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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(8): 1549-1553, Aug. 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976493


Three outbreaks of poisoning by Portulaca oleracea were reported in sheep and goats in Northeast Brazil. In the first outbreak, 8 out of 20 sheep were affected and later died. In the second outbreak, three goats and one sheep died out of a flock of 30 animals that included both species. In the third outbreak, two out of 19 sheep were affected, and they recovered after a treatment of 2% methylene blue at a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight. In the first and second outbreaks, the animals ingested P. oleracea after it was cut and offered in feeders. In the third outbreak, the flock was grazing in an area that had been invaded by the plant. To determine the toxicity, P. oleracea was administered experimentally at a dose of 80g/kg of body weight to seven sheep, weighing 19-30 kg. One control sheep received green grass. One to four hours after P. oleracea ingestion, the animals showed clinical signs of poisoning characterized by cyanotic mucous membranes, bloat, ruminal pH of 8-9, pollakiuria, aerophagia, involuntary movements of the upper lip, apathy, tachypnea and tachycardia. Five animals recovered, including one that was treated with 1% methylene blue, and two animals died. During necropsy, the mucous membranes were brownish, and the blood was dark brown. Diphenylamine tests of the plant and of rumen contents were positive for nitrates. Positive results for nitrates were also found in 24 samples of P. oleracea that were collected in different places in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. We conclude that P. oleracea accumulates nitrates at toxic levels and may cause poisoning in sheep and goats.(AU)

Relatam-se três surtos de intoxicação por Portulaca oleracea em ovinos e caprinos no Nordeste do Brasil. No primeiro surto morreram oito de 20 ovinos. No segundo morreram três caprinos e um ovino de um total de 30 animais das duas espécies. No terceiro surto foram afetadas duas ovelhas de um rebanho de 19 animais, que se recuperaram após o tratamento com azul de metileno a 2% na dose de 4 mg/kg/vivo. Nos surtos 1 e 2 os animais ingeriram P. oleracea cortada e oferecida no coxo e no surto 3 estavam pastoreando em uma área invadida pela planta. Para determinar a toxicidade de P. oleracea foram utilizados oitos ovinos, sendo sete experimentais e um controle, com peso entre 19 e 30 kg. A planta foi administrada por via oral, na dose de 80 g/kg/peso corporal. O animal controle recebeu capim verde e concentrado. Entre uma a quatro horas após a ingestão da planta os animais apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por mucosas cianóticas, timpanismo gasoso, pH ruminal de 8-9, polaquiúria, aerofagia, movimentos involuntários do lábio superior, apatia, taquipnéia e taquicardia. Cinco animais se recuperaram, incluindo um que foi tratado com azul de metileno a 2%, e dois morreram. Na necropsia observaram-se mucosas de coloração marrom e sangue marrom escuro. O teste de difenilamina realizado na planta e no conteúdo ruminal foi positivo para nitratos. Resultados positivos para nitratos foram detectados em 24 amostras coletadas em diferentes locais dos estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba. Conclui-se que P. oleracea acumula nitratos em níveis tóxicos, e quando ingerida por ovinos e caprinos pode provocar intoxicação e morte.(AU)

Animales , Rumiantes , Ovinos , Portulaca/toxicidad , Nitratos/toxicidad