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Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 641-643,650, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017511


Lactose intolerance refers to the poor absorption of lactose caused by insufficient number or low activity of lactase,which leads to one or more gastrointestinal symptoms.Newborns are mainly develop-mental and secondary lactase deficiency,with various clinical symptoms,which are easy to be missed and mis-diagnosed.Neonatal lactose intolerance is often diagnosed by fecal reducing sugar and pH determination and urinary galactose determination,but there are still many hospitals that have not carried out related inspection projects.Although there is currently a lack of specific guidelines for neonatal lactose intolerance,but in the context of promoting breastfeeding,reducing the abuse of special milk powder,and rational use of efficient,high-quality lactase is particularly important.In addition,a series of problems involved in the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal lactose intolerance in China need to be further explored.How to find a balance point in the treatment of lactose intolerance will be a direction for future research.

Av. enferm ; 40(3): 432-443, 01-09-2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL, BDENF | ID: biblio-1415427


Introducción: los bebés deben beneficiarse de la leche materna, incluso cuando presentan intolerancia a la lactosa. Por esto, se debe recurrir a la obtención de leche materna deslactosada. Objetivo: analizar el efecto de la enzima beta galactosidasa en la hidrólisis de la lactosa de leche materna madura para bebés clínicamente diagnosticados con intolerancia a la lactosa. Materiales y método: estudio exploratorio, descriptivo y explicativo. El contenido de lactosa se cuantificó desde el inicio hasta el final del tratamiento, controlando temperatura, tiempos y cantidad de enzima ß-galactosidasa adicionada en la leche materna. Se recolectaron 1000 ml de leche materna, obtenidos del Banco de Leche del Hospital General de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia). Resultados: las muestras donadas se encontraban pasteurizadas y posteriormente fueron sometidas a la acción de la enzima lactasa. Se cuantificó el contenido de lactosa sin la enzima, reportando en promedio 6,34 mg/100 ml ± 0,23. El mayor aporte de lactosa obtenido posterior a la exposición a la enzima (30 minutos) fue de 6,07 mg/ml ± 0,35 (correspondiente a 95 % del contenido inicial), finalizando con un aporte de 0,35 % a una concentración de 0,4 % tras 24 horas, porcentaje que representa 95 % de la hidrólisis total en la leche materna. Conclusiones: en todas las muestras analizadas de diferentes madres se pudo obtener leche materna con bajas concentraciones de lactosa tras 24 horas de haber sido sometidas a la acción de ß-galactosidasa. Lo anterior se establece como una alternativa para los bebés intolerantes a la lactosa, que permitiría no privarlos de todos los beneficios que ofrece este alimento.

Introduction: Babies should benefit from breast milk, even when they are lactose intolerant. For this reason, parents should resort to obtaining lactose-free breast milk. Objective: To examine the effect of the enzyme ß-galactosidase on the hydrolysis of lactose in mature breast milk for babies clinically diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Materials and method: Exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory study. The lactose content was quantified from the beginning to the end of the treatment, controlling variables such as temperature, times, and the amount of ß-galactosidase enzyme added in breast milk. A total of 1000 ml of breast milk were obtained from the milk bank at Hospital General de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia). Results: Donated samples were first pasteurized and subsequently subjected to the action of the enzyme lactase. The lactose content without the enzyme was quantified, reporting an average of 6.34 mg/100 mL±0.23. The highest contribution of lactose obtained after exposure to the enzyme was 6.07 mg/mL±0.35 (corresponding to 95% of the initial content), at 30 minutes, ending with a contribution of 0.35% at a concentration of 0.4% in 24 hours, percentage that represents 95% of total hydrolysis in breast milk. Conclusions: In all the examined samples from different mothers, it was possible to obtain breast milk with low concentrations of lactose 24 hours after these were exposed to the action of ß-galactosidase. This becomes an alternative for feeding lactose intolerant babies and not deprive them from all the benefits offered by breast milk.

Introdução: os bebês se devem beneficiar do leite materno, mesmo quando tenham intolerância à lactose, razão pela qual se deve recorrer à obtenção de leite materno sem lactose. Objetivo: analisar o efeito da enzima beta-galactosidase na hidrólise da lactose no leite materno maduro para bebês diagnosticados clinicamente com intolerância à lactose. Materiais e método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, explicativo. O teor de lactose foi quantificado do início ao fim do tratamento; temperatura, tempos e quantidade de enzima beta-galactosidase adicionada no leite materno foram controlados; foram coletados 1000ml de leite materno, obtidos no Banco de Leite do Hospital General de Medellín (Antioquia, Colômbia). VResultados: as amostras doadas foram pasteurizadas e posteriormente submetidas à ação da enzima lactase. O teor de lactose sem a enzima foi quantificado, relatando uma média de 6,34mg/100ml±0,23. A maior contribuição de lactose obtida após a exposição à enzima foi de 6,07mg/ml±0,35 (correspondendo a 95% do conteúdo inicial) em 30 minutos, finalizando com uma contribuição de 0,35% na concentração de 0,4% em 24 horas, percentual que representa 95% da hidrólise total no leite materno. Conclusões: em todas as amostras analisadas de diferentes mães, foi possível obter leite materno com baixas concentrações de lactose 24 horas após ser submetido à ação da beta galactosidase, como alternativa para bebês intolerantes à lactose e não os privar de todos os outros benefícios oferecidos por esse alimento ideal.

Femenino , Embarazo , Lactancia Materna , Lactasa-Florizina Hidrolasa , Lactosa , Intolerancia a la Lactosa , Leche Humana
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(1): 59-66, feb 2022. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1353500


La lactosa es el principal carbohidrato de la leche materna. Es un disacárido conformado por glucosa y galactosa. Su producción en la glándula mamaria es independiente de la dieta materna. Además de proveer energía, es la única fuente de galactosa de la dieta, necesaria para la síntesis de macromoléculas como oligosacáridos, glicoproteínas y glicolípidos. Favorece la absorción y retención de calcio, magnesio y cinc. Su digestión por la enzima lactasa y posterior absorción tienen lugar en intestino delgado. El déficit de lactasa, que puede ser primario congénito (muy infrecuente), primario tardío o secundario por lesión intestinal, puede generar intolerancia con síntomas como dolor, distensión abdominal, flatulencia y diarrea. En el colon, bifidobacterias y lactobacilos pueden hidrolizarla. El manejo nutricional de la intolerancia deberá hacerse siempre preservando la lactancia materna. La reducción o suspensión de la lactosa deberá ser transitoria y se reemplazarán alimentos suspendidos por otros con adecuados aportes calóricos, proteicos y de minerales y vitaminas.

Lactose is the main carbohydrate present in humanmilk. It is a disaccharide made up of glucoseand galactose. It is produced in the mammaryglands, regardless of maternal diet. In addition toproviding energy, it is the only source of dietarygalactose, necessary for macromolecule synthesis,including oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, andglycolipids. It favors calcium, magnesium, andzinc absorption and retention. Its digestion bylactase and subsequent absorption occurs inthe small intestine. Lactase deficiency may beclassified into congenital primary (very rare),late-onset primary or secondary due to an injuryof the intestine; it may cause intolerance withpain, abdominal distension, abdominal gas, anddiarrhea. In the colon, it may be hydrolyzed bybifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The nutritionalmanagement of intolerance should alwayspreserve breastfeeding. Lactose reduction orelimination should be transient, and eliminatedfood should be replaced with other similar incalorie, protein, mineral, and vitamin content.

Humanos , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/diagnóstico , Lactasa/metabolismo , Dieta , Lactosa/metabolismo , Leche Humana/metabolismo
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953871


@#Introduction: People with lactose intolerance are suggested to consume dietary items containing less lactose, such as goat’s milk. This study aimed to investigate the effects of goat’s milk powder on the health of lactose intolerant middle-aged adults. Methods: A total of 60 subjects were recruited into this randomised controlled trial. They were divided into four groups and received different dietary interventions (goat’s milk, goat’s milk with curcumin, goat’s milk with coffee, lactose-free milk) for five weeks. Health effects were compared between pre- and post-intervention. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters (blood glucose, insulin, lipid profile, C-reactive protein, and lactoferrin) were evaluated. Dietary intake was recorded using a food record. Results: Fifty-one lactose intolerant subjects completed the study. After ingestion of goat’s milk, there were significant reductions in body fat (p=0.033) and a significant increase in the percentage of muscle (p=0.021). Waist circumference (WC) decreased in both the goat’s milk with curcumin and goat’s milk with coffee groups (p<0.05 for all). Unfortunately, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) dropped after the five-week intervention in the goat’s milk group (p=0.002). Lactoferrin level of the goat’s milk group was higher than other groups at post-intervention (p<0.001). Besides, the goat’s milk with coffee group seemed to consume more carbohydrates after completing the intervention (p=0.034). Conclusion: A five-week intake of goat’s milk reduced the risk of abdominal obesity among middle-aged adults. In addition, it resulted in improved lactoferrin levels.

BioSC. (Curitiba, Impresso) ; 80(2): 51-53, 20220000.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438537


Introdução: A intolerância à lactose é síndrome decorrente da má digestão do dissacarídeo lactose por deficiência da enzima lactase, gerando sintomas principalmente gastrintestinais. Ela envolve 4 causas principais: deficiência congênita de lactase; deficiência de lactase de desenvolvimento; intolerância primária à lactose; e deficiência secundária à lactase. Objetivo: Revisão da apresentação clínica da intolerância à lactose e os principais métodos disponíveis para seu diagnóstico clínico. Método: Revisão narrativa da base de dados PubMed, por meio das palavras-chave "lactose intolerance" e "genetic test" utilizando o descritor boleano and. Foram incluídos somente artigos em língua inglesa e publicados entre os anos de 2017 e 2022, totalizando 8 artigos. Resultado: O diagnóstico de intolerância à lactose relaciona-se com o seu tipo e utiliza-se dos principais métodos: teste oral de tolerância à lactose, teste genético, teste do hidrogênio expirado. Conclusão: Quanto aos métodos de diagnóstico, o teste do hidrogênio expirado é o de escolha, por não ser invasivo, possuir execução fácil e baixo custo. Entretanto, ele não dispensa associação com outras técnicas diagnósticas. O teste genético também é muito útil e sua vantagem é que não há necessidade da realização do teste oral de tolerância.

Introduction: Lactose intolerance is a syndrome resulting from maldigestion of the disaccharide lactose due to lactase enzyme deficiency causing symptoms mainly gastrointestinal. It involves 4 main causes: congenital lactase deficiency; developmental lactase deficiency; primary lactose intolerance; and secondary lactase deficiency. Objective: Review of the clinical presentation of lactose intolerance and the main methods available for its clinical diagnosis. Methods: Literature review in the PubMed database, using the keywords "lactose intolerance" and "genetic test" and using the Boolean data type and. Only articles in English and published between the years 2017 and 2022 were included, totalizing 8 articles. Results: The diagnosis of lactose intolerance is related to its type and uses the main diagnostic tests: oral lactose tolerance, genetic, expired hydrogen. Conclusion: Regarding diagnostic methods, the expired hydrogen test is the one of choice, as it is not invasive, is easy to perform and has low cost. However, it does not dispense association with other diagnostic techniques. Genetic testing is also very usefull and its advantage is that there is no need to use the oral lactose tolerance test.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 58(1): 26-31, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248982


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Worldwide, colorectal cancer (CRC) and gastric cancer (GC) are the third and the fifth most prevalent, respectively. Diarrhea is a common symptom in patients on chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment and can reduce treatment tolerance. Surgical resections and chemotherapy change the intestinal microbiota that can lead to lactose intolerance, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of diarrhea in patients with CRC and GC on chemotherapy with SIBO or intolerance of lactose. METHODS: This is a descriptive and observational study with patients of both sexes, over 18 years old, in treatment in the Gastro-Oncology outpatient clinic of the Federal University of São Paulo. Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of CRC or GC during chemotherapy treatment were included. To detect bacterial overgrowth and lactose intolerance, breath hydrogen test with lactulose and lactose was done. Number and aspects of the evacuations and toxicity degree were collected. For the nutritional assessment, weight and height were performed to calculate the BMI. and the Patient Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). RESULTS: A total of 33 patients were included, 29 with CRC and 3 with GC. Most of them were male (57.57%), mean age of 60.03±10.01 years and in chemotherapy with fluoropyrimidine and oxaliplatin (54.5%). Diarrhea was present in 57.6% and 30.3% had toxicity grade 2. According to the BMI, 78.9% were eutrophics, obese or overweight, but according to PG-SGA, 84.9% had moderate or severe nutritional risk grade. Between patients, 45% had lactose intolerance and 9% SIBO. Diarrhea grade 2-3 was observed in 66.6% of patients with SIBO and 66.7% of that with lactose intolerance. No statistical difference was observed between patients with SIBO or lactose intolerance and grade of diarrhea. CONCLUSION: Diarrhea was a frequent symptom in chemotherapy patients with gastric or colorectal cancer independent of the presence of SIBO or lactose intolerance. Surgery and chemotherapy treatment impacted in the intestinal habit of patients. Diagnosis of other causes of diarrhea may contribute to a better tolerance to treatment and quality of life.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Mundialmente, o câncer colorretal (CCR) e gástrico (CG) são a terceira e a quinta causa de câncer mais prevalente, respectivamente. A diarreia é um sintoma comum entre os pacientes em quimioterapia ou radioterapia e pode reduzir a tolerância ao tratamento. Quimioterapia e ressecções cirúrgicas causam alterações da microbiota intestinal que podem levar a intolerância à lactose e ao supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado (SBID). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de diarreia nos pacientes com câncer colorretal e gástrico em quimioterapia e a presença de SBID ou intolerância à lactose. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, observacional com pacientes ambulatoriais de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, em tratamento no ambulatório de gastro-oncologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Foram incluídos pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de CCR ou CG durante tratamento quimioterápico. Para detectar supercrescimento bacteriano e intolerância à lactose, foram realizados testes respiratórios com lactulose e lactose respectivamente. Número, aspecto das evacuações e grau de toxicidade foram coletados. Para a avaliação nutricional foram aferidos peso e altura para cálculo do IMC e para avaliação do risco nutricional foi realizada a avaliação subjetiva global produzida pelo próprio paciente (ASG-PPP). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 33 pacientes, 29 com CCR e 3 com CG. A maioria era do sexo masculino (57,5%) com média de idade 60,03±10,01 anos e em tratamento quimioterápico com fluoropirimidina e oxaliplatina (54,5%). Diarreia foi relatada por 57,6% dos pacientes sendo em 30% grau 2. Pelo IMC, 78,9% apresentavam eutrofia, sobrepeso ou obesidade grau 1, mas pela ASG-PPP 84,9 apresentavam risco nutricional moderado ou severo. Entre os pacientes 9% apresentavam SBID e 45% intolerância à lactose. Diarreia grau 2-3 foi observada em 66,6% daqueles pacientes com SBID e 66,7% dos com intolerância à lactose. Não encontramos diferenças estatísticas entre os pacientes com SBID ou intolerância à lactose e intensidade de diarreia. CONCLUSÃO: Diarreia foi um sintoma frequente entre os pacientes com câncer gástrico ou colorretal em quimioterapia independente da presença de SBID ou intolerância à lactose. Cirurgia e quimioterapia impactaram no hábito intestinal dos pacientes. O diagnóstico de outras causas de diarreia pode contribuir para a melhor tolerância do tratamento e qualidade de vida.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Anciano , Neoplasias Gástricas , Neoplasias Colorrectales/tratamiento farmacológico , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/diagnóstico , Calidad de Vida , Pruebas Respiratorias , Hidrógeno , Intestino Delgado , Lactosa , Persona de Mediana Edad
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-907254


Lactose intolerance(LI)refers to the poor absorption of lactose, which caused by insufficient lactase or low activity.LI can leads to a series of symptoms of gastrointestinal symptom and seriously affects the growth and development of children.The symptoms of LI are similar to gastrointestinal diseases.Due to the lack of simple and effective detection method, neonatal LI is often ignored or confused with other gastrointestinal diseases, leading to excessive use of antibiotics and amino acid formula.Therefore, early identification, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal LI are very important.This article reviews the development characteristics, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, antidiastole and treatment of neonatal LI.

BrJP ; 3(2): 118-122, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131994


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Considering the bidirectional connection between intestine and brain, the present study examined the association between migraine, lactose intolerance, and intestinal constipation in patients with status migrainosus. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional retrospective study that included 97 patients aged 20 years or older. The impact of pain was assessed by the Migraine Disability Assessment and the Headache Impact Test-6 questionnaires. The pain intensity was measured by the visual analog scale. Chi-square and Student-t tests were used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 88.7% women, 56.8% overweight, 76.3% sedentary, 32% constipated and 23.7% lactose intolerant. Higher pain intensity (8.9±1.3) and impact pain mean was assessed by the Headache Impact Test-6 (67.6±5.3) and the Migraine Disability Assessment (36.7±26.3) in constipated patients compared to those without constipation. Lactose-intolerant patients presented higher migraine mean time (19.9±14.2) compared to lactose tolerant patients. Constipated and lactose intolerant patients presented higher prevalence of overweight (58.1 and 65.2%) and abdominal obesity (70.0 and 68.2%) compared to non-constipated and lactose tolerant patients, respectively. CONCLUSION: Although were observed in the evaluated sample a considerable prevalence of constipation and lactose intolerance, higher mean scores in the questionnaires used for pain impact and intensity in constipated patients and longer migraine diagnosis time in those with lactose-intolerance, there was no statistical significance in the association between migraine and these two gastrointestinal disorders.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Ao considerar a conexão bidirecional entre intestino e cérebro, o presente estudo avaliou a associação entre enxaqueca, intolerância à lactose e constipação intestinal em pacientes em estado migranoso. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e retrospectivo que incluiu 97 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 20 anos. O impacto da dor foi avaliado pelos questionários: Migraine Disability Assessment e Headache Impact Test-6. A intensidade da dor foi avaliada pela escala analógica visual. Os testes Qui-quadrado e Student-t foram utilizados para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 88,7% de mulheres, 56,8% com excesso de peso, 76,3% sedentários, 32% constipados e 23,7% intolerantes à lactose. Os constipados apresentaram maiores médias de impacto da dor pelo Headache Impact Test-6 (67,6±5,3) e pelo Migraine Disability Assessment (36,7±26,3) e intensidade da dor (8,9±1,3) do que os não constipados. Os pacientes intolerantes à lactose apresentaram maior média de tempo de enxaqueca (19,9±14,2) em relação aos tolerantes à lactose. Os pacientes constipados apresentaram maiores prevalências de excesso de peso (58,1 e 65,2%) e obesidade abdominal (70,0 e 68,2%) e intolerantes em relação aos sem constipação intestinal e aos tolerantes à lactose, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Embora identificadas prevalências consideráveis de constipação intestinal e intolerância à lactose na amostra avaliada, além de maiores médias de pontuação nos questionários utilizados para impacto e intensidade da dor nos pacientes constipados e de maior tempo de diagnóstico da migrânea nos intolerantes à lactose, não houve significância estatística na associação entre enxaqueca e esses distúrbios gastrointestinais.

Demetra (Rio J.) ; 15(1): e45766, jan.- mar.2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103908


Introdução: Devido ao fato de que muitas pessoas são intolerantes à lactose, novas propostas de preparações dietéticas com bons atributos sensoriais e isentas deste dissacarídeo são necessárias para garantir bem-estar e qualidade de vida para estes indivíduos. Objetivo: desenvolver sorvete com extrato hidrossolúvel de arroz. Método: Foram produzidos sorvetes com 50% e 100% de substituição do leite bovino por extrato hidrossolúvel de arroz em dois sabores (morango e chocolate). Os métodos para o desenvolvimento deste estudo basearam-se na análise físico-química do sorvete, bem como a análise sensorial para definir o nível de aceitação do produto e preferência por parte dos consumidores. Resultados: Os sorvetes de extrato hidrossolúvel de arroz, tanto de chocolate, como de morango obtiveram maiores teores de carboidratos e menores valores energéticos, devido ao fato de ter menor teor de proteína e lipídio, em comparação com o sorvete feito com leite bovino. Obteve-se boa aceitação, sendo que o sorvete de 50% extrato de arroz sabor morango não obteve diferença significativa do sorvete com 100% de leite de bovino, em relação à preferência. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o sorvete com extrato hidrossolúvel de arroz é um produto com boas características nutricionais e tem boa aceitação, podendo ser uma opção para pessoas intolerantes à lactose. (AU)

Introduction: As there are many people with lactose intolerance, new dietary preparations with good sensory aspects and free from this disaccharide need to be proposed, which would ensure these individuals' well-being and quality of life. Purpose: To develop an ice cream made with water-soluble rice extract. Method: Ice creams were produced replacing 50% and 100% of cow milk with water-soluble rice extract, in two flavors (strawberry and chocolate). The methods for developing this study were based on the physicochemical analysis of the ice cream and the sensory analysis, to establish the degree of acceptability of the product, as well as the preference on the part of the consumers. Results: Both the chocolate and the strawberry water-soluble rice extract ice creams had higher carbohydrate content and lower energy values, due to its lower protein and lipid content in comparison with cow milk ice cream. There was good acceptability; particularly, the 50% rice extract strawberry ice cream had no significant difference to the 100% cow milk ice cream, regarding preference. Conclusion: It is concluded that the water-soluble rice extract ice cream is a product with good nutritional characteristics and good acceptability. It can be considered an alternative for people with lactose intolerance. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Alimentos Formulados , Helados/análisis , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/dietoterapia , Leche , Alimentos , Lactosa
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 29(3): 354-364, Sept.-Dec. 2019. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057551


INTRODUCTION: Cow´s milk protein allergy (CMPA) and lactose intolerance (LI) negatively affect the quality of life of patients and their families. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the perception parents of children with CMPA or LI regarding aspects of health, emphasizing their oral health and the factors involved in the treatment of allergy/food intolerance METHODS: Qualitative research employing focus groups, with a sample of 12 parents of children with CMPA or LI (two groups), including the participation of a researcher/moderator, an observer, and six participants in each group and a plan with guiding questions. Discourses were recorded and transcribed, and textual contents were processed in software IRAMUTEQ and analysed by the descendant hierarchical classification (DHC) technique, content analysis, and word cloud. RESULTS: Six categories were derived from DHC-multivariate analysis: (1) children formula, (2) oral health, (3) nutritional aspects, (4) treatment, (5) disease´s stigma, and (6) health services. The thematic axes were derived from nutritional, assistance, and care categories. Reports of different oral diseases were given by parents regarding food allergy or intolerance in their children, such as frequent caries, teeth spots, pain, and sensitive teeth. CONCLUSION: Parents´ perception of CMPA/LI in their children is affected by nutritional factors and the stigma caused by the disease, with special reference to the importance given to children´s oral health and reports about difficulties in the access to health services with multi-professional teams.

INTRODUÇÃO: A alergia a proteína do leite de vaca (APLV) e intolerância à lactose (IL) afetam negativamente a qualidade de vida de pacientes e seus familiares. OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção de pais de crianças com APVL ou IL, quanto aos aspectos de saúde, enfatizando sua saúde bucal, bem como, os fatores envolvidos no tratamento da alergia e intolerância alimentar. MÉTODO: Pesquisa qualitativa com emprego da técnica de grupo focal, com uma amostra de 12 pais de crianças com APLV ou IL (dois grupos), incluindo a participação de pesquisador/moderador, observador e seis participantes em cada grupo e um roteiro com questões norteadoras. Os discursos foram gravados e transcritos, os conteúdos textuais foram processados no software IRAMUTEQ e analisados pelas técnicas de Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD), análise de conteúdo e nuvem de palavras. RESULTADOS: Seis clusters emergiram da análise multivariada pela CHD: (1) Fórmulas Infantis; (2) Saúde Bucal; (3) Aspectos Nutricionais; (4) Tratamento; (5) Estigma da Doença; (6) Serviços de Saúde. A partir dos clusters foram identificados três eixos temáticos: nutrição, atenção e assistência. Relatos de diferentes doenças bucais foram dados pelos pais, com relação à alergia ou intolerância alimentar em seus filhos, tais como: cárie frequente, manchas dentárias, dor e dentes sensíveis. CONCLUSÃO: A percepção dos pais de crianças com APLV/IL sofreram influência dos fatores nutricionais e do estigma que a doença apresenta, com especial importância dada para a saúde bucal de seus filhos, e relatos de dificuldades de acesso a serviços de saúde com equipes multiprofissionais.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 56(3): 304-311, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038709


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome is a clinical condition presenting pain, distension and abdominal fullness, diarrhea, constipation, and other symptoms. It generates significant impacts on the quality of life of those affected. The pathophysiology is uncertain, but the role of various food types has been established in bowel sensitivity and its clinical manifestations. Carbohydrate intolerance, particularly to lactose, generates similar and sometimes indistinguishable symptoms from irritable bowel syndrome, and in clinical practice is both a frequent and underdiagnosed condition. Carbohydrate intolerance is related to enzymatic deficiencies, alterations of intestinal microbiota and even genetic change. The principal test for a diagnosis of lactose intolerance is the breath test, which measures hydrogen emission (produced only by bacteria), after ingestion of the corresponding substrate. OBJECTIVE: The present work aims to verify the prevalence of lactose intolerance in university students, presenting gastrointestinal symptoms suggestive of irritable bowel syndrome. METHODS: In a transversal study, to screen for those with suggestive symptoms, 124 medicine students participated by responding to a form. Those with abdominal pain were referred for anti-parasite treatment in order to exclude intestinal parasites as a secondary cause. Subsequently, using the hydrogen breath test, bacterial overgrowth was investigated, and if negative, lactose intolerance testing would be performed. Patients presenting high hydrogen concentrations of ≥20 ppm above the basal level were considered lactose intolerant. RESULTS: Of the total of students researched (n=124), 7 were excluded because they did not completing all study phases. From those 117 individuals effectively included in the survey; 8 (6.8%) were diagnosed with lactose intolerance and 2 (1.7%) with bacterial overgrowth. Intolerance was more frequent in; female individuals (75%), age range 18 to 25 years (62.5%), being colored (50%), and in their 5th semester of studies (37.5%). The presence of at least one gastrointestinal symptom among those presenting intolerance (100%), and those not presenting intolerance (42.2%) was found (P=0.002). In addition to abdominal pain (100%) (P<0.001), the most recurrent gastrointestinal symptom in the lactose intolerant students was the distension/flatulence (62.5%) (P=0.026). In relation to life habits and food patterns, there was no statistical difference between lactose tolerant and intolerant individuals, or for symptom frequencies. The more advanced students, completing more periods towards graduation, demonstrated more occurrences of gastrointestinal symptoms, yet without presenting significant statistical discrepancies. CONCLUSION: In view of the test sample quantity (n=21), a high prevalence of lactose intolerance (6.8%) in the academic environment, with epidemiological characteristics compatible to those found the literature is demonstrated, generating knowledge with understanding to prevent, diagnose, alleviate and treat lactose intolerant university students, and generate positive impacts towards well-being, improving the quality of life of these individuals.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A síndrome do intestino irritável é uma condição clínica que cursa com dor, distensão e plenitude abdominal, diarreia, constipação, entre outros sintomas. Gera impacto significativo na qualidade de vida das pessoas acometidas. Sua fisiopatologia é incerta, mas o papel de vários tipos de alimentos está estabelecido na sensibilização intestinal e nas manifestações clínicas. A intolerância aos carboidratos, particularmente a lactose, gera sintomas similares e por vezes indistinguíveis da síndrome do intestino irritável e é uma condição frequente e subdiagnosticada na prática clínica. Está relacionada a deficiências enzimáticas, alterações da microbiota intestinal e mesmo alterações genéticas. O principal exame para o diagnóstico da intolerância à lactose é o teste respiratório, que mede a emissão de hidrogênio produzido apenas por bactérias, após a ingestão do substrato correspondente. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a prevalência de intolerância à lactose em universitários que apresentem sintomas gastrointestinais sugestivos da síndrome do intestino irritável. MÉTODOS: O estudo, caracterizado como do tipo transversal, teve a participação de 124 discentes de medicina que responderam um formulário, a fim de realizar a triagem daqueles com sintomatologia sugestiva. Aqueles com dor abdominal foram encaminhados para o tratamento antiparasitário, a fim de excluir parasitose intestinal como causa secundária. Posteriormente, através do teste respiratório com hidrogênio expirado, foi feito primeiro a pesquisa de supercrescimento bacteriano e caso fosse negativo seria realizado o da intolerância à lactose. Foram considerados com intolerância aqueles que obtiveram uma elevação na concentração de hidrogênio ≥20 ppm acima do nível basal. RESULTADOS: Do total de alunos pesquisados (n=124), 7 foram excluídos por não cumprirem todas as etapas do estudo. A partir dos 117 indivíduos efetivamente incluídos na pesquisa, verificou-se que 8 (6,8%) foram diagnosticados com intolerância a lactose e 2 (1,7%) com supercrescimento bacteriano. A intolerância foi mais frequente nos indivíduos do sexo feminino (75%), faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos (62,5%), cor parda (50%) e do 5º semestre (37,5%). Verificou-se que a presença de pelo menos um sintoma gastrointestinal entre aqueles que possuem intolerância (100%) e os que não possuem (42,2%) foi estatisticamente significativa (P=0,002). Além da própria dor abdominal (100%) (P<0,001), o sintoma gastrointestinal mais recorrente nos discentes intolerantes foi a distensão/flatulência (62,5%) (P=0,026). Em relação aos hábitos de vida e padrão alimentar, não houve diferença estatística entre os indivíduos intolerantes e tolerantes, bem como na frequência de sintomas. Os discentes dos períodos mais avançados da graduação se destacaram por manifestarem com maior constância os sintomas gastrointestinais, porém sem apresentar discrepâncias estatísticas significativas. CONCLUSÃO: Tendo em vista a quantidade da amostra que realizou o teste (n=21), pode-se provar a alta prevalência da intolerância à lactose (6,8%) no meio acadêmico, com as características epidemiológicas compatíveis com a literatura. Assim, foi possível gerar conhecimento para entender, prevenir, diagnosticar, aliviar e tratar os universitários intolerantes, gerando impactos positivos para o bem-estar, melhorando a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Síndrome del Colon Irritable/complicaciones , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/epidemiología , Calidad de Vida , Estudiantes , Pruebas Respiratorias , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/etiología , Persona de Mediana Edad
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(2): 270-275, Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-990317


SUMMARY Individuals with Lactose Intolerance (LI) tend to exclude milk from their diet since this behavior seems to relieve the symptoms caused by the disease. However, milk is a food of high nutritional value, and complete exclusion of dairy products may favor the development of bone diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. The objective of this review was to evaluate the scientific evidence on the adequate management of patients with LI. This study was carried out from the review of the scientific literature in PubMed and SciELO databases. Complete exclusion of conventional dairy products is not necessary since most individuals with LI can tolerate up to 12 grams of lactose daily in a single dose. Yogurts and cheeses matured for having low amounts of lactose are part of the strategy that allows consumption of dairy products by patients with LI. Currently, there is a diversity of products considered as "milk substitutes" and supplements aimed at individuals with LI. However, these strategies still require better-designed studies.

RESUMO Os indivíduos com Intolerância à Lactose (IL) tendem a excluir o leite da alimentação, uma vez que essa conduta parece aliviar os sintomas ocasionados pela doença. Entretanto, o leite é um alimento de alto valor nutricional e a exclusão completa dos laticínios pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de doenças ósseas como osteopenia e osteoporose. O objetivo desta revisão foi avaliar as evidências científicas sobre o manejo adequado de pacientes com IL. Este estudo foi realizado a partir da revisão da literatura científica nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO. A exclusão completa dos produtos lácteos convencionais não é necessária, pois a maior parte dos indivíduos com IL consegue tolerar diariamente até 12 g de lactose em uma única dose. Os iogurtes e queijos maturados, por terem baixa quantidade de lactose, fazem parte da estratégia que garante consumo de produtos lácteos por pacientes com IL. Atualmente existe uma diversidade de produtos considerados "substitutos do leite" e suplementos voltados para os indivíduos com IL, no entanto, essas estratégias ainda requerem estudos mais bem desenhados.

Humanos , Animales , Leche/química , Dieta/normas , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/dietoterapia , Productos Lácteos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803016


Objective@#To investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnostic approach, and treatment of infantile lactose intolerance, and to evaluate the diagnostic value of fecal pH.@*Methods@#The feces and clinical data of all infants(less than 1 year old) diagnosed with simple diarrhea but without signs of infection were collected, who were treated at 4 Grade Ⅲ-Class-A hospitals within the period of June 2012 to June 2015 in Beijing were collected.Lactose intolerance was diagnosed based on urine galactose level, lactose tolerance test, and fecal pH.The clinical characteristics, therapeutic effects and detection methods of lactose tolerance group and intolerance group were analyzed.Then the diagnostic value of fecal pH was evaluated.@*Results@#A total of 217 infants were enrolled in the study, consisting of 113 boys and 104 girls.Their age ranged from 3 to 330 days, 174 infants (80.2%) were less than 6 months old.Among them, 156 infants were diagnosed with lactose intolerance (71.9%), their median age 90.0 days (3-330 days), while the median age of the lactose tolerant group was 51.5 days (3-300 days). The incidence of lactose intolerance in infants less than 6 months old was 70.6%, and 76.7% in those older than 6 months.Clinical characteristics showed that more infants in the lactose intolerant group were breastfed compared with the lactose tolerant group [73/156 cases(46.8%) vs.16/61 cases(26.2%), χ2=7.666, P<0.05], the occurrence of loose foamy feces was higher in the lactose intolerant group [67/156 cases(42.9%) vs.15/61 cases (24.6%), χ2=6.287, P<0.05], the median duration of diarrhea in the lactose intolerant group was 30 days (1-210 days), and that in the lactose tolerant group was 30 days (1-300 days). The incidence of diarrhea more frequent than 10 times per day in the lactose intolerant group was 9.0% (14/156 cases), while that in the lactose tolerant group was 6.6% (4/61 cases). The rate of infection in the lactose intolerant group was similar to that in the lactose tolerant group [32/165 cases((20.5%) vs.17/61 cases(27.9%)]. The median time of recovery by feeding lactose-free formula milk was 2 days (1-60 days), recovery by feeding lactase lasted a median of 4 days (2-25 days), while recovery by using pro-biotics and dioctahedral smectite lasted a median of 2 days (1-5 days). The characteristics of fecal pH showed that mean pH value of fecal and the incidence of fecal pH<5.5 had no statistical significance between the lactose intolerant and tolerant group, between infants ≤6 months and infants>6 months, between the breastfeeding group and formula-feeding group, or between those with infection and those without infection (all P>0.05).@*Conclusions@#Infants with lactose intolerance often manifest foamy feces and tend to be breastfed.Lactose-free treatment efficacy was better than that with lactase.Clinical symptoms when combined with urine galactose level and lactose tolerance test can help diagnosis.However, the decrease of fecal pH proves to be unhelpful in aiding diagnosis.

Araçatuba; s.n; 2019. 115 p. tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1051414


A alergia alimentar atualmente é considerada um problema de saúde pública. O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi analisar a prevalência de cárie dentária, o padrão de higiene bucal e o perfil salivar em crianças com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV) e intolerância à lactose (IL), bem como avaliar o consumo de fórmulas infantis suplementares destas crianças e a percepção de pais de crianças com APLV ou IL. Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico transversal, com 300 crianças de 5-10 anos de um município da Região Sul do Brasil, nos anos de 2017 e 2018. Foi encaminhado um questionário validado aos responsáveis, sobre o consumo alimentar, doenças pré-existentes, uso de medicamentos e APLV ou IL. As crianças foram submetidas a exames clínicos (índices ceo, CPOD, Necessidade de Tratamento, Mancha Branca e IHOS). Foram coletadas amostras duplicadas de saliva estimuladas de todas as crianças com e sem APLV ou IL em uma outra data, entre 8h e 9h 30min e determinados os parâmetros bioquímicos: fluxo salivar, pH e concentrações de cálcio, fosfato e glicose salivar. Para se testar os índices ceo, CPOD, Mancha Branca, Mancha Ativa, Mancha Inativa, IHOS, pH, fluxo salivar, concentrações de cálcio, fosfato e glicose em relação aos grupos "com e sem APLV ou IL", empregou-se o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e, para a análise das associações entre as prevalências de cárie, manchas dentárias e higiene bucal entre os grupos, utilizou-se o teste do Qui-quadrado. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, com dois grupos focais de pais de crianças com APLV/IL, com a participação de pesquisador/moderador, observador e seis pais em cada grupo, empregando-se roteiro com questões norteadoras. Os discursos foram processados no software IRAMUTEQ e analisados pelas técnicas de Classificação Hierárquica Descendente (CHD), nuvem de palavras e análise de conteúdo. A prevalência de cárie nas crianças com APLV ou IL foi de 67,50% e 60,00%, enquanto para as sem APLV/IL foi 34,37% e 32,80%. O índice ceo médio nos alérgicos ou intolerantes foi 1,75±1,84, significativamente maior que o valor para as crianças sem alergia/intolerância (0,83±1,60) (p<0,001). O índice CPOD médio das crianças com APLV/IL foi de 0,46±1,01, e a população livre de cárie constitui-se de 40 crianças (80,00%), não portadoras de lesões cariosas, perdas dentárias por cárie e restaurações. Em relação à higiene bucal, entre as crianças com APLV/IL, o IHOS médio foi de 2,56±0,48, e no grupo sem alergia/intolerância, 2,31±0,43, e estes resultados podem ser considerados insatisfatórios para ambos os grupos avaliados (p<0,001). As crianças com APLV/IL apresentaram menor fluxo salivar, menor pH, e menores níveis de cálcio e fosfato quando comparadas às não alérgicas/intolerantes (p<0,001). Verificou-se associação significativa entre as manchas brancas e manchas ativas e o alto e moderado consumo de alimentos leite sem lactose e suco de soja (p<0,001). Na avaliação qualitativa, seis clusters emergiram da análise multivariada pela CHD: (1) Fórmulas Infantis; (2) Saúde Bucal; (3) Aspectos Nutricionais; (4) Tratamento; (5) Estigma da Doença; (6) Serviços de Saúde. Conclui-se que a cárie dentária na dentição decídua e permanente, o padrão de higiene bucal e o perfil salivar foram associadas a APLV ou IL, e o consumo de diferentes fórmulas infantis suplementares ofereceu maiores chances de ocorrência de lesões cariosas. A percepção dos pais em relação à saúde bucal dos filhos sofre influência dos fatores nutricionais e estigma que a doença apresenta, com relatos de diferentes agravos bucais, e dificuldades de acesso a serviços de saúde com equipes multiprofissionais(AU)

Food allergy is currently considered a public health problem. This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of dental caries, salivary profile and the quality of oral hygiene in children with cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) and lactose intolerance (LI), as well the consumption of milk-based products and milk derivatives by these patients were investigated and the perception of parents' of children with CMPA or LI. A cross-sectional epidemiological study was undertaken with 300 children aged 5 to 10 years in a town in southern Brazil, in the years 2017 and 2018. A validated questionnaire was sent to those responsible for food consumption, systemic diseases, use of medications and CMPA or LI. The children were submitted to clinical exams (ceo indexes, DMFT, Treatment Needs, White Spot and OHIS). Duplicate samples of saliva were collected from all children with and without CMPA or LI on another date, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and biochemical parameters were determined: salivary flow, pH and concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and salivary glucose. The Mann-Whitney unbiased test was employed for dmft, DMFT, White Spot, Active Spot, Inactive Spot, OHIS, pH, salivary flow, calcium, phosphorus, and glucose for groups with and without CMPA or LI. The chi-square test was used to analyze the associations (prevalence of caries, dental spots, and oral hygiene) among the groups. A qualitative research was carried out, considering two focal with parents of children with CMPA or LI, with the participation of researcher/moderator, observer and six parents in each group, using a guide with guiding questions. The textual contents were processed in the IRAMUTEQ software and analyzed by the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), word cloud techniques and content analysis. The prevalence of caries in children with CMPA or LI was 67.50% and 60.00%, while for those without CMPA/LI was 34.37% and 32.80%.0% and 60.00%, while for those without APLV / IL it was 34.37% and 32.80%. The mean dmft score in the allergic or intolerant was 1.75±1.84, significantly higher than the value for children without allergy/intolerance (0.83±1.60) (p<0.001). The mean DMFT index of children with CMPA/LI was 0.46±1.01, and the caries-free population consisted of 40 children (80.00%), without carious lesions, dental caries and restorations. Regarding oral hygiene, OHIS mean was 2.56±0.48 among children with CMPA/LI, and in the group without allergy/intolerance, 2.31±0.43, and these results can be considered unsatisfactory for both groups evaluated (p<0,001). Children with CMPA/IL presented lower salivary flow, lower pH, and lower calcium and phosphorus levels when compared to non-allergic/intolerant (p<0.001). There was a significant association between white spots and active spots and the high and moderate consumption of lactose-free milk and soy milk fruit juice (p <0.001). In the qualitative evaluation, six clusters emerged from the multivariate analysis by DHC: (1) Infant Formulas; (2) Oral Health; (3) Nutritional Aspects; (4) Treatment; (5) Stigma of Disease; (6) Health Services. It was concluded that dental caries in the deciduous dentition and permanent dentition, the oral hygiene standards and the salivary profile were associated with CMPA or LI, and the consumption of different supplementary infant formulas offered a greater chance of occurrence of carious lesions. The perception of the parents' in relation to oral health of their children was influenced by the nutritional factors and the stigma that the disease presents, with reports of different oral complaints, and difficulties in accessing health services with multiprofessional teams(AU)

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Salud Bucal , Hipersensibilidad a la Leche , Intolerancia a la Lactosa , Higiene Bucal , Caries Dental , Fórmulas Infantiles
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(12): 4119-4128, Dec. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-974777


Resumo Indivíduos com intolerância à lactose, doença de alta prevalência, devem controlar o consumo de alimentos com esse dissacarídeo para evitar sintomas gastrointestinais. Como a tolerância é variável à quantidade ingerida, é fundamental a discussão sobre a disponibilização da informação de quantidade de lactose em alimentos industrializados, que atualmente não é obrigatória. O estudo avaliou a disponibilidade da informação sobre a quantidade de lactose por análise dos rótulos de alimentos industrializados, que contivessem leite ou lactose na lista de ingredientes. Em seguida, realizou-se contato com as indústrias de alimentos para solicitação da informação. Foram avaliados 1.209 alimentos, dos quais 1.092 eram tradicionais e 117 diet/light/zero. Apenas 3,1% dos alimentos analisados apresentavam a informação sobre a quantidade de lactose na tabela nutricional dos rótulos. A presença desta informação foi maior no grupo de alimentos diet/light/zero do que nos tradicionais. Além disso, das 156 empresas contatadas, somente 14 informaram a quantidade de lactose contida nos alimentos, 93 responderam a solicitação, porém não disponibilizaram as quantidades, e 49 não responderam. Conclui-se que há baixa disponibilidade da informação sobre a quantidade de lactose em alimentos industrializados.

Abstract Patients with lactose intolerance, a high prevalence disease, should control the intake of food with lactose to avoid gastrointestinal symptoms. Since tolerance depends on the amount of lactose ingested, it is essential to discuss the availability of the amount of lactose information in processed foods, which is currently not mandatory. The study measured the availability of information on the amount of lactose on the labels of processed food that contained milk or lactose in the ingredient list. Then, we contacted the food industry to request this information. We evaluated 1,209 processed foods, of which 1,092 were traditional and 117 were diet/light/zero. Only 3,1% of the analyzed foods provided information on the amount of lactose in the labeled nutrition table. This information was more available in the diet/light/zero food group. Furthermore, of the 156 contacted companies, only 14 reported the amount of lactose contained in foods, 93 answered the request, but have not provided the amounts and 49 did not answer the request. We concluded that there is a low availability of information about the amount of lactose in processed foods.

Humanos , Animales , Leche/química , Etiquetado de Alimentos , Lactosa/análisis , Industria de Alimentos , Intolerancia a la Lactosa/epidemiología
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 17(3): 337-344, nov 19, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247795


Introdução: a polifarmácia e a automedicação estão presentes na população brasileira, sendo frequente sua ocorrência com medicamentos isentos de prescrição. Ademais, a lactose é utilizada como excipiente em formas farmacêuticas sólidas. Objetivo: o presente estudo constitui uma pesquisa sobre lactose, na condição de excipiente, em medicamentos isentos de prescrição (MIPs). Metodologia: em 391 MIPs presentes em cinco formas farmacêuticas sólidas e analisadas por classes, categorias e marcas, foram coletadas, nos meses de abril e maio de 2018, informações quanto à presença de lactose em bulas disponíveis nos sites da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e da indústria farmacêutica no Brasil. Resultados: constatou-se que a lactose está presente em 43,48% dos MIPs, sendo mais frequente nos comprimidos e comprimidos revestidos, nas proporções de 42,94% e 36,47%, respectivamente. Ela foi encontrada, predominantemente, em medicamentos similares, principalmente antialérgicos, analgésicos não opioides e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides, bem como na totalidade dos antidiarreicos e laxantes. Das 88 marcas analisadas, 30 apresentaram mais de 50% dos produtos com lactose. Identificou-se um percentual expressivo de medicamentos utilizados no controle dos sintomas de intolerância à lactose que continham esse carboidrato como excipiente. Conclusão: nas formas farmacêuticas analisadas, a presença de lactose nos MIPs é superior a 40%. A lactose presente pode ser agravante de sintomas gastrintestinais. Portanto, é essencial incluir, na embalagem dos medicamentos, a frase de alerta sobre a presença desse açúcar, visando à sua ampla divulgação, particularmente dirigida aos indivíduos com restrição de uso dessa substância.

Introduction: polypharmacy and self-medication are present in Brazilian population, frequently occurring for prescription-free medicines. In addition, lactose is used as an excipient in solid dosage forms of prescription-free medicines. Objective: the present study constitutes a research on lactose, as an excipient, in prescription-free medicines (MIPs). Methodology: in 391 MIPs present in five solid dosage pharmaceutical forms and analyzed by classes, categories and brands, in April and May 2018, information was collected on the presence of lactose in the package inserts available on the websites of the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency and on the pharmaceutical industry websites in Brazil. Results: it was found that lactose is present in 43.48% of the MIPs, being more frequent in tablets and coated tablets, in the proportions of 42.94% and 36.47%, respectively. It has been found predominantly in similar drugs, mainly antiallergics, non-opioid analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as in all antidiarrheals and laxatives. Of the 88 brands analyzed, 30 presented over 50% of lactose products. An expressive percentage of drugs used to control the symptoms of lactose intolerance that contained this carbohydrate as an excipient were identified. Conclusion: in the pharmaceutical forms analyzed, the presence of lactose in the MIPs is higher than 40%. The lactose present may be aggravating gastrointestinal symptoms. It is therefore essential to include a warning on the presence of this sugar on the packaging of medicinal products, with a view to their wide dissemination, particularly for those who have a restricted use of that substance.

Intolerancia a la Lactosa
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 11(2): 239-248, Maio-Ago 2018. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-912392


Objetivou-se elaborar cinco amostras de tipos de iogurtes com base no leite de coco e adicionados de polpas de acerola, cajá, manga e umbu. Realizando-se a análise sensorial, teste de intenção de compra e análises físico-químicas. Na análise físico-química foi obtida a seguinte variação: carboidratos totais 3,23 ­ 6,36 g, proteínas 1,47 -1,61 g, gorduras totais 5,94 ­6,83 g, fibra bruta 1,09 ­ 1,18 g, cinzas 0,39 ­ 0,49 g, umidade 87,4 ­ 88,6%, pH 3,76 ­ 4,30 e calorias 73,5 ­ 85,7 Kcal. O iogurte natural apresentou diferença significativa entre as amostras quanto à composição centesimal, exceto no teor de umidade. O iogurte com polpa de manga apresentou maior aceitação e intenção de compra, diferindo significantemente das demais amostras (p<0,01). Adição de frutas contribuiu para o aumento valor nutricional e a adição de manga obteve a melhor aceitação em todas as avaliações.

Five types of yoghurt s made of coco milk with acerola, cajá, mango and umbu pulps were prepared. Sensorial analysis, purchase intention test and physical and chemical tests were performed. The following variations occurred in the physical and chemical test: total carbohydrates 3.23 ­ 6.36 g; proteins 1.47- 1.61 g; total fats 5.94 ­ 6.83 g; crude fiber 1.09 ­ 1.18 g; ashes 0.39 ­ 0.49 g; humidity 87.4 ­ 88.6%; pH 3.76 ­ 4.30 and calories 73.5 ­ 85.7 Kcal. Natural yoghurt had significant difference between samples with regard to centesimal composition, except humidity rate. Mango pulp yoghurt had the highest acceptance rate and purchase intention, with significant difference from the other types (p<0.01). The addition of fruits contributed towards an increase in nutritional value. The addition of mango pulp had the best acceptance in all evaluations.

Alimentos de Coco , Frutas , Intolerancia a la Lactosa , Alimentos Integrales , Nutrición, Alimentación y Dieta
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194739


Ksheeralasaka is a multi-system disease of the breast-fed child caused by Sannipataja-stanya-dushti (breast milk vitiated by all the Tridoshas). A proper understanding of the condition is not available and it is confused with lactose intolerance and cow’s milk allergy. Hence a thorough review of Ksheeralasaka and its management in the light of Ayurvedic and modern principles is intended in this paper so that suitable therapies can be selected. Ksheera denotes breast milk and Alasaka is a type of Ajeerna (indigestion), a condition called Ama caused by Agnimandya or weak digestive/metabolic power. Thus Ksheeralasaka is Ajeerna or indigestion in the infant caused by intake of vitiated breast milk. Ksheeralasaka is most similar to non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk protein allergy and is also comparable with food allergies caused by egg, peanuts, etc. Lactose intolerance and lactose overload can also co-occur with cow’s milk protein allergy or food allergies. Being a disease of Ama and Stanyadushti, Apatarpana (depletion) in the form of Sodhana (purification) and Stanyasodhana (purification of breast milk) are the treatments to be adopted. Langhana or fasting is sufficient if Ama is mild, Langhana and Pachana (digestives) are needed if it is moderate and Sodhana (purification) is needed if severe. Vamana for mother and child purifies the gut and expels the allergens ingested. Breast milk purifiers and anti-diarrhoeals are judiciously advised for the mother and the child respectively. Advice regarding feeding practices can help reduce symptoms of lactose overload that may co-occur.

Genet. mol. biol ; 41(1): 92-97, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-892476


Abstract Functional dyspepsia and lactose intolerance (adult-type hypolactasia, ATH) are common conditions that may coexist or even be confounded. Their clinical presentation can be similar, however, lactose intolerance does not form part of the diagnostic investigation of functional dyspepsia. Studies on the association between functional dyspepsia and ATH are scarce. This study aimed to evaluate whether ATH is associated with symptoms of functional dyspepsia. Patients fulfilling the Rome III diagnostic criteria for functional dyspepsia underwent genetic testing for ATH. Dyspeptic symptoms were evaluated and scored according to a validated questionnaire. The diagnostic criteria for ATH was a CC genotype for the -13910C/T polymorphism, located upstream of the lactase gene. The mean scores for dyspeptic symptoms were compared between patients with ATH and those with lactase persistence. A total of 197 functional dyspeptic patients were included in the study. Mean age was 47.7 years and 82.7% patients were women. Eighty-eight patients (44.7%) had a diagnosis of ATH. Abdominal bloating scores were higher in ATH patients compared to the lactase persistent patients (P=0.014). The remaining dyspeptic symptom scores were not significantly different between the two groups. The study results demonstrate an association between ATH and bloating in patients with functional dyspepsia.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715719


PURPOSE: Lactose intolerance (LI) is perceived to be frequent in Asia and has been reported to have considerable impact on dietary intake, nutritional status and the quality of life. We aimed to gather information from healthcare professionals on the perceived incidence, diagnosis and management of LI in 1 to 5 year old children in Southeast Asia. METHODS: An anonymous electronic survey was sent randomly among healthcare professionals registered in the database of the pediatric societies in Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore between June and October 2016. RESULTS: In total, 259 health care professionals responded of which 45.5% (n=118) were from Thailand, 37.4% (n=97) from Indonesia and 16.9% (n=44) from Singapore. Of the participants who responded (n=248), primary LI prevalence among children 1 to 3 years of age was estimated to be less than 5% by 56.8%. However, about 18.9% (n=47) answered they did not know/unsure. Regarding secondary LI, 61.6% of respondents (n=153) estimated the prevalence to be less than 15%. But again, 10.8% (n=27) answered they did not know or unsure. Rotavirus gastroenteritis was ranked as the top cause for secondary LI. There was considerable heterogeneity in the diagnostic methods used. The majority of respondents (75%) recommended lactose-free milk to manage primary and secondary LI. CONCLUSION: More education/training of pediatricians on this topic and further epidemiological studies using a more systematic approach are required.

Niño , Humanos , Anónimos y Seudónimos , Asia , Asia Sudoriental , Atención a la Salud , Diagnóstico , Estudios Epidemiológicos , Asia Oriental , Gastroenteritis , Personal de Salud , Incidencia , Indonesia , Intolerancia a la Lactosa , Lactosa , Leche , Estado Nutricional , Características de la Población , Prevalencia , Calidad de Vida , Rotavirus , Singapur , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Tailandia