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Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Mar; 71(3): 946-950
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224903


Purpose: India has the largest population of youth in the world, thereby making them important contributors to the “India of Tomorrow”. Over 80% of knowledge gained is by the visual sense, thereby making school screening programs a necessity in our country. Data from the pre?COVID era, that is, 2017–18 was collected from close to 19,000 children in Gurugram, Haryana, a tier two city in National Capital Region, India. A similar prospective observational study is planned post COVID?19 (2022–23) for further analysis to depict the impact of COVID?19 in these areas. Methods: The program They See, They Learn was set at government schools in the area of operations (district of Gurgaon, Haryana), where the children and their families were unable to afford eye care services. All children who were screened underwent a comprehensive eye examination at the school premises itself. Results: A total of 18,939 students were screened over a period of 18 months, covering a total of 39 schools in the Gurugram belt, in the first phase of the program. Eleven point eight percent (n = 2254) of all school students had some form of refractive error. Girl students were found to have a higher refractive error rate (13.3%) compared to boy students (10.1%) across the schools screened. Myopia was the most common type of refractive error. Conclusion: School students require perfect vision or else they can be discouraged and may become a major burden to the economy of any developing nation. A school screening program aiming at populations that cannot afford such basic needs like spectacles is a must in all zones of the country

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1727-1731
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224311


Purpose: To study the effect of refractive errors on pattern visual evoked potential (VEP) recordings in the pediatric population. Methods: This cross?sectional observational study assessed 240 eyes of 120 participants attending the outpatient department of a tertiary care center in North India. Participants were between 8 and 18 years of age; 30 participants each were recruited into four groups, namely emmetropia, myopia, hypermetropia, and amblyopia. They were then subjected to pattern reversal VEP, with P?100 amplitude and latency recorded for each participant. Results: The emmetropic group in this study provided normal values of P?100 parameters, namely P?100 latency and P?100 amplitude with readings of 115.78 ± 10.19 ms and 11.11 ± 4.08 ?V, respectively. P?100 amplitude was significant compared to P?100 latency in detecting the presence or absence of a specific type of refractive error. It was found that there was a significant association between severity of myopia and P?100 latency (both unaided and aided) with P < 0.05. The severity of hypermetropia showed a significant association with P?100 amplitude (unaided) (P < 0.05). Receiver operating characteristics analysis revealed P?100 amplitude to be a good predictor of refractive error and the cut?offs were calculated. Conclusion: The P?100 parameters of the pediatric Indian population were comparatively higher than conventional values. P?100 latency seemed to better correlate with myopia, while hypermetropia correlated with P?100 amplitude. P?100 amplitude appears to be the most significant predictor of the presence of refractive error in an individual.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220864


Introduction: In children uncorrected refractive errors have a profound effect on educational and psychosocial development hence it is necessary to estimate the prevalence both at the community and at the school level to aid planning and implementation of refractive error services in children. Objective: To determine the refractive status of 5 to 15 years old children attending government schools of rural areas of district Agra, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. Method: Study conducted on 902 students of age group 5-15 years of randomly selected government schools of Bichpuri Block of district Agra. Children underwent visual acuity assessment and torch light examination, height and weight measurement. Children with VA ?6/9 were further examined and cycloplegic retinoscopy, fundus examination, slit lamp examination and post mydriatic refraction was done. On the basis of values of cycloplegic refraction and post mydriatic refraction, refractive error was classified as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. Statistical Analysis was done by applying Chi square test. Results : Out of 902 children, 125 children (13.86 %) were having refractive error of which 76 were myopic (8.43%), 39 were astigmatic (4.32%) and 10 were hypermetropic (1.11%). There was an increase in the overall prevalence of refractive error with advancing age. There was no significant association of refractive error with gender and nutritional status. Conclusion: Vision screening of school children is very useful for early detection and correction of refractive errors. Screening of the refractive errors in school should be carried out periodically and regularly

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220443


Aims- Evaluation of corneal topographic pattern & demographic pro?le with refractive error in paediatric ametropia. Material & Method- we conducted a prospective observational study in 644 eyes of 322 patients, who were presented with refractive error in tertiary centre in central India from a period of January 2018 to June 2019. They were included after taking consent from guardians. To rule out anterior segment pathology, slit lamp examination was carried out and best corrected visual acuity is recorded. Auto-refractometry and retinoscopy was performed to know refractive status of eye. Corneal topography was performed by CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHER Shin- Nippon's CT-1000 &fundus examination was rule out any posterior segment pathology. All procedures and investigation were done by the same surgeon. Result- Most common corneal topographic pattern with hypermetropia and myopia was symmetric and oval in majority of patients, whereas the pattern observed with astigmatism was symmetric and ABS-IS. Conclusion- Corneal topographic pattern might be related to the refractive status of the eye, it also helpful in observe early change and management of corneal disease

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204572


Background: Refractive error is one of the most important causes of avoidable visual impairment. Early detection of refractive error in children is essential to avoid any permanent disability. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and pattern of refractive errors as per age, gender and educational standard in school children aged 3-17 years.Methods: This was an observational non-interventional study. 600 eyes of 300 participants in the age group of 3-17 years were evaluated. All underwent cycloplegic refraction followed by objective refraction. Participants were divided into 3 groups as follows 3-8 years, 9-12 years and 13-17 years and evaluation of type of refractive error was done age wise and gender wise.Results: The number of male and female participants was almost similar with a male:female ratio of 1.02:1. Refractive errors were most common in the age group of 9-12 years. The most common refractive error was astigmatism followed by myopia and hypermetropia. It was also found that majority of patients had bilateral refractive errors.Conclusions: The most common refractive error was astigmatism followed by myopia and hypermetropia. It was also found that majority of patients had bilateral refractive errors. The visual acuity in majority was 6/18 which according to WHO classification falls in Category 0 of Visual impairment in India.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203544


Objective: To assess the incidence of refractive error inchildren 5-10 years age due to excess use of smart phone andcomputer.Methods: This prospective observational study is conducted atSouthern medical college and hospital, Chattagram from March2018 to December 2018 where a total of 200 children whowere studied in different kindergarten and government schoolchildren in Chattagram City Corporation included in the study.Result: During the study, 56% were male, and 44% werefemale. Most of the patients belong to middle economicstatus.49% patients had myopia, followed by 25% patients hadhypermetropia, 30% had Astigmatism.Conclusion: From our study we can conclude that, the currentschool healthcare program in Chattagram lacks any propersystem of child eye care. Therefore, the screening of childrenfor refractive error and visual impairment should be conductedperiodically (from kindergarten to grade 6 at a large-scalecommunity level and should be integrated with regular schoolscreening programs and in preschool health screening.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(4): e771, oct.-dic. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099103


RESUMEN El coloboma de iris es un defecto congénito, que se describe como un orificio, fisura o hendidura en dicha estructura.​ Esta condición tiene la posibilidad de ser hereditaria o aparecer sin historia familiar previa. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 51 años de edad con coloboma bilateral de iris asimétrico e hipermetropía, quien acudió a la consulta médica con el deseo de independizarse de su corrección óptica habitual. Se propuso cirugía facorrefractiva de ambos ojos con pupiloplastia del ojo derecho, en el que se obtuvieron resultados visuales satisfactorios después de la intervención quirúrgica(AU)

ABSTRACT The iris coloboma is a congenital defect, present since birth, which is described as a hole, fissure or cleft in the mentioned structure. This condition has the possibility of being inherited or can appear without previous family history. The case is presented of a 51-year-old patient with bilateral asymmetric iris coloboma and farsightedness. The patient went to the doctor's office with the desire to become independent of his usual optical correction. Facorrefractive surgery of both eyes with pupilloplasty of the right eye was proposed, in which satisfactory visual results were obtained after the intervention(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Coloboma/diagnóstico , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Refractivos/métodos , Hiperopía/etiología
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203074


Purpose: Prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of refractive error is relativity simple and easiest way to reduceimpaired vision, population-based data in children are not sufficiently available for India. In view of importance of detecting the refractive error in children an effort is going to be made in this study. To find out the extentof problem of refractive errors among children in Raichur.Materials and Methods: the prospective study was conducted with 100 number 10-15 years children from theRaichur. All the children were examined with visual acuity by snellen’s chart, Examination of anterior andposterior segment, Retinoscope, trail set and cycloplegic refraction followed by subjective correction will bedone.Results: The prevalence of Refractive error in the 10-15 years children was found to be 11%, higher in 15 years(3%), more in girls (6%) and in urban area children had more prevalence (7%). Myopia was the commonest typeof refractive error in this study which constitutes 55%, Astigmatism 27% and 18% of hypermetropia was seen inthe 10-15yrs children.Conclusion: Most of the children are unaware of Refractive error, so screening of children is very important.Parents have to take the responsibility of this screening for vision error and they should monitor the their visionvial watching tv, reading books. The screening system should be yearly at least 3 time a year to every childespecially 14-15 years student.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186460


Background: Refractive errors are one of the known cause of visual impairment and a main cause of blindness worldwide. In children, refractive errors make us learning disabilities and also prevent academic progression. Aim: To study the prevalence of refractive errors in children of school going age. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive study in which children were screened for refractive errors. Children aged 4 to 15 years whose parents were willing to sign the informed consent form. This study was done from 2011 to 2015. Results: Total 531121 children were screened in which 13206 having refractive errors, incidence of 2.4% in the present local area. The most common age group affected is 8-11 years of these were boys 2706 (20.4%) and 3491 (26.4%) girls. Conclusion: The major cause of visual impairment worldwide is refractive errors and have immediate and long term consequences in children.

Medisur ; 12(3): 495-500, jun. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-760273


En nuestro país la hipermetropía es el defecto refractivo más frecuente. La mejor manera de corregir el defecto constituye un problema serio para el oftalmólogo y para el propio paciente, sobretodo en defectos elevados. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 45 años de edad con antecedentes patológicos personales oculares de hipermetropía elevada en ambos ojos; es un trabajador agrícola, el cual manifestó serias dificultades para la adaptación a sus cristales ya que le pesan mucho y su visión es borrosa con ellos, por lo que los cambia con frecuencia. Se analizaron las diferentes formas de tratar su defecto y se optó por el implante de dos lentes intraoculares (piggy back) con lo cual el paciente logró mejoría en su agudeza visual y la desaparición del defecto refractivo sin la aparición de ninguna complicación trans ni posoperatoria. La hipermetropía elevada es algo poco frecuente en los pacientes hipermétropes, por lo que esta técnica es poco utilizada en nuestro medio, razones por las que se decidió la presentación del caso.

Hypermetropia is the most common refractive disorder in our country. Finding the best procedure to correct this defect is a serious problem for the ophthalmologist and the patient, especially those with severe defects. The case of a 45-year-old patient with a history of high hypermetropia in both eyes is presented. He is an agricultural worker who had serious difficulties adapting to the lenses as they were too heavy and caused him blurry vision, leading to their frequent change. After analyzing the different ways to correct his defect, it was decided to implant two (piggyback) intraocular lenses, which resulted in increased visual acuity and elimination of the refractive disorder without occurrence of intraoperative and postoperative complications. High hypermetropia is uncommon in hypermetropic patients, thus this technique is not frequently used in our setting, which lead to the presentation of this case.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 27(1): 109-118, ene.-mar. 2014. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-717240


OBJETIVO: comparar las queratometrías obtenidas por el Pentacam en ojos hipermétropes operados por láser y las obtenidas a través del Método de Maloney, en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer", desde marzo a mayo de 2013. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 50 ojos de 27 pacientes hipermétropes operados de LASIK, donde se calculó la queratometría promedio mediante el método de Maloney y se comparó con los valores brindados por el Pentacam: valor queratométrico total central y Equivalent K- Reading power de los mapas a color, así como el True Net Power (queratométrico total a 3,0 mm) y las lecturas queratométricas a distintos diámetros del programa Holladay Report. Se comparó la queratometría preoperatoria media de la historia clínica y la estimada aportada por el Pentacam. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la prueba T para datos pareados, utilizando una significación del 95 %. RESULTADOs: no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las queratometrías del método de Maloney, el Equivalent K-reading Power y las lecturas de queratometría efectivas a diferentes diámetros. La de 4,5 mm mostró la menor diferencia. El resto de las mediciones difirieron de forma significativa. No se encontró diferencias entre las queratometrías preoperatorias. CONCLUSIONES: el Pentacam aporta poderes corneales que no difieren estadísticamente de los obtenidos por el método de Maloney en ojos hipermétropes con LASIK previo.

OBJECTIVE: to compare the keratometries given by the Pentacam in hyperopic patients operated on with laser and those obtained through Maloney method in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from March to May of 2013. METHODS: a prospective study was conducted in 50 eyes from 27 hyperopic patients operated on with LASIK, in which average keratometry was estimated using Maloney method and then compared with those of Pentacam system; the used variables were total central keratometric value and Equivalent K-reading Power of color maps, as well as the true net power (total keratometic value at 3,0 mm) and the readings of equivalent keratometry at different diameter of HolladayReport programs. The average preoperative keratometries of the medical histories and those of the Pentacam system were also compared. The statistical analysis included paired T test, using a 95 % significance level. RESULTS: there were not significant statistical differences among the keratometries by Maloney method, the Equivalent K-reading power and the readings of equivalent keratometries at different diameters, being that of 4,5 mm the more accurate. The rest of the measurements differed in a significant way. There were differences among the preoperative keratometries. CONCLUSION: the Pentacam system provides corneal powers that did not statistically differ from those obtained by the Maloney method in hyperopic eyes with prior LASIK.

Humanos , Anciano , Extracción de Catarata , Cirugía Laser de Córnea/métodos , Terapia por Láser/métodos , Hiperopía/cirugía , Estudios Prospectivos
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-172791


Amblyopia is defined as unilateral or bilateral decrease in visual acuity without any organic ocular lesion. It generally develops during the first decade of life when the visual system is vulnerable to deprivation. Unilateral amblyopia is more common than bilateral and the amblyopic eye is called lazy eye. This study was carried out in Faridpur Medical College & Hospital (FMCH) and Diabetic Association Medical College & Hospital (DAMCH) Faridpur, in the department of Ophthalmology from January - 2010 to December 2012 with a view to establish that anisometropic (Refractive) amblyopia is more in patients with astigmatism with the rule of both hypermetropic & myopic types also astigmatism against the rule in hypermetropic patients but simple myopia is not associated with amblyopia. Clinically diagnosed 110 patients of amblyopia of refractive origin were selected. Age of the patients was 6 to 15 years with male & female ratio 1.2:1. There was no pathology in the eyes except refractive error. Refraction done all the cases and found the following results: 26 cases (23.63%) of simple myopic astigmatism with the rule, 19 cases (17.27%) of compound myopic astigmatism with the rule, 10 cases (9.09%) of simple hypermetropia, 38 cases (34.54%) of simple hypermertopic astigmatism with the rule and 17 cases (15.45%) of compound hypermetropic astigmatism againt the rule. No case of simple myopia was associated with amblyopia. Amblyopia was more in patients with astigmatism with the rule of both hypermetropic and myopic types and also astigmatism against the rule in hypermetropic patients but simple myopia was not associated with amblyopia.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-132089


PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of successfully weaning patients off of glasses and the change in hypermetropic spectacle correction required for maintaining orthotropia using an analysis of surgery results of patients with partially accommodative esotropia. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 104 patients who underwent standard surgery for correcting partially accommodative esotropia. In total, 64 patients who had follow-up periods of at least 2 years were included. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 28 patients who were asked to discontinue their hyperopic glasses (glasses-discontinued group) and 36 patients who still needed hyperopic glasses (glasses-maintained group). We investigated the age at first visit and at surgery, total angle of deviation and residual angle of deviation with correction before surgery, weaning time of hyperopic glasses, follow-up period, and the time at which the hyperopic glasses were discontinued in the glasses-discontinued group. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the age at first visit and at surgery as well as the duration of postoperative follow-up between both groups. The total esodeviated angle without hyperopic correction of the glasses-discontinued group was significantly lower than that of glasses-maintained group (37.4PD:46.7PD, p < 0.05); there were no significant differences in the remaining esotropic angle after hyperopic correction. The average hyperopic degree in the glasses-discontinued group was significantly lower than that in the glasses-maintained group (+3.0D:+4.7D, p < 0.05), there were no significant differences in the weaning time of hyperopic glasses between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The esodeviated angle without hyperopic correction was smaller and hyperopic degree was lower in the glasses-discontinued group than in the glasses-maintained group after surgery for partially accommodative esotropia. Therefore, it might be helpful to predict the postoperative possibility to discontinue glasses in the patients with partially accommodative esotropia.

Humanos , Esotropía , Anteojos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Vidrio , Hiperopía , Registros Médicos , Destete
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-132092


PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of successfully weaning patients off of glasses and the change in hypermetropic spectacle correction required for maintaining orthotropia using an analysis of surgery results of patients with partially accommodative esotropia. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 104 patients who underwent standard surgery for correcting partially accommodative esotropia. In total, 64 patients who had follow-up periods of at least 2 years were included. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 28 patients who were asked to discontinue their hyperopic glasses (glasses-discontinued group) and 36 patients who still needed hyperopic glasses (glasses-maintained group). We investigated the age at first visit and at surgery, total angle of deviation and residual angle of deviation with correction before surgery, weaning time of hyperopic glasses, follow-up period, and the time at which the hyperopic glasses were discontinued in the glasses-discontinued group. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the age at first visit and at surgery as well as the duration of postoperative follow-up between both groups. The total esodeviated angle without hyperopic correction of the glasses-discontinued group was significantly lower than that of glasses-maintained group (37.4PD:46.7PD, p < 0.05); there were no significant differences in the remaining esotropic angle after hyperopic correction. The average hyperopic degree in the glasses-discontinued group was significantly lower than that in the glasses-maintained group (+3.0D:+4.7D, p < 0.05), there were no significant differences in the weaning time of hyperopic glasses between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The esodeviated angle without hyperopic correction was smaller and hyperopic degree was lower in the glasses-discontinued group than in the glasses-maintained group after surgery for partially accommodative esotropia. Therefore, it might be helpful to predict the postoperative possibility to discontinue glasses in the patients with partially accommodative esotropia.

Humanos , Esotropía , Anteojos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Vidrio , Hiperopía , Registros Médicos , Destete
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(2): 273-284, mayo.-ago. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-695037


Objetivo: caracterizar epidemiológicamente el estado refractivo examinado de los niños preescolares de un año de edad que acudieron a consulta de Oftalmología del Policlínico Pedro Esperón, Bauta, en el período 2010-2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal del estado refractivo explorado a los niños de un año de edad que acudieron a consulta de Oftalmología del Policlínico Pedro Esperón, Bauta, en el período 2010-2011. El universo estuvo constituido por 113 niños, total que acudieron al chequeo de círculo infantil en el periodo en estudio. La muestra fue de 98 chicos para un total de 196 ojos a los que se les realizó examen oftalmológico completo incluyendo la retinoscopía, se distribuyeron por género, color de la piel y antecedentes familiares, los ojos se clasificaron según ametropías y grado de severidad. Resultados: el género femenino (54,08 por ciento) y el color blanco de la piel (51,01 porciento) resultaron predominantes en la población estudiada. El 60,2 por ciento tenía el antecedente familiar de ametropía. Se obtuvo que el 91,8 por ciento de ojos amétropes. La hipermetropía fue la más frecuente en el 64,45 por ciento. De las ametropías estudiadas prevaleció su forma leve (66,08 por ciento). Conclusiones: el comportamiento del estado refractivo observado, estuvo dentro de las cifras esperadas en relación a los reportes internacionales referidos al tema

Objectives: to epidemically characterize the screened refractive condition of one-year old preschool children, who had been seen at the Ophthalmology service of Pedro Esperon policlinic located in Bauta, from 2010 to 2011. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study of the screened refractive condition of one-year old children, who went to the ophthalmological service of the above-mentioned hospital in the said period. The universe of study was 113 children, that is, the total number of children who went to the check-up program for the day care centers in the study period. The selected sample was made up of 98 kids representing 196 eyes. They were applied a complete ophthalmological test including retinoscopy; they were distributed by gender, race and family history whereas the eyes were classified according to the ametropies and level of severity of the lesion. Results: females (54.8 percent) and Caucasians (51.01 percent) were predominant. Family history of ametropia was present in 60.2 percent. It was found that there were 91.8 percent of ametropic eyes. Hypermetropia was the most frequent in 64.45 percent. Of the studied ametropies, the mild form prevailed (66.8 percent). Conclusions: the behaviour of the observed refractive conditions was within the expected limits according to the international reports on this topic

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Oftalmológico , Errores de Refracción/diagnóstico , Hiperopía/diagnóstico , Refracción Ocular , Estudios Transversales , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153130


Background: Refractive Error is an avoidable cause of visual impairment. Diagnosis and Treatment of refractive errors is the simplest and most effective forms of eye care. Aims & Objective: To study the prevalence and determinants of uncorrected refractive errors, among school children of 7-15 years. Material and Methods: The study was a cross sectional study of 1378 government school children of 7- 15 years age group in both rural and urban field practice areas of Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore. Students were screened for defective vision with the help of Snellen’s chart and refractionist confirmed the findings. Students with refractive error were provided with spectacles free of cost. Data was analysed to determine the prevalence of refractive errors among the school children. Results: 687 children of urban and 691 children of rural area were examined. 53.6% of the study population were boys and 46.4% were girls. The mean age of the study group was 12.4 years. The prevalence of uncorrected refractive error in urban and rural children was 7.03%. The prevalence of Myopia, Hypermetropia and Astigmatism in children was 4.4%, 1.03%, 1.6% respectively. Children 13 to years 15 attending urban schools were most likely to have uncorrected myopia. Hypermetropia was associated with younger age group and female children. Conclusion: The prevalence of uncorrected refractive error, especially myopia, was higher in older children. Causes of higher prevalence and barriers to refractive error correction services should be identified and addressed. Eye screening of school children is recommended.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-152346


Background & Objectives: Before performing the cataract surgery high level of expertise and knowledge is required to fulfil the ever increasing demands of patients. This makes a surgeon carry out detailed evaluation of a case and formulate a ‘customized IOL’. Accurate IOL power calculation is the most important part of planning a cataract surgery. Most of the formula works well with normal axial length, but with high refractive errors, there are many discrepancies for selection of IOL formula. Methods: Study included 80 high myopic eyes divided into three groups and 20 high hypermetropic eyes divided into two groups according to various A scan formulas utilised. Post-operative spherical equivalent in relation to various formulas for all groups compared. Results: Performance of all 3 formulas in high myopic group showed SRK/T formula to be most accurate with smallest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) in all axial length subcategories above 24mm, followed by Haigis, and Holladay I respectively. In high hypermetropic patients, among 2 formulas, the lowest MAE was found with Hoffer-Q (-0.03D) compared to SRK/T (-0.96D) Interpretation & Conclusion: Erroneous IOL power calculation can spoil high quality results expected by patients in terms of post-operative vision in spite of excellent surgery.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(1): 111-120, ene.-abr. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-683099


Objetivo: comparar las queratometrías obtenidas por el pentacam en ojos hipermétropes operados con excimer láser y la obtenida a través del método de la historia clínica.Métodos: estudio prospectivo realizado en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer, desde marzo a junio del 2011, en 50 ojos de 25 pacientes hipermétropes operados de LASIK, donde se calculó la queratometría promedio mediante el método de la historia clínica y se comparó con los valores de queratometría brindados por el pentacam: valor del ápex corneal de los mapas a color: True Net Power (valor queratométrico total central) y Equivalent K Reading Power (lectura queratométrica equivalente), así como el valor queratométrico total a 3,0 mm y las lecturas equivalentes del programa Holladay Report. Se calculó la queratometría preoperatoria media por la historia clínica y se comparó con la queratometría preoperatoria estimada aportada por el pentacam. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 porciento.Resultados: los valores entre los que no hubo diferencias estadísticas con respecto al obtenido por el método de la historia clínica, fueron la Equivalent K Reading power (lectura queratométrica equivalente), la queratométrica total y las lecturas queratométricas equivalentes a 3,4 y 4,5 diámetro, siendo la de 4,5 mm la más exacta. Las queratometrías preoperatorias no mostraron diferencias.Conclusiones: el pentacam aporta poderes corneales que no difieren de los obtenidos por el método de historia clínica en ojos hipermétropes que tengan cirugía previa con excimer láser

Objective: to compare keratometries measured by Pentacam in operated hypermetropic eyes with Excimer Laser and that of the medical history method.Methods: aprospective study conducted in 50 hypermetropic eyes of 25 patients operated on by LASIK at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from March to June of 2011. The average keratometry through the medical history method was estimated and compared with the keratometry values provided by Pentacam : value of the corneal apex of color maps, True Net Power (total central keratometric value) and Equivalent K-reading Power(equivalent keratometric reading) as well as the total keratometric value of 3.0 mm and the equivalent readings of Holladay Report program. The mean preoperative keratometry of the medical history was estimated and then compared with the preoperative keratometry measured by Pentacam. The statistical analysis was based on paired t test, using 95 percent significance level.Results: the values that did not show significant statistical differences in comparison with that of the clinical history method were the Equivalent K-reading Power (equivalent keratometric readings), the total keratometric value and the equivalent keratometric readings of 3.4 and 4.5 diameters, being 4.5 mm the most exact. No differences were seen in the preoperative keratometries.Conclusion: Pentacam provides corneal powers that did not differ statistically from those of the clinical history method in hypermetropic eyes having previous surgery with Excimer laser

Humanos , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Oftalmológico , Hiperopía/cirugía , Registros Médicos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Refractivos , Estudios Prospectivos
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 26(supl.1): 571-582, 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-706688


Objetivo: determinar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los trastornos refractivos en escolares. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional de corte transversal en la escuela primaria Lidia Doce Sánchez, en el municipio de Marianao, La Habana, desde septiembre a noviembre de 2011. El universo estuvo compuesto por 178 escolares y se realizó examen oftalmológico completo a 72 pacientes. Se distribuyeron según el defecto refractivo, grado de severidad, edad, género y la frecuencia de la ambliopía. Resultados: se encontró que 36 escolares presentaban trastornos refractivos y un predominio de la forma leve de estos. El astigmatismo representó el 55,5 por ciento de las ametropías, y el astigmatismo hipermetrópico compuesto fue el más frecuente. La ambliopía se halló en el 3 por ciento de los escolares. Conclusiones: el comportamiento de los defectos refractivos observado fue similar a lo obtenido por diversos autores del ámbito nacional e internacional

Objective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological behavior of ametropia in schoolchildren. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from September to November 2011 in Lidia Doce Sanchez elementary school in Marianao municipality, Havana province. The universe of study was formed by 178 students. A complete ophthalmologic exam was performed on 72 eyes. They were distributed according to the refractive defect, degree of severity, age, gender and frequency of amblyopia. Results: thirty six children suffered from refractive defect, being the slight type predominant. Astigmatism represented 55,5 percent of all the ametropies, being the compound hypermetropic the most frequent. Amblyopia was found in 3 percent of children. Conclusions: the behavior of the refractive errors was similar to that observed by other authors in domestic and international reports

Humanos , Errores de Refracción/epidemiología , Estudiantes , Estudios Transversales , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2011 Nov; 59(6): 514-516
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136242


To find the optimal dosage of cyclopentolate 1% for cycloplegic refraction in hypermetropes with brown irides, we investigated the difference in cycloplegic auto-refractions obtained after one, two, and three instillations in the same patient. The mean hypermetropia found after three instillations was statistically significantly more compared to that found after one instillation. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean hypermetropia between two and three instillations. There was no significant effect of gender, age, and the presence and type of horizontal deviation. These observations suggest that two drops of cyclopentolate 1% 10 min apart are sufficient for cycloplegic refraction in hypermetropes.

Adolescente , Niño , Ciclopentolato/administración & dosificación , Ciclopentolato/diagnóstico , Relación Dosis-Respuesta a Droga , Color del Ojo , Femenino , Humanos , Hiperopía/diagnóstico , Iris , Midriáticos/administración & dosificación , Midriáticos/diagnóstico , Adulto Joven