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Medicina (Ribeirao Preto, Online) ; 56(1)abr. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442301


Introdução: Os acidentes por lepidópteros são agravos de interesse à saúde pública e a avaliação de suas características pode contribuir para melhorar sua assistência e prevenção. Este estudo analisou o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes por lagartas do gênero Lonomia no Paraná. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo de base secundária realizado no Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica do Paraná (CIATox/PR), em Curitiba, no período de 2015 a 2019. A análise foi realizada por estatística descritiva e Teste do qui-quadrado (p<0,05). Resultados: A amostra foi composta de 84 acidentes por Lonomia sp. com predomínio em adultos (45,2%), do sexo masculino (59,5%), e de lesões em membros superiores (84,5%). O contato com as lagartas ocorreram na área peridomiciliar da residência habitual do paciente (72,6%), na zona rural (64,27%) da macrorregião oeste paranaense (38,1%). O verão concentrou 71,4% dos casos, seguido por primavera e outono com 14,3% dos casos, respectivamente, sem registros no inverno. As manifestações clínicas mais frequentes foram dor local (62,4%), equimose (34,1%), eritema (34,1%), edema e queimação (17,6% cada). A classificação leve mostrou uma redução entre a fase inicial e a final do processo, ao contrário da moderada e grave, que tiveram aumento significativo de casos (p=0,006). O RNI (Relação Normatizada Internacional) foi incoagulável em 16,7% dos pacientes. Dois casos apresentaram piora do quadro clínico, sendo uma evolução para acidente vascular cerebral hemorrágico e um óbito. Discussão: Maior número de casos registrados na zona rural, tanto na residência habitual ou ambiente laboral, se dá pelo maior contato com o habitat das lagartas como árvores frutíferas e grandes monoculturas, o que também explica o fato de a macrorregião oeste ter o maior número de casos registrados. O aumento do desmatamento, incentivos à construção de parques públicos e plantio de árvores frutíferas na zona urbana são hipóteses para o aumento de casos nessa área. Percebeu-se que manifestações clínicas discretas podem ter uma evolução desfavorável, quando comparado estadiamento inicial e final. A realização do RNI se mostrou de grande importância na mudança de estadiamento, conduta terapêutica e diagnóstico. Conclusão: O perfil encontrado foi de acidentes por Lonomia sp. com sazonalidade no verão, em homens adultos da zona rural com gravidade moderada. Esses achados revelam a importância do diagnóstico e tratamento precoce frente às diferentes possibilidades de evolução clínica desses acidentes. É fundamental estimular estratégias para identificação da lagarta, notificação dos casos e medidas preventivas permanentes para reduzir riscos e agravos (AU).

Introduction: Lonomic accidents are of public health interest and the evaluation of their characteristics can contribute to the improvement of their attention and prevention. This study analyzed the epidemiological profile of Lonomic accidents in Paraná. Methods: This study is a retrospective secondary-based study carried out at the Center of Toxicologic Information and Assistance of Paraná (CIATox/PR), in Curitiba, from 2015 to 2019. Descriptive statistical analyses were performed using the Chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: The sample consisted of 84 accidents with Lonomia sp., showing greater occurrences among adults (45.2%) of the male gender (59.5%) and injuries on the upper limbs (84.5%). Contact with the worm occurred mainly in the patient's usual residence (72.6%), in the rural area (64.27%), and in Paraná's West macro-region (38.1%). Most cases were registered in the summer (71.4%), followed by spring and autumn (14.3%), and no accidents were registered in winter. The most frequent clinical manifestations were local pain (62.3%), ecchymosis (34.1%), erythema (34.1%), swelling and burning (17.6% each). The mild classification showed a reduction between the initial and the final phase of the process, as opposed to moderate and severe classifications, which showed a significant increase in the percentage (p=0,006). The INR was incoagulable in 16.7% of patients. Two cases showed progressive worsening, one of them evolved into a hemorrhagic stroke and one death. Discussion: The greater number of incidents registered in the rural area, both in the patients' usual residence and work environment, can be due to the greater contact with the caterpillar's natural habits, such as fruit trees and large monocultures. This also explains the larger number of registered incidents in the western macro-region. The increased deforestation, the construction of public parks, and the planting of fruit trees in the urban area are hypotheses for the increase of reported cases in this area. When comparing initial and final staging, it was noticed that discrete clinical manifestations could have an unfavorable evolution. The INR request proved to be of great importance in the management, diagnosis and change of staging of the patient. Conclusion:The epidemiological profile was of Lonomia sp. accidents happening in summer in adult males in the rural area with moderate severity. These findings reveal the importance of early diagnosis and treatment in view of these accidents' different possibilities of clinical evolution. It is essential to encourage strategies for identifying the caterpillar, reporting cases, and implementing permanent preventive measures to reduce risks and complications (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Centros de Control de Intoxicaciones , Perfil de Salud , Epidemiología , Lepidópteros , Animales Ponzoñosos/lesiones
Med. UIS ; 35(3)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534822


Las orugas del género Lonomia, del orden Lepidoptera y familia Saturnidae, son de interés médico en Sudamérica por ser causantes del lonomismo, tipo de envenenamiento que aumenta cada vez más en Colombia, con tasas de mortalidad de 2,5 %. La severidad es variable y los casos no son de notificación obligatoria, lo que lleva a un subregistro de estos eventos. Se presenta el caso de una mujer adulta joven, quien acude a urgencias por la picadura de 20 orugas Lonomia en la palma de la mano izquierda; presentó signos locales inflamatorios, dolor y limitación de la movilidad de la mano. Se hospitalizó por tres días, se clasificó como leve y se trató con analgesia y antihistamínico endovenoso, lo que logró favorable evolución. El envenenamiento por oruga Lonomia es una urgencia que puede ser mortal, por tanto, es importante que se conozcan estos eventos en la literatura para su adecuado abordaje.

Caterpillars of the genus Lonomia, of the order Lepidoptera, family Saturnidae are of medical interest in South America for being the cause of lonomism, poisoning that is increasing more and more in Colombia, with mortality rates of 2.5%, the severity is variable and they are not mandatory notification, which leads to an underreporting of these events. We present the case of a young adult woman, who went to the emergency room due to the bite of 20 Lonomia caterpillars in the palm of her left hand, generating local inflammatory signs, pain and limitation of hand mobility. She was hospitalized for 3 days, classified as mild and treated with analgesia and intravenous antihistamine; which achieved favorable evolution. Therefore, it was concluded that Lonomia caterpillar poisoning is an emergency, which can be fatal. It is important that these events are known in the literature for their proper approach.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Lepidópteros , Venenos de Artrópodos , Toxinas Biológicas , Fibrinólisis
CES med ; 36(2): 122-131, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403981


Resumen Introducción: dentro de los insectos del orden lepidóptero, la familia Saturniidae tiene más de 2.400 especies, allí se encuentran Hylesia y Lonomia. Objetivo: presentar dos casos de pacientes con accidente lonómico, el manejo y desenlace para reconocer la importancia de estos eventos en las regiones silvestres de la Orinoquia colombiana. Casos clínicos: paciente de 8 años proveniente de área rural quien refería contacto en región palmar de mano derecha con gusanos quién 48 horas después de dicho contacto presentó equimosis en extremidades, flictena sangrante en talón derecho, cefalea, escalofríos y artralgias, además se evidenciaron tiempos de coagulación prolongados. Paciente de 13 años de características similares a las del caso previamente descrito sin presentar manifestaciones clínicas, pero que presentaba tiempos de coagulación prolongados. Se consideró que cursaba con accidente lonómico por lo que se aplicaron 5 ampollas de suero antilonómico polivalente a cada una sin registrar reacciones adversas. En ambos casos cursaron con evolución clínica adecuada con disminución a rangos de seguridad de tiempos de coagulación. Conclusiones: el veneno lonómico actúa en la cascada de coagulación produciendo manifestaciones hemorrágicas de gravedad variable. El suero antilonómico es el único tratamiento eficaz, a pesar de estar disponible desde hace más de 20 años en Brasil hay un 5% de progresión a síndromes hemorrágicos severos y un 1.5 a 2% de mortalidad. A pesar de tener gran relevancia clínica en las Américas existe subregistro, es importante conocer sus manifestaciones y el manejo para así poder evitar complicaciones mortales.

Abstract Background: among the insects of the order Lepidoptera, the family Saturniidae has more than 2,400 species, there are Hylesia and Lonomia. Objective: to present two cases of patients with lonomic accident, the management and outcome to recognize the importance of these events in the wild regions of the Colombian orinoquia. Clinical case: an 8-year-old patient from a rural area who refers to contact in the palmar region of the right hand with worms for more than 48 hours, presents ecchymosis in the extremities, bleeding flictena in the right heel, headache, chills and arthralgias. Clotting times are performed which are prolonged. A 13-year-old patient who also referred contact without presenting clinical manifestations but presenting prolonged clotting times. They are considered to occur due to a lonomic accident, so 5 ampoules of polyvalent antilonomic serum are administered to each one without registering adverse reactions. They have an adequate clinical evolution with a decrease in the safe ranges of clotting times. Conclusions: the lonomic venom acts in the coagulation cascade producing hemorrhagic manifestations of variable severity. Antilonomic serum is the only effective treatment, despite being available for more than 20 years in Brazil, there is a 5% progression to severe hemorrhagic syndromes and 1.5 to 2% mortality. Despite being of great clinical relevance in the Americas, there is an underreporting, it is important to know its manifestations and management in order to avoid fatal complications.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 374-384, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360032


RESUMEN La estructura genética de poblaciones de mariposas con distribución en islas y sus pares continentales ha sido poco documentada para el neotrópico. Este estudio presenta la caracterización de una población de Heliconius sara con distribución en la Isla Gorgona, ubicada en la región del Pacífico Oriental Colombiano. Para esto se examinaron secuencias parciales de un marcador mitocondrial incluyendo información obtenida del GenBank. Se comparó la diversidad y estructura genética con sus conespecíficos continentales y también con congéneres, con los que comparte un ancestro común cercano en el clado Sapho-Sara. Para el análisis de diversidad y estructura genética se realizó un análisis de varianza molecular. Este análisis muestra que la distancia entre la población de la isla y sus pares en el continente es consistente con la variación intraespecífica observada en otras especies del género Heliconius. Para la reconstrucción de la genealogía y datación reciente en el Pleistoceno superior del grupo monofilético de secuencias de H. sara, se realizó un análisis de inferencia bayesiana, así como una de máxima verosimilitud. Del análisis demográfico se seleccionó un modelo histórico de flujo asimétrico desde la isla hacia el continente que sugiere baja resistencia de la discontinuidad geográfica a la dispersión de esta mariposa diurna desde la isla. Este es el primer estudio en examinar un posible evento de aislamiento de una población insular de mariposas en Colombia.

ABSTRACT The genetic structure of butterfly populations among islands and mainland has been poorly documented for the neotropics. This study shows a characterization of the Heliconius sara population with distribution on Gorgona Island in the Colombian Eastern Tropical Pacific region. We obtained partial sequences of a mitochondrial DNA, including information obtained from GenBank. The genetic diversity and structure were compared among the island population and their mainland conspecific, but also with congenerics, with those shared by a recent common ancestor within the Sapho/Sara clade. For the analysis of diversity and genetic structure, an analysis of molecular variance was performed. This analysis shows that the genetic distance between the island's population and that of the mainland is consistent with the intraspecific variation observed in other species of the Heliconious genus. For the reconstruction of the genealogy and the recent dating calibration in the upper Pleistocene of the monophyletic group of H. sara, a Bayesian inference was carried out as well as one of maximum likelihood. From the demographic analysis, an asymmetric gene flow model from the island to the mainland was selected. This model suggests low historical resistance of the geographic discontinuity to dispersal of this small and diurnal butterfly from the island. This is the first study to examine a possible event of local isolation of an island population of a butterfly in Colombia.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 928-933, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153425


Abstract Species of Trichogramma Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammtidae) are frequently used as biological control agents against Lepidoptera, but practical application of these egg endoparasitoids are complicated because of their complex taxonomy. This study aimed to compare sequences of internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal DNA (ITS2-rDNA) of Trichogramma accessions with those deposited in GenBank in order to access the reliability of the ITS2 as a barcode for discriminating species and evaluating the genetic diversity. ITS2-rDNA sequences obtained from seventeen specimens of Trichogramma confirmed previous identifications based on morphological characteristics. Multiple sequence alignment revealed the existence of highly conserved regions in ITS2 sequences while the neighbour-joining dendrogram indicated that the specimens formed three clusters comprising T. manicobai and T. marandobai (group I), T. galloi (group II) and T. pretiosum (group III). The ITS2 marker was shown to be a powerful DNA barcode for discriminating Trichogramma species and could be used to complement the morphological approach.

Resumo Espécies de Trichogramma Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) são freqüentemente usadas como agentes de controle biológico contra Lepidoptera, esses endoparasitóides de ovos apresentam taxonomia complexa, o que dificulta sua aplicação prática. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar seqüências de regiões espaçadoras internas transcritas de DNA ribossômico (ITS2-rDNA) de acessos de Trichogramma com aquelas depositadas no GenBank, a fim de avaliar a confiabilidade do ITS2 barcode para discriminar espécies e avaliar a diversidade genética. As seqüências de ITS2-rDNA obtidas de dezessete espécimes de Trichogramma confirmaram identidades anteriores com base em características morfológicas. O alinhamento de múltiplas sequências revelou a existência de regiões altamente conservadas nas sequências ITS2, enquanto o dendrograma indicou que os espécimes formavam três grupos compreendendo T. manicobai e T. marandobai (grupo I), T. galloi (grupo II) e T. pretiosum (grupo III). O marcador ITS2 mostrou ser um poderoso DNA barcode para discriminar espécies de Trichogramma podendo ser usado como complemento da abordagem morfológica.

Animales , Himenópteros/genética , Filogenia , Variación Genética/genética , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , ADN Espaciador Ribosómico/genética
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(2): e20201041, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285458


Abstract: The main goal of this work was to investigate how the abundance and richness of Arctiinae moths varies over time, during the night. Specifically, we analyzed the following questions: (1) Is there a relationship between Arctiinae abundance and richness with the temperature and relative humidity? (2) What are the hours of activity of each species of moth? (3) Does the species composition differ over night? (4) Is it necessary to sample this group of moths throughout the night to have a representative sample of the species? We sampled the moths in Emas National Park (17°49'-18°28'S and 52°39'-53°10'W), Brazil. We selected seven sampling points in an area of savanna. At each sampling point, we collected the Arctiinae moths with a light trap (with a 15-W black light fluorescent light bulb), reflected in a white cloth (2 x 3 m) extended vertically. We sampled the moths in seven consecutive nights (one night in each sampling point, from December 13 to December 19, 2012, from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m.). We divided the samplings in twelve periods over the night, with an hour each. At each period of time, we measured the temperature and the relative humidity with a digital termohygrometer. We sampled 149 individuals belonging to 17 species of Arctiinae moths. Most species (70.5%) were active only for one or two hours at night. The species differed in terms of time activity. The higher abundance occurred at 8 p. m. (44 individuals), followed by 38 individuals at 9 p. m. and 23 at 10 p. m. The species richness was also higher in the early hours of the night. The temperature was the only variable that showed a positive and significative relationship with the Arctiinae moth abundance. The species richness was not influenced neither by the temperature nor by the relative air humidity. The possible causes of the peak of abundance and species richness in specific hours of the night are discussed.

Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar como a abundância e a riqueza de mariposas Arctiinae variam temporalmente, ao longo do período noturno. Especificamente, analisamos as seguintes questões: (1) existe relação entre a abundância e a riqueza de Arctiinae e a umidade relativa do ar e a temperatura? (2) qual é o horário de atividade de cada espécie de mariposa? (3) a composição de espécies difere ao longo da noite? (4) é necessário amostrar esse grupo de mariposas ao longo de toda a noite para ter uma amostra representativa das espécies? Realizamos as amostragens no Parque Nacional das Emas (17°49'-18°28'S e 52°39'-53°10'W), Brasil. Selecionamos sete pontos amostrais em uma área de campo cerrado. Em cada ponto, coletamos as mariposas Arctiinae utilizando uma fonte luminosa (lâmpada UV de 15 W) refletida em um pano branco (2 x 3 m) estendido na vertical. Coletamos as mariposas durante sete noites consecutivas (uma noite por ponto, entre os dias 13 e 19 de dezembro de 2012, das 19:00 até as 07:00). Dividimos o período noturno em doze faixas de uma hora. Medimos a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar com auxílio de um termohigrômetro digital. Amostramos 149 indivíduos pertencentes a 17 espécies de mariposas Arctiinae. A maioria das espécies (70,5%) esteve ativa apenas por uma ou duas horas durante a noite. As espécies diferiram em termos de horário de atividade. O horário das 20 h apresentou uma maior abundância (44 indivíduos), seguido do horário das 21 (38) e das 22 h (23). A riqueza também foi maior nas primeiras horas da noite. Somente a temperatura foi positivamente correlacionada com a abundância de mariposas. A riqueza de mariposas não foi influenciada nem pela temperatura nem pela umidade relativa do ar. As possíveis causas das diferenças em termos de horários de atividade são discutidas..

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 60(2): 30-37, dic.2020. tab., ilus.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1509619


Las mariposas (lepidópteros) pueden ocasionar molestias en algunas ocasiones, Hylesia metabuses una mariposa de hábitos nocturnos, caracterizada por presentar pelos que se desprenden durante el vuelo causando dermatitis y diversas reacciones alérgicas (lepidopterismo) en la población. En Venezuela,las invasiones cíclicas de H. metabus en nororiente del país ocasionan un problema de salud pública, requiriendo mantener la vigilancia para orientar labores de control. En este trabajo se realizó una descripción de las actividades para la vigilancia epidemiológica de H. metabus y del lepidopterismo en el estado Sucre. A través de revisión documental, se estudiaron 154 documentos referentes a la vigilancia de H. metabus y del lepidopterismo, emitidos por el Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud. Se evidenció una definición clara y precisa de evento, las acciones para el monitoreo de las fases evolutivas de H. metabus se encuentran bien delimitadas; sin embargo, las actividades para el monitoreo de los casos de lepidopterismo no están claramente establecidas. Se observó una adecuada recolección y flujo de información referente alas fases evolutivas de la mariposa, pero poca recolección de datos referentes a los casos de lepidopterismo. El mecanismo del flujo de información estuvo basado en comunicaciones e informes técnicos eventuales y solamente en el nivel estadal de salud se realizó actividades de consolidación y análisis de datos. En conclusión, se encuentran claramente definidas las actividades para el monitoreo de las fases evolutivas de la mariposa, pero deficiencia en la vigilancia del lepidopterismo. Se observan debilidades para la vigilancia epidemiológica de H. metabus(AU)

Butterflies (Lepidoptera) can sometimes cause discomfort, Hylesia metabus is a nocturnal butterfly, characterized by hair shedding during flight causing dermatitis and various allergic reactions (Lepidopterism) in the population. In Venezuela, cyclical invasions of H. metabus in the northeast of the country cause a public health problem, requiring vigilance to guide control efforts. In this work, a description of the activities for the epidemiological surveillance of H. metabus and lepidopterism in Sucre state was made. Through a documentary review, 154 documents referring to the surveillance of H. metabus and lepidopterism, issued by the Ministry of Popular Power for Health, were studied. A clear and precise definition of the event was evidenced, the actions for monitoring the evolutionary phases of H. metabus are well defined; however, activities for the monitoring of lepidopterism cases are not clearly established. There was an adequate collection and flow of information regarding the evolutionary phases of the butterfly, but little data collection regarding the cases of lepidopterism. The information flow mechanism was based on communications and eventual technical reports and only at the state health level were data consolidation and analysis activities carried out. In conclusion, the activities for monitoring the evolutionary phases of the butterfly are clearly defined, but there is a deficiency in the surveillance of lepidopterism. Weaknesses are observed for the epidemiological surveillance of H. metabus(AU)

Animales , Sistemas de Información , Lepidópteros/parasitología , Venezuela
Rev. bras. entomol ; 64(4): e20200080, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144136


ABSTRACT Soybean looper (Chrysodeixis includens) and Spodoptera group are important defoliators insects responsible for significant yield losses in soybean, cotton and maize in Brazil. Bioinsecticides and transgenic plants expressing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis are among the most used sustainable control methods for pest control in agriculture, especially for several lepidopteran species. To provide new components for insect control, this study aimed to select and characterize B. thuringiensis strains toxic to C. includens, S. cosmioides, S. eridania, and S. frugiperda. We performed initial bioassays with fifty B. thuringiensis strains for C. includens and selected four strains - 1608A, 726, 773, and 775E - that caused high larval mortality (100%) to be tested against Spodoptera species. These strains harbored cry insecticidal genes, megaplasmids, absence of β-exotoxin and showed two major proteins about 65 and 130 kDa in SDS-page attributed to Cry protein classes toxic to lepidopteran species. The 1608A and 775E strains also showed high toxicity to Spodoptera species that demonstrate great potential for B. thuringiensis-based bioproduct development and as sources of new insecticidal genes for transgenic crops for multiple pest control relevant in the Brazilian agricultural system.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 64(2): e2019105, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098833


Abstract The ages of parasitoid females and their hosts can have substantial effects on parasitism and parasitoid efficacy. This relationship has been investigated over the last few decades and found to vary among species. To our knowledge, it was virtually unknown for Trichogramma pretiosum wasps that parasitize Anticarsia gemmatalis eggs. Therefore, the influence of parasitoid and host age on the parasitism of T. pretiosum on eggs of A. gemmatalis was here evaluated in three independent bioassays. Neither the number of parasitized eggs nor that of emerged parasitoids differed between T. pretiosum females of different age. The number of parasitoids per egg and the sex ratio were higher for 5-day-old females. Regarding host age, the number of parasitized eggs was highest for A. gemmatalis eggs aged 24 h (9.60), followed by eggs aged 48 h (1.00), while no parasitism was observed for eggs aged 72 h. The number of parasitoids per egg and sex ratio were not influenced by host age. Preference was significantly higher for host eggs aged 24 h (79.67%), followed by eggs aged 48 h (16.99%) and 72 h (3.33%). Accordingly to these results, the key challenge for a successful T. pretiosum release to control A. gemmatalis in the field is to synchronize the presence of up to 5-day-old adults with the most susceptible phase of the host eggs (1 day).

Case reports (Universidad Nacional de Colombia. En línea) ; 5(2): 105-114, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055694


ABSTRACT Introduction: Lonomic accidents have become of great interest as they represent a public health problem in rural communities. These accidents are challenging for health personnel given their multiple associated complications, difficult diagnosis and therapeutic variants. Case presentation: This is the case of a 41-year-old male patient who had contact with a caterpillar of the genus Lonomia sp. He presented with symptoms of bleeding and subsequent multiple organ failure that resolved with the use of antilonomic serum. Discussion: The patient presented with symptoms that progressed to multiple organ failure and associated hemorrhagic syndrome due to the difficulties for diagnosis. He required therapeutic intervention in a primary care institution with subsequent need for treatment in a more complex center considering the deterioration and non-availability of the antilonomic serum. Conclusions: Based on in-hospital medical intervention strategies, the administration of the lonomic serum and the patient's follow-up through the system, it was possible to confirm the improvement of his health condition and discharge him. It is important to stress the knowledge of the health professionals who treat these cases in rural areas and the availability of the serum.

RESUMEN Introducción. El accidente lonómico se ha convertido en un evento de gran interés, ya que supone una problemática de salud pública enfocada en las comunidades rurales y un reto para el personal de salud dadas las múltiples complicaciones, el difícil diagnóstico y las variantes terapéuticas. Presentación del caso. Paciente masculino de 41 años quien tuvo contacto con oruga del género Lonomia sp. y presentó síntomas de sangrado y posterior falla multiorgánica que se resolvió con el uso de suero antilonómico. Discusión. Se presenta un cuadro clínico que progresó a falla multiorgánica y síndrome hemorrágico asociado a dificultades en su diagnóstico y que requirió intervención terapéutica en primer nivel de urgencia con posterior necesidad de tratamiento en un centro de mayor complejidad por deterioro y no disponibilidad de suero antilonómico. Conclusiones. A partir de las estrategias de intervención médica intrahospitalaria, la administración del suero lonómico y el seguimiento del paciente a través del sistema, se pudo constatar la mejoría en el estado de salud y dar el alta médica. Es importante poner en tensión los conocimientos de los profesionales en salud que atienden estos casos en las zonas rurales y la disponibilidad del suero de tratamiento.

Genet. mol. biol ; 41(1,supl.1): 243-252, 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-892483


Abstract Newly hatched caterpillars of the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis routinely cannibalize eggs. In a manifestation of kin recognition they cannibalize sibling eggs less frequently than unrelated eggs. Previous work has estimated the heritability of kin recognition in H. erato phyllis to lie between 14 and 48%. It has furthermore been shown that the inheritance of kin recognition is compatible with a quantitative model with a threshold. Here we present the results of a preliminary study, in which we tested for associations between behavioral kin recognition phenotypes and AFLP and SSR markers. We implemented two experimental approaches: (1) a cannibalism test using sibling eggs only, which allowed for only two behavioral outcomes (cannibal and non-cannibal), and (2) a cannibalism test using two sibling eggs and one unrelated egg, which allowed four outcomes [cannibal who does not recognize siblings, cannibal who recognizes siblings, "super-cannibal" (cannibal of both eggs), and "super non-cannibal" (does not cannibalize eggs at all)]. Single-marker analyses were performed using χ2 tests and logistic regression with null markers as covariates. Results of the χ2 tests identified 72 associations for experimental design 1 and 73 associations for design 2. Logistic regression analysis of the markers found to be significant in the χ2 test resulted in 20 associations for design 1 and 11 associations for design 2. Experiment 2 identified markers that were more frequently present or absent in cannibals who recognize siblings and super non-cannibals; i.e. in both phenotypes capable of kin recognition.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 49(3): 273-281, set. 2017. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-958008


A total of 268 Bacillus thuringiensis strains obtained from different sources of Argentina were analyzed to determine the diversity and distribution of the cryl, cry2, cry8, cry9 and vip3A genes encoding for lepidopteran-specific insecticidal proteins. Twin strains were excluded. Ten different profiles were detected among the 80 selected B. thuringiensis strains. Two of these profiles (cry1Aa, cry1Ac, cry1Ia, cry2Aa, cry2Ab and vip3Aa (35/80), and cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac, cry1Ia, cry2Aa, cry2Ab and vip3Aa (25/80)) pooled 75% of the strains. The existence of this low diversity is rare, since in most of the studied collections a great diversity of insecticidal toxin gene profiles has been described. In addition, the most frequently detected profile was also most frequently derived from soil (70%), stored product dust (59%) and spider webs (50%). In contrast, the cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac, cry1Ia, cry2Aa, cry2Ab and vip3Aa profiles were mainly detected in strains isolated from leaves (40%) and dead insect larvae (50%). Six of the identified insecticidal toxin gene profiles were discovered in strains isolated from stored product dust and leaves indicating higher diversity of profiles in these kinds of sources than in others. Some strains with high insecticidal activity against Epinotia aporema (Lepidoptera) larvae were identified, which is important to explore future microbial strategies for the control of this crop pest in the region.

Se analizaron 268 cepas de Bacillus thuringiensis obtenidas de diferentes fuentes de Argentina con el objeto de determinar la diversidad y distribución de genes cryl, cry2, cry8, cry9 y vip3A, que codifican proteínas insecticidas lepidóptero-específicas. Se excluyeron las cepas gemelas. Se detectaron solo diez perfiles diferentes entre los 80 B. thuringiensis seleccionados. Dos de estos perfiles, el cry1Aa, cry1Ac, crylIa, cry2Aa, cry2Ab y vip3Aa (35/80) y el cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac, crylIa, cry2Aa, cry2Ab y vip3Aa (25/80), comprendieron el 75% de las cepas seleccionadas. La existencia de esta baja diversidad es una rareza, ya que en la mayor parte de las colecciones estudiadas se ha descrito una gran diversidad de perfiles de genes de toxinas insecticidas. El perfil detectado con mayor frecuencia se obtuvo principalmente de cepas procedentes de suelo (el 70% de los de esa fuente lo tenían), también fue mayoritario entre los procedentes de polvo de producto almacenado (59%) y en los que procedían de telas de arana (50%). En cambio, el perfil cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1Ac, crylIa, cry2Aa, cry2Ab y vip3Aa se detectó principalmente en las cepas aisladas de hojas (40%) y de larvas de insectos muertos (50%). Seis de los perfiles identificados fueron encontrados en cepas aisladas de polvo de producto almacenado y de hojas, lo que indica una mayor diversidad de perfiles en estas fuentes que en otras. Se identificaron algunas cepas con alta actividad insecticida contra larvas de Epinotia aporema (Lepidoptera), hallazgo importante para explorar en el futuro estrategias microbianas para el control de esta plaga en la región.

Animales , Bacillus thuringiensis , Toxinas Bacterianas , Genes Bacterianos , Proteínas Hemolisinas , Argentina , Bacillus thuringiensis/genética , Bacillus thuringiensis/patogenicidad , Proteínas Bacterianas , Toxinas Bacterianas/genética , Control Biológico de Vectores , Endotoxinas , Proteínas Hemolisinas/fisiología , Proteínas Hemolisinas/genética , Larva , Lepidópteros
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(3): 703-712, may/jun. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-966229


Alphabaculovirus is a genus of the entomopathogenic virus, whose species Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) infects the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which is an important insect in the sericulture industry. A geographic isolate of BmNPV was identified in the state of Paraná, Brazil. It was infecting B. mori larvae and various organs and target tissues were identified, however, there was no information about the infection of Malpighian tubules (MT). The MT comprises the excretory system of B. mori and acts in the elimination of toxic substances and in hydroelectrolytic homeostasis. Thus, the present study examined the susceptibility and cytopathology of B. mori MT to BmNPV. To this end, hybrid fifth instar larvae were inoculated with a virus suspension at different days post-inoculation (dpi). MT segments were collected and divided into the ampullae, proximal, medial and distal regions. These were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron analysis. The MT regions revealed differences in susceptibility to BmNPV and the ampullae in its transition area was infected from the sixth dpi; the other regions did not reveal any evidence of infection. The transition area of the ampullae has not been previously described in Lepidoptera and its cytopathology revealed a hypertrophic nucleus with viroplasm, followed by the formation and development of viral polyhedra, which are common characteristics of infections by Alphabaculovirus. Thus, infection of the ampullae of the MT of B. mori by BmNPV, together with other known targets, compromises the metabolic balance of the insect, which results in consequences for silk production and damage to the sericulture sector.

Alphabaculovirus é um gênero de vírus entomopatogênico, cuja espécie Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) infecta o bicho-da-seda, Bombyx mori, inseto importante na indústria sericícola. Um isolado geográfico do BmNPV foi identificado no estado do Paraná, Brasil, infectando lagartas de B. mori e vários órgãos e tecidos alvos foram identificados; entretanto, não há informações sobre a infecção do túbulo de Malpighi (TM). O TM compõe o sistema excretor de B. mori, atuando na eliminação de substâncias tóxicas e na homeostase hidroeletrolítica. Assim, o presente estudo, analisou a susceptibilidade e a citopatologia do TM de B. mori ao BmNPV. Para tanto, lagartas híbridas de 5° instar foram inoculadas com uma suspensão viral e em diferentes dias pós-inoculação (dpi), segmentos do TM foram coletados e subdivididos nas regiões da ampola, proximal, média e distal; sendo processados para análises em microscopias de luz e eletrônica de transmissão. As regiões do TM revelaram diferenças na susceptibilidade ao BmNPV e a ampola, na sua área de transição, foi infectada a partir do 6° dpi, já as demais regiões não revelaram quaisquer indícios de infecção. A área de transição da ampola, ainda não havia sido descrita em lepidópteros e sua citopatologia revelou núcleo hipertrófico com viroplasma, seguido da formação e desenvolvimento dos poliedros virais, características comuns das infecções pelo Alphabaculovirus. Assim, a infecção da ampola do TM de B. mori ao BmNPV, somada a de outros alvos conhecidos, compromete o equilíbrio metabólico do inseto, com consequências na produção de seda e prejuízos ao setor sericícola.

Bombyx , Baculoviridae , Nucleocápside , Lepidópteros , Túbulos de Malpighi
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 17(3): e20170335, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951115


Abstract Species inventories are important tools to evaluate biodiversity losses and contribute to the conservation of endangered areas. The Amazon and Cerrado are the largest Brazilian biomes and represent some of the most threatened regions of the country. Due to its location between these biomes, the state of Maranhão, Northeast Brazil, possesses a great variety of habitats and a high local diversity. Nonetheless, few faunistic inventories of diversified groups have been performed in the state. In the specific case of butterflies, a well-known biological indicator, no inventories have been published in the past years. This study aimed to expand the knowledge on the composition of butterflies in Amazon and Cerrado remnants of Maranhão. Butterflies were sampled between 2011 and 2015 across eight municipalities of the state. Captures were made through entomological nets and baited traps. In total, 189 species were sampled, of which 165 were captured in the Amazon, 65 in the Cerrado and 41 in both biomes. We sampled 167 species through entomological nets and 43 through baited traps, representing 12% of similarity in species composition between sampling methods. We estimate that the recorded species represent a small subset of the butterflies from Maranhão. Therefore, long-term researches in poorly studied areas of the state are recommended to identify novel and/or endemic taxa.

Resumo Inventários de espécies são ferramentas importantes para avaliar perdas de biodiversidade e contribuir para a conservação de áreas ameaçadas. A Amazônia e o Cerrado são os maiores biomas brasileiros e representam algumas das regiões mais ameaçadas do país. Devido à sua localização entre estes biomas, o estado do Maranhão, nordeste do Brasil, possui uma grande variedade de habitats e uma alta diversidade local. No entanto, poucos inventários faunísticos de grupos diversificados foram realizados no estado. No caso específico de borboletas, um indicador biológico bem conhecido, nenhum inventário foi publicado nos últimos anos. Este estudo objetivou expandir o conhecimento sobre a composição de borboletas de remanescentes de Amazônia e Cerrado do Maranhão. As borboletas foram amostradas entre 2011 e 2015 em oito municípios do estado. As capturas foram realizadas através de redes entomológicas e armadilhas com iscas. No total, 189 espécies foram amostradas, das quais 165 foram capturadas na Amazônia, 65 no Cerrado e 41 em ambos os biomas. Nós amostramos 167 espécies através de redes entomológicas e 43 através de armadilhas com iscas, representando 12% de similaridade na composição de espécies entre métodos de amostragem. Nós estimamos que as espécies registradas representam um pequeno subconjunto das borboletas do Maranhão. Deste modo, pesquisas de longa duração em áreas pouco estudadas do estado são recomendadas para identificar taxa novos e/ou endêmicos.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467500


Abstract Species of Trichogramma Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammtidae) are frequently used as biological control agents against Lepidoptera, but practical application of these egg endoparasitoids are complicated because of their complex taxonomy. This study aimed to compare sequences of internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal DNA (ITS2-rDNA) of Trichogramma accessions with those deposited in GenBank in order to access the reliability of the ITS2 as a barcode for discriminating species and evaluating the genetic diversity. ITS2-rDNA sequences obtained from seventeen specimens of Trichogramma confirmed previous identifications based on morphological characteristics. Multiple sequence alignment revealed the existence of highly conserved regions in ITS2 sequences while the neighbour-joining dendrogram indicated that the specimens formed three clusters comprising T. manicobai and T. marandobai (group I), T. galloi (group II) and T. pretiosum (group III). The ITS2 marker was shown to be a powerful DNA barcode for discriminating Trichogramma species and could be used to complement the morphological approach.

Resumo Espécies de Trichogramma Westwood, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) são freqüentemente usadas como agentes de controle biológico contra Lepidoptera, esses endoparasitóides de ovos apresentam taxonomia complexa, o que dificulta sua aplicação prática. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar seqüências de regiões espaçadoras internas transcritas de DNA ribossômico (ITS2-rDNA) de acessos de Trichogramma com aquelas depositadas no GenBank, a fim de avaliar a confiabilidade do ITS2 barcode para discriminar espécies e avaliar a diversidade genética. As seqüências de ITS2-rDNA obtidas de dezessete espécimes de Trichogramma confirmaram identidades anteriores com base em características morfológicas. O alinhamento de múltiplas sequências revelou a existência de regiões altamente conservadas nas sequências ITS2, enquanto o dendrograma indicou que os espécimes formavam três grupos compreendendo T. manicobai e T. marandobai (grupo I), T. galloi (grupo II) e T. pretiosum (grupo III). O marcador ITS2 mostrou ser um poderoso DNA barcode para discriminar espécies de Trichogramma podendo ser usado como complemento da abordagem morfológica.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 61(3): 263-268, May-Jun/2015.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-753178


Summary In southern Brazil, since 1989, several cases of accidents produced by unwilling contact with the body of poisonous caterpillars of the moth species Lonomia obliqua Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), were described. L. obliqua caterpillars have gregarious behavior and feed on leaves of host trees during the night, staying grouped in the trunk during the day, which favors the occurrence of accidents with the species. This caterpillar has the body covered with bristles that on contact with the skin of individuals, breaks and release their contents, inoculating the venom into the victim. The basic constitution of the venom is protein and its components produce physiological changes in the victim, which include disturbances in hemostasis. Hemorrhagic syndrome associated with consumption coagulopathy, intravascular hemolysis and acute renal failure are some of the possible clinical manifestations related to poisoning by L. obliqua. Specific laboratory tests for diagnosis of poisoning have not been described previously. The diagnosis of poisoning is made based on the patient's medical history, clinical manifestations, erythrocyte levels, and, primarily, parameters that evaluate blood coagulation. Treatment is performed with the use of supportive care and the administration of specific hyperimmune antivenom. Poisoning can be serious and even fatal.

Na região Sul do Brasil, a partir de 1989, foram descritos inúmeros casos de contato acidental com o corpo de lagartas venenosas da mariposa da espécie Lonomia obliqua Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). As lagartas de L. obliqua possuem comportamento gregário e alimentam- -se de folhas das árvores hospedeiras durante a noite, permanecendo agrupadas no tronco durante o dia, o que favorece a ocorrência de acidentes. Essa lagarta possui o corpo recoberto por cerdas urticantes, que, ao contato com a pele dos indivíduos, se rompem e liberam seu conteúdo, inoculando o veneno na vítima. A constituição básica do veneno é proteica e seus componentes produzem modificações fisiológicas no acidentado, que incluem distúrbios na hemostasia. Síndrome hemorrágica associada a coagulopatia de consumo, hemólise intravascular e insuficiência renal aguda são algumas das manifestações clínicas possíveis relacionadas ao envenenamento por L. obliqua. Ainda não foram descritas avaliações laboratoriais específicas para diagnóstico do envenenamento, que é feito com base na anamnese do paciente, nas manifestações clínicas, nos índices hematimétricos e, principalmente, nos parâmetros que avaliam a coagulação sanguínea. A terapêutica é feita com a utilização de medidas de suporte e com a administração de um soro heterólogo hiperimune específico. Os envenenamentos podem ser graves e até mesmo fatais.

Animales , Humanos , Venenos de Artrópodos/envenenamiento , Hemostasis , Lepidópteros , Venenos de Artrópodos/metabolismo , Coagulación Sanguínea/efectos de los fármacos , Brasil , Coagulación Intravascular Diseminada/etiología , Hemorragia/inducido químicamente , Mariposas Nocturnas , Serina Endopeptidasas/metabolismo
Biosalud ; 13(2): 59-83, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-760906


El accidente por mariposa se le conoce como erucismo y lepidopterismo dependiendo del tipo de caso. Las familias de lepidópteros que tienen importancia sanitaria en Colombia son Megalopygidae, Arctiidae, Saturniidae y dentro de esta la subfamilia Hemileucinae es la que presenta los casos más graves con síndromes hemorrágicos graves, principalmente por las orugas del género Lonomia. Las larvas contienen enzimas que actúan sobre diferentes componentes, Lonomia actúa sobre el sistema hemostático provocando hemorragias que pueden conducir a la muerte. Son de especial atención los accidentes por Lonomia aquelonus (Saturniidae), que en los últimos años fue motivo de numerosos casos de erucismo en el sur de Colombia, algunos mortales. En los últimos años en Colombia se ha observado un aumento de casos de erucismo, pero el subregistro sigue siendo muy alto y el conocimiento de la temática es exiguo; en general, el grupo poblacional que más se ve afectado por los casos de erucismo son personas jóvenes de entre 15 y 45 años de edad, principalmente personas trabajadoras del campo. A causa del riesgo potencial que esto representa, sumado a la falta de conocimiento general sobre la patología que producen los venenos de Lepidoptera en humanos y en especial sobre la historia natural de las especies causantes de los envenenamientos, y de los aspectos eco-epidemiológicos, se pretende con este artículo contextualizar el impacto de estos animales venenosos en la salud de los Colombianos, dando valoración de conceptos y presentando fundamentos teóricos que aporten a esta temática.

The injuries caused by butterflies are known as lepidopterism and erucism depending on each case. The Lepidoptera families with the most public health importance in Colombia are Megalopygidae, Arctiidae, and Saturniidae and in this last one, the Hemileucinae subfamily presents the most serious cases with severe hemorrhagic syndromes, mainly because of caterpillars from the Lonomia genus. The larvae contain enzymes which act on different components; Lonomia aquelonus (Saturniidae) acts on the hemostatic system causing hemorrhage that can cause death. Accidents by Lonomia aquelonus (Saturniidae) deserve special attention since they have been the cause of numerous cases of erucism in southern Colombia, some of them fatal. An increased number of Lonomia cases have been observed in Colombia in recent years but the under-registration continues to be very high and the knowledge about the topic is meager; in general the population groups mostly affected by eurcism are young people between 15 and 45 years old, mainly farmworkers. Because of the potential risk this represents, added to the. general lack of knowledge about the pathology produced by poisons Lepidoptera in humans and specially about the natural history of the species causing poisoning and the eco-epidiomogical aspects, this article intends to contextualze the impact of these poisonous animals on the Colombian population health through concept assessment and presenting theoretical foundations that contribute to this issue.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 21(3)dic. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522369


Se describe e ilustra el adulto y la genitalia del macho de Coiffaitarctia imperatrix, nueva especie de Phaegopterina (Arctiini), encontrada en la Amazonía de Perú.

The adult male and its genitalia are described and illustrated for Coiffaitarctia imperatrix, new species of Phaegopterina (Arctiini) found in the Peruvian Amazon.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 21(2)ago. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522363


La especie Hypanartia splendida Rothschild, 1903 fue descrita de Perú, no proporcionándose más datos acerca de la localidad tipo. Luego de 105 años, el 6 de abril de 2008, un ejemplar macho fue colectado en la parte alta del Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén, Pasco, Perú. Este es el primer ejemplar que cuenta con datos exactos de colecta.

The species Hypanartia splendida Rothschild, 1903 was described from Perú, without giving further information about its type locality. After 105 years, the April 6 2008, a male specimen was collected at the upper parts of Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, Pasco, Peru. This is the first specimen with precise collection data.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951832


Objective: To determine the biological effects of essential oils (EOs) isolated from Cymbopogon nardus, Cymbopogon flexuosus and Cymbopogon martinii grown in Colombia against two Lepidoptera larvae, common pests in the oil palm. Methods: Specimens were captured in the field and the antifeedant activity and dermal contact lethality of EOs were measured against Acharia fusca and Euprosterna elaeasa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) at various concentrations 0.002-0.600 μL/cm