de objeciones y escepticismo entre la comunidad científica, formada dentro del paradigma de la dependencia de la dosis de la farmacología clásica. La investigación que busca evidenciar los efectos de las HD homeopáticas recurre a varios modelos experimentales (in vitro, plantas y animales). Objetivo: Describir los resultados de estudios con alta calidad metodológica que han demostrado los efectos positivos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas. Métodos: Tomando como fuente de referencia las revisiones publicadas hasta 2015, actualizamos la información añadiendo datos de estudios recientes incluidos en la base de datos PubMed. Resultados: De los 167 estudios experimentales analizados, 48 cumplieron los criterios mínimos de calidad metodológica, de los cuales 29 detectaron efectos específicos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas mediante la comparación con controles adecuados. Conclusiones: A pesar de que la mayor parte de los experimentos presentaba una calidad metodológica por debajo del estándar, los estudios que emplearon sistemáticamente reproducibilidad y controles negativos demostraron indiscutibles efectos significativos de las HD homeopáticas sobre las plantas.

Among the non-conventional assumptions of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions (HD) is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classic pharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic HD has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, plants and animals). Aim: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positive effects of homeopathic HD on plants. Methods: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through addition of data from recent studies included in database PubMed. Results: From 167 experimental studies analyzed, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison to adequate controls. Conclusions: Despite the substandard methodological quality of most experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant indisputable effects of homeopathic HD on plants.

Plantas/efectos de los fármacos , Dinamización , Medicamento Homeopático
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21: 18-26, June 20, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396375


High dilutions (HD) of drugs used in homeopathy are mostly too dilute to contain original drug molecules. But evidences support their specific biological and therapeutic effects. The reason behind this is thought to be water structure characteristic of the original drug. Spectroscopic studies indicate that the specific water structure in HDs can be resolved into free water molecules, hydrogen bonding strength of water hydroxyl, number of hydrogen bonds and clathrate hydrate crystals (CHC). HDs are prepared in EtOH water solution by serial dilution and mechanical agitation, and are called potencies. The objective of the present study is to further confirm the presence of CHCs in the two potencies of three drugs. Electronic spectra of the HDs of the potencies indicate two broad peaks and marked difference in intensities of absorption. Furior Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the test potencies and their control show difference in intensity shift and contour shape of OH stretching and bending bands. All the experimental data indicate the presence of CHCs in varying amounts in the test potencies.

Medicamento Homeopático , Hidrato de Cloral , Espectrofotometría Ultravioleta , Electricidad Estática
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 23-23, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396565


Uric acid is the main form of excretion of nitrogenous components in birds. The assessment verification samples, control, check of uric acid concentrations is widely used to detect kidney disease. High concentrations (up to five times) of uric acid in plasma can lead to the precipitation of this acid in the form of crystals, which accumulate in the tissues, mainly in the synovial joints and the viscera surface. Aims: report the evolution of homeopathic treatment in increased uric acid in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Santo André Municipal Zoo. Methodology: 12 animals showed an increase in uric acid (reference values 0,3-16,1mg/dL) and received homeopathic treatment with Lycopodium clavatum 6cH. The protocol established was the administration of two globules of Lycopodium clavatum 6cH, once a day, inside fishes offered in the animal's beak. Treatment started on 25/09/2019. On 30/10/2019 was collected a new blood sample, those who were not discharged were kept on treatment and new collections were made on 27/11/2019 and 17/12/2019. Results: 8 animals had an average uric acid of 20.45mg /dl and responded to the 35-days treatment, normalizing the biochemical values with an average of 12.24mg /dl. Two animals with 18.27 mg /dl were discharged in 62 days with 11.70 mg /dl and another two penguins with 19.85 mg /dl were discharged in 82 days later with 9.57 mg /dl of uric acid. Conclusion: Homeopathy proved to be successful in the treatment of increased uric acid in Magellanic penguins, easy to administer, affordable and without side effects.

Animales , Ácido Úrico/provisión & distribución , Lycopodium clavatum , Terapéutica Homeopática , Spheniscidae
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 20-20, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396571


Viscum album extract (VA) is a complementary treatment in cancer, with in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic effects on several tumor types when applied in phytochemical doses. However, highly diluted ethanolic homeopathic preparations' effects and mechanisms need further study. Aims:To assess the in vitro effects of highly diluted VA from the subspecies V. album abietis and V. album album at different potency levels in different dilution ratios on murine melanoma cells. Methodology:The VA mother tinctures (MT)from Abies alba (MTA) and Quercus robur (MTQ) were prepared with summer and winter samples, harvested in Switzerland. They were submitted to homeopathic ethanolic maceration and a subsequent dynamization process. MTA, MTQ and the following respective potencies were tested in B16F10 murine cells: 3x, 12x, 30x, 6cH, 12cH, 200cH, 2LM, 3LM, and 5LM. Dynamized water, dynamized and non-dynamized ethanol, and carboplatin were used as control groups. The mitochondrial activity and cell viability analysis were performed at 1, 24, 48, and 72 hours by in vitro incubation. MTA and MTQ harvested in summer, as well as 12x, 200cH and 5LM potencies were also tested to cell apoptosis and necrosis markers, reactive oxygens species (ROS) production, inflammatory cytokines profile, cell morphology, and migratory capacity. Results and discussion: MTA and MTQ induced a decrease in cell metabolism and higher cytotoxicity within 1 hour, with significant morphological changes and increased production of ROS and inflammatory cytokines. Both homeopathic dilutions 12x and 5LM showed an influence on cell metabolism, cell replication, and oxidative stress modulation with inflammatory cytokines, mitosis, and migration pattern changes. On the other hand, Quercus robur and Abies alba 200cH showed increased on cytotoxicity and ROS levels, respectively. Conclusion:The in vitro effects of Viscum album homeopathic solutions in melanoma cells highlight the promising antitumoral potential and reinforce the need for further research to better understanding their mechanisms of action.

Dinamización , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Muérdago , Quercus , Viscum album , Abies
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 21-22, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396710


Spectroscopy has been shown to bea useful method to study the physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. Aim: In this pilot study, we comparedtwo methods (photon scattering and visible-light spectroscopy) in the physicalevaluation of Silicea terra200cH. Methodology: Italian test: Two sampleshave been examinedand compared: Silicea terra200cH and Sac lac200cH, both preparedin water solution, diluted and succussed according to German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia(Cemon Lab, Italy).Lactose was includedbecause the first 3 potencies of Silicea terraaremadeby trituration in lactosepowder.Measurements were made using an innovative Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) camera developedby Daniele Gullà, called MIRA/CORA(proprietary name). Slight variations in chrominance and luminance due to micro-vibrational 3D phenomenawere analyzed.Allmeasurements have been performed in a dark room at a constant temperature of 22°C +/-0,2°C usingafilter with very narrow spectral bands (10 nm).The measurements have been repeated three times on both Silicea terra200cH and Sac lac200cHwithin a few minutes aftereach other.Brazilian test: In the second test, performed in Brazil, variations in absorbance were used to identify Silicea terra200cH compared with Sac lac200cH andcompared withanother control solution of non-succussed 30% alcohol, using six solvatochromic dyes, following the method developed by Cartwright [1,2]. Both homeopathic samples were imported from Italy(the same sample bottles used in the Italian test),in Brazil they have beendiluted 1:100 in 30% hydro-alcoholic solution, and submitted to 100 succussions using an automatic mechanical arm (Denise, AUTIC, Brazil) prior to being tested. Samples were inserted into dyes solutions and evaluated by visible spectroscopy (FEMTO Spectrophotometer, Brazil). Dyes were prepared in ethanol P.A., according to previous established methods [3]. Three series in triplicate were performed and the results were analyzed by ANOVA / Tukey, comparing both samples and the unsuccussed 30% hydroalcoholic control solution.Results: Italian test: Measurements of the mean entropy of the signals, statistically elaborated with T Student test,yielded a two tailed p value < 0.05, where the entropy of the signal recorded from the Silicea terra200cHsample was statistically lower than the 200cH Sac lacsample.Brazilian test: Among all tested dyes, only BDN(4-(Bis-(4-(dimethylamino)-phenyl)methylene)-1(4H)-naphthalenone) showed aninteraction with Silicea terra200cH, reproducing the conclusions obtained in [3].Conclusions: Two different spectroscopic methods were able to show signal differences betweenSilicea terra200cH andSac lac200cH, suggesting that changes in solvent organization could be involved in the homeopathic signaling process, along withchanges in dipole moments of solvent and dyes. The results are potentially in line witha recent publishedpaper [4], that supportsthe propositionthatthe lower entropy of the verum signal compared with controls could beexplained by increased coherent vibrations of the verum sample, as theoretically explained in previous literature [5].

Análisis Espectral , Dinamización , Silicea Terra/análisis
Int. j. high dilution res ; 20(2/3): 2-15, June 4, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396354


The ultra-high dilutions (UHDs) can be used for decreasing stress conditions causing by climate variations. The present research investigated the effects of ultra-highdilutions (UHDs) on some ornamental plants, germination, and hormonal variations.Methods: In order to study the effect of UHDs (Calendula officinalisCalen. andArnica montanaArn.) on the physiological, primary metabolite, and hormonal variations of theOryza sativa L. (rice), 104 experiments were designed and statistically analyzed using the Design Expert 7.0.1 software over the general factorial design methodology. Two qualitative factors, including the UHDs/placebo usage and the type of plant usage, and two quantitative factors, including temperature and irrigation, were studied. The validated analysis was subjected to more extended studies on the variations in physiological growth, carbohydrate, protein content, and levels of plant hormones, including gibberellic acids, indole acetic acid, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid.Results: The statistical analysis resulted in a prediction model which was more than 75% correlates with experimental results. The results showed that the UHDs increased the carbohydrate and protein content of seedlings. Also, compared to placebo, the levels of hormones GA3 and IAA in all samples increase, and the amount of GA4 decreases. The amount of ABA and SA hormones inS. officinalisincreased under UHDs treatment while decreasing in the other two samples.Conclusion: The use of UHDs leads to an increase in the production of carbohydrate and protein content. Moreover, it causes significant variations in the growth-inducing hormone and increases the tolerance of seeds under higher/lower temperatures and draught/drowning. The results of this study open up a window to reduce germination survival and increase their resistance to sudden climate change.

Oryza/metabolismo , Escalas de Preparación , Germinación , Arnica , Calendula
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 80(3/4): 90-103, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-973271


BACKGROUND: the effects of homeopathic high dilutions (HDs) are controversial because they exceed Avogadro’s number. AIM: to perform a literature review on the effects of HDs on in vitro models. METHODS: a systematic search was performed in database PubMed for studies assessing simple HDs on in vitro models published from 2007 onward. RESULTS: 28 publications met the inclusion/exclusion criteria; 26 studies demonstrated patent effects of simple HDs on in vitro models; most such studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy attained a high level of institutionalization. CONCLUSIONS: in vitro models patently evidence biological activity of HDs aboveAvogadro’s number and account for effects found in clinical practice. Most studies were conducted in countries where homeopathy is officially recognized, which facilitates access to resources for the development of research.

Homeopatía , Altas Potencias , Técnicas In Vitro
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 80(3/4): 104-120, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-973272


BACKGROUND: Among the non-conventional assumptions of homeopathy, the use of medicines in high dilutions (HD) is a cause for objections and skepticism among the scientific community, trained within the dose-dependency paradigm of classic pharmacology. Research aiming at evidencing the effects of homeopathic HD has resource to several experimental models (in vitro, plants and animals). AIM: To describe the results of studies with high methodological quality that demonstrated positiveeffects of homeopathic HD on plants. METHODS: Taking reviews published until 2015 as reference source, we updated the information through addition of data from recent studies included in database PubMed. RESULTS: From 167 experimental studies analyzed, 48 met the minimum criteria of methodological quality, from which 29 detected specific effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants through comparison to adequate controls. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the substandard methodological quality ofmost experiments, studies with systematic use of negative controls and reproducibility demonstrated significant indisputable effects of homeopathic HD on plants.

Homeopatía , Plantas , Agricultura , Altas Potencias , Patología de Plantas , Metodología como un Tema
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(699): 18-31, nov.- dic.2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-786715


La primera parte de este artículo se dedicó a presentar las líneas de investigación biológica experimental que se realizan en la Homeopatía; ahora, esta segunda entrega se enfoca, de inicio, en la presentación y el análisis de 25 estudios de notable calidad metodológica que permiten evaluar científicamente la eficacia clínica de la medicina hahnemanniana. Cabe decir que a pesar de que la realización de estos trabajos es complicada y de que sus resultados varían, en conjunto nos ayudan a concluir que “no es tan fácil afirmar, como una simple visión general, que la Homeopatía es un placebo”. A continuación, el doctor Bernard Poitevin enlista las hipótesis que distintos grupos de científicos han tratado de corroborar o desmentir para dar respuesta a una de las interrogantes más frecuentes que se le plantean a la Homeopatía: cuál es el mecanismo de acción del medicamento homeopático (y, en consecuencia, qué tipo de información tiene y de qué manera interactúa con el organismo del paciente). Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora no son concluyentes, ya que este tipo de investigaciones son todavía muy recientes. Finalmente, el autor nos recuerda que la Homeopatía es una disciplina evolutiva y, como tal, debe eludir los dogmatismos e incluso cuestionar sus principios fundamentales cuando sea necesario. Sólo a través de la investigación a fondo de aquellos problemas científicos que plantea la Homeopatía será posible acallar las críticas y, sobre todo, se tendrá un mejor conocimiento de esta disciplina médica, lo que en consecuencia mejorará su aplicación y efectividad...

The first part of this paper was dedicated to show the lines of experimental biological research being conducted in homeopathy; now, this second part focuses, at first, to the presentation and analysis of 25 studies of high methodological quality that allows to evaluate scientifically the clinical efficacy of Hahnemann’s medicine. We can say that although the realization of these studies is complicated and that their results may vary, together they help us to conclude that “it is not so easy to say, as a simple overview that homeopathy is a placebo”. Then Dr. Bernard Poitevin lists the hypothesis that different groups of scientists have tried to corroborate or deny to answer one of the most frequent questions posed to homeopathy: what is the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicine (and therefore what type of information does it has and how it interacts with the patient’s body). The results so far are inconclusive, since this type of research is still very recent. Finally, the author reminds us that homeopathy is an evolving discipline and, as such, must avoid dogmatism and even to question its fundamental principles when necessary. Only through a profound research of those scientific problems that Homeopathy propose It will be possible to silence criticism and, above all, we will have a better knowledge of this medical discipline, which consequently will improve its implementation and effectiveness...

Humanos , Terapéutica Homeopática , Principio de Similitud , Farmacocinética del Medicamento Homeopático , Altas Potencias , Filosofía Homeopática , Medicamento Homeopático , Potencia Simillimum , Dosis Mínimas
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(698): 23-37, sept.-oct.2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-786718


La Homeopatía se fundó sobre un método que es, al mismo tiempo, experimental y empírico. La Homeopatía es parcialmente experimental debido a que su semiología nació con la experimentación sobre el hombre sano, efectuada según el método hahnemanniano; asimismo, es parcialmente empírica porque se basa en el trabajo de observación de los médicos homeópatas y en la adquisición de la experiencia práctica, la cual ha sido transmitida a alumnos deseosos de utilizar este método terapéutico. La investigación en Homeopatía se ha desarrollado progresivamente, tratando de integrar las aportaciones de estos dos métodos: experimental y empírico. De hecho, los esfuerzos realizados por situar a la Homeopatía dentro de una metodología rigurosa se remontan al inicio mismo de esta disciplina, inscrita desde su origen por Hahnemann dentro de la línea científica y médica original...

Homeopathy is in part experimental because the semiology was born with the experimentation on the healthy man, which was performed according to Hahnemann´s method; it is also partly empirical because much work is based on the observation of homeopaths and the acquisition of practical experience, which has been transmitted to students eager to use this therapeutic method. Research in Homeopathy has been gradually developed, trying to integrate the contributions of these two methods: experimental and empirical. In fact, efforts have been made to place homeopathy within a rigorous methodology dating back to the beginning of the discipline itself, from its origin registered by Hahnemann within the original scientific and medical field...

Humanos , Altas Potencias , Filosofía Homeopática , Medicamento Homeopático , Potencia Simillimum , Dosis Mínimas
Int. j. high dilution res ; 14(3): 3-9, 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-783286


As a therapeutic tool high dilutions (HDs) are always at the center of controversies due to problems to validate them as a function of Avogadro’s number. Nevertheless, homeopathy is practiced around the world as a complementary and alternative medicine. The present study sought to evaluate HDs of homeopathic drug Ferrum metallicum (Ferr) 6, 30, 200, 1M, 10Mc and 50Mc, all of which except for 6c surpass Avogadro’s number. Using HRTEM and EDS it was conclusively shown that: 1) all the investigated HDs of Ferr contained plenty of nanoparticles (NPs); 2) the size of NPs were within the quantum dots (QD) size range, except for 50Mc, in which larger particles were found (12.61nm); 3) NPs contained iron in various weight percentages; 4) the weight percentage of iron was highest in HDs 10Mc and 50Mc...

Humanos , Altas Potencias , Ferrum/uso terapéutico , Límites de Avogadro , Nanopartículas , Puntos Cuánticos , Espectrometría por Rayos X , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621607


Since the 80´s Madeleine Bastide and Agnès Lagache have worked on the idea of the Body Signifier Theory, in which the living systems could be defined as ?sensible? systems not only able to self-organize, but also to receive and process non-molecular information according to the Pierce semiotic triad: matrix, receiver and carrier. These ideas were built along 20 years of experimental observations, whose results presented some kind of stereotyped pattern that emerged from cells or animals exposed to high dilutions, according to the similia principle. Curiously, at the same time, classical scientific communities have developed the concept of biosemiotics after the observation that living systems are semiotics entities able to deal with codes and meanings, even in molecule-driven processes. Not only the genetic code, but all regulatory functions in living systems represent coding processes. The development of methodologies to identify and understand these codes and its outputs is the aim of biosemiotic science. Putting both concepts together (body signifiers and biosemiotics), it is possible to recognize strong similarities between their approaches and methodology, allowing logical connections between non-molecular signals and changes in cell interactions patterns. Thus, the general concept of biosemiotic could be a theoretical platform on which the construction of a solid phenomenological description of high dilutions effects could be done.

Clínica Homeopática , Dinamización
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-621611


In previous studies, we observed that rats born to mothers treated with dexamethasone 15CH (10-33M) had a higher level of mast cell degranulation and greater arteriolar dilation after the exposure of an inflammatory stimulus, suggesting the possibility of vertical transmission of the effects of ultra-diluted substances between mother and offspring. In this study, a more detailed assessment of the cellular events in acute inflammation was made using techniques of immunohistochemistry. The identification of adhesion molecules expression was made by the markers: anti-CD54 (ICAM-1) and anti-CD18 (?2-Integrin). The identification of inflammatory cells was performed by the markers anti-MAC387 (mononuclear cells) and anti-CD163 (active macrophages). Polymorphonuclear cells were identified by hematoxylin-eosin staining. The number of labeled cells per was recorded, except for the anti-CD54 marker, whose intensity of staining on the endothelial cells was defined by scores assigned by two independent observers. The results point toward to an up regulation of the whole inflammatory process in rats born to mothers treated with dexamethasone 15CH during pregnancy. This conclusion is justified by the following statistically significant (p?0.05) findings: a) bigger mast cell degranulation and increased of arteriolar diameter; b) increased migration of polymorphonuclear cells in relation to the mononuclear cells; c) earlier expression of CD163 in monocytes, d) higher level of adhesion molecules expression.

Animales , Femenino , Embarazo , Ratas , Dexametasona/uso terapéutico , Inmunohistoquímica , Inflamación/metabolismo
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621618


This article discusses the series of tests on animal experimental models carried out by our group to evaluate the effect of homeopathic preparations selected according to traditional criteria of pathogenetic similarity. Our overall experience indicates that it is not difficult to carry out experimental studies assaying homeopathic medicines in randomized placebo-controlled tests returning statistically analyzable results. The basic requirement for this purpose is to select validated experimental models. The simplest and most reliable ones are the ones arising from common daily clinical practice or those taken from classical pharmacological studies modified as to fit the goals of a homeopathic assay. By proceeding in this way it will be possible to build a sound body of evidence for the biological effects of high dilutions [1].

Placebos , Patogenesia Homeopática
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(30)2010. graf, ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-542659


This article discusses the series of tests on animal experimental models carried out by our group to evaluate the effect of homeopathic preparations selected according to traditional criteria of pathogenetic similarity. Our overall experience indicates that it is not difficult to carry out experimental studies assaying homeopathic medicines in randomized placebo-controlled tests returning statistically analyzable results. The basic requirement for this purpose is to select validated experimental models. The simplest and most reliable ones are the ones arising from common daily clinical practice or those taken from classical pharmacological studies modified as to fit the goals of a homeopathic assay. By proceeding in this way it will be possible to build a sound body of evidence for the biological effects of high dilutions

Este artigo discute a série de experimentos em modelos animais realizada por nosso grupo para avaliar o efeito de preparações homeopáticas escolhidas de acordo com o critério tradicional de similitude patogenêtica. Nossa experiência global indica que não é difícil realizar estudos experimentais com medicamentos homeopáticos em ensaios randomizados controlados com placebo que forneçam resultados analisáveis estatisticamente. O requisito básico para este propósito é escolher modelos experimentais validados. Os mais simples e mais confiáveis são aqueles derivados da prática clínica cotidiana assim como aqueles tomados de estudos farmacológicos clássicos modificados de modo a se corresponderem com os objetivos de um experimento homeopático. Procedendo desse modo, será possível construir um corpo sólido de evidência a favor dos efeitos biológicos das altas diluições.

Este artículo discute la serie de experimentos en modelos animales realizada por nuestro grupo, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de preparados homeopáticos elegidos según el criterio tradicional de similitud patogenética. Nuestra experiencia global indica que no es difícil llevar a cabo estudios experimentales con medicamentos homeopáticos en ensayos randomizados controlados con placebo que resulten en datos pasibles de análisis estadística. El requisito fundamental para este fin es elegir modelos experimentales validados. Los más simples y confiables son aquellos derivados de la praxis clínica cotidiana así como los tomados de estudios farmacológicos clásicos, modificados para cumplir los objetivos de un experimento homeopático. Actuando de esta manera, será posible construir un corpus sólido de evidencia favorable a los efectos biológicos de las altas diluciones.

Animales , Modelos Animales , Altas Potencias , Estadística como Asunto , Patogenesia Homeopática
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(30)2010. ilus, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-542664


The use of highly diluted and agitated solutions is widespread. Its use extends to all living beings including plants, acting effectively in the latter's primary and secondary metabolism. Aims: this is a pilot study designed to assess the action of Natrum muriaticum in dilutions 6 CH and 30 CH in comparison to the action of 5.0% NaCl solution administered separately to a population of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean). Materials and methods: it was determined the relative growth rate (RGR) of the bean population treated for 6 weeks and subdivided into 4 groups (5 vases each): P1 (control) treated with 30% alcohol solution only; P2, treated with aqueous 5.0% NaCl solution; P3, treated with Nat-m 6 CH; P4, treated with Nat-m 30 CH. Results: it was seen an increase in the salinity of the soil that caused the inhibition of the development of the bean population P2. In addition, the use of Nat-m promoted a significant increase in vegetable growth, chiefly in dilution 6 CH (P3), causing a significant increase in the RGR of the bean population. Conclusion: high dilutions of Nat-m showed to be efficient to stimulate the growth of common bean.

Altas Potencias , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Natrium Muriaticum , Phaseolus nanus
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(31)2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-551005


This article is an attempted sketch for a semiotic perspective about the HD phenomena, from their production, signification and meanings to possible s of research. On the grounds of classic semiotic notions, it is proposed the model of ?iconic transmission? which posits HD signs as icons. As a working hypothesis, it might be useful to explain the anomalous aspects of HD, which fall outside the scope of traditional science grounded on the notion of matter.

Este artigo é uma tentativa de esboçar, a partir de uma perspectiva semiótica, o fenômeno das Altas Diluições, desde a produção de uma HD até a conceituação de possíveis campos de pesquisa. A partir de noções semióticas clássicas é proposto um modelo de ?transmissão icônica? postulando os sinais de uma HD como um ícone. Como hipótese de trabalho, este poderia ser útil para explicar aspectos anômalos de uma HD, os quais situam-se fora do escopo da tradicional noção de matéria.

Este artículo es un esbozo, desde una perspectiva semiótica,del fenómeno de altas diluciones, desde su producción, su significado, a los significados de los posibles campos de investigación. Encuadrados en conceptos semióticos clásicos, se propone el modelo de "transmisión icónica" que postula las señales de uma alta dilución como iconos. Como hipótesis de trabajo, podría ser útil para explicar los diferentes aspectos de las altas diluciones, que quedan fuera del ámbito de aplicación de la ciencia tradicional enmarcados en la noción de materia.

Altas Potencias , Homeopatía , Signos y Síntomas
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(31)2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-551007


Motivação: Embora Hahnemann tenha descrito o método LM na 6ª. Edição do Organon da Arte de Curar, poucas pesquisas tem sido feitas sobre as propriedades físico-químicas destas preparações. Além disso, ainda não existem evidências que apontem para a correlação entre propriedades físico-químicas e os efeitos biológicos das altas diluições. Objetivos: determinar características físico-químicas das preparações LM tais como condutividade elétrica, pH e índice de refração, bem como o efeito biológico em modelos experimentais. Materiais e Métodos: foi analisada uma série de diluições desde 1 lm até 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L., preparada a partir do látex e do suco da planta. Para considerar as características sazonais desta planta, usamos 2 populações diferentes, colhidas uma em Junho de 2007 e outra em Maio de 2008. Além disso, o efeito citotóxico da Euphorbia tirucalli L. 5 lm foi testado em células humanas cancerosas (MCF7) através de ensaio MTT. Conclusões: Algumas diferenças entre as duas populações foram observadas. No entanto, nenhuma correlação clara pode ser observada entre as propriedades físico-químicas e a atividade biológica.

Background: although Hahnemann described the fifty-milesimal (LM) method in the 6th edition of the Organon of the Medical Art, very little research has been carried out on the physical chemical properties of these homeopathic preparations. Furthermore, there is still no evidence allowing for the correlation between the alleged physical chemical properties and the biological effects of high dilutions. Aims: to evaluate physical chemical characteristics of LM preparations including electrical conductivity, pH and refraction index, and their effect on biological experimental models. Materials and methods: preparations tested for physical chemical analysis were dilutions 1 lm to 10 lm of Euphorbia tirucalli L. prepared from the latex and the juice of the plant. To rule the seasonal characteristics of this plant, 2 different populations were used, one collected in June 2007 and the other in May 2008. Furthermore, the cytotoxic effect of Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm was tested on human breast cancer cells (MCF7) through MTT assay. Conclusions: Some differences among the two collections were observed. However, any clear correlation could be observed between physical chemical properties and biological activity.

Motivación: Aunque Hahnemann describió el métodocincuenta milesimal (LM) en la 6 ª edición del Organon del Arte Médica, muy poca investigación se ha realizado sobre las propiedades físico-químicas de estos preparados homeopáticos. Por otra parte, todavía no hay pruebas que permitan la correlación entre las presuntas propiedades físico-químicas y los efectos biológicos, de las altas diluciones. Objetivos: evaluar las características físico-químicas de los preparados LM, incluyendo conductividad eléctrica, pH y el índice de refracción, y su efecto en modelos biológicos experimentales. Materiales y métodos: las muestras para el análisis físico-químico fueron diluciones 1 a 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L. preparadas a partir del látex y el jugo de la planta. Para descartar las características sazonales de esta planta, dos poblaciones diferentes fueron utilizadas, una recogida en junio de 2007 y otro en mayo de 2008. Además, el efecto citotóxico de Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm fue probado en células humanas de cáncer de mama (MCF7) a través del ensayo MTT. Conclusiones: Algunas diferencias entre las dos colecciones se observaron. Sin embargo, ninguna correlación clara se observó entre las propiedades físicas- químicas y actividad biológica.

Cincuenta Milesimal , Citotoxicidad Inmunológica , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Conductividad Eléctrica , Dinamización , Euphorbia , Refractometría
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-540180


Some pertinent questions in the practice of science is to know what one is researching, with whom and where. These questions are even more crucial for those involved in High Dilution studies, an emergent and multidisciplinary scientific , where concepts, methods and models are still to be validated. In this research , such questions can be addressed through networks because communication between peers accelerates the process of conceiving and refining the concepts, methodologies and standards that give consistency to emergent knowledge. A thematic network can be effective in building an identity for the science of HDs and related community. This article introduces the project ReNPAD (National Network of Researchers in High Dilutions), a Brazilian initiative aiming to put together researchers involved in studies in HDs in order to stimulate interaction and give visibility to the theirs efforts.

Altas Potencias , Dinamización , Homeopatía , Investigadores/estadística & datos numéricos , Proyectos de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación