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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556968


Introducción: El sueño garantiza el bienestar físico y mental del individuo mediante retroalimentación directa. Los trastornos del sueño implican alteraciones respecto a calidad y cantidad de horas de sueño y obedecen a una alteración real de su función fisiológica que controla y opera durante el mismo. La Medicina del Sueño es una especialidad nueva, surgida en los últimos 50 años, cuyo campo de acción aborda la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos del sueño; los cuales hasta el momento se han identificado alrededor del centenar. Esta enfermedad se ha convertido en problema social crucial y creciente, difícil de abordar en la práctica médica contemporánea; debido a la complejidad en la toma de decisiones respecto a su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Esta temática requiere ser evaluada desde un enfoque interdisciplinario para reducir la morbimortalidad asociada a manifestaciones neurológicas, psicológicas, psiquiátricas, cardiovasculares y endocrinometabólicas. Objetivo: Establecer la propuesta de Consulta Interdisciplinaria de Medicina del Sueño en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se efectuó una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo para la selección de aspectos pertinentes a una consulta especializada proveedora de pacientes pediátricos con trastornos del sueño, en el período comprendido entre julio y diciembre de 2022, en el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. El universo del grupo de trabajo estuvo integrado por ocho profesionales de las Ciencias Médicas. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos como la revisión documental, histórico-lógico, análisis y síntesis, inducción-deducción, métodos matemáticos-estadísticos y métodos computacionales. Resultados: Se conformó un algoritmo de trabajo para la atención médica, que desarrolló el ordenamiento de los elementos sustantivos propios de la analítica polisomnográfica en el contexto cubano. Logró unificar criterios y opiniones generales de manera consensuada por equipos interdisciplinarios. Conclusiones: Resulta definido el documento científico rector de la Consulta Interdisciplinaria de Medicina del Sueño en Camagüey.

Introduction: Sleep guarantees the physical and mental well-being of the individual through direct feedback. Sleep disorders involve alterations in the quality and quantity of hours of sleep and are due to a real alteration in the physiological function that controls and operates during sleep. Sleep Medicine is a new specialty, emerged in the last 50 years, whose field of action addresses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders; of which around a hundred have been identified so far. This kind of disorders has become a crucial and growing social problem, difficult to address in contemporary medical practice; due to the complexity in decision-making regarding diagnosis and treatment. This topic requires being evaluated from an interdisciplinary approach to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with neurological, psychological, psychiatric, cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic manifestations. Objective: To establish the proposal of Interdisciplinary Consultation of Sleep Medicine in the province Camagüey. Methods: A qualitative descriptive research was carried out to select aspects relevant to a specialized consultation providing pediatric patients with sleep disorders, in the period between July and December 2022, at the Center for Immunology and Biological Products of the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. The universe of the working group was made up of eight professionals from the Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods such as documentary review, historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, mathematical-statistical methods and computational methods were used. Results: A work algorithm for medical care was formed, which developed the ordering of the substantive elements of polysomnographic analysis in the Cuban context. It manages to unify general criteria and opinions in a consensus by interdisciplinary teams. Conclusions: The governing scientific document of the Interdisciplinary Consultation of Sleep Medicine in Camagüey is defined.

Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e56268, 01/06/2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436311


Introdução: Diferentes condições clínicas podem afetar a quantidade e a qualidade do sono. As medidas de higiene do sono interferem diretamente na qualidade deste. Elas podem ser propagadas à população por meio de aplicativos. Objetivo: Desenvolver, avaliar e disponibilizar um aplicativo que contemple as medidas de higiene do sono e que seja capaz de gerar mudança e verificar a ocorrência de sonolência diurna excessiva. Metodologia: O aplicativo "Somnum" foi desenvolvido e 26 fonoaudiólogos certificados em Sono pela Associação Brasileira do Sono foram convidados a avaliar usando o questionário Emory e outro questionário elaborado pelas autoras. Após, 38 estudantes usaram o aplicativo e responderam antes e depois do uso o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e a Escala de Epworth. Resultados: Após seu desenvolvimento, o aplicativo foi avaliado por 4 fonoaudiólogas que contribuíram com suas sugestões e 38 universitários participaram respondendo os questionários, sendo que 6 deles participaram antes e após o uso do aplicativo. Sobre o Índice de qualidade de sono de Pittsburgh, foi observado na análise estatística, comparando o antes e após o uso do aplicativo, melhora da qualidade de sono (p=0,04). No que se refere ao questionário Epworth, foi verificado na situação após o uso do aplicativo "Somnum", que não houve diferença significativa. Conclusão: Após o uso do aplicativo, verificou-se possível melhora na qualidade de sono. Houve ocorrência de sonolência diurna excessiva. (AU)

Introduction: Different clinical conditions can affect the quantity and quality of sleep. Sleep hygiene measures directly affect the quality of sleep. They can be disseminated to the population by means of applications. Objective: To develop, evaluate and make available an application that approach sleep hygiene and that is able to generate changes and verify the occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness. Methodology: The application "Somnum" was developed and 26 speech therapists certified in sleep by the Brazilian Sleep Association were invited to evaluate it using the Emory questionnaire and another questionnaire developed by the authors. Afterwards, 38 students used the application and answered before and after the use the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Epworth Scale. Results: After its development, the app was evaluated by 4 speech therapists who contributed with their suggestions, and 38 university students participated by answering the questionnaires, 6 of them before and after the use of the application. In the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, it was observed in the statistical analysis, comparing before and after using the application, improvement in sleep quality (p=0.04). In the Epworth questionnaire, it was verified in the situation after using the "Somnum" application, that there was not significant difference. Conclusion: After using the application, there was a possible improvement in sleep quality. There was occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness. (AU)

Introducción: Diferentes condiciones clínicas pueden afectar a la cantidad y calidad del sueño. Las medidas de higiene del sueño afectan directamente a la calidad del mismo. Pueden propagarse a la población mediante aplicaciones. Objetivo: Desarrollar, evaluar y poner a disposición una aplicación que incluya medidas de higiene del sueño y que sea capaz de generar cambios y verificar la aparición de somnolencia diurna excesiva. Metodología: Se desarrolló la aplicación "Somnum" y se invitó a 26 fonoaudiólogos certificados en soeño por la Asociación Brasileña del Sonido a evaluarla utilizando el cuestionario Emory y otro cuestionario elaborado por los autores. Posteriormente, 38 estudiantes utilizaron la aplicación y respondieron antes y después del uso de la misma al Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh y a la Escala de Epworth. Resultados: Tras su desarrollo, la aplicación fue evaluada por 4 fonoaudiólogos que aportaron sus sugerencias y 38 estudiantes universitarios participaron respondiendo a los cuestionarios, 6 de ellos antes y después del uso de la aplicación. Sobre el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh, se observó en el análisis estadístico, comparando antes y después del uso de la aplicación, mejoría en la calidad del sueño (p=0,04). Con respecto al cuestionario de Epworth, se verificó en la situación posterior al uso de la aplicación "Somnum", que no hubo diferencia significativa. Conclusión:Después de usar la aplicación, hubo uma posible mejora em la calidad del sueño. Hubo ocurrencia de somnolencia diurna excesiva. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Telemedicina/instrumentación , Teléfono Inteligente , Higiene del Sueño , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia/terapia , Estudiantes del Área de la Salud , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Evaluación de Eficacia-Efectividad de Intervenciones , Fonoaudiología , Trastornos de Somnolencia Excesiva
Arq. odontol ; 59: 253-265, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1552565


Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade e a confiabilidade do conteúdo de vídeos sobre Odontologia do Sono no YouTube™. Métodos: Foi realizada uma busca no YouTube™, utilizando o termo "Odontologia do Sono", na qual selecionou-se os 100 primeiros vídeos para análise realizada por dois pesquisadores. Foram incluídos vídeos sobre o tema, na língua portuguesa brasileira, com no máximo 24 minutos. Foram extraídos: título, data, duração, visualização, curtida, fonte, público-alvo, objetivo e assunto. A qualidade foi avaliada através da Escala de Qualidade Global (EQG), e a confiabilidade, através da adaptação de um índice previamente publicado, ambos pontuando até 5 pontos, onde mais pontos significavam maior qualidade e confiabilidade. Foram realizados os testes de Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis e a correlação de Spearman (p < 0,05). Resultados: 58 vídeos foram incluídos, cuja mediana da duração foi 2,4 ± 7,6 minutos. A maioria dos vídeos era produzida por cirurgiões-dentistas (CD) (75,9%; n = 44), sobre apneia (96,6%; n = 56), com o objetivo educacional/informativo (65,5%; n = 38) e direcionado para leigos (58,6%; n = 34). A maioria apresentou mediana baixa de 2,0 ± 1,0 na EQG (41,4%; n = 24), e na escala de confiabilidade, a mediana de 3,0 ± 1,0 (60,3%; n = 35). Houve correlação moderada da EQG (p = 0,62; p < 0,01) e da confiabilidade (ρ = 0,41; p < 0,01) com a duração do vídeo, e também entre EQG e confiabilidade (ρ = 0,66; p < 0,01). Vídeos educacionais/informativos, produzidos por CD, e direcionados a leigos, apresentaram uma maior EQG e confiabilidade (p < 0,01). Vídeos que incluíam bruxismo tinham maior EQG (p = 0,01). Programas de televisão e vídeos que não eram comerciais apresentaram maior confiabilidade (p < 0,05). Conclusão:A maioria dos vídeos possuía qualidade baixa e confiabilidade moderada. Vídeos educacionais/informativos, feitos por CD, direcionados a leigos, que incluíam bruxismo, programas de televisão e que não eram comerciais, apresentaram maior qualidade e confiabilidade.

Aim: To assess the quality and reliability of video content on Dental Sleep Medicine on YouTube™. Methods: A search was performed on YouTube™ using the term "Dental Sleep Medicine". The first 100 videos were selected for analysis by two researchers. Videos on the subject were included, in Brazilian Portuguese with a maximum of 24 minutes. The following data were extracted: title, date, duration, views, likes, source, target audience, objective and subject. Quality was assessed using the Global Quality Scale (GQS), and reliability using a previously published index adapted, both ranging from 1 to 5 points, where more points meant greater quality and reliability. Spearman correlation, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis test (p < 0.05) were performed. Results: 58 videos were included, with a median duration of 2.4 ± 7.6 minutes. Most of the videos were produced by dentists (75.9%; n = 44), about apnea (96.6%; n = 56), with an educational/informational objective (65.5%; n =38), and aimed at laypeople (58.6%; n = 34). Most had a low median of 2.0 ± 1.0 on the GQS (41.4%; n = 24), and on the reliability scale, the median was 3.0 ± 1.0 (60.3%; n = 35). There was a moderate correlation between both GQS (ρ = 0.62; p < 0.01) and reliability (ρ = 0.41; p < 0.01) with video duration, and also between GQS and reliability (ρ = 0 .66; p < 0.01). Educational/informational videos, produced by dentists, and aimed at laypeople showed higher GQS and reliability (p < 0.01). Videos that included bruxism had higher GQS (p = 0.01). Television programs and non-commercial videos were more reliable (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Most videos had low quality and moderate reliability. Educational/informational videos, made by dentists, aimed at laypeople, that included bruxism, television programs, and that were not commercials, presented higher quality and reliability.

Odontología , Medicina del Sueño , Difusión por la Web , Medios de Comunicación Sociales , Calidad del Sueño
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931414


This research implements the "dual-element and three-step" education model based on the modern apprenticeship system for rural medical students, establishes a complete teacher management system through the joint enrollment of schools and teaching hospitals, and strengthens the professional cognition stage, professional learning stage and professional practice stage. It has certain effects on promoting students' good sense of professional identity and responsibility, enhancing learning initiative and professional vocational ability, and cultivating skilled and service-oriented medical talents with "six-in-one" post competences in rural areas.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(3): 265-273, jun. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388660


INTRODUCCIÓN: Durante el embarazo se reportan a menudo trastornos del sueño, pero son poco explorados en el control prenatal. El objetivo fue estimar la frecuencia e identificar los factores asociados a somnolencia diurna excesiva (SDE) en gestantes de bajo riesgo obstétrico que acudieron a consulta prenatal. MÉTODO: Estudio transversal dentro del proyecto «Salud biopsicosocial en gestantes», aprobado por el comité de ética de la Clínica Santa Cruz de Bocagrande, Cartagena, Colombia. Se estudiaron mujeres con 12 o más semanas de gestación. Se aplicó un formulario que incluía las escalas de somnolencia diurna de Epworth (ESE), de estrés percibido de 10 ítems (EPP-10) y revisada de depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD-R10). Se realizó regresión logística ajustada y no ajustada de SDE con las otras escalas y variables cualitativas. Se buscó correlación entre variables cuantitativas y la escala de Epworth. Se consideró significativo p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 683 mujeres de 28,3 ± 6,3 años y 31,5 ± 6,9 semanas de gestación. Puntuación en la escala de Epworth: 3,82 ± 3,45. En el 4,9% se identificó SDE: 50% leve, 32,2% moderada y 17,6% importante. No se observó en el primer trimestre de gestación y la frecuencia fue similar en los otros; la SDE importante solo se observó en el tercer trimestre. Depresión: odds ratio [OR]: 3,69, intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]:1,83-7,43. Anemia: OR 3,10, IC95%:1,50-6,38. Fatiga: OR 3,22, IC95%:1,23-8,44. Nerviosismo: OR 2,49, IC95%:1,22-5,12. Estrés: OR: 2,38, IC95%:1,12-5,05. Gran paridad: OR: 2,64, IC95%: 1,01-6,89. Trabajar fuera de casa: OR: 2,33, IC95%: 1,05-5,15. Todas estas variables se asociaron con SDE. En el modelo ajustado, la anemia (OR: 3,05, IC95%: 1,44-6,45) y la depresión (OR: 2,72, IC95%: 1,26-5,85) conservaron la asociación. Se observó correlación positiva, despreciable y estadísticamente significativa, de la ESE con la CESD-R10 y con la EPP-10; y ausencia de correlación con la edad materna, la edad gestacional, el número de abortos y el número de cesáreas. CONCLUSIONES: En una de cada 20 gestantes de bajo riesgo obstétrico se identificó SDE, y varias situaciones biopsicosociales se asociaron con mayor presencia.

INTRODUCTION: Sleep disturbances are constantly reported during pregnancy, although they are not often taken care of in prenatal care. The aim was to estimate the regularity and identify factors associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in pregnant women at low obstetric risk who attended prenatal consultation. METHOD: Cross-sectional study belonging to the project “Biopsychosocial health in pregnant women”, approved by the ethics committee of the Santa Cruz de Bocagrande Clinic, Cartagena, Colombia. Pregnant women with 12 or more weeks of gestation were studied. A form including: Epworth Daytime Sleepiness Scale, 10-item Perceived Stress and the Revised Depression Scale of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies was applied. Adjusted and unadjusted logistic regression was performed between EDS with the other scales and qualitative variables. In addition, correlation between quantitative variables and the Epworth scale. P<0.05 was significant. RESULTS: 683 pregnant women were studied, maternal age 28.3 ± 6.3 years and gestational age 31.5±6.9 weeks. Epworth Scale score: 3.82 ± 3.45. EDS was identified in 4.9%, 50% mild, 32.2% moderate and 17.6% severe. It was not observed in the first gestational trimester and the frequency was similar in the others, severe EDS only in the third trimester. Depression OR: 3.69 [95% CI: 1.83-7.43], anemia OR: 3.10 [95% CI: 1.50-6.38], fatigue OR: 3.22 [95% CI: 1.23-8.44], nervousness OR: 2.49 [95% CI: 1.22-5.12, stress OR: 2.38 [95% CI: 1.12-5.05], high parity OR: 2.64 [95% CI: 1.01-6.89] and working outside the home OR: 2.33 [95% CI: 1.05-5.15, were associated with EDS. In the adjusted model, anemia OR: 3.05 [95% CI: 1.44-6.45] and depression OR: 2.72 [95% CI: 1.26-5.85] retained the association. CONCLUSIONS: In one out of every twenty low obstetric risk pregnant women EDS was identified and several biopsychosocial situations were associated with more presence.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Trastornos de Somnolencia Excesiva/diagnóstico , Pacientes Ambulatorios , Trimestres del Embarazo , Modelos Logísticos , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Colombia , Trastornos de Somnolencia Excesiva/clasificación
Rev. medica electron ; 43(3): [13 ], 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1353324


Introducción: la evaluación y acreditación de la calidad en la formación de las especialidades médicas en Cuba, conceptualiza el monitoreo del impacto como el proceso dirigido a evaluar la correspondencia entre los objetivos del programa y los resultados alcanzados por sus participantes en el entorno social donde se desarrollan profesionalmente. Objetivo: aplicar la metodología diseñada para el monitoreo del impacto en la formación de las especialidades médicas en el Programa de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencias. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte pedagógico donde se aplicó la metodología diseñada en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas, para monitorear el impacto en la formación de la especialidad de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencias, desarrollado en el Hospital Universitario Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández. Participaron 6 egresados, 11 profesores, 8 tutores y 4 directivos de la última edición concluida (octubre de 2016 a noviembre de 2019). Resultados: se observó un alto impacto en la institución y mediano en el individuo, con contraste entre el diagnóstico inicial y durante la formación: de excelencia en el 100 % de los residentes, pero un diagnóstico final con 33,3 % excelente y 66,6 % bien. No se evaluó la etapa de transferencia o impacto en la sociedad, por el corto de tiempo de experiencia laboral de los egresados. Conclusiones:la metodología aplicada permitió conocer un mediano impacto en la formación de los egresados de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencias, por contrastación entre el diagnóstico inicial y durante la formación, de excelente con un diagnóstico final de bien (AU).

Introduction: the evaluation of the quality in the formation of the medical specialties in Cuba, conceptualize the monitored of the impact like the process directed to evaluate the correspondence among the objectives of the program and the results reached by their participants in the social environment where they are developed professionally, guaranteeing the relevancy of the program. Objective: to apply the methodology designed for the monitored of the impact in the formation of the medical specialties in the program of intensive Medicine and emergencies. Materials and methods: carried out a study of pedagogic court where the methodology was applied designed in the Medical University of Matanzas, for the monitored of the impact in the formation of the specialty of intensive Medicine and emergencies, developed in the university hospital "Faustino Pérez Hernández." They participated six graduate, four directives, 11 professors and tutors of the last concluded edition, from October of the 2016 to November of the one 2019. Results: a high impact was observed in the institution and medium in the individual, with a contrast among the initial diagnosis and during for formation of excellence in 100% of the residents, with a final diagnosis of 33,3% excellent and 66,6% well. It was not evaluated the transfer stage or impact in the society, for the short of time of labor experience of the graduate. Conclusions: the applied methodology allowed to know the medium impact in the formation of graduate in Intensive Medicine and Emergencies in Matanzas, for a contrast among the initial diagnosis and during the formation of excellent with the final diagnosis of well (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Medicina de Emergencia/educación , Capacitación Profesional , Medicina/tendencias , Educación de Postgrado en Medicina/métodos , Educación de Postgrado en Medicina/tendencias , Medicina de Emergencia/tendencias , Indicadores de Impacto Social , Medicina/normas , Medicina/organización & administración
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 69(1): e301, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250756


Abstract Measures such as frequent handwashing, mandatory use of face masks by the general population in public spaces, social and physical distancing, and mandatory confinement of most people at their homes have contributed to slowing down the spread of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which is the source of the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, adopting some of these measures has caused delays in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, including sleep disorders. Therefore, it is urgent for sleep specialists and sleep centers to gradually resume activities, as long as strict biosecurity protocols aimed at reducing the risk of contagion are implemented. In this scenario, and in order to help somnologists reopen sleep centers and resume the procedures performed there, the Asociación Colombiana de Medicina del Sueño (Colombian Association of Sleep Medicine) proposes through this reflection paper several recommendations that should be considered during the reactivation process. These recommendations are based on the COVID-19 spread mitigation strategies established by the Colombian health authorities, the guidelines issued by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and relevant literature on this subject, which was reviewed after performing a search in the PubMed, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the search terms "sleep" "sleep medicine" and "COVID19".

Resumen El lavado de manos frecuente, el uso obligatorio de mascarilla por parte de la población general en sitios públicos, el distanciamiento físico y social, y el confinamiento obligatorio de la mayoría de la población en sus casas son las medidas que hasta el momento han ayudado a frenar la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), causante de la actual pandemia por COVID-19. Sin embargo, la adopción de algunas de estas medidas ha generado retraso en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, incluyendo los trastornos del sueño, por lo que es urgente que los especialistas en medicina del sueño y los centros de sueño retomen sus actividades gradualmente, siempre que se implementen estrictos protocolos de bioseguridad que mitiguen el riesgo de contagio. En este contexto, y con el fin de ayudar a los somnólogos a reabrir los centros de sueño y reanudar los procedimientos allí realizados, la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina del Sueño propone en la presente reflexión una serie de recomendaciones para tener en cuenta durante el proceso de reactivación. Estas recomendaciones se basan en las estrategias de mitigación establecidas por las autoridades sanitarias del país, las directrices de la American Academy of Sleep Medicine y la literatura disponible sobre el tema, la cual fue revisada luego de realizar una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO y Google Scholar usando los términos "sleep" "sleep medicine" y "COVID19".

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740391


PURPOSE: This study was performed to investigate the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and pulpal calcifications in young women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 female participants between 20 and 31 years of age who were referred to our radiology clinic for a dental check-up, including 59 SB and 41 non-SB patients, were sampled for the analysis. SB was diagnosed based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine criteria. All teeth were evaluated on digital panoramic radiographs to detect pulpal calcifications, except third molars, teeth with root canal treatment, and teeth with root resorption. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors for pulpal calcifications. The Spearman correlation coefficient was applied and the Pearson chi-square test was used for categorical variables. To test intra-examiner reproducibility, Cohen kappa analysis was applied. P values 0.05). In SB patients, the total number of pulpal calcifications was 129, while in non-SB patients, it was 84. Binary logistic analysis showed that SB was not a risk factor for the presence of pulpal calcifications (odds ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.52–2.69, P>.05). CONCLUSION: No relationship was found between SB and pulpal calcifications.

Femenino , Humanos , Pulpa Dental , Calcificaciones de la Pulpa Dental , Cavidad Pulpar , Modelos Logísticos , Tercer Molar , Radiografía Panorámica , Factores de Riesgo , Resorción Radicular , Bruxismo del Sueño , Medicina del Sueño , Diente
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700455


Classlearning plays an important role in clinical study.The quality of problem design affects the efficiency of classroom teaching.However,there are many defectsIn teachers' problem design.According to the training objectives and the learning characteristics of clinical medicine,the article focuses on the angle of basic medical classroom.First of all,from the three aspects of knowledge,skills and comprehensive quality,this paper expounds the significance of the efficient problem design to achieve the training goal ofclinical specialty.Then,this paper studies the shortcomings in the current problem design.Finally,this paper puts forwardfeasible suggestion for improving the efficiency of problem design in clinical basic medical classroomfrom the following four aspects:the construction of reasonable knowledge structure,simulation of clinical diagnosis,critical thinking and questions from students to teachers.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 333-336, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-491359


Objective:To investigate the present situation of humanity education for medical students and to provide theoretical evidence for establishing appropriate interventions. Methods:This paper surveyed and analyzed the present situation of humanity education for medical students in a medical university using questionnaires. Re-sults:18. 7% of medical students entirely remembered the specific content of Hippocratic Oath, 7. 3% of medical students had never heard about the concepts such as humanistic quality, 31. 7% of medical students had never bor-rowed humanity and social science books from the school library, 79. 3% of medical students thought it necessary to strengthen humanity education. Some results showed that there were significant differences in different grades and specialties. Conclusion:It is necessary to further strengthen humanity education for medical students, improve the quality of humanity curriculum, and make a fusion of humanity education and the medical professional education. At the meantime, the humanity courses should be increased and the educational program should be diversified.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 81(4): 439-446, July-Aug. 2015. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-758008


INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has multifactorial causes. Although indications for surgery are evaluated by well-known diagnostic tests in the awake state, these do not always correlate with satisfactory surgical results.OBJECTIVE: To undertake a systematic review on endoscopy during sleep, as one element of the diagnosis routine, aiming to identify upper airway obstruction sites in adult patients with OSAS.METHODS: By means of electronic databases, a systematic review was performed of studies using drug-induced sleep endoscopy to identify obstruction sites in patients with OSAS.RESULTS: Ten articles were selected that demonstrated the importance of identifying multilevel obstruction, especially in relation to retrolingual and laryngeal collapse in OSAS.CONCLUSION: DISE is an additional method to reveal obstruction sites that have not been detected in awake patients.

INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS) apresenta causas multifatoriais com indicação cirúrgica avaliada por meio dos exames diagnósticos consagrados em vigília, que podem, porém, não assegurar resultados cirúrgicos satisfatórios.OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre a endoscopia do sono, como parte da rotina diagnóstica, em pacientes adultos com SAOS a fim de identificar os sítios de obstrução da via aérea superior.MÉTODO: Revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), a partir de bases de dados eletrônicas, dos estudos que identificaram os sítios de obstrução em pacientes com SAOS a partir da endoscopia do sono induzido por droga (DISE).RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados dez artigos que demonstraram relevância na identificação dos multiníveis de obstrução, principalmente em relação ao colapso retro-lingual e laríngeo na SAOS.CONCLUSÃO: DISE é um método adicional na identificação de sítios de obstrução não detectáveis no paciente em vigília.

Humanos , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas/diagnóstico , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/diagnóstico , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas/complicaciones , Endoscopía/métodos , Hipnóticos y Sedantes/administración & dosificación , Polisomnografía , Estudios Prospectivos , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/etiología
Educ. med. super ; 29(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-759123


Introducción: la calidad de la formación y de la práctica médica es expresión del nivel de competencias alcanzado por sus profesionales. La especialidad de Medicina Intensiva y Emergencia (MIE) en Cuba no ha definido sus competencias profesionales. Objetivo: establecer las bases teórico-metodológicas que sustenten la identificación y normalización de las competencias profesionales del especialista en MIE. Métodos: investigación de desarrollo en la que se aplican métodos teóricos y empíricos, y fundamentalmente técnicas cualitativas. Resultados: se definió la utilización de una metodología mixta basada en el análisis ocupacional funcional a partir de las funciones claves y específicas identificadas en estudio anterior. Se delimitaron los criterios de selección de los profesionales que integran los grupos de expertos que continuarán su trabajo en la investigación. Se expresa la primera aproximación a la identificación de los elementos y unidades de competencias pertenecientes al área de competencias asistenciales del médico intensivista. Se definen las bases para la normalización de las competencias identificadas y se ejemplificó su despliegue en una ficha de normalización, que se convierte en una norma o estándar para la especialidad. Conclusiones: se establecen las bases metodológicas para la identificación y normalización de las competencias profesionales del especialista en MIE. Se presentan los primeros resultados en la identificación y normalización de las competencias asistenciales del intensivista cubano, que deberá continuar con la participación activa de otros grupos de expertos y destacados profesores de la especialidade.

Introduction: the quality of medical formation and practice expresses the level of competencies attained by the health professionals. The professional competencies of the intensive and emergency medicine in Cuba have not been so far defined. Objectives: to set the theoretical and methodological basis supporting the identification and standardization of professional competencies in the intensive and emergency medicine specialist. Methods: developmental research that applies theoretical and empirical methods, mainly the qualitative techniques. Results: the use of a combined methodology, based on the functional occupational analysis covering the key specific functions identified in a previous study, was defined. The selection criteria of professionals who are members of the expert groups were also specified. There was expressed the first approach to identification of elements and units of competencies within the area of assistance competencies of the intensive physician. The basis for standardization of the set competencies were defined along with their exemplification in a standardization index that turns into a standard for this specialty. Conclusions: the methodological basis for identification and standardization of professional competencies of intensive and emergency specialist are set. The first results of the identification and standardization of assistance competencies of the Cuban intensive medicine expert are presented. This research work will be continued with the active involvement of other groups of experts and outstanding professors in this specialty.

Medicina de Emergencia , Metodología como un Tema , Competencia Profesional
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490526


Biochemistry is an important basic medical course, and it is also a difficult course.In order to improve the comprehensive ability of seven-year program clinical medical students in Capital Medical University, teaching reform of Biochemistry was carried out.Teaching content was redesigned to strengthen the learning of basic knowledge of Biochemistry and to increase the depth of teaching content, while expanding the content by introducing new achievements and new technology to keep up with the forefront in the development of Biochemistry.Various methods such as the comparative method, case teaching and so on, were used flexibly in the teaching practice in order to improve teaching effects.The experiments carried out in the course were also redesigned and integrated, some distinctive experiments such as designing experiments, comprehensive experiments and innovative experiments were opened to improve students' hands-on ability and to cultivate students' scientific thinking.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490529


Objective To compare the impact of tobacco control curriculum on self-efficacy of tobacco control in different major of public health students, and offer theoretical foundation for improving tobacco control curriculum.Methods We offered tobacco control curriculum for 150 public health students (including students of preventive medicine and public service administration research direction) in medical university of Harbin, and investigated twice general self-efficacy, smoking selfefficacy and tobacco control self-efficacy before and after tobacco control curriculum, then compared intervention effects between two major students by t test.Results There were no differences of tobacco control self-efficacy, smoking self-efficacy and general self-efficacy between two major students, t values were-0.832 (P=0.407), 0.190 (P=0.849) and-0.492 (P=0.624).The tobacco control self-efficacy (t=-3.566, P=0.001) and general self-efficacy (t=-2.237, P=0.028) increased remarkably but smoking self-efficacy (t=-1.102, P=0.273) in preventive medicine students after intervention.And all of three kinds of self-efficacy were not gotten better by intervention in public service administration students.There was no obvious difference of intervention effects between tobacco control self-efficacy and general self-efficacy among preventive medicine students (t=1.541, P=0.125).Conclusions The improvement of preventive medicine students by tobacco control curriculum is better than that of public service administration students.We should further perfect the tobacco control course, and on the one hand, improve the intervention effect of students majoring in course of public health management;on the other hand, strengthen the target effects of the tobacco control curriculum to students' tobacco control self-efficacy and smoking self-efficacy.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 62(3): 400-408, July-Sept. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-726932


Antecedentes. La Asociación Colombiana de Sociedades Científicas (ACSC) convocó al Grupo de Investigación Transdisciplinario en Trastornos del Sueño (GITTS) -conformado por la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina del Sueño (ACMES), la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Interna (ACMI®-Médicos para adultos), la Asociación Colombiana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax (Asoneumocito), la Asociación Colombiana de Neurología (ACN), la Asociación Colombiana de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía Plástica Facial (ACORL) y la Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría (ACP)- para que elaboraran un documento con el cual se estableciera una normatividad para la certificación voluntaria de los servicios que estudian los trastornos del sueño en Colombia. Se busca que este proceso fomente la excelencia en el diagnóstico de los trastornos del sueño. Objetivos. El proceso busca definir los estándares mínimos para los servicios diagnósticos de medicina del sueño en Colombia. Aunque riguroso, el proceso ha de ser "amigable para el usuario". Se propone a la ACMES como ente evaluador. Materiales y métodos. El proceso evalúa la organización y administración de los servicios, los empleados y la dirección, las políticas y los procedimientos, la educación y el desarrollo del personal, las instalaciones y los equipos, así como el aseguramiento de la calidad. El enfoque general estuvo influenciado por programas establecidos y adoptados en otros países. Se espera que la consistencia con las guías internacionales disminuya la cantidad de trabajo necesaria para preparar la aplicación para los servicios que ya estén involucrados en los procedimientos de certificación -por ejemplo, certificación de hospitales- y que esto ayude a preparar el camino para la certificación en sueño. Resultados. La primera fase del proceso incluye contestar un cuestionario detallado designado para evaluar qué tan preparado está el servicio para ser certificado. La autoevaluación es una característica clave de esta fase. La habilidad para responder satisfactoriamente el cuestionario, guiado por los Estándares de Certificación detallados más adelante, deberá indicar al servicio solicitante su capacidad para cumplir con los requisitos de certificación. Si las respuestas son satisfactorias, el servicio enviará una solicitud completa. Si el Comité Evaluador (ACMES) establece que la solicitud llena los estándares, se realizará una visita a las instalaciones. Los servicios que evalúan niños menores de 12 años, deben cumplir con los requisitos específicos para esta población. Los mayores de 12 años sin condiciones médicas complejas se pueden estudiar en servicios certificados para adultos, siempre y cuando, disponga de los equipos de reanimación y de personal entrenado.

Background. The Colombian Association of Scientific Societies (known as ACSC in Spanish) requested the Transdisciplinary Research Group on Sleep Disorders (GITTS) to prepare a document establishing regulations for the voluntary certification of services studying sleep disorders in Colombia. The GITTS was formed by the Colombian Association of Sleep Medicine (ACMES), the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI), the Colombian Association of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (Asoneumocito), the Colombian Association of Neurology (ACN), the Colombian Association of Otorhinolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery (ACORL) and the Colombian Association of Psychiatry (ACP). It was intended that this exercise would promote excellence in diagnosing sleep disorders. Objectives. Defining minimum standards for assessing/evaluating sleep disorder diagnosis services in Colombia; although rigorous, they had to be user-friendly. ACMES was proposed to play the role of guidelines controller. Materials and methods. The exercise evaluated service organisation and management, employees and management, policy and procedures, education and staff development, facilities and equipment and quality assurance. The overall approach was influenced by programmes already established and adopted by other countries. It was expected that uniformity regarding international guidelines would decrease the amount of work needed for preparing documentation for services which are already involved in certification procedures, for example, hospital certification, and that this would help pave the way for sleep medicine certification. Results. The first step involved a self-questionnaire designed to assess whether a particular service was ready to be certified, self-assessment being a key feature of this phase. Successfully responding to the questionnaire (guided by the certification standards) indicated whether a particular sleep disorder service met certification requirements. If the answers were satisfactory, then such service would send in a complete application. A site visit would then be made if the evaluation committee (ACMES) stated that the full standards had been satisfactorily met. Services assessing children under 12 years-old had to meet specific requirements for such population. Children over 12 years-old who did not have a complex medical condition could be studied by certified adult services, as long as resuscitation equipment and trained personnel were available.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459140


Objective To understand the demanding situation for professionals in Zhejiang Province;To improve the relevance of professional training and effectiveness of education. Methods Interviews and questionnaires were used for the six aspects of research:traditional Chinese medicine industry and its needs for professionals, the school-enterprise cooperative education and staff training needs, Chinese professional competence, medicine curriculum system, personnel positioning and analysis of knowledge, ability and quality requirements, and follow-up survey for graduates. This survey was opened to 12 pharmaceutical companies in 5 areas in Zhejiang Province, with a purpose to analyze the demands and requirements for Chinese medicine professionals in Zhejinag Province. Results and Conclusion The Chinese medicine market of Zhejiang Province demands for structured and diversified professionals in large quantities, especially for skilled professionals of high-quality of vocational level, which provides a good environment for Chinese medicine professional training.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 71(8): 558-561, ago. 2013. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-684098


The authors present a brief historical review of the most important contributions by Professor Elio Lugaresi, of the University of Bologna, Italy, to neurology and sleep disorders.

Os autores apresentam uma breve revisão histórica sobre as mais importantes contribuições do Professor Elio Lugaresi, da Universidade de Bolonha, Itália, para a Neurologia e para os distúrbios do sono.

Historia del Siglo XX , Neurología/historia , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia/historia , Italia , Trastornos del Movimiento/historia
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421427


To carry out the teaching of hospital management in-depth and improve teaching quality, the group of teaching hospital management in 2010, through questionnaires, discussion and other forms, found out and analyzed the teaching situation, including the nature of this course, start time and hours, teacher team, teaching content, teaching methods, evaluation form, and so on. The result was that most students thought it not necessary to open so many courses. Then the article put forward some suggestions and countermeasures to further improve the management course.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623344


The article opened out the meaning which constructed the talents quality standard from the connotation of"quality"and put forward the talent quality standard which is opening,multiple and keeping pace with the development of pharmaceutical section,TCM modernization and the college's future so as to meet the society's demands for skilled talents.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624538


So in pharmaceutical microbiology teaching, we made education reform according to pharmaceutical characteristics, that is to revise syllabus, update teaching content, reform of teaching methods, use modern means of teaching to train students in innovative spirit and ability. Besides, we strengthen the practice of teaching, conduct comprehensive and applicative experiment, So that our educational content is more in line with teaching objectives of Chinese pharmacy specialty, and help students to engage in basic knowledge of microbiology, experiment skills, capacity to analysis and solve problems.