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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564643


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing on improving oral hygiene behavior in patients with fixed orthodontics appliances. A parallel-group randomized clinical trial was conducted with 45 patients of the Orthodontic Clinic of Unibe's Postgraduate Unit. A computer-generated list of numbers created with SPSS V21.0 was used to randomly allocate participants into the experimental or the control group. Monthly oral hygiene instructions and an oral hygiene kit from GUM® with special orthodontic hygiene tools were given to the participants. Furthermore, the experimental group underwent motivational interviewing sessions facilitated by a periodontist who received training from two expert psychologists. These psychologists also provided supervision to the interviewer, ensuring the accurate implementation of the intervention. Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (SOHI), Gingival Index (GI), Periodontal Probing Depth (PPD) and Bleeding on Probing (BoP) were recorded at baseline, three and six months after the beginning of the study. The participant and the evaluator (another periodontist who recorded the data) were masked. Repeated-measures mixed- model analysis of variance and chi-squared test were conducted. Mean SOHI, GI, PPD and BoP scores did not differ significantly across the three time points (baseline, three and six months). Nevertheless, a significant interaction on SOHI scores (F (2, 58) = 3.463, p = .038, h2 = .052) was found between the sessions and the treatment conditions (experimental vs control group) at the third and sixth month. Motivational interviewing plus oral hygiene instructions appears to maintain a better control of dental biofilm and calculus in comparison with conventional oral hygiene instructions alone.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la efectividad de las entrevistas motivacionales para mejorar el comportamiento de higiene oral en pacientes con aparatos ortodóncicos fijos. Se llevó a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado de grupos paralelos con 45 pacientes de la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Unidad de Posgrado de Unibe. Se utilizó una lista de números generada por computadora con SPSS V21.0 para asignar aleatoriamente a los participantes al grupo experimental o de control. Se les proporcionó a los participantes instrucciones mensuales de higiene oral y un kit de higiene oral de GUM® con utensilios de higiene especiales para ortodoncia. Además, el grupo experimental recibió sesiones de entrevista motivacional facilitadas por un periodoncista capacitado por dos psicólogas expertas. Estas psicólogas también supervisaron al entrevistador, asegurando la implementación precisa de la intervención. Se registró el Índice Simplificado de Higiene Oral (IHO-S), el Índice Gingival (IG), la Profundidad de Sondaje Periodontal (PS) y el Sangrado al Sondaje (SS) al inicio, a los tres y seis meses después del inicio del estudio. Tanto el participante como el evaluador (otro periodoncista que registró los datos) estaban enmascarados. Se realizaron análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas con modelo mixto y pruebas de chi-cuadrado. Las puntuaciones medias del IHO-S, IG, PS y SS no difirieron significativamente en los tres momentos (inicio, tres y seis meses). Sin embargo, se encontró una interacción significativa en las puntuaciones del IHO-S (F (2, 58) = 3.463, p = .038, h2 = .052) entre las sesiones y las condiciones de tratamiento (grupo experimental vs grupo de control) en el tercer y sexto mes. Las entrevistas motivacionales junto con las instrucciones de higiene oral parecen mantener un mejor control de la biopelícula dental y el cálculo en comparación con las instrucciones convencionales de higiene oral por sí solas.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 145-155, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530225


Resumen El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar la efectividad de la entrevista motivacional en la consulta de nutrición sobre indicadores de riesgo cardiometabólico en pacientes con trastorno bipolar. Se realizó un estudio experimental en que el grupo control recibió orientación nutricional basada en planes de alimentación y el grupo de intervención recibió consulta nutricional incorporando los principios y habilidades de la entrevista motivacional. Los participantes fueron seguidos por tres meses y se realizaron evaluaciones de hábitos alimenticios, actividad física, riesgo cardiometabólico, composición corporal y calidad de vida. El grupo de entrevista motivacional redujo el consumo de carnes (B=-0.45, p=0.032) y embutidos (B=-0.60, p=0.002). Asimismo, la presión arterial diastólica (B=-6.97, p=0.029) y glucemia (B=-9.27, p=0.097) de estos pacientes tendieron a disminuir. La entrevista motivacional promueve cambios que pueden hacer una diferencia clínica; aun en reducidos periodos de tiempo. Los nutriólogos capacitados para su implementación disponen de una herramienta adicional para el manejo de comorbilidad cardiometabólica en población vulnerable.

Abstract The purpose of this work was to assess the effectiveness of the motivational interviewing in the nutrition consultation on indicators of cardiometabolic risk in patients with bipolar disorder. An experimental study was conducted in which the control group receives nutritional guidance based on feeding plans and the intervention group received nutritional consultation incorporating the principles and skills of the motivational interviewing. Participants were followed by three months and evaluations of eating habits, physical activity, cardiometabolic risk, body composition and quality of life were carried out. The motivational interviewing group reduced the consumption of meats (B=-0.45, p=0.032) and sausages (B=-0.60, p=0.002). Likewise, the diastolic blood pressure (B=-6.97, p=0.029) and glycemia (B=-9.27, p=0.097) of these patients tended to decrease. Motivational interviewing promotes changes that can make a clinical difference, even in short periods of time. Nutritionists trained for its implementation have an additional tool for the management of cardiometabolic comorbidity in a vulnerable population.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 36: eAPE01712, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1439037


Resumo Objetivo Analisar as produções científicas acerca da eficácia de intervenções utilizando a entrevista motivacional para adesão à terapia antirretroviral por pessoas com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Métodos Revisão sistemática realizada em quatro bases de dados, o MEDLINE, CINAHL, IBECS, LILACS, e em uma biblioteca eletrônica, a SciELO, sem restrição de idioma, data e tamanho amostral. O levantamento de artigos foi realizado em setembro de 2021, utilizando-se os descritores Motivational Interviewing, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome e Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active. Foram incluídos artigos do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado, com amostra de pessoas com vírus da imunodeficiência humana maiores de 18 anos, e excluídas pesquisas envolvendo crianças, adolescentes e gestantes. Dez artigos foram selecionados e analisados quanto ao rigor e características de cada estudo. Resultados A entrevista motivacional foi aplicada presencialmente e associada à chamada telefônica, visita domiciliar, fitas de áudio, encartes informativos, aconselhamento, teorias cognitivas-comportamentais e cognitivas-sociais. Os estudos incluídos nesta revisão evidenciaram que as intervenções utilizando a entrevista motivacional aumentaram a adesão aos antirretrovirais por pessoas com vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Conclusão O estudo contribuiu para identificar os dados existentes sobre a eficácia de intervenções com a entrevista motivacional, com foco na adesão à terapia antirretroviral por pessoas com vírus da imunodeficiência humana, tornando visíveis os pontos que precisam ser aprofundados e mostrando a importância desta estratégia, que pode ser utilizada pelos enfermeiros e demais profissionais de saúde, visando o bem-estar dos pacientes. International Prospective Register Systematic Reviews: CRD42019123724

Resumen Objetivo Analizar las producciones científicas sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones que utilizan la entrevista motivacional para la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral de personas con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Métodos Revisión sistemática realizada en cuatro bases de datos, MEDLINE, CINAHL, IBECS, LILACS, y en una biblioteca electrónica, SciELO, sin restricción de idioma, fecha, ni tamaño de la muestra. La recopilación de archivos fue realizada en septiembre de 2021, con los descriptores Motivational Interviewing, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome y Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active. Se incluyeron artículos tipo ensayo clínico aleatorizado, con muestreo de personas con virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana mayores de 18 años; y se excluyeron estudios que incluían niños, adolescentes y mujeres embarazadas. Se seleccionaron diez artículos y se analizó el rigor y características de cada estudio. Resultados La entrevista motivacional se realizó presencialmente y estuvo relacionada con llamadas telefónicas, visitas domiciliares, cintas de audio, suplementos informativos, asesoramiento, teorías cognitivas conductuales y cognitivas sociales. Los estudios incluidos en esta revisión evidenciaron que las intervenciones que utilizan la entrevista motivacional aumentaron la adhesión a los antirretrovirales de personas con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. Conclusión El estudio ayudó a identificar los datos existentes sobre la eficacia de intervenciones con entrevistas motivacionales, con énfasis en la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral de personas con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, se visibilizaron los puntos en los que es necesario profundizar y se mostró la importancia de esta estrategia, que puede ser utilizada por enfermeros y demás profesionales de la salud, para el bienestar de los pacientes.

Abstract Objective To analyze scientific productions about the effectiveness of interventions using motivational interviewing for adherence to antiretroviral therapy by people with the human immunodeficiency virus. Methods This is a systematic review carried out in four databases, MEDLINE, CINAHL, IBECS, LILACS, and in an electronic library, SciELO, without language, date and sample size restrictions. The survey of articles was carried out in September 2021, using the descriptors Motivational Interviewing, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active. Randomized clinical trial articles were included, with a sample of people with human immunodeficiency virus over 18 years old, and research involving children, adolescents and pregnant women was excluded. Ten articles were selected and analyzed regarding the rigor and characteristics of each study. Results Motivational interviewing was applied in person and associated with a telephone call, home visit, audio tapes, informational inserts, counseling, cognitive-behavioral and cognitive-social theories. The studies included in this review showed that interventions using motivational interviewing increased adherence to antiretrovirals by people with human immunodeficiency virus. Conclusion The study contributed to identify existing data on the effectiveness of interventions with motivational interviewing, focusing on adherence to antiretroviral therapy by people with human immunodeficiency virus, making visible the points that need to be deepened and showing the importance of this strategy, which can be used by nurses and other health professionals, aiming at patients' well-being.International Prospective Register Systematic Reviews: CRD42019123724

Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(3): 29-50, 15 octubre de 2022. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1401314


Objective.To assess the effectiveness of a brief intervention and motivational interviewing in reducing the use of different tobacco-related products in adults Methods. Forthis systematic review, PubMed, Web of Science, and PsychINFO databases were electronically searched for randomized controlled trials on the effect of a brief intervention and / or motivational interview on tobacco reduction among healthy adults published between January 1, 2011 to January 1, 2021. Data from eligible studies were extracted and analyzed. CONSORT guidelines were used to assess the quality of the studies by two reviewers for the included studies. The titles and abstracts of the search results were screened and reviewed by two independent reviewers for eligibility criteria per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Cochrane review criteria were used to assess the risk of bias in included studies. Results. A total of 12 studies were included in the final data extraction of 1406 studies. The brief intervention and motivational interviewing showed varied effects on tobacco use reduction among adults at different follow-ups. Seven of the 12 studies (58.3%) reported a beneficial impact on reducing tobacco use. Pieces of evidence on biochemical estimation on tobacco reduction are limited compared to self-reports, and varied results on quitting and tobacco cessation with different follow-ups. Conclusion. The current evidence supports the effectiveness of a brief intervention and motivational interviewing to quit tobacco use. Still, it suggests using more biochemical markers as outcome measures to reach an intervention-specific decision. While more initiatives to train nurses in providing non-pharmacological nursing interventions, including brief interventions, are recommended to help people quit smoking.

Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia de una intervención breve y de la entrevista motivacional para reducir el consumo de diferentes productos relacionados con el tabaco en adultos. Métodos. Para esta revisión sistemática, se buscaron en las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Science y PsychINFO ensayos controlados aleatorizados sobre el efecto de una intervención breve y/o una entrevista motivacional en la reducción del consumo de tabaco entre adultos sanos, que hubieran sido publicados entre el 1 de enero de 2011 y el 1 de enero de 2021. Los títulos y los resúmenes de los artículos incluidos fueron evaluados por dos revisores independientes para determinar los criterios de elegibilidad, se analizó la calidad de los estudios con la guía CONSORT y se utilizaron los criterios de Cochrane para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo.Resultados.Se incluyeron un total de 12 de los 1406 estudios que arrojó la búsqueda. La intervención breve y la entrevista motivacional mostraron efectos variados en la reducción del consumo de tabaco entre los adultos en diferentes seguimientos. Siete de los 12 estudios (58.3%) informaron de un impacto beneficioso en la reducción del consumo de tabaco. La utilización de indicadores bioquímicos de la reducción del consumo de tabaco fueron limitados en comparación con los autoinformes. Los resultados sobre el abandono y la cesación del tabaco fueron variados con diferentes seguimientos. Conclusión.La evidencia apoyó la efectividad de una intervención breve y de la entrevista motivacional para la cesación del consumo de tabaco. Sin embargo, se sugiere realizar más estudios con marcadores bioquímicos como medidas de resultado para llegar a una decisión específica de la intervención. Se recomienda formar a los enfermeros en la realización de intervenciones de enfermería no farmacológicas, incluidas las intervenciones breves, para ayudar a las personas a dejar de fumar.

Objetivo. Avaliar a eficácia de uma intervenção breve e entrevista motivacional na redução do uso de diferentes produtos relacionados ao tabaco em adultos. Métodos.Para esta revisão sistemática, se buscou nas bases de PubMed, Web of Science e PsychINFO ensaios controlados aleatórios sobre o efeito de uma breve intervenção e/ou entrevista motivacional na redução do uso de tabaco entre adultos saudáveis, publicados entre 1º de janeiro de 2011 e 1º de janeiro de 2021. Os títulos e resumos dos artigos incluídos foram avaliados por dois revisores independentes para critérios de elegibilidade, a qualidade do estudo foi avaliada usando a diretriz CONSORT e os critérios Cochrane foram usados para avaliar o risco de viés. Resultados. Um total de 12 dos 1.406 estudos retornados pela busca foram incluídos. Intervenção breve e entrevista motivacional mostraram efeitos mistos na redução do uso de tabaco entre adultos em diferentes acompanhamentos. Sete dos 12 estudos (58.3%) relataram um impacto benéfico na redução do uso de tabaco. O uso de indicadores bioquímicos de redução do uso de tabaco foi limitado em relação ao autorrelato. Os resultados sobre parar de fumar e parar de fumar foram variados com diferentes seguimentos. Conclusão. As evidências apoiaram a eficácia de uma intervenção breve e entrevista motivacional para a cessação do uso do tabaco. No entanto, mais estudos com marcadores bioquímicos como medidas de resultados são sugeridos para chegar a uma decisão de intervenção específica. Recomenda-se que os enfermeiros sejam treinados na execução de intervenções de enfermagem não farmacológicas, incluindo intervenções breves, para ajudar as pessoas a parar de fumar.

Adulto , Cese del Uso de Tabaco , Entrevista Motivacional , Uso de Tabaco
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e045, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1364596


Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the fidelity of a motivational interviewing (MI) intervention with caregivers of young children in primary healthcare in Southern Brazil. Seven trained interventionists conducted one MI session with each caregiver at their home. The sessions were audio-recorded and a randomly selected subset (n = 109) was coded by a single reviewer using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity 3.1.1. criteria (MITI 3.1.1.). This instrument establishes parameters of MI proficiency for beginners and experts measuring the global ratings of five MI principles (evocation, collaboration, autonomy/support, direction and empathy), the global MI spirit score, and the behavior counts of MI basic skills: to inform, to ask, and to listen. The mean global MI spirit rating was 4.0 (95%CI 3.9-4.1). Mean MI principle scores ranged from 3.8 (95%CI 3.7-3.9) to 4.3 (95%CI 4.2-4.4). The overall reflection-to-question ratio was 0.9 (95 CI 0.8-1.0), % open questions was 76.3 (95%CI 73.1-79.6), % complex reflections was 66.1 (95%CI 63.1-69.1), and % MI-adherent information was 94.1 (95%CI 93.5-94.5). Interventionists with higher scores conducted more and longer sessions than those with lower scores (p = 0.012). Those with beginner proficiency had a higher proportion of caregivers changing their oral health knowledge (p = 0.005). In conclusion, a good degree of MI fidelity was found, with higher fidelity among interventionists who conducted more interviews and spent more time talking with caregivers.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 29: e61374, jan.-dez. 2021. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1365813


RESUMO Objetivo analisar evidências científicas sobre entrevista motivacional e sua influência no autogerenciamento do cuidado do adolescente com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Método revisão integrativa cuja busca aconteceu em junho de 2020 nas bases de dados LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus e Web of Science para atender a pergunta: Quais evidências científicas sobre entrevista motivacional e sua influência no autogerenciamento do cuidado ao adolescente com diabetes mellitus tipo 1? Todos os artigos identificados estavam no idioma inglês e publicados entre 2003 e 2020. Resultados entre os dez estudos incluídos, nove foram realizados nos Estados Unidos e um no Reino Unido. As pesquisas tiveram métodos diversificados na aplicação da entrevista motivacional em circunstâncias diferentes e os resultados mostraram impactos positivos no autogerenciamento dos cuidados de adolescentes com DM1, principalmente em relação ao controle glicêmico e/ou nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada. Conclusão a entrevista motivacional favorece o autogerenciamento do cuidado e autonomia do adolescente com diabetes.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar evidencias científicas sobre entrevista motivacional y su influencia en la autogestión del cuidado de adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). Métodos revisión integradora llevada a cabo en junio de 2020 en las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus y WoS para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las evidencias científicas sobre entrevista motivacional y su influencia en la autogestión del cuidado de adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1? Los artículos encontrados estaban en inglés y fueron publicados entre 2003 y 2020. Resultados de los diez estudios incluidos, nueve se realizaron en Estados Unidos y uno en Reino Unido. Las investigaciones utilizaron diferentes métodos de aplicación de la entrevista motivacional en diferentes circunstancias y los resultados señalaron impactos positivos en la autogestión de los cuidados de adolescentes con DM1, especialmente cuanto al control glucémico y/o niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada. Conclusión la entrevista motivacional favorece la autogestión del cuidado y la autonomía de adolescentes con diabetes.

ABSTRACT Objective this study examined scientific evidence on motivational interviewing and its influence on self-management among adolescents with type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). Methods the survey for this integrative review took place in June 2020 in the LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science databases to answer the question: What scientific evidence is available on motivational interviewing and its influence on self-management among adolescents with DM1? All the articles found were in English and published between 2003 and 2020. Results of the ten studies included, nine were conducted in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. The studies used different methods for applying motivational interviewing in differing circumstances, and their findings revealed positive impacts on self-management among adolescents with type-1 diabetes, especially on blood glucose monitoring and/or on glycated hemoglobin levels. Conclusion motivational interviewing is an intervention that favors self-management and autonomy among adolescents with diabetes.

Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 29: e61374, jan.-dez. 2021.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354112


Objetivo: analisar evidências científicas sobre entrevista motivacional e sua influência no autogerenciamento do cuidado do adolescente com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Método: revisão integrativa cuja busca aconteceu em junho de 2020 nas bases de dados LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus e Web of Science para atender a pergunta: Quais evidências científicas sobre entrevista motivacional e sua influência no autogerenciamento do cuidado ao adolescente com diabetes mellitus tipo 1? Todos os artigos identificados estavam no idioma inglês e publicados entre 2003 e 2020. Resultados: entre os dez estudos incluídos, nove foram realizados nos Estados Unidos e um no Reino Unido. As pesquisas tiveram métodos diversificados na aplicação da entrevista motivacional em circunstâncias diferentes e os resultados mostraram impactos positivos no autogerenciamento dos cuidados de adolescentes com DM1, principalmente em relação ao controle glicêmico e/ou nos níveis de hemoglobina glicada. Conclusão: a entrevista motivacional favorece o autogerenciamento do cuidado e autonomia do adolescente com diabetes.

Objective: this study examined scientific evidence on motivational interviewing and its influence on self-management among adolescents with type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). Methods: the survey for this integrative review took place in June 2020 in the LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science databases to answer the question: What scientific evidence is available on motivational interviewing and its influence on self-management among adolescents with DM1? All the articles found were in English and published between 2003 and 2020. Results: of the ten studies included, nine were conducted in the United States and one in the United Kingdom. The studies used different methods for applying motivational interviewing in differing circumstances, and their findings revealed positive impacts on self-management among adolescents with type-1 diabetes, especially on blood glucose monitoring and/or on glycated hemoglobin levels. Conclusion: motivational interviewing is an intervention that favors self-management and autonomy among adolescents with diabetes.

Objetivo: analizar evidencias científicas sobre entrevista motivacional y su influencia en la autogestión del cuidado de adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). Métodos: revisión integradora llevada a cabo en junio de 2020 en las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus y WoS para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las evidencias científicas sobre entrevista motivacional y su influencia en la autogestión del cuidado de adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1? Los artículos encontrados estaban en inglés y fueron publicados entre 2003 y 2020. Resultados: de los diez estudios incluidos, nueve se realizaron en Estados Unidos y uno en Reino Unido. Las investigaciones utilizaron diferentes métodos de aplicación de la entrevista motivacional en diferentes circunstancias y los resultados señalaron impactos positivos en la autogestión de los cuidados de adolescentes con DM1, especialmente cuanto al control glucémico y/o niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada. Conclusión: la entrevista motivacional favorece la autogestión del cuidado y la autonomía de adolescentes con diabetes.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 466-472, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385767


Difficulty of caregivers in performing oral hygiene for Patients with Special Needs, usually leads to demotivation and negligence. In order to adhere to healthy habits, an intervention model was created: Motivational Interview (MI). It consists of a collaborative conversation to strengthen motivation and commitment to change. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness and legitimacy of MI in a single session on the oral health of children with special needs, unable to perform the ir hygiene. Methods: Exploratory study with paired randomization, double-blind, including caregivers of patients aged 2 to 19 years treated at the Physical and Motor Rehabilitation Center of IMIP/Recife-Brazil. Caregivers were allocated to a test (Motiv ational Interview) or control (Traditional Counseling) group. In t0, they answered questionnaires, and the child's dental chart and Vis ible Plaque Index (VPI) were filled. MI group participated in a 10 min Motivational Interview involving guidance on brushing techniq ues and making mouth openers. TC group attended a lecture addressing the same theme. In t1, questionnaires were reapplied, followed by a new VPI and dental chart, in addition to a satisfaction survey regarding the methodology used. Results: After 30 days, the MI group showed a decrease in VPI when comparing the medians (14.70 vs. 10.71) and an increase in the frequency of daily brushing to 03 x or more (44.4 % vs. 77.8 %), while the TC group remained practically stable (8.75 vs. 10.71 and 28.6), but with no statistically significant difference between groups (p = 5 %). Both legitimized the workshop as a pleasurable activity (100 %) and felt motivated after completion (TC = 85.7 %, MI = 100 %). Conclusion: A single session of MI reduced VPI from disabled children, however, without proving to be more effective than Traditional Counseling.

La dificultad de los cuidadores para realizar la higiene oral en pacientes con necesidades especiales, generalmente conduce a la desmotivación y negligencia. Con el objetivo de adherirse a los hábitos saludables, se creó un modelo de intervención a partir de una conversación colaborativa: Entrevista Motivacional (EM). El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la eficacia y la legitimidad de la EM en la salud oral para los PNE infantiles. Estudio exploratorio con aleatorización pareada, doble ciego, que incluye cuidadores de pacientes de 2 a 19 años tratados en el Centro de Rehabilitación Física y Motora del IMIP/Recife- Brasil. Los cuidadores fueron asignados en dos grupos: prueba (Entrevista Motivacional - EM) y control (Consejería Tradicional - CT). En t0, se respondieron los cuestionarios y se realizó el Odontograma y el Índice de Placa Visible (IPV) del niño. Grupo EM participó en una entrevista motivacional de 10 minutos que incluyó orientación sobre las técnicas de cepillado y la apertura de la cavidad oral. Grupo CT asistió a una conferencia sobre el mismo tema. En t1, se volvieron a aplicar los cuestionarios, seguidos de una nueva IPV y un odontograma, además de una encuesta de satisfacción sobre la metodología utilizada. Después de 30 días, el grupo EM mostró una disminución en IPV al comparar las media- nas (14,70 vs. 10,71) y un aumento en la frecuencia diaria de cepillado a 03x o más (44,4 % vs. 77,8 %), mientras que el grupo CT permaneció prácticamente estable (8,75 vs. 8,92 y 28,6), pero sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos (p = 5 %). Ambos legitimaron el taller como una actividad placentera (100 %) y se sintieron motivados después de la finalización (AT = 85,7 %, EM = 100 %). Una sola sesión de EM redujo la IPV de las PNE, sin demostrar que es más efectiva que la asesoría tradicional.

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Salud Bucal , Entrevista Motivacional/métodos , Odontología Preventiva , Cuidadores , Personas con Discapacidad
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908140


Objective:To explore the effect of motivational interview combined with feedback teaching on active cycle of breathing technique(ACBT) training in lung cancer patients.Methods:A total of 632 patients with lung cancer undergoing radical resection from September 2017 to March 2019 in Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center were selected and divided into the experimental group and the control group with 316 cases in each group by operation time. The experimental group received motivational interview combined with feedback teaching education, while the control group received routine education. The patients were followed up for 2 months. The compliance and accuracy of ACBT training, self-care ability, sputum discharge and incidence of pulmonary complications were compared between the two groups.Results:The sputum volume in the control group was (6.25±2.44), (9.28±2.63), (10.33±3.15) g in the control group and (8.74±4.17),(13.87±3.19),(14.18±4.16) g in the experimental group at 1, 2, 3 days after operation, and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( t values were -1.149, -2.316, -4.124, P<0.01 or 0.05). There were 56 cases(17.72%) of pulmonary complications in the control group and 33 cases (10.44%) in the experimental group. The difference in the incidence of pulmonary complications between the two groups was statistically significant ( χ2 value was 4.743, P<0.01).Two months after operation, the compliance and accuracy of ACBT training in the experimental group were better than those in the control group ( χ2 values were - 4.57, - 2.15, P<0.01).The improvement in the four dimensions after intervention in the experimental group were better than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant ( t values were 8.314-19.719, P<0.01). Conclusions:The motivational interview combined with feedback teaching is an effective method of health education, which is conducive to improving lung cancer patients' compliance and accuracy of postoperative ACBT training, improving patients' self-care ability, promoting the discharge of patients' sputum and reducing the incidence of pulmonary complications to promote the recovery of lung function.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(3): e00038820, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249410


Smoking is the main cause of avoidable death and a major public health problem worldwide, with primary healthcare being a strategic setting for treating this problem. Aims: to evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing associated with the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in smoking groups in primary healthcare. A community-based cluster randomized clinical trial was conducted in Brazil, starting in July 2016. Professionals in the test group were trained in motivational interviewing for eight hours to associate it with the CBT. The usual treatment for smoking cessation in groups consists of four structured weekly sessions of 90 minutes each using a CBT. Taylor's linearization was used to correct the p-values; the chi-square test with Pearson correlation was used for categorical variables, and analysis of variance as well as the Student t-test were used for continuous variables. In total, 44 smoking groups were conducted, totaling 329 patients (178 in the motivational interviewing group and 151 in the control group). The smoking cessation rate with motivational interviewing was 61.8%, with RR = 1.25 (95%CI: 1.01-1.54, p = 0.043), and 47.7% in the control group, in the fourth weekly group treatment session. Mean session attendance was 3.1 (95%CI: 2.9-3.3) in the motivational interviewing group and 2.9 (95%CI: 2.5-3.4) in the control group. The completion rate for the motivational interviewing group was 65.2% and for the control group, 57.6%. Motivational interviewing associated with the CBT was shown to be effective and superior to only CBT to smoking cessation in groups in the fourth weekly session and for the population profile of the study (women with an average age of 50.6 years).

O tabagismo é a principal causa de morte evitável, e é um problema de saúde pública global. A atenção primária representa um contexto estratégico para enfrentar o problema. O objetivo foi avaliar a efetividade da entrevista motivacional associada à terapia cognitiva-comportamental (TCC) em grupos de tabagistas tratados na atenção primária. Foi realizado um estudo clínico randomizado de clusters comunitários, iniciado em julho de 2016. Os profissionais no grupo experimental foram treinados durante 8 horas na técnica de entrevista motivacional , com o propósito de associar a técnica à TCC. O tratamento usual para cessação de tabagismo em grupos consiste em quatro sessões estruturadas com duração de 90 minutos, uma por semana, com o uso da TCC. Foi aplicada a linearização de Taylor para corrigir os valores de p; o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson foi usado para variáveis categóricas e análise de variância, e o teste t de Student para variáveis contínuas. Foram organizados 44 grupos de tabagistas, com um total de 329 pacientes (178 no grupo entrevista motivacional e 151 no grupo controle). A taxa de cessação do tabagismo com entrevista motivacional foi 61,8%, com RR = 1,25 (IC95%: 1,01-1,54; p = 0,043), comparado com 47,7% no grupo controle, depois da quarta sessão semanal de terapia de grupo. A média de frequência foi de 3,1 sessões (IC95%: 2,9-3,3) no grupo entrevista motivacional e 2,9 (IC95%: 2,5-3,4) no grupo controle. A proporção de participação integral nas sessões foi 65,2% no gruo entrevista motivacional e 57,6% no grupo controle. A entrevista motivacional associada à TCC mostrou ser efetiva e superior à TCC isoladamente para cessação de tabagismo em grupos com quatro sessões semanais e para o perfil da população do estudo (mulheres com média de idade de 50,6 anos).

Fumar es la principal causa de muerte evitable, y uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública alrededor del mundo, siendo la atención primaria un eje estratégico para el tratamiento de este problema. El objetivo fue evaluar la efectividad de las entrevistas motivacionales, asociadas con la terapia comportamental cognitiva (TCC), en grupos de fumadores dentro de la atención primaria. El ensayo clínico grupal aleatorio basado en comunidades se realizó en Brasil, empezó en julio de 2016. Los profesionales en el grupo de prueba fueron entrenados en entrevistas motivacionales durante 8 horas para asociarlo con el TCC. El tratamiento habitual para dejar de fumar en grupos consistía en cuatro sesiones semanales, estructuradas en 90 minutos cada una, usando la TCC. Se aplicó la linealización de Taylor para corregir los valores de p; el test de chi-cuadrado con la correlación de Pearson se usó para las variables categóricas y se utilizaron el análisis de variancia y el test Student t para las variables continuas. Se monitorizaron 44 grupos de fumadores, totalizando 329 pacientes (178 en el entrevistas motivacionales grupo y 151 en el grupo de control). La tasa de abandono del tabaco con entrevistas motivacionales fue 61,8%, con RR = 1,25 (95%CI: 1,01-1,54; p = 0,043), y 47,7% en el grupo de control, en la cuarta sesión grupal de tratamiento semanal. La media de asistencia a sesiones fue 3,1 (95%CI: 2,9-3,3) en el grupo entrevistas motivacionales y 2,9 (95%CI: 2,5-3,4) en el grupo de control. La tasa de finalización para el grupo entrevistas motivacionales fue 65,2%, y para el grupo de control 57,6%. Las entrevistas motivacionales asociadas con la TCC demostró ser efectiva y superior para solamente la TCC de abandonar el tabaco en grupos en la cuarta sesión semanal y para el perfil de la población en estudio (mujeres con una media de edad de 50,6 años).

Humanos , Femenino , Cese del Hábito de Fumar , Entrevista Motivacional , Atención Primaria de Salud , Brasil , Fumar , Persona de Mediana Edad
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-799200


This paper mainly introduces the concept and theoretical basis of motivational interviewing, summarizes its application effect in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, existing problems and prospects in the application process, and provides theoretical support and behavioral guidance for the further use of motivational interviewing health education for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.

Rev Rene (Online) ; 21: e44230, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136130


RESUMO Objetivo analisar o efeito de intervenção educativa via telefone sobre a descrição da técnica de aplicação de insulina. Métodos ensaio clínico randomizado, realizado com 79 pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus, composto por dois grupos, 42 do grupo controle e 37 da intervenção. Realizaram-se quatro ligações telefônicas, em dois meses, para o grupo intervenção. O grupo controle recebeu somente acompanhamento convencional. Resultados ao comparar a aplicação de insulina no pré e pós-teste, não houve diferença significativa (p>0,05) no grupo controle, mas melhoria de 80,0% no acerto das respostas sobre a técnica adequada, com p<0,021. Na comparação intergrupo, a descrição da autoaplicação de insulina, após a intervenção telefônica, foi melhor em 70,0% dos itens, com p<0,030. Conclusão a intervenção educativa via telefone melhorou a descrição da técnica de aplicação de insulina em pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus e respectivos cuidadores. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos número U1111-1228-3200.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the effect of educational intervention on insulin delivery technique. Methods randomized clinical trial, carried out with 79 patients with Diabetes Mellitus, in two groups, 42 from the control group and 37 from the intervention. Four telephone calls were made in two months to the intervention group. The control group received only conventional follow-up. Results when comparing the application of insulin in the pre and post-test, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the control group, but an improvement of 80.0% in the correct answers on the appropriate technique, with p<0.021. In the intergroup comparison, the description of self-administration of insulin, after the telephone intervention, was better in 70.0% of the items, with p<0.030. Conclusion the educational intervention via telephone improved the description of the technique of insulin application in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and their caregivers. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials number U1111-1228-3200.

Teléfono , Ensayo Clínico , Diabetes Mellitus , Entrevista Motivacional , Insulina
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 54: e03634, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136624


RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar o efeito da entrevista motivacional no autocuidado de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca crônica. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado, multicêntrico, dividindo as pessoas em grupo intervenção (n=59) e grupo controle (n=59), acompanhadas por 60 dias nos centros do Brasil e Uruguai. O grupo intervenção recebeu três consultas por entrevista motivacional, com intervalo de 30 dias, e o grupo controle manteve o acompanhamento convencional nas clínicas especializadas. Os dados foram avaliados através do Self-Care of Heart Failure Index 6.2, antes e após a intervenção, em cada um dos centros e analisados através de média, mediana, teste-t, análise de correlação pelo coeficiente de Spearman e efeito da intervenção pelo d de Cohen. Resultados: 118 pessoas concluíram o estudo. Diante da avaliação do efeito da entrevista motivacional no autocuidado, comparando-se ao acompanhamento convencional, foi identificado efeito médio na manutenção e manejo (Cohen-d=0,6723; 0,5086) e alto na confiança do autocuidado (Cohen-d=0,9877). Conclusão: A entrevista motivacional foi efetiva na melhora do autocuidado dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, sendo uma estratégia factível a ser implementada em clínicas especializadas. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos: RBR-6fp5qt.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar el efecto de las entrevistas motivacionales en el autocuidado de personas con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado, multicéntrico, que divide a las personas en un grupo de intervención (n=59) y un grupo de control (n=59), seguidos durante 60 días en centros de Brasil y Uruguay. El grupo de intervención recibió tres consultas por entrevista motivacional, con un intervalo de 30 días, y el grupo de control mantuvo el monitoreo convencional en clínicas especializadas. Los datos se evaluaron utilizando el Self-Care of Heart Failure Index 6.2, antes y después de la intervención, en cada uno de los centros y se analizaron utilizando la media, la mediana, la prueba t, el análisis de correlación utilizando el coeficiente de Spearman y el efecto de la intervención por el d de Cohen. Resultados: 118 personas completaron el estudio. En vista de la evaluación del efecto de la entrevista motivacional sobre el autocuidado, en comparación con el seguimiento convencional, un efecto medio en el mantenimiento y el manejo (Cohen-d=0.6723; 0.5086) y alto en la confianza en el autocuidado (Cohen-d=0,9877). Conclusión: La entrevista motivacional fue efectiva para mejorar el autocuidado de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca, siendo una estrategia factible para ser implementada en clínicas especializadas. Registro brasileño de ensayos clínicos: RBR-6fp5qt.

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the effect of motivational interviewing on self-care for people with chronic heart failure. Method: A multicenter randomized clinical trial, which divided people into an intervention group (n=59) and a control group (n=59), followed for 60 days in centers of Brazil and Uruguay. The intervention group received three consultations per motivational interviewing, with an interval of 30 days, and the control group maintained conventional follow-up in specialized clinics. The data were assessed using the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index 6.2, before and after intervention in each of the centers. They were analyzed using the mean, median, t-test, correlation analysis using the Spearman coefficient and effect of the intervention by Cohen's d. Results: One hundred and eighteen people completed the study. In view of the assessment of the effect of the motivational interviewing on self-care, compared to conventional follow-up, a medium effect on maintenance and management (Cohen's d=0.6723; 0.5086) and high on self-care confidence (Cohen's d=0.9877). Conclusion: Motivational interviewing was effective in improving self-care in patients with heart failure, being a feasible strategy to be implemented in specialized clinics. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos): RBR-6fp5qt.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Autocuidado , Entrevista Motivacional , Insuficiencia Cardíaca , Estudio Multicéntrico , Enfermería Cardiovascular
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAO5268, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133735


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the effect of an interdisciplinary intervention with a motivational approach on exercise capacity and usual physical activity levels in overweight and obese adolescents. Methods This is a randomized, controlled clinical trial with single blinding of subjects. Adolescents aged 15 to 18 years with overweight and obesity (body mass index ≥ 85 percentile) were included. The adolescents were randomized into two groups: interdisciplinary intervention or control − traditional approach aiming at lifestyle modifications. The initial evaluations were carried out, including the cardiopulmonary exercise test and the physical activity level measurement by using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and a pedometer. The evaluations were performed in two moments: time zero (time of inclusion in the study) and after 3 months (end of intervention). There were 12 sessions with weekly meetings. Results A total of 37 participants were included, 19 in the Intervention Group. There were no significant differences in the baseline demographic, anthropometric and physical activity characteristics between groups, with mean age of 17.3±1.0 years in the Control Group, and 16.8±0.9 years in the Intervention Group (p=0.14). The motivational intervention did not cause significant differences (p>0.05) in the comparison of the variables of exercise capacity and usual physical activity (questionnaire and pedometer) between groups. Conclusion The intervention with a motivational approach did not alter exercise capacity and levels of usual physical activity in overweight and obese adolescents. Clinical Trial Registry: NCT02455973 and REBEC: RBR-234nb5.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção interdisciplinar com abordagem motivacional na capacidade de exercício e no nível de atividade física habitual em adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade. Métodos Trata-se de ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, com cegamento único dos indivíduos. Foram incluídos adolescentes com idade entre 15 e 18 anos, com sobrepeso e obesidade (índice de massa corporal ≥ percentil 85). Os adolescentes foram randomizados em dois grupos: intervenção interdisciplinar motivacional ou controle − abordagem tradicional, visando à modificação do estilo de vida. Foram realizadas as avaliações iniciais incluindo o teste de exercício cardiopulmonar e a aferição do nível de atividade física por meio do International Physical Activity Questionnaire e do pedômetro. As avaliações foram realizadas em dois momentos, no tempo zero (inclusão no estudo) e após 3 meses (término da intervenção). Foram realizadas 12 sessões com encontros semanais. Resultados Foram incluídos 37 participantes, sendo 19 no Grupo Intervenção. Não houve diferenças significativas nos dados basais de características demográficas, antropométricas e de atividade física entre os grupos, e a média de idade foi de 17,3±1,0 anos no Grupo Controle e 16,8±0,9 anos no Intervenção (p=0,14). A intervenção motivacional não provocou diferenças significativas (p>0,05) na comparação das variáveis de capacidade de exercício e atividade física habitual (questionário e pedômetro) entre os grupos. Conclusão A intervenção com abordagem motivacional não alterou a capacidade de exercício e os níveis de atividade física habitual em adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade. Clinical Trial Registry: NCT02455973 and REBEC: RBR-234nb5.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Ejercicio Físico/psicología , Tolerancia al Ejercicio/fisiología , Sobrepeso/psicología , Entrevista Motivacional/métodos , Motivación/fisiología , Índice de Masa Corporal , Método Simple Ciego , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Prueba de Esfuerzo/psicología , Estilo de Vida , Obesidad/psicología , Obesidad/terapia
Mudanças ; 27(2): 45-52, jul.-dez. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1250387


A Entrevista Motivacional (EM) é uma abordagem pautada na empatia, na escuta reflexiva e na resolução da ambivalência para auxiliar no processo de mudança. Desde sua criação, foram realizadas revisões teóricas importantes com o objetivo de aprimorar o método e melhor adequá-lo às diferentes demandas, porém a literatura no Brasil ainda encontra-se desatualizada. Método: Foi realizada uma revisão não-sistemática da literatura sobre a EM buscando sintetizar e apresentar as principais mudanças teóricas realizadas. Resultados e Discussão: Os princípios centrais e as fases da mudança foram algumas das reformulações propostas, que agora melhor refletem a complexidade do processo e oferecem diretrizes mais estruturadas para direcionar o trabalho do terapeuta, esclarecendo também alguns dos conceitos originais. Conclusões: Considerando o aumento da utilidade da EM nos diversos contextos e as mudanças realizadas ao longo dessas últimas décadas, acredita-se que esta atualização favorecerá o ensino, pesquisa e a prática da EM no país.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an approach that relies on empathy, reflexive listening and ambivalence resolution to assist people in the process of changing. Since its creation, important theoretical revisions have been made with the aim of improving the method according to different demands, but literature in Brazil is found to be out of date. Method: A non-systematic review of literature on MI was carried out, seeking to synthesize and present the main theoretical changes made. Results and Discussion: The main principals and phases of change were among some of the changes proposed, which now reflect the complexity of the process and provide more structured guidelines for the therapist, also clarifying some of the original concepts. Conclusions: Considering the increase of the MI utility in various contexts and changes made over the last decades, it is believed that this update will favor the teaching, research and practice of MI in the country.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752584


Objective To investigate the effect of motivational interviewing on functional exercise in postoperative breast cancer patients. Methods A total of 128 postoperative breast cancer patients admitted to our hospital from March 2016 to October 2017 were selected and divided into control group and observation group before and after motivational interviewing. The control group was given routine functional exercises guidance, while the observation group was given motivational interviewing on the basis of the control group. The self-efficacy and functional exercise compliance of the two groups were evaluated before intervention, on the day of discharge, and 3 months after discharge. The shoulder joint mobility of the two groups was evaluated 3 months after discharge. Results Repeated measures analysis of variance showed that there were statistically significant difference between the control group and the observation group in C-SUPPH (Fintervention=5.608, P=0.020) and Postoperative Functional Exercise Compliance Scale for Breast Cancer(Fintervention=6.776, P=0.010); The shoulder joint mobility of the observation group was superior to the control group at 3 months after discharge (U=2.128, P=0.033). Conclusion Motivational interviewing can improve self-efficacy and functional exercise compliance of postoperative breast cancer patients, and promote the recovery of shoulder joint activity function.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752646


Objective To evaluate the impact of motivational interviewing (MI) on the illness perception in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods Totally 160 patients after PCI were randomly divided into two groups. The patients in the control group (n=85) received routine education, while patients in the intervention group (n=75) were received 4 times MI (during hospitalization, before discharge, 1 month after discharge, 3 months after discharge), 20 min for each time. Illness perception was appraised before and after the intervention in both groups. Results The mean scores of illness perception in the intervention group, including symptom perception, disease perception and cause perception, were 5.85±1.75, 3.65±0.66, 2.85±0.30,which were significantly higher than that of the control group after the intervention, 4.84 ± 1.09, 2.92 ± 0.61, 2.48 ± 0.31, the differences were significantly statistical (t=2.248, 3.717, 3.926, all P<0.05). Conclusions MI is much more effective than routine education on the improvement of illness perception in patients after PCI.

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765211


Alcohol use disorder (AUD) has the highest prevalence and lowest treatment rate of all mental disorders in Korea. Over the last 30 years, there has been significant progress in the development and validation of cognitive behavioral treatments and motivational enhancement approaches for AUD. The goal of psychosocial treatment is to help patients control their urges to use alcohol and remain abstinent by preventing relapse. This review explored first, motivation enhancement therapy, which is an approach to help people with alcohol problems and improve their motivation for change, and second, cognitive behavioral theories for AUD, including practical therapeutic effects, treatment principles, and various treatment methods and techniques. These treatment modalities are particularly useful for patients with AUDs with insufficient or poor compliance. In addition, these treatment models, which enhance the motivation of patients with chronic psychiatric illness, including AUDs and improve the efficacy and effectiveness through a clear intervention approach to the targeted problems, have been transformed into various other forms. Recently, there have been many studies on various online platforms, such as web-based and virtual reality, which are easy to access, and these treatment models are likely to become more important in the psychiatric field in the future.

Humanos , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Adaptabilidad , Corea (Geográfico) , Trastornos Mentales , Motivación , Entrevista Motivacional , Prevalencia , Recurrencia , Usos Terapéuticos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802684


Objective@#To investigate the effect of motivational interviewing on functional exercise in postoperative breast cancer patients.@*Methods@#A total of 128 postoperative breast cancer patients admitted to our hospital from March 2016 to October 2017 were selected and divided into control group and observation group before and after motivational interviewing. The control group was given routine functional exercises guidance, while the observation group was given motivational interviewing on the basis of the control group. The self-efficacy and functional exercise compliance of the two groups were evaluated before intervention, on the day of discharge, and 3 months after discharge. The shoulder joint mobility of the two groups was evaluated 3 months after discharge.@*Results@#Repeated measures analysis of variance showed that there were statistically significant difference between the control group and the observation group in C-SUPPH (Fintervention=5.608, P=0.020) and Postoperative Functional Exercise Compliance Scale for Breast Cancer(Fintervention=6.776, P=0.010); The shoulder joint mobility of the observation group was superior to the control group at 3 months after discharge (U=2.128, P=0.033).@*Conclusion@#Motivational interviewing can improve self-efficacy and functional exercise compliance of postoperative breast cancer patients, and promote the recovery of shoulder joint activity function.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802980


Objective@#To evaluate the impact of motivational interviewing (MI) on the illness perception in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).@*Methods@#Totally 160 patients after PCI were randomly divided into two groups. The patients in the control group (n=85) received routine education, while patients in the intervention group (n=75) were received 4 times MI (during hospitalization, before discharge, 1 month after discharge, 3 months after discharge), 20 min for each time. Illness perception was appraised before and after the intervention in both groups.@*Results@#The mean scores of illness perception in the intervention group, including symptom perception, disease perception and cause perception, were 5.85±1.75, 3.65±0.66, 2.85±0.30, which were significantly higher than that of the control group after the intervention, 4.84±1.09, 2.92±0.61, 2.48±0.31, the differences were significantly statistical (t=2.248, 3.717, 3.926, all P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#MI is much more effective than routine education on the improvement of illness perception in patients after PCI.