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Rev. bras. entomol ; 68(1): e20230097, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559494


ABSTRACT Ecological interactions are diverse, variable across space and time and not always well understood. The use of interaction network analysis has become a tool that promotes a deeper understanding on ecological and evolutionary processes. The interaction between insects and fungi is an interesting research model, helping to understand colonization dynamics and species specialization in spatially aggregated and ephemeral resources. Here, we describe the interactions between Drosophilidae species and the fungal basidiocarps in a subtropical forest in Brazil. Flies were collected when were visiting basidiocarps and then the basidiocarps themselves were also collected to obtain the emerging flies whose larvae fed on the fungi. We observed 31 species of drosophilids interacting with basidiocarps of 23 fungi species. An ecological network analysis was performed for the drosophilids breeding on basidiocarps and for those visiting them as adults. We found a specialized breeding network, with stronger interactions involving Hirtodrosophila and Auricularia and Zygothrica bilineata and a Marasmius species. Our results indicate the generalist habit of most Zygothrica species. The visitation network was highly specialized. Despite being well represented in the sampling, most Zygothrica species did not emerge from any fungal species. This study advances the knowledge on patterns of Drosophilid-fungi interactions and provides insights into their drivers.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 159(4): 309-321, jul.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514131


Resumen Antecedentes: En países donde el consumo de hongos es frecuente ocurren cientos de casos de micetismos al año, por lo que representan un problema de salud pública. En México, los micetismos son clasificados como una intoxicación gastrointestinal de tipo no bacteriano, lo que impide su atención oportuna. Objetivo: Crear una plataforma de libre acceso que sintetice y estandarice la información de los casos de micetismos y ofrezca herramientas para su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno. Material y métodos: En localidades donde han ocurrido casos de micetismos se obtuvo información sobre los hongos involucrados, las intoxicaciones ocurridas, protocolos de atención y procesamiento de muestras. Resultados: Se generaron cédulas que sintetizan y describen las intoxicaciones por hongos con mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia en México. En ellas se describen las características biológicas de los hongos, síntomas que provocan y su tratamiento. Se presenta una propuesta de protocolo para la atención del paciente y para el procesamiento de muestras biológicas. Por último, se incluye un formulario para recopilar información sobre los casos de intoxicaciones. Conclusiones: La información sistematizada y analizada sobre los micetismos permite simplificar su diagnóstico, atención y tratamiento. Los protocolos para la atención clínica y el procesamiento de muestras son la base para generar estrategias que eviten decesos por micetismo.

Abstract Background: In countries where the consumption of mushrooms is common, hundreds of mushroom poisonings occur every year, which represents a public health problem. In Mexico, mushroom poisoning is classified as a non-bacterial gastrointestinal poisoning, which prevents timely care. Objective: To create a free-access platform that synthesizes and standardizes the information on mycetism cases and offers tools for diagnosis and timely treatment. Material and methods: In locations where cases of mycetism have occurred, information was obtained on the fungi involved, the poisonings that occurred, care protocols, and sample processing. Results: Infographics were generated that synthesize and describe the types of mycetism with the highest probability of occurrence in Mexico. Therein, the biological characteristics of fungi, the symptoms they cause and their treatment are described. A protocol proposal for patient care and for the processing of biological samples is presented. Finally, a form is included to collect information on cases of poisoning. Conclusions: Systematized and analyzed information on mycetism allows to simplify its diagnosis, attention and treatment. The protocols for clinical care and sample processing are the basis for generating strategies that prevent deaths due to mycetism.

Rev. invest. clín ; 75(3): 169-178, May.-Jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515319


ABSTRACT Since the dawn of civilization, ancient cultures have utilized hallucinogens from plants and fungi in the context of religious and healing practices. Recently, their use has expanded to other cultures. Hallucinogens are natural or synthetic substances that alter the perception of reality at nontoxic doses, producing intense psychological and physiological effects. The initial research on hallucinogens began in the 1950s. However, their non-medical use, studies without proper controls, and negative social opinion resulted in legal restrictions that limited their use for clinical and preclinical research for more than two decades. A renewed interest in studying hallucinogens as potential therapeutic agents for treating different psychiatric conditions has recently re-emerged. This review summarizes the effects of main hallucinogen drugs and their therapeutic potential. Classic hallucinogens such as LSD, dimethyltryptamine, psilocin, and mescaline have chemical structures similar to serotonin and directly activate 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (5-HT2A) receptors. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic with antagonist effects at the glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, indirectly activating 5-HT2A receptors. Ketamine has rapid antidepressant effects and reduces suicidal ideation, but its effects are short-lasting. Other hallucinogens are under study. It is necessary to continue this research with a more rigorous methodology and include studying the long-term effects of psychedelics use.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Sep; 60(9): 672-680
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222535


Proteases are ubiquitously present and are among the largest groups of commercially important enzymes. Here, we investigated a wood-rot basidiomycete Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd [Syn. Coriolus versicolor (L.) Quél.; Polyporus versicolor (L.) Fr.] as a source of the enzyme serine protease, its production, and optimized to obtain a higher yield of the enzyme.. The significant variables with optimized values for maximum production of the enzyme were temperature (30?C), incubation time (120 h) and wheat bran (10 g). The yield increased by 30.76% by statistically optimizing the media. The optimized temperature and pH for the maximum protease activity was 50?C and pH 7.0, respectively. The enzyme was purified through ion exchange (using DEAE cellulose 52 resin) and gel filtration chromatography (using Superdex 200 column). The purified enzyme had a retention time of 7 min in RP-HPLC. The enzyme was stable at a broad range of temperature (30-60?C) and pH (5.0-8.0) with a half-life of 58.72 min, Vmax of 37.17 ?M min/mL and Km of 0.657 mg/mL. Its activity was enhanced by Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ ions and SDS surfactant. These properties make this enzyme a valuable candidate for industrial applications

Arq. gastroenterol ; 59(2): 288-295, Apr.-June 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383844


ABSTRACT Background: Polysaccharides from edible mushrooms possess immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor activities. Recent studies indicated that necroptosis plays a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases and mediates increased expression of inflammatory cytokines. Objective: Therefore, it is imperative to determine the impact of polysaccharide extract from Lentinula edodes (L. edodes) on inflammatory cytokines in experimental model of colitis in mice. Methods: Female C57BL/6 mice divided into three or four mice per group were used for this study. Polysaccharide sample was orally administered to mice prior to (7 days) and during colitis induction with 2.5% dextran sodium sulfate (7 days), followed by additional 3 days of administration. Changes in body weight and colon length were used as markers for colitis, and pro-inflammatory cytokines and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) expressions, as well as necroptosis were analyzed in the colon of colitis mice. Data obtained were analysed by Tukey-Kramer and two-tailed standard t tests. Results: The results indicated that the polysaccharide sample suppressed colitis in mice using effects on the body weight and colon length as markers. Also, it was demonstrated that necrostatin-1, a specific inhibitor of necroptosis, suppressed the expression of interleukin (IL)-8, a pro-inflammatory chemokine, in Caco-2 cells induced necroptosis induced by zVAD and TNF-α, an indication that necroptosis may be involved in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, the polysaccharide sample suppressed the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-6, IL-1β, and interferon (IFN)-γ in the colon of mice. Conclusion: These results suggested that the suppressive effects of the polysaccharide sample on inflammatory cytokines expression may contribute to its anti-colitis effect, and so may serve as a potent therapeutic agent against inflammatory bowel disease.

RESUMO Contexto: Polissacarídeos de cogumelos comestíveis possuem atividades imunomodulatórias, anti-inflamatórias e anti-tumorais. Estudos recentes indicaram que a necroptose desempenha um papel na patogênese de doenças inflamatórias e regula o aumento da expressão de citocinas inflamatórias. Objetivo: Torna-se imprescindível determinar o impacto do extrato de polissacarídeo de Lentinula edodes (L. edodes) em citocinas inflamatórias em modelo experimental de colite em camundongos. Métodos: Foram utilizados para este estudo os camundongos C57BL/6 femininos divididos em três ou quatro camundongos por grupo. A amostra de polissacarídeo foi administrada oralmente em camundongos antes (7 dias) e durante a indução de colite com sulfato de dextran sulfato de sódio (7 dias), seguido por 3 dias adicionais de administração. Alterações no peso corporal e comprimento do cólon foram utilizadas como marcadores para colite, e citocinas pró-inflamatórias e tumores receptor fator 1 (TNFR1), bem como necroptose foram analisadas no cólon de camundongos colite. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por testes Tukey-Kramer e testes padrão t de duas caudas. Resultados: Os resultados indicaram que a amostra de polissacarídeo suprimiu colite em camundongos usando efeitos sobre o peso corporal e o comprimento do cólon como marcadores. Além disso, foi demonstrado que a necrostatina-1, inibidora específica da necroptose, suprimiu a expres são de interleucina (IL)-8, uma quimiocina pró-inflamatória, em células caco-2 induzidas necroptose induzidas por zVAD e TNF-α, uma indicação de que a necroptose pode estar envolvida na expressão de citocinas pro-inflamatórias. Além disso, a amostra de polissacarídeo suprimiu a expressão de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, como o fator de necrose tumoral (TNF)-α, IL-6, IL-1β e interferon (IFN)-γ no cólon dos camundongos. Conclusão: Esses resultados sugeriram que os efeitos supressivos da amostra de polissacarídeo na expressão de citocinas inflamatórias podem contribuir para o seu efeito anti-colite, podendo, portanto, servir como um potente agente terapêutico contra doença inflamatória intestinal.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 89-98, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152672


RESUMEN Pleurotus sp. es un género de basidiomicetos ampliamente distribuido a nivel mundial, con especies que revisten importancia, no solo desde el punto de vista comercial por su valor nutricional, sino también por sus propiedades medicinales. Sin embargo, aún son insuficientes los estudios micoquímicos y se desconoce su relación con las propiedades antioxidantes de bioproductos obtenidos de estas setas durante diferentes estados de crecimiento. En el presente trabajo, se determinó el contenido de proteínas, carbohidratos, azúcares reductores, fenoles totales y flavonoides, así como la actividad antioxidante in vitro (ensayos de captación de radicales DPPH y estimación del poder reductor) de extractos acuosos de Pleurotus ostreatus en dos estados de crecimiento (primordios y cuerpos fructíferos maduros) durante la fermentación sólida. El contenido de proteínas, azúcares reductores y flavonoides fue superior en el extracto acuoso de cuerpos fructíferos maduros, mientras que los carbohidratos y fenoles totales fueron mayores en el extracto de primordios. Los valores de EC50 en los ensayos de DPPH y los de poder reductor fueron de 1,72 mg/mL y 3,27 mg/mL para el extracto de primordios y de 0,44 mg/mL y 0,48 mg/mL para el de cuerpos fructíferos maduros, respectivamente. Los resultados sugieren que las propiedades antioxidantes de extractos acuosos de Pleurotus ostreatus (primordios y cuerpos fructíferos maduros) reflejan las variaciones en la concentración de moléculas bioactivas, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades fisiológicas de las fases de crecimiento. Ello podría resultar de utilidad para el diseño de protocolos de obtención de bioproductos de Pleurotus ostreatus con aplicaciones potenciales como antioxidantes en las industrias alimentaria y farmacéutica.

ABSTRACT Pleurotus sp. is a genus of Basidiomycetes widely distributed worldwide, with species that are important not only from the commercial point of view for its nutritional value, but also for their medicinal properties. However, mycochemical studies and the relationship with the antioxidant properties of bioproducts obtained from these mushrooms during different growth stages are still insufficient. In this work, the content of proteins, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, total phenols and flavonoids was determined, as well as the in vitro antioxidant activity (tests of scavenging DPPH and reducing power estimation) of aqueous extracts of Pleurotus ostreatus in different growth stages (primordia and mature fruiting bodies) during the solid fermentation. The content of proteins, reducing sugars and flavonoids was higher in the aqueous extract ofmature fruiting bodies, while carbohydrates and total phenols were increased in the extract ofprimordia. The EC50 values in the DPPH and reducing power assays were 1.72 mg/mL and 3.27 mg/mL for primordia extract and 0.44 mg/mL and 0.48 mg/mL in the case of mature fruiting bodies extract, respectively. The results suggest that the antioxidant properties of Pleurotus ostreatus aqueous extracts (primordia and mature fruiting bodies), reflected the variations in the concentration of bioactive molecules, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the growth phases. This could be useful in designing protocols for obtaining bioproducts from Pleurotus ostreatus with potential applications as antioxidant in food and pharmaceutical industries.

Chinese Journal of Radiological Health ; (6): 479-484, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974582


Since the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the radioactive contamination in food caused by the nuclear accident has been widely concerned by people. There have been a lot of studies on concentrated radionuclides in mushrooms in foreign countries, but the research on radionuclides content and transfer distribution mechanism of radionuclides in mushrooms is almost blank in China. Studies have shown that mushrooms have a strong adsorption capacity on radionuclides. As a common food in daily life, therefore, it is of great significance to study the content of radionuclides in mushrooms for evaluating the internal dose in the human body. In this paper, the types of radionuclides in mushrooms and the methods of their transfer and distribution in mushrooms were reviewed, and the research status and development trends at domestic and abroad in recent years were emphasized, in order to provide theoretical support for the future basic research.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21210077, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355825


Abstract Few conservation studies have been done with Agaricales fungi (mushrooms) of the Andes and conservation areas created in many countries have no priorities in protecting fungi. Small areas can be also very important to preserve rare and unknown fungi species, but evaluations are still needed. Applying the technique of the transects in the natural reserve of Madre Monte in Arcabuco, Boyacá Province, in the Colombian Andes (a characteristic oak forest - Quercus humboldtii - Fagaceae), the diversity and ecological data were collected and compared to the fungi already known in the country and their conservation status, to understand how fungi are protected indirectly with the creation of preservation areas. The samples were identified at the Laboratorio del Grupo de Investigación Biología para la Conservación de la Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnológica of Colombia. A total of 331 specimens and 46 species of Agaricales were collected and identified. The presence of rare species, like Lactifluus gerardii, Cortinarius violaceus and Cortinarius boyacensis, reinforces the importance of creating more small areas in the preservation of mushroom species. Only 43 species of Agaricales were reported to the province, being 19 new citations to the area, what is an indication that the diversity in the Colombian Andes is higher than suspected and that even small conservation areas have of profound impact in fungi conservation. Some of the mushrooms found are also first references to Colombia, like Panaeolus rickenii and Protostropharia dorsipora, but these were found growing in horse manure, being introduced. The impact of domestic animals and exotic trees in the mycobiota of preservation areas needs to be better evaluated.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21200198, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285559


HIGHLIGHTS P. ostreatus and P. sapidus are the most productive species under the evaluated conditions. Different growing systems are suitable for the production of P. ostreatus var. Florida. Temperature control level affects differently the P. ostreatus var. Florida isolates. Environmental and strain factors affect yield and production parameters of P. ostreatus var. Florida.

Abstract In Brazil, Pleurotus is the most important mushroom produced especially P. ostreatus var. Florida. In this country as in many others, the great potential for mushroom cultivation remains unexplored. Therefore, it is very important to develop new studies that allow optimizing its production. The aims of the manuscript were: i) to evaluate the productivity of six different species of Pleurotus (P. citrinopileatus; P. djamor; P. ostreatus; P. ostreatus var. Florida; P. pulmonarius; P. sapidus); ii) to measure the effect of three different environmental conditions during cultivation of three isolates of P. ostreatus var. Florida. As results, P. ostreatus and P. sapidus were the most productive isolates under the evaluated conditions. Different environments produced variable effects according to the P. ostreatus var. Florida isolates, being possible to observe a highly plastic strain (POF 02/18), a highly sensitive strain (POF 03/18) and a strain with variable responses (POF 01/18).

Biodegradación Ambiental , Producción de Alimentos , Pleurotus/aislamiento & purificación , Brasil , Agroindustria/métodos
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e58474, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461015


Edible mushrooms have a number of medicinal properties and this study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial activity of Pleurotus eryngiiDPUA1816 in metabolic broths after being grown in submerged cultivation. Mycelial fragments of pure P. eryngiiculture was inoculated in sweet potato culture medium and incubated at 150 rpm for 15 days at 25°C. Pleurotuseryngiiwas also cultivated for 18 days under the same conditions, the mycelial biomass was separated by filtration for quantification. The supernatant was used in the diffusion test in agar and performed against Escherichia coliCCCD-E005, Staphylococcus aureus CCCD-S009, Pseudomonas aeruginosaCCCD-P004, Candida albicansCCCD-CC001, Candida parapsilosis CCCD-CC004 and Candida tropicalisCCCD-CC002. The samples showed no inhibitory activity against bacteria, however they showed some activity againstC. albicans(12.17 mm), C. parapsilosis(27.67 mm) and C. tropicalis(13.67 mm). After being cultivated for 18 days, P. eryngiiwas able to inhibit all yeasts after 12 days of culture, with an inhibition halo of 29.33 mm at 16 days against C. parapsilosis. This study demonstrates the antifungal potential filtered liquids from P.eryngiicultivated in purple-skinned sweet potato culture medium, which suggests the possibility of the use of this species by the pharmaceutical industry as a natural source of biological action.

Antiinfecciosos , Antifúngicos , Pleurotus/fisiología , Candida albicans , Candida parapsilosis , Candida tropicalis , Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Staphylococcus aureus
Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 48(3): 3-12, sep.-dic. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058422


Resumen Pocos son los trabajos enfocados en la producción biotecnológica y el desarrollo de herramientas analíticas en torno a la Lentinuia edodes, seta comestible con potencial para el desarrollo de nutracéuticos. Por esto, en esta investigación, se estudió la producción de biomasa del hongo en el tiempo, mediante fermentación en estado líquido, y se seleccionaron las condiciones que permitieron la obtención de extractos para la aplicación de herramientas para análisis proteómico. Los métodos de extracción de proteínas, ácido tricloroacético (TCA) - acetona y TCA - acetona - fenol, fueron comparados en términos del rendimiento de extracción y los perfiles de separación usando electroforesis en 1D (SDS-PAGE) y 2D (IEF-SDS PAGE). Se determinó que a los 10 días de crecimiento se obtiene la mayor producción de biomasa y proteína total. La extracción con TCA - acetona - fenol presentó un mayor rendimiento, resolución y número de bandas en la electroforesis 1D. En 2DE, los dos métodos permitieron la extracción de proteínas con puntos isoeléctricos en el rango de pH 3-10, pero el método TCA - acetona - fenol conllevó a una extracción diferencial, favoreciendo el rango de masa de 33 a 113 kDa. Estos resultados se constituyen en una primera aplicación de técnicas de separación electroforética para futuros estudios proteómicos.

Abstract Few are the investigations focused on the biotechnological production and the development of analytical tools about Lentinuia edodes, an edible mushroom which has a potential for being used in the development of nutraceutical products. For this reason, in this research, the production of biomass of the mushroom over time by liquid state fermentation (LSF) was studied. Then, the conditions that allow obtaining protein extracts for the application of tools for proteomic analysis were selected. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) - acetone and TCA - acetone - phenol were the two protein extraction methods which were compared in terms of extraction yield and separation profiles in 1D (SDS-PAGE) and 2D (IEF-SDS PAGE) electrophoresis. The highest production of biomass and total protein content was obtained after 10 days of LSF. Protein extraction with TCA - acetone -phenol presented the highest yield, resolution and number of bands in 1D electrophoresis. In 2DE the two methods allowed the extraction of proteins with isoelectric points in pH 3-10 range but, the TCA - acetone - phenol method favored a differential extraction of proteins in the range of 33 to 113 kDa. These results constitute a first application of electrophoretic separation techniques for future proteomic studies.

Resumo Lentinuia edodes é um cogumelo comestível com potencial para o desenvolvimento de nutracêuticos. Entretanto, os trabalhos voltados para a produção biotecnológica e o desenvolvimento de ferramentas analíticas que permitem aprofundar sua composição são incipientes. Nesta pesquisa, a produção de biomassa do fungo ao longo do tempo por meio de fermentação no estado líquido foi estudada e as condições que permitem obter extratos para a aplicação de ferramentas para análise proteômica foram selecionadas. Os métodos de extração de proteínas usados foram ácido tricloroacético (TCA) - acetona e TCA - acetona - fenol e comparada em termos de rendimento de extracção e perfis de separação utilizando electroforese 1D (SDS-PAGE) e 2D (IEF-SDS PAGE). Foi determinado que após 10 dias de crescimento, a maior produção de biomassa e proteína total foi obtida. A extração com TCA - acetona - fenol apresentou maior rendimento, maior resolução e número de bandas em eletroforese 1D. No 2DE os dois métodos permitiram a extração de proteínas com pontos isoelétricos na faixa de pH 3-10, mas o método TCA - acetona - fenol levou a uma extração diferencial, favorecendo a faixa de 33 a 113 kDa. Estes resultados constituem uma primeira aplicação de técnicas de separação eletroforética para futuros estudos proteômicos.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210435


Ethnic tribes use wild mushrooms as their traditional medicine as well as food items from ancient times throughoutthe world and its diverse uses will be helpful to prove different medicinal characterization. The main motive fordocumentation of this review work is to focus the ethnomedicinally important wild mushrooms of India, which areused by the tribal or local people of India along with their traditional names, various uses and preparation techniquesfor medical treatments. This review work out to display that there are almost 18 research reports on traditional use ofwild mushrooms as medicine from 14 states of India. This documentation implied that at present there are 100 speciesof macrofungi which are belonged to 56 genera are used by the tribes or local people of India and they use them forcommon illness, various scared diseases, private diseases and also use as herbal medicines. Present findings exhibitthat there are almost 24 modes of preparation for different ethnomedicinal uses. Therefore, there is an urgent necessityto document indigenous knowledge about wild medicinal mushrooms which are used by the tribal peoples belongingto different states of India as well as all over the world.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209823


This study is reporting the in vitro antioxidant activity of the fruiting body of the edible mushroom Pleurotuspulmonarius (Fr.) Quel. The fruiting body of the edible mushroom was defatted with n-hexane and furtherextracted by successive maceration in dichloromethane (DCM) and 80% aqueous ethanol (AQE) to obtainthe DCM and AQE extracts, respectively. The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavengingand iron chelating assays were used for antioxidant evaluation in vitro with ascorbic acid as the referencestandard for comparison. Isolation and structural elucidation of the steroid were done using chromatographicand spectroscopic techniques, respectively. The trend for the DPPH radical scavenging activity: ascorbic acid[inhibition concentration (IC)50 = 0.012 mg/ml] > AQE (IC50 = 0.525 mg/ml) > DCM (IC50 = 1.820 mg/ml)and for the iron chelating activity: ascorbic acid (IC50 = 0.214 mg/ml) > AQE (IC50 = 1.318 mg/ml) > DCM(IC50 = 7.586 mg/ml) were observed. From the DCM was isolated a pure compound 1 elucidated to be theknown steroidal isoprenoid: ergosta-5, 7, 22-trien-3β-ol. This study aside reporting the isolation of the knowncompound 1 from this species of Pleurotus, has also shown that compound 1 has a significant iron chelatingactivity at 0.001 mg/ml of 77.06% compared to 4.56% at same concentration for DPPH scavenging activity.

The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology ; : 94-97, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742125


There are currently over 5,000-known species of mushrooms worldwide. Only 20–25% of mushrooms have been named, and 3% of these are poisonous. More than 95% of mushroom poisoning cases occur due to difficulties associated with the identification of mushroom species. Most of the fatal mushroom poisoning cases recorded to date have been related to the Amanita species. Until now, a case of fatal poisoning caused by Macrolepiota neomastoidea (M. neomastoidea) has not been reported in Asia. A 57-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency room with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. He reported ingesting wild mushrooms with his mother and sister about 2 days ago. His mother and sister were treated with only supportive care, but he was admitted to the intensive care unit and underwent liver transplantation due to acute liver failure. We are reporting a case of fatal M. neomastoidea intoxication from wild mushrooms, a rare case of mushroom poisoning.

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Dolor Abdominal , Agaricales , Amanita , Asia , Diarrea , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Fallo Hepático Agudo , Trasplante de Hígado , Madres , Intoxicación por Setas , Náusea , Intoxicación , Hermanos , Vómitos
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 42: 1-10, Dec. 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-880616


Mushrooms have been used for centuries as a source of nourishment and sensory properties. Mushrooms are considered functional foods due to their bioactive compounds and a source of drug and nutraceutical development. More than 50 species present immunological potential that exhibit anticancer activity in vitro or in animal models, and some of them have been investigated in human cancers. Cancer is a major cause of death all over the world, promoting long lasting effects throughout the lifetime of the patient. Mushrooms are a source of ergothioneine, selenium, fiber, and several other vitamins and minerals. They have bioactive compounds used in cancer treatment due to their antitumor and anticarcinogenic effects. They containß-glucans,ß-proteoglycans, lectins, triterpenes, ergosterol, glutamine, and arginine. In the present study, we perform a literature review of studies that analyze positive impacts of mushroom compounds on cancer treatment due to their antitumor and anticarcinogenic effects and possible compatibility with chemotherapy management. The review indicates that a healthy diet with frequent consumption of mushrooms apparently reduces the risk of developing cancer. However, a clearer understanding of how mushrooms' bioactive principles may affect adjuvant treatments requires further research with long-term double-blind and placebo-controlled studies that evaluate a larger population in clinical trials by each type of cancer. There fore, more robust statistical results are necessary to verify their efficacy and safety on cancer treatments

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Agaricales/química , Agaricales/efectos de los fármacos , Agaricales/metabolismo , Antineoplásicos/farmacología , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 33(3): 97-99, 2017. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-965165


El eritema flagelado es una erupción cutánea poco frecuente con múltiples causas, dentro de las cuales se encuentra la ingesta de hongos shiitake crudos o semicrudos. Se postula que es secundario a una reacción de hipersensibilidad Th-1 producida por el lentinan, un polisacárido termolábil de la pared celular del hongo. En años recientes ha aumentado su incidencia en el mundo occidental debido a la creciente popularidad de la comida asiática, en la que los hongos shiitake son un ingrediente muy utilizado. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por la aparición de lesiones eritematosas lineales pruriginosas principalmente en tronco y extremidades, de curso autolimitado. El diagnóstico es principalmente clínico, basado en el antecedente de ingesta reciente de hongos shiitake y el rash característico y el tratamiento es sintomático con antihistamínicos y corticoides tópicos u orales. A continuación, presentamos un caso de eritema flagelado en una mujer joven, secundario a ingesta de hongos shiitake, que se resolvió completamente en 2 semanas.

Flagellate erythema is a rare skin eruption with many causes, including the ingestion of raw or undercooked shiitake mushrooms. It is thought to be a Th-1 hypersensitivity reaction produced by lentinan, a thermolabile polysaccharide found in the cell wall of the mushroom. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases due to the growing popularity of Asian cuisine, in which shiitake mushrooms are a central ingredient. The clinical presentation is characterized by the appearance of linear, erythematous, pruritic lesions mostly on the trunk and extremities, of self-limited course. Diagnosis is mainly clinical, based on the history of recent shiitake mushroom ingestion and the characteristic rash, and treatment is symptomatic, with antihistamines and topical or systemic steroids. In this report, we present a case of flagellate erythema in a young woman, that appeared after the ingestion of shiitake mushrooms, and resolved completely after 2 weeks.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Intoxicación por Setas/diagnóstico , Intoxicación por Setas/etiología , Hongos Shiitake , Eritema/diagnóstico , Eritema/etiología , Intoxicación por Setas/tratamiento farmacológico , Eritema/tratamiento farmacológico , Antagonistas de los Receptores Histamínicos/uso terapéutico
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184452


Background: In the recent past, there has been a shift towards alternate and traditional therapies for the prevention and cure for various diseases including cancer, hypertension, diabetes etc. Due to the risk of side effects associated with allopathic medicines, people are fast turning towards traditional and folk medicines because of their supposedly low risk of side effects. Mushrooms have a very long and well-established role in traditional system of medicine in many Asian countries especially in China, Korea, and Japan etc. Methods: Fresh mushrooms were collected and identified based on morphological and reproductive characters by comparing with standard field guides by Largent (1973).Three different mushroom species were selected for the study. The material collected from target sites were subjected to solvent extraction followed by preparation of stock extracts, which were further used for the evaluation of anti-cancer activity. In-vitro cytotoxicity against different human cell lines was determined and the samples showing 50% or more growth inhibition at 100 µg/ml were considered as potential. Results: Ethanolic extract of mushroom 1 (100µg/ml) exhibited highest % age growth inhibition of 61, 53, 25% on lung, colon and CNS cell lines respectively. In case of mushroom-2 Ethanol: water (1:1) extracts 1 (100 µg/ml) showed highest %age growth inhibition of 19, 38, 7% against liver, Neuroblastoma, Colon cell lines respectively. Likewise, Ethanolic Extract of mushroom-3(100 µg/ml) exhibited highest %age growth inhibition of 58, 65, 13% on lung, neuroblastoma and prostate cell lines respectively. Conclusions: Based on preliminary evaluation two of the mushroom varieties showed promising results in terms of their anticancer activity however they need further evaluation and determination to ascertain their potential anticancer activity.

Rev. cient. (Guatem.) ; 26(2): [49]-[57], octubre. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-883274


Los hongos conidiales se desarrollan en ambientes muy variados en los que influye la temperatura, la humedad y la profundidad de la hojarasca. En esta investigación se analizó la influencia que tiene la humedad del ambiente, microambiente y hojarasca; la temperatura del ambiente y microambiente y la profundidad de la hojarasca, en el desarrollo de 14 especies de hongos anamórficos encontrados en la Reserva Ecológica Cayalá, un bosque urbano ubicado en la Ciudad de Guatemala. Este análisis se realizó por medio de muestreos durante la época lluviosa de julio a noviembre de 2013 y por estadística multivariada para asociar las distintas variables con las especies fúngicas. Se encontró que la presencia de Bactrodesmium longisporum MB Ellis, Beltrania rhombica Penz, Michelia, Junewangia globulosa (Thoth) WA Baker & Morgan - Jones y Neopodocodis megasperma (Boedijin) Rifai fueron influenciadas por la profundidad de la hojarasca y la temperatura del microambiente mientras que el resto de especies lo fueron por la humedad del ambiente, microambiente y hojarasca. Es importante conocer la forma en que las variables evaluadas afectan la presencia de estos hongos, por su acción en la dinámica de remanentes boscosos urbanos, para contribuir a su conservación

Conidial fungi develop in distinct habitats with several environmental conditions in which influences the temperature, humidity and depth of litter. In this research the influence of the humidity, temperature, microenvironment and litter moisture and temperature and depth of litter, was analyzed in the development of 14 species of anamorphic fungi found in the Reserva Ecológica Cayalá, located in Guatemala City. This analysis was performed by sampling during the rainy season from July to November 2013 and using multivariate statistics for different variables associated with the species. It was found that the presence of Bactrodesmium longisporum MB Ellis, Beltrania rhombica Penz, Michelia, Junewangia globulosa (Thoth) WA Baker & Morgan - Jones, and Neopodocodis megasperma(Boedijin) Rifai, was influenced by the depth of litter and microenvironment temperature while the other species were for the environmental humidity, microenvironment moisture and litter moisture. It is important to know how the evaluated variables affect the presence of these fungi, by the roleits action on the dynamics of urban forest remmants, to contribute to their conservation.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 48(3): 191-195, set. 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290558


Se estudió la producción de enzimas hidrolíticas (celulasas, laminarinasas y xilanasas) en cultivos de Lentinula edodes en pulpa de café estéril. Se tomaron muestras de sustrato colonizado por el micelio después de 7, 14, 21, 28 y 35 días de incubación a 25°C (W1 a W5) y durante el período de fructificación en diferentes etapas: formación de primordios (PF), primera cosecha (H) y una semana después de la primera cosecha (PH). La actividad enzimática fue menor al inicio del crecimiento micelial y mostró mayores niveles en la formación y el desarrollo de basidiomas. Durante la etapa reproductiva del hongo, las muestras se sometieron a un tratamiento de remojo. Sin embargo, no fue posible relacionar este tratamiento con el aumento de la producción de enzimas. Los niveles de actividad enzimática sugieren que la secreción de las enzimas estudiadas no influye en la capacidad de adaptación de las cepas al sustrato

Hydrolytic enzyme production (cellulases, laminarinases and xylanases) was studied in cultures of Lentinula edodes on sterilized coffee pulp. Samples of substrate colonized by mycelia were taken after 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of incubation at 25°C (W1 to W5) and during the fruiting period at different stages: formation of primordia (PF), first harvest (H) and one week after the first harvest (PH). The enzymatic activity was lower during the early mycelial growth and showed higher levels during the formation and development of fruiting bodies. During the reproductive stage of the fungus, the samples were subjected to a soaking treatment; however, it was not possible to relate this soaking treatment to the increase in enzyme production. The levels of enzymatic activity suggest that secretion of the studied enzymes does not influence the adaptability of the strains to the substrate

Hongos Shiitake/crecimiento & desarrollo , Hongos Shiitake/enzimología , Enzimas/análisis , Celulasas/aislamiento & purificación