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Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39514, 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448921


Abstract This study investigates the system justifying role through belief in a just world (BJW), testing whether institutional trust is related to this belief and whether this relationship depends on specific socioeconomic and political factors. A research with 381 university students, aged 18 to 64 years (M = 22.4, SD = 6.25), explored their BJW and their degree of institutional trust. Regression and moderation analyses revealed that BJW relates to institutional trust only in left-wing and with lower income participants. We believe this occurs because they need more an ideology that justifies the system to trust the institutions. This phenomenon can prevent these people from pursuing structural social changes since the system is now seen as fair.

Resumo Este estudo investiga o papel justificador do sistema através da crença no mundo justo (CMJ), testando se a confiança institucional está relacionada com essa crença e se esta relação depende de fatores socioeconômicos e políticos específicos. Uma pesquisa com 381 universitários, com idades de 18 a 64 anos (M = 22,4, DP = 6,25), explorou seus graus de CMJ e confiança institucional. Análises de regressão e moderação revelaram que a CMJ se relaciona com a confiança institucional apenas naqueles de esquerda e menores rendimentos. Acreditamos que isso ocorra porque estas pessoas precisam mais de uma ideologia justificadora do sistema para poder confiar nas instituições. Este fenômeno pode lhes indispor a buscar mudanças sociais estruturais, já que o sistema passa a ser visto como justo.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 22(55): 573-586, dez. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1450366


A corrupção se configura como um importante problema no Brasil, embora seja entendido como um "crime sem vítimas". Frente à importância do tema, o presente estudo buscou avaliar a influência da categoria social de uma vítima de corrupção na relação entre crenças no mundo justo e intenção de corrupção. A amostra foi composta por 127 estudantes universitários de cursos relacionados às áreas de gestão e negócios. Os participantes responderam a medidas de CMJ, intenção de corrupção e informaram dados sociodemográficos. Verificou-se que, quando uma vítima de corrupção é alguém distante do indivíduo, a intenção de corrupção é maior se comparado a uma condição em que a vítima é próxima. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que o efeito da CMJ na corrupção foi restrito quando da avaliação de uma vítima próxima. Os resultados indicam a importância de articular variáveis grupais (distância social) e pessoais (CMJ) no estudo da corrupção.

Corruption is a major problem in Brazil, although it is understood as a "victimless crime". Given the importance of the topic, this study aimed to assess the influence of the social category of a corruption victim on the relationship between beliefs in a just world and the intention of corruption. The sample consisted of 127 university students from courses related to the areas of management and business. Participants responded to measurements of BJW, the intention of corruption and reported sociodemographic data. It was found that, when a victim of corruption is someone distant from the individual, the intention of corruption is greater compared to a condition in which the victim is close. Additionally, it was found that the effect of BJW on corruption was restricted when assessing a close victim. The results indicate the importance of articulating group (social distance) and personal variables (BJW) in the study of corruption.

La corrupción es un problema importante en Brasil, aunque se entiende como un "crimen sin víctimas". Dada la importancia de la temática, el presente estudio buscó evaluar la influencia de la categoría social de una víctima de corrupción en relación a las creencias del mundo justo (CMJ) y la intención a la corrupción. La muestra consistió en 127 estudiantes universitarios de grados de gestión y negocios. Los participantes respondieron a las escalas de CMJ, intención de corrupción y reportaron datos sociodemográficos. Se ha encontrado que cuando una víctima de corrupción está lejos del individuo, la intención de corrupción es mayor en comparación a una condición en la cual la víctima está cerca. Además, se descubrió que el efecto de CMJ sobre la corrupción estaba restringido al evaluar a una víctima cercana. Los resultados indican la importancia de articular las variables grupales (distancia social) y personales (CMJ) en el estudio de la corrupción.

Interaçao psicol ; 25(3): 288-297, ago.-dez. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512193


A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos apresentar evidências de validade da escala de atitudes referentes à população carcerária (EAPC) e estimar a magnitude da influência das Crenças no Mundo Justo (CMJ) nessa atitude. Formulou-se como hipótese que maiores índices de CMJ influenciariam atitudes mais negativas. Participaram da pesquisa 418 pessoas, sendo 73,20% do sexo feminino, idade média de 25 anos (DP = 9,21), com escolaridade superior incompleta (51,7%), sendo que a maioria da amostra já teve contato com o cárcere (51,90%). A EAPC foi adaptada e aplicada com medidas de CMJ (Global e Pessoal). A versão adaptada da EAPC apresentou estrutura unifatorial com índices satisfatórios de confiabilidade (α = 0,93). Por meio da EAPC, observou-se atitudes ligeiramente positivas em relação às pessoas no cárcere na amostra investigada. Os fatores de escolaridade e CMJ Pessoal apresentaram-se como preditores das atitudes. Discute-se o impacto da escolarização e da CMJ como variáveis relevantes para compreensão das atitudes ante as pessoas no cárcere.

The present study aimed to present valid evidence for the Attitudes Toward Prisoners Scale (ATPS) and to estimate the influence's magnitude of Belief in a Just World (BJW) in this attitude. We hypothesized that higher BJW rates would influence negative attitudes. The sample consisted of 418 people, 73.20% female (73.20%), a mean age of 25 years (SD = 9.21), with incomplete higher education (51.7%); most of the sample has already had contact with jail (51.90%). The ATPS was adapted and applied with BJW measures (Global and Personal). The adapted version of the ATPS presented a single-factor structure with satisfactory levels of reliability (α = .93). ATPS mean scores suggested slightly positive attitudes toward prisoners in the sample. Schooling degree and Personal BJW predicted attitudes. The impact of schooling degree and BJW are discussed as relevant variables for understanding attitudes towards people in prison.

Trends Psychol ; 27(4): 1039-1054, Oct.-Dec. 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059163


Abstract This study investigated the relationship between the victim's group membership and secondary victimization she suffers, moderated by Moral Values and Belief in a Just World (BJW). The victim of the ingroup was blamed more for the sexual violence she suffered (Study 1, N = 250). In turn, that relationship was moderated by binding values (Study 2, N = 117) and by BJW (Study 3, N = 258). Together, the results suggest that the victim blaming is greater when she belongs to the ingroup; and that this relationship is predicted by high adherence to binding values and low adherence to BJW. This research contributes to the extent that it demonstrates that the relationship between adherence to binding values and victim derogation does not occur exclusively at the cognitive level, as information processing in which high adherence to these values would produce greater secondary victimization regardless of group membership of the victim. Additionally, it highlights the importance of considering the psychosocial processes underlying violence against women in order to promote more effective discussions and actions.

Resumo Este trabalho investigou a relação entre pertença grupal da vítima (endogrupo vs. exogrupo) e vitimização secundária por ela sofrida moderada pelos valores morais e Crença em um Mundo Justo (CMJ). Em consonância com estudos anteriores, a vítima do endogrupo foi mais responsabilizada pela violência sexual por ela sofrida (Estudo 1, N = 250). Por sua vez, essa relação foi moderada pelos valores vinculativos (Estudo 2, N = 117) e pela CMJ (Estudo 3, N = 258). Em conjunto, os resultados sugerem que a responsabilização da vítima de violência sexual é maior quando ela pertence ao endogrupo; e que esta relação é predita pela alta adesão aos valores vinculativos e baixa adesão à Crença em um Mundo Justo (CMJ). Esta investigação traz contribuições na medida em que demonstra que a relação entre adesão aos valores vinculativos e a derrogação da vítima não ocorre exclusivamente ao nível cognitivo, como um processamento de informação no qual a alta adesão a esses valores produziria maior vitimização secundária independente da pertença grupal da vítima. Adicionalmente, sinaliza a importância de considerar os processos psicossociais subjacentes à violência contra as mulheres com a finalidade de promover discussões e ações mais efetivas.

Resumen Este estudio investigó la relación entre la pertenencia a un grupo de la víctima y la victimización secundaria que sufre, moderada por los valores morales y la creencia en un mundo justo (BJW). Se culpó más a la víctima del ingroup por la violencia sexual que sufrió (Estudio 1, N = 250). A su vez, esa relación fue moderada por los valores de enlace (Estudio 2, N = 117) y por BJW (Estudio 3, N = 258). Juntos, los resultados sugieren que la culpa de la víctima es mayor cuando pertenece al ingroup; y que esta relación se predice por una alta adherencia a los valores de unión y una baja adherencia a BJW. Esta investigación contribuye en la medida en que demuestra que la relación entre la adherencia a los valores vinculantes y la derogación de la víctima no se produce exclusivamente a nivel cognitivo, ya que el procesamiento de la información en el que la alta adherencia a estos valores produciría una mayor victimización secundaria independientemente de la pertenencia al grupo de la victima. Además, destaca la importancia de considerar los procesos psicosociales subyacentes a la violencia contra las mujeres para promover debates y acciones más efectivas.

Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 70(2): 65-80, maio/ago. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-980079


A crença no mundo justo geral é um modo de entender a realidade segundo o qual as relações humanas são justas. O trabalho foi uma pesquisa exploratória que investigou a adesão de 736 estudantes de ensino médio de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, à crença no mundo justo geral. Os participantes responderam a uma versão adaptada da Escala Global de Crenças no Mundo Justo. Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas referentes às proporções de resposta globais e de posições sociais que combinavam renda familiar e escolaridade materna. Os resultados indicaram que os estudantes tendem a discordar da existência de um mundo justo geral, à exceção de um indicador que estabelece que o esforço é recompensado, o que foi interpretado como um princípio meritocrático que possivelmente orienta uma crença no mundo justo pessoal. Os participantes de posições sociais desfavoráveis tenderam a aderir mais à crença no mundo justo, o que pode se mostrar como um modo de enfrentar os desafios da realidade

The general belief in a just world is a way of understanding reality according to which human relations are fair. The research was an exploratory study that investigated the support of 736 secondary school students from Uberlandia, Brazil, to the general belief in a just world. Participants completed an adapted version of the Global Belief in a Just World Scale. Descriptive statistics relative to the global response proportions and to social positions that combined family income and mother schooling were calculated. Results indicated that students tend to disagree with the existence of a general just world, with the exception of an indicator that states that effort is rewarded, which was interpreted as a meritocratic principle that possibly guides a personal belief in a just world. Participants from unfavorable social positions tended to support the belief in a just world more, which might be a way of coping the challenges of reality

La creencia en el mundo justo general es un modo de entender la realidad según la cual las relaciones humanas son justas. El trabajo fue un estudio exploratorio que investigó la adhesión de 736 estudiantes de secundaria de Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brasil, a la creencia en el mundo justo general. Los participantes respondieron a una versión adaptada de la Escala Global de Creencias en el Mundo Justo. Se calcularon estadísticas descriptivas referentes a las proporciones de respuestas globales y de posiciones sociales que combinaban ingresos familiares y escolaridad materna. Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes tienden a discrepar de la existencia de un mundo justo general, a excepción de un indicador que establece que el esfuerzo es recompensado, lo que fue interpretado como un principio meritocrático que posiblemente orienta una creencia en el mundo justo personal. Los participantes de posiciones sociales desfavorables tienden a adherirse más a la creencia en el mundo justo, lo que puede mostrarse como un modo de enfrentar los desafíos da realidad

Humanos , Adolescente , Clase Social , Justicia Social , Adolescente
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 142-147, 2018.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703994


Objective:To explore different relationships of personal belief in a just world (PBJW) and general belief in a just world (GBJW) with different types of Chinese children's depression and anxiety.Methods:Totally 11097 school students (2471 migrant children/3186 left-behind children/5440 rural normal children) were recruited.The Personal Belief in a Just World(PBJW),General Belief in a Just World(GBJW),Children's Depression Inventory(CDI) and Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale(RCMAS) were used to assess personal belief in a just world,general belief in a just world,depression and anxiety.Results:The PBJW and GBJW scores were significantly higher in Migrant children than left-behind children (Ps <0.001) and rural normal children (Ps <0.001).There were no significant differences in PBJW and GBJW scores between left-behind children and rural normal children(Ps >0.05).The relationships of PBJW with migrant children's depression(simple slope =-0.98)and anxiety(simple slope =-1.39)were stronger than that in rural normal children(simple slope depression =-0.72;simple slope anxiety =-0.96).The relationship of GBJW with rural normal children's depression (simple slope =-0.47) was stronger than that in migrant children (simple slope =-0.11) and left-behind children(simple slope =-0.22).Conclusion:Both of the personal and ganeral belief in a just world have negative relationships with depression and anxiety,but the relationships are different in different children.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 8(3): 43-51, abr. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001109


Resumen Los individuos que pertenecen a grupos de alto estatus, como los hombres, tienden a emplear los estereotipos a su favor, por lo que legitiman la inequidad social y el prejuicio. El sexismo hacia los hombres es un prejuicio, cuyas consecuencias no se limitan a nivel individual y grupal, sino también a nivel social. La Teoría del Sexismo Ambivalente propone dos dimensiones del sexismo: la Hostil y la Benevolente. El Sexismo Hostil hacia los hombres se refiere a actitudes explícitamente negativas hacia ellos, mientras que el Sexismo Benevolente se refiere a actitudes que pueden ser consideradas como positivas, pero que, reafirman la creencia de debe existir dependencia sexual y de intimidad de los hombres hacia las mujeres. El presente estudio propone el Sexismo Ambivalente hacia las mujeres, la Creencia en el Mundo Justo y los rasgos de Individualismo-Colectivismo, como predictores del sexismo hacia los hombres. Se realizaron análisis de regresiones lineales. Participaron 200 personas entre 18 y 27 años. Los resultados indican que tanto el sexismo hacia las mujeres, como el sexismo hacia los hombres son parte de una misma dinámica de poder que refuerza la desigualdad entre los sexos y que fungen como legitimadores de las dinámicas sociales.

Abstract Individuals who belong to a high-status group, such as men, tend to use stereotypes in their benefit. Sexism towards men is a prejudice whose consequences are not limited to individual and group level, but also at social level. The Theory of Ambivalent Sexism proposes two dimensions of sexism: Hostile Sexism and Benevolent Sexism. Hostile sexism towards men refers to people who have explicitly negative beliefs towards them; Benevolent Sexism refers to attitudes that can be considered as positive, but that reaffirm the sexual dependence and intimacy of men towards women. The present study proposes Sexism towards women, the Belief in the Just World and the Individualism-Collectivism, as predictors of sexism towards men. We use Linear regressions. Participated 200 people between 18 and 27 years old. The results indicate that both, sexism towards women and sexism towards men, are part of the same power dynamics, which reinforces inequality between sexes and that justify the social dynamics.

Temas psicol. (Online) ; 25(2): 763-774, jun. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-991736


A presente pesquisa investigou o processo de responsabilização de vítimas no contexto das relações intergrupais a partir da hipótese do mundo justo. Em dois estudos testamos a influência da categoria social da vítima na relação entre crenças no mundo justo (CMJ) explícita/ implícita e a responsabilização de vítimas. No Estudo 1, 102 participantes responderam a medidas explícita e implícita da CMJ e avaliaram o grau de responsabilidade de uma vítima (endogrupo X exogrupo) de bala perdida. No Estudo 2, além da manipulação da categoria social da vítima, incluímos uma manipulação de carga cognitiva. Foram 110 participantes que responderam às medidas da CMJ e avaliaram a responsabilidade de uma vítima (endogrupo X exogrupo) de bala perdida em uma situação de carga cognitiva (baixa X alta). Verificou-se que a categoria social da vítima interfere na relação da CMJ com a responsabilização. Quando a CMJ explícita ou implícita explicou a responsabilização, esse efeito foi restrito para a avaliação da vítima do endogrupo. Os achados da presente pesquisa corroboram a hipótese que vítimas do endogrupo são mais ameaçadoras para a CMJ dos indivíduos, indicando a importância de considerar a categoria social da vítima para um adequado entendimento da hipótese do mundo justo.

The present research investigated the process of victim blaming in the context of intergroup relations through the just world hypothesis. In two studies we tested the influence of the victim's social category in the relationship between explicit and implicit beliefs in a just world (BJW) and victim blaming. In Study 1, 102 participants answered the explicit and implicit measures of BJW and evaluated how much a stray bullet victim (ingroup X outgroup) was to blame. In Study 2, aside from the manipulation of victim social category, we included a manipulation of cognitive load. 110 participants answered the BJW measures and evaluated how much a stray bullet victim (ingroup X outgroup) was to blame in a situation of cognitive load (low X high). It was verified that the victim's social category interferes in the relationship between BJW and victim blaming. When explicit or implicit BJW explained blaming, that effect was restricted to the evaluation of an ingroup victim. The findings of the present research confirm the hypothesis that ingroup victims are more threatening to individual's BJW and indicate the importance of considering the victim's social category for a more adequate understanding of the just world hypothesis.

Esta investigación examino' el proceso de responsabilizacion de victimas en el contexto de las relaciones intergrupales a partir de la hipótesis del mundo justo. En dos estudios investigamos la influencia de la categoría social de la víctima en la relación entre creencias en el mundo justo (CMJ) explicita/implícita y la responsabilizacion de victimas. En el Estudio 1, 102 participantes respondieron medidas explicita y implícita de CMJ y evaluaron el grado de responsabilidad de una víctima (endogrupo X exogrupo) de bala perdida. En el Estudio 2, además de la manipulación de categoría social de la víctima, incluimos una manipulación de carga cognitiva. 110 participantes respondieron las medidas de la CMJ y evaluaron la responsabilidad de una víctima (endogrupo X exogrupo) de bala perdida en una situación de carga cognitiva (baja X alta). Fue encontrado que la categoría social de la víctima interfiere en la relación de la CMJ con la responsabilizacion. Cuando la CMJ explícita o implícita explicó la responsabilizacion, este efecto fue restricto a la evaluación de la víctima del endogrupo. Los resultados de esta investigación confirman la hipótesis de que víctimas del endogrupo son más amenazantes para la CMJ de los individuos y indican la importancia de considerar la categoría social de la victima para una comprensión adecuada de la hipótesis del mundo justo.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Religión , Víctimas de Crimen
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 24(2): 331-345, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-766930


El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las relaciones entre representaciones sociales e ideología, mediante el estudio de las relaciones entre la creencia ideológica en un mundo justo (CMJ) y la representación social de la justicia. Se administró la técnica de asociación de palabras y la escala Global de CMJ a 404 estudiantes universitarios argentinos. El núcleo central de la representación social expresa un sentido retributivo, aunque se identificaron diferencias en sus elementos periféricos. Los individuos con CMJ baja y media consideran la justicia como una institución social con errores en su funcionamiento, mientras que los individuos con alta CMJ la piensan por fuera de la sociedad, sin calificarla.

The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationships between social representations and ideology through the study of the relationship between ideological belief in a just world (BJW) and the social representation of justice. The technique of word association was used, and the BJW general scale was administered to 404 Argentinian university students. The core of the social representation expresses a retributive meaning, although differences in peripheral elements were identified. Individuals with low and medium BJW consider justice to be a social institution with errors in its operation, whereas individuals with high BJW think of justice as something beyond society, without qualifying it.

O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações entre representações sociais e ideologia, mediante o estudo das relações entre a crença ideológica num mundo justo (CMJ) e a representação social da justiça. Administrou-se a técnica de associação de palavras e da escala Global de CMJ a 404 estudantes universitários argentinos. O núcleo central da representação social expressa um sentido compensativo, embora tenham sido identificadas diferenças em seus elementos periféricos. Os indivíduos com CMJ baixa e média consideram a justiça como uma instituição social com erros em seu funcionamento, enquanto os indivíduos com alta CMJ pensam-na por fora da sociedade, sem qualificá-la.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-183072


OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to investigate the attitudes of people toward the dangerousness of the mentally ill. The study eventually aims to contribute to developing strategies for reducing prejudice against people with mental illness. METHODS: A total of 358 college students participated in the study. A 6-item questionnaire was administered to examine attitudes toward the dangerousness of the mentally ill, with Belief in a Just World Scale. Then, attitudes toward crime committed by patients with different types of mental illness (Schizophrenia, Depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder, Panic disorder, PTSD, Dementia, ADHD, and Mental Retardation) were assessed. RESULTS: People strongly believed that most of the crime by the mentally ill was committed on the spur of the moment, and that crime of the mentally ill had recently increased. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between prejudice against the dangerousness of the mentally ill and just-world beliefs. In addition, patients with Schizophrenia were assessed to be the most dangerous out of 8 different types of mental illness. CONCLUSION: There exists considerable prejudices against the dangerousness of the mentally ill, especially those with schizophrenia. The present findings emphasize the urgent need to clarify misunderstandings regarding the dangerousness of the mentally ill.

Humanos , Trastorno Bipolar , Crimen , Conducta Peligrosa , Demencia , Trastorno Depresivo , Enfermos Mentales , Trastorno de Pánico , Prejuicio , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Esquizofrenia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 5(2): 2011-2027, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-949401


Resumen: Necesitamos creer que nuestro mundo es justo, vivir eventos injustos amenaza esa creencia y genera emociones negativas identificadas como privación relativa (Lerner, 1980, Lerner, 2003). Estas emociones motivan a defender nuestra creencia en el mundo justo y se han identificado nueve estrategias para ello. Este proyecto pretende medir seis de ellas y analizar su función paliativa ante la privación relativa. Participaron 337 estudiantes universitarios. Leyeron una viñeta relatando una protesta estudiantil después de ser rechazados de la universidad y respondieron una medición de las emociones negativas que les generaba. El instrumento de creencia en el mundo justo muestra cinco dimensiones congruentes con las seis estrategias. Las correlaciones entre el número de veces que los participantes fueron rechazados de la universidad y las emociones negativas generadas por la viñeta son positivas pero bajas analizando la muestra total. Dividiendo la muestra en altos y bajos en estrategias, las correlaciones son mayores en el grupo de puntajes bajos y no hay correlaciones significativas en el grupo con puntajes altos, confirmando su función paliativa ante la privación relativa. Se discute la utilidad del modelo de estrategias con respecto al unidimensional y las implicaciones de su función paliativa en las relaciones entre grupos de diferente estatus.

Abstract: We need to believe that we live in a just world; to live unfair events threat that belief and generates negative emotions identified as relative deprivation (Lerner, 1980, Lerner, 2003). These emotions motívate us to defend our belief in just world and nine strategies have been identified for that. This project aims to measure six of them and analyze their palliative function in front of relative deprivation. 337 University students participated. They read a vignette telling about a student demonstration after being rejected from University; then answered a measure of negative emotions generated for the vignette. The instrument of belief in a just world shows five dimensions consistent with the six strategies. The correlations between times participants were rejected from university and negative emotions generated by the vignette are positive but low in the total sample. Dividing the sample into high and low on strategies, correlations are greater in the group of low scores and there are not significant correlations in the group with high scores, confirming its palliative function in front of relative deprivation. Utility of model strategies are discussed with respect to the unidimensional and the implications of its palliative function relationships between groups of different status.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 57-71, jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-734349


El objetivo principal del trabajo que se informa fue adaptar y validar la Escala de Creencia Global en un Mundo Justo (Global Belief in a Just World Scale - GBJWS) de Lipkus (1991) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se administró un instrumento de evaluación a 328 estudiantes con edades entre 18 y 40 años (M = 24.1;DT = 3.88), de los cuales el 36.6% eran hombres (n = 120) y el 63.4% mujeres (n = 208). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de la escala GBJWS en la muestra con la que se trabajó. Los análisis realizados confirman la unidimensionalidad de la escala. Asimismo, las puntuaciones en la GBJWS se relacionan positivamente con el autoritarismo del ala de derecha (Right Wing Authoritarianism -RWA), la orientación a la dominancia social (Social Dominance Orientation - SDO)y negativamente con el autoposicionamiento ideológico político. Se considera que el estudio realizado abre una línea de investigación que permite la indagación sistemática de la creencia global en un mundo justo en contextos hispanoparlantes a partir de la construcción de una medida confiable y válida para el contexto argentino. Se recomienda la realización de futuros estudios que utilicen la GBJW en poblaciones diferentes a la estudiada, para así avanzar con respecto a la generalización y representatividad de los resultados presentados en este trabajo.

The researches on the Belief in a Just World (BJW) started in the 60’ with the experimental studies carried out by Lerner (Lerner, 1965, 1980; Lerner & Clayton, 2011; Lerner & Simmons, 1966). Those studies pointed out that social injustices are frightening for individuals, therefore they need to belief that everyone gets what deserve during his or her life to maintain the control over their environment. If people do not believes that things happen as consequences of their acts, they will feel exposed to undesirable situations that today happen to others, but tomorrow could happen to them. Then, to deny this threat, they blame the victims of injustice, attributing to them the responsibility for their suffering. During the last decades, different studies have shown that individuals from different cultures around the world believe that the world is a just place, and the relations between this belief and socio-political factors (Furnham, 1993, 1998, 2003). In this vein, the system justification theory proposes that the BJW, together with the social dominance orientation (SDO; Jost & Hunyady, 2005; Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth & Malle, 1994), contributes to support and rationalize the social order denying social injustices by appealing to the merit of the dominant social groups. Moreover, there are evidence that the BJW is positively associated to right wing authoritarianism (RWA- Altemeyer, 1996; Dalbert & Yamauchi, 1994; Moore, 2008) and political ideology self positioning (PI -Schlenker, Chambers & Le, 2012). The aim of this paper is to adapt and validate a Spanish version of the Global Belief in a Just World Scale (GBJWS) by Lipkus (1991) in a sample of university students. Hence, a self-reported questionnaire was administered to 328 university students of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) aged between 18 and 40 years old (M = 24.1, SD = 3.88), 36.6% were male (n = 120) and 63.4% female (n = 208). Besides, 61.28% of the participants studied Psychology and the remaining 38.72% studied Sociology, both at the University of Buenos Aires. Firstly a descriptive analysis of the items was performed. Secondly, the reliability of the scale was tested studding its internal consistence ( .83). Simultaneously, the construct validity was test by an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, the validity of criteria was studied by analyzing the relations between the GBJW, RWA, SDO, and PI. The results suggest adequate psychometric properties of the GBJWS in this sample of university students and verified the unidimensionality of the scale (X²(df) = 54,01(14); S-B X²(df) = 41,77(14); S-B X² / (df) = 2,98; NNFI = .93; CFI = .96; 2= .96; RMSEA = .08). Furthermore, GBJWS was positively associated with RWA (r = .35; p < .01), SDO (r = .36; p < .01) and negatively with PI (r = -.37; p < .01). It is considered that this paper contributes to the measuring of the GBJW since presents an adaptation and validation of ascale that wasn’t available in Spanish. This study had been done with a university sample because the construction and following adaptations of the original scales were made in such population (Bègue, 2002; Dalbert, Lipkus, Sallay, & Goch, 2001; O`Connor, Morrison, T. & Morrison, M., 1996). The relations between political conservatism are coherent with the support of the status quo, since if the world is thought as a just place, there is no reason to transform it (Furnham, 2003; Jost & Hunyady, 2005). This study had been done with a university sample because the construction and following adaptations of the original scales were made in such population (Bègue, 2002; Dalbert, Lipkus, Sallay & Goch, 2001; O`Connor, Morrison, T. & Morrison, M., 1996). However, it’s necessary to point out that this limitation doesn’t allow the generalization of the results to a general population. Hence, it is recommended for future studies to consider other populations to improve the generalization and representatively of the results presented in this paper.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-431962


Objective To explore the relationship among just-world belief,optimism and life satisfaction in colleges.Methods According to convenience sampling principle,370 colleges were selected and assessed with the just world scale for college students (JWS),satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) and the life orientation test-revised (LOT-R) ;and data were analyzed using correlation analysis and regression analysis.Results ①The scores of just-world belief,optimism and life satisfaction were (3.22 ± 0.46),(3.50 ± 0.57),and (3.70 ± 1.21),all of which were higher than middle points.②The scores of just-world belief were positive correlated with the scores of optimism and life satisfaction (r =0.44,0.36,P < 0.01),and the scores of optimism also were positive correlated with life satisfaction(r =0.38,P < 0.01).③ The just-world belief and optimism can positively predict life satisfaction directly(β =0.24,0.29,P < 0.01),and the two factors had interaction(β=0.09,P< 0.05).Among optimistic students,life satisfaction of low just-world belief ones were much worse than that of high just world belief ones.However,among pessimistic students,the differences of life satisfaction between high and low just-world belief ones became little.Conclusion Just-world belief of colleges has significant predictive effect on life satisfaction,and the two factors had interaction.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426347


ObjectiveTo examine the relationship between belief in a just world of college students and prosocial tendencies.Methods400 college students were examined by using the belief in a just of Chinese versions ( BJW ) and the prosocial tendencies scales.Results①There was a marginally significant difference on college student's general belief in a just world and personal belief in a just world among different grades ( F=3.90,F=3.05,P < 0.05 ).②The personal belief in a just world and general belief in a just world was significantly posilively correlated with the prosocial tendencies of college students ( r =0.25,r =0.24,P < 0.01 ).③Significant differences existed between the high-scoriug,the middle group and the low-scoring BJW group in prosocial tendencies and its sub-dimensions ( F =3.36 ~ 12.87,P < 0.05,P < 0.01 ),expect the openness dimension of prosocial tendencies( F =1.71,P > 0.05 ).The scores of those three groups on prosocial tendencies ( (3.74 ± 0.43 ),( 3.57 ± 0.42),( 3.44 ± 0.43 ) ) and its sub-dimensions shows a decreasing trend from high to low.④Layer multivariate linear regression analysis showed that general belief in a just world were significant predictors of the prosocial tendencies( β =0.18,P< 0.01 ).ConclusionsThe intensity of belief in a just world has a certain impact on the prosocial tendencies of college students.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426976


ObjectiveTo revise belief in a just world scale (BJW) established by Dalbert according with Chinese cultures and examine its reliability and validity.MethodsAt the base of studying abroad-related questionnaire and preparatory tests,a total 930 undergraduates form The East,The Middle and The West of China participant in this test respectively.ResultsThrough item analysis and explore factor analysis,the revised belief in a just world contained 13 items and 2 subscales which could explain 52.205% of the total variances.The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the revised belief in a just world scales had good construct validity.The Cronbach's coefficients of the scales was 0.885,and test-retest reliabilities was 0.884.ConclusionThe revised belief in just world scales has fairly high reliability and validity.

Aletheia ; (35/36): 123-136, dez. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-692515


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o bem-estar dos trabalhadores da saúde de um centro de reabilitação e readaptação, relacionando-o com a crença no mundo justo e com o lócus de controle. Participaram 146 profissionais que responderam a um questionário formado por perguntas sobre dados sócio-demográficos, o bem-estar físico e psicológico, lócus de controle e a crença no mundo justo. Os resultados mostram uma relação positiva entre lócus de controle externo e bem-estar, e uma relação negativa entre lócus de controle interno e bem-estar. Não houve relação significativa na relação entre crença no mundo justo e bem-estar. Estes resultados são discutidos ressaltando que as diferenças com a literatura devem-se ao nível de análise dos instrumentos utilizados e não a inconsistências teóricas

The aim of this study was to assess the well being of health workers of a Rehabilitation Centre, relating it to a belief in a just world and the locus of control. Participants were 146 professionals who answered an instrument consisted of questions about socio-demographic characteristics, about physical and psychological well-being, locus of control and belief in a just world. The results showed a positive relationship between external locus of control and wellbeing, and a negative relationship between internal locus of control and well-being. There were no significant associations in the relationship between belief in a just world and well-being. The results are discussed emphasizing that the differences between the literatures and the findings are due to questionnaire's level of analysis rather than due to theoretical inconsistency

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Personal de Salud
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-662058


Este trabajo se ocupa de un tema propio de la psicología social: el conocimiento de sentido común. Particularmente, se analizan las distintas creencias que permiten a las personas pensar y sentir que controlan -o no- el medio en que viven centrándose en la creencia en el mundo justo y el fatalismo latinoamericano. Ambas creencias en su origen psicológico se basan en la necesidad de control del medio y en su contenido cumplen la función de legitimar el orden social y mantener el status quo. Se concluye que la complejidad de este tipo de objetos de estudio implica estudios interdisciplinarios que vinculen diferentes niveles de análisis para así poder dar cuenta de cómo se relacionan los mecanismos psicológicos con los procesos históricos-sociales conformando una visión de la realidad para los distintos grupos sociales.

This paper deals with a topic which belongs to social psychology: common sense knowledge. In particular, it analyzes the different beliefs that enable people to think and feel in control -or not- to their environment. This paper makes focus on just world belief and the Latin-American fatalism. Both beliefs are psychological in origin, based on the need for environmental control and their contents serve the function of legitimating social order, supporting the status quo. It is concluded that the complexity of such phenomena involves interdisciplinary studies, which link different levels of analysis in order to explain how psychological mechanisms are related to social historical processes shaping the world views about reality that social groups hold.

Bol. psicol ; 60(133): 167-180, dez. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-618694


Um único componente que explicou 37,11 por cento da variância, com índice de precisão (Alfa de Cronbach) de 0,66. Realizando uma análise fatorial confirmatória foi possível corroborar o modelo teórico unifatorial. Concluiu-se que este instrumento é adequado psicometricamente, podendo ser utilizado para fins de pesquisa. Além disso, as pontuações nesta medida não são afetadas por variáveis de natureza demográfica.

This study aimed to validate the Just World General Scale to the Brazilian milieu, assembling empirical evidences of its construct validity and reliability. Participated in this research 254 undergraduate students of a private university in the Aracajú city, SE. Most of them were studying Psychology (44.9 percent) and Law (49.6 percent), female (64.8 percent) and with a mean age of 21.8 years (DP = 6.34). Principal Components Analysis revealed one component, taking into account 37.11 percent of the variance and reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha) of 0.66. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to confirm the theoretical model with one factor. It was concluded that it is a psychometrically reliable instrument and it can be used for research purposes. Moreover, its scores are not influenced by participants’ demographic characteristics.

Adulto Joven , Interpretación Estadística de Datos
Psicol. educ ; (21): 103-122, dez. 2005.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-692831


Las investigaciones realizadas en la década de los sesenta por Lerner permitieron identificar la Creencia en el Mundo Justo, según la cuál el mundo es un lugar justo en el que las personas obtienen lo que merecen. En este trabajo se comenta una investigación destinada a relacionarla con la creencia en la Justicia Inmanente, indagada por Piaget. A partir de sus resultados, se examina la controversia sobre la génesis de la creencia en el mundo justo: por una parte, la explicación naturalista ofrecida por Lerner y por otra, los autores que proponen una apropiación ideológica. En este sentido, se ofrecen argumentos que justifican la adopción del segundo tipo de explicación. Sin embargo, se llama la atención sobre la exigencia en de dar relevancia, en la psicología social, a la actividad individual en la apropiación del conocimiento colectivo.

As pesquisas realizadas por Lerner na década dos anos 70 permitirão identificar a crença em um mundo justo, segundo a qual o mundo é um lugar justo, em que as pessoas obtêm o que merecem. Neste trabalho se comenta uma pesquisa destinada a relacioná-la com a crença na Justiça Imanente, pesquisada por Piaget. A partir dos resultados obtidos, se examina a controvérsia sobre a origem da crença em um mundo justo: por um lado, a explicação naturalista dada por Lerner e por outro a dos autores que propõem uma apropriação ideológica. Nesse sentido, usam-se argumentos que justificam a adoção do segundo tipo de explicação. No entanto chama-se a atenção sobre a exigência em dar relevância na psicologia social a atividade individual na apropriação do conhecimento coletivo.

At '60s Lerner made a deal of research which allowed him identify a Belief in a Just World. According to this, world is a just place in which people obtain what is deserved. In this paper a research designed to link Belief in a Just World to Piaget's Immanent Justice is discussed. From data coming from this research the controversy about the genesis of a just world is explored: by a hand, the Lerner's naturalistic explanation and, by other hand, ideological appropriation advocated by other authors. Arguments are suggested which justify the latter approach. Is stressed, however, the Social Psychology's claim of give relevance to individual activity on appropriation of collective knowledge.