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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-651270


Anchorage plays an important role in orthodontic treatment. Because of limited anchorage potential and acceptance problems of intra- or extraoral anchorage aids, endosseous implants have been suggested and used. However, clinicians have hesitated to use endosseous implants as orthodontic anchorage because of limited implantation space, high cost, and long waiting period for osseointegration. Titanium miniscrews and microscrews were introduced as orthodontic anchorage due to their many advantages such as ease of insertion and removal, low cost, immediate loading, and their ability to be placed in any area of the alveolar bone. In this study, a skeletal Class II patient was treated with sliding mechanics using M.I.A.(micro-implant anchorage). The maxillary micro-implants provide anchorage for retraction of the upper anterior teeth. The mandibular micro-implants induced uprighting and intrusion of the lower molars. The upward and forward movement of the chin followed. This resulted in an increase of the SNB angle, and a decrease of the ANB angle. The micro-implants remained firm and stable throughout treatment. This new approach to the treatment of skeletal class II malocclusion has the following characteristics: . Independent of patient cooperation. . Shorter treatment time due to the simultaneous retraction of the six anterior teeth . Early change of facial profile motivating greater cooperation from patients These results indicate that the M.I.A. can be used as anchorage for orthodontic treatment. The use of M.I.A. with sliding mechanics in the treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion increases the treatment simplicity and efficiency.

Humanos , Mentón , Maloclusión , Mecánica , Diente Molar , Oseointegración , Cooperación del Paciente , Titanio , Diente