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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439265


Introducción: La meta mundial para la eliminación de la lepra, es su detección temprana, lo que requiere un abordaje integral, saber los diversos factores que pueden favorecer su adquisición, para así desarrollar estrategias que contribuyan a su erradicación. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores clínico-epidemiológicos en la incidencia de lepra del municipio Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo cuyo universo de trabajo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de lepra en el municipio Camagüey, durante el período de estudio. Las variables estudiadas fueron: formas clínicas según clasificación de Madrid, edad, sexo, primeros síntomas y signos, localización de las lesiones, baciloscopia, modo de detección, fuente de infección y situación del enfermo en relación al foco. La información obtenida fue procesada mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS v21. Los métodos empleados fueron estadística descriptiva de distribución de frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Los resultados del estudio se expusieron en tablas y gráficos. Resultados: La lepra dimorfa fue la de mayor incidencia, prevaleció el grupo de edad entre los 60 y más años con predominio del sexo masculino, más de la mitad de los enfermos presentaron manchas anestésicas como primer síntoma y baciloscopia codificación cero. El modo de detección más relevante fue espontáneo, la fuente de infección la ignorada y en la situación del enfermo en relación al foco prevaleció el caso índice. Conclusiones: Los resultados del estudio evidencian que se hace necesario incrementar la capacitación del personal de la salud y profundizar en las labores de búsqueda de casos.

Introduction: The global goal for the elimination of leprosy is its early detection, which requires a comprehensive approach, knowing the various factors that can favor its acquisition, to develop strategies that contribute to its eradication. Objective: To characterize the clinical-epidemiological factors in the incidence of leprosy in the Camagüey municipality. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out, whose work universe consisted of all the patients with a diagnosis of leprosy in the Camagüey municipality, during the studied period. The variables studied were: clinical forms according to Madrid classification, age, sex, first symptoms and signs, location of the lesions, bacilloscopy, mode of detection, source of infection, and situation of the patient about the focus. The information obtained was processed using the statistical package SPSS v21. The methods used were descriptive statistics of the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies. The results of the study were presented in tables and graphs. Results: Dimorphic leprosy was the one with the highest incidence, the age group between 60 and older prevailed with a predominance of males, more than half of the patients presented anesthetic spots as the first symptom, and smear coding was zero. The most relevant detection mode was spontaneous, the source of infection was ignored, and the index case prevailed in the patient's situation in relation to the outbreak. Conclusions: The results of this study show that it is necessary to increase the training of health personnel and deepen the search for cases.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 19(4)30/10/2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-877799


A hanseníase é considerada uma doença infectocontagiosa de alta patogenicidade e baixa infectividade, causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium leprae - M.L. É uma doença cercada de forte estigma social e demonstra predileção por pele e nervos periféricos. A prevalência desta doença é julgada, significativamente, alta em muitos municípios da região do Nordeste. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar o perfil epidemiológico da hanseníase no município de Ilhéus-Bahia no período de 2010 a 2014, sendo relevante esta pesquisa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa epidemiológica de forma descritiva quantitativa, fundamentada na coleta de dados secundários, usando como fonte o Sistema de Notificação e Agravos ­ SINAN e a Vigilância Epidemiológica do município, no intuito de caracterizar as formas clínicas da doença e sua prevalência nos pacientes, quanto à faixa etária, raça, ano e escolaridade. Buscou-se conhecer a incidência da hanseníase, analisando os dados obtidos através dos órgãos responsáveis pela notificação e controle da doença. Vale ressaltar que a hanseníase tem cura e que quanto mais precoce for o diagnóstico, mais simples será o tratamento que é disponibilizado nas redes de atenção à saúde pública do SUS e as chances de sequelas reduzidas. Foi possível observar que indivíduos jovens adultos, em idade economicamente ativa, formaram o grupo mais suscetível à contaminação pela hanseníase e que as formas predominantes foram a dimorfa e a tuberculoide. Indivíduos de menor escolaridade também foram os mais atingidos, o que indica que educação e o acesso à informação podem ser as melhores formas de prevenção. (AU)

This study was conducted to evaluate the epidemiological profile of leprosy in the city of Ilheus, Bahia in the period from 2010 to 2014. Leprosy is considered an infectious disease highly pathogenic and of low infectivity, caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae (ML). It is anillness surrounded of a strong social stigma and demonstrates predilection for skin and peripheral nerves. Its prevalence is taken as significantly high in many municipalities in Bahia, being this study relevant.It is an epidemiological survey, whose methodology was a quantitative descriptive analysis, based on secondary data collection, using as source the Notification System and Diseases - SINAN and Epidemiological Surveillance of the municipality in order to characterize the clinical forms of the disease and its prevalence in patients as to age, race, educational leves and years. It was sought to know the incidence of leprosy, analyzing the data obtained from the bodies responsible for the report and the disease control. It is worthy highlighting that leprosy is curable and that the earlier the diagnosis is made, the simpler the treatment that is available on the networks of NHS public health and the chances of reduced sequelae. It was observed that young adults individuals of working age formed the most usceptible group to contamination by leprosy and that the predominant forms were borderline and tuberculoid. Less educated individuals were also most affected suggesting that education and access to information can be the best forms of prevention. (AU)