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Educ. med. super ; 36(1)mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404531


Introducción: La disciplina Enfermería es la principal integradora de esta carrera, donde se evidencian algunas transformaciones que responden a las exigencias de los planes de estudio D. A pesar de ello, persisten dificultades en ciertos componentes del programa que resulta necesario perfeccionar. Objetivo: Valorar las potencialidades y deficiencias en ciertos componentes del programa de la disciplina principal integradora Enfermería para el perfeccionamiento del currículo. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica narrativa que incluyó diversos textos, artículos, y materiales impresos y digitales relacionados con los programas de la disciplina principal integradora en la Educación Superior, en la Educación Médica y, particularmente, en la carrera de Enfermería. Se consultaron las bases de datos y directorios SciELO, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline, Scopus, mediante las palabras clave en español y operadores boléanos para ampliar los resultados: Enfermería, Disciplina principal integradora, Plan de estudio de Enfermería y Programa de disciplina. Fueron seleccionados 17 artículos originales y de revisión, nacionales e internacionales, publicados entre 2015 y 2020. Conclusiones: El análisis de la disciplina principal integradora Enfermería permitió identificar deficiencias en los objetivos educativos e instructivos, el sistema de habilidades, las estrategias curriculares y la tarjeta de habilidades, y realizar propuestas de perfeccionamiento del programa, que contribuyeron a la formación de un egresado de licenciatura en enfermería capaz de brindar cuidados de enfermería al individuo, la familia y la comunidad en relación con el medio ambiente en atención a sus necesidades, a través de la aplicación del Proceso de Atención de Enfermería(AU)

Introduction: Nursing is the main integrative discipline of this major, where some transformations are evident that respond to the requirements of the D Study Plan. In spite of this, there are still difficulties in certain components of the program that need to be improved. Objective: To assess the potentialities and deficiencies in certain components of the syllabus of Nursing as the main integrative discipline, for the improvement of the major curriculum. Methods: A narrative bibliographic review was carried out, including several texts, articles, as well as printed and digital materials related to the syllabuses of the main integrative discipline in higher education, in medical education and, particularly, in the Nursing major. The databases and directories of SciELO, Lilacs, Latindex, Medline, and Scopus were consulted, using the following keywords in Spanish and Boolean operators to expand the results: enfermería [nursing], disciplina principal integradora [main integrative discipline], plan de estudio de Enfermería [Nursing curriculum] and programa de disciplina [discipline syllabus]. Seventeen original and review articles, either national or international, published between 2015 and 2020 were selected. Conclusions: The analysis of the main integrative discipline of Nursing allowed identifying deficiencies in the educational and instructional objectives, the skills system, the curricular strategies and the skills card, as well as making proposals for syllabus improvement, which contributed to the formation of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing capable of providing nursing care to the individual, the family and the community in relation to the environment based on their needs, through the application of the nursing care process(AU)

Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud , Comentario , Educación en Enfermería , Estrategias de Salud
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-441009


[Purpose] To discuss about the graduation internship quality control system for undergraduate students majoring in nursing. [Method] First, de-velop a graduation internship quality control system; Second, monitor during the graduation internship process; Third, assess the comprehensive skil s after graduation internship. [Conclusion] Developing and implementing the graduation internship quality control system leads to better process and better quality of the graduation internship.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429748


Objective To discuss the ability of nursing major undergraduate students in disaster response in order to construct undergraduate's disaster response ability evaluation system.Methods Delphi method was used to draw the evaluation system framework on the basis of consulting literature material and analyzing theories.35 related experts attended it.The choice was evaluated according to the 5 classification Likert evaluation method.Results Consensus was reached after two rounds inst.Questionnaire recovery rate was 100%.Construct undergraduate's disaster response ability evaluation system with 3 first-level indexes,12 second-level indexes,37 third-level indexes.Conclusions The undergraduate's disaster response ability evaluation system based on Delphi experts method is reliable.It can provide reference for the nursing major undergraduate student's disaster response training and research.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624500


The current problems of pharmacology teaching in nursing in 3-year program colleges lie in that the teaching ideas drop behind;course orientation is vague;the development of text books lags;the contents lack characteristics;and there is no clear aims in the practice teaching.So,it is essential to make the teaching evolution.First,according to the post needs,the orientation of the courses should be definite,and new ideas about the curriculum should be set up.Meanwhile,the development of text books should be speeded up and the teaching contents should be optimized.Then,practice teaching needs to be improved,and cultivation of their comprehensive competence should be enhanced.To improve the students’professional qualities,emphasis on the penetration of humanities should be paid attention to.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624614


Because of the different high school background of liberal arts or science,the students showed significant differences in the examination of medical chemistry. In view of this situation,the article tried to find the way of fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the students and to achieve the desired goal of teaching and learning performance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624338


A series of reform on the teaching of medical chemistry has been carried out to improve the quality of instruction,which includes the goal of instruction,the content of course and the teaching method.Good results have been achieved.