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Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562153


El desarrollo del habla, el lenguaje, la comunicación, la cognición y otros aspectos en la infancia se ven profundamente influenciados por la audición. Cuando un niño presenta pérdida auditiva no detectada o no tratada, se reducen los estímulos y se dificulta el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas. La falta de atención temprana puede llevar a retrasos en el desarrollo del lenguaje, afectando la capacidad del niño para comprender y comunicarse. La hipoacusia pediátrica es un problema de salud pública que afecta a un porcentaje significativo de niños en todo el mundo. El aumento de la causa de la hipoacusia infantil en diferentes países se atribuye a factores como la falta de conciencia y educación sobre la importancia de la detección temprana, la disponibilidad y acceso limitados a servicios de detección y diagnóstico, la ausencia de programas de detección temprana en algunos países y la necesidad de contar con profesionales de la salud capacitados en el manejo de la audición pediátrica. Todo ello puede afectar áreas fundamentales del desarrollo, incluyendo el lenguaje y la comunicación, el desarrollo cognitivo, sensorial, motor y adaptativo. Por tanto, este trabajo tuvo el objetivo de llevar a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura científica sobre la situación de las alteraciones auditivas en la población pediátrica

The development of speech, language, communication, cognition, and other aspects in childhood is profoundly influenced by hearing. When a child experiences undetected or untreated hearing loss, stimuli are reduced, and the development of linguistic skills becomes challenging. The lack of early attention can lead to language development delays, affecting the child's ability to comprehend and communicate. Pediatric hearing loss is a public health issue that affects a significant percentage of children worldwide. The increasing prevalence of pediatric hearing loss in different countries is attributed to factors such as a lack of awareness and education about the importance of early detection, limited availability and access to screening and diagnostic services, the absence of early detection programs in some countries, and the need for trained healthcare professionals in pediatric audiology. All of this can impact fundamental areas of development, including language and communication, cognitive, sensory, motor, and adaptive development.Therefore, this work aimed to conduct a narrative review of the scientific literature on the status of auditory impairments in the pediatric population

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 146-157, abr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430592


Resumen Los elogios son definidos como devoluciones positivas otorgadas a personas sobre sus atributos, sobre la realización de una tarea o sobre los objetos o productos realizados. Los distintos tipos de elogios que los cuidadores primarios o padres utilicen con los infantes cuando ellos realicen una actividad impactarán en su desarrollo, en las creencias o percepción de sí mismos o de los modos de aprender, y en la motivación hacia esas tareas que la niña o el niño realice. Estos modos de elogiar no han sido estudiados en la Argentina y no existen instrumentos estandarizados psicométricos para evaluarlos. Por esto, el objetivo de este estudio fue la creación y validación de una técnica de auto-reporte para evaluar los elogios que otorgan los cuidadores a infantes de 0 a 3 años. Los participantes que conformaron la muestra (. = 128) fueron reclutados por medio de internet y completaron un cuestionario de escala Likert de aproximadamente cinco minutos de duración. A partir del análisis factorial exploratorio, se ajustó la técnica y se agruparon las preguntas del cuestionario en tres dimensiones: elogios de persona, proceso y producto. Esto permitiría hacer una evaluación breve y sencilla de los elogios utilizados, lo que en un futuro aportaría a intervenciones o estudios que pretendan favorecer elogios que beneficien un desarrollo adaptativo de los infantes. Sin embargo, aún es necesario un futuro estudio que indague cambios en la técnica con un mayor tamaño muestral para la realización de una validación más exhaustiva.

Abstract Praise is defined as positive feedback given to people about their attributes, their performance, the objects or products made by them. The different types of praise that primary caregivers or parents use with infants when they carry out an activity will impact on their development, beliefs or perception of themselves or types of learning, and motivation toward the tasks that the children perform. One type of praise is the praise directed towards an individual, which compliments their own attributes such as her intelligence. Another one is the product praise, which is directed towards the final objects or actions that the infant performs, such as a drawing or physical activities. Finally, a praise directed at the process aims to congratulate the infant during the task as a process, either for making an effort or for the strategies that they use to achieve something. This last kind of praise favors perseverance in the face of new tasks to a greater extent, while praise directed at the person could generate more frustration when the infant experiences failure. Therefore, the way caregivers interact with infants is relevant, since it modulates motivation and the development of different skills. For this reason, the main objective of this study was the creation and validation of a self-report technique to assess the praise that Argentinean caregivers give to infants from 0 to 3 years of age. The sample was made up of 128 primary caregivers (. = 128) who were recruited through the internet. They completed a Likert scale questionnaire of approximately 5 minutes of duration. The data was collected during preventive social isolation due to COVID-19. This could lead to changes in parental behavior, while it also provides ecological value for understanding the ways to praise in this context, where caregivers spend a lot of time with infants; however, it would be important to conduct future research outside of this context. An exploratory factor analysis was performed, which led to an adjustment in the technique by eliminating four items in order to improve the psychometric characteristics of the instrument. By this analysis, the formation of the three dimensions was justified by the types of praise: person, process, and product praise.The final instrument consisted of 13 phrases that represent possible compliments used by caregivers. Participants indicated how often they usually use those compliments on a scale from 1 (never) to 5 (very often). The items are divided by types of praise: six were assigned to the product dimension, three to the process dimension and four to the person dimension. The internal consistencies of the dimensions were process (α = .91), product (α = .74) and person (α = .73). This self-report technique for primary caregivers of infants would allow a short and simple evaluation of the praise used. In future research, this technique would allow an assessment of praise for the realization of studies that seek to expand the knowledge about how they affect child development. Likewise, it would contribute to the development of interventions with caregivers aimed to promote praise that benefits an adaptive development of infants. However, more studies are needed to investigate possible changes in the inventory, such as the inclusion of neutral praise or negative feedback. Furthermore, a larger sample size would be necessary to carry out a more exhaustive validation, performing a confirmatory factor analysis, convergent variance and factor invariance.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-9, mar. 2023. tab, quad
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551613


O presente estudo teve como objetivo examinar os impactos de um programa de 12 semanas envol-vendo jogos e brincadeiras na cognição e no desempenho escolar de crianças. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental, com grupos de crianças do quarto ano do ensino fundamental, com idades entre 8 e 11 anos. O "Grupo de Intervenção (n = 27)" participou das atividades de Jogos e Brincadeiras, en-quanto o "Grupo Controle (n =24)" não participou. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos a avaliações abrangendo dados de caracterização, atenção visual (TAVIS-4), flexibilidade cognitiva (Teste das Trilhas), bem como habilidades em aritmética, leitura e linguagem (Teste de Desempenho Escolar), antes e após a intervenção. O programa de intervenção estruturado a partir de jogos e brincadeiras ocorreu três vezes por semana, com duração de 50 minutos cada encontro, durante 12 semanas. Alguns exemplos de jogos e brincadeiras realizados ao longo da intervenção incluíram: "queimado xadrez", "pega-pega" e "dono da rua". Referente à análise estatística foi utilizada a ANOVA two-way para verificar a diferença entre os grupos antes e após o programa de intervenção. Os jogos e brin-cadeiras geraram efeito na diminuição dos erros por omissão no teste de atenção seletiva. Também apresentou diminuição do tempo despendido na tarefa "B" do Teste de Trilhas, além do aumento no escore Total do Teste de Desempenho Escolar. Podemos concluir que um programa de intervenção com jogos e brincadeiras gerou efeitos positivos na cognição e no desempenho escolar destas crianças

This article investigates the effects of a 12-week program involving play on the cognition and school perfor-mance of children. This was a quasi-experiment study, involving groups of fourth-grade elementary school children, aged between 8 and 11 years. The "Intervention Group (n = 27)" participated in Play activities, while the "Control Group (n = 24)" did not. Both groups were submitted to assessments encompassing demo-graphic data, visual attention (TAVIS-4), cognitive flexibility (Trails Test), as well as arithmetic, reading and language skills (School Performance Test), before and after the intervention. The structured interven-tion program based on play occurred three times a week, with each session lasting 50 minutes, over a span of 12 weeks. Some examples of games conducted during the intervention included "chess-dodgeball ", "tag" and "owner of the street". Concerning the statistical analysis, a two-way ANOVA was applied to examine differ-ences between the groups before and after the intervention program. The play activities resulted in a decrease in omission errors in the selective attention test. There was also a reduction in the time spent on Task "B" of the Trails Test, in addition to an increase in the total score of the School Performance Test. In conclusion, it can be stated that an intervention program involving play generated positive effects on the cognition and school performance of these children

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Cognición , Ejercicio Físico , Escolaridad
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 433-440, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009374


OBJECTIVES@#The common differentially expressed mRNAs in brain, heart and liver tissues of deceased sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and infectious sudden death in infancy (ISDI) confirmed by autopsy was screened by bioinformatics to explore the common molecular markers and pathogenesis of SIDS and ISDI.@*METHODS@#The datasets of GSE70422 and GSE136992 were downloaded, the limma of R software was used to screen differentially expressed mRNA in different tissue samples of SIDS and ISDI decedents for overlapping analysis. The clusterProfiler of R software was used to conduct gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis. The protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed by STRING database, while the hub gene was screened by cytoHubba plug-in.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, there were 19 significant differentially expressed genes in the tissue samples of SIDS and ISDI decedents, among which 16 in the heart tissue and 3 in the liver tissue, and the astrotactin 1 (ASTN1) gene expression difference in the heart tissue was most significant. The PPI network identified Ras homolog family member A (RHOA), integrin subunit alpha 1 (ITGA1), and H2B clustered histone 5 (H2BC5) were hub genes. The analysis of GO and KEGG showed that differentially expressed genes were enriched in the molecular pathways of actin cytoskeleton regulation, focal adhesion and response to mycophenolic acid.@*CONCLUSIONS@#ASTN1, RHOA and ITGA1 may participate in the development of SIDS and ISDI. The enrichment of differentially expressed genes in immune and inflammatory pathways suggests a common molecular regulatory mechanism between SIDS and ISDI. These findings are expected to provide new biomarkers for molecular anatomy and forensic identification of SIDS and ISDI.

Humanos , Lactante , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica , Muerte Súbita del Lactante/genética , Redes Reguladoras de Genes , Mapas de Interacción de Proteínas/genética , Biología Computacional
Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine ; (12): 1059-1064, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1035919


Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizure (EIMFS) is a rare drug-resistant epilepsy syndrome with characteristic migrating EEG presentation. In recent years, with increased discovery of new pathogenic genes in this syndrome, our knowledge and understanding on pathophysiological mechanisms of this syndrome have been broadened. This article systematically summarizes the genes associated with EIMFS that have been reported at home and abroad to expand clinicians' understanding of the disease and provide references for identifying the disease.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(1): 188-209, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365871


Resumen (analítico) El objetivo de la siguiente revisión sistemática fue indagar sobre la contribución diferencial del entorno socioeconómico en la capacidad de comunicación verbal y no verbal en los primeros tres años de vida. Se revisaron artículos de investigación empírica de los últimos 30 años en infantes con desarrollo típico. Se encontraron, en general, menores niveles respecto del desarrollo del habla y la comunicación expresiva y productiva en infantes de contextos vulnerables. Sin embargo, los resultados fueron inconsistentes respecto a la comunicación no verbal. Se concluye que se deben realizar más estudios con medidas directas comportamentales en comunicación no verbal para poder paliar las inconsistencias en los resultados actuales sobre la temática.

Abstract (analytical) The objective of this systematic literature review was to inquire about the differential contribution of socioeconomic environment to the capacity for verbal and non-verbal communication in the first three years of life. Empirical research articles from the last 30 years in normally developing infants were reviewed. In general, lower levels were identified among infants from vulnerable contexts in terms of speech development f and expressive and productive communication . However, the results were inconsistent in the area of non-verbal communication. It is concluded that more studies should be carried out with direct behavioral measures in relation to non-verbal communication in order to alleviate existing inconsistencies for the current results in this field.

Resumo (analítico) O objetivo da revisão sistemática a seguir foi indagar sobre a contribuição diferencial do meio socioeconômico na capacidade de comunicação verbal e não verbal nos primeiros três anos de vida. Artigos de pesquisa empírica dos últimos 30 anos em bebês com desenvolvimento típico foram revisados. Em geral, foram encontrados níveis mais baixos em relação ao desenvolvimento da fala e da comunicação expressiva e produtiva em bebês de contextos vulneráveis. No entanto, os resultados foram inconsistentes com relação à comunicação não verbal. Conclui-se que mais estudos devem ser realizados com medidas comportamentais diretas na comunicação não verbal, a fim de amenizar as inconsistências nos resultados atuais sobre o assunto.

Habla , Comunicación , Menores , Comunicación no Verbal
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 113 f p. tab, fig.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393014


Esta tese visa identificar e analisar fatores associados à insegurança alimentar (IA) e à mortalidade na infância, apontando tendências e distribuições espaciais para estratos de menores níveis de agregação possíveis que em conjunto tenham abrangência em todo o território brasileiro. As análises investigaram a hipótese de piora do desfecho de IA grave, medido pela Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) e desfecho de morte antes de completar 5 anos, como efeitos da crise e/ou da política de austeridade. O trabalho envolve estudos com desenhos transversais para análises seccionais e ecológico misto de tendências espaçotemporais, a partir de dados de 4 inquéritos nacionais do IBGE, dos sistemas de informações em saúde do Ministério da Saúde para os desfechos e dados das estatísticas do registro civil do IBGE, de indicadores do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e de outros indicadores socioeconômicos de variadas fontes, todos como exposições representantes proxies da crise e da austeridade. Para os estudos seccionais adotou-se procedimento de calibração dos pesos segundo distribuição populacional por sexo e faixa etária, assim como a aplicação de métodos de estimação e modelagem que incorporam os efeitos do desenho amostral. A regressão de Poisson com estimação robusta de variância foi empregada para estimar em nível etiológico razões de prevalências de IA grave. Para o nível ecológico, empregou-se duas abordagens de modelagem multinível para 4 ou 14 medidas repetidas de estratos ao longo de dois artigos diferentes: regressão múltipla do tipo log-log para associações e modelagem de splines cúbicas para estimação de tendências. Os achados apontam impactos da austeridade em vigor, com inflexões de tendências no PBF e ESF, com reflexos sobre o aumento da IA grave e da incidência de mortalidade na infância. Projeta-se o aumento da IA e afastamento do alcance da meta 2.1 do objetivo nº 2 dos ODS em 2030 pelo Brasil, a despeito do sucesso já alcançado em 2014 para o primeiro dos ODM. Aponta-se também que, no prosseguindo na rota austera estabelecida pela emenda do teto dos gastos, o Brasil poderá continuar caminhando em sentido oposto ao estabelecido pela meta 3.2 dos ODS, podendo não ter êxito no seu alcance em 2030.

This thesis aims to identify and analyze factors associated with Food Insecurity (FI) and childhood mortality, pointing out trends and spatial distributions for strata with the lowest possible levels of aggregation that together cover the entire Brazilian territory. The analyzes investigated the hypothesis of worsening of the severe FI outcome, measured by the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (BFIS) and death outcome before completing 5 years, as effects of the crisis and/or austerity policy. The work involves studies with cross-sectional designs for sectional and mixed ecological analysis of spatio-temporal trends, based on data from 4 national surveys by the IBGE, from the health information systems of the Ministry of Health for outcomes, and data from statistics from the civil registry from the IBGE, from indicators from the Bolsa Família Program (BFP), from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and from other socioeconomic indicators from various sources such as exposures that are proxies representatives of the crisis and austerity. For the sectional studies, a procedure was adopted to calibrate the weights according to population distribution by sex and age group, as well as the application of estimation and modeling methods that incorporate the effects of the sample design. Poisson regression with robust variance estimation was used to estimate at the etiological level the prevalence ratios of severe FI. For the ecological level, two multilevel modeling approaches were used for 4 or 14 repeated measures of strata over two different articles: log-log multiple regression for associations; and, modeling cubic splines for trend estimation. The findings point to the impacts of the austerity in force, with inflections of trends in the BFP and FHS, with reflections on the increase in severe FI and the incidence of mortality in infancy. It is projected that FI will increase and move away from the achievement of target 2.1 of goal 2 of the SDGs in 2030 by Brazil, despite the success already achieved in 2014 for the first of the MDGs. It is also pointed out that, by continuing on the austere route established by the spending ceiling amendment, Brazil may continue to move in the opposite direction to that established by target 3.2 of the SDGs, and may not be successful in reaching it in 2030.

Humanos , Niño , Factores Socioeconómicos , Mortalidad del Niño , Inseguridad Alimentaria/economía , Brasil , Estudios Transversales
Liberabit ; 27(1): e403, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356461


Resumen Antecedentes: la frustración se define como las respuestas del organismo que se desencadenan cuando existe una discrepancia negativa entre un incentivo esperado con el que realmente se recibe. Estas situaciones provocan respuestas conductuales, emocionales y neurofisiológicas análogas a las que ocurren con la presentación de estímulos aversivos o su anticipación. Existen investigaciones en bebés, pero pocos sobre sus asociaciones con diferencias individuales y ambientales y ninguno en población argentina. Objetivos: asociar la frustración, el temperamento y la vulnerabilidad social en una muestra de infantes. Metodología: se realizó un estudio asociativo-comparativo con una situación observacional estructurada donde se evaluaron a 22 bebés de 10 a 14 meses durante una tarea de frustración y su relación con el temperamento a través del Cuestionario de Conducta Infantil (IBQ-VSF) pertenecientes a dos extractos sociales evaluados con una ficha sociodemográfica. Resultados: se halló que a mayor extroversión, menor manipulación del objeto; y a mayor esfuerzo de control, menor fue la respuesta de morder, y viceversa. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del nivel socioeconómico. Conclusiones: se discutieron los resultados en función de la teoría de la frustración y las limitaciones del estudio, incluyendo recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.

Abstract Background: Frustration is defined as the body's responses that are triggered when there is a negative discrepancy between an expected incentive and the one actually received. These situations elicit behavioral, emotional and neurophysiological responses analogous to those that occur with aversive stimuli or their anticipation. There is research on babies, but few on the associations with individual and environmental differences and none on the Argentine population. Objectives: To associate frustration, temperament and social vulnerability in a sample of infants. Method: A comparative associative study was carried out using a structured observation technique where frustration and its relationship with temperament were evaluated in 22 babies aged 10 to 14 months through the infant behavior questionnaire-revised very short form (IBQ-R VSF). The study population belonged to two social strata according to a sociodemographic record. Results: An inverse correlation was found between extroversion and manipulation of objects, and between effortful control and biting response. No significant differences were identified based on the socioeconomic level. Conclusions: The results were discussed taking into account the frustration theory, the study limitations and the recommendations for future research.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(2): 254-266, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124046


Abstract Early childhood is a period of high relevance in children's socioemotional development, establishing the basis for future development. Acquisitions during the first year of life are significant predictors of future social and emotional skills. During this period, maternal sensitivity is also essential, and there is evidence regarding its effects on the socioemotional development of the child. Considering the relevance of this competence, together with the global and national increase in cesarean rates and the possible risks associated with the type of delivery experienced, the influence of the type of delivery and the maternal sensitivity in child's socioemotional development at one year of age was analyzed. For this, an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 91 mothers with their respective children of different socioeconomic levels, who attended public or private nurseries in the city of Santiago, Chile, was studied. The instruments used were the Adult Sensitivity Scale (ESA) and the Functional Emotional Assessment Scale (FEAS). The results showed no differences in the children's socioemotional development according to the type of delivery. However, it was possible to observe an association between a higher maternal sensitivity and a more significant socioemotional development on children at one year of age. The implications of promoting maternal sensitivity are discussed to support optimal socioemotional development in infants.

Resumen La infancia temprana es un periodo de gran relevancia en el desarrollo socioemocional infantil; de hecho, es donde se sientan las bases del desarrollo futuro. En este sentido, las adquisiciones durante el primer año de vida son predictores importantes de las habilidades sociales y emocionales futuras, de modo que la sensibilidad materna, según evidencia respecto a sus efectos en el desarrollo socioemocional del niño, ha demostrado ser un aspecto fundamental durante este periodo. Teniendo esto en cuenta, y considerando la relevancia de dicha competencia, así como el alza mundial y nacional en las tasas de cesárea y los posibles riesgos asociados al tipo de parto vivenciado, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la influencia de la sensibilidad materna y del tipo de parto en el desarrollo socioemocional infantil al año de edad. Para ello, se estudió una muestra no probabilística intencionada de 91 madres con sus respectivos hijos o hijas -de distinto nivel socioeconómico- que asistían a salas cuna públicas o privadas en la ciudad de Santiago, Chile, por medio de dos instrumentos: la escala de sensibilidad del adulto (ESA) y la functional emotional assessment scale (FEAS). En general, los resultados no mostraron diferencias en el desarrollo socioemocional de los niños según el tipo de parto, aunque sí se pudo apreciar una relación entre una mayor sensibilidad materna y un mayor desarrollo socioemocional de los niños al año de edad. Al final se discuten las implicaciones de promover la sensibilidad materna con el fin de apoyar un óptimo desarrollo socioemocional en los infantes.

Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (20): 97-107, nov.2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393210


La Modernidad dio nacimiento a una nueva forma de comprender la infancia en la que el niño es desprovisto de deberes y solo es considerado sujeto de derechos. Como corolario, en el caso colombiano la ley hace del menor de edad un sujeto inimputable y, en consecuencia, no se le considera responsable por ninguno de sus actos. Esto adquiere mayor relevancia cuando en un país como Colombia algunos menores de edad ejecutan una serie de crímenes tales como asesinatos, robos y secuestros, además de ser codiciados para participar activamente dentro del conflicto armado. En este escenario, ¿hasta que punto podemos hablar de responsabilidad subjetiva en los menores de edad? ¿cuáles pueden ser las consecuencias de que se haga de un menor de edad una excepción ante la ley?

Modernity gave birth to a new way of understanding childhood, one which relinquished the child from duties, but bestowed them with rights. As a corollary, in Colombia the law considers minors to be unimpeachable subjects, thus, they are not held responsible for any of their acts. This has significant relevance in a country like Colombia, where some youth carry out a variety of crimes like murder, robbery, and kidnappings, and are actively recruited to participate in armed conflict. Within this context, to what extent can we talk about youth subjective responsibility? What might be the consequences of making minor an exception before the law?

Humanos , Niño , Responsabilidad Legal , Maltrato a los Niños/legislación & jurisprudencia , Imputabilidad