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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222804


This kernel of this article is to provide in-depth understanding of the developmental psychology concepts of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, who have laid the foundation for extensive research and scope for refinement their theories in developmental psychology, primarily in child and adolescent growth. The Piagetian stages, criticisms and limitations of Piaget’s stages cognitive development, and critical works of Neo-Piagetians have been highlighted. Parallelly, Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural theory, limitations and criticisms of his theory, and the significant contributions of Neo-Vygotskians in refining and re-defining Vygotsky’s works to fill the gaps in his research, have also been shed light on. Finally, an extensive comparison of the Swedish and the Russian Psychologist’s theories is done, to grasp the concepts of the two clearly, and to better understand how teachers, parents, and psychologists alike can permutate and combine the concepts and practices of the two-most fundamental theories of developmental psychology

Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (51): 11-21, jul.-dez. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287624


O presente estudo tem por objetivo principal desenvolver uma narrativa que mostre a influência do teste de inteligência de Cyril Burt na criação do método clínico de Jean Piaget, auxiliando na composição de conhecimentos deste assunto pouco estudado. Piaget estudou em Neuchâtel, Zurique e Paris antes de integrar o Instituto Jean-Jacques Rousseau em Genebra, no qual lançou seus primeiros livros, que o levaram a lugar de destaque na psicologia mundial. O presente trabalho faz uma comparação entre os dados disponíveis na literatura para recompor essa trajetória até o ponto decisivo de mudança no trabalho experimental de Piaget, que aconteceu em Paris, onde estudou o teste de inteligência de Cyril Burt. Conhecer os elementos da criação do Método Clínico é importante para compreender os fundamentos ontológicos e epistemológicos dos dados gerados por ele e suas consequências teóricas. Do contato com esse teste, Piaget sofreu três impactos determinantes para sua vida e obra. A primeira está ligada à tradução do teste, que ressaltou questões sobre parte/todo na linguagem das crianças. O segundo é a possibilidade de Piaget de observar dezenas de amostras do raciocínio explicado das crianças por elas mesmas, o que permitiu o ingresso das técnicas de observação da zoologia em sua psicologia. Por fim, as possibilidades de modificação e adaptação do teste, sua primeira experiência original em psicologia experimental, técnica que carregaria sua vida toda na constituição de seu Método Clínico.

The main objective of this study is to present a narrative that shows the influence of Cyril Burt's intelligence test in the creation of the clinical method used Jean Piaget, helping in the composition of knowledge on this subject. Piaget studied in Neuchâtel, Zurich and Paris before joining the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute in Geneva, where he launched his first books that took him to a prominent place in the field of psychology. The present work makes a comparison between the data available in the literature to recompose this trajectory until the turning point in Piaget's experimental work, which happened in Paris, where he studied the Cyril Burt's intelligence test. Knowing the elements of the creation of the Clinical Method is important to understand the ontological and epistemological foundations of the data generated by this method and its theoretical consequences. From contact with Cyril Burt's test, Piaget suffered three determinant impacts on his life and work. The first is linked to the translation of the test, which highlighted questions about the notions of part-whole in the children's language. The second is the possibility for Piaget to observe dozens of samples of the children's reasoning explained by themselves, which allowed the introduction of zoology observation techniques in his psychology. Finally, the possibilities of modifying and adapting the test, which is his first original experience in experimental psychology, a technique that he would carry his entire life in the constitution of his Clinical Method.

El objetivo principal de este estudio es desarrollar una narrativa que muestre la influencia del test de inteligencia de Cyril Burt en la creación del método clínico de Jean Piaget, ayudando en la composición del conocimiento acerca deste tema poco comprendido. Piaget estudió en Neuchâtel, Zurich y París antes de unirse al Instituto Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Ginebra, donde lanzó sus primeros libros que lo llevaron a un lugar destacado en la psicología mundial. El presente trabajo hace una comparación entre los datos disponibles en la literatura especializada para recomponer esta trayectoria hasta el punto de inflexión en el trabajo experimental de Piaget, que sucedió en París, donde estudió el test de inteligencia de Cyril Burt. Conocer los elementos de la creación del Método Clínico es importante para comprender tanto sus fundamentos ontológicos y epistemológicos cuanto los datos generados por él y sus consecuencias teóricas. El contacto con este test, Piaget sufrió tres impactos determinantes en su vida y su trabajo. El primero está vinculado a la traducción del test, donde analizó las preguntas sobre parte / todo en el idioma de los niños. La segunda es la oportunidad para Piaget de observar docenas de muestras del razonamiento de los niños explicadas por ellos mismos, lo que permitió la introducción de las técnicas de observación de zoología en su psicología. Finalmente, las posibilidades de modificar y adaptar el test, su primera experiencia original en psicología experimental, una técnica que llevaría toda su vida en la constitución de su Método Clínico.

Psicología Experimental , Psicología Infantil , Pruebas de Inteligencia , Conocimiento , Observación , Inteligencia , Métodos
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 217-238, jul. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-984541


Se presentan los resultados de una evaluación de las operaciones matemáticas de adición y sustracción, en un grupo de niños de enseñanza primaria (5 niñas y 2 niños) de 7, 9 y 11 años, de una comunidad nativa Shipibo-Konibo de la región Ucayali, en la Amazonía del Perú. Se realizó con dos métodos distintos, la Entrevista Clínico-crítica de Piaget, que incluyó problemas culturalmente contextualizados y material representativo y manipulable como figuras de animales y bolitas para armar collares, y una prueba tradicional de lápiz y papel. Ambas pruebas evaluaron el mismo tipo de operaciones, extraídas de lo que propone el diseño curricular nacional para esos grados. Los resultados muestran que los niños tienen dificultades tanto en la adición como en la sustracción y no logran resolver con éxito todas las tareas. Sin embargo, se pueden observar mejores resultados con la evaluación cualitativa por medio de la entrevista clínico-crítica, en contraste con la evaluación tradicional de lápiz y papel que evidencia resultados mucho más pobres. La primera otorga además mayor información sobre el proceso operativo de los niños y muestra que los niveles de desarrollo de sus competencias matemáticas van de la mano con lo que plantea la teoría piagetiana. Los resultados se discuten señalando la universalidad del conocimiento lógico-matemático y su pertinencia para comprender los procesos de aprendizaje en contextos de diversidad cultural y analizando críticamente el modo en que la evaluación constructivista ofrece mayor información y recursos para los docentes de educación intercultural bilingüe de comunidades amazónicas del Perú.

Elementary-school children from a Shipibo-Konibo indigenous community in the Ucayali region, in the Amazonian rainforest of Perú, were evaluated regarding their abilities to solve addition and subtraction problems. These operations were assessed by two means: through Jean Piaget's clinical-critical method (using culturally contextualized problems and concrete materials such as pictures of Amazonian fish, pictures of arrows, or beads and thread to make necklaces), and by a traditional pencil-and-paper test. Both the clinical interview and the pencil-and-paper test evaluated the same type of operations, which were taken from the national curricular program for these school grades. The Shipibo-Konibo people are an Amazonian indigenous group that speaks a native language in the Panoan family; since most members of this group are fluent in Spanish, however, no translator was needed and the assessments were conducted in Spanish. The Shipibo-Konibo people are principally settled along the Ucayali River in the Amazon rainforest in Perú, although currently many of them have relocated to other areas of the country, including Lima the capital city, in search of better work or education opportunities. After the Asháninka and the Awajún, the Shipibo-Konibo is the third largest Amazonian indigenous group in Perú. Informed consent was obtained following the guidelines of Frisancho, Delgado, and Lam (2015), which are based on previous experience working with Amazonian indigenous communities in the Ucayali region of Peru. As research has shown that individuals from cultural diverse backgrounds may have different expectations for the research process, and may perceive it in a different way than people from industrialized nations (Lakes, Vaughan, Jones, Burke, Baker, & Swanson 2012), informed consent included both individual consent and a communitarian meeting. It also included the donation of gifts (tools, groceries, and other useful items) for the community, and a debriefing meeting with the community's school teachers. The assessment was conducted by two researchers in a school classroom. It took around 30 minutes with the older children and 45 with the younger ones. In all cases the clinical-critical interview was applied first (addition and then subtraction), and finally the pencil-and-paper test. Although a native speaker of shipibo was present during the evaluation, his services were not needed as children were fluent in Spanish. Results show that children have difficulties in the development of both addition and subtraction. They make counting mistakes and have trouble understanding the logic of subtraction (taking a number from another, larger one). Some do not conceptualize subtraction as the opposite of addition and, in consequence, cannot foresee that joining two numbers that were previously separated will result in the same original quantity. Children aged seven were unable to solve any of the operations in the pencil-and-paper test. However, better results were obtained through qualitative, Piagetian assessments, in contrast to the quantitative, pencil-and-paper assessments. During the interviews, children were able to show their cognitive processes and ways of thinking while solving the problems, and with scaffolding, the use of concrete materials such as pictures or beads, and strategic help from the evaluators (Parrat, 2016a, 2016b), many of them were also able to develop a better comprehension of the problem and self-correct their initial answers. Developmental levels for addition and subtraction consistent with Piagetian theory were identified. These levels show a progression from the impossibility of grasping logical addition or subtraction, to the capabilities of psychological reversibility and logical composition of inverse and direct operations. The results are discussed using Piaget's theory and the problem of particulars and universals in cognitive development, and analyzing critically how this kind of assessment can help elementary school teachers respond to the needs of intercultural bilingual education in Peru's Amazonian indigenous communities.

Memorandum ; 27: 143-160, out. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-916437


O artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou a apropriação de ideias de Jean Piaget divulgadas na Revista do Ensino (1925-1940), entre 1930 e 1940. O periódico, publicado pela Inspetoria Geral da Instrução de Minas Gerais, era responsável pela divulgação dos princípios da Escola Nova no âmbito da reforma educacional mineira. A análise da revista revelou a existência de onze textos em que há citações diretas a Piaget. Esses textos podem ser divididos em dois grupos em termos de gênero: um conjunto formado por discursos, resenhas e notícias e outro representado por artigos que tratam da criança e de seu psiquismo. Desse conjunto de artigos, analisamos seis textos que trazem apropriações do conceito de egocentrismo ao lado da socialização do pensamento. Como conclusão, entendemos que, no periódico estudado, o psicólogo suíço era tomado como referência para as discussões do impacto do ambiente sobre o desenvolvimento psíquico da criança.(AU)

This article presents the results of a study which analyzed the appropriation of Jean Piaget's ideas published in Revista do Ensino (1925-1940), between the years of 1930 and 1940. The journal, published by the General Inspectorate of Education of Minas Gerais State, was responsible for broadcasting the principles of the Escola Nova (the New School) in the scope of the educational reform held in the state of Minas Gerais. The journal analysis revealed the occurrence of ten texts bearing direct citations regarding Piaget. Based on their genders, these texts can be divided into two groups: a set consisting of speeches, book reviews and pieces of news, and another bearing articles about children and their psyche. Among the articles of this last group, we analyzed six texts bringing appropriations of the concept of egocentrism put beside the socialization of the thought . In conclusion, we believe that, in the reviewed journal, the Swiss psychologist was taken as a reference for debating the environment's impact on the child's psychological development.(AU)

Educación , Inteligencia , Psicología
Ciênc. cogn ; 19(3): 511-530, fev. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1017066


A presente pesquisa, embasada no aporte teórico-metodológico da Epistemologia Genética de Jean Piaget, teve como objetivo analisar os aspectos socioafetivos, indicadores de resiliência, em alunos frequentadores da Sala de Apoio à Aprendizagem, por meio do jogo de regras Set Game. De natureza qualitativa, na modalidade de estudo de caso descritivo interpretativo, o estudo ocorreu em uma escola estadual da cidade de Londrina (PR) tendo participado dele dez alunos frequentadores da Sala de Apoio à Aprendizagem no ano de 2012, em 23 encontros. Os resultados permitiram identificar aspectos protetivos, observados nos procedimentos dos participantes avaliados com dificuldades de aprendizagem, sendo estes: interesse na tarefa; envolvimento; enfrentamento dos desafios; autonomia e vontade; capacidade de enfrentamento dos desafios impostos pelo outro; o reconhecimento da perspectiva do outro; e a condição de cooperar. Os resultados ressaltam a importância de espaços de apoio à aprendizagem como possibilidade de construção da resiliência em escolares, de interações dinâmicas e recíprocas, por meio das quais os processos de proteção podem ser produzidos mesmo diante de fatores de risco

The present research, based on the theoretical-methodologicalwork of the Genetic Epistemologyof Jean Piaget, had as objective to analyze social affective spects, indicators of resilience, in students who att end Learning Support Rooms, taken as instrument the game of rules Set Game. The research that had a qualitative nature, classified as descriptive interpretative study of case, has taken place at a State School in the city of Londrina (PR); ten students, who attended Learning Support Classes in the year of 2012, have participated in the research, in 23 meetings.The results have allowed the identification of protective aspects, observed in the procedures of the students evaluated with learning difficulties: interest in the task, involvement, facing challenges, autonomy and determination; capability of coping with the challenges impose by other, recognition of the perspective of the other and cooperation condition. The results emphasize the importance of places for supporting apprenticeship, as possibilities for construction of resilience in students, with dynamic and reciprocal interactions, by which the protection processes can be built even when risk factors are present

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Adaptación a Desastres , Educación Primaria y Secundaria
Psicol. esc. educ ; 16(2): 247-255, jul.-dez. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660741


No aporte teórico de Jean Piaget, a negociação da perspectiva é considerada processo que vai do egocentrismo à reciprocidade. O artigo objetivou analisar as condutas no jogo Rummikub e a negociação da perspectiva interpares. A pesquisa qualitativa na modalidade de estudo descritivo ocorreu em uma escola estadual em Londrina - PR e dela participaram 8 alunos da sala de apoio. Foram realizadas 10 sessões com o jogo - 4 de aprendizagem e 6 avaliativas. Os resultados demonstraram que as jogadas predominantemente egocêntricas e autocentradas estão relacionadas à dificuldade de antecipação, autocontrole e ausência de autonomia na aprendizagem. As condutas mais recíprocas relacionaram-se à autonomia, planejamento de ações e enfrentamento dos desafios. Condutas mais egocêntricas no jogo corresponderam à maior necessidade de trapacear, usar estratégias contrárias às regras e autofavorecedoras. A negociação das perspectivas deve ser oportunizada em situações de aprendizagem escolar nas quais os aspectos sociais, afetivos e cognitivos encontram-se interdependentes.

According to Jean Piaget´s theory, negotiation of perspective is considered a process that goes from egocentrism to reciprocity. In this article we aim at analyzing the conducts at Rummikub game and the peer's negotiation of perspective. We conducted this qualitative research in the modality of a descriptive study in a state school in Londrina-PR with 8 students of a supportive classroom. We had ten sessions on the game - four dedicated to learning and six to evaluation. The results demonstrated that the egocentric and individual-centered plays are related to the difficulty in anticipation and self-control and of the absence of learning autonomy. The plays with more reciprocal conducts were related to autonomy, to the planning of actions and to a higher disposition to face challenges. More egocentric conducts in the game corresponded to a higher need to cheat or use strategies contrary to the rules and self-beneficial. We argue that negotiation of perspectives must be favored in learning situations in schools among peers, for they allow an exchange to take place in which the social, emotional and cognitive aspects are found to be interdependent.

El aporte teórico de Jean Piaget señala que la negociación de la perspectiva es considerada proceso que transita del egocentrismo a la reciprocidad. El artículo tuvo el objetivo de analizar las conductas en juego Rummikub y la negociación de la perspectiva inter pares. La investigación cualitativa en la modalidad de estudio descriptivo sucedió en una escuela estatal en Londrina (Paraná) y contó con la participación de 8 alumnos de la sala de apoyo. Se realizaron 10 sesiones con el juego - 4 de aprendizaje y 6 evaluativas. Los resultados demostraron que las jugadas predominantemente egocéntricas y auto-centradas están relacionadas a la dificultad de anticipación, autocontrol y ausencia de autonomía en el aprendizaje. Las conductas más recíprocas se relacionaron a la autonomía, planificación de acciones y enfrentamiento de desafíos. Conductas más egocéntricas en el juego correspondieron a mayor necesidad de hacer trampas, usar estrategias que burlan reglas y que se muestran auto-favorecedoras. La negociación de perspectivas debe ser posibilitada en situaciones de aprendizaje escolar en las que los aspectos sociales, afectivos y cognitivos son interdependientes.

Humanos , Cognición , Negociación , Investigación Cualitativa
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 25(3): 449-459, jul.-set. 2008. graf, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-495887


Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar, em um contexto microgenético, o funcionamento cognitivo de crianças por meio do jogo Matix. Participaram desta pesquisa quatro alunos da quarta série do Ensino Fundamental. Na primeira etapa, cada criança jogou três partidas para conhecer e explorar o jogo. Na segunda, os participantes formaram duplas que competiram entre si. Em seguida houve um rodízio entre eles, até que todos tivessem formado duplas e competido. Na terceira etapa, os participantes formaram uma dupla que resolveu situações-problema. Na última, cada participante jogou uma partida para avaliar que nível de compreensão cada um conseguiu alcançar após passar pelo processo de interação social. Os resultados indicaram uma evolução dos níveis de compreensão do sistema lógico contido no jogo Matix em todos os participantes. Constatou-se que o progresso cognitivo parece estar associado às condições cognitivas de cada sujeito e à possibilidade de sua inter-relação com os parceiros.

The objective of this work was to analyze, in a microgenetic context, the cognitive functioning of children by means of the Matix game. Four fourth-grade Elementary School students took part in this research. In the first stage, each child played three games so as to get to know and explore the game. In the second stage, the participants worked in pairs which competed against each other. Then they rotated until everyone had formed pairs and taken part. For the third stage, the participants formed one pair who resolved problem-situations. In the final stage, each participant played a game so as to evaluate the level of understanding achieved by each, after going through the process of social interaction. The results indicated progress in the level of comprehension of the logical system within the Matix game, for all the participants. It was ascertained that cognitive progress seems to be associated with the cognitive conditions of each subject, and with the possibility of inter-relationship with their partners.

Humanos , Niño , Cognición , Juegos Experimentales , Conocimiento