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Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 347-353, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987345


BackgroundThe mental health of employees in railway enterprises is related to the safety and stability of railway transportation. As an important factor affecting occupational mental health, job characteristics have attracted the attention of researchers. However, there exists a lack of job characteristic scales with occupational specificity in current researches relevant to the railway industry. ObjectiveTo develop a job characteristics questionnaire oriented to railway employees that takes both Job Demands-Resources Model (JD-R) and Chinese actual conditions into essential consideration, so as provide guidance for the research on the mental health of railway employees. MethodsPurposive and theoretical samplings were used to select 77 employees across 9 railway units as research objects, and interview method was used to conduct qualitative research in order to determine the structural dimensions and items of the questionnaire. The 612 subjects randomly selected from the railway maintenance system went through the preliminary test, then exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were employed to test the questionnaire. After forming a formal questionnaire on the job characteristics of railway employees, it is extended to the other four main industry systems of railway enterprises, responsible for locomotive maintenance, vehicle depot, signal and communication maintenance, and power supply respectively, to verify the stability and effectiveness. Results①Exploratory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire included two factors, job demands and job resources, with a total of 14 items. The factor loading of each item ranged from 0.761 to 0.916, and the two factors accounted for 71.02% of the total variance. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fitting of the two-factor model (χ2/df=3.310, RMSEA=0.087, GFI=0.892, CFI=0.932, NFI=0.905, IFI=0.932). ② Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in four extended samples of locomotive maintenance, vehicle depot, signal and communication maintenance, and power supply, and each result indicated a satisfactory model fit(χ2/df=2.678, 4.741, 4.868, 3.502, RMSEA=0.109, 0.096, 0.093, 0.084,GFI=0.832, 0.878, 0.894, 0.904,NFI=0.874, 0.935, 0.902, 0.928,IFI=0.917, 0.948, 0.920, 0.947). ③Job demands in five sub-samples can positively predict job burnout and turnover intention (β=0.564~0.686, 0.425~0.554, P<0.01). Job resources in five sub-samples can positively predict job performance and job satisfaction (β=0.594~0.752, 0.731~0.807, P<0.01), and it can also negatively predict job burnout and turnover intention (β=-0.247~-0.186, -0.357~-0.175,P<0.05 or 0.01).In sub-samples of locomotive maintenance and power supply, job demands can positively predict job performance (β=0.242,0.261, P<0.01).In sub-samples of railway maintenance and signal and communication maintenance, job demands can negatively predict job satisfaction (β=-0.065, -0.091, P<0.01). ConclusionThe questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and is applicable for the study of occupational mental health research on railway employees. [Funded by Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China (number, 19ZDA3580), Scientific Research and Development Program of China Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd (number, CX21099)]

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 19(4): 744-754, out.-dez. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043292


El burnout representa uno de los principales problemas dentro del área de la salud en el trabajo. Partimos de nuevos modelos teóricos que abordan el diseño del trabajo (DT) desde una perspectiva ampliada (características motivacionales, sociales y contextuales) para establecer su relación con burnout y conocer, en qué medida las distintas dimensiones que componen el burnout pueden ser explicadas por las diferentes características del trabajo. La muestra fue de 405 trabajadores españoles que respondieron voluntaria y anónimamente. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Work Design Questionnaire - WDQ (DT) y el Cuestionario Breve de Burnout - CBB (burnout). Con un diseño ex post facto, se aplicaron correlaciones bivariadas y regresiones múltiples. Los resultados obtenidos muestran qué características del DT explican o están relacionadas con burnout, dando los elementos de base para el desarrollo de modelos de DT más adecuados a cada contexto organizacional.

Burnout represents one of the main problems in the area of health at work. In this research we start from new theoretical models that approach work design (WD) from an extended perspective (motivational, social, and contextual characteristics) to establish its relationship with burnout and learn to what extent the different dimensions that make up burnout can be explained by different job characteristics. Our sample included 405 Spanish workers who responded voluntarily and anonymously. The instruments used were the Work Design Questionnaire - WDQ and the Brief Burnout Questionnaire (Cuestionario Breve de Burnout - CBB). Using an ex post facto design, bivariate correlations and multiple regressions were applied. The results obtained show which characteristics of WD explain or are related to burnout, providing basic elements for the development of WD models that are most appropriate to each organizational context.

O burnout representa um dos principais problemas na área da saúde no trabalho. Partimos de novos modelos teóricos que abordam o design do trabalho (TD) a partir de uma perspectiva ampliada (características motivacionais, sociais e contextuais) para estabelecer sua relação com o burnout e saber em que medida as diferentes dimensões que o compõem podem explicar as diferentes características do Trabalho. A amostra foi de 405 trabalhadores espanhóis que responderam voluntária e anonimamente. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o WDQ (DT) e o CBB (burnout). Com um design ex post facto, foram aplicadas correlações bivariadas e regressões múltiplas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que características do DT explicam ou estão relacionadas ao burnout, fornecendo os elementos básicos para o desenvolvimento de modelos de DT mais adequados a cada contexto organizacional.

Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 19(4): 809-817, out.-dez. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043299


Na contemporaneidade, estudos sobre Design do Trabalho aumentam em relevância por ampliar conhecimentos sobre fatores de salubridade individual e organizacional. O estudo objetivou conhecer o Design do Trabalho na perspectiva de gestores e não-gestores, especificamente sobre as 'Características da Tarefa'. Estudo se caracteriza como quantitativo, tipo survey. Foi realizado em sete organizações públicas e privadas brasileiras. Foram participantes 1262 trabalhadores; destes, 18% eram gestores. Questões relativas a categoria 'Características da Tarefa' do Work Design Questionnaire foram utilizadas à coleta de dados. Como resultados encontrou-se que as 'Características da Tarefas' não são consideradas em sua totalidade, sob a mesma perspectiva de entendimento de gestores e não-gestores. Há diferenças entre ambos nas dimensões "Autonomia na Planificação do trabalho', 'Autonomia de decisão e realização', 'Variedade de tarefas' e 'Significado da tarefa'. Entretanto, gestores e não-gestores perspectivam a 'Identificação da Tarefa' e o 'Feedback do Trabalho' de modo semelhante.

In contemporary times, studies on work design increase in relevance by expanding knowledge about individual and organizational health factors. The study aimed to understand work design from the perspective of managers and non-managers, specifically about 'Job Characteristics'. This study is characterized as quantitative, survey type. It was conducted in seven Brazilian public and private organizations. Participants were 1,262 workers; of these, 18% were managers. Questions concerning the category 'Job Characteristics' of the Work Design Questionnaire were used for data collection. Its findings were that the 'Job Characteristics' are not considered entirely from the same perspective of understanding of managers and non-managers. There are differences between the two in the dimensions 'Autonomy in Work Planning', 'Decision and Achievement Autonomy', 'Variety of Tasks', and 'Meaning of the Job'. However, managers and non-managers view 'Job Identification' and 'Work Feedback' in a similar way.

En la contemporaneidad, estudios sobre Diseño del Trabajo aumentan su relevancia por ampliar conocimientos sobre factores de salubridad individual y organizacional. El estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer el diseño del trabajo según la perspectiva de gestores y no gestores, específicamente sobre las 'Características de la Tarea'. El estudio se caracteriza como cuantitativo, tipo survey. Se realizó en siete organizaciones públicas y privadas brasileñas. Participaron 1262 trabajadores; de entre ellos, el 18% eran gestores. Las cuestiones relativas a la categoría 'Características de la Tarea' del Work Design Questionnaire se utilizaron para la recolección de datos. Los resultados revelaron que las 'Características de las Tareas' no son consideradas en su totalidad, bajo la misma perspectiva de entendimiento de gestores y no-gestores. Hay diferencias entre ambos en las dimensiones "Autonomía en la Planificación del trabajo", "Autonomía de decisión y realización", "Variedad de tareas" y "Significado de la tarea". Sin embargo, los gestores y los no gestores tienen en cuenta la "Identificación de la Tarea" y el "Feedback del Trabajo" de manera similar.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(1): 131-146, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013949


Abstract This study examined the mediating role of perceived job characteristics in the relationship between core self-evaluations (CSES) and job satisfaction. Data were collected from two independent samples of highly skilled workers in Argentina (190 scholars and 116 managers). The results from the structural equation modeling analysis revealed that perceived job characteristics partly mediated the relationship between CSES and job satisfaction in both samples (32% in sample 1 and 65% in sample 2), suggesting that those individuals with higher CSES tended to perceive their jobs as more resourceful (i.e., more rewarding, secure, and supportive), which increased their levels of job satisfaction. These findings were consistent with those reported in North-American and European organizational settings, which provided further support to the universality and cross-cultural generalizability of the CSE construct.

Resumen El estudio analizó el rol mediador que cumplen las características percibidas del trabajo en la relación entre las auto-evaluaciones esenciales (CSES) y la satisfacción laboral. Se recopilaron datos a partir de dos muestras independientes de trabajadores argentinos altamente calificados (190 académicos y 116 gerentes). Los resultados del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las características percibidas del empleo mediaron parcialmente la relación entre las CSES y la satisfacción laboral en ambas muestras (32% en la muestra 1 y 65% en la muestra 2), lo cual sugiere que las personas con CSES más altas tienden a percibir sus empleos como más beneficiosos (es decir, más gratificantes, seguros y contenedores). Esto aumentó sus niveles de satisfacción laboral. Los resultados concuerdan con aquellos reportados en entornos organizacionales norteamericanos y europeos, lo que sustenta aún más la universalidad y la posibilidad de generalización transcultural del constructo CSE.

Resumo O estudo analisou o papel mediador das características percebidas do emprego na relação entre a core self-evaluations (CSES) e satisfação no trabalho. Os dados foram coletados de duas amostras independentes de trabalhadores argentinos altamente qualificados (190 acadêmicos e 116 gerentes). Os resultados da análise a partir da equação estrutural revelaram que as características de percepção do emprego mediaram parcialmente a relação entre as CSES e a satisfação no trabalho em ambas as amostras (32% na amostra 1 e 65% na amostra 2), sugerindo que pessoas com CSES mais altas tendem a perceber seus empregos como mais beneficiosos (isto é, mais gratificantes, seguros e solidários). O que aumentou seu nível de satisfação no trabalho. Os resultados concordam com os relatados em entornos organizacionais norte-americanos e europeus, o que apoia ainda mais a universalidade e a possibilidade de generalização transcultural do construto CSE.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786020


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of job characteristics and non-regular work on the toothbrushing habit and oral check-up in Korean worker.METHODS: This study was approved for the use of raw data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KAHANES, 2016). The raw data was analyzed by complex sampling analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). Statistical significance was determined as P < 0.05.RESULTS: The non-regular workers had lower rate of toothbrushing more than twice a day, toothbrushing after lunch, and oral check-up than regular workers. Compared to non-regular workers, the odds ratio of toothbrushing and oral check-up at regular workers increased by 1,464 and 1,717 times, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to find specific directions to expand the oral check-up program so that all workers, including non-regular workers and part-time workers.

Corea (Geográfico) , Almuerzo , Encuestas Nutricionales , Oportunidad Relativa , Cepillado Dental
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185040


There is estimated 11.6 million workforce working as construction workers. The construction workers are more vulnerable to socio–economic distress and many health issues. The present study was conducted on the construction worker residing in Sawangi (Meghe) areaof Wardha district, Maharashtra in Central India. There were total 200 construction workers enumerated in the area. Out of 200 study participants 133 were male & 67 were female subjects. About 83% study subjects were Hindu by religion. Maximum 54.5% subjects were belonging to lower class followed by 33.5% in lower middle class by modified B.G. Prasad Classification. About 63% study subjects were labourer and 51% subjects were illiterate. Maximum 48.5% study subjects were having musculoskeletal pain as their health issue while, 24.5% subjects were not having any health issue.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-697060


Objective To investigate the effect on occupational failure and psychological withdraw behavior of group occupational characteristics in nurses of Pearl River Delta. Methods Questionnaire approach including demographic variables, job autonomy of occupational characteristics, work routinization, occupational exposure risk, occupational stress, occupational failure and psychological withdraw behavior were investigated in clinical nurses in 20 hospitals of Pearl River Delta. Results Group occupational characteristics in nurses influence directly on the psychological withdraw behavior. Occupational failure was partly involve in the relationships such as job autonomy of occupational characteristics and psychological withdraw behavior, work routinization and psychological withdraw behavior, occupational exposure risk and psychological withdraw behavior, occupational stress and psychological withdraw behavior. Conclusions Relative to other professions, group occupational characteristics in nurses cause higher occupational failure rate, and the psychological withdraw behavior in nurses is obviously.Attention should be taken from organizational leadership level to personal level.It is eager to take appropriate measures to relieve the occupational failure in nurses.

Psico USF ; 23(4): 633-642, 2018. il, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-967597


In the light of Positive Organizational and Work Psychology, flow and engagement are related with well-being and business success. This study examines the relationships between flow and work engagement,while presenting the main concepts about them. A literature review was carried out. Data collection were based on the research for studies with the descriptors "flow" and "engagement", "personal resources", "labor resources" and related terms. This search resulted in 49 studies, which were read and classified according to information about content, year of publication, definitions, types and associated concepts. Among the findings, flow and engagement are linked to superior results in business, worker performance and life satisfaction. Studies point to a wide range of applications, but there is still a need for further research. (AU)

À luz da Psicologia Positiva Organizacional e do Trabalho, flow e engajamento estão relacionados a bem-estar e sucesso empresarial. Esse estudo examina as relações entre flow e engajamento no trabalho e apresenta as principais conceituações a respeito deles. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura. A coleta de dados baseou-se na procura por produções com os descritores "flow" e "engajamento", "recursos pessoais", "recursos do trabalho" e termos relacionados. Essa busca resultou em 49 estudos, os quais foram lidos e classificados de acordo com informações sobre conteúdo, ano da publicação, definições, tipos e conceitos associados. Dentre os achados, flow e engajamento estão ligados a resultados superiores nos negócios das empresas, no desempenho do trabalhador e em sua satisfação de vida. Os estudos apontam para uma ampla gama de aplicações, mas ainda há necessidade de novas pesquisas. (AU)

Según la Psicología Positiva Organizacional y del Trabajo, flujo y compromiso están relacionados con bienestar y éxito empresarial. Este estudio examina las relaciones entre flujo y compromiso, y presenta las principales concepciones sobre ellos. Para esto, se realizó una revisión de literatura. La recolección de datos se basó en la búsqueda por producciones con los descriptores "flujo" y "compromiso", "recursos personales", "recursos del trabajo" y términos relacionados. Esta búsqueda tuvo como resultado 49 estudios, los cuales fueron leídos y clasificados de acuerdo con informaciones sobre contenido, año de publicación, definiciones, tipos y conceptos asociados. Entre los hallazgos, flujo y compromiso están ligados a resultados superiores en los negocios de las empresas, en el desempeño del trabajador y en la satisfacción de vida. Los estudios revelan una amplia gama de aplicaciones, pero todavía hay necesidad de nuevas investigaciones. (AU)

Satisfacción Personal , Rendimiento Laboral , Compromiso Laboral
Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 6-9, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486850


Objective To analyze the correlations between pediatric intersive cave unit (PICU) nurses′job satisfaction and their perception of job characteristics. Method One hundred and thirty-six PICU nurses from a women and children′s hospital of Guangzhou participated in the study and the job diagnostic survey (JDS) and Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire short-form (MSQ20) were used to investigate the relationship between the job characteristics and job satisfaction. Results The average score on general satisfaction was (3.57 ± 0.41). The dimensions like skill variety, task integrity, feedback from job and feedback from others, had a significant positive impact on general satisfaction (all P<0.05). Conclusion Nurses generally have a relatively middle level of job satisfaction and measures should be taken to improve their job satisfaction as well as the quality of nursing.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 295-300, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-465467


Objective:To discuss the situation and differences of primary and secondary school teachers'job characteristics between mainland China and Hong Kong in order to provide the basis for improvement of job charac-teristics.Methods:A total of 504 teachers (242 in mainland China and 262 in Hong Kong)were chosen to com-plete the Job Characteristics Scale of Primary and Secondary School Teachers (including job demands sub-question-naire of six factors and job resources sub-questionnaire of six factors).Results:Teachers'job demands and job re-sources scores in both two areas were higher than the median 3.The scores of workload,emotional demands, student's misbehavior,role stress,and hard ware conditions,autonomy,work reward of Hong Kong teachers were higher than mainland China teachers(Ps <0.05),while the coworker support score was opposite.In addition,there were gender difference in workload and occupation moral requirements in Mainland China (Ps <0.05),as well as work age difference in workload,occupation moral requirements,organizational support,coworker support,hardware conditions and work reward,while school stage difference in organizational support,hardware conditions and work reward in Hong Kong (Ps <0.05).Conclusion:It suggests that teachers'job characteristics are both high demands-high resourcestype in the two areas,but the highdegree and the demographic characteristics are different.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-205105


OBJECTIVES: To measure the job stressors and stress responses among firefighters. METHODS: We created a structured, self-reported questionnaire about job stressors using Karasek's Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), psychosocial stress using Psychosocial Well-being Index, Short Form(PWI-SF) and fatigue using Multidimensional Fatigue Scale (MFS). The questionnaire also included sociodemographic data, job-related factors, and health-related behaviors. We collected questionnaires from 104 male firefighters, 35 male emergency medical service (EMS) rescuers and 28 male administrators in three different municipal fire departments in Busan from September 23 to October 2, 2003. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to examine the job stressors using SPSS (10.0). The statistical significance level was 0.05. RESULTS: Both PWI-SF and MFS scores increased in the order of EMS rescuers, firefighters and administrators. Using multiple logistic regression analysis, sleep insufficiency showed statistically significant effects on both PWI-SF (OR=5.19, 95% CI=2.14~12.57) and MFS (OR=2.13, 95% CI=1.02~4.46). Alcohol drinking (OR=0.28, 95% CI=0.10~0.75) had a protective effect on MFS. The odds ratios in job loss and shiftwork were 3.44 (95% CI=1.25~9.42) and 8.69 (95% CI=2.87~26.36) on MFS. Monthly income showed a statistically significant effect on both MFS (OR=5.09, 95% CI=1.34~19.41) and sleep sufficiency (OR=7.27, 95% CI=1.62~32.61). However, there was no statistical significance among the JCQ items on either PWI-SF or MFS. CONCLUSIONS: Firefighters in this study had potential psychosocial stress and moderate level of fatigue scale. As a causal factor for these outcomes, sleep insufficiency and job loss, lower monthly income and shiftwork were statistically significantly, which confirm the need for countermeasures to ensure optimal sleep time and to raise monthly income. Further follow-up study using more in-depth interview is also required to identify the effects of both alcohol consumption and job loss.

Humanos , Masculino , Personal Administrativo , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Servicios Médicos de Urgencia , Fatiga , Bomberos , Incendios , Modelos Logísticos , Oportunidad Relativa , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-172718


OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to investigate the factors affecting the fatigue and stress in male manufacturing workers. METHODS: A questionnaire investigating general characteristics, lifestyle factors, job characteristics, fatigue and stress was distributed to 896 subjects. From 851 respondents, 11 responses with insufficient data were excluded. The data were analyzed to investigate the factors affecting personal fatigue and stress. RESULTS: Among the general characteristics, both fatigue and stress in the older group were significantly lower than in the younger group (p<0.05). Fatigue in the group with higher education was significantly higher than in the group with only high school education (p<0.05). The group who lived alone had significantly more stress (p<0.05). Among lifestyle factors, people who exercised regularly had significantly lower fatigue and stress than those who did not (p<0.05). Fatigue was negatively correlated with decision latitude, supervisor support, and coworker support. Stress was positively correlated with job demand and negatively correlated with decision latitude, supervisor support, and coworker support. Fatigue and stress were positively correlated with each other. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that among job characteristic factors, coworker support affected fatigue while job demand and supervisor support affected stress. CONCLUSIONS: Fatigue and stress were positively correlated, but the job characteristics that affected each were different. This suggests that for effective management of fatigue and stress, the details of job characteristics need to be considered individually for the intervention and prevention of fatigue and stress.

Humanos , Masculino , Recolección de Datos , Educación , Fatiga , Estilo de Vida , Modelos Lineales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-145503


OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to compare the job characteristics (work demand, decision latitude, and job insecurity) and psychosocial stress levels of typical workers in the parent firm, to those of atypical workers in subcontracted firms. In addition the risk factors for psychosocial stress of atypical workers are evaluated. METHOD: The study design was cross-sectional, and 1,713 shipbuilding workers (681; typical workers, 1,032; atypical workers) were recruited. A structured-questionnaire was used to assess the general characteristics, job characteristics and psychosocial stress levels. We used the chi-square test for univariate and multiple regression analyses. RESULTS: In univariate analyses, there were significant differences in smoking, hobby, insufficient sleeping, work hours per week, quitting, unemployment, job demand, job decision latitude and job insecurity. The job strain was significantly higher in the atypical workers than in the typical workers. The proportion of iso-strain groups was significantly greater in the atypical workers than typical workers. Using psychosocial stress as the dependent variable, multiple regression models were estimated. After adjustment for sociodemographic factors, unemployment, quitting, employment type, job demand, job decision latitude and job insecurity were all found to be significantly associated with psychosocial stress. CONCLUSION: This result suggests that the psychosocial stress of atypical workers is related to job characteristics such as job insecurity and labor flexibility.

Humanos , Empleo , Pasatiempos , Padres , Docilidad , Factores de Riesgo , Humo , Fumar , Desempleo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-590189


Objective:To investigate the influences of job characteristics and social support on work family con- flict.Methods:The survey data collected from 526 telecom employees in Beijing was analyzed with hierarchical re- gression analysis.Results:After controlling the demography variables,the standard regression coefficient of job de- mands on work-interference-with-family(WIF)was positive and significant(?=0.428,P

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136614


OBJECTIVES: To examine whether cumulative chronic stress influences the immune status, and to verify the effect of social support on the relationship between these two dimensions in male manufacturing workers. METHODS: A total of 39 workers were recruited for this study. A structured-questionnaire was used to assess general characteristics, job characteristics (work demand and decision latitude), psychosocial distress, and social support. The serum levels of CD4 and CD8 were measured as immune markers, and were collected between 8:00 and 10:00am in order to standardize the markers. Nonparametric statistics were used to estimate the differences between job characteristics and the immune markers. RESUJLTS: General characteristics, and health-related behaviors, were not associated with CD4, CD8 or CD4/CD8. No relationships were found between job characteristics and the mean levels of immune reactivity. These results were consistent, even after controlling for social support. Social support failed to modify the relationship toward work demand, decision latitude or psychosocial distress to CD4, CD8, and CD4/CD8. CONCLUSION: Cumulative chronic life stress might not influence the immune status, and the effects of social support on the immune function under chronic stress, may not play a crucial role in modifying the relationships. This implication supports that the effect of stress on the immune function may be determined by the characteristics of that stress. Further research should effectively considers the type, magnitude and timing of a stress event, and modifiable factors, such as personality traits, coping style, and hormone excretion levels, on the alteration of immune status.

Humanos , Masculino , Biomarcadores , Sistema Inmunológico , Estrés Psicológico
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136615


OBJECTIVES: To examine whether cumulative chronic stress influences the immune status, and to verify the effect of social support on the relationship between these two dimensions in male manufacturing workers. METHODS: A total of 39 workers were recruited for this study. A structured-questionnaire was used to assess general characteristics, job characteristics (work demand and decision latitude), psychosocial distress, and social support. The serum levels of CD4 and CD8 were measured as immune markers, and were collected between 8:00 and 10:00am in order to standardize the markers. Nonparametric statistics were used to estimate the differences between job characteristics and the immune markers. RESUJLTS: General characteristics, and health-related behaviors, were not associated with CD4, CD8 or CD4/CD8. No relationships were found between job characteristics and the mean levels of immune reactivity. These results were consistent, even after controlling for social support. Social support failed to modify the relationship toward work demand, decision latitude or psychosocial distress to CD4, CD8, and CD4/CD8. CONCLUSION: Cumulative chronic life stress might not influence the immune status, and the effects of social support on the immune function under chronic stress, may not play a crucial role in modifying the relationships. This implication supports that the effect of stress on the immune function may be determined by the characteristics of that stress. Further research should effectively considers the type, magnitude and timing of a stress event, and modifiable factors, such as personality traits, coping style, and hormone excretion levels, on the alteration of immune status.

Humanos , Masculino , Biomarcadores , Sistema Inmunológico , Estrés Psicológico
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-99867


The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of job characteristics, job performance and organizational commitment on job satisfaction of hospital dietitians. The first survey was carried out on 74 hospital dietitians to determine their demographic characteristics, job characteristics, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The second survey was carried out on 47 hospital foodservice dietitians to determine their job performance. Thirty-two percent of the subjects were aged between 26 and 30, and 62.2% had Bachelor's degrees. The dietitians felt most satisfied by their co-workers, followed by the work-itself, supervision, pay, and promotion possibilities. Dietitians who had a higher education were satisfied with pay and supervision. The longer the length of employment, the more the satisfaction with the work-itself and pay, plus the higher the monthly wage the more the satisfaction with the work-itself, pay, supervision, and co-workers. lob satisfaction was high in the group that scored high on autonomy, feedback, task identity, and friendship of in the job characteristic inventory. The job performances of nutrition counseling(r= 0.469, p<0.01), nutrition education(r= 0.446, p<0.01) and management of therapeutic diet(r= 0.394, p<0.01) were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The R2 for the multiple regression model was 0.677, indicating that 67.7% of the variance in job satisfaction could be accounted for by feedback, organizational commitment, nutrition counseling performance, and nutrition education performance. In conclusion, the level of job satisfaction for hospital dietitians would appear to improve with increased feedback, organizational commitment, and opportunity for nutrition counseling and nutrition education.

Humanos , Consejo , Educación , Empleo , Amigos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Nutricionistas , Organización y Administración , Salarios y Beneficios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-69431


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between job strains and absenteeism from work. METHODS: The study design was cross-sectional, and the study subjects consisted of 1,166 workers who were employed in the small-sized industries. A self administered questionnaire was used to measure the general characteristics, job characteristics(job demand, job control), and social support(coworker support, supervisor support) at work. The Job Content Questionnaire(JCQ) was used to assess job demand(2 items) and decision lattitude(10 items). Social support at work (10 items) was measured using JCQ. Sick absence was collected using self-report and were rechecked by the attendance record of their company. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the association between job strain and sick absence were estimated. The modifying effect of social support was evaluated by stratification. Logistic regression was used to estimate the relationship between job strain and sick absence. RESULTS: In the bivariate analysis, the variables related to sick absence were age, marital status, occupation, job demand. Four distinctly different kinds of level of job strain were generated by the combination of job demand and job control: low strain group, high strain group, active group, and passive group. The crude odds ratio of high job strain was 1.78(95% CI: 1.26-2.53), and those of active group and passive group were 1.33(95% CI: 1.07-1.66) and 1.13 (95% CI: 0.88-1.47), respectively. The odds ratio of high job strain after adjusting for age and occupation were still significant. The odds ratio of high job strain in low social support was 5.96(95% CI: 2.45-14.51), but that in high social support was 0.73(95% CI: 0.26-2.01). CONCLUSIONS: Job strain was associated with increased risk of absenteeism from work, and social support at work modified the association between job strain and sick absence.

Absentismo , Modelos Logísticos , Estado Civil , Ocupaciones , Oportunidad Relativa , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-106076


This study aims to investigate the effects of job characteristics and work on both organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the school foodservice dietitian for the purpose of providing information for quality improvement in productivity of school foodservice. The subjects were 401 school foodservice dietitians in Taegu and the Kyungpook area. The survey questionnaires consisted of five parts including demographic characteristics, job characteristics(JCI), work values, organizational commitment(OCQ) and job satisfaction(JDI). More than half of the subjects(65.3%) were between the age of 26 to 30 years. Seventy-one percent of the participants had bachelor's degrees and monthly wages of 83.2% ranged from 700,000 to 1,200,000 won. The education of thedietitians was found to have a significant relatinship with job satisfaction in all fields. Job characteristics such as feedback, job characcteristics such as job autonomy, feedback and friendship were positively correlated with job satisfaction. The group of dietitians with high work value scores for work as a central life interest had significantly high scores in organizational commitment(p<0.01) and overall job satisfaction(p<0.05). Job satisfaction such as work-itself, pay, supervision, promotion and co-workers were positively correlated with organizational commitment. According to the Lisrel program, organizational commitment was affected by educational level(-0.23). Job satisfaction was also affected by educational level(-0.18), autonomy(0.24), friendship(0.12), feedback(0.08), individualism(-0.07) and organizational commitment(0.44) directly. In conclusion, school foodservice dietitians may increase the level of their commitment to organization and job satisfaction by increasing autonomy, feedback adn friendship of job characteristics and work values.

Humanos , Educación , Eficiencia , Amigos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Nutricionistas , Organización y Administración , Mejoramiento de la Calidad , Salarios y Beneficios , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-172960


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of job characteristics on the nurses' the moderating effect of locus of control on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment and relationship between job characteristics and attitude. The sample for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 university hospitals. Factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical methods. The results of this study were found that (1) autonomy among 5 core job characteristics showed positive influence on job satisfaction, (2) task significance and autonomy among 5 core job characteristics had positive influence on organizational commitment, (3) the internals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' job satisfaction, and (4) internals and externals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' organizational commitment.

Hospitales Universitarios , Control Interno-Externo , Satisfacción en el Trabajo