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Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 159-174, dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149370


Resumen Para poder cuantificar e investigar científicamente las quejas mnésicas de los pacientes, se hace necesario contar con un instrumento adaptado y que presente análisis psicométricos adecuados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar propiedades psicométricas de una versión argentina del Cuestionario de Memoria Prospectiva y Retrospectiva. Para ello se administró el Cuestionario de Memoria Prospectiva y Retrospectiva de forma individual a 192 participantes sanos con más de 27 puntos en el Mini Mental State Examination. La media de edad fue de 39.67 años (DE = 12.3). La media de escolaridad fue de 14.5 años (DE = 2.72). A un subgrupo de participantes (n = 45) denominado Subgrupo A, también se les administraron pruebas de memoria prospectiva y retrospectiva. El Índice Global del Cuestionario presentó una distribución normal. Según el análisis factorial exploratorio se estableció la extracción de un factor que explicó el 35.19 % de la varianza. El coeficiente α de Cronbach fue de .87. La confiabilidad estimada por el método de la división por mitades fue de .73 y de .84 luego de la corrección con la fórmula de Spearman-Brown. No hubo correlación significativa entre las respuestas del cuestionario y los test de memoria retro y prospectiva en el subgrupo A. Estos resultados permiten concluir que el Cuestionario de Memoria Prospectiva y Retrospectiva presenta adecuados índices de confiabilidad y una estructura de un solo factor. Si bien no se asocia con el rendimiento objetivo en pruebas de memoria, muestra ser apropiado para el registro de las quejas subjetivas de los pacientes en la región de estudio.

Abstract Memory complaints are the reason for consultation in many cases of neurological injuries and in the majority of aged people who attend the neurological clinic. The presence of memory complaints is a diagnostic criterion for mild cognitive impairment, for which it is necessary to have an appropriate and specific instrument, which would allow us to quantify and scientifically investigate it. The aim of the present study is to analyze the psychometric properties of an Argentine version of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire: the factorial structure of the test; its internal consistency; correlations of the questionnaire with an objective measurement of retro and prospective memory; and correlations of the questionnaire with affective-emotional variables. The Mexican version of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire was administered individually to 192 healthy participants who achieved more than 27 point in the Mini Mental State Examination. A modification was made to the syntax of two sentences in order to increase the comprehensibility. A Global, Prospective and a Retrospective Index of the questionnaire was calculated for each participant. Anxiety (the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory: STAI) and depression (the Beck's Depression Inventory-II) scales were also administered. The mean age was 39.67 years (SD = 12.3). The average of schooling was 14.5 years (SD = 2.72). We also selected a subgroup of participants (n = 45) with a mean age of 37.58 years (SD = 11.4), and an average schooling in years of 14.36 (SD = 3). In addition to the memory questionnaire, this subgroup, called the A Subgroup, was administered prospective (El Cóndor test) and retrospective (The Selective Memory Test) objective memory tests. The mean in the Global Index was 32.25 (SD = 8.49), in the Prospective Index it was 17.3 (SD = 5.01) and in the Retrospective Index it was 14.95 (SD = 4.07). The test for normality of the distribution of the Global Index Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) was Z = 1.031, p = .238. In the same way, the other two scores of the questionnaire show a normal curve, K-S of the Prospective Index Z = 1.109, p = .171; K-S of the Retrospective Index Z = 1.264, p = .082. According to the exploratory factor analysis through the Maximum Likelihood extraction method, a single factor explained 35.19 % of the variance. The Cronbach's α coefficient was .87. The reliability estimated by the split-half method was .73 and .84 after correction with the Spearman-Brown formula. There was a significant positive correlation of mild degree between the Global Questionnaire Index and the STAI Trait, r = .33, p = .013, and with the IDB-II, e = .23, p = .127. There was no significant correlation between the questionnaire responses and the retro and prospective memory objective tests in the A Subgroup. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire presents adequate reliability indexes and a single factor structure. The results indicate that the questionnaire associates with anxiety and depression in a positive way, but not with the objective measures of retro and prospective memory, in coincidence with the literature about the relationship between cognitive complaints and cognitive tests performance. In sum, this study shows that the questionnaire is an appropriate instrument to quantify patient's memory complaints and particularly for its use in the study region. This study is the first in the country to investigate the psychometric properties of the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire, widely used in neuropsychological clinic and research around the world. Efforts should be made to obtain normative data and validation in the pathological population of interest.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 12(2): 189-195, Apr.-June 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-952962


Abstract The surrounding circumstances and environments of Malaysian older adults could make conducting interventions (mainly in terms of clinical or randomized controlled trials) a challenge. Working with older adults and facing cultural issues could be challenging. Objective: This paper illustrates a significant perspective of some of the challenges faced while conducting a randomized controlled trial exploring the impact of a multi-component intervention that included strategy- and process-based prospective memory (PM) training among Malaysian older adults. Methods: The current study was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and therefore the challenges were presented in accordance with the CONSORT statement style. Results: A discussion on how these issues were addressed is provided. Conclusion: Some suggestions were presented to help researchers plan and create interventions for similar studies and to support a practical method of addressing all related challenges.

Resumo As circunstâncias e ambientes circundantes de adultos idosos da Malásia poderiam tornar a condução da intervenção (principalmente em termos de ensaios clínicos ou randomizados controlados) um desafio. Trabalhar com adultos mais velhos e enfrentar problemas culturais pode ser instigante. Objetivo: Este artigo ilustra uma perspectiva significativa de alguns dos desafios enfrentados durante a realização de um estudo controlado randomizado que explora o impacto de uma intervenção de múltiplos componentes, incluindo treinamento de memória prospectiva baseado em estratégia e processo (PM) entre idosos da Malásia. Métodos: Como o estudo atual foi um ensaio clínico randomizado (ECR), os desafios foram apresentados de acordo com o estilo de declaração CONSORT. Resultados: Uma discussão sobre como essas questões foram abordadas é fornecida. Conclusão: Algumas sugestões foram apresentadas para ajudar os pesquisadores a planejar e criar intervenções para estudos semelhantes e capacitar um método prático para abordar todos os desafios relacionados.

Humanos , Estudios Cruzados , Anciano , Memoria Episódica , Aprendizaje
Interdisciplinaria ; 34(2): 295-306, dic. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-975775


La Memoria Prospectiva (MP) es un conjunto de habilidades cognitivas que permite recordar y realizar acciones planeadas o intenciones demoradas. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la MP en pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple Recaídas y Remisiones (EMRR) con dos pruebas experimentales que evalúan distintos aspectos de la MP. Se evaluaron 36 pacientes con EMRR y un grupo control de 35 voluntarios sanos (GC), apareados por edad y escolaridad. Se administró una batería de tests neuropsicológicos que incluye dos técnicas que evalúan la MP: El Cóndor y el Test de Memoria Prospectiva de Tareas Múltiples (MTPM). Los pacientes obtuvieron un puntaje más bajo que el GC (en puntaje total de El Cóndor, p = .007, d = 0.7). En el MTPM, el GC obtuvo significativamente más puntos en la Fase de Formación de la intención (p = .027, d = .5). El 63% de los pacientes versus el 88.5% del GC, autoiniciaron la intención (p = .014). Los pacientes que obtuvieron mejor puntaje en Formación, autoiniciaron más la acción proyectada (p = .012). La educación, la duración de la enfermedad y la depresión correlacionaron leve y significativamente con el Cóndor y el MTPM. La discapacidad física se relacionó sólo con la capacidad de autoiniciar del MTPM. Se concluye que la MP parece estar afectada negativamente en pacientes con EMRR. Se encontró un deterioro de la planificación y la autoiniciación de la intención. La autoniciación fue influenciada por la calidad de la planificación. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de evaluar objetivamente la MP en pacientes con EMRR para poder detectar cualquier alteración en las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad y comenzar una rehabilitación apropiada.

Prospective Memory (PM) is a set of cognitive abilities that allow us to remember to perform planned actions or delayed intentions. It requires the recall of the content of the planned task in the form of an intention to be able to execute it at the appropriate moment. Previous studies have yielded conflicting results as some show that MS patients have difficulty in remembering the content of intentions and others in the process of self-initiation of delayed intentions. Moreover, the relationship between PM and clinical variables also remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate PM in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) with two experimental tests that evaluate different aspects of the MP. Another aim of the current study was to analyse the relationship between PM and demographic variables and clinical variables. 36 outpatients with a diagnosis of RRMS attending to two centers specialized in multiple sclerosis clinics, were recruited. Thirty five healthy volunteers formed the contrast group (CG), matched for age, gender and education with the MS patients. A neuropsychological test battery that included two techniques for measuring PM was administered. The Condor Test consists of reading a text whilst simultaneously executing many actions. In the Multitask Prospective Memory (MTPM), the participant must remember to initiate a complex intention, which was previously planned. The test yields formation scores of the intention, initiation, plan retention capacity and finally two execution scores. A depression scale (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI-II) was administered and physical disability was revealed using the Expanded Disability Status Scale. In the RRMS group, the majority of patients (80.6%) had none or minimal signs of depression according to BDI-II classification criteria. Seventy five % of patients were in full- or half-time employment, 13.9% were unemployed or in occasional employment and 11.1% were house wives or retired on grounds of age. With respect to cognitive performance 47.2% of MS patients presented cognitive impairment. RRMS patients and the CG did not differ significantly on age and years of formal education. Groups showed no significant differences in distribution of Gender. Patients scored significantly lower than the CG on the Condor's total score, p = .007, d = .7. On the MTPM, the CG obtained significantly more points for intention formation than patients, p = .027, d = .5. Sixty-three percent of patients versus 88.5% of the CG self-initiated the intention, p = .014. Patients who obtained a higher score on Formation, self-initiated more often, p = .012. Education, disease progression and depression measure with the Beck Depression Inventory, significantly and mildly correlated with the Condor and the MTPM. Physical disability was only associated with the intention planning phase of MTPM. PM appears to be impaired in patients with RRMS. A deficit was found in planning and self-initiation of planned actions. Self-initiation was influenced by planning quality. Education, disease progression and depression were shown to influence recall and execution of future intentions. Physical disability was only associated with the intention planning phase. Some previous studies have not found a significant relationship between physical disability and cognitive measures. This study suggests that PM can be affected in patients with a low level of physical impairment. Results highlight the need for objective assessment of PM in RRMS patients to be able to detect any disorder in the initial stages of the disease and start appropriate rehabilitation. Amongst the limitations of this study, the observational, non-blind design must be acknowledged, as well as the small sample size. Also, the instruments used to assess PM are relatively new and studies of their psychometric properties are lacking. Nevertheless, the use of an instrument like The Condor is notable, given that it was developed for local population.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 17(2): 143-151, jul.-dic. 2014. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-729428


La finalidad del presente trabajo fue comprobar las diferencias que pudieran existir en Memoria Prospectiva (MP) entre jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores; analizar las relaciones existentes entre variables de comprensión y fluidez verbal y la MP; y verificar la existencia de relaciones entre la percepción subjetiva del estado de salud y el rendimiento de la MP. A través de un diseño transversal, se trabajó con 270 participantes distribuidos en tres grupos de edad: jóvenes de 18 a 28 años; adultos de 45 a 55, y personas mayores de 60 a 80. Se evaluó a los participantes en relación con sus aptitudes de comprensión y fluidez verbal, así como en la percepción subjetiva de su estado de salud. Posteriormente se realizó un experimento donde se les presentaron párrafos de tres frases en la pantalla del computador y ellos tenían que reconocer palabras previamente acordadas, que indicarían su nivel de MP. Los resultados permitieron confirmar diferencias significativas en memoria prospectiva entre mayores y jóvenes. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias entre jóvenes y adultos. Se detectó la importancia de las aptitudes verbales y la influencia de la percepción subjetiva del estado de salud para tener un mejor rendimiento en estas tareas de laboratorio de MP.

The aims of this study were to verify the potential differences in prospective memory (PM) among young people, adults and the elderly; analyze the relationships between variables of comprehension and verbal fluency and PM; and finally, verify the existence of a relationship between self-reported health status and performance on PM. A cross- sectional design was used. The study involved 270 participants divided into three age groups: young people aged 18 to 28 years; adults 45 to 55, and seniors 60 to 80. Their comprehension and verbal fluency skills were assessed as well as their self-perceived health status. Subsequently, an experiment was carried out where participants were presented with paragraphs of three sentences on a computer screen and they had to recognize previously agreed words that would indicate their level of MP. The results established significant differences in prospective memory between adults and older people and between young people and the elderly. But no differences between youth and adults were found..The importance of verbal comprehension and verbal fluency in solving prospective memory experimental tasks was also significant. In addition, a better self-perception of well-being was linked to a higher performance in PM.

A finalidade do presente trabalho foi comprovar as diferenças que puderam existir na Memória Prospectiva (MP) entre jovens, adultos e idosos; analisar as relações existentes entre variáveis de compreensão e fluência verbal e a MP; e verificar a existência de relações entre a percepção subjetiva do estado de saúde e o rendimento da MP. Através de um desenho transversal, se trabalhou com 270 participantes distribuídos em três grupos de idade: jovens de 18 a 28 anos; adultos de 45 a 55, e idosos de 60 a 80. Avaliaram-se os participantes em relação com suas aptidões de compreensão e fluência verbal, assim como na percepção subjetiva de seu estado de saúde. Posteriormente realizou-se um experimento onde foram apresentados parágrafos de três frases na tela do computador e eles tinham que reconhecer palavras previamente lembradas, que indicariam seu nível de MP. Los resultados permitiram confirmar diferencias significativas em memória prospectiva entre idosos e jovens. Porém, não se encontraram diferenças entre jovens e adultos. Detectou-se a importância das aptidões verbais e a influencia de a percepção subjetiva do estado de saúde para ter um melhor rendimento nestas tarefas de laboratório de MP.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Conducta Verbal , Memoria a Largo Plazo , Ageísmo
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 30(2): 189-196, abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-715648


Neste artigo é apresentada uma revisão da literatura sobre os mecanismos cognitivos associados à memória prospectiva, organizados de acordo com a divisão das diferentes fases da recordação prospectiva (i.e., codificação, retenção e recuperação). Inicialmente, é apresentada a diversidade de dados da investigação que sustentam diferentes abordagens explicativas do fenômeno de recuperação de intenções, considerando a natureza automática ou estratégica da memória prospectiva. Em seguida, são salientadas as potenciais explicações sobre os mecanismos presentes durante o intervalo de retenção e na fase de codificação.

This article presents a review of the literature concerning the cognitive mechanisms underlying prospective memory, organized according to the division of the different phases of this phenomenon (i.e., encoding, retention and retrieval). Initially, a variety of research data is presented supporting different explanatory approaches of the phenomenon of intended actions, namely their automatic and strategic processes. Also some potential explanations are presented about the mechanisms in effect during the retention interval and the encoding phase.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 70(1): 17-21, Jan. 2012. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-612658


OBJECTIVES: To verify the accuracy of prospective memory (ProM) tests in Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: Twenty mild AD patients (CDR 1), and 20 controls underwent Digit Span (DS), Trail Making (TM) A and B, visual perception, Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning tests, and Cornell Scale for Depression. AD diagnosis was based on DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria. ProM was assessed with the appointment and belonging subtests of Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT); and with two new tests (the clock and animal tests). RESULTS: AD patients had a worse performance than controls on the majority of tests, except DS forward and TM-A. There was no correlation between RBMT and the new ProM tests. As for accuracy, the only significant difference concerned the higher sensitivity of our animal test versus the RBMT belonging test. CONCLUSIONS: The clock and the animal tests showed similar specificity, but higher sensitivity than the RBMT subtests.

OBJETIVOS: Verificar a acurácia dos testes de memória prospectiva (MP) na doença de Alzheimer (DA). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 20 pacientes com DA leve (CDR 1; diagnóstico baseado no DSM-IV e NINCDS-ADRDA) e 20 controles passaram pelos testes de dígitos, das trilhas A e B, de percepção visual, do aprendizado verbal de Rey e da Escala Cornell para Depressão. MP foi avaliada com os subtestes de compromisso e pertence do Teste de Memória Comportamental da Rivermead e dois novos testes (do relógio e dos animais). RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com doença de Alzheimer tiveram um desempenho inferior aos controles na maioria dos testes, exceto nos dígitos diretos e na trilha A. Não houve correlação entre os subtestes de Memória Comportamental da Rivermead e os novos testes de memória prospectiva. A única diferença quanto à acurácia foi que o teste dos animais teve maior sensibilidade que o do pertence da Rivermead. CONCLUSÕES: Os testes do relógio e dos animais mostraram similar especificidade, porém maior sensibilidade do que os subtestes da Rivermead.

Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Memoria/fisiología , Disfunción Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica , Sensibilidad y Especificidad
Dement. neuropsychol ; 5(2): 64-68, jun. 2011.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-592300


Prospective memory (PM) is defined as remembering to carry out intended actions at an appropriate point in the future, and can be categorized into three types of situation: time-, event-, and activity-based tasks. PM involves brain structures such as frontal and medial temporal cortices. The aim of this study was to review the currently available literature on PM in Alzheimers disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment patients. We performed a search on Pubmed, Medline, ScieLO, LILACS and the Cochrane Library electronic databases from January 1990 to December 2010. The key terms used were: prospective memory, memory for intentions, delayed memory and memory for future actions, separately and also combined with the search terms dementia, Alzheimers disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Both patient groups showed significant impairment in PM. Further studies are needed to verify the accuracy of PM tasks as an early marker of mild cognitive impairment, and initial dementia.

Memória prospectiva (MP) é lembrar-se de completar ações intencionadas num ponto do futuro, pode ser categorizada em três tipos de situação: tarefas baseadas em tempo, evento e atividade. MP envolve estruturas cerebrais como córtices frontais e temporais mediais. Este artigo teve como objetivo revisar a literatura disponível de MP na doença de Alzheimer e Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve. Nós realizamos uma pesquisa nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Medline, ScieLO, LILACS e Cochrane Library electronic de janeiro de 1990 a dezembro de 2010. Os termos chave usados foram: prospective memory, memory for intentions, delayed memory e memory for future actions, combinados com os termos dementia, Alzheimers disease e Mild Cognitive Impairment. Os grupos de pacientes demonstraram comprometimento importante em tarefas de MP. Mais estudos são necessários para verificar a acurácia de tarefas de MP como um marcador precoce de comprometimento cognitivo leve e demência inicial.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Disfunción Cognitiva , Demencia , Memoria
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 43(2): 229-240, mayo 2011. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-637095


The prolonged consumption of drugs has been associated with neuropsychological and cognitive deficits. The most important deficits are associated with executive functions and memory problems, specifically with prospective memory (PM). This type of memory plays a central role in our daily life. However, there is a lack of studies on the effects of poly drug consumption on prospective memory. In this study we aim to discover to what extent the length and amount of estimated consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and tranquilizers predicts the scores of self-reported prospective memory, and the scores on two objective tasks designed for this study. Measures included a Spanish version of the UEL Recreational Drug Use Questionnaire and the Prospective Memory Questionnaire, both with objective scores on two experimental tasks. The sample was composed of 164 participants (145 females and 19 males) aged 19- 36 (M = 19.85, SD = 2.21). Stepwise regression analysis showed that years of cannabis consumption explained 13% of self-reported long term PM deficits. Years of alcohol consumption explained 18.4% of total variance of self-rated internally-cued PM deficits. Years of alcohol consumption and estimated amount of alcohol together predicted 30.2% of variance of objective event-based PM tasks. The estimated amount of tobacco and tranquilizers consumption predicted 33.7% of the time-based PM task.

El consumo prolongado de drogas se ha asociado a déficit neuropsicológicos y cognitivos. Los déficits más importantes están asociados con las funciones ejecutivas y los problemas de memoria, y en concreto con la memoria prospectiva (MP). Este tipo de memoria juega un papel central en nuestra vida diaria. Sin embargo, faltan estudios sobre los efectos del policonsumo de drogas en la MP. En este estudio pretendemos conocer en qué medida los años desde el inicio de su consumo y la cantidad de consumo estimada de alcohol, tabaco, cannabis y tranquilizantes predicen las puntuaciones autoinformadas de memoria prospectiva y las puntuaciones objetivas en dos tareas experimentales diseñadas por nosotros. Entre las medidas se incluyeron una versión en español del UEL Recreational Drug Use Questionnaire, el Prospective Memory Questionnaire, junto con las puntuaciones objetivas en dos tareas experimentales. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 164 participantes (145 mujeres y 19 varones) con edades comprendidas entre los 19 y 36 años (M: 19.85 años, DE: 2.21). Los análisis de regresión por pasos mostraron que los años de consumo de cannabis explican un 13% de los problemas autoinformados de MP a largo plazo medidos con el PMQ. En el caso de los problemas autoinformados de MP con pistas internas, son los años de consumo de alcohol los que mayor porcentaje de la varianza explican (18.4%). Respecto a las tareas objetivas de MP, los años de consumo de alcohol y la cantidad estimada de alcohol predicen el 30.2% de la varianza de la tarea prospectiva de eventos. El 33.7% de la tarea de MP de tiempo era predicha por la cantidad estimada de consumo de tranquilizantes y de tabaco.

Investig. psicol ; 15(2): 69-83, ago. 2010. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-559972


Introducción: Los déficits cognitivos muestran una prevalencia del 43 en Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) en nuestro país. Influyen de manera discapacitante sobre la calidad de vida, en particular en las actividades sociales y laborales. Un nuevo paradigma de estudio es la Memoria Prospectiva (MP), definida como la habilidad para recordar intenciones demoradas. Objetivo: Analizar el rendimiento de MP en pacientes con EM y su relación con otras variables cognitivas y con la discapacidad física. Metodología: Fueron evaluados 15 pacientes con EM Recaídas y Remisiones y 15 voluntarios sanos con una batería de test neuropsicológicos compuesta por El Cóndor como medida de MP y otros test de memoria, atención y funciones ejecutivas. Los pacientes fueron evaluados además con dos medidas de discapacidad. Resultados: Se hallaron diferencias significativas en el puntaje total de El Cóndor a favor del grupo control. Se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre la MP y planificación, velocidad de procesamiento y memoria de trabajo. No se encontraron correlaciones entre MP y discapacidad. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con EM poseen bajo rendimiento en MP. La MP se asocia con medidas de memoria de trabajo, fluencia verbal y velocidad de procesamiento pero no con discapacidad.

Humanos , Esclerosis Múltiple/psicología , Memoria , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 66(2b): 318-322, jun. 2008. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-486182


OBJECTIVE: To study prospective and retrospective memory in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHOD: Twenty mild AD and 20 matched normal control subjects were included. Diagnosis of AD was based on DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, using CDR 1 and MMSE scores from 16 to 24 for mild AD. All subjects underwent retrospective (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, RAVLT) and prospective memory tests (the appointment and belonging subtests of the Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test, RBMT; and two tests made to this study: the clock and the animals test), as well as MMSE, neuropsychological counterproofs, and Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia. The data was analyzed with Wilcoxon test and Spearman correlation coefficient. RESULTS: AD patients performed worse than controls in prospective and retrospective memory tests, with poorer performance in retrospective memory. There was no correlation between prospective memory and attention, visual perception, executive function, or depression scores. CONCLUSION: Prospective and, in higher degree, retrospective memory are primarily and independently impaired in mild AD.

OBJETIVO: Estudar a memória prospectiva e retrospectiva em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) leve. MÉTODO: Vinte pacientes com DA leve e 20 sujeitos controles normais pareados foram incluídos. O diagnóstico de DA baseou-se nos critérios DSM-IV e NINCDS-ADRDA, usando CDR 1 e escores do Mini-Exame Mental de 16 a 24 para DA leve. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos a testes de memória retrospectiva (Teste de Rey para Aprendizado Auditivo-Verbal) e prospectiva (os testes da consulta e do pertence da Bateria Comportamental de Memória do Rivermead; e dois testes desenvolvidos para este estudo: o teste do relógio e o dos animais), bem como a testes cognitivos controles e Escala Cornell de Depressão em Demência. A análise dos dados usou o teste de Wilcoxon e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com DA foram inferiores aos controles nos testes de memória prospectiva e retrospectiva, em maior grau nesta última, sem que seu desempenho tenha se correlacionado com déficit de atenção, percepção ou função executiva. CONCLUSÃO: A memória prospectiva e, em maior grau, a memória retrospectiva estão primariamente e independentemente alteradas na DA leve.

Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Envejecimiento/psicología , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/psicología , Trastornos de la Memoria/psicología , Memoria/fisiología , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/fisiopatología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Escolaridad , Trastornos de la Memoria/fisiopatología , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Escalas de Valoración Psiquiátrica , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Aprendizaje Verbal/fisiología