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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017862


Objective To investigate the effect of manually reverse mixing times on erythrocyte sedimenta-tion rate(ESR).Methods The ESR samples of 200 subjects were manually mixed for 3,6,9,12 and 15 times before detection.The ESR results of each group were collected,and the samples were manually mixed for 12 times as the reference standard.R(4.2.1)software was used for data analysis,Shapiro-Wilk was used for normal distribution test,Friedman test was used for multi-group comparison,and Spearman correlation analy-sis was used to analyze the correlation between different manually reverse mixing times and ESR.Results Be-fore specimen analysis,200 subjects were divided into 5 groups according to the manually reverse mixing for 3,6,9,12 and 15 times.The median ESR of each group was 13.0,11.5,11.0,8.0 and 11.0 mm/h in turn.Friedman test showed that there were significant differences in ESR results among the 5 groups(P<0.05).There were significant differences in ESR results between manually reverse mixing for 3 and 6 times and man-ually reverse mixing for 12 times(P<0.05).Spearman correlation analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between the manually reverse mixing times and ESR(r=-1.000,P=0.017).Conclusion Speci-mens can be fully mixed by manually reverse mixing for 9 times.Too few times of manually reverse mixing can lead to high ESR.Clinical laboratories should pay attention to the pre-treatment of specimens to ensure the quality of the whole test process.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026926


This article summarized the experience of Professor Xiong Jibai,a national TCM master,in treating pulmonary nodules based on the theory of"body fluids and blood stasis mixing"in Huang Di Nei Jing.Professor Xiong Jibai believes that the basic pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules is that"body fluids and blood stasis mixing"accumulate in lung collaterals,and the fundamental pathological factor is phlegm and blood stasis.Xiong's treatment is based on dissipating phlegm and activating qi,activating blood circulation and resolving masses,paying attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment,examining syndromes and seeking causes,flexibly selecting prescriptions and treating both symptoms and root causes;attaching importance to maintaining healthy qi,preventing both illness and change,and preventing recovery after illness.Clinical medical records were attached to prove the clinical thinking and medication characteristics.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971276


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the influence of the thickness of mixed cardboard on the compressive strength of glass ionomer cement and the associated factors.@*METHODS@#Three different types of glass ionomer cements were mixed on the top of 60, 40, 20 and 1 pieces of paper (P60, P40, P20 and P1), respectively. The compressive strength of the materials was tested after solidification, and the bubble rate was calculated with the assistance of scanning electron microscope.@*RESULTS@#(1) Compressive strength: ① ChemFil Superior glass ionomer (CF): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was significantly different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.041 and 0.032 respectively); ② To Fuji IX GP glass ionomer (IX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.042 and 0.038 respectively); ③ Glaslonomer FX-Ⅱ glass ionomer cement (FX): The average compressive strength of P1 group was the highest, which was statistically different from that of P20, P40 and P60 groups (P values were 0.031, 0.040 and 0.041 respectively), but there was no statistical difference among the other groups. All the three materials showed that the compressive strength of glass ions gradually increased with the decrease of the thickness of the blended paperboard, and the two materials had a highly linear negative correlation, the correlation coefficients of which were CF-0.927, IX-0.989, FX-0.892, respectively. (2) Scanning electron microscope: P1 group had the least bubbles among the three materials.@*CONCLUSION@#It indicates that the thickness of mixed cardboard has a negative correlation with the compressive strength of glass ions. The thicker the mixed cardboard is, the greater the elasticity is. Excessive elasticity will accelerate the mixing speed when the grinding glass ions. Studies have shown that the faster the speed of artificial mixing is, the more bubbles is produced.The thicker ther mixed cardboard is, the more bubblesn are generated by glass ionomer cement, and the higher the compressive strength is. Using one piece of paper board to mix glass ionomer cement has the least bubbles and can obtain higher compressive strength.

Fuerza Compresiva , Ensayo de Materiales , Cementos de Ionómero Vítreo , Dióxido de Silicio
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005125


【Objective】 To explore the significance of blending internal controls by automatic sample processing instruments in the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 【Methods】 The internal controls were vortexed and mixed before the test, and then were added to the same ELISA plate by the STAR automatic sample processing instruments under the same detection conditions. The difference of S/CO value of internal controls with and without sufficient blending via the sampling needle and their frequency distribution were compared. Internal controls that were greatly affected by mixing parameters were submitted to the same test with different batches of reagents from the same manufacturer, and the results were analyzed for consistency. 【Results】 The S/CO value of anti-HCV internal controls without blending using adding sample needle was significantly lower than that of quality control samples with sufficient blending (P<0.000 1). The S/CO values of unmixed internal controls concerning anti-TP and anti-HIV detection given by some detection systems were also different from the values of mixed internal controls (P<0.05). Some of the S/CO values of the anti-HCV internal controls without mixing were distributed within the interval of less than 2. Different batches of reagents from the same manufacturer were used to detect anti-HCV internal controls, and there were differences in the partial detection values between the mixed and unmixed internal controls (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Although the internal controls were mixed by vortex shock before the test, the detection results of some internal controls will still be affected when the STAR automatic sample processing instruments does not set the mixing parameters for internal controls.

Journal of Experimental Hematology ; (6): 1791-1796, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010039


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the results of activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) mixing test in coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitor-positive hemophilia patients, so as to increase the value of APTT mixing test in the screen of factor Ⅷ inhibitor.@*METHODS@#Eighty plasmas samples with different titers of coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitors had been collected and diluted for routine immediate APTT mixing test and at 37 ℃ 2 hours incubation APTT mixing test. Fifteen samples were selected for immediate and normal temperature incubation for 15 min, 30min, 1 hour, 2 hours and 37 ℃ for 30 min, 1 hour, 2 hours APTT mixing test.@*RESULTS@#The results of APTT mixing test were significantly correlated with the titers of coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitors. The ROC curve result showed that the best diagnostic cut-off value for 2 hours incubation APTT mixing test at 37 ℃ to determine the presence or absence of coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitors was 43.8 s (sensitivity and specificity was 85.90% and 100%, respectively), while the best diagnostic cut-off value for distinguishing high-titer and low-titer Ⅷ inhibitors was 52.4 s (sensitivity and specificity was 98.18% and 95.65%, respectively). The critical coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitor titer that could not be corrected by immediate APTT was 5.14 BU/ml, while that could not be corrected by 37 ℃ 2 hours incubation APTT was 1.31 BU/ml. Paired samples t -test was performed on the APTT mixing test results at different times and temperatures, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The APTT mixing test can be used as a screening index for coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitors. APTT mixing test result shows a significant time-temperature dependence with lower titers of coagulation factor Ⅷ inhibitor. Patients with hemophilia who cannot be corrected by immediate APTT mixing test should be alert to the possibility of high titer of coagulation factor Ⅷ.

Humanos , Factor VIII , Hemofilia A/diagnóstico , Pruebas de Coagulación Sanguínea/métodos , Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial , Factores de Coagulación Sanguínea
Psicol. USP ; 33: e200136, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1356578


Resumo O artigo é fruto de um recorte de investigação autoral dentro de uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo reconhecer territórios a partir de suas narrativas. O método da clínica de território, baseado na deriva, na escuta e na escrita, com vistas ao mapeamento, foi experimentado pelo autor principal sob orientação do coautor. Frases e expressões escritas em muros e paredes, chamadas neste trabalho de "grapixos", foram escutadas como narrativas do território a partir da construção de um procedimento chamado de "mixagem de textos". O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a proposta da mixagem como forma de ler/escutar narrativas de espaços territoriais e analisar seus problemas, suas potencialidades e seus resultados. Como resultado principal, comprovou-se que a mixagem dos textos dos grapixos com as "escrevivências" do pesquisador é um método pertinente para revelar outras camadas discursivas do território não em evidência ou silenciadas.

Abstract This article is an excerpt from original research aiming at recognizing territories from their narratives. The territory clinic method, based on drifting, listening and writing, to map, was tried out by the main author under the co-author's advisement. Sentences and expressions written on walls, here called "grapixos," were read as territory narratives based on a construed process called "text mixing." This paper seeks to present the mixing proposal as a way to read/listen to narratives of territorial spaces and to analyze their problems, potentialities, and results. Its main result shows that mixing grapixos with the researcher's "escrevivência" an appropriate method to reveal discursive layers of the territory concealed or silenced.

Résumé Cet article résulte d'une recherche originale visant à reconnaître les territoires à partir de leurs récits. La méthode de la clinique territoriale, basée sur la dérive, l'écoute et l'écriture, pour cartographier, a été expérimentée par l'auteur principal sous la direction du co-auteur. Les phrases et les expressions écrites sur les murs, appelées ici « grapixos ¼, ont été les comme des récits du territoire basés sur un processus construit appelé « malaxage de textes ¼. Cet article vise à présenter la proposition du malaxage comme un manière de lire/écouter les récits des espaces territoriaux et d'analyser leurs problèmes, potentialités et résultats. Son principal résultat montre que le malaxage des grapixos avec « l'escrevivência ¼ du chercheur est une méthode pertinente pour révéler les couches discursives du territoire cachées ou silencieuse.

Resumen El artículo resulta de una investigación autoral que pretende reconocer los territorios desde sus narrativas. El método de la clínica del territorio, basado en la deriva, la escucha y la escritura, para cartografiar, fue ensayado por el autor principal bajo la guía del coautor. Las frases y expresiones escritas en los muros, aquí llamadas "grapixos", se leían como narrativas del territorio a partir de un procedimiento llamado "mezcla de textos". El artículo busca presentar la propuesta de mezcla como una forma de leer/escuchar las narrativas de los espacios territoriales y analizar sus problemas, potencialidades y resultados. Su resultado principal muestra que la mezcla de grapixos con las "escrevivências" del investigador es un método pertinente para revelar capas discursivas del territorio ocultas o silenciadas.

Territorialidad , Narración , Territorio Sociocultural , Psicoanálisis , Métodos
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 26(6): 1097-1109, nov.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350707


RESUMO Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma abordagem conceitual sobre propostas de alternativas para a concepção de sistemas com reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo. Em essência, propõem-se: i) a eliminação dos separadores de gás, líquido e sólido que constam em reatores upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors e sua substituição por unidade de sedimentação de alta taxa em setor incluso ou externo ao volume do reator biológico; ii) a recirculação de parcela do lodo retido no sedimentador, transformando o conjunto em um sistema semelhante ao de lodo ativado, porém preservando a manta de lodo no reator anaeróbio (activated anaerobic sludge blanket system) e, assim, viabilizando melhor controle do tempo de retenção celular; e iii) a simplificação (menor número de entradas) do sistema de distribuição do afluente junto ao fundo da zona de reação, mediante duas alternativas: agitação mecânica ou agitação hidráulica com jatos — em ambos os casos, intermitentes. As propostas, conforme apresentadas, constituem resumo de pesquisa baseada em reatores de bancada sucedida pela operação e testes em duas unidades-piloto paralelas (volume total: 20,8 m3, incluindo volumes de reação e de sedimentação). Constatou-se que é possível remover sólidos suspensos do efluente da região de reação sem a necessidade do separador trifásico e, também, que é possível manter-se a manta de lodo mesmo com a agitação na região de reação. Foram obtidos bons resultados na remoção de sólidos suspensos totais, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e demanda química de oxigênio nos sedimentadores com valores de taxa de aplicação superficial de 34,0 até 81,6 m3m-2dia. Constatou-se, também, que valores bastante baixos de gradiente de velocidade (G £ 20s-1) são suficientes para promover a manutenção da manta de lodo e que a intermitência na agitação é favorável ao processo biológico. Os resultados relacionados com a remoção de demanda química de oxigênio, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e sólidos suspensos totais foram comparados com os de outros estudos sobre reatores upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors convencionais. Contudo, aqueles relacionados com o tempo de reação celulat foram os mais significativos para as conclusões desta pesquisa. Quando o reator foi operado com tempo de detenção hidráulica de 8,2 h e velocidade ascensional no reator biológico de 0,69 mh-1, o tempo de reação celular do sistema resultou em 175 dias. Com velocidade ascensional menores, os valores de tempo de reação nuclear foram ainda maiores (por exemplo: velocidade ascensional = 0,39 mh-1; tempo de reação celular = 363 dias). Os resultados deste trabalho abrem perspectivas para novas pesquisas e novos horizontes para projeto de sistemas com reatores anaeróbios de manta de lodo e decantadores de alta taxa.

ABSTRACT This paper presented a conceptual approach toward alternatives for the design of anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. In essence, it is proposed: i) the elimination of gas-liquid-solid separators that integrate the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors and their replacement by a high rate settlers placed inside or outside the volume of biological reactor; ii) the recirculation of a fraction of the of the sludge retained in the settler, converting the process into a solution that resembles the activated sludge system, however, preserving the sludge blanket (Activated Anaerobic Sludge Blanket System), and thus ensuring better control of the cell retention time; and iii) the simplification (lower inlet points) of the influent distribution system placed over the bottom of the reaction zone, upon the implementation of two alternatives: mechanical mixing or hydraulic agitation with jet discharges, intermittent, in both cases. The proposals, as presented, are a summary of researches based on bench scale tests succeeded by the operation and tests in two parallel pilot units (total volume: 20.8 m3, including reaction zone and settler). It was found that it is possible to remove suspended solids from the effluent of the reaction zone without the need for a three-phase separator, and also, that it is possible to maintain the sludge blanket even with mixing in the reaction zone. Good results regarding total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand removal in the settlers were obtained, with applied hydraulic loading rate from 34.0 to 81.6 m3m-2 day. It was also found that very low velocity gradient values (G £ 20 s-1) are required to promote the maintenance of the sludge blanket, and the intermittency in the agitation is favorable to the biological process. The results concerning, , and TSS removal were compared with those of other studies on conventional upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. However, those related to sludge age were the most significant to the conclusions of this research. When the reactor was operated with a hydraulic retention time of 8.2 h and a upflow velocity upflow velocity of 0.69 mh-1 in the biological reactor, the average sludge age reached 175 days. When applying smaller values of upflow velocity, the sludge age values reached greater values (Example: upflow velocity = 0.39 mh-1; sludge age = 363 days). The results and conclusions of this research open new perspectives for future research and new horizons for designing systems consisting of anaerobic sludge blanket and high-rate settlers.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873976


Objective: The measurement of compounded topical medications’ uniformity is an important component of quality assessment. This study was aimed to evaluate appropriate mixing time for external preparations using a planetary centrifugal mixer.Methods: In order to evaluate the product uniformity of mixtures of five different steroid cream (Antebate®, Myser®, Methaderm®, Lidomex®, and Locoid®) with three different heparinoid oil-based cream (Hirudoid®, “Nichi-Iko” cream and “Nipro” cream), steroid cream and heparinoid oil-based cream (5 g each) were added into a 13 mL container and mixed using the mixer (NanKo Rentaro NRE-120®, THINKY) at rotation speed of 800 rpm and revolution speed of 2,000 rpm. We sampled 0.1 g of the mixture from three spots (top, middle, and bottom portions) of the container then, measured the steroid content by HPLC method. The yield value points of each cream and heparinoid oil-based cream were also measured by spread meter.Results: Our results showed that when the coefficient of variation (CV) is less than 15.2 %, a mixing time of at least 120 s was required to achieve proper mixing to obtain the permissible limit of steroid cream and heparinoid oil-based cream. Also the greater difference of the yield value between steroid cream and heparinoid oil-based cream tended to be mixed easier.Conclusions: These results suggest that the spread ability of steroid cream and heparinoid oil-based cream affects the mixing efficiency of a planetary centrifugal mixer.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887954


The mixing process is one of the key operation units for solid preparation of traditional Chinese medicine. The physical properties such as particle size, density and viscosity of the mixture are key factors that need to be controlled, which will directly affect the performance of the preparation molding process and product quality. Subsequent dripping process performance and appearance qua-lity of dripping pills will be affected by dynamic viscosity of materials in the mixing process. Based on this, with mixing process of compound Danshen dripping pills as the object, a feedforward control method for the dripping pill mixing process was established based on the concept of quality by design(QbD). Firstly, critical quality attribute(CQA)-dynamic viscosity, critical material attributes(CMAs)-the moisture content of compound Danshen extract, average molecular weight of polyethylene glycol 6000 and critical process parameter(CPP)-mixing temperature were identified through the analysis of properties for multiple batches of the raw materials and excipients as well as technological mechanism. Then the Box-Behnken experimental design was used to establish the regression model among CMA, CPP and CMA(R■=0.972 0, RMSE =16.24) to obtain the design space. Finally, through the verification of three batches within the design space, the mixing process temperature was adjusted according to the properties of the raw materials and exci-pients to achieve accurate control of the dynamic viscosity attribute. The relative deviation between the actual dynamic viscosity value and the target value was less than 3.0 %. The feedforward control of the mixing process of compound Danshen dripping pills was rea-lized in this study, which can contribute to improving quality consistency of the mixing process intermediates, simultaneously provide a reference for the research on the process quality control of other Chinese medicine dripping pills.

Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos , Medicina Tradicional China , Control de Calidad , Proyectos de Investigación
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879065


The spatial distribution uniformity of valuable medicines is the critical quality attribute in the process control of Tongren Niuhuang Qingxin Pills. With the real world sample of the mixed end-point powder of Tongren Niuhuang Qingxin Pills as the research object, hyperspectral imaging technology was used to collect a total of 32 400 data points with a size of 180 pix×180 pix. Spectral angle matching(SAM), classical least squares and mixed tuned matched filtering(MTMF) were used to identify the spatial distribution of rare medicines. MTMF model showed higher identification accuracy, therefore the spatial distribution of the blended intermediates was identified based on the MTMF model. The histogram method was also used to evaluate the spatial distribution uniformity of rare medicines. The results showed that the standard deviation was 4.78, 6.5, 3.48, 1.96, and 3.00 respectively for artificial bezoar, artificial musk, Borneol, Antelope horn and Buffalo horn; the variance was 22.8, 42.3, 12.1, 3.82, and 9.00, and the skewness was 1.26, 1.71, 0.06,-0.86, and 1.04, respectively. The final results showed that the most even blending was achieved in concentrated powder of Borneol, Antelope horn and Buffalo horn, followed by artificial bezoar, and last artificial musk. A visualization method was established for quality attributes of distribution uniformity in blending process of Tongren Niuhuang Qingxin Pills. It could provide evidences of quality control methods in the mixing process of big brand traditional Chinese medicine.

Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos , Medicina Tradicional China , Polvos , Control de Calidad
China Pharmacy ; (12): 364-367, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-817346


OBJECTIVE:To introduce the development and application of automatic dosing and mixing system of intravenous infusion in PIVAS of our hospital. METHODS :Based on the bar code management system in PIVAS ,combined with automatic mixing equipment ,our hospital developed and designed automatic dosing and mixing system of intravenous infusion which could realize real-time scanning and charging of drugs ,setting parameters of mixed dispensing and automatic dosing and mixed dispensing of intravenous infusion. Compared with manual dispensing model ,work efficiency of 5 staff who dispensed Coenzyme complex for injection and Carbazochrome sodium s ulfonate for injection 300 bags each as well as the amount of drug residues in empty bottle were investigated to evaluate the effects of the system. RESULTS :The system realized automatic mixing of intravenous infusion. In manual dispensing model and automatic dispensing model ,the mixing efficiency of Coenzyme complex for injection were (96.6±10.0)and(195.2±10.7)bag/h(P<0.001);mixing efficiency of Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate for injection were (83.8±12.9)and(118.8±6.7)bag/h(P<0.001). The amount of residual liquid in Coenzyme complex for injection empty bottle were (0.09±0.02)and(0.11±0.01)mL;Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate for injection empty bottle were (0.08± 0.02)and(0.12±0.01)mL,which were all lower than the internal control requirements that injected solvent volume was no more than 5% (0.15 mL). CONCLUSIONS :The automatic dosing and mixing system of intravenous infusion could improve the efficiency of intravenous infusion dispensing and reduce the labor intensity of the staff .

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846200


Objective: Using Qingrun Pill as model drug, the raw material powder of Qingrun Pill with uniform mixture was prepared. The rapid analysis method was used to evaluate the mixing uniformity of Qingrun Pill raw materials. Methods: Based on the particle design technology, the raw material powder of Qingrun Pill was prepared, the core-shell particles were established with the particle size as the index, and the mixing uniformity of the raw material powder of Qingrun Pill was analyzed with the standard deviation of moving block as the index by near infrared spectroscopy. Finally, it was verified by HPLC. Results: According to the particle design technology, the raw material powder of Qingrun Pill was designed. Shell particles: Rheum officinale and other materials; Nuclear particles: Scutellaria baicalensis and other materials; The particle size (d0.9) of shell particles at ultrafine grinding for 12 min was about 5 μm, and that of nuclear particles at ultrafine grinding for 6 min was about 130 μm. The ratio of nuclear particles to shell particles was more than 10:1, which met the requirements of particle design. Near-infrared spectroscopy showed that shell particles were ultrafine comminuted for 12 min, and then the nuclear particles were mixed evenly for 6 min. Conclusion: In this study, Qingrun Pill powder was prepared based on particle design technology, and the mixing uniformity of powder was evaluated by near infrared spectroscopy. This method is simple and feasible, real-time, and without destroying the sample.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008443


To improve the spray drying effect of extract of Wenjing Zhitong Prescription, this study takes the yield, hygroscopic property and the fluidity of dry powder as indexes to screen out auxiliary materials, and the proportion of the auxiliary materials was optimized based on the mixing design experiment; based on that, HPLC method was established for the determination of glycyrrhizin and 6-gingerol in spray powder, the yield of spray powder and the retention rate of the two index components were taken as indexes to further optimize the spray drying parameters. The finally selected auxiliary materials were light magnesium oxide, maltodextrin and silica, and regression equations of dry powder yield, moisture absorption rate, angle of rest with proportion of auxiliary materials were established, and the optimized proportion of auxiliary materials was dry paste-light magnesium oxide-maltodextrin-silica=0.5∶0.305∶0.145∶0.05; according to the optimized drying process parameters of Wenjing Zhitong Prescription, initial temperature was 60 ℃, air inlet temperature was 130 ℃, air flow rate was 35 m~3·h~(-1), atomizing pressure was 40 mm, and liquid inlet speed was 4.5 mL·min~(-1). Under these conditions, the dry powder yield was 90.28%, the retention rate of glycyrrhizin was 74.51%, and the retention rate of 6-gingerol was 72.10%. In this study, optimized auxiliary materials can improve the yield of spray drying and the property of spray powder, and the optimized processing conditions were good for retaining the unstable gingerol components, which can lay a foundation for the further preparation research of meridian warming and pain relieving prescriptions, and provide reference for extract of other traditional Chinese medicine extracts that are difficult to spray drying.

Química Farmacéutica/métodos , Desecación/métodos , Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos/química , Calor , Medicina Tradicional China , Polvos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(3): e200022, 2020. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135404


The aim of this study was to determine the food webs structure of a large Patagonian river in two river sections (Upstream and Midstream) and to evaluate isotopic overlap between native and introduced species. We used stable isotope analyses of δ15N and δ13C and stomach content. The Upstream section had a more complex food webs structure with a greater richness of macroinvertebrates and fish species than Midstream. Upstream basal resources were dominated by filamentous algae. Lake Trout were found to have a higher trophic position than all other fish species in that area although, the most abundant fish species, were Rainbow Trout. Depending on the life stage, Rainbow Trout shifted from prey to competitor/predator. In the Midstream section, the base of the food webs was dominated by coarse particulate organic matter, and adult Rainbow Trout had the highest trophic level. Isotopic values changed among macroinvertebrates and fish for both areas. The two most abundant native and invasive species — Puyen and Rainbow Trout — showed an isotopic separation in Midstream but did not in Upstream areas. The presence of invasive fish that occupy top trophic levels can have a significant impact on native fish populations that have great ecological importance in the region.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la estructura trófica de un gran río de la Patagonia en dos secciones (río arriba y medio) y evaluar la superposición isotópica entre especies nativas e introducidas. Utilizamos análisis de isótopos estables δ15N y δ13C y contenido estomacal. La sección río arriba tuvo una estructura de trama trófica más compleja, con mayor riqueza de macroinvertebrados y peces respecto de la sección media. Los recursos basales dominantes río arriba fueron las algas filamentosas. En esta área, la trucha de lago tuvo la posición trófica más alta entre los peces, aunque, las especies de peces más abundantes fueron las truchas arcoiris. Dependiendo del estadio, la trucha arcoiris cambió su rol de presa a competidor/depredador. En la sección media del río, la base de la trama trófica estuvo dominada por materia orgánica particulada gruesa y la trucha arcoíris adulta fue el depredador tope. Los valores isotópicos variaron entre zonas para invetebrados y peces. Las dos especies nativas e invasoras más abundantes, Puyen y trucha arcoiris, mostraron una separación isotópica en la sección media, pero no en secciones de río arriba. La presencia de peces invasores que ocupan una posición tope en los niveles tróficos puede tener un impacto significativo sobre las poblaciones de peces nativos de gran importancia ecológica en la región.(AU)

Animales , Trucha , Cadena Alimentaria , Aguas Arriba
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20190223, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132217


Abstract Gene subcloning, a process in which the nucleotide sequence of interest is excised from on plasmid and inserted into another, seems to be an easy task to done. However, not all subcloning attempts are successful, even when the insert sequence and the double digested target plasmid are successfully purified form agarose gel and thought to be ready for subsequent ligation. In the current study we introduce a reliable, easy, and time consuming method for gene subcloning and also truncation. The stages are all carried out in a single microtube without any running on a gel, making it possible to accomplish a successful gene subcloning or truncation even with low concentrations of DNA molecules. Summarily, subcloning is achieved by mixing the plasmids of interest in a microtube and subjecting to restriction enzymes whose restriction sites flank the segment that is going to be subcloned. Digestion mixture is precipitated in the same microtube using isopropanol and the resultant DNA molecules are allowed to take part in a ligation reaction. The recombinant plasmids of interest are screened by colony PCR. Truncation is achieved by double- digestion of the plasmid of interest using a restriction enzyme whose restriction site flanks the segment that is going to be cut out.

Plásmidos/genética , Clonación Molecular/métodos , Vectores Genéticos , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194504


Background: For evaluation of unexplained prolongation of PT and PTT, mixing tests forms a great diagnostic tool. On mixing equal volume of patient plasma with normal pooled plasma, if there is correction it indicates factor deficiency and non-correction indicates inhibitors.Methods: Sysmex CS-5100 Coagulometer with Pathrombin SL APTT reagent, LA1 and LA2 reagents supplied by siemens were used. All data were expressed as Mean±SD. Statistical analysis was done using unpaired students t test. A p value of <0.05 was used to indicate statistical significance in all analyse.Results: APTT with (1:1) and (4:1) mixing study for detection of factor deficiency showed a sensitivity of 91% and 92% for RI, 88% and 90% for Changs %, and 75% for Brandt correction PNP aPTT + 5 secs respectively. For Inhibitors, RI shows a sensitivity of 79% and 89%, Changs 71 and 80% and Brandt test 50% for APTT (1:1) and (4:1) mix, respectively.Conclusions: Mixing tests forms an important diagnostic tool in differentiating factor deficiency from inhibitors especially in LAC patients. This study recommends mandatory use of mixing tests in LAC cases as also advocated by BSH, ISTH and CLSI. Rosners Index is more sensitive than changes % and Brandt correction in the interpretation of mixing studies. It can be safely concluded that RI can be used as a reference method for evaluation of mixing studies and its sensitivity is greatly increased by using PP4:1 PNP. It’s a matter of debate that whether these indices can be effective with other Analysers and reagents?

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762738


Uniform mixing of liquid substances is difficult to attain. Recently, mixtures of fat and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have been used extensively in autologous fat transfer. Although various methods have been utilized to mix the fat and PRP involved in this procedure, these methods still carry disadvantages in the time taken and the potential for cell damage, and it is questionable whether effective mixing can occur using these techniques. To facilitate mixing that is as uniform as possible, the authors of this study invented a special cannula. Use of the conventional luer-lock-to-luer-lock connector method has been found to cause cell damage and makes it difficult to achieve uniform mixing, while random injection-type mixing has been shown to have limited accuracy and effectiveness. We expect that the newly designed cannula will solve the problem detailed above.

Catéteres , Vestuario , Métodos , Plasma Rico en Plaquetas , Estrés Mecánico
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738863


Acquired hemophilia is a rare, potentially life-threatening disease that usually remains under-recognized especially in a primary setting; thus, diagnosing this disease is very challenging. Given its prevalence in elderly patients, awareness and diagnosis of this condition in the aging population (particularly those with unexplained bleeding or prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time) should be improved and better managed by the clinicians. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are usually effective in preventing the adverse outcomes of this disease. In this report, we discuss a case of an elderly patient with acquired hemophilia who initially presented with swelling of his lower left limb. The diagnosis of acquired hemophilia was made a month after the appearance of symptoms. Early diagnosis with proper treatment could have been provided to this patient, if the initial assessment had been thoroughly conducted.

Anciano , Humanos , Envejecimiento , Diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Precoz , Extremidades , Factor VIII , Hemofilia A , Hemorragia , Prevalencia , Tromboplastina
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 31(4): 267-275, oct.-dic. 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-985480


Abstract Background: Behavioral traits of pigs have been shown to be partly under genetic control, which raises the possibility that behavior might be altered by genetic selection, resulting in pigs with better growth performance. Objective: To evaluate the behavior and growth of finishing pigs and investigate pigs selected for high or low social breeding value (SBV) in relation to social behavior and group growth. Methods: Thirty-five females and 35 boars from five positive and five negative SBV groups of finishing pigs were grown from 30 to 90 kg and housed in 10 test pens (3.0 × 3.3 m, 7 pigs/pen). Pigs were recorded with video technology for nine consecutive hours on days 1, 15, and 30 after mixing. Pigs were weighed at approximately 90 kg body weight and the number of days to reach 90 kg was then calculated. Results: The frequency and duration of behaviors were present in the positive and negative SBV groups after mixing. On day 1 after mixing, agonistic behavior was significantly higher (p=0.027) for the -SBV group compared with the +SBV group. Feeding and feeding-together behaviors were significantly higher (p<0.003) in the +SBV group on days 1 and 30 after mixing. Moreover, growth performance to reach 90 kg body weight was significantly faster (p<0.002) in the +SBV group than in the -SBV group. Conclusion: Social interactions, such as feeding-together behavior, among pen mates might affect their growth rate and feed intake. Selection for SBV could be used as an indirect technique for improving growth performance of pigs.

Resumen Antecedentes: Se ha demostrado que los rasgos conductuales de los cerdos están parcialmente bajo control genético, lo que plantea la posibilidad de que el comportamiento pueda ser alterado vía selección genética y resulte en cerdos con mejores rendimientos de crecimiento. Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento y crecimiento de los cerdos en etapa de finalización e investigar cerdos seleccionados por un valor alto o bajo de crianza social (SBV) en relación al comportamiento social y al crecimiento grupal. Métodos: Treinta y cinco hembras y 35 verracos, pertenecientes a cinco grupos positivos y cinco grupos negativos de SBV de cerdos en etapa de finalización, llevados hasta los 90, desde 30 kg de peso, alojados en 10 corrales de prueba (3,0 x 3,3 m, 7 cerdos/corral). Los cerdos fueron observados con la ayuda de tecnología de vídeo por nueve horas consecutivas en los días 1, 15 y 30 luego de ser mezclados. Además, los cerdos se pesaron a los 90 kg de peso aproximadamente y se calculó el número de días para alcanzar dicho peso. Resultados: La frecuencia y duración de los comportamientos de los cerdos en la etapa de finalización se presentaron en los grupos de SBV negativos y positivos luego de ser mezclados. El día 1 luego de la mezcla, el comportamiento agonístico fue significativamente mayor (p=0,027) en el grupo -SBV que en el grupo +SBV. Los comportamientos de consumo de alimento y de consumo en compañía fueron significativamente mayores (p<0,003) en el grupo +SBV en los días 1 y 30 luego de la mezcla. Además, el crecimiento para alcanzar 90 kg de peso corporal fue significativamente más rápido (p=0,002) en el grupo +SBV que el grupo -SBV. Conclusiones: Las interacciones sociales, tales como el comportamiento de consumo de alimento en compañía, entre los compañeros de corral, pueden afectar la tasa de crecimiento y consumo de alimento. La selección por SBV podría usarse como técnica indirecta para mejorar el rendimiento de crecimiento en cerdos.

Resumo Antecedentes: Os traços comportamentais dos porcos demonstraram estar parcialmente sob controle genético, o que aumenta a possibilidade de que o comportamento possa ser alterado pela seleção genética e resulte em porcos com melhor comportamento de crescimento. Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento e o crescimento dos porcos de engorda e investigar os porcos selecionados para alto ou baixo valor de reprodução social (SBV) em relação ao comportamento social e crescimento do grupo. Métodos: Trinta e cinco fêmeas e 35 machos, pertencentes a cinco grupos de SBV positivos e cinco negativos de porcos de engorda, foram engordados até 90 de 30 kg e alojados em 10 currais de teste (3,0 × 3,3 m, 7 porcos/curral). Os porcos foram observados com o auxílio de tecnologia de vídeo durante nove horas consecutivas nos dias 1, 15 e 30 após a mistura. Além disso, os porcos foram sopesados em aproximadamente 90 kg de peso corporal e o número de dias para atingir 90 kg foi então calculado. Resultados: A frequência e a duração dos comportamentos dos porcos de engorda foram apresentadas com grupos de SBV positivo e negativo após a mistura. No dia 1 após a mistura, o comportamento agonístico foi significativamente maior (p=0,027) no grupo -SBV do que no grupo +SBV. Os comportamentos de alimentação e alimentação conjunta foram significativamente maiores (p<0,003) no grupo +SBV nos dias 1 e 30 após a mistura. Além disso, o comportamento de crescimento do grupo para atingir 90 kg de peso corporal foi significativamente mais rápido (p<0,002) no grupo +SBV do que no grupo -SBV. Conclusão: As interações sociais, como o comportamento de alimentação conjunta, entre companheiros de curral podem afetar a taxa de crescimento e a ingestão alimentar. A seleção para SBV pode ser uma técnica indireta para melhorar o comportamento de crescimento dos porcos.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 2273-2276, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664081


Objective: To study the correlation between the empty bottle volume, negative pressure and gas production of the freeze-dried powder in the out-patient pharmacy intravenous admixture center of a children' s hospital in order to provide reference for the drug production. Methods:20 ml Syringes were used to measure the volume of empty bottles, negative pressure and produced gas. The relationship between the theoretical drug dissolution volume and the actual dissolution volume was compared, and the precautions for the drug production were put forward. Results:Among the tested 30 drugs, 6 ones were with the actual dissolution volume half of the theoretical dissolution volume, 8 ones were with negative pressure in the bottles, and 3 ones were with produced gas after dissol-ving. It was appropriate that the empty bottle volume be 4 ml larger than the theoretical dissolution volume, and it was appropriate that the negative pressure volume of drugs was slightly larger than the theoretical dissolution volume. Negative pressure should be still kept in the bottles after the gas production. Conclusion:The design of part of freeze-dried powder injection needle shows defects resulting in drug mixing difficulties to a certain extent.