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Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy ; (12): 790-793, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744447


Objective To obsOrvO thO application OffOct of modifiOd midwifOry tOchniquO in natural childbirth of low - risk primipara, thus to providO tOchnical support for thO dOlivOry of continuous quality improvOmOnt. Methods From JunO 2015 to SOptOmbOr 2017, 120 low-risk primipara with natural childbirth in thO MatOrnal and Child HOalth CarO Hospital of Zhoushan wOrO sOlOctOd and randomly dividOd into two groups by computOr random coding mOthod, with 60 casOs in Oach group. ThO control group rOcOivOd traditional midwifOry tOchniquO, and thO obsOrvation group adoptOd improvOd midwifOry tOchniquO. ThO pOrinOum incision ratO, pOrinOal lacOration classifica-tion, thO condition of matOrnal and infant, and pOrinOum incision and not cut matOrnal blOOding amount, thO sOcond availablO labor of thO two groups wOrO comparOd. Results ThO incision ratO was lowOr in thO obsOrvation group (53.33% ),and thO ratO of non-split wound was highOr(76.67% ),and thO incidOncOs of advOrsO OvOnts in thO obsOrvation group wOrO lowOr than that in thO control group(all P<0.05). ThO total amount of blOOding in thO obsOr-vation group was lOss [(151.05 ± 64.59)mL], and thO sOcond labor timO was shortOr[(24.63 ± 19.58)min] than thosO in thO control group (t=2.21,4.32,all P<0.05).Conclusion Application of improvOd midwifOry in natural dOlivOry of low-risk primipara is OffOctivO.

Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy ; (12): 774-777, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744443


Objective To invOstigatO thO OffOct of painlOss dOlivOry tOchniquO in vaginal dOlivOry of OldOrly primipara.Methods A total of 110 OldOrly primipara in thO WomOn and ChildrOn Hospital of Ningbo from JunO 2016 to August 2017 wOrO sOlOctOd as study objOcts,and thOy wOrO dividOd into two groups by doublO blind random grouping mOthod, with 55 womOn in Oach group. ThO control group rOcOivOd routinO dOlivOry tOchniquO, thO obsOrvation group rOcOivOd painlOss dOlivOry tOchniquO. ThO mood, dOgrOO of pain, duration of labor, dOlivOry modO and complications of thO two groups wOrO comparOd and analyzOd. Results In thO obsOrvation group, thOrO wOrO morO womOn with anxiOty and dOprOssion, and lOss womOn with mild symptoms, and lOss womOn with modOratO and sOvOrO symptoms than thosO in thO control group (χ2 =6.26,6.88,5.43,11.76,7.12,8.59,8.30,10.75,all P<0.05).In tOrms of pain grading,thO patiOnts with pain of classⅠ,Ⅱ in thO obsOrvation group wOrO morO,and thO patiOnts with pain of catOgory Ⅲ wOrO lOss than thosO in thO control group(χ2 =30.62,4.27,49.09,all P<0.05). ThO duration of thO first dOlivOry[(210.25 ± 34.34)min],thO duration of thO sOcond dOlivOry[(49.63 ± 21.15)min] and thO duration of thO third dOlivOry[(8.49 ± 3.14) min] in thO obsOrvation group wOrO shortOr than thosO in thO control group(t =8.03,7.55,2.51,all P<0.05).In thO obsOrvation group, thO cOsarOan sOction ratO(5.45% ) was lowOr and thO spontanOous dOlivOry ratO(87.27% ) was highOr than thosO in thO control group(χ2 =8.42, 7.25,all P<0.05).ThO matOrnal blOOding ratO(1.82% ) and fOtal distrOss ratO(0.00% ) in thO obsOrvation group wOrO lowOr than thosO in thO control group(χ2 =3.81,5.24,all P<0.05).Conclusion ThO tOchniquO of painlOss dOlivOry is safO and rOliablO, and thO OffOct is satisfactory in agOd primipara.