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Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0161, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288518


Multidimensional discussion about transition to adulthood is an incipient theme in Latin America. This paper seeks to describe and characterize the process of change in the transition of men and women in the region between the 1960s and 2010's. Using census data from IPUMS-International for 15 Latin American countries, we calculate the mean ages at transition to adulthood, at entering the labor market, at first union, and at first birth. We concluded there was a process of postponing transition to adulthood, although much stronger for males than for females, which we attribute to the events linked to the transition of each group. With these results, we hope to encourage further research into transition to adulthood in Latin America.

A transição para a vida adulta é um tema pouco explorado de forma multidimensional na América Latina. Este artigo busca descrever e caracterizar o processo de mudança na transição de homens e mulheres na região, entre 1960 e 2010. Utilizando dados censitários fornecidos pela plataforma IPUMS para 15 países latino-americanos, foram calculadas as idades médias na transição para a vida adulta, no ingresso no mercado de trabalho, na primeira união e no nascimento do primeiro filho. Conclui-se que houve um processo de postergação da transição para a vida adulta, porém, foi muito mais forte para os homens do que para as mulheres, o que pode ser atribuído aos acontecimentos ligados à transição de cada grupo. Com esses resultados, esperamos encorajar mais investigações sobre a transição para a vida adulta na América Latina.

La transición a la adultez es un tema poco explorado de manera multidimensional en América Latina. Este artículo busca describir y caracterizar el proceso de cambio en la transición de hombres y mujeres en la región entre las décadas de 1960 y 2010. Utilizando datos censales proporcionados por la plataforma IPUMS para 15 países de América Latina, calculamos las edades medias en la transición a la edad adulta, entrada al mercado laboral, primera unión y primer nacimiento. Concluimos que hubo un proceso de postergación de la transición a la adultez que fue mucho más fuerte para los hombres que para las mujeres, lo que atribuimos a los hechos relacionados con la transición de cada grupo. Con estos resultados esperamos impulsar nuevas investigaciones sobre la transición a la vida adulta en América Latina.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Matrimonio , Orden de Nacimiento , Adolescente , Mercado de Trabajo , Composición Familiar , Censos , Adulto Joven , América Latina
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806761


Objective@#To investigate trends of mean age of diagnosis for liver cancer during 2000 to 2014, which may provide basic information for making feasible cancer prevention strategies.@*Methods@#Based on the continuous cancer incidence data from 22 cancer registries of China between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2014, the incidence by birth-cohort (year of birth between 1925 and 1994) and age specific incidence rates were calculated. The incidence of different age groups were also calculated. World Segi's population was used for age standardization. The liner regression model was applied to analyze the changing trend of mean age of diagnosis.@*Results@#In 2014, the incidence rate for population with 80 years older and above was 108.21 per 100 000, whereas the rate for population at 30-39 years old was 5.09 per 100 000. But the mean age of diagnosis for liver cancer showed an increasing trend from 2000 to 2014. For male, it had increased from 58.80 to 62.35 (t=18.70, P<0.001) . For female, it had increased from 64.02 to 68.99 (t=20.50, P<0.001) . After age standardization, the mean age of diagnosis still showed increasing trend. Meanwhile, the proportion of liver cancer in people above 70 years old was 25.05% in 2014, which was higher than that in 2000 (22.49%).@*Conclusion@#The mean age of liver cancer incidence was increasing during 2000-2014.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-489742


Objective To analyze the distribution of common chromosomal karyotypes of patients with Turner syndrome (TS), and to explore the correlation between the age and height standard deviation scores (HSDS) on diagnosis.Methods Retrospective investigation was performed for the data of age and HSDS on diagnosis in 273 TS girls(≤ 18.0 years old)diagnosed by chromosomal karyotypes.The main statistical methods were analyzed with t-test and Pearson correlation test by using the SPSS 18.0 statistical software.Results (1) There were 4 kinds of common chromosomal karyotypes in the TS :45, X (87/273 cases,31.9%),46, X, i (Xq) (43/273 cases, 15.7%) ,45, X/46, X, i (Xq) (36/273 cases, 13.2%) and 45, X/46, XX (23/273 cases, 8.4%), respectively, the adolescent TS all had delayed puberty.For the cases with 45, X karyotypes ,3 cases presented mental retardation and 2 cases with organs deformity.(2)The patients with 45 ,X/46,X,i(Xq) karyotypes or with 46,X,i(Xq) karyotypes had the maximum(12.56 age) or the minimum(9.70 age) mean age on diagnosis, respectively, there was a significant difference between 2 groups (t =3.019, P =0.004).The maximum deviation from normal height was found in the patients with karyotypes of 46, X,i (Xq) (HSDS =-4.04), and the minimum deviation was in the patients with karyotypes of 45,X/46, XX (HSDS =-3.16), and there was a significant difference between 2 groups (t =-2.95, P =0.004).(3) More than 75.7% of TS patients was diagnosed when their heights deviated above 3 SD,and their mean age on diagnosis was 12.10 age,which was 3 years later than those patients within 2 SD.(4) There was a significant negative correlation between the age and HSDS on diagnosis in the groups of common chromosomal karyotypes[45,X、46,X,i(Xq) and 45,X/46,XX] (r =-0.551,-0.560,-0.622,all P < 0.01), except for the group with the 45, X/46, X, i (Xq).Conclusions (1) In this study, the consti-tuent ratios of these 4 common chromosomal karyotypes were different from those in Europe and America's.(2)Patients with 45 ,X may have more severe symptoms than others.(3)The mean age on diagnosis was at least 3.0 years earlier when considered HSDS below-2.00 as an indicator for chromosomal karyotype screening,which would facilitate earlier diagnosis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789353


Objective To investigate characteristics of death and the life lost caused by diabetes mellitus among residents in Chongming County in Shanghai. Methods The death-cause monitoring data in 2005 -2014 from Chongming residents was analyzed; the indicators included mortality, standard mortality rate, potential years of life lost, the rate of potential years of life lost and average years of life lost. Results The average annual mortality rate was 37 .25 /100 000 in Chongming in 2005 -2014 , the mortality rate being on the rise during the last 10 years, and the cumulative growth of the mortality rate 94.24%.The annual average standardized mortality rate was 18.92/100 000, and the trend of rising during the 10 years was not statistically significant by APC (P=0.086).The aged group was the main population suffering from DM,those aged above 65 accounted for 81.95%of the total deaths caused by DM. The diabetes complication was the main direct cause of death, accounting for 67.97%of the total deaths, in which the proportions of non specified and diabetic nephropathy were 48.37% and 8.79% respectively. The potential years of life lost of diabetic was 17 393.76 person year in 2005 -2014 in Chongming, the potential years of life lost rate being 2 .62%, and the average years of life lost 10 .43 years:the life loss in men was more serious than that in women. Conclusion As the rising trend of diabetes in Chongming was gradually obvious, we should strengthen the 3-level prevention of diabetes and reduce the burden of disease with the aging of population.

Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 37(3): 367-374, jul.-set. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-615218


INTRODUCCIÓN: El climaterio es el período comprendido entre la madurez sexual completa y la pérdida total de las funciones ováricas. Se producen cambios biológicos y en los roles familiares y sociales, en ocasiones, pueden aparecer preocupaciones vinculadas con la violencia doméstica en la que las mujeres de la edad mediana son las principales víctimas. OBJETIVO: Analizar algunas características de las mujeres de edad mediana que son víctimas de violencia doméstica. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo aplicativo en el Hospital Docente Ginecobstétrico de Guanabacoa durante el año 2010, la muestra estuvo constituida por 137 mujeres que asistieron a la consulta de climaterio y de forma anónima llenaron una encuesta que contenía las variables que sirvieron para nuestro estudio. RESULTADOS: En relación con el estado civil las mujeres con uniones inestables ocuparon el mayor porcentaje con el 68,5 por ciento, en cuanto al nivel escolar el 45,3 por ciento lo ocupan las del nivel primario que fue el principal de las mujeres estudiadas, el mayor porcentaje, 68,5 por ciento no trabajan, la violencia psicológica ocupó el 67,2 por ciento y el efecto más significativo fue el malestar (frustración, pena, tristeza, etc.) en el 100 por ciento de las mujeres estudiadas. CONCLUSIONES: La principal forma de violencia doméstica en las mujeres climatéricas estudiadas fue la psicológica

INTRODUCTION: Climateric is the time elapsed from the total sexual maturity to total loss of ovarian functions. Biological and in family and social changes are produced, in occasions may to appear worries linked to home violence where women of mean age are the main victims. OBJECTIVE: To analyze some characteristics of mean age women underwent the home violence. METHOD: A applicable and descriptive study was conducted in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Teaching Hospital of Guanabacoa municipality during 2010 where sample included 137 women came to climateric consultation and in a anonymous way answered to a survey containing the variables suitable for our study. RESULTS: With relation to the marital status, the women con unstable partners had the higher percentage for the 68.5 percent, regarding the schooling level in the 45.3 percent are included those of primary school level who were mainly the study women; he higher percentage are unemployed, the psychological violence was of 67.2 percent and the more significant effect was the upset (frustration, shame, sadness, etc.) in the 100 percent of study women. CONCLUSIONS: The psychological way was the more frequent home violence in the climateric women

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Maltrato Conyugal/prevención & control , Maltrato Conyugal/psicología , Violencia Doméstica/psicología , Epidemiología Descriptiva
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 22(2): 133-143, Mayo.-ago. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-628233


Introducción: la incorporación al trabajo insertado y el escenario laboral son factores sociales implicados en la función sexual de la mujer en etapa reproductiva, sin embargo, sus significados no están bien establecidos en la mujer en etapa de climaterio.Objetivo: identificar algunos aspectos relativos a la respuesta sexual en mujeres de edad mediana que laboran en centros de salud de Ciudad de la Habana. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal que consistió en entrevistar a las 59 mujeres de edad mediana que respondieron a la convocatoria de participar en el estudio, todas trabajadoras de 2 centros asistenciales del sector salud del municipio San Miguel del Padrón, en Ciudad de La Habana, y todas con edades entre 38 y 59 años y con pareja sexual estable. Se empleó una encuesta autoadministrada para explorar aspectos sociodemográficos, y cambios en la respuesta sexual (deseo, excitación y orgasmo) en los últimos 6 meses. Como variables a controlar se utilizaron: la edad actual, la etapa de climaterio, las características de las relaciones de pareja y la sobrecarga de género. Se emplearon estadígrafos descriptivos y ANOVA para establecer diferencias entre grupos (valor de p< 0,05 para significación estadística).Resultados: la mayoría de las encuestadas refirió no experimentar cambios en las características de la respuesta sexual. La disminución de cualquiera de las fases de la respuesta sexual estuvo relacionada con las características de las relaciones de pareja, con una mayor edad de la mujer y con etapa de posmenopausia, resultados similares a otros reportes realizados en mujeres con iguales características sociodemográficas que no trabajaran en el sector salud. No se identificó influencia de la sobrecarga de género sobre la respuesta sexual.Conclusiones: los aspectos relativos a la respuesta sexual identificados en el grupo de mujeres de edad mediana fueron similares a los de otros reportes nacionales e internacionales. No se confirma que el escenario laboral escogido tuviera influencia (negativa o positiva) sobre la respuesta sexual de las mujeres evaluadas(AU)

Introduction: to be incorporated into work and the working environment are social factors involved in sexual function of woman in reproductive stage, however, its meanings are not well established in the woman in climateric stage. Objective: our objective was to identify some features related to sexual response in mean age women working in health centers of Ciudad de La Habana. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to interview 59 mean age women participant in such study working in two assistance centers of health sector from the San Miguel del Padrón municipality in Ciudad de La Habana aged between 38 and 59 and with a stable sexual partner. A self-administered opinion poll was used to explore the sociodemographic features and the changes in sexual response (desire, excitation and orgasm) during the past months. The variables to be controlled were: present age, climateric stage, features of partner relationships and genre overload. Descriptive stadigraphs were used and ANOVA to establish differences among groups (value of p < 0,05 for statistical significance). Results: most of polled persons expressed no change in sexual response features. Decrease of any of the sexual response phases was related to the partner relationships features, with a older age of woman and to the menopause stage, results similar to other reports made in women with similar sociodemographic features no workers of health sector. Influence of genre overload over sexual response was not identified. Conclusions: features related to sexual response identified in the mean age women group were similar to those of other national and international reports. It is not confirmed that the working scenario selected had influence (negative or positive) on the sexual response of study women(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Conducta Sexual/estadística & datos numéricos , Climaterio/fisiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Personal de Salud , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Relaciones Interpersonales
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138708


The age at which first menstrual bleeding occurs in female, i.e menarche is viewed as an excellent physiological marker of adolescent maturation. The aim of this study is to determine the mean age at menarche among adolescent girls and to assess the influence of some Bio-social parameters affecting it.This study was conducted among 150 adolescent girls in the age group of 10 to 19 years, randomly selected from urban & rural government schools of Lucknow. 75 girls from each school were selected from November 2009 to March 2010. This was a cross sectional descriptive study. Girls were studied about their socioeconomic status, weight, height, place of residence. Out of 150 cases studied 108 cases were having menstruation, most frequent age of menarche being 13 years when 32 cases (29.63%) had its onset. The lowest age was 8 years and highest was 15 year. Mean age at menarche was found to be 12.43 ± 1.49. There seems to be definite association of various factors which modify the age at menarche like socio-economic status, body mass index, place of residence.

Adolescente , Factores de Edad , Índice de Masa Corporal , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , India , Menarquia/etnología , Menarquia/etiología , Clase Social , Factores Socioeconómicos
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 27(2): 143-154, abr.-jun. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-615477


Introducción: a pesar del importante papel que tiene la familia, existen pocos reportes relativos a la probable influencia del climaterio sobre el entorno familiar, así como del funcionamiento familiar sobre la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. Objetivo: describir el funcionamiento familiar e identificar su influencia sobre las manifestaciones clínicas del climaterio. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó mujeres con residencia permanente en el consultorio # 4 del policlínico "Rampa", con edades entre 40 y 59 años, y con familias no monoparentales. Mediante interrogatorio se identificó la presencia de afecciones crónicas y sus factores de riesgo, así y la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. Se identificó, además, el cumplimiento de las funciones básicas de las familias, la dinámica de sus relaciones internas y la percepción del funcionamiento familiar. Se empleó la frecuencia y el promedio, y la prueba T Students (valor de p> 0,05) para establecer diferencias entre grupos. Resultados: el grupo estuvo constituido por mujeres con piel blanca, trabajadoras, en etapa de perimenopausia, con síndrome climatérico de intensidad muy leve y leve. El entorno familiar fue no funcional (con riesgo + disfuncional) en el 77 por ciento de las familias, con independencia de la etapa del climaterio de la mujer y de la intensidad del síndrome climatérico. La incapacidad para cumplir el rol económico fue referida por 38 por ciento de las mujeres. Conclusiones: la pérdida del rol económico fue el factor de mayor impacto negativo en el funcionamiento familiar. No se constató que la posmenopausia influyera en el funcionamiento familiar.

Introduction: despite the significant role of family, there are not much reports relative to the likely influence of climateric on the family environment, as well as the family functioning on the intensity of climateric syndrome. Objective: to describe the above mentioned functioning and to identify its influence on the clinical manifestations of climateric. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted including permanent female patients of the No. 4 consulting room of the "Rampa" polyclinic aged 40 and 59 whose family is monoparental. By means of a questionnaire it was possible to identify the presence of chronic affections and its risk factors, as well as the climateric syndrome intensity, Also, the fulfilment of basic functions of families was identified, as well as the dynamics of its internal relations and the perception of family performance. Authors used the frequency and average, t-Student test (value > 0,05) to establish differences among groups. Results: group included white women, workers, in perimenopause stage, climateric syndrome of very slight or slight intensity. The family environment was not functional (with risk + dysfunctional) in the 77 percent of families independently of woman climateric stage and of climateric syndrome intensity. Failure to fulfill the economic role was of 38 percent of women. Conclusions: loss of economic role was the factor with a great negative impact on the family performance. It was not demonstrated that postmenopause influence in above mentioned performance.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Climaterio , Familia
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 21(3): 297-306, sep.-dic. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-584455


Las hormonas tiroideas en niveles suprafisiológicos y el hipoestrinismo son factores que pueden inducir baja masa ósea. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de hueso en mujeres en etapa de climaterio que reciben tratamiento con dosis supresivas con hormonas tiroideas. Mètodos: estudio de casos y controles realizado entre marzo de 2006 y diciembre de 2008. Incluye 113 mujeres con edades entre 40-59 años que asisten a la consulta externa de los Institutos Nacionales de Endocrinología y Oncología y Radiobiología, de ellas 43 recibían tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas (grupo estudio) y 70 no (grupo control). Mediante absorciometría dual de rayos x de columna lumbar y antebrazo, se precisó la densidad mineral ósea en g/cm² y el puntaje T, a fin de identificar la presencia de osteopenia o baja masa ósea y osteoporosis. La densidad mineral ósea de columna lumbar y antebrazo fue de 0,9229 vs. 0,8856 (p>0,05) y de 0,536 vs. 0,6226 (p<0,05) para las pacientes de los grupos de estudio y control. A mayor tiempo de tratamiento con hormonas tiroideas se encontró menor contenido mineral en ambos sitios anatómicos, aunque la afectación es mayor en antebrazo (p<0,05). El riesgo para fractura osteopenia+osteoporosis) en columna lumbar fue de 44,1 por ciento y de 50 por ciento, y en antebrazo de 44,8 y 42,7 por ciento respectivamente para las mujeres de los grupos de estudio y control (p>0,05 entre grupos). El uso de hormonas tiroideas en dosis supresiva disminuyó el contenido mineral óseo del antebrazo, sin incrementar el riesgo de fractura(AU)

Thyroid hormones at supraphysiological levels and the hypothyroidism are factors that may to induce a low bone mass. Objetive: to determine the bone quality in climacteric women under treatment with suppressive doses with thyroid hormones. Methods: the case-control study conducted between March, 2006 and December, 2008 includes 113 women aged 40-59 seen in external consultation of National Institutes of Endocrinology, Oncology and Radiobiology where 43 of them were under treatment with thyroid hormones (study group) and 70 not (control group). Using dual beam absorptiometry of lumbar spine and the forearm, it was possible to determine the bone mineral density in g/cm² and the T pointing to identify the presence of osteopenia or a low bone mass and osteoporosis. The bone mineral density of lumbar spine and forearm was of 0,9229 vs. 0,8856 (p<0,05) and of 0,536 vs. 0,6226 (p<0,05) for patients of study group. With treatment using thyroid hormones there was less mineral content in both anatomical sites, although the involvement if greater in the forearm (p<0,05). Fracture risk (osteopenia+osteoporosis) in lumbar spine was of 44,1 percent and of 50 percent and in the forearm was of 44,8 and 42,7 percent, respectively for women from both groups. The use of thyroid hormones in suppressive doses decreased the bone mineral content in forearm with no increase of facture risk(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Hormonas Tiroideas/uso terapéutico , Climaterio/fisiología , Densidad Ósea/fisiología , Osteoporosis/epidemiología , Enfermedades Óseas Metabólicas/epidemiología , Estudios de Casos y Controles
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134681


Teeth are very important indicators in medico-legal cases as they help in identification and age estimation in the living as well as in the dead because they resist putrefaction and are constant in their appearance. 126 children up to the age of 33 months were studied for the time of eruption of their teeth. It was studied in correlation with age, sex, socio-economic status, nutritional status and halves. From the findings it was concluded that there was a delayed pattern of eruption and teeth appeared earlier in the females and in the lower jaw.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-137869


This study aimed to establish the mean age of menopausal in Thai women. One thousand women, aged 40-69 years, were interviewed with a structured questionnaire at the Out-Patient Department, ceased to menstruate. The mean age with standard deviation among this group of women was 51.24 + 3.79 years by Probit analysis. However, among these 596 women 514 could recall their actual age at menopause. This mean age with standard deviation was 48.68 + 2.31 years. Thus, there is a statistically significant difference between the two values (P<0.01).