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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 289-298, Ago. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570303


Objetivo: Describir el resultado perinatal de los embarazos en función de la evaluación del hueso nasal como marcador de aneuploidía. Métodos: De 1006 embarazadas, 607 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión para este estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, correlacional no causal donde se correlacionó la ausencia/presencia de hueso nasal con la presencia de síndrome de Down a través de cariotipo fetal prenatal y/o posnatal, así como examen clínico neonatal. Los datos fueron analizados mediantes frecuencias absolutas, porcentajes, capacidad diagnóstica del hueso nasal (índice de Youden), sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo y cocientes de probabilidad, positivo y negativo. Resultados: La prevalencia de síndrome de Down fue de 1,48 %, la ausencia del hueso nasal como marcador aislado, obtuvo un índice de Youden de 0,55 (0,23 - 0,88), sensibilidad de 55,56 %, especificidad de 99,50 %, valor predictivo positivo de 62,5 %, valor predictivo negativo de 99,33 %, cocientes de probabilidad positivo (hueso nasal ausente) 111 (IC 95 % 31 - 394) y cocientes de probabilidad negativo (hueso nasal presente) de 0,45 (IC 95 % 0,22 -0,93). Conclusión: La ausencia de hueso nasal en primer trimestre aumenta el riesgo de síndrome de Down en 111 veces y la presencia del mismo lo disminuye, sin valor como prueba diagnóstica sino de pesquisa debe considerarse como un marcador secundario(AU)

Objective: To know the perinatal outcome based on nasal bone evaluation as an aneuploidy marker. Methods: From 1006 pregnant women, 607 met the inclusion criteria for this prospective, descriptive, correlational not causal research correlating nasal bone absence / presence with Down syndrome through prenatal / postnatal fetal karyotype and neonatal clinical examination. Absolute frequencies and percentages, nasal bone performance as a diagnostic test (Youden índex), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, likelihood ratios positive and negative, were calculated. Results: 1.48 % was the Down syndrome prevalence on the sample. The nasal bone absence as an isolated marker obtained an 0,55 Youden index (0.23 to 0.88 ), sensitivity 55,56%, specificity 99,50%, positive predictive value 62,5%, negative predictive value 99,33%, likelihood ratios positive (absent nasal bone) 111, (95% CI 31-394) and likelihood ratios negative (nasal bone present ) 0,45 (95% CI 0 22 -0.93 ). Conclusion: The nasal bone absence in first trimester increases Down syndrome risk 111 times and nasal bone presence decreases it with poor performance as a diagnostic test, so it should be considered a screening test and a secondary marker. Recommendations correlate these results with other markers to improve detection rates and quantify nasal bone measurements in order to make nasal bone nomograms in first trimester pregnancies(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Marcadores Genéticos , Tamizaje Masivo , Mujeres Embarazadas , Pruebas Diagnósticas de Rutina , Aneuploidia , Hueso Nasal , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Síndrome de Down , Atención Perinatal , Nomogramas
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(2): 151-159, Junio 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1556155


Introducción: La cánula nasal de alto flujo es un sistema que utiliza una mezcla de aire-oxígeno humidificado y calentado con un caudal de hasta 70 litros por minuto. Es utilizada mayoritariamente en la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda de origen hipoxémico, donde ha demostrado brindar mayor comodidad y poder resolutivo de la hipoxemia, en comparación con la oxigenoterapia convencional. Aunque se conocen sus indicaciones y estrategia de seguimiento, en la práctica clínica no es claro su proceso de destete/desmonte. Objetivo: Identificar en la bibliografía la literatura existente acerca de estrategias de destete/desmonte de la cánula nasal de alto flujo en adultos. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos del portal regional de la BVS, PubMed, Web Of Science, Scopus y Google scholar, sin límite de tiempo y es- tructurando una ecuación PIO con palabras clave y operadores booleanos. Se asumieron artículos publicados en inglés y español, texto completo. Resultados: En la bibliografía, aún se reporta discrepancia en el proceso de destete y desmonte de la cánula nasal de alto flujo, pero en la mayoría de los estudios encontrados en esta revisión se propone disminuir la FiO2 primero de forma gradual (5-10%) hasta valores de 30-50% y, posteriormente, el flujo. Para desmontarla, se podría considerar tener una FiO2 entre 30-50%, flujo entre 20-30 litros por minuto, SaO2 >92%, con adecuada mecánica respiratoria y estado de conciencia. Conclusión: Aún no existe unanimidad en el proceso de destete/desmonte en la cánula nasal de alto flujo en el paciente adulto.

Introduction: The high-flow nasal cannula is a system that uses a humidified and heated air-oxygen mixture with a flow rate of up to 70 liters per minute. It is mostly used in acute respiratory failure of hypoxemic origin, where it has been shown to provide greater comfort and resolving power of hypoxemia, compared to conventional oxygen therapy. Although its indications and follow-up strategy are known, in clinical practice the weaning/weaning process is not clear. Objective: To identify in the bibliography the existing literature on weaning/ weaning strategies of high-flow nasal cannula in adults. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the databases of the regional portal of the BVS, PubMed, Web Of Science, Scopus and Google scholar, without time limit and structuring a PIO equation with keywords and boléan connectors. Articles published in English and Spanish, full text, were assumed. Results: The literature still reports discrepancy in the process of weaning and disassembling the high-flow nasal cannula, but most of the studies found in this review propose to decrease the FiO2 first gradually (5-10%) to values of 30-50% and then the flow. To dismantle it, one could consider having a FiO2 between 30-50%, flow between 20-30 liters per minute, SaO2 >92%, with adequate respiratory mechanics and state of consciousness. Conclusion: There is still no unanimity on the weaning/weaning process in the high- flow nasal cannula in the adult patient.

Humanos , Insuficiencia Respiratoria , Cánula/estadística & datos numéricos , Terapia por Inhalación de Oxígeno , Planificación Estratégica/estadística & datos numéricos , Comorbilidad , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Hipoxia
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(2): 121-129, 20240000. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566971


El propósito es presentar una técnica de rinoplastia sin precedentes: la TRICK-TIP (transcolumellar and inter cartilaginous keystoning with tip preservation) usada por 14 años Métodos. La cirugía es indicada en casos estéticos primarios y secundarios y también en reconstructivos como nariz hendida y secuelas de trauma. Una incisión nasal intercartilaginosa se continúa con una vertical en el septum membranoso y se "abre" con una incisión baja en escalera en la parte inferior de la columela, una combinación de elementos de las técnicas abierta y cerrada. La punta nasal se eleva como un colgajo que incluye los alares y la piel vestibular debajo de ellos. El abordaje es muy amplio para realizar todas las maniobras quirúrgicas para septum y dorso, mientras que la punta nasal se preserva anatómicamente y se modifi ca desde abajo por resección cefálica retrógrada de alares, aplicación de poste intercrural fi jado primero arriba y puntos para cierre de espacios muertos en el supra tip, el cierre de las incisiones es sencillo y completo, dos tercios de los casos se realiza resección de alas sin diferimiento. Resultados. Los resultados evaluados por 120 pacientes usando Face Q™, y por 102 evaluadores externos son muy satisfactorios, las complicaciones son bajas y las revisiones infrecuentes. No se presentaron deformidades de triángulos blandos ni de los rebordes de las narinas. De manera subjetiva el autor considera más rápida, barata y fácil esta cirugía mientras que da resultados satisfactorios. Discusión. La TRICK-TIP, una técnica original, convierte la rinoplastia cerrada en una con amplia visibilidad mientras preserva la anatomía de la punta. Su exposición extensa y rapidez permite realizar cambios estructurales complejos en el septum, dorso y vertientes nasales, mientras que maniobras indirectas permiten preservar las uniones interdomales, y proyectar la punta reduciendo espacios muertos. Conclusión. La técnica TRICK-TIP se ha convertido en la preferida del autor debido a su versatilidad y buenos resultados. Ofrece una combinación única de ventajas de los enfoques abiertos y cerrados, con énfasis en la preservación de la punta y la simplifi cación del procedimiento.

The aim is to present an unprecedented rhinoplasty technique, TRICK-TIP (Transcolumellar and Inter Cartilaginous Keystoning with Tip preservation), which has been used for 14 years. Methods:The Surgery is indicated for primary and secondary aesthetic cases, as well as reconstructive such as cleft nose and post-traumatic sequelae. An intercartilaginous endonasal incision is continued with a vertical incision in the membranous septum. It is "opened" with a stair-step incision in the lower part of the columella, combining elements of both open and closed rhinoplasties. The nasal tip is elevated as a composed fl ap that includes the alar cartilages and the vestibular skin beneath them. The approach is extensive to perform all surgical maneuvers for the septum and dorsum while anatomically preserving and modifying the nasal tip from below by retrograde cephalic resection of the alar cartilages, application of an intercrural strut fi xed fi rst superiorly, and closure points for dead spaces in the supratip. The closure of incisions is simple and complete, with two-thirds of cases undergoing alar resection without deferral. Results: The results evaluated by 120 patients using Face Q™ and by 102 external evaluators are highly satisfactory, with low complications and infrequent revisions. Soft triangle deformities or nasal rim deformities were not observed. Subjectively, the author considers this surgery to be faster, cheaper, and easier, yielding satisfactory results. Discussion: The TRICK-TIP, an original technique, transforms closed rhinoplasty into one with extensive visibility while preserving the anatomy of the nasal tip. Its extensive exposure and reduced surgical time allow for complex structural changes in the septum, dorsum, and nasal sidewalls, while indirect maneuvers preserve interdomal junctions and project the tip, reducing dead spaces. Conclusion: The TRICK-TIP technique has become the author's preferred method due to its versatility and good outcomes. It off ers a unique combination of advantages from both open and closed approaches, emphasizing tip preservation and procedural simplifi cation.

Humanos , Femenino , Rinoplastia/métodos , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica/métodos , Nariz/anatomía & histología
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(2): e202310146, abr. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537953


Los tumores de músculo liso que no pueden ser clasificados según su histología como leiomiomas o leiomiosarcomas se denominan tumores de músculo liso de comportamiento maligno incierto. La localización nasal de estos tumores es muy infrecuente y la extensión adecuada de la cirugía para tratar estas neoplasias no está bien definida. Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 16 años, que consultó por padecer un tumor de aspecto vascular en la cavidad nasal derecha y que fue tratada con éxito mediante cirugía intranasal. El diagnóstico histológico fue tumor de músculo liso de comportamiento maligno incierto. Por la rareza de estas neoplasias, su infrecuente localización nasal y la falta de evidencia que soporte cuál debe ser la extensión de la cirugía, es relevante la descripción y discusión del caso clínico.

Smooth muscle tumors that cannot be histologically classified as leiomyomas or leiomyosarcomas are defined as smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential. The location of these tumors in the nose is very rare, and the appropriate surgical extent to manage these neoplasms has not been adequately defined. Here we describe the case of a 16-year-old female adolescent who consulted due to a vascular-like tumor in the right nasal cavity who was successfully treated with intranasal surgery. The histological diagnosis was smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential. Given that these neoplasms are rare, the uncommon location in the nose, and the lack of evidence indicating the extent of surgery, it is relevant to describe and discuss this clinical case.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Tumor de Músculo Liso/cirugía , Tumor de Músculo Liso/diagnóstico , Tumor de Músculo Liso/patología , Leiomioma/patología , Leiomiosarcoma/diagnóstico , Leiomiosarcoma/patología
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 374-381, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558150


SUMMARY: The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is located in the anteroinferior part of the nose and the accessory olfactory organ in mammals which is responsible of sense of smell. This study aims to compare the macro and microanatomical structure of the VNO between sheep and dogs. In the current study, we used ten adult slaughtered sheep and ten adult synchronized dogs with different sexes ages 1-2 years. The head of both animals were preserved in 10 % formalin for one week. This study shows in both animals, the VNO occupies the same position in the cavity of the vomer bone and the same relationship in the cranial part of the nasal cavity. Furthermore, the VNO is divided into three parts based on shape that are the rostral, central, and caudal part. The results show the VNO in sheep has a (U) shape and is opened dorsolaterally. It has a small and narrow cavity. It is long 6 cm long, and it has different diameters on its course. In comparison, the vomeronasal organ in dogs is very developed and has a (J) shape. It has a large and long cavity and ends at the fourth molar. Its length is about 10 cm, and it has one diameter on its course. The VNO receives the blood supply from the sphenopalatine and caudal palatine arteries. The present study shows main differences between sheep and dogs VNO in which the structure of vomeronasal bone between the sheep and dog is completely different. The finding will illustrate fundamental differences and provide specific structural differences between the two species.

El órgano vomeronasal (OVN) se encuentra en la parte anteroinferior de la nariz y el órgano olfativo accesorio en los mamíferos es responsable del sentido del olfato. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar la estructura macro y microanatómica del OVN entre ovejas y perros. En el estudio utilizamos diez ovejas adultas y diez perros adultos de diferentes sexos con edades de 1 a 2 años. Las cabezas de ambos animales se conservaron en formol al 10 % durante una semana. Este estudio mostró que en ambos animales, el OVN ocupa la misma posición en la cavidad del hueso vómer y la misma relación en la parte craneal de la cavidad nasal. Según su forma el OVN se divide en tres partes: rostral, central y caudal. Los resultados mostraron que el OVN en las ovejas tiene forma de (U) y está abierto dorsolateralmente. Presenta una cavidad pequeña y estrecha. Además, tiene una longitud de 6 cm y tiene diferentes diámetros en su recorrido. En comparación, el órgano vomeronasal en los perros está muy desarrollado y tiene forma de (J). Presenta una cavidad grande y larga y termina en el cuarto molar. Su longitud es de unos 10 cm y tiene un diámetro distinto en su recorrido. El OVN recibe el suministro de sangre de las arterias esfenopalatina y palatina caudal. El presente estudio muestra las principales diferencias entre el OVN de ovejas y perros en el que la estructura del hueso vomeronasal entre estos dos animales es completamente diferente. Además, los hallazgos ilustran diferencias fundamentales y determinan diferencias estructurales específicas entre las dos especies.

Animales , Ovinos/anatomía & histología , Órgano Vomeronasal/anatomía & histología , Perros/anatomía & histología , Anatomía Comparada , Órgano Vomeronasal/irrigación sanguínea
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(2): 212-217, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558309


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the success rate of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy using an adapted obsolete mechanical ventilator (MV), Optiflow™ and Vapotherm™ in newborns (NBs). Method: This was a retrospective observational study conducted in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The sample comprised NBs who underwent HFNC therapy due to ventilatory dysfunction, for weaning from non-invasive ventilation (NIV), or post-extubation. The three groups, stratified according to gestational age (GA) and birth weight, and corrected GA and weight at the beginning of HFNC use, were as follows: Optiflow ™, Vapotherm ™, and obsolete Mechanical Ventilator (MV) adapted for high flow therapy. Subsequently, the NBs were divided into a success group (SG) and a failure group (FG). HFNC success was defined as a therapy duration exceeding 72 h. Results: A total of 209 NBs were evaluated, with 31.1 % using HFNC due to ventilatory dysfunction, 2.4 % after extubation, and 66.5 % after NIV weaning. HFNC success rate was observed in 90.9 % of the NBs, with no difference between equipment types (Vapotherm ™, Optiflow ™, and adapted VM). Conclusion: Different types of HFNC equipment are equally effective when used in neonatology for respiratory dysfunction, as a method of weaning from NIV and post-extubation. Adapted obsolete MV can be an alternative for HFCN therapy in resource-constrained settings.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 339-366, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552683


Os anticorpos monoclonais são uma nova classe de medicamentos que representa um marco na evolução da terapia de doenças alérgicas graves. Além de possibilitar uma terapia imunológica alvo específico, proporciona maior controle de sintomas, redução de exacerbações, melhoria da qualidade de vida e da segurança. A eficácia e a segurança dos anticorpos monoclonais no tratamento de doenças alérgicas estão bem documentadas nos estudos clínicos pivotais, de extensão e de vida real. No Brasil, estão licenciados atualmente pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) imunobiológicos para asma, dermatite atópica (DA), esofagite eosinofílica (EoE), granulomatose eosinofílica com poliangeíte (GEPA), rinossinusite crônica com pólipo nasal (RSCcPN), síndromes hipereosinofílicas (SHE) e urticária crônica espontânea (UCE). Com a incorporação do uso dessas novas terapias no dia a dia do médico alergologista e imunologista, naturalmente emergem aspectos práticos que exigem orientações práticas perante as evidências científicas mais atuais, a fim de se manter a boa prática médica, com uso criterioso e consciente pelo especialista capacitado. Assim, nesse guia prático, abordaremos os imunobiológicos aprovados até o momento para doenças alérgicas graves, com objetivo de auxiliar o especialista em Alergia e Imunologia na prescrição e manejo dessas medicações, incluindo indicações, contraindicações, monitoramento da eficácia e segurança, notificação de eventos adversos, bem como aspectos associados aos cuidados com vacinas, populações especiais, acesso, transporte, armazenamento e aplicação domiciliar.

Monoclonal antibodies are a new class of drugs that represent a milestone in the evolution of therapy for severe allergic diseases. In addition to allowing targeted immunologic therapy, they can improve symptom control, reduce exacerbations, and increase quality of life and safety. The efficacy and safety of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of allergic diseases are well documented in pivotal, extension, and real-life clinical studies. In Brazil, immunobiologic agents are currently licensed by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) for use in asthma, atopic dermatitis (AD), eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), and chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). With the incorporation of these new therapies into the daily practice of the allergist and immunologist, practical aspects will naturally emerge and require practical guidelines in light of the most current scientific evidence in order to maintain good medical practice, with judicious and conscious use by a qualified specialist. Therefore, in this practical guide, we will address the immunobiologic agents currently approved for severe allergic diseases, aiming to assist allergy and immunology specialists in the prescription and practical management of these medications, including indications, contraindications, efficacy and safety monitoring, adverse event reporting, as well as health care factors associated with vaccination, special populations, access, transport, storage, and home use.

Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(1): 67-77, Marzo 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551223


La tasa de reintubación orotraqueal luego de la extubación se registra entre un 10 a 20%. La aplicación de soportes respiratorios no-invasivos (SRNI) posterior a la extuba-ción como cánula nasal de alto-flujo, ventilación no invasiva (dos niveles de presión) y presión positiva continua en la vía aérea demostraron ser seguras y efectivas post ex-tubación. El período pre-destete representa un momento crucial en el manejo de los pa-cientes críticos ya que el fracaso de la extubación, definido como la necesidad de reintu-bación dentro de los 2 a 7 días, demostró peores resultados al aumentar la mortalidad entre un 25-50%. Esta situación conlleva al requerimiento de ventilación mecánica prolongada, neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica y estancias prolongadas de internación. Por lo tanto, es esencial identificar a los pacientes que se beneficiarán utilizando SRNI post extubación.

The rate of re-intubation after extubation is recorded at 10-20%. The use of non-invasive respiratory support (NIRS) post-extubation such as high-flow nasal cannula, non-invasive ventilation (bilevel pressure) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) have been shown to be safe and effective post-extubation. The pre-weaning period represents a crucial time in the management of critically ill patients, as extubation failure, defined as the need for reintubation within 2-7 days, showed worse outcomes with mortality increasing by 25-50%. This situation leads to the requirement for prolonged mechanical ventilation, ventilator-associated pneumonia and long lengths of hospital stay. Therefore, it is essential to identify patients who will benefit from NIRS post extubation.

Humanos , Presión de las Vías Aéreas Positiva Contínua/estadística & datos numéricos , Extubación Traqueal/estadística & datos numéricos , Ventilación no Invasiva/estadística & datos numéricos , Cánula/estadística & datos numéricos , Intubación Intratraqueal/estadística & datos numéricos , Respiración Artificial/estadística & datos numéricos , Factores de Riesgo , Mortalidad , Revisión
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(1): 85-89, 20240000. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551535


La rinoplastia es una de las intervenciones más comunes en cirugía plástica. Se opera aquí una rinoplastia secundaria por vía abierta injertando los alares y la punta con cartílagos auriculares, mientras el tabique cartilaginoso fue usado para los spreader grafts. Se describe aquí una infección posoperatoria de su punta nasal. Al 9no día de su posoperatorio comienza con la punta nasal congestiva y levemente inflamada. Se medica con una crema con antibióticos, pero el día 14 aparece con la punta nasal muy inflamada y con colección. Cuando en el consultorio el cirujano la ve, como cualquier absceso, decide realizarle drenaje con un trocar 18G, 3 miniincisiones en la piel debajo de la punta nasal, de la que drena un líquido amarronado. Luego con el mismo trocar se realiza un lavado dentro de la cavidad con rifampicina solución. Se medica con trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol (Bactrimforte®) 2 comp/día. Al otro día se observa una notable mejoría. Se continuó con lavado diario durante 4 días con el mismo antibiótico evolucionando rápidamente bien. El Bactrim se lo continúa por 20 días. Al mes la punta nasal está muy bien, deshinchada con cicatrices apenas visibles. A los cuatro meses, la punta está muy blanda, las alas nasales y las narinas normales, la punta con buena proyección igual que el dorso con los spreader graft.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common interventions in plastic surgery. A secondary open rhinoplasty was carried out grafting the allae and the tip of the nose with conchae cartilage, while the septum was used for spreader grafts. We are here describing this post operatory with a tip of the nose infection.In the control, at the 9th postoperative day, the nasal tip began to be congested and at the 14th post op day the patient showed a clear inflammatory collection. In the office, the surgeon decided to evacuate it with three punctureslike little incisions at the inferior part of the skin tip with a trocar 18G. Through them, drained brownish purulent secretion. With the same trocar, rifampicin solution was injected through these little incisions, like washing the subdermal area. It was medicated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim forte®) 2 tablets/day. The following day, there was a clear improvement in the congestion and erythema of the nose. This procedure of washing was repeated for four days. There was a quick evolution of the inflammatory process and 20 more days, there was no sign of the infection. Four months later, the tip of the nose was soft and the result was considered optimal by the patient and doctors.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/terapia , Rinoplastia/métodos , Trasplantes/cirugía , Infecciones/terapia
Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 67-72, 20240315.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552614


Los sistemas de Cánula nasal de alto flujo (CNAF) han sido ampliamente utilizados en el campo clínico como soporte no invasivo en el manejo de la falla respiratoria aguda (sobre todo hipoxémica) y cuidados post extubación. Clínica y fisiológicamente, las cánulas nasales de alto flujo son capaces de entregar un flujo de oxigeno alto que, debido a que ese gas se encuentra optimamente humidificado y calefaccionado, permite una mejor tolerancia por parte del paciente al ser comparada con las cánulas de oxigeno tradicionales. Por otra parte, este alto. Flujo es capaz de generar una presión positiva al final de la espiración (CPAP) en la vía área y favorecer tanto en barrido de dióxido de carbono (CO2) desde la vía aérea superior, lo que disminuye el trabajo respiratorio del paciente y mejora su confort.. Sin embargo; aún existe un alto porcentaje de pacientes que fracasan la terapia con CNAF y requiere soportes mas complejos como la ventilación mecánica, ya sea imvasiva o no. Estos resultados con la terapia CNAF pueden ser influidos por aspectos técnicos como, por ejemplo, la turbulencia que pueden generar estos sistemas a nivel de la región nasal. Por esta razón se han desarrollado nuevas tecnologías en el diseño y uso de interfaces para suministrar este alto flujo. Una de estas innovaciones es el uso de cánulas asimétricas, las que potencian los beneficios fisiológicos que entrega una cánula de alto flujo convencional. La presente revisión pretende exponer las principales diferencias que presenta el sistema de alto flujo convencional versus la nueva interface asimétrica.

High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) systems have been widely used in the clinical field as non-invasive support in the management of acute respiratory failure (especially hypoxemic) and post-extubation care. Clinically and physiologically, high flow nasal cannulas are capable of delivering a high flow of oxygen which, because this gas is optimally humidified and heated, allows better tolerance by the patient when compared to traditional oxygen cannulas. . On the other hand, this high. Flow is capable of generating positive pressure at the end of expiration (CPAP) in the airway and favoring the sweep of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the upper airway, which reduces the patient's respiratory work and improves their comfort. .. However; There is still a high percentage of patients who fail therapy with HFNC and require more complex supports such as mechanical ventilation, whether invasive or not. These results with HFNC therapy can be influenced by technical aspects such as, for example, the turbulence that these systems can generate in the nasal region. For this reason, new technologies have been developed in the design and use of interfaces to provide this high flow. One of these innovations is the use of asymmetric cannulas, which enhance the physiological benefits provided by a conventional high-flow cannula. The present review aims to expose the main differences that the conventional high flow system presents versus the new asymmetric interface.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 19(1): 17-21, mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566476


En las últimas décadas, el tratamiento agresivo, protocolizado y realizado en centros multidisciplinarios de fibrosis quística (FQ), ha mejorado notablemente la sobrevida media de los pacientes. Como consecuencia, síntomas más bien secundarios, como los derivados del compromiso de la vía aérea superior, entre ellos la rinosinusitis crónica (RSC), con o sin pólipos nasales (PN), han empezado a impactar en la calidad de vida y en el curso de la enfermedad. Esto hace del diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de esta complicación un objetivo importante en el manejo de la FQ. El propósito de esta revisión es proporcionar una actualización sobre los aspectos diagnósticos y las terapias disponibles para el manejo de la RSC en pacientes con FQ.

In recent decades, aggressive, protocolized treatment conducted in multidisciplinary cystic fibrosis (CF) centers has significantly improved the median survival of patients. Consequently, secondary symptoms, such as those arising from upper airway involvement, including chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), with or without nasal polyps (NP), have begun to impact the quality of life and the course of the disease. This makes timely diagnosis and treatment of this complication an important goal in CF management. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on diagnostic aspects and available therapies for managing CRS in patients with CF.

Humanos , Fibrosis Quística/complicaciones , Rinosinusitis/diagnóstico , Rinosinusitis/terapia , Pólipos Nasales , Enfermedad Crónica
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569881


Introducción: El quiste nasolaveolar, conocido también como nasolabial o de Klestadt, se considera un raro quiste del desarrollo, epitelial y no odontogénico. Aparece en la región del ala nasal, produce asimetría facial, afecta la estética y puede conducir a alteraciones psicológicas. Objetivo: Presentar un caso clínico de quiste nasoalveolar unilateral derecho. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 30 años de edad, de color de piel negra, procedencia rural y con antecedentes de salud. Acudió a consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en ala nasal derecha, que producía obstrucción nasal y dificultades al respirar. El examen físico y complementarios imagenológicos revelaron diagnóstico presuntivo de quiste nasoalveolar unilateral derecho. Se procedió a la exéresis quirúrgica de la lesión bajo anestesia local sin complicaciones, el examen histopatológico confirmó el presunto diagnóstico. Conclusiones: El quiste nasoalveolar es una entidad clínica poco frecuente en Cuba y el mundo, su tratamiento es quirúrgico y es baja su recurrencia.

Introduction: The nasolaveolar cyst, also known as nasolabial or Klestadt, is considered a rare developmental, epithelial and non-odontogenic cyst. It appears in the region of the nasal wing, produces facial asymmetry, affects aesthetics and can lead to psychological disorders. Objective: To present a clinical case of a right unilateral nasoalveolar cyst. Clinical case: A 30-year-old male patient, black, rural origin and with a history of health. He came to the consultation due to presenting an increase in volume in the right nasal wing, which caused nasal obstruction and difficulties in breathing. The physical and complementary imaging examinations revealed a presumptive diagnosis of a right unilateral nasoalveolar cyst. The lesion was surgically removed under local anesthesia without complications and histopathological examination confirmed the presumed diagnosis. Conclusions: The nasoalveolar cyst is a rare clinical entity in Cuba and the world, its treatment is surgical and its recurrence is low.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 35-39, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528824


SUMMARY: We aimed to determine the width of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle (LLSAN) at the level of the nasal ala through cadaveric dissections and ultrasonography (US), to provide essential anatomical information for use during both invasive and noninvasive procedures in the nasal ala region. The LLSAN was investigated in the 40 hemifaces of 20 Korean cadavers, comprising 10 males and 10 females with a mean age of 73.6 years. The LLSAN width of the 40 specimens at the level of the midpoint of the nasal ala was 5.02±2.35 mm (mean±standard deviation), and ranged from 1.45 mm to 10.11 mm. The LLSAN widths were 5.96±2.36 mm and 3.93±1.89 mm in males and females, respectively, with ranges of 2.40-10.11 mm and 1.45-6.96 mm, respectively. The LLSAN widths on the left and right sides were 4.77±2.72 mm and 5.26±1.99 mm, respectively. The proportions of the LLSAN fibers inserting into the nasal ala and upper lip were similar in 13 specimens (32.5 %), while more fibers inserted into the nasal ala in 11 specimens (27.5 %) and more fibers inserted fibers of the LLSAN into the upper lip in 16 specimens (40 %). When clinicians need to target or avoid the LLSAN, the present width and range data can be helpful for ensuring the efficacy and safely of both invasive and noninvasive procedures. In addition, the possibility of asymmetry in the width of the LLSAN in the nasal ala region should be confirmed by US before performing such procedures.

Nuestro objetivo fue determinar el ancho del músculo elevador nasolabial (MENL) a nivel del ala nasal mediante disecciones cadavéricas y ecografía, para proporcionar información anatómica esencial, para su uso durante procedimientos invasivos y no invasivos, en la región del ala nasal. El MENL se estudió en 40 hemicaras de 20 cadáveres coreanos (10 hombres y 10 mujeres) con una edad media de 73,6 años. El ancho de MENL de las 40 muestras a nivel del punto medio del ala nasal fue de 5,02 ± 2,35 mm (media ± desviación estándar) y osciló entre 1,45 mm y 10,11 mm. Los anchos de MENL fueron 5,96 ± 2,36 mm y 3,93 ± 1,89 mm en hombres y mujeres, respectivamente, con rangos de 2,40 a 10,11 mm y 1,45 a 6,96 mm, respec- tivamente. Los anchos de MENL en los lados izquierdo y derecho fueron 4,77 ± 2,72 mm y 5,26 ± 1,99 mm, respectivamente. Las proporciones de fibras de MENL que se insertaban en el ala nasal y en el labio superior fueron similares en 13 muestras (32,5 %), mientras que se insertaron más fibras en el ala nasal en 11 muestras (27,5 %) y además, se insertaron fibras de MENL en el labio superior en 16 ejemplares (40 %). Cuando los médicos necesitan apuntar o evitar el MENL, los datos actuales de ancho y rango pueden ser útiles para garantizar la eficacia y seguridad de los procedimientos, tanto invasivos como no invasivos. Además, la ecografía puede ser utilizada para confirmar una posible asimetría en el ancho del MENL en la región del ala nasal antes de realizar los procedimientos.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Nariz/diagnóstico por imagen , Músculos Faciales/diagnóstico por imagen , Cadáver , Nariz/anatomía & histología , Ultrasonografía , Músculos Faciales/anatomía & histología
Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 107-112, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531524


La tuberculosis aún es un problema de salud pública mundial. La infección causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis se manifiesta de forma principal a nivel pulmonar. Sin embargo, alrededor del 20 % de los casos se presentan en otras localizaciones anatómicas y solo el 2 % tiene afectación del tracto respiratorio superior. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 75 años, reconsultante al servicio de otorrinolaringología por epistaxis, lesiones postillosas en cavidad nasal y hallazgo de masa nasal. Posterior a la resección quirúrgica de la lesión, se logró la comprobación microbiológica de infección por M. tuberculosis. Se realizan estudios para descartar compromiso pulmonar y de otras localizaciones. Posterior al inicio de tratamiento antituberculoso se logró resolución completa de la lesión y no recurrencia de los síntomas. Las formas extrapulmonares de la infección por M. tuberculosis y, en especial las que afectan la región de la cabeza y el cuello, requieren un alto índice de sospecha para su diagnóstico. Los métodos de diagnóstico como la prueba de PCR y los cultivos de tejidos permiten un óptimo inicio del manejo médico de acuerdo con la epidemiología local y las condiciones del paciente.

Tuberculosis is still a global public health burden. Infection caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. Tuberculosis) manifests mainly in the lungs. However, around 20 % of cases occur in other anatomical locations and only 2 % have upper respiratory tract involvement. We present the case of a 75-year-old female patient, who returned to the otorhinolaryngology service due to epistaxis and postillomous lesions in the nasal cavity with a finding of a nasal mass. After surgical resection of the lesion, microbiological confirmation of M. tuberculosis infection is achieved. Studies are performed to rule-out lung involvement, as well as other locations. After the initiation of tuberculosis treatment, complete resolution of the lesion and no recurrence of symptoms is documented. Extrapulmonary forms of M. tuberculosis infection, and especially those involving the head and neck region, require a high index of suspicion for their diagnosis. Diagnostic methods such as PCR testing and tissue cultures allow optimal initiation of medical management according to local epidemiology and patient conditions.

A tuberculose ainda é um problema de saúde pública global. A infecção causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculoses manifesta-se principalmente nos pulmões. Entretanto, cerca de 20% dos casos ocorrem em outras localizações anatômicas e apenas 2% apresentam comprometimento do trato respiratório superior. É apresentado o caso de uma mulher de 75 anos que retornou ao serviço de otorrinolaringologia por quadro de epistaxe, lesões com crostas em cavidade nasal e descoberta de massa nasal. Após ressecção cirúrgica da lesão, foi realizada verificação microbiológica de infecção por M. tuberculoses. Estudos são realizados para descartar envolvimento pulmonar e otras localizações. Após início do tratamento antituberculoso, houve resolução completa dalesão e não houve recidiva dos sintomas. As formas extrapulmonares da infecção por M. tuberculoses, especialmente aquelas que acometem a região de cabeça e pescoço, requerem alto índice de suspeita para diagnóstico. Métodos de diagnóstico, como testes de PCR e culturas de tecidos, permitem o início ideal do tratamento médico de acordó com a epidemiologia local e as condições do paciente.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017608


OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)infection on the expression of key factors in the epithelial barrier of the human nasal epithelial cells(hNECs)derived from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP)and normal control mucosa.METHODS RSV with different multiplicity of infection(MOI)(0.1 and 0.3)infected hNECs derived from patients with CRSwNP(n=21)and normal control mucosa(n=9)for 24 h and 48 h,respectively.To detect the gene expression ZO-1,ZO-2,Claudin-1,Claudin-4,Occludin,E-cadherin and N-cadherin,total RNA was extracted and reverse transcribed into cDNA for real-time fluorescence quantification PCR.RESULTS The relative expression level of ZO-1,ZO-2,Claudin-1,Claudin-4,Occludin,E-cadherin and N-cadherin were decreased in hNECs post RSV infection.However,there was a statistical difference only in hNECs derived from CRSwNP(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in hNECs infected with RSV between eosinophilic CRSwNP(ECRSwNP)and non-eosinophilic CRSwNP(nonECRSwNP).CONCLUSION RSV infection could disrupt the epithelial barrier of the nasal mucosa,and patients with CRSwNP are more severely affected by RSV infection compared to healthy controls.The impact of RSV infection on mucosa between ECRSwNP group and nonECRSwNP group was no significant difference.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017610


OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of nasal microflora on nasal function after endoscopic surgery in patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps.METHODS There were 88 patients with chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps who underwent elective nasal endoscopic surgery in Daxing District People's Hospital from May 2021 to May 2022.High-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the distribution of microflora in nasal secretions,and the patients were divided into a microbial-negative group(24 cases),a bacteria-positive group(42 cases)and a fungus-positive group(22 cases).Visual analog scale,Lund-Kennedy endoscopic score and Lund-Mackay CT were used to evaluate the nasal function of the patients before and 6 months after surgery,respectively.After surgery,nasal endoscopy was used to evaluate the degree of nasal mucosal injury and the thickness of the basement membrane of the nasal mucosal tissue was measured.RESULTS There were 64 pathogens who were detected in nasal secretions of 88 patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps,accounting for 47.73%of bacteria and 25.00%of fungi.After operation,the nasal function score of the three groups was significantly lower than that before operation,and the pair-to-pair comparison between the three groups had statistical significance(P<0.05).The damage degree and basement membrane thickness of nasal mucosal epithelium in bacteria positive group and fungi positive group were higher than those in microbial negative group(P<0.05),but there was no difference between groups(P>0.05).CONCLUSION Bacteria and fungi in nasal secretions can affect the recovery of nasal function after endoscopic surgery in patients with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps,and affect the effect of endoscopic surgery.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017620


OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy of bioabsorbable steroid-releasing sinus stents for improving surgical outcomes and subjective symptoms when placed in the bilateral frontal sinus opening(FSO)following full functional endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP).METHODS CRSwNP patients who had under full functional endoscopic sinus surgery with complete data of nasal endoscopy and sinus computed tomography data were identified and included in the study.The patients were divided into a control group consisting of patients receiving only full functional endoscopic sinus surgery(n=92)and a stent group consisting of patients receiving full functional endoscopic sinus surgery combined with placement of steroid implants in both FSO(n=38).The visual analogue scale(VAS)subjective symptom scores and surgical outcomes were compared preoperatively,and on postoperative day(PD30 and PD90)between the two groups.RESULTS Compared to baseline,the overall symptom VAS scores of patients after operation decreased significantly in both groups(P<0.05),and the degree of improvement of overall symptoms in the stent group was significantly better than in the control group(P<0.05).On PD30,the proportion of patients requiring postoperative interventions for bilateral FSO was reduced by 42.3%in the stent group,and was significantly lower than in the control group(P<0.05).Compared to the control group,the proportion of patients needing postoperative intervention in both ethmoid sinus on the stent group decreased by 17.7%(P>0.05).The results at PD90 were consistent with those at PD30.CONCLUSION Full functional endoscopic sinus surgery in combination with bilateral frontal sinus stent implantation is better than full functional endoscopic sinus surgery alone.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017621


OBJECTIVE To explore the independent factors affecting tissue inflammatory cells changes in recurrent nasal polyps.METHODS The clinical data of 31 patients with nasal polyps who underwent endoscopic surgery at the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,Yantai Yuhuanding Hospital from December 2007 to December 2021 were selected and analyzed by stepwise regression logistic analysis.RESULTS The number of tissue inflammatory cells in recurrent nasal polyps changed compared with that in primary nasal polyps,and the number and percentage of neutrophils in recurrent polyps increased(P<0.05).Logistic analysis revealed that smoking was an independent risk factor for eosinophilia in recurrent nasal polyps,increasing age was an independent factor for lowering neutrophils,and the comorbid allergic rhinitis and the time interval of recurrence were independent factors for lowering and increasing lymphocytes,respectively.CONCLUSION The number of tissue-infiltrating cells is altered in recurrent polyps compared with primary polyps.Smoking is an independent risk factor for eosinophilia in recurrent polyps.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 539-542, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020250


Objective To investigate the CT and MRI findings of different types of small round cell tumor(SRCT)in the nasal cavity and sinuses.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the imaging data and clinical data of 35 SRCT patients confirmed by pathology.Thirty-one SRCT patients underwent CT examination,and 19 SRCT patients underwent MRI examination.Results There were 20 cases of tumors that invaded the nasal cavity and 19 cases involved the sinuses,including 11 cases of the maxillary sinus,7 cases of the ethmoid sinus,2 cases of the sphenoid sinus,and 1 case of the frontal sinus.CT findings of SRCT were all soft tissue masses.Lymphoma was relatively homogeneous with mild bone destruction,and usually involved nasal vestibular skin.Rhabdomyosarcoma(embryonic type)happened at an early age and easily caused bone destruction and metastasis.Melanoma generally occurred in the nasal septum and nasal cavity,which was prone to bleeding.Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was heterogeneous,with moderate to significant enhancement,bone absorption and destruction were often noticed.The MRI manifestations of SRCT were equal or long signal on T1WI,high signal on T2WI,and significant diffusion limitation on diffusion weighted imaging(DWI)and apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)except for melanoma.On contrast-enhanced images,lymphoma showed mild to moderate enhancement,rhabdomyosarcoma showed typical"grape sign",and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma showed"sieve"and"map-like"obvious enhancement.Typical melanoma showed a high signal on T1WI and a low signal on T2WI and usually caused bleeding.The MRI findings were related to the presence of melanoma and hemorrhage within the lesion.Conclusion SRCT of the nasal cavity and sinuses have a high degree of malignancy and poor prognosis,CT and MRI have many similar manifestations.Combining clinical data,bone destruction,MRI enhancement,and DWI sequence can effectively distinguish different types of SRCT,as well as squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and sinuses and adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020531


Objective:To explore a set of procedures for the effictive granulation of cartilage,and to construct injectable cartilage graft with platelet-rich gel(PRG),and to evaluate its effects in nude mice models.Methods:The costal cartilage of adult male rab-bits was cut into pieces and placed in a mortar for 30-60 s freezing in liquid nitrogen and grinding for a short time to obtain granular cartilage.Blood was collected from the middle ear artery and PRG was prepared by double centrifugation.Granular cartilage and the mixture of granular cartilage and PRG were injected subcutaneously in nude mice of control group(n=5)and experimental group(n=5)respectively.8 weeks after injection,the gross morphology observation and histological examination were pertormed.The nasal dor-sum augmentation model of nude mice was established in the experimental group.Results:The cartilage particles were in the size of 10-500 pm in diameter after frozen grinding,and injection could be realized.In vitro culture showed that the cell survival rate of granular cartilage reached to 80%.In vivo test showed that the sample morphology of the control group was insignificant,and the sur-face was grainy.That of the experimental group was well maintained,and the surface was smooth with obvious capillaries.The sam-ples of experimental group achieved significant augmentation in the nude mouse model of nasal dorsum augmentation.Conclusion:Freeze-milling technology can achieve efficient granulation of cartilage,and the graft constructed with PRG gel is suitable for maxillo-facial cartilage transplantation repair.