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Ciênc. rural ; 44(12): 2286-2292, 12/2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-729808


Este trabalho adota o enfoque neo-schumpeteriano de sistemas de inovação para caracterizar o Sistema Setorial do Biodiesel no Rio Grande do Sul. À luz desse enfoque, examinaram-se as possíveis interações que se estabelecem entre as empresas industriais produtoras de biodiesel no estado e outros agentes, como universidades e institutos de pesquisa. O estudo foi levado a cabo mediante a sistematização de um conjunto de dados secundários de diferentes fontes, além da obtenção de dados primários, a partir de entrevistas orientadas por questionário estruturado. Constatou-se que as firmas inovam de forma restrita. Implementam inovações tecnológicas exclusivamente de processo e realizam mudanças organizacionais. Verificou-se ainda que o aparato institucional de pesquisa e ensino presente no estado, embora gerador de conhecimentos importantes, interage pouco com o setor produtivo privado. De toda forma, percebem-se oportunidades para o Rio Grande do Sul tornar-se referência na produção do biodiesel no País.

This paper adopts the approach of neo-schumpeterian innovation systems to characterize the Sectorial System of Biodiesel in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Based on this approach, it was examined the possible interactions that take place between biodiesel companies in the state and other agents such as universities and research institutes. The study was conducted by the systematization of a secondary set data from different sources. In addition, to obtainprimary data, interviews were conducted guided by a structured questionnaire. It was found that firms innovate narrowly, implementing technological innovations exclusively in process and realizing organizational changes. It was also found that the institutional apparatus research and educational in this state, while generating important knowledge, interacts little with the private productive sector. Anyway, it was found opportunities to Rio Grande do Sul become a reference in the production of biodiesel in Brazil.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-419528


Medical science and technology are important as they concerns people's life. Innovation of medical science and technology is therefore significant for the development of the science and technology. This article discussed the current situation of medical science and technology in China,and analyszed its opportnities and challenges. In addition, strategies for its development during the Twelfth Five-year Plan period are proposed, namely, to develop HLS, construct the innovative systems of medical science and technology, and to promote the coordinated development of the medicine and science and technology.