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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970718


Objective: To explore the characteristics and rules of blood pressure changes in oceanauts during simulated operation of manipulator and troubleshooting tasks with different difficulty. Methods: In July 2020, 8 deep-sea manned submersible oceanauts, 6 males and 2 females, were selected as objects. In the 1∶1 model of Jiaolong deep-sea manned submersible, the oceanauts performed manipulator operation tasks and troubleshooting tasks with different difficulties, measured the continuous blood pressure of the oceanauts, filled in the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX scale) after the completion of a single mission, and the changes of systolic pressure (SBP), diastolic pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and mental workload were analyzed. Results: In a single task, the SBP, DBP and MAP of the oceanauts increased first and then decreased. The blood pressure values at the third minute were significantly lower than those at the first minute (P<0.01), and those at the fifth minute were significantly higher than those at the third minute (P<0.01). When performing the same task, compared with the quiet state, SBP, DBP and MAP increased when the oceanauts performed low difficulty, high difficulty, high difficulty+2-back manipulator operation task and troubleshooting task (P<0.05). When the task difficulty was the same, the SBP and MAP of oceanauts performing manipulator operation tasks were higher than those of oceanauts performing troubleshooting tasks (P<0.05). Compared with low difficulty tasks, the scores of NASA-TLX scale for oceanauts performing high difficulty manipulator operationtasks were significantly higher (P<0.05). Compared with the low difficulty task and high difficulty task, the scale score of the high difficulty+2-back troubleshooting task was significantly higher (P<0.05). When the task difficulty was the same, the scale scores of low difficulty and high difficulty manipulator operation tasks were significantly higher than those of troubleshooting tasks (P<0.05). SBP, DBP, MAP of No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 7 oceanauts (all of whom had 6 years of diving) were positively correlated with NASA-TLX scale scores (r>0.8, P<0.05) . Conclusion: In the process of manned deep-sea diving, when the oceanauts perform manipulator operation tasks and troubleshooting tasks, with the increase of task difficulty, the mental load of oceanauts increases, and the blood pressure index increases significantly in a short time. At the same time, improving the proficiency of operation can reduce the variation range of blood pressure indexes. Blood pressure can be used as an effective reference to evaluate the difficulty of operation and guide scientific training.

Femenino , Masculino , Humanos , Presión Sanguínea , Buceo , Carga de Trabajo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960453


Background China's manufacturing industry is still labor-intensive, and assembly employees in manufacturing industry are facing a great risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Objective To investigate and analyze the prevalence and distribution of WMSDs among assembly workers in manufacturing enterprises and explore the relationship between WMSDs and ergonomic exposure factors such as posture load and mental load. Methods From July to September 2017, by convenient sampling, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to select 670 workers engaged in electronic accessories assembly and railway vehicle manufacturing in three manufacturing enterprises in two cities in northern China as the research participants. The posture load assessment was based on the Chinese Musculoskeletal Questionnaire independently developed by our research group. The mental load assessment was based on a revised Chinese version of the Subjective Workload Assessment Technique. An unconditional logistic regression model was used to explore the relationship between ergonomic exposure and WMSDs. Results The overall prevalence rate of WMSDs was 39.6% (265/670) with 43.8% in males and 25.2% in females; the highest prevalence rate was 47.7% in the group aged 40 years and over. The prevalence rate of WMSDs in the electronic accessories assembly workers was 16.9%, that in the railway vehicle manufacturing workers was 57.3%, and the difference was statistically significant (\begin{document}$ {\chi

Cienc. Trab ; 19(58): 54-58, abr. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-839748


RESUMEN: El sedentarismo en la actividad de conducción es un proceso de carácter degenerativo que afecta al usuario tanto de forma física como psicológica, estando propenso a padecer de enfermedades cró nicas y un aumento de estrés, debido a la demanda de trabajo que implica estar gran cantidad de horas diarias sentado, sin tener un horario de trabajo fijo, estar expuesto a agentes externos (ruido, vibraciones, entre otros), no dedicar tiempos para una actividad físi ca y una alimentación con una ingesta calórica reducida. Esta revisión busca determinar definiciones de conceptos pertinentes al tema, identificar estudios que evidencian alteraciones en la activi dad de conducción, métodos de estudio y determinar las variables que disponen a la aparición de enfermedades crónicas y problemas músculo-esqueléticos desarrollados en la actividad de conducción por el sedentarismo. Posteriormente, se analiza la situación actual y proyecciones sobre la materia al no presentar una actividad física de forma regular, dando hincapié al deterioro del tren superior e inferior y factores psicosociales que influyen en el conductor. Se presenta una metodología de búsqueda variable, que permite identificar la contextualización de la temática y su desarrollo, incorporando información de diferentes áreas para lograr un buen resultado. Existe un avance por parte de la UE en dar un seguimiento de forma anual en un análisis médico que pueda identificar el estado de salud de los trabajadores para determinar sus capacidades físicas para estar en condiciones de desarrollar la actividad. En conclusión, esta implementación podría ser una instancia a plas mar en otros países y así poder llevar un control de eficiencia de trabajadores y estar al tanto de sus condiciones de trabajo. Trabajar en el desarrollo de un plan de contingencia del estado de salud, capacidad física y mental de los usuarios otorgará un aporte al desa rrollo en vías de mejoras de esta labor.

ABSTRACT: The sedentary lifestyle in driving activity is a degenerative process that affects the user both physically and psychologically, being prone to suffer from chronic diseases and an increase in stress. This is due to the demand for work that involves a large number of hours Without having a fixed work schedule, to be exposed to external agents (noise, vibrations, among others), not to dedicate time for physical activity and a diet with a reduced caloric intake. This review seeks to determine definitions of concepts relevant to the topic, to identify studies that show alterations in driving activity, methods of study and to determine the variables that provide for the appearance of chronic diseases and musculoskeletal problems devel oped in driving activity by the sedentary lifestyle. Subsequently, we analyze the current situation and projections on the subject by not presenting a physical activity on a regular basis, emphasizing the deterioration of the upper and lower train and psychosocial factors that influence the driver. A variable search methodology is presented, which allows the identification of the contextualization of the theme and its development, incorporating information from different areas to achieve a good result. There is progress by the EU to follow up annually in a medical analysis that can identify the health status of workers to determine their physical capacities to be able to develop the activity. In conclusion, this implementation could be an instance to express in other countries and thus be able to control workers' efficiency and be aware of their working conditions. Working in the development of a contingency plan of health status, physical and mental capacity of users will provide a contribution to development in the process of improvement of this work.

Humanos , Postura , Conducción de Automóvil , Conducta Sedentaria , Envejecimiento , Riesgo , Ergonomía
Cienc. Trab ; 12(36): 281-292, abr.-jun. 2010. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-562749


La consideración de la carga mental de trabajo es una de las dimensiones que ha ido ganado terreno en la preocupación de aquellos que se interesan en las condiciones de trabajo y la efectividad del desempeño humano. No obstante, tal como ya lo constatara Gillet (Gillet 1987) hace más de veinte años, a pesar de la creciente popularidad de este concepto, su definición y alcances resulta aún ser problemático. Se revisa en este artículo la trayectoria histórica del concepto y del estado del arte en materia de carga mental de trabajo, antecedentes relacionados con los procesos de formación de recursos cognitivos, emocionales y sociales involucrados en el enfrentamiento de exigencias laborales, así como metodologías disponibles para la evaluación de la carga mental de trabajo.

Consideration of mental load of work is one dimension that has been gaining ground in the concern of those who are interested in working conditions and the effectiveness of human performance. However, as observed by Gillet (Gillet 1987) more than twenty years ago, despite the growing popularity of this concept, its definition and scope arestill problematic. This article reviews the historical development of the concept and of the state of the art in mental load of work; background related to the processes of cognitive resources formation; emotional and social elements involved in dealing with work requirements as well as methodologies available for the evaluation of mental load of work.

Fatiga Mental , Condiciones de Trabajo , Carga de Trabajo
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 31(114)jul.-dez. 2006.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-560134


O objetivo deste artigo é duplo. No âmbito teórico, apresenta a noção de modos operatórios singulares e diferenciados desenvolvidos no setor de teleatendimento; no âmbito metodológico, busca apresentar o valor da entrevista de autoconfrontação no estudo da atividade de trabalho. Inicialmente, são apresentados os métodos e os procedimentos utilizados para analisar a atividade em um serviço de atendimento às situações de emergências urbanas e, em seguida, é descrito o funcionamento do contexto produtivo estudado. Os trechos de diálogos de dez casos observados em situação foram autoconfrontados, permitindo aos autores a apresentação do desenrolar particular de cada atendimento dirigido pelo operador. Finalmente, discute-se a influência das diferenças interindividuais na atividade de teleatendimento e nos possíveis danos à saúde dos operadores.

This article is double aimed. At theoretical level, it introduces the idea of particular and distinguished operational modes; at methodological level, it presents the relevance of self-confrontation interviews when studying work practices. It starts introducing methods and procedures used to analyze an urban emergency call center practice; then, it describes how the specific production context under study operates. The dialogue fragments of ten observed subjects were self-confronted giving the authors the opportunity to present the singular development of each telemarketing service performed by each operator. Finally, the articlediscusses both the degree to which inter-individual differences influence telemarketing practices, and the possible damage caused to operators health.