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Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine ; : 73-85, 2017.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-121500


OBJECTIVES: In this study I made investigations how ‘strange hunger’ and ‘compulsive overeating’ threatening the ego could be resolved and healed. And I aim to present a healing model of psychotherapy and analysis as one of methods of treatment for ‘eating disorder’. METHODS: The analysands of this study were outpatients who visited the department of psychiatry of Yong-In Mental Hospital from March 2008 to February 2017 with ‘hunger’ and ‘compulsive overeating’ as their chief complaints. This study is based on the detailed records of the process of analysis including dreams and visions. RESULTS: 1) Throughout the process of analysis that explore both consciousness and unconsciousness(dream, vision), hunger and compulsive overeating is improved and healed in all analysands. 2) The Imago of ‘Snake’ appeared in dreams and visions of all analysands. 3) By suffering impulse rather than acting it out, impulse transformes itself into ‘Imago’. As impulse transforms into ‘Imago’ and reveals the ‘meaning’ of it, ego-threatening power of impulse weakens and mood is calmed. And as a result, synthesis of consciousness and unconsciousness and creative transformation of personality can be possible. CONCLUSIONS: In some people, ‘hunger’ and ‘compulsive overeating’ are ‘creative impulses’ that aim ‘Self-realization’ which can be fruited as creative transformation of personality and as creative transformation in the relation with the world. ‘Creative impulses’, which often can be experienced as instinctive impulse or emotional suffering unless ego realizes the meaning, reveal the meaning in dreams or visions through ‘Imago’ and ‘Symbol’.

Humanos , Estado de Conciencia , Sueños , Ego , Frutas , Hospitales Psiquiátricos , Hambre , Hiperfagia , Instinto , Pacientes Ambulatorios , Psicoterapia , Inconsciencia
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 19(1): 84-98, jan.-mar. 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-779037


É propósito do presente trabalho perscrutar, através das expressões culturais da virtualização do si mesmo, a equivocidade pendular entre o fetichismo comum e as formas de estetização do desejo na atualidade tecnológica. Desde a primeira formação egoica, “projeção de superfície” do olhar materno, ao ego virtualizado nas marcações corporais extremas, ou mesmo avatarizado nos games e redes sociais; torna-se necessário à psicanálise a discussão sobre a dialética entre objetificação e possibilidades de autoração simbólica da existência na contemporaneidade.

The aim of this paper is to investigate, through cultural expressions of self-virtualization, the pendulum equivocity between common fetishism and the forms of aestheticizing desire in the current technological scenario. Since first ego formation, “surface projection” of the maternal gaze, as far as the virtualized ego in extreme body modifications, or even as an avatar in games and social networks; discussion concerning the dialectic between objectification and symbolic authoring possibilities of existing in present culture is necessary to psychoanalysis.

Cette étude vise à scruter, à travers les expressions culturelles de la virtualisation du soi-même, l'équivocité pendulaire entre le fétichisme commun et les formes d'esthétisation du désir dans l'actualité technologique. De la première formation égoïque, «projection superficielle¼ du regard maternel, à l'ego virtualisé dans les marquages corporels extrêmes, ou même avatarisé dans les jeux et les réseaux sociaux; la discussion sur la dialectique entre l'objectivation et les possibilités de création symbolique de l'existence dans la contemporanéité devient nécessaire à la psychanalyse.

El propósito de este trabajo es observar, a través de las expresiones culturales de la virtualización del sí mismo, la ambigüedad pendular entre las formas comunes de fetichismo y estetización del deseo en una actualidad tan tecnológica como la de hoy en día. Desde la primera formación del ego, “proyección de superficie” de la mirada materna, hasta el ego virtualizado en las marcas corporales extremas o incluso avatarizado en los juegos y las redes sociales; es necesario psicoanalizar, la discusión sobre la dialéctica entre la objetificación y las posibilidades de creación simbólica de la existencia hoy en día.

Auf der Basis kultureller Ausdrucksformen der Virtualisierung des Selbst untersucht dieser Artikel die pendelartige Äquivozität zwischen dem allgemeinen Fetischismus und den Formen der Ästhetisierung der Begierde in unserer zeitgenössischen technologischen Gesellschaft. Seit der ersten Ich-Bildung, „Oberflächenprojektion” des mütterlichen Blicks, bis hin zum virtualisierten Ego der extremen Körpermarkierungen, oder seiner Avatarisierung in Computerspielen und sozialen Netzwerken, tut die Psychoanalyse Not, sowie die Diskussion über die Dialektik zwischen Vergegenständlichung und den Möglichkeiten der symbolischen Darstellung der Existenz in unserer zeitgenössischen Kultur.

本论文的目的是,研究自我虚拟化的条件下网络文化表达,研究网络技术下,拜物主义和个人欲望的美学化。当一个人的自我形成后,从母体目光的“表面投放”开始, 到纹身并且把纹身拍照放到网路上,到游戏和社交网站自我投入和重塑,对这些过程做心理分析变得重要,促使人们讨论当代网络文化中,自我的虚拟化和自我的重塑。.

Affectio Soc. (Medellin) ; 9(16): 123-144, jun.-dic.2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-795477


Se trata de examinar la teoría del estadio del espejo de Lacan, en los dos tiempos de su cons-trucción (1936 y 1949) con las referencias utiliza-das para tal fin. Estas conciernen a fenómenos, problemas y nociones como: imagen (sensorial, corporal y especular), imago, imaginario, psico-génesis del cuerpo y del yo, unidad del yo, ges-talt, prematuración y fetalización humana, que provienen del mismo psicoanálisis (Freud, Klein, Schilder), así como de campos del saber tales como la psicología infantil (Wallon y Balwin); la teoría de la Gestalt y su utilización por parte de la misma psicología infantil (Bühler), la fenomeno-logía y la filosofía (Hussell, Kojève, Sartre, Mer-leau-Ponty), la etología (Kõhler, Lorenz); la biolo-gía (Uexküll); la anatomía (Bolk)...

The idea is to analyze the Lacan’s theory of the mirror stage, in the two periods of its construction (1936 and 1949) with the references used for reaching such purpose. These references corre-spond to phenomena, problems and notions like: image (sensorial, corporal and speculate), imago, imaginary, body and ego psychogenesis, ego unity, gestalt, human prematurity and fetal posi-tion, which come from psychoanalysis itself (Freud, Klein, Schilder), as well as fields of knowledge such as children psychology (Wallon y Balwin); Gestalt’s theory and its use by children psychology itself (Bühler); phenomenology and philosophy (Hussell, Kojeve, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty); ethology (Kohler, Lorenz); biology (Uexkull); anatomy (Bolk)...

Il s’agit ici d’examiner la théorie du stade du mi-roir de Lacan, dans les deux temps de sa cons-truction (1936-1949) avec les références utilisées à ce fin. Celles-ci concernent des phénomènes, problèmes et notions tels que: image (sensorielle, corporelle et spéculaire), imago, imaginaire, psy-chogenèses du corps et du Moi, unité du Moi, gestalt, prématuration, fœtalisation humaine, qui provient du même psychanalyse (Freud, Klein, Schilder), ainsi que de domaines du savoir telles que la psychologie infantile (Wallon et Balwin); la théorie de Gestalt et son usage de la part de la psychologie infantile (Buhler), la phénoménologie et la philosophie (Hussell, Kojève, Sartre, Mer-leau-Ponty), l’éthologie (Kõhler, Lorenz); la biolo-gie (Uexküll), l’anatomie (Bolk)...

Humanos , Imagen Corporal , Ego , Técnicas Proyectivas , Psicoanálisis
Poiésis (En línea) ; 8(Dic.): 1-2, 2004.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1016372


En el estadio del espejo el niño logra la identificación con la imagen especular que es mediatizada por el deseo de la madre, lo que por ende, le concede una unidad, pero que lo enajena en el Otro. La ilusión de que lo imaginario contiene lo real ha quedado fundada, es decir: el primer efecto del imago que aparece en el ser humano es un efecto de alienación del sujeto.

In the mirror stage, the child achieves the identification with the mirror image that is mediated by the mother's desire, which therefore grants him a unit, but which alienates him in the Other. The illusion that the imaginary contains the real has been founded, that is: the first effect of the imago that appears in the human being is an alienation effect of the subject.

Humanos , Ego , Alienación Social/psicología , Imagen Corporal/psicología , Apego a Objetos
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing ; : 791-798, 2000.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-208131


The hemodialysis patients with chronic renal disease have experienced negative emotions, especially depression among with physical, social, and psychological changes. Based upon a stress-coping theory, group imago psychotherapy which can induce effective coping through self awareness and positive emotional responses is implemented to the hemodialysis patients. The effects of the imago psychotherapy in regards to comfort and depression are studied here. Group imago psychotherapy was performed on forty-three subjects(twenty subjects in the experimental group and twenty-three subjects in the control group). The results of the study were as follows. After being given group imago psychotherapy, the comfort scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (F=15.33, p= .003). Moreover, after being given treatment, the depression scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group (F=9.14. p=.0044). Specifically, the scores on comfort in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were significantly higher than those of the control group (F=18.59, p= .0002). The mean difference on comfort scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style was higher than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.19, p= .6729). The scores on depression in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were significantly lower than those of the control group (F=14.62, p= .0006). The mean difference on depression scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style was much lower than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.31, p=.5947). There was a significant positive correlation between comfort and depression variables. After group imago psychotherapy the hemodialysis patients recognized positive changes in emotional reponses, self awareness, self control, ease of mind, and felt overall more relaxed. Imago psychotherapy is a nursing intervention which as this study has shown can improve to comfort. The results of this study can be applied to general nursing practices. In the view of holistic nursing, the development of the nursing practice combined with imago psychotherapy will contribute to the enlargement of the nursing field with conventional nursing practices.

Humanos , Depresión , Enfermería Holística , Enfermería , Psicoterapia , Diálisis Renal , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica