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Junguiana ; 41(2)2º sem. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524359


A autora revê o conceito de narcisismo desenvolvido por Freud e o contrapõe ao conceito de individuação de Jung. A partir do mito de Eco e Narciso e seguindo a descrição de C. Byington das funções estruturantes criativas e defensivas, a autora descreve as polaridades narcisismo ­ ecoísmo como funções estruturantes criativas e defensivas. Faz uma releitura do mito desde a normalidade até a desestruturação psicótica das personalidades de Eco e Narciso, dentro da inter-relação criativa-defensiva da polaridade narcisismo-ecoísmo. Conclui citando Jung para ressaltar a importância da relação Eu-Tu no processo de individuação.

The author reviews the concept of narcissism in psychoanalysis contrasting it with Jung's concept of individuation. Starting with the myth of Echo and Narcissus following C. Byington's description of creative and defensive structuring functions, the author describes the narcissismechoism polarity in a similar way. She interprets the myth of Echo and Narcissus from normality to the psychotic reaction of their personalities, within the creative-defensive inter-relationship of the narcissism-echoism polarity. She concludes by quoting Jung to emphasize the importance of the ego-other relationship in the individuation process.

La autora revisa el concepto de narcisismo desarrollado por Freud y lo contrapone al concepto de individuación de Jung. A partir del mito de Eco y Narciso, y siguiendo la descripción de C. Byington sobre las funciones estructurantes creativas y defensivas, la autora describe las polaridades narcisismo-ecoísmo como funciones estructurantes creativas y defensivas. Hace una relectura del mito desde la normalidad hasta la desestructuración psicótica de las personalidades de Eco y Narciso, dentro de la interrelación creativa-defensiva de la polaridad narcisismo-ecoísmo. Concluye citando a Jung para resaltar la importancia de la relación Yo-Tu en el proceso de individuación.

Ide (São Paulo) ; 40(64): 215-226, jul.-dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-975548


O ensaio investiga três imagens que narciso encontra ao contemplar o lago e como elas se articulam para formar as noções de tempo e espaço psíquicos. Uso fragmentos clínicos com uma analisanda para compreender, na transferência, como essas três imagens dialogam, impondo perguntas importantes a que tentaremos responder. O ensaio é essencialmente sustentado pela teoria psicanalítica, mas procura na cultura, especialmente na literatura, forma de compreender as noções de temporalidades psíquicas com que nos deparamos na clínica.

The essay investigate the three images the Narcissus find out on the lake and how they articulate themselves to shape notions of psychics time and space. I use clinical fragments experienced with a patient to comprehend how, in transference, those three images dialogue, setting on important questions we will try to respond. The essay is supported mainly by psychoanalysis theory, but search in the general knowledge, especially in literature, ways to comprehend notions of psychic temporalities faced in the clinic.

Junguiana ; 35(2): 13-22, 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-894180


O presente artigo faz uma interpretação da imagem arquetípica de Sofia como um símbolo de inclusão e tolerância. Para o desenvolvimento dessa ideia, baseia-se na reflexão de C. G. Jung em relação ao escrito bíblico Livro de Jó. Sofia é apresentada como uma força arquetípica que se contrapõe à dinâmica de Narciso, tão presente nos dias atuais. O autor reflete sobre as definições do Bem e do Mal, ideias que inevitavelmente emergem quando o tema é inclusão.

This paper proposes an interpretation of the archetypal image of Sophia as a symbol of inclusion and tolerance. It is based on the understanding of C. G. Jung regarding the Book of Job. Sophia is developed as an archetypal power that is just the opposite of the Narcissus dynamic, so usual in our present days. The author reflects about the definition of good and evil, ideas that inevitably emerge when the topic is related to "the inclusion".

El presente artículo interpreta la imagen arquetípica de Sofía como un símbolo de inclusión y tolerancia. El desarrollo de la idea se basa en la reflexión de C.G. Jung en relación al escrito bíblico El Libro de Job. Sofía es presentada como una fuerza arquetípica que se contrapone a la dinámica de Narciso, tan presente en los días actuales. El autor reflexiona sobre las definiciones del Bien y del Mal, ideas que inevitablemente emergen cuando el tema es la inclusión.

Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica ; (6): 425-432, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610401


Objective The aim of this study was to explore the inhibitory effect of alcohol extracts of Narcissus bulb on melanogenesis in zebrafish embryos.Methods Zebrafish embryos were exposed to different concentrations of alcohol extracts of Narcissus (0, 50, 100, 200, and 500 μg/mL), and then the formation of melanin was observed.Furthermore, we measured the enzyme activity of tyrosinase (TYR), which plays a pivotal role in melanogenesis.Meanwhile, the spatial and temporal pattern of melanin-specific marker genes were detected.Arbutin (Ar) was used as a positive control in all these experiments.Results The treatment of alcohol extracts of Narcissus bulb inhibited melanogenesis in the zebrafish embryos in a dose-dependent manner.Furthermore, the mRNA expression levels of melanin-related genes such as tyrosinase (TYR), silver (SILV) and Mitfa were significantly reduced after treatment with different concentrations of Narcissus extracts by in-situ and semi-quantitative PCR.Finally, the enzyme activity of tyrosinase was also gradually decreased with increasing concentrations of the alcohol extracts.Conclusions Narcissus alcohol extracts can effectively inhibit the production of melanin in zebrafish embryos.This study provides potential evidence and approaches for the screening of natural whitening compounds using zebrafish models.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 1652-1656, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670049


Objective:To simultaneous determine six flavonoids in Shuxuening injection by quantitative analysis of multi-compo-nents by single marker ( QAMS) and examine the durability and system suitability of the analysis. Methods:Shuxuening injection was the study object and rutin was used as the internal material, the relative correction factor ( f) between rutin and narcissus glycosides, quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucosyl (1-2)-α-L- rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucose group (1-2)-α-L-rhamnopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-[2-O-(1-O)-p-coumaric acid-β-D-glucose-yl]-α-L-rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-O-[2-O-(6-O)-on coumaroyl-β-D-glucose-based]-α-L-rhamnosides was respectively established. The result differences between the internal standard method and external standard method were compared, and the internal standard method was re-validated. Results: The contents of the six flavonoids in Shuxuening injection were calculated by the correction factors. Compared with those of the external standard method, the differences in the contents of the method were small( RSD<5%) . Conclusion:QAMS can be used as a simple and accurate quantitative quality evaluation meth-od for the determination of a variety of ingredients in Shuxuening injection, which provides reference for the subsequent study on quality standard.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 48(3): 80-92, set. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1138378


Os mitos de Édipo e de Narciso são descritos e usados, conforme sugere Bion, para investigar problemas psicanalíticos relacionados à presença e à importância do narcisismo no complexo de Édipo, incluindo a participação dos pais nesse momento nuclear do desenvolvimento humano. Uma vinheta clínica ilustra a manifestação e as eventuais consequências destes problemas na relação psicanalítica, inclusive no funcionamento do analista.

The myths of Oedipus and Narcissus are described and used, as suggested by Bion, to investigate psychoanalytic problems related to the presence and importance of narcissism in the Oedipus complex, including the participation of the parents in this nuclear moment of human development. A clinical vignette illustrates the manifestation and the eventual consequences of these problems in the psychoanalytic relationship, including in the workings of the analyst.

Los mitos de Edipo y de Narciso son descritos y usados, de acuerdo como sugiere Bion, para investigar problemas psicoanalíticos relacionados con la presencia e importancia del narcisismo en el complejo de Edipo, incluyendo la participación de los padres en este momento crucial del desarrollo humano. Un caso clínico sirve para ilustrar la manifestación y las eventuales consecuencias de estos problemas en la relación psicoanalítica, incluso en el funcionamiento del analista.

Rev. psicanal ; 21(2): 429-442, ago. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-836479


Se, e quando, a paixão é potência sublimatória e atua predominantemente em termos de Édipo, tem-se no cultural um movimento no sentido da penosa busca da verdade psíquica em um determinado momento histórico. Em seu oposto, quando a paixão se ancora em Narciso, vivem-se tempos problemáticos, durante os quais a desmentida dá as cartas. Assim, a paixão, enquanto movimento libidinal objetalizante, torna-se importante elo na cadeia do processo civilizatório e, portanto, na humanização do sujeito. Tudo ocorre ao contrário se os tempos ficam sob a égide de Narciso. Discutir-se-á, brevemente, o papel (des)estruturante da paixão na função simbolização da pulsão. Abordar-se-ão as relações entre verdade histórica e psíquica, duas das metáforas possíveis quando se tenta compreender e apreender a realidade. Considerar-se-á superficialmente a questão da palavra encobridora, ou seja, quando esta descumpre sua vocação como reveladora da pulsão, transformando-se em discurso que serve para encobrir um determinado momento pulsional, movimento desorganizador que impacta as relações sujeito-objeto, tanto no individual como no social. Discutir-se-á, por fim, a lógica de um tempo contemporâneo no qual as relações sujeito-objeto encontram-se matizadas excessivamente pela força de paixões deslocadas no sentido de Narciso.

If (and when) passion is a sublimatory potency that acts mostly in terms of Oedipus, it occurs, in a certain historic moment of the cultural field, a movement towards the painful search for the truth. On the other hand, when Narcissus anchors passion, we face problematic times, dictated by denial. Therefore, as an objectalizing libidinal movement, passion becomes an important link in the chain of the civilization process, hence, in the humanization process of the subject. Otherwise, if times stands under the aegis of Narcissus, everything comes to the opposite. The paper briefly discusses the (de)structuring role of passion in the function of drive-symbolization. It also brings up historical and psychic truth as two possible metaphors on behalf of the will to understand and apprehend reality. It is superficially approached the disguising word issue, that acts in order not to reveal the drive, but to convert itself into a discourse that masks a certain moment of the drive, generating an impact movement that desorganizes the subject-object relationship, either on social or individual setting. Bringing to an end, it discusses the contemporary time logic, in which the strength of narcissistic passions shades the subject-object relationship.

Si, y cuando, la pasión es potencia sublimatoria y actúa predominantemente en términos de Edipo, se tiene, en lo cultural, movimiento en el sentido de la penosa búsqueda psíquica en un determinado momento histórico. En su opuesto, cuando la pasión se ancla en Narciso, se viven tiempos problemáticos, en los que la desmentida da las cartas. Así, la pasión, en tanto que movimiento libidinal objetalizante, se hace importante eslabón en la cadena del proceso civilizatorio y, por lo tanto, en la humanización del sujeto. Todo al revés, si los tiempos están bajo la égida de Narciso. Se discutirá, brevemente, el rol (des)estructurante de la pasión en la función simbolización de la pulsión. Se tratan las relaciones entre la verdad histórica y psíquica, dos de las metáforas posibles cuando se intenta comprender y aprender la realidad. Se considerará superficialmente la cuestión de la palabra encubridora, o sea, cuando esta no cumple su vocación como reveladora de la pulsión, convirtiéndose en discurso que sirve para encubrir un determinado momento pulsional, movimiento desorganizador que impacta las relaciones sujeto-objeto, tanto en lo individual como en lo social. Se discutirá, por fin, respecto a la lógica de un tiempo contemporáneo en el que las relaciones sujeto-objeto se encuentran matizadas excesivamente por la fuerza de las pasiones desplazadas en el sentido de Narciso.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Teoría Freudiana , Libido , Violencia
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24): 1625-1630, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-854550


Objective: To isolate and purify endophytic fungi from the roots and stems of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, and to analyze the composition and diversity of endophytic fungi. Medthods: Endophytic fungi were isolated from the bulb and root of N. tazetta var. chinensis by surface sterilization and streaking on plate. Then, the isolates were identified based on morphological characteristics and internal transcribed spacer-rDNA (ITS-rDNA) sequences analysis. Besides, Shannon-Wiener biodiversity (H) and evenness (E) were selected as two key indexes, and the composition and diversity of endophytic fungi were analyzed. Results: Eighteen strains of endophytic fungi were isolated, in which 16 strains were obtained from the root (88.89%), the other two strains were obtained from the bulb (11.11%). ITS-rDNA fragments from 14 samples were respectively amplified by PCR method with their genomic DNA as templates. The sequencing results showed that most of these DNA fragments were about 500 bp. In addition, according to sequence analysis and comparison with the data in GenBank by BLAST, four strains with the similarity of 95% to 99% were classified as Penicillium, three strains were classified as Aspergillus with the similarity of 99% to 100%, three strains were classified as Rhinocladiella with the similarity of 99%, and the other four strains were classified as Trichoderma, Alternaria, Gibberella, and Fusarium, respectively, with the similarities about 99%. Therefore, it was concluded that Penicillium was the dominant endophytic fungi genus in N. tazetta var. chinensis under our experimental conditions. The phylogenic tree showed that these 14 endophytic fungi were clustered into two main branches, by which factors H and E were determined as 1.778 and 0.9137, respectively. Conclusion: The composition of endophytic fungi community has a certain diversity and difference.

Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24): 819-824, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-854655


Objectives: To isolate endophytic fungi from the roots and stems of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, and to determine their antimicrobial and antitumor activities. Medthods: After isolating the endophytic fungi, the antimicrobial activity from the isolated endophytic fungi was detected using filter paper method with Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae as indicator microorganisms. And the antitumor activity on HepG2 was detected by MTT assay. Results: A total of 18 strains of the endophytic fungi were isolated. The ethyl acetate extracts of the fermentation broth had the significant antibiotic activity on almost all the indicator microorganisms, and had the apparent antitumor activity on HepG2. Among these, the antibiotic activity of strains SX-R202 and SX-S102 against E. coli and P. aeruginosa were the highest, with the inhibiting zone diameters of 18 and 20 mm, respectively, at the concentration of 10 mg/mL. And at the extracts concentration of 1 mg/mL, the inhibitory rates (IR) of strains SX-R201, SX-R202, SX-R203, and SX-R204 on HepG2 were (86.0 ± 1.1)%, (89.8 ± 1.3)%, (62.9 ± 0.9)%, and (90.6 ± 1.0)%. With the identification by morphology and molecular biology, strain SX-R201 was determined to belong to the genus Fusarium sp., and SX-R202 and SX-R203 to Penicillium sp., SX-R204 and SX-S102 to Aspergillus sp., respectively. Conclusion: The results indicate that the endophytic fungi of N. tazetta var. chinensis are potential antimicrobial and antitumor resource, which deserves further studies.

Mycobiology ; : 235-237, 2007.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-729572


Leaf blight and bulb rot symptoms were observed on narcissus plants grown in Yongin, Cheongwon and Namhae areas in Korea during disease survey from 1999 to 2002. A total of 15 isolates of Botrytis sp. were obtained from the infected plant parts of narcissus. All the isolates were identified as Botrytis narcissicola based on their morphological and cultural characteristics. Three isolates of B. narcissicola were tested for their pathogenicity to leaves and bulbs of narcissus by artificial inoculation. All the isolates induced leaf blight and bulb rot symptoms on the plants of narcissus by artificial inoculation. The symptoms induced by artificial inoculation were similar to those observed in the fields. This is the first report of narcissus smoulder caused by B. narcissicola in Korea.

Botrytis , Características Culturales , Corea (Geográfico) , Narcissus , Plantas , Virulencia
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs ; (24)1994.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-574392


Objective To study the effects of extract from Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis on proliferation and apoptosis of human multiple myeloma cell line ARH-77. Methods The survival rate of cells were tested by MTT assay when cells were affected by 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 ?g/mL of the extract for 3 d. After being induced by 10 ?g/mL of the extract for 3 d, apoptotic cells were observed with fluorescence stain; changes of he csll cycle were analyzed by Flow Cytometry; the number and shape of nucleolar organizer region (NOR) were tested by AgNOR assay and submicroscopic structure were observed by transmission electron microscope. Results The extract from N. tazetta var. chinensis could significantly inhibit the proliferation and reduce the survival rate of ARH-77 cells (P