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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006867


@#The identification of suitable seed cells represents a critical scientific problem to be solved in the field of oral and maxillofacial bone tissue regeneration. The application of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) in tissue and organ repair and regeneration has been studied extensively. In recent years, dedifferentiated fat (DFAT) cells have also shown broad application prospects in the field of bone tissue engineering. DFAT cells express stem cell-related markers and have the potential to differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, nerve cells, cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells. In addition, DFAT cells also have the advantages of minimally invasive acquisition, strong proliferation and high homogeneity. Currently, all studies involving the application of DFAT cells in scaffold-based and scaffold-free bone tissue engineering can confirm their effectiveness in promoting bone regeneration. However, cytological research still faces some challenges, including relatively low cell culture purity, unclear phenotypic characteristics and undefined dedifferentiation mechanisms. It is believed that with the continuous development and improvement of isolation, culture, identification and directional induction of osteogenic differentiation methods, DFAT cells are expected to become excellent seed cells in the field of oral and maxillofacial bone tissue engineering in the future.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e249184, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553451


Aim: This study aimed to review the scientific literature to describe the main care and hygiene protocols for different types of maxillofacial prostheses (MFP). Methods: A bibliographic search on the PubMed / Medline database using the following keywords: ["maxillofacial prosthesis" OR "ocular prostheses" OR "palatal obturators"] AND ["Cleaning" OR "disinfection"] AND ["care"] AND ["color stability"] OR ["denture cleansers" OR "cleansing agents"]. Articles addressing materials, cleaning and disinfection protocols, and care related to MFP were included. The following exclusion criteria were applied: no adequate methodology, incompatibility with the area of interest, and unavailability for reading in full. Results: The papers were grouped into the following topics: facial prostheses, ocular prostheses, maxillofacial intraoral prostheses, and retention systems. Conclusion: Despite the MFP changes over time, its degradation decreases upon following the recommendations and post-adaptation care. The guidelines for cleaning and disinfection must be individualized to guarantee the longevity of the prosthesis and the patient health

Obturadores Palatinos , Prótesis Osicular , Desinfección , Higiene , Implantación de Prótesis Maxilofacial , Prótesis Maxilofacial
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2024. 193 p. ilus, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1568066


A prótese obturadora (PO) permite o restabelecimento estético e funcional de indivíduos maxilectomizados. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1. avaliar pelo método de elementos finitos (MEF), o comportamento biomecânico de infraestruturas metálicas de próteses parciais removíveis obturadoras (PPRO) para uma maxila com ressecção do tipo Classe II de Aramany, variando o tipo de conector maior; 2. realizar uma revisão sistemática com meta-análise em rede sobre a eficácia da PO, e outros tratamentos na qualidade de vida de seus usuários. No primeiro estudo, um modelo virtual simulando uma maxila Classe II de Aramany com ressecção óssea do lado esquerdo, e ausência dos dentes 24, 25, 26 e 27 foi construído no programa Rhinoceros® 7.0, a partir de duas tomografias. Em seguida, três infraestruturas de PPRO digitais foram confeccionadas variando o tipo de conector maior: grupo controle com conector maior tipo placa palatina com extensão reduzida (GC), conector maior tipo placa palatina com extensão total (ME), e conector maior tipo barra anteroposterior com extensão reduzida (AP). A análise de elementos finitos foi realizada no software Optistruct 2022, e os resultados analisados no HyperView 2022. Os resultados foram avaliados de forma qualitativa por meio da observação visual das imagens gráficas com variação dos gradientes de cores, de acordo com a distribuição de tensão, e quantitativa por meio da tensão de von Mises (σVM), tensão máxima principal (σmax), tensão mínima principal (σmin) e deslocamento (mm). No segundo estudo foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com meta-análise em rede (PROSPERO #CRD42023430827). Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) e estudos de intervenção não randomizados (EINRs) com pacientes reabilitados com prótese obturadora como um dos tratamentos de reabilitação. Sete desfechos reportados pelos pacientes foram analisados separadamente para cada desenho de estudo, de acordo com os questionários de QV: aparência, mastigação, dor, contato social, fala, deglutição e QV geral. Os dados foram convertidos para o questionário UW-QOL v4, exceto o contato social que foi convertido para o EORTC QLQ-H&N35. Foi usada meta-análise em rede Bayesiana modelo randômico para calcular as diferenças médias, e intervalos de credibilidade de 95% (Crl) para cada comparação entre tratamentos. A interpretação seguiu a certeza da evidência por meio da abordagem GRADE para meta-análise e a diferença mínima importante (DMI). A revisão incluiu 4 ECRs e 9 EINRs. Sete tratamentos foram avaliados: pré-cirúrgico (considerado sem tratamento), obturador pós-cirúrgico, obturador provisório, obturador convencional, obturador suportado por implante, obturador magnético e retalho, totalizando 120 comparações de tratamentos em todos os sete desfechos. Verificou-se pelos resultados do primeiro estudo que CG e AP apresentaram comportamentos semelhantes, já ME apresentou maiores valores de tensão para praticamente todos os componentes do sistema. Nenhum dos grupos apresentou valores de deslocamento significativos. Para a revisão sistemática, observou-se que a estimativa de efeito de alguns tratamentos alcançou a DMI, entretanto, o intervalo de credibilidade cruzou a linha de efeito nulo, com certeza da evidência muito baixa, portanto, nenhum tratamento foi mais eficaz que o outro. Para ambos os estudos, mais estudos laboratoriais e ensaios clínicos randomizados são incentivados para confirmar as evidências encontradas.

The obturator prosthesis (OP) allows the restoration of speech, aesthetics, and oral function in patients with maxilectomized individuals. The objectives of the study were: 1. to evaluate, using the finite element analysis (FEA) methodology, the biomechanical behavior of metallic infrastructures of removable partial denture obturator (RPDO) for a maxilla with Aramany Class II resection, varying the type of major connector; 2. carry out a systematic review with network meta-analysis on the effectiveness of the OP and other treatments on the quality of life of its users. In the first study, a virtual model simulating an Aramany Class II maxilla with bone resection on the maxillary left side and absence of teeth 24, 25, 26 and 27 was developed using the Rhinoceros® 7.0 program based on two tomography scans. After obtaining the virtual model, three infrastructures digital RPDOs were created varying the type of major connector: major connector with reduced coverage (RPDO1), major connector with extensive coverage (RPDO2) and major connector with anteroposterior bar (RPDO3). The FEA analysis was carried out using the Optistruct 2022 software, and the results were analyzed using the HyperView 2022 software. The results were evaluated qualitatively through visual observation of graphic images with variation of color gradients according to the stress distribution and quantitative von Mises stress (σVM), maximum principal stress (σmax), minimum principal stress (σmin) and displacement (mm). For the second study, the systematic review with network meta-analysis (PROSPERO #CRD42023430827). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-randomized studies of intervention (NRSIs) with obturator prosthesis as one of the treatments were included. Seven patient-reported outcomes were analyzed separately for each study design, according to the QOL questionnaires: appearance, chewing, pain, social contact, speech, swallowing and general QOL. Data were converted to the UW-QOL v4 questionnaire, except social contact, which was converted to the EORTC QLQ-H&N35. Network meta-analysis (NMA) Bayesian random model was used to calculate mean differences (MD) and 95% credibility intervals (Crl) for each treatment comparison. Interpretation followed the certainty of evidence through the GRADE approach for NMA and the least important difference (DMI). The review included 4 RCTs and 9 NRSIs. Seven treatments were evaluated: presurgical (considered no treatment), surgical obturator, interim obturator, obturator, implant-supported obturator, magnet obturator, and flap, totaling 120 treatment comparisons in all seven outcomes. The results of the first study indicate that RPDO1 and RPDO3 showed similar behaviors, while RPDO2 presented the highest stress values for all system components. None of the groups presented significant displacement values. In the systematic review, it was observed that the effect estimates of some treatments reached the DMI, however, for all treatment comparisons, the credibility interval crossed the null effect line with very low certainty of evidence. No treatment showed superiority compared to another for any outcome. For both studies, further laboratory studies and RCTs are encouraged to confirm the evidence.

Análisis de Elementos Finitos , Dentadura Parcial , Prótesis Maxilofacial , Rehabilitación Bucal , Metaanálisis en Red , Revisión Sistemática
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 64(1): e130112, dez 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526232


A Prótese bucomaxilofacial (PBMF) é a especialidade da Odontologia que reabilita proteticamente pacientes com perda de estrutura na região da face. Entende-se por PBMFs aquelas utilizadas na reabilitação de pacientes que apresentam deformidades por etiologia congênita, traumática ou patológica. Objetivo: Avaliar retrospectivamente o perfil dos pacientes bem como as características das reabilitações protéticas realizadas em um Projeto de Extensão em Prótese Bucomaxilofacial de uma Universidade no sul do Brasil.Materiais e métodos:Foram analisados 90 prontuários de pacientes atendidos no período de agosto de 2017 a dezembro de 2018, e coletados os seguintes dados: gênero, cor/etnia, idade, etiologia da deformidade, tipo de prótese reabilitadora realizada e referenciamento do paciente ao Projeto. Resultados:Observou-se que pacientes do gênero masculino e cor branca foram os mais frequentemente reabilitados com a maioria dos tipos de prótese, com exceção da prótese nasal. A idade dos pacientes variou de 5 a 81 anos. A prótese ocular foi a mais confeccionada. A etiologia patológica foi a que mais exigiu tratamento reabilitador. Médicos e equipes hospitalares foram os que mais referenciaram pacientes para o Projeto de Extensão.Discussão: A maior prevalência de atendidos foi de pacientes do gênero masculino, etiologia patológica, com idade 60 anos ou mais, o que reforça a sobrevida das pessoas que são diagnosticadas com câncer e necessitam reabilitação bucomaxilofacial. Conclusão: A grande procura por atendimento no Projeto de Extensão em PBMF mostra uma carência desse serviço e poucas pesquisas para esclarecer o perfil do paciente que mais procura atendimento PBMF.

Bucomaxillofacial Prosthesis (BMFP) is a specialty of Dentistry that rehabilitates patients with loss of structure in the face region. BMFP are known to be used in the rehabilitation of patients who present deformities due to congenital, traumatic or pathological etiology. Aim:In retrospect, to assess the profile of patients, as well as the features of clinical cases of rehabilitations performed at the Buccomaxillofacial Prosthesis Extension Project, at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS. Materials and methods:from August 2017 to December 2018, 90 charts were cataloged with the following data: gender, ethnicity, age, etiology of the deformity, type of rehabilitation prosthesis, how the patient came to the Project. Results:It was concluded that white male patients were the predominant group to be benefited with prosthesis. The age gap was from 5 to 81 years. Ocular prosthesis was the most prevalent one. The pathological etiology was the one that most required rehabilitation treatment. Doctors and hospital staff were the ones who most referred patients to the Project.Discussion:The prevalence of patients attended was male, pathological etiology, aged 60 years or more, which reinforces the survival of people who are diagnosed with cancer and need oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation. Conclusion:The great demand for care in the BMFP Extension Project shows a lack of this service and little research to clarify the profile of the patient who most seeks BMFP care.

Revista Naval de Odontologia ; 50(1): 9-14, jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516571


A cranioplastia para os tratamentos de defeitos ósseos cranianos tem como o seu principal objetivo a reconstrução tridimensional e funcional da calota craniana. As cirurgias assistidas por computador (CAS) vem sendo utilizadas desde os anos 90 de forma eficiente e trazendo melhorias e otimização nas abordagens cirúrgicas craniofaciais reconstrutivas, principalmente em grandes defeitos ósseos. Este relato de caso clínico aborda o planejamento virtual e de tecnologia CAD/CAM na reconstrução craniofacial secundária com a utilização de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Paciente de sexo masculino, 48 anos, apresentava dois defeitos ósseos em região frontal com deiscência da pele para dentro do seio frontal. Foi realizada uma tomografia computadorizada com cortes de 1mm e convertidos em um modelo 3D do osso frontal e no molde do defeito ósseo em tamanho real. Para abordagem dos defeitos ósseos, houve a participação de um neurocirurgião para o tratamento em dura-máter, cranialização do seio frontal e obliteração do ducto naso-frontal, sendo finalizada pela equipe de cirurgia bucomaxilofacial. Após a cirurgia, foi realizado um exame tomográfico sendo observados uma perfeita adaptação entre a prótese e os contornos ósseos e um ótimo contorno anatômico do osso frontal, tornando-se satisfatório ao planejamento cirúrgico inicial. A utilização de um planejamento virtual e do sistema CAD/CAM resultou em uma maior previsibilidade e maior segurança ao procedimento de reconstrução craniofacial além de redução do tempo transoperatório. O material utilizado, o PMMA, apresentou-se como um material de fácil manipulação, baixo custo e com perfeita adaptação aos contornos ósseos.

Cranioplasty for the treatment of cranial bone defects has as its main objective the three-dimensional and functional reconstruction of the skull. Computer-assisted surgeries (CAS) have been used since the 1990s efficiently and bring improvements and optimization in reconstructive craniofacial surgical approaches, especially in large bone defects. This clinical case report addresses virtual planning and CAD/CAM technology in secondary craniofacial reconstruction using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). A 48-year-old male patient had two bone defects in the frontal region with skin dehiscence into the frontal sinus. A computed tomography was performed with 1mm slices and converted into a 3D model of the frontal bone and in the mold of the bone defect in real size. To address the bone defects, a neurosurgeon was involved in the treatment of dura mater, cranialization of the frontal sinus, and obliteration of the nasofrontal duct, and was completed by the oral and maxillofacial surgery team. After the surgery, a tomographic exam was performed, and a perfect adaptation between the prosthesis and the bone contours and a great anatomical contour of the frontal bone were observed, making it satisfactory to the initial surgical planning. The use of virtual planning and the CAD/CAM system resulted in greater predictability and greater safety for the craniofacial reconstruction procedure, as well as a reduction in the perioperative time. The material used, PMMA, presented itself as a material of easy manipulation, low cost, and with perfect adaptation to bone contours.Keywords: PMMA, Bone transplantation, Maxillofacial Prosthesis, Cranioplasty, Customized implants.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 47-52, jan.-abr. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427917


A odontologia reabilitadora tem como um dos seus ramos a especialidade de Prótese Bucomaxilofacial (PBMF), que visa restaurar ou substituir estruturas perdidas na região facial e no sistema estomatognático artificialmente, podendo ser ou não removidos pelo paciente. O presente trabalho objetiva revisar a leitura a respeito da reabilitação com PBMF e a sua aplicabilidade na clínica odontológica. Os indivíduos com alguma perda de estrutura na região de cabeça e pescoço, devido a traumas físicos e/ou químicos, defeitos congênitos, doenças autoimunes, neoplasias, infecções e parasitas, são pacientes para os quais há a indicação da reposição da parte ausente. As reconstruções podem ser perdas intraorais (área da maxila, mandíbula), extraorais (oculopalpebral, ocular, nasal, facial extensa e auricular) ou conjugadas. Esse é um trabalho multidisciplinar, com especialistas de áreas abrangentes e todos os especialistas trabalham de forma conjunta. Pode-se concluir que, embora seja uma das especialidades mais nobres da odontologia, ainda é muito desconhecida por parte dos estudantes e profissionais das áreas da saúde e são próteses absolutamente fundamentais para a reabilitação e qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que tem a necessidade do uso da prótese PBMF(AU)

Rehabilitating dentistry has as one of its branches the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthesis (PBMF), which aims to restore or replace structures lost in the facial region and in the stomatognathic system artificially, which may or may not be removed by the patient. The present study aims to review the reading about rehabilitation with PBMF and its applicability in dental clinic. Individuals with some loss of structure in the head and neck region, due to physical and/or chemical trauma, birth defects, autoimmune diseases, neoplasms, infections and parasites, are patients in whom there is an indication for replacement of the absent part. Reconstructions can be intraoral (maximal area, mandible), extraoral (oculopalpebral, ocular, nasal, extensive facial and auricular) or conjugated losses. It is a multidisciplinary work, with specialists from the comprehensive areas and that all specialists work together. It can be concluded that although it is one of the noblest specialties of dentistry, it is still very unknown to students and health professionals, and they are absolutely fundamental prostheses for the rehabilitation and quality of life of individuals who need the use the PBMFprosthesis(AU)

Cabeza/anomalías , Prótesis Maxilofacial , Cuello/anomalías , Calidad de Vida , Rehabilitación , Enfermedades Autoinmunes , Anomalías Congénitas , Sistema Estomatognático/lesiones , Reconstrucción Mandibular , Cirujanos Oromaxilofaciales , Neoplasias
Rev. medica electron ; 45(1)feb. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442020


La denominación de carcinomas de cabeza y cuello o tracto aerodigestivo superior, supone un agrupamiento de neoplasias que comparten elementos comunes como etiología, epidemiología, histología, evolución clínica, procedimientos diagnósticos, enfoques terapéuticos y medidas de seguimiento. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar la evidencia científica respecto al tratamiento multidisciplinario del paciente con cáncer de cabeza y cuello y el rol que desempeña el protesista. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda de literatura disponible en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Hinari y SciELO. Se encontró que el tratamiento de estas lesiones malignas requiere de un equipo conformado por diferentes especialistas, como otorrinolaringólogo, cirujano de cabeza y cuello, cirujano maxilofacial, odontólogo oncológico, protesista, psiquiatra y psicólogo, nutricionista y rehabilitador, para optimizar el tratamiento de estos pacientes mediante la decisión colectiva.

The designation of carcinomas of head and neck or high aero-digestive tract, supposes a grouping of neoplasia that share common elements like etiology, epidemiology, histology, clinical evolution, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic approaches and follow-up measures. The aim of this paper is to identify the scientific evidence regarding the multidisciplinary treatment of the patient with cancer of head and neck and the role played by the prosthodontist. To this end a literature search was conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Hinari and SciELO. It was found that the treatment of these malignant lesions requires a team consisting of different specialists, such as otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologic dentist, prosthodontist, psychiatrist and psychologist, nutritionist and rehabilitator, to optimize the treatment of these patients through a collective decision.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439300


Introducción: Los principios en que se sustenta el proceso revolucionario cubano y su Sistema Nacional de Salud, es tratar de dar solución a las necesidades de la población y Cuba dentro de sus limitaciones de desarrollo, ha producido cambios en las condiciones de salud, a través de su política estatal. Objetivo: Describir la evolución histórica de la prótesis bucomaxilofacial en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la de literatura, para recopilar los datos de la historia de la prótesis bucomaxilofacial. Se ejecutó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos Pubmed, Medline, Cochrane, SciELO, Hinari y prensa escrita donde se expusieran las evidencias disponibles sobre los antecedentes de prótesis bucomaxilofacial en Cuba y en la provincia Camagüey. Resultados: En Cuba la prótesis maxilofacial antes del triunfo revolucionario prácticamente no se realizaba. El 14 de junio de 1999 se crea la Red Asistencial Nacional de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis Bucomaxilofacial y en el año 2001 el Programa de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis Bucomaxilofacial, con una cobertura para todos los pacientes del país con esta necesidad de atención. En Camagüey con la creación en abril de 1975 de la consulta multidisciplinaria de Estomatología se inició la atención a los pacientes con defectos bucomaxilofacial. Esto permitió rehabilitar en esos momentos a estos enfermos con los recursos disponibles. Conclusiones: El análisis y las valoraciones realizadas determinaron que la prótesis en la provincia Camagüey ha tenido un gran desarrollo tanto asistencial como docente e investigativo, aunque no se cuenta con un servicio dedicado a la prótesis bucomaxilofacial, se han realizados labores de rehabilitación a pacientes con estos defectos, que le han permitido recuperar la estética, el estado psíquico funcional con alto grado de aceptación y satisfacción y el logro de su reincorporación a la vida social.

Introduction: The principles on which the Cuban revolutionary process and its National Health System are based, is to try to provide a solution to the needs of the population, and Cuba within its development limitations, has produced changes in health conditions, through of its state policy. Objective: To describe the historical evolution of the bucomaxillofacial prosthesis in Camagüey. Methods: A review of the literature was carried out to collect the data on the history of the bucomaxillofacial prosthesis. A search of the literature was carried out in the Pubmed, Medline, Cochrane, SciELO, Hinari and written press databases where the available evidence on the history of oral-maxillofacial prostheses in Cuba and in the Camagüey province was exposed. Results : In Cuba, before the revolutionary triumph, maxillofacial prostheses were practically not performed. On June 14, 1999, the National Assistance Network for the Rehabilitation of the Face and Bucomaxillofacial Prosthesis was created, and in 2001 the Program for the Rehabilitation of the Face and Bucomaxillofacial Prosthesis, with coverage for all patients in the country with this need for care. In Camagüey, with the creation in April 1975 of the multidisciplinary Dentistry consultation, care began for patients with oral-maxillofacial defects. This made it possible to rehabilitate these patients at that time with the resources available. Conclusions: The analysis and the evaluations carried out determined that the prosthesis in Camagüey province has had a great development in terms of care, teaching and research, although there is no service dedicated to oral and maxillofacial prostheses, rehabilitation work has been carried out on patients with these defects, which have allowed them to recover their aesthetics, their functional mental state with a high degree of acceptance and satisfaction, and the achievement of their reincorporation into social life.

Revista Naval de Odontologia ; 49(1): 27-35, 2022/07/04.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379027


Introdução: As próteses bucomaxilofaciais são uma opção terapêutica para o reparo de estruturas afetadas na região facial e/ou intraoral do paciente oncológico submetido à cirurgia. Objetivo: Relatar a utilização de próteses bucomaxilofaciais na reabilitação estético-funcional de pacientes oncológicos. Relato dos casos: Os dois primeiros casos ilustram reabilitações extraorais por próteses adesivas de silicone, ambos em pacientes do sexo feminino. O primeiro trata-se de uma paciente de 83 anos, com diagnóstico de carcinoma basocelular em asa nasal direita, submetida a ressecção cirúrgica e reabilitada por prótese nasal há 7 meses. O segundo, de uma paciente de 51 anos, diagnosticada com múltiplos carcinomas basocelulares esclerodermiformes, tratada com cirurgia e reabilitada há 8 meses com prótese facial. O terceiro caso aborda a reabilitação de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 58 anos, diagnosticada com carcinoma de células escamosas em palato duro, tratada com cirurgia e radioterapia, reabilitada há 1 ano e 6 meses com prótese obturadora de palato feita de polimetilmetacrilato. Conclusão: Os casos apresentados evidenciam as próteses bucomaxilofaciais como ferramentas essenciais no reestabelecimento da estética e função dos pacientes oncológicos, bem como a sua contribuição nas questões psicológicas, no processo de reinserção no convívio social e na melhora da qualidade de vida destes indivíduos. Além disso, ratificam a importância da inserção do cirurgião-dentista na equipe multiprofissional em oncologia, com ênfase na reabilitação pós-operatória através das próteses bucomaxilofaciais.

Introduction: Maxillofacial prostheses are a therapeutic option for repairing affected structures in the facial and/or intraoral region of cancer patients submitted to surgery. Objective: To report the use of maxillofacial prosthetics in the aesthetic-functional rehabilitation of cancer patients. Case reports: The first two cases show extraoral rehabilitations using adhesive silicone prosthetics in female patients. The first one, an 83-year-old woman, diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma in the right nasal wing, who underwent surgical resection and was rehabilitated with a nasal prosthesis 7 months ago. The second case refers to a 51-year-old female, diagnosed with multiple sclerodermiform basal cell carcinomas, treated with surgery and rehabilitated with a facial prosthesis 8 months ago. The third case addresses the rehabilitation of a 58-year-old female patient, diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the hard palate, treated with surgery and radiotherapy. She was rehabilitated 1 year and 6 months ago with a polymethylmethacrylate obturator prosthesis. Conclusion: The presented cases show that maxillofacial prostheses are essential tools in the reestablishment of esthetics and function of cancer patients, as well as their contribution to psychological issues, in the process of reinsertion in social life and by improving the quality of life of these individuals. Furthermore, they confirm the importance of inserting the dentist in the multidisciplinary oncology team, with an emphasis on postoperative rehabilitation through maxillofacial prostheses.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439281


Introducción: La prótesis bucomaxilofacial constituye la rehabilitación morfofuncional por medios artificiales de las estructuras intrabucales y peribucales en los defectos oculares, orbitales, nasales, auriculares, maxilares, mandibulares, craneales y complejos; con la conservación de modo armónico de las estructuras remanentes ya sean duros o blandos. Objetivo: Caracterizar los pacientes rehabilitados por defectos oculares en el Policlínico Universitario Julio Antonio Mella. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal desde enero de 2015 a febrero de 2022 en pacientes rehabilitados por defectos oculares en el departamento de Prótesis Estomatológica del Policlínico Universitario Julio Antonio Mella de la ciudad de Camagüey. Se estudiaron 53 pacientes que acudieron en el período de la investigación remitidos del Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech y del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial Docente Eduardo Agramante Piña de la provincia Camagüey. Resultados: Con relación a los pacientes con rehabilitados según edad, sexo y factores etiológicos prevaleció el grupo 35 a 59 años, así como el sexo masculino y el traumatismo ocular. Se constató que la experiencia protésica satisfactoria primó en los periodos evaluados y con respecto a los pacientes rehabilitados según los factores relacionados con la estética, se comprobó que los valores más favorables fueron para el color de la esclera y la apertura palpebral. Conclusiones: Predominó el sexo masculino junto con el grupo de edad de 35 59 años. La causa más frecuente de pérdida ocular fue la traumática. Hubo un alto índice de experiencia satisfactoria con el uso de las prótesis y los factores que determinaron la estética fueron favorables.

Introduction: The bucomaxilofacial prosthesis constitutes the morpho-functional rehabilitation for artificial means of the intraoral and peribucales structures in the ocular defects, orbital, nasal, aural, maxillary, mandibular, cranial and complex; with the harmonic conservation of mode of the remanent structures either be hard or soft. Objetive: To characterize the patients rehabilitated for ocular defects at the Julio Antonio Mella University Polyclinic. Methods: An observational, descriptive and transversal study was carried out from January, 2015 to February, 2022 in patients rehabilitated by ocular defects in the department Dentistry Prosthesis of the Julio Antonio Mella University Polyclinic of the city of Camagüey. 53 patients constituted the universe that attended in the period of the investigation remitted of the Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital and from the Eduardo Agramontes Piña Provincial Pediatric Hospital in the province Camagüey. Results: With respect to the rehabilitated patients according to age, sex and etiologic factors prevailed the group 35 to 59 years, as well as the masculine sex and the ocular traumatism. It was verified that the prosthetic satisfactory experience had priority in the evaluated periods and regarding the patients rehabilitated according to the factors related with esthetics, it was verified that the most favorable values were for the color of the esclera and the palpebral opening. Conclusions: The masculine patients predominated along with the age rank of 35-59 years. The most frequent cause of ocular loose was the traumatic one. There was a tall index of satisfactory experience with the use of the prosthesis and the factors that determined the esthetics were favorable.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385853


RESUMEN: Objetivo: determinar los principios de los tratamientos multidisciplinarios. Materiales y métodos: ejemplificar el trabajo multidisciplinario con 4 casos clínicos, tratamiento de pacientes complejos. Resultados: La evaluación multidisciplinar, delimita la dirección, planificación y tratamiento con opiniones discutidas y orientadas para el bien del paciente, definiendo los aspectos complementados para la rehabilitación. Discusión: El manejo multidisciplinario de los pacientes de Rehabilitación Maxilofacial presenta una compleja evaluación con relación a la planificación, pronóstico y tratamiento, donde diversos especialistas confluyen en una sinergia de criterios clínicos para un mejor resultado. Los recursos limitados en el servicio público incentivan el lograr los mejores resultados tanto con la disponibilidad económica del paciente como del servicio, esta limitación implica igualmente una gran oportunidad de trabajo conjunto. Se establecen finalmente, criterios generales y principios de tratamientos integrales. Conclusión: Para el trabajo en equipo multidisciplinar io es fundamental mantener el objetivo de analizar y manejar en conjunto las distintas alternativas involucradas en los tratamientos de los casos, sean estas consideraciones Médicas, Odontológicas, Fonoaudiológicas, Psicólogas, Kinesiológicas, entre otras, para lograr el resultado funcional y estético deseado, satisfaciendo y tratando de recuperar a los pacientes de manera integral.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the principles of multidisciplinary treatments, and to exemplify multidisciplinary work with 4 clinical cases, treatment of complex patients. The multidisciplinary evaluation, delimits the direction, planning and treatment with discussed and oriented opinions for the benefit of the patient, defining the complemented aspects for the rehabilitation. The multidisciplinary management of patients in Maxillofacial Rehabilitation presents a complex evaluation in relation to planning, prognosis and treatment, where different specialists converge in a synergy of clinical criteria, for a better outcome. The limited resources in the public service encourage the achievement of the best results both with the economic availability of the patient and the service; this limitation also implies a great opportunity to work together. Finally, general criteria and principles of integral treatments are established. For the multidisciplinary team work it is fundamental to maintain the objective of analyzing and managing together the different alternatives involved in the treatment of the cases, medical and dental considerations, phonoaudiology, psychology, kinesiology, among others, to achieve the desired functional and aesthetic result, satisfying and trying to recover the patients integrally.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(4): 6-11, out.-dez. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1252627


Introdução: A falta de contato dos estudantes com Prótese Bucomaxilofacial (PBMF) durante a graduação pode ser um fator agravante para o desinteresse na área. O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar um panorama da disciplina de PBMF nos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de Odontologia na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório, quantitativo e transveral. Foram analisadas as grades curriculares disponibilizadas nos sítios web oficial das instituições de ensino superior (IES) cadastradas no portal e-MEC do Ministério da Educação. Buscou-se informações referentes às variáveis: categoria administrativa da IES, inserção e oferta da disciplina, natureza do componente curricular, método de ensino, carga horária média e formação curricular do coordenador da disciplina. Os dados foram analisados e tabulados por meio do software GraphPad Prism 8.1.2. Resultados: Os resultados desta pesquisa refletem a análise da grade curricular de 144 IES. Apenas 8 IES (5,55%) ofertam a disciplina de PBMF. Dentre estas, a maioria (62,5%) em universidades públicas, de forma obrigatória (66,6%), com conteúdo teórico, prática-laboratorial e prática-clínica (44,4%) e carga horária média de 54,56h. Conclusões: A implementação do componente curricular se encontra bastante reduzida e mais prevalente em universidades públicas. Assim, sugere-se a atualização dos curriculos do curso de Odontologia do sudeste brasileiro... (AU)

Introduction: The lack of contact of students with Maxillofacial Prosthesis (PBMF) during graduation can be an aggravating factor for the lack of interest in the area. The objective of the present study is to present an overview of PBMF discipline in the pedagogical projects of Dentistry courses in the Southeast Region of Brazil. Methods: Exploratory, quantitative and crosssectional study. The curricula available on the official websites of higher education institutions (HEIs) registered in the e-MEC portal of the Ministry of Education were analyzed. Information on the variables was sought: administrative category of the HEI, insertion and provision of the discipline, nature of the curricular component, teaching method, average workload and curricular training of the subject coordinator. Data were analyzed and tabulated using GraphPad Prism 8.1.2 software. Results: The results of this research reflect the analysis of the 144 HEI curriculum. Only 8 HEIs (5.55%) offer the discipline of MFP. Most (62.5%) in public universities, compulsorily (66.6%), with theoretical content, laboratory practice and clinical practice (44.4%) and average workload of 54.56h. Conclusions: The implementation of the curricular component is quite reduced and more prevalent in public universities. Thus, it is suggested to update the curricula of the Dentistry course in southeastern Brazil... (AU)

Humanos , Facultades de Odontología , Implantación de Prótesis Maxilofacial/educación , Curriculum , Educación en Odontología , Estudios Transversales
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 67-72, mar. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056503


ABSTRACT: There has been little discussion about the quality of life of patients with maxillary defects. This article evaluates the issues related to the condition. We performed a cross-sectional study of patients with maxillary defects from referral centers in Brazil. To avoid subject burden, a questionnaire was developed, based on questions from seven instruments, which dealt with domains and conclusions that were similar to those from other studies. The predictor variable was the patients' score for each question. The outcome measure was the presence of the best-ranked items on the questionnaire as the impact factor. Six experts assessed these items and suggested which questions to include or exclude. Patients scored each item according to its occurrence and importance. Descriptive statistics and the items' rank according to the impact factor were computed to determine whether there is a comprehensive instrument available. Thirteen patients and six professionals were included in this study. The patients' age ranged from 24 to 72 years (mean (standard deviation, SD), 50.41 (14.46) years). We obtained a 60-item instrument from the selected questionnaires and subject interviews. Only 12 (37.5 %) out of the 32 best-rated items were verified by the existing instruments, two (6.25 %) were suggested by professionals and 18 (56.25 %) were conclusions from other studies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide many features related to the quality of life in patients with maxillary defects.

RESUMEN: Existe escasa discusión en la literatura sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes con defectos maxilares. Este artículo evalúa los problemas relacionados con esta condición. Realizamos un estudio transversal de pacientes con defectos maxilares de centros de referencia en Brasil. Se desarrolló un cuestionario basado en preguntas de siete instrumentos, que trataba sobre dominios y conclusiones similares a las de otros estudios. La variable de estimación fue la puntuación de los pacientes para cada pregunta. La medida de resultado fue la presencia de los elementos mejor clasificados en el cuestionario como factor de impacto. Seis expertos evaluaron estos ítems y sugirieron qué preguntas incluir o excluir. Los pacientes puntuaron cada ítem según su ocurrencia e importancia. Se calcularon las estadísticas descriptivas y la clasificación de los ítems según el factor de impacto, para determinar si existe un instrumento completo. Trece pacientes y seis profesionales fueron incluidos en este estudio. La edad de los pacientes osciló entre 24 y 72 años [media (desviación estándar), 50,41 (14,46) años]. Obtuvimos un instrumento de 60 ítems de los cuestionarios y entrevistas de temas seleccionados. Solo 12 (37,5 %) de los 32 ítems mejor calificados se verificaron de acuerdo a los instrumentos existentes, dos (6,25 %) fueron sugeridos por profesionales y 18 (56,25 %) fueron conclusiones de otros estudios. De acuerdo a nuestro conocimiento, este es el primer estudio que proporciona características relacionadas con la calidad de vida en pacientes con defectos maxilares.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Enfermedades Maxilares/patología , Enfermedades Maxilares/epidemiología , Neoplasias Maxilares/patología , Prótesis Maxilofacial/clasificación , Prótesis Maxilofacial/normas , Obturadores Palatinos , Hueso Paladar/cirugía , Calidad de Vida , Brasil , Neoplasias Maxilares/cirugía , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Comités de Ética , Análisis de Datos
Medisan ; 23(5)sept.-oct. 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091137


Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 14 años de edad, quien fue remitida por el estomatólogo general integral al Centro de Rehabilitación de Prótesis Bucomaxilofacial de Santiago de Cuba para efectuar rehabilitación protésica. Al examen físico intrabucal se observaron dientes permanentes (11, 12, 13, 21, 22 y 23) de color anormal y manchas marronas en toda la superficie del esmalte, lo cual fue diagnosticado como una amelogénesis del tipo hipocalcificado. Se decidió realizar restauraciones individuales de coronas fundas provisionales de acrílico para mejorar su función y estética dental.

The case report of a 14 years patient is described who was referred by the general comprehensive stomatologist to the Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthesis Rehabilitation Center in Santiago de Cuba for prosthetic rehabilitation. Abnormal color and brown stains in the whole surface of the enamel of her permanent teeth were observed during the intraoral physical exam (11, 12, 13, 21, 22 and 23), which was diagnosed as an amelogenesis of hypocalcified type. It was decided to carry out individual restorations of provisional cases crowns with acrylic to improve their function and dental aesthetics.

Prótesis Dental , Esmalte Dental , Amelogénesis Imperfecta
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 23(4): 531-539, jul.-ago. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088793


RESUMEN Fundamento: entre los diferentes campos que integran la prótesis estomatológica se encuentra la prótesis maxilofacial, somatoprótesis o prótesis bucomaxilofacial como de manera indistinta es denominada. Ésta permite la rehabilitación morfofuncional de las estructuras intra y parabucales por medios artificiales. Objetivo: valorar por la importancia social y docente la necesidad de implementar la consulta de prótesis bucomaxilofacial en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos electrónicas PUBMED, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, HINARI y SciELO con los descriptores: necesidad de prótesis bucomaxilofacial, defectos bucomaxilofacial y rehabilitación bucomaxilofacial; para conducir un análisis crítico de la evidencia disponible sobre la necesidad de prótesis bucomaxilofacial en Cuba y en especial en la provincia Camagüey. Resultados: en estudios de necesidad de prótesis bucomaxilofacial de la población cubana se encontró una tasa de incidencia que osciló entre 3,1 y 8,1 por cada 10 000 habitantes. El sexo masculino predominó con promedio ente 60 y 75 % de la población estudiada y el grupo de edades fueron los mayores de 60 años con más del 30 %. El origen de estos defectos varió en dependencia del tipo de lesión para los pacientes que presentaron defectos oculares, su principal causa fue de origen traumática, el defecto maxilar tuvo como principales causas: congénita, traumática y adquirida por enfermedad de tipo oncológica. Los traumas, enfermedades de origen oncológico y congénito resultaron las principales causas de lesiones craneales y mandibulares. Conclusiones: se constató la necesidad de prótesis bucomaxilofacial a nivel nacional y provincial, las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de estos pacientes, las implicaciones económicas y docentes, por lo que es necesario y lógico entender la gran importancia que ofrece la creación del servicio de prótesis bucomaxilofacial en la provincia Camagüey.

ABSTRACT Background: among the different fields that make up the dentistry prosthesis is the maxillofacial prosthesis, somatoprothesis or oral-maxillofacial prosthesis, as it is indiscriminately denominated. This allows the morph-functional rehabilitation of intra and parabuccal structures by artificial means. Objective: to assess for the social and educational importance the need to implement the oral maxillofacial prosthesis consultation in the Camagüey province. Methods: this narrative review article aims to conduct a critical analysis of the available evidence on the need for oral and maxillofacial prosthesis in Cuba and mainly in the Camagüey province. An electronic literature search was carried out in search engines such as: electronic databases PUBMED, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, SciELO and HINARI with descriptors such as: need for an oral-maxillofacial prosthesis, oral-maxillofacial defects and oral-maxillofacial rehabilitation. Results: in studies of the need for oral and maxillofacial prosthesis in the Cuban population, an incidence rate that ranged from 3.1 to 8.1 per 10,000 inhabitants was found. The male sex predominated with an average of 60% and 75% of the population studied, and the age group were those over 60 years old with more than 30%. The origin of these defects varied depending on the type of lesion for patients who had ocular defects, its main cause was of traumatic origin, the main cause of the maxillary defect was: congenital, traumatic and acquired due to oncological disease. Traumas, pathologies of oncological and congenital origin were the main causes of cranial and mandible injuries. Conclusions: the need for oral and maxillofacial prostheses was confirmed at national and provincial level, as well as the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of these patients, and the economic and teaching implications. Therefore, it is necessary and logical to understand the great importance that the creation of the oral and maxillofacial prosthesis service offers in Camagüey province.

Rev. odontol. mex ; 23(1): 48-54, ene.-mar. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020761


RESUMEN El propósito del presente escrito es hacer una reseña histórica del impacto e importancia que tienen los Programas Extramuros de la Especialidad de Prótesis Maxilofacial y para que exista un precedente narrativo documentado; así como resaltar la importancia de la atención médica que está encaminada a la rehabilitación física e incremento de la calidad de vida de los pacientes, lo cual figura en las declaraciones universales de salud pero que, debido a su alto costo, no hay una cobertura adecuada para los sistemas de salud gubernamentales; sin embargo, cuando se conjugan esfuerzos, voluntades y capacidades de diversas instituciones participantes, se puede lograr trascender y acercarse a una medicina de alto nivel.

ABSTRACT The goal of this document is to give an historical account of the importance and impact of the extramural program carried out by the UNAM Faculty of Dentistry Specialty of Maxillofacial Prosthetics to set a narrative precedent. The right of healthcare directed toward the physical rehabilitation and hence increased quality of life of patients is contained in the Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, the high cost of this type of care complicates its coverage on the part of Government health systems. But when the effort, the determination, and the capacity of various participating institutions blend, high-level medicine can reach to the most disadvantaged populations.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185090


Congenital or acquired loss of body parts is of common occurrence and replacement of such parts for restoring their lost function and esthetics is done by using various bio‑compatible materials. Proper assessment of the disfigured body parts and a feasible approach to rehabilitating them has for long, been the target of clinical maxillofacial prosthodontics. The aim of this article is to present a case report of such a silicone prosthesis for a patient with a congenital unilateral auricular defect.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 3962, 01 Fevereiro 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-997961


Objective: To evaluate the inclusion capacity and bactericidal efficiency of diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (PDADMAC) diluted in tetrahydrofuran (THF) upon inclusion in the medical grade silicone polymer structure. Material and Methods: It was diluted the PDADMAC in THF at the concentration of 4wt%. It was included in the silicon paste during its vulcanization process. The contact angle measurements were performed to evaluate whether the biocide inclusion into the silicon paste was successful. All samples were sterilized with gamma radiation at 25KGy-dosage prior to the microbiological tests. Microbiological testing strictly followed the Antibacterial products - Test for antibacterial activity and efficacy JIS Z 2801: 201010 and the used of specific bacteria, as Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739. Results: The results showed that PDADMAC, when dissolved in THF at 4wt%, displayed good incorporation in medical silicone and a broad-spectrum antibacterial response. The results of the tests using Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P showed that the silicone with no biocide addition did not present antibacterial activity. In contrast, the experimental group plus 2 mL of PDADMAC would have an ideal antibacterial response. Conclusion: Medical grade silicone can be used as a material with antibacterial properties, since it has been able to keep PDADMAC compound attached to its structure, thus acquiring antimicrobial property.

Elastómeros de Silicona/análisis , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Prótesis Maxilofacial , Antibacterianos/análisis , Elastómeros de Silicona , Brasil , Materiales Dentales , Metilenotetrahidrofolato Reductasa (NADPH2)
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183593


Background: Facial defects can be acquired or congenital, but irrespective of etiology, any maxillofacial structure if damaged or missing will result in an unaesthetic and unappealing personality of individual. Orbital defects are very evident and effect the appearance and social front of the individual. Many modalities are available to rehabilitate the defect of an orbit but prosthetic rehabilitation with silicone prosthesis is a simple and effective approach. Retention is generally achieved by engaging available undercuts or using mechanical accessories or skin adhesives etc. This case report describes successful rehabilitation of right orbital defect using a non-surgical approach with room temperature vulcanized silicone and skin adhesives. Case Report: A 45 yr old male reported with, chief complaint of missing right orbit and unaesthetic appearance secondary to gunshot wound. Patient was not ready for any more surgical procedures or additional accessories and available retentive undercuts were minimal. Hence, conventional silicone prosthesis was made using stock eye shell and room temperature vulcanized silicone retained with skin adhesives. The approach was simple to a complex problem and gave reliable result in very limited time. Conclusion: With extensive orbital defect, rehabilitation is difficult and complex as retention is compromised and it is difficult to match the shade of the prosthesis.This case represents a simple and predictable approach to a case of exenterated right orbit with conventional roomtemperature vulcanized silicone and silicone skin adhesives.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202127


Introduction: Absence of external auricle predisposes anindividual to a great deal of psychological trauma alongwith functional complications. The conventional methodsof fabrication of auricular prosthesis by duplicating themorphology of the normal contralateral ear are timeconsuming, error-prone and very much subjective in terms ofquality.Case report: The present case report describes rehabilitationof a patient of traumatic anotia of left side with a custommade adhesive retained silicone prosthesis, developed withthe help of computer aided designing and rapid prototypingtechnology.Conclusion: Consistent good quality prosthesis may beobtained using advanced digital technologies that includeoptical scanning, computer-aided designing (CAD) and rapidprototyping (RP) which are more objective in nature.