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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 116 p. tab, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396694


A fim de atender à demanda do público que atualmente busca por alimentos mais saudáveis, as indústrias têm procurado alternativas que possibilitem a aplicação de ingredientes que agreguem valor nutricional aos produtos. A redução de gorduras saturadas e trans em produtos alimentícios, bem como a inserção de cereais ou farinhas nutricionais, vem sendo aplicadas em produtos de panificação. Biscoitos recheados possuem como bases geralmente biscoitos à base de farinha de trigo. O objetivo foi desenvolver formulação de biscoitos recheados com substituição de gordura vegetal por organogel no recheio e de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo no biscoito, a fim de agregar valor nutricional ao produto. Foram desenvolvidos biscoitos recheados: 1) recheio controle e com substituição da gordura vegetal dos recheios por organogel elaborado com sistema emulsionado (colágeno + óleo vegetal + água), a fim de diminuir concentrações de gorduras saturadas e trans. 2) para a base elaborouse biscoitos controle (farinha de trigo) e com substituição parcial e total de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo em 50% (50FS) e 100% (100FS). Foram conduzidas nos recheios e das bases dos biscoitos análises físicas e físico-químicas (textura, atividade de água, cor, composição centesimal e reologia) para avaliação e para análise de estabilidade de 6 semanas. Os resultados apresentaram que o biscoito 50FS obteve melhor valor de textura (Controle: 16,09 ± 1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63 ± 5,68 N e 100FS: 10,09 ± 0,65 N) e menor teor de atividade de água (Semana 01: 0,327±0,01 e Semana 06: 0,389 ± 0,00) do que o biscoito controle, durante análise de estabilidade. O biscoito 100FS apresentou coloração mais avermelhada. Os biscoitos 50FS e 100FS apresentaram maior teor proteico do que o controle (Controle: 5,37 ± 0,23 %; 50FS: 5,64 ± 0,49 % e 100FS: 5,75 ± 0,49 %). O recheio com organogel apresentou maior dureza (N) durante análise de estabilidade do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Controle: 4,29±0,38). Os parâmetros de adesividade, coesividade e gomosidade do recheio com organogel não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p > 0,05). Os valores de atividade de água da formulação com organogel foram mais altos do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Controle: 0,555±0,01). O valor de L* foi maior para o recheio controle, apresentando coloração mais amarelada do que a formulação com organogel. O recheio com organogel apresentou redução de 65 % do teor lipídico e aumento do teor proteico. Os recheios controle, com organogel e de mercado apresentaram comportamento tixotrópico durante a avaliação reológica, sendo que o produto de mercado teve comportamento próximo à formulação controle, com recuperação quase total da estrutura. Foram desenvolvidos cinco produtos, sendo três inovadores com valor nutricional agregado, atendendo às legislações vigentes, vida útil mínima de 6 semanas e ao apelo do mercado atual, podendo ser comercializados como biscoito recheado

In order to satisfy the demand of the public that is currently looking for healthier foods industries have been looking for alternatives that allow the application of ingredients that add nutritional value to the products. The reduction of saturated and trans fats in food products, as well as the insertion of cereals or nutritional flours, has been applied in bakery products. Filled cookies are usually based on wheat flour. The objective was to develop a formulation of filled cookies with replacement of vegetable fat for organogel in the filling and wheat flour for sorghum flour in the biscuit, in order to add nutritional value to the product. In this study, cookies filled with vegetable fat and wheat flour were used as a control where: 1) filling was replaced by organogel elaborated with an emulsified system (collagen + vegetable oil + water); and 2) base was prepared with partial and total replacer of wheat flour for sorghum flour in 50% (50FS) and 100% (100FS). Physical and physicochemical analyzes (texture, water activity, color, proximate composition and rheology) were carried out on the fillings and bases of the biscuits for evaluation and for the stability analysis of 6 weeks. The results showed that the 50FS cookies had a better texture value (Control: 16,09±1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63±5,68N and 10,09±0,65 N) and lower content of water activity (Week 1: 0,327±0,01 and Week 6: 0,389±0,00) than the control cookie during stability analysis. The 100FS had a more reddish color. The 50FS and 100FS cookies had a higher protein content than the control (Control: 5,37±0,23 %; 50FS 5,64±0,49 %). The fillings with organogel showed a higher hardness (N) than the control during stability analysis (Week 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Control: 4,29±0,38). The parameters of adhesiveness, cohesiveness and guminess of the filling with organogel showed no significant differences (p> 0.05). The water activity values of the organogel formulation were higher than the control filling (Week 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Control: 0,555±0,01). The value of L * was higher for the control filling, showing a more yellowish color than the formulation with organogel. The filling with organogel showed a 65% reduction in lipid content and an increase in protein content. The control, organogel and market fillings showed a thixotropic behavior in the rheological evaluation, and the market product had a behavior close to the control formulation, with almost total recovery of the structure. Five products were developed, three of which were innovative with added nutritional value, in compliance with current legislation, a minimum shelf life of 6 weeks, which can be sold as a stuffed cookies.

Aceites de Plantas , Producción de Alimentos , Bizcochos , Grasas/administración & dosificación , Reología/instrumentación , Coloración y Etiquetado/instrumentación , Grano Comestible/efectos adversos , Colágeno/efectos adversos , Sorghum/clasificación , Fecha de Caducidad de Productos , Harina/análisis , Dureza , Industrias/clasificación , Valor Nutritivo
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 79: e1786, 31 mar. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489619


Com objetivo de produzir pão sem glúten com composição química aprimorada e boa qualidade sensorial, foram elaboradas três formulações com diferentes quantidades de mucilagem de quiabo: (F0) 0 mL; (F1) 100 mL; (F2) 150mL. Determinou-se: rendimento da mucilagem, composição centesimal, valor calórico e atributos sensoriais dos pães por meio de escala hedônica. A mucilagem aumentou o rendimento das F1 e F2. Não houve diferença no teor de proteínas e o teor de lipídios de 7,9 g 100 g-1 (F1) e 6,0 g 100 g-1 (F2) foram inferiores ao da F0. A umidade da F1 (32,15 g 100 g-1) foi menor que nas demais formulações, enquanto cinzas (0,70 g 100 g-1), carboidrato (56,75 g 100 g-1) e valor calórico (308,1 kcal 100 g-1) foram superiores. No teste sensorial, todos os atributos foram avaliados nas categorias “gostei ligeiramente” e “gostei extremamente” pela maioria dos julgadores. A F1 obteve avaliações superiores às da F2 para textura, cor e impressão global e não diferiu em nenhum dos atributos na F0. Conclui-se que a F1 pode ser uma opção viável na busca de pão sem glúten com composição química aprimorada, por conter menor teor de lipídio e umidade, maior teor de cinzas e boa aceitação sensorial.

With the goal of producing gluten-free bread with improved chemical composition and good sensorial quality, three formulations were prepared with different amounts of okra mucilage: (F0) 0 mL; (F1) 100 mL; (F2) 150 mL. From this was determined: mucilage yield, centesimal composition, caloric value and sensory attributes of bread by hedonic scale. Mucilage increased the yield of F1 and F2. There was no difference in protein content and the lipid content of 7.9 g 100 g-1 (F1) and 6.0 g 100 g-1 (F2) were lower than that of F0. The moisture content of F1 (32.15 g 100 g-1) was lower than the other formulations, while ash (0.70 g 100 g-1), carbohydrate (56.75 g 100 g-1) and caloric value (308,1 kcal 100 g-1) were higher. In the sensory test, attributes were rated in the categories “liked slightly” and “liked extremely” by most judges. F1 scored higher than F2 for texture, color and overall impression and did not differ in any of the attributes at F0. It can be concluded that F1 may be a viable option in the search for gluten-free bread with improved chemical composition, as it contains lower lipid and moisture content, higher ash content and good sensory acceptance.

Abelmoschus , Glútenes/análisis , Mucílago de Planta , Polisacáridos , Pan/análisis , Composición de Alimentos , Dieta Sin Gluten , Enfermedad Celíaca
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200731


Hydrocolloids isolated from the flour of peels of selected root and tuber crops were purified and their physicochemical properties were determined using standard procedures. The experimental materialused was the peels of three species of Dioscorea: alata(water yam), dumentorum(trifoliate yam), rotundata (white yam) and bulbifera(aerial yam); Colocasia esculenta(cocoyam); white and yellow flesh of Ipomoea batatas(sweet potato). The fresh peels were dried under three drying method (oven, sun and air-dried). Proximate composition gave 4.4 to 10.7% for moisture content, 0.40 to 6.10% for ash content, 0.32 to 4.13% for crude fibre and in carbohydrates it ranges from 81.3 to 93.7%. There were no fat and protein in the experimental samples. Oven-dried alatapeel flour gave the highest swelling indexvalue 1.44% while, air-dried had the highest value of (4.00%) ranking the highest in foaming capacities. The highest in water and oil absorption capacities were sun-dried (2.05) dumentorumpeel and rotundatapeel air-dried (2.21). In emulsifying capacity and freezing-thawing stability, the highest results were observed in colocasia peel oven-dried (54.3%) and white flesh Ipomoea batataspeel sun-dried (74.3%).Yellow flesh Ipomoea batatas(0.31 g/ml) gave the lowest in bulk density. Gelation temperature ranges from 70 to 83ºCwith pH of 6.6 to 7.6.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192101


The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the dimensional accuracy of the stone casts made of three extended pour alginate impressions materials (Cavex Colorchange, Kromopan, and Neocolloid) following storage under different storage conditions and pouring at different time intervals. Materials and Methods: A maxillary Frasaco (dentulous) model was selected as a standard model. Index holes of 1 mm depth and 1 mm diameter were made on the palatal cusp tips of right and left first premolars, mesiopalatal cusp tips of right and left third molars and in the midline of the palate, perpendicular to a line joining the index holes made on cusp tips of the first premolars as reference points for measurement. A single uniformly spaced custom tray was fabricated with heat-cure acrylic resin and used to make impressions for the entire study. A total of 210 impressions of the master model were made, seventy impressions were made from each of the alginate material brands and were subjected to three storage conditions (open air, uncontrolled humidity, and 100% controlled humidity) for three different storage time intervals (0, 1, 6 h). Since no storage was done in the immediate-pour group, it contained 10 specimens from each brand. Following the designated storage time interval, all impressions were poured in type IV gypsum. Measurements of stone casts were done in three dimensions, anteroposterior, lateral using Measuroscope and vertical by Dial Gauge. Data were organized in tables and statistical analyses were performed. Three-way ANOVAs were used to check if the material brands, storage time intervals, and conditions affect the measurements. Tukey HSD post hoc tests were used for the multiple comparisons if ANOVA is significant. One sample t-test was used to compare between the casts made of alginate brands and the master model. Significance level was set to α < 0.05 for all tests. Results: Results showed that the material brands, storage time intervals, and conditions do affect the measurements in all three dimensions (all P < 0.05). In addition, all two-way and three-way interactions were significant for all measurements except the interaction of storage time intervals and conditions for B–C (lateral) measurements, and interaction of material brands and storage time intervals for C–D (anteroposteriorly) measurements. When stone casts were compared to the master model, immediate pour, and storage for 1 h in 100% controlled humidity resulted in statistically insignificant changes among all three alginate impression brands. In addition, the specimens made of Cavex Colorchange and Kromopan following storage in uncontrolled humidity condition for 1 h showed statistical insignificance when compared to the master model. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it can be extrapolated that, although this class of alginate impression materials was manufactured for extended pour purposes, clinicians should avoid storage of the studied brands for 6 h. Whenever 1 h to pour is necessary, 100% controlled humidity is the ideal and standardized environment for all three alginate brands. Perhaps, Cavex Colorchange, and Kromopan can be safely stored in uncontrolled humidity condition while maintaining their optimal dimensional accuracy.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 56(2): 311-318, Mar.-Apr. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-675650


The objective of this work was to evaluate the application of carrageenan (CAR) to improve the functional properties of the jerked beef (JF) and to increase its processing yield. JB produced from Vastus lateralis with CAR (1.0%) at 25ºC and NaCl (15.0%) had approximately 15.0% higher moisture and a 32.0% higher processing yield in comparison to the control samples.JB-CAR presented shear force approximately 5.0 and 20% lower in the samples uncooked salted and desalted cooked, respectively, and sensorial acceptance above 80%. The results demonstrated the possibility of applying carrageenan to jerked beef in order to obtain an increase in the processing yield and a tender product while maintaining the sensorial quality and its intermediate-moisture meat product nature.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 60(3): 270-279, sep. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-630327


Numerosos estudios han sido enfocados a los ingredientes naturales para mantener la calidad y la vida útil de los alimentos. Los ingredientes biodegradables, tales como hidrocoloides y proteínas pueden ser utilizados para cubrir filetes de pescado con el objetivo de suprimir los cambios de calidad durante el almacenamiento en congelación. En la actualidad se han venido desarrollando empaques comestibles, como el glaseado con hidrocoloides, (gelatina, carragenina), que además de cumplir sus funciones como película protectora del alimento, son económicos, pueden ser ingeridos por el consumidor sin riesgo de toxicidad, ayudan a preservar las características organolépticas del producto, proporcionar características nutricionales y, por ser biodegradables contribuyen a la conservación del ambiente. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la incorporación de hidrocoloides al glaseado de lomos de atún como una alternativa de empaque. Cortes de atún fueron glaseados incorporándole soluciones de carragenina 0,05, y 0,15%, y gelatina al 0,5, 1%. Los cortes fueron de 15 cm3, congelados a -30ºC y glaseados con los tratamientos mencionados sumergiéndose la muestra de atún en las soluciones a 0 ºC por 30 segundos y luego almacenados a -10ºC por 0, 15 y 30 días. Los resultados del análisis proximal, las proteínas solubles, rancidez oxidativa, y color mostraron que todas las muestras glaseadas con hidrocoloides mantienen sus características y protege al lomo de atún ante la pérdida de humedad y retrasa la degradación de las proteínas. De igual manera la carragenina mostró un mejor desempeño como empaque a concentraciones de 0,05% en comparación con la gelatina.

Numerous studies have been focused to natural ingredients to maintain the quality and shell life of foods. Edibles coating, biodegradable ingredients, such as hydrocolloids and proteins can be used for coating fish with the purpose to suppress changes of quality during frozen storage. At the present time several developing of edibles packing, like glaze using hydrocolloids, (gelatin, carrageen, starch), that besides acts as protective film for food, they are economic, can be ingested by the consumer without toxicity risk, help to preserve organoleptics and nutritional characteristics of the product and, being biodegradable they contribute to the conservation of the atmosphere. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the incorporation of hydrocolloids in the glazing tuna process as alternative of packing, to enhance its physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of tuna was glazed incorporating to its solutions of carrageen at 0.05, 0,1 and 0.15%, and gelatin at 0.5, 1%. The samples were shaped as square (15 cm3), frozen al -30ºC and glazed incorporating hydrocolloids submerging the sample its solutions at 0 ºC by 30 seconds and storage at -10ºC by 0, 15 and 30 days. Proximal analysis results, soluble proteins, TBA, and color showed that all the samples glazed with hydrocolloids decrease deterioration of the tuna products respect to samples glazed without hydrocolloids; concluding that glazing adding hydrocolloids protects tuna for loss humidity and delays degradation of proteins. Moreover, carrageen shows to a better performance at the concentrations of 0.05% compared with the gelatin and the starch.

Animales , Chondrus , Embalaje de Alimentos/métodos , Alimentos Congelados/análisis , Gelatina , Alimentos Marinos/análisis , Atún , Coloides