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Trends Psychol ; 26(1): 481-494, jan.-mar. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-904565


Resumo Esta pesquisa histórica analisa a modalidade de apropriação da psicologia experimental por dois autores da Companhia de Jesus - J. Fröbes e J. Lindworsky - nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Os dois pesquisadores escreveram várias obras sobre a ciência psicológica, seus objetos e métodos. Alguns desses textos são manuais didáticos, voltados para a difusão da área, inclusive no âmbito da Companhia. Através de uma análise dos referidos textos, observa-se uma evidente abertura para os novos métodos de conhecimento proporcionados pela ciência experimental; e, ao mesmo tempo, o esforço de preservar e assinalar a importância de conceitos derivados da psicologia filosófica tradicional. Desse modo, os dois autores jesuítas procuravam verificar a pertinência de aspetos das doutrinas tradicionais através dos novos métodos experimentais; bem como assinalar a relevância para a psicologia experimental, de processos psíquicos especialmente significativos do ponto de vista da antropologia jesuítica. Busca-se assim compatibilizar aspectos antigos e modernos, conforme uma modalidade de apropriação presente no universo intelectual da Companhia de Jesus, desde sua fundação.

Resumen Esta investigación histórica analiza el modo de apropiación de la psicología experimental por dos autores de la Compañía de Jesús - Fröbes J. y J. Lindworsky - en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Los dos investigadores escribieron varias obras en la ciencia psicológica, sus objetos y métodos. Algunos de estos textos son libros de texto, destinado a la difusión de la psicologia experimental, también en la Compañia. A través de un análisis de estos textos, es evidente una clara apertura a nuevos métodos de conocimiento aportado por la ciencia experimental; y, al mismo tiempo, el esfuerzo para preservar y mostrar la importância de los conceptos de la psicología filosófica tradicional. De este modo, los dos autores jesuitas trataron de comprobar la relevancia de los aspectos de las doctrinas tradicionales a través de nuevos métodos experimentales; y señalar la relevancia de la psicología experimental para el estúdio de los procesos psíquicos especialmente significativos desde el punto de vista de la antropología jesuita. Buscando así hacer compatibles aspectos antiguos y modernos, de acuerdo com la forma de apropiación en el universo intelectual de la Compañía de Jesús desde su fundación.

Abstract This historical study analyzes the mode of appropriation of experimental psychology by two authors of the Society of Jesus - J. Fröbes and J. Lindworsky - in the first decades of the twentieth century. The two researchers wrote several works about psychological science, its objects and methods. Some of these texts are textbooks, aimed at the diffusion of the area, including in the context of the Society. Through an analysis of these texts, a clear opening for new methods of knowledge provided by experimental science can be seen, as well as effort to preserve and emphasize the importance of concepts from traditional philosophical psychology. Thus, the two Jesuit authors sought to verify the relevance of aspects of traditional doctrines through new experimental methods and to highlight the relevance to experimental psychology, psychic processes especially significant from the point of view of the Jesuit anthropology. They therefore sought to reconcile ancient and modern aspects, as a mode of appropriation present in the intellectual universe of the Society of Jesus since its founding.

Rev. chil. salud pública ; 19(1): 9-20, 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-882628


La apropiación por parte de la ciencia imperial hispánica del conocimien-to botánico de los nativos americanos, especialmente en lo relativo al uso y consumo de plantas medicinales, es un fenómeno ampliamente conocido y estudiado: en él, la Compañía de Jesús desempeñó un papel preponderante, puesto que los jesuitas difundieron estos conocimientos por las distintas pro-vincias de la Orden dentro del Imperio, y también hacia el mundo europeo. Se sabe menos de la manera en que estos conocimientos se difundieron entre otras poblaciones indígenas y sectores subalternos de la América española, como ocurrió por ejemplo con la influencia del Florilegio Medicinal de Juan de Esteyneffer entre los sectores populares de Nueva España. Dentro de esta misma tradición podemos situar la oferta de ayuda mé-dica realizada en 1791 por parte de las autoridades coloniales chilenas a los mapuche durante un brote epidémico de viruelas que afectó sucesivamente a las poblaciones de ambos lados de la frontera. En esa ocasión, los españoles aconsejaron a los nativos el uso de yerbas medicinales de cuyo uso se habían apropiado durante el siglo XVII, cuando los misioneros jesuitas aprendieron su utilización de los mismos indígenas. El ofrecimiento muestra entonces la vuelta a casa, después de cien años de una vasta circulación que implicó también su incorporación por parte de los sectores populares hispano-criollos, de prácticas y saberes que tenían su origen en las poblaciones y el territorio de la Araucanía. El caso, reconstruido a partir de diversas fuentes documentales y bibliográficas, ilustra la circulación de los conocimientos médicos a través de las fronteras étnicas y sociales, movida por la búsqueda común de la eficacia curativa y del aprovechamiento de los recursos botánicos locales.

he appropriation of American native people's botanical knowledge by Hispanic imperial scien-ce is a widely known and studied phenomenon, especially as concerns the use and consumption of medicinal plants. The Compañía de Jesús played a prominent role: the Jesuits spread this knowledge to different provinces within the Empire and outside of Europe. Less studied is the way in which the same knowledge was transmitted amongst other indigenous peoples and sub-altern sectors across Spanish America, as occurred, for instance, with Juan de Esteyneffer's Flori-legio Medicinal, influential amongst the popular classes in New Spain.We can situate in this same tradition the example of the medical aid the Chilean colonial authorities provided to the Mapuche people during a smallpox epidemic in 1791, which succes-sively affected populations at both sides of the frontier. In this instance, the Spaniards advised natives about the traditional use of medicinal herbs, from knowledge appropriated during the 17th century that the Jesuit missionaries had learned from the Indians themselves. The Spanish contribution shows the return of practices that had their origin from the people and territory of Araucanía, but that circulated through and were influenced by popular hispano-criollo sectors.This case, reconstructed through different documental and bibliographic sources, illustrates the circulation of medical knowledge through ethnic and social frontiers, moved by the common search of curative efficacy and the exploitation of local botanic resources.

Humanos , Indígenas Sudamericanos , Catolicismo , Etnobotánica/historia , Chile , Transculturación
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 251-278, 2012.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155731


The Jesuits were great transmitters of Western science to East Asia in the 17th and 18th century. In 1636, a German Jesuit missionary Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591-1666) published a book titled Zhuzhiqunzheng (Hundreds of Signs Testifying Divine Providence). The book was not Adam Schall's own writing, but it was the Chinese translation of De providentia numinis (1613) of Leonardus Lessius (1554-1623) who was also a Jesuit scholar. The book was a religious work which particularly aimed at converting the pagans to the Christianity by presenting them with hundreds of signs testifying the divine providence. One group of the signs is those manifested in the human body. The bodily signs in question include anatomical structures and physiological processes. It gives a brief survey of bodily structures with bones and muscles. The translator had much difficulties in explaining muscles for there was no corresponding concept in Chinese medicine. The theory of human physiology was a simplified version of medieval Galenism. Three kinds of pneuma were translated into three kinds of Qi respectively. 'Natural pneuma' was translated into 'Qi of the body nature', 'vital pneuma' into 'Qi of life and nourishing', 'psychic pneuma' into 'Qi of movement and consciousness'. The book of Schall von Bell and other books on Western science written in Chinese were also imported to Korea during the 17th and 18th century. Unlike China, Korea was very hostile to Christianity and no Jesuit could enter Korea. Only the books on Western science could be imported. The books, which were called Books on Western Learning, were circulated and read among the progressive Confucian literati. However, Western medicine thus introduced had little influence on the traditional medicine of East Asia. However, some intellectuals paid attention to the physiological theory, in particular the theory of brain centrism, which fueled a philosophical debate among Korean intellectuals of the time.

Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Encéfalo , China , Cristianismo , Asia Oriental , Cuerpo Humano , Corea (Geográfico) , Aprendizaje , Medicina Tradicional , Misiones Religiosas , Músculos , Fenómenos Fisiológicos , Qi , Escritura