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An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(3): 40-50, 20231201.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519368


El perfil nutricional de los pacientes ostomizados adquiere especial atención debido a las condiciones que podrían predisponer a una malnutrición. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el perfil nutricional de pacientes ostomizados que reciben atención ambulatoria en el Hospital General del Segundo Departamento de San Pedro-Paraguay - Corea, en el año 2022, se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal. Los datos obtenidos fueron cargados en una planilla electrónica Microsoft-Excel, para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Para describir el estado nutricional de los pacientes se emplearon indicadores antropométricos y el Screening de Riesgo Nutricional (NRS-2002), aplicados mediante entrevista y evaluación clínica nutricional. El estudio tuvo una duración global de 9 meses, fueron incluidos 20 pacientes ostomizados atendidos en el Programa Nacional de Atención Integral al Paciente Ostomizado provisto por el Hospital General Paraguay-Corea que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se respetaron los principios éticos de investigación. El grupo etario más representativo fue el de 41 a 64 años o más, seguido del grupo etario de 20 a 40 años; mayor proporción de sexo masculino, procedencia rural. El tipo de ostomía más frecuente fue colostomía terminal seguido de colostomía laterales; enfermedad de base más frecuente fue el de tipo oncológico, seguida de obstrucción intestinal, trauma y por último fistulas y enfermedad diverticular. En conclusión, la apreciación global del estado nutricional evaluada mediante la herramienta NRS-2002 indicó que el perfil nutricional de los pacientes ostomizados presenta riesgo de malnutrición en todos los casos evaluados.

The nutritional profile of ostomized patients acquires special attention due to the conditions that could predispose to malnutrition. The objective of the study was to determine the nutritional profile of ostomized patients who receive outpatient care at the General Hospital of the Second Department of San Pedro-Paraguay Korea, in the year 2022, an observational study of a cross-section was conducted. The data obtained were loaded in an electronic form Microsoft-Excel, for the analysis was used descriptive statistics. To describe the nutritional status of patients, anthropometric indicators and nutritional risk screening (NRS-2002) were used, applied through nutritional clinical interview and evaluation. The study had a global duration of 9 months, 20 ostomized patients were included in the National Program for Comprehensive Care of the Ostomized Patient provided by the General Paraguay-Corea Hospital that complied with the inclusion criteria. Ethical research principles were respected. The most representative age group was 41 to 64 years or more, followed by the age group from 20 to 40 years; Greater proportion of male sex, rural origin. The most frequent type of ostomy was terminal colostomy followed by lateral colostomy; The most frequent base disease was the oncological type, followed by intestinal obstruction, trauma and finally fistulas and diverticular disease. In conclusion, the global appreciation of the nutritional status evaluated by the NRS-2002 tool indicated that the nutritional profile of ostomized patients has a risk of malnutrition in all cases evaluated.

Ciencias de la Nutrición/estadística & datos numéricos , Estomía
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 10(2): 283, ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418902


En este estudio se determinó el perfil nutricional de un grupo de adultos mayores. Métodos: investigación de campo, tipo prospectiva, de corte transversal con enfoque descriptivo. Se evaluó la población de cuarenta (40) adultos mayores que asisten regularmente a las actividades del Club de Abuelos "Juventud Acumulada", Charallave, Estado Miranda, aplicándose un cuestionario estructurado en preguntas abiertas y cerradas para recolectar la información y se tomaron mediciones antropométricas (peso y estatura, áreas grasa y magra). Resultados: edad promedio 68,5±7,6 años, mayor en mujeres; peso y talla 58,7±9,8 kg y 1,63±0,1c m, mayor en hombres; IMC promedio 22,2±3,7 kg/m2, similar en los dos sexos; 20,0% con Déficit, 55,0% Normopeso, 25,05 % Sobrepeso; 42,5% tienen HTA; 10,0%, Diabetes Mellitus 2 o Dislipidemia. Desayuno: 75,0% arepa; 60,0% pan; 50,0% embutidos; 40,0% café con leche; Almuerzo: 72,5% arroz; 55,0% leguminosas; 47,5% pasta; 47,5% tubérculos; 35,0% pescado; Cena: 82,5% arepa; 62,5% pan; 52,5% pasta; 50,0% huevos y tortillas. Adecuación 79,2% en hombres y 98,5% en mujeres; 7,5% fuma y 50,0% consume bebidas alcohólicas; 35,0% practica alguna actividad física Conclusiones: relación talla-peso dentro del rango sugerido en ambos sexos; promedio de área grasa y área muscular adecuado; 20,0% de hombres y 31,2% de mujeres con sobrepeso; las mujeres con mayor riesgo debido a enfermedades crónicas e ingesta calórica por debajo del requerimiento; patrón de consumo evidencia bajo consumo de leche, vegetales y frutas. Se hace necesario la implementación de un programa de intervención nutricional(AU)

In this study the nutritional profile of a group of older adults was determined. Methods: field research, prospective type, cross-sectional with a descriptive approach.The population of forty (40) older adults who regularly attend the activities of the Club de Abuelos "Juventud Acumulada", Charallave, Miranda State, was evaluated, applying a structured questionnaire in open and closed questions to collect the information and anthropometric measurements were taken ( weight and height, fat and lean areas). Results: mean age 68,5 ± 7,6 years, older in women; weight and height 58,7 ± 9,8 kg and 1,63 ± 0,1 cm, higher in men; Average BMI 22,2 ± 3,7 kg / m2, similar in both sexes; 20% with Deficit, 55% Normal weight, 25% Overweight; 42,5% have HT; 10, Diabetes Mellitus 2 or Dyslipidemia. Breakfast: 75% arepa; 60% bread; 50% sausages; 40% coffee with milk; Lunch: 72,5% rice; 55% legumes; 47,5% pasta; 47,5% tubers; 35% fish; Dinner: 82,5% arepa; 62,5% bread; 52,5% pasta; 50% eggs and omelettes. Adequacy 79,2% in men and 98,5% in women; 7,5% smoke and 50% consume alcoholic beverages; 35% practice some physical activity Conclusions: height-weight relationship within the suggested range in both sexes; average fat area and adequate muscle area; 20% of men and 31,2% of women are overweight; women with higher risk due to chronic diseases and caloric intake below the requirement; consumption pattern shows low consumption of milk, vegetables and fruits. the implementation of a nutritional intervention program is necessary(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Estado Nutricional , Nutricion del Anciano , Necesidades Nutricionales , Calidad de Vida , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Conducta Alimentaria
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e54996, Feb.11, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368149


To evaluate the nutritional profile of cancer patients treated at an oncology center in South Brazil.This is a descriptive, exploratory and sectional study that was developed in a process that involved 100 patients aged between 18 and 75 years old, suffering from cancer.The anthropometric variables studied were weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), arm circumference (AC), arm muscle circumference (AMC),triceps skinfold (TSF) and corrected arm muscle area (cAMA). For subjective nutritional assessment, we used the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). Nearly half of the patients evaluated had a critical need for nutritional intervention. There was a statistically significant association between cAMA and marital status, age and gender; between AC and age, gender and staging; between AMC and staging; between BMI and marital status and age; and between TSF and marital status. Patients diagnosed with IV stage had the lowest values for nutritional variables. There was no significant association between nutritional status of patients obtained by the PG-SGA instrument and sociodemographic characteristics. Malnutrition should be diagnosed as soon as possible,aiming at early intervention and improving survival and quality of life. Therefore, early nutritional assessment in cancer patients is required, combining subjective and objective methods.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Instituciones Oncológicas/organización & administración , Evaluación Nutricional , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Sobrevida , Pesos y Medidas Corporales/instrumentación , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estado Nutricional , Desnutrición/diagnóstico , Intervención Médica Temprana
Univ. salud ; 22(3): 203-212, set.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1139841


Resumen Introducción: México es de los principales países que enfrenta una problemática nutricional provocada por un déficit o exceso de nutrientes, que ocasiona desnutrición o sobrepeso en su población. Objetivo: Identificar los hábitos alimenticios entre tres distintos estratos sociales y compararlos con el perfil nutricional en un comedor social que brinda desayuno y comida en la Ciudad de Tepic, Nayarit. Materiales y métodos: Se realizaron encuestas en los diferentes estratos sociales que correspondieron a un recordatorio de un día de desayuno y comida con sus respectivos refrigerios y bebidas. Resultados: Se encontró consumos de proteína que excedían la ingesta recomendada diaria, bajo consumo de fibra dietética (asociado con la baja ingesta de frutas y verduras) y alta incidencia en consumo de bebidas carbonatadas. Además, la mayor ingesta calórica total fue en el estrato socioeconómico alto (atribuido a su mayor poder adquisitivo), seguido del comedor social; sin embargo, en ningún estrato, ni el comedor social se encontró una dieta balanceada. Conclusiones: El poder adquisitivo de los distintos estratos socioeconómicos no fue el principal factor que limita una adecuada alimentación, si no la falta de información y malos hábitos alimenticios de la población, debido a la pérdida de cultura alimentaria.

Abstract Introduction: Mexico is among the main countries that faces nutritional problems caused by a deficit or excess of nutrients, which is causing malnutrition or overweight in its population. Objective: To identify the eating habits of people belonging to three different socioeconomic strata and compare them to nutritional profiles of a community restaurant in the City of Tepic, Nayarit. Materials and methods: The participants were surveyed about what they ate for breakfast and lunch the day before. Results: Protein consumption was found to exceed the recommended daily intake. Also, there was a low ingestion of dietary fiber (associated with low intake of fruits and vegetables) and a high incidence of carbonated drink consumption. Finally, the largest total caloric intake was recorded in people from the highest SS (attributed to their higher income), followed by those who eat at the community restaurant. However, none of the participants followed a balanced diet. Conclusions: The purchasing power of people belonging to the different socioeconomic strata is not the main factor that limits a balanced diet, since additional factors are the lack of information and poor nutritional habits of the Mexican population due to the loss of their food culture.

Conducta Alimentaria , Clase Social , Ciencias de la Nutrición
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 37(168): 20-26, jul.-sep. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1118859


El objetivo del presente proyecto fue implementar un kiosco escolar saludable para brindar en el recreo alimentos con mejor perfil nutricional y promover la elección de éstos a través de un sistema de rotulado y estrategias de marketing y publicidad. Se realizó acuerdo con directivos y personal del kiosco, se evaluó características del kiosco como infraestructura y perfil nutricional de alimentos disponibles. Se efectuaron modificaciones edilicias y temporales para promover la comensalidad. Se perfilaron los alimentos con el sistema de la Agencia Británica de Alimentos y se clasificaron en diferentes grupos teniendo en cuenta el sistema francés NutriScore como recurso para ampliar la oferta. Se rotularon con una puntuación similar a la escala de calificación utilizada en el ámbito escolar, del 2 al 10. La mayor puntuación se asignó a los alimentos con mejor perfil nutricional (PN). Como estrategia de publicidad y promoción de consumo de alimentos de mejor PN se asignó un premio al grado y a la docente que juntaron la mayor cantidad de puntos. Además, se incentivó la elección de determinados alimentos con "bonustrack" y carteles explicativos de sus beneficios. Se logró implementar un kiosco escolar saludable cumpliendo requisitos del Ministerio de Salud como garantizar libre acceso a agua potable, ofrecer alimentos y bebidas en envases que contengan el tamaño adecuado, ofrecer al menos tres productos aptos para niños con enfermedad celíaca, eliminar la publicidad en la escuela de alimentos y bebidas de menor perfil nutricional, exhibir los alimentos de mejor perfil nutricional en primer plano de manera que atraigan la atención de los niños, difundir mensajes que promuevan el consumo de alimentos saludables. El entusiasmo manifestado por la comunidad educativa alienta a pensar que la intervención es prometedora y se podrán obtener resultados satisfactorios(AU)

The objective of this project was to implement a healthy school kiosk to offer during break time foods with a better nutritional profile and promote their choice through a system of labeling and marketing, as well as advertising strategies. An agreement was made with head teachers and the kiosk´s staff, and characteristics of the kiosk such as infrastructure and nutritional profile of available foods were evaluated. Building and temporary modifications were made to promote commensality. Foods were profiled using the British Food Agency system and classified into different groups taking into account the French NutriScore system as a resource to expand the offer. They were labeled with a score similar to the rating scale used in the school setting, from 2 to 10. The highest score was assigned to the foods with the best nutritional profile (NP). As an advertising strategy and promotion of food consumption with the best NP, a prize was given to the form and teacher who collected the highest amount of points. In addition, the choice of certain foods with "bonustrack" and posters explaining their benefits was encouraged. It was possible to implement a healthy school kiosk meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Health such as guaranteeing free access to drinking water, offering food and drinks in containers with the right size, offering at least three products suitable for celiac children, eliminating advertising at school of food and drinks with a lower nutritional profile, displaying the best nutritional profile foods in the forefront as a means of catching the children´s attention, spreading messages that promote the consumption of healthy foods. The enthusiasm expressed by the educational community encourages to think that the intervention is promising and satisfactory results can be obtained(AU)

Instituciones Académicas , Alimentos , Ciencias de la Nutrición del Niño
Rev. biol. trop ; 67(1): 61-68, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041894


Abstract Seaweeds are accessible and important marine organisms found in coastal zones, which have shown their nutritive potential as food or additive. These organisms are relatively abundant in the coastline of Ecuador, but their biochemical composition has not been adequately studied. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the proximate composition of seven seaweeds (four red, two brown, and one green) collected from Salinas Bay, Ecuador, as a contribution to the knowledge of the nutritional potential of these organisms that belong to this region. Moisture, ash, fat, fiber and protein contents were determined by standard protocols, while carbohydrates were obtained by difference. Energetic content (or caloric profile) was calculated according to the contributions of macromolecules (fats, proteins and carbohydrates). The parameters in highest proportion found in all species were carbohydrates (32.2-45.5 %) and minerals (or ash, 25.8-36.7 %), which play a significant role in human nutrition and the food industry. Furthermore, protein, fiber, and fat contents were relatively low, with values around 4.7-8.0 %, 0.9-5.0 %, and 0.3-3.0 %, respectively, indicating these organisms are a good option as healthy food. According to statistical analysis (ANOVA), each nutritive parameter was significantly different among the species (P < 0.05). Results indicate edible seaweeds from Ecuador have potential as nutritious food that could offer between 1 500-2 000 kcal kg-1, which is higher than many common vegetables.(AU)

Resumen Las macroalgas marinas son organismos accesibles e importantes de las zonas costeras, los cuales han mostrado su potencial como alimentos o aditivos nutritivos. En la línea costera de Ecuador estos organismos son relativamente abundantes, pero su composición bioquímica no ha sido estudiada adecuadamente. En consecuencia, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la composición proximal de siete especies de macroalgas (cuatro rojas, dos pardas y una verde) que fueron recolectadas en la Bahía de Salinas, Ecuador, como una contribución al conocimiento del potencial nutricional de estos organismos pertenecientes a esta región. Los contenidos de humedad, cenizas, grasa, fibra y proteínas fueron determinadas mediante protocolos estándares, mientras que el contenido de carbohidrato fue obtenido por diferencia. El contenido energético (o perfil calórico) de las macroalgas fue calculado de acuerdo con las contribuciones de las macromoléculas (grasas, proteínas y carbohidratos). Los parámetros encontrados en mayor proporción en todas las especies fueron: carbohidratos (32.2-45.5 %) y minerales (o cenizas, 25.8-36.7 %), los cuales tienen importancia en la nutrición humana y la industria alimentaria. Además, los contenidos de proteína, fibra y grasa fueron relativamente bajos, encontrando valores alrededor de 4.7-8.0, 0.9-5.0, y 0.3-3.0 %, respectivamente, indicando que estos organismos son una buena y saludable opción como alimento. De acuerdo con el análisis estadístico (ANOVA), cada parámetro nutritivo fue significativamente diferente entre especies (P < 0.05). Los resultados indican que las algas comestibles de Ecuador tienen potencial como alimento nutritivo que pueden ofrecer entre 1 500-2 000 kcal kg-1, un aporte energético un poco mayor que muchos vegetales comunes.(AU)

Algas Marinas/química , Mariscos , Evaluación Nutricional , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Ecuador
European J Med Plants ; 2018 May; 23(3): 1-12
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189380


The number of people affected by nutrition insecurity worldwide in 2016 was 815 million, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. This has been attributed to starvation and overdependence on a few crops for nutritional needs. There is therefore need to find alternative nutrition sources. This study sought to determine the nutritional profile, mineral composition, phytochemical and antioxidant properties of Jackfruit seeds and pulps, collected from selected regions in Kenya and Uganda. The moisture contents were found to be higher in the edible pulp region (62.67-70.42%), compared to the seeds (44.76-50.54%). The ash, lipid, carbohydrate and protein contents of fresh weight, on the other hand, were found to be higher in the seeds than in the edible pulp region. The ash contents were (1.12 -1.64%) and (0.34 -0.48%), the lipid contents were (0.41-0.50%) and (0.09-0.12%), the protein contents were (14.11 to 16.26%) and (10.56 to 13.67%) and the carbohydrate contents were (31.41%-34.95%) and (21.65 to 24.91%) for the seeds and pulps respectively. The mineral analysis showed that Jackfruit seeds and pulps were rich in essential minerals. The seeds and pulps, were found to both rich in potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron minerals. The phytochemical composition and antioxidant activities, were also found to be higher in the seeds than in the pulps. The phenolic contents were (17.37 to 18.69 mg/g) and (12.10 to 14.55 mg/g), while flavonoids contents were (0.5 - 0.89 mg/g) and (0.18 -0.29 mg/g) for the seeds and pulps respectively. The DPPH scavenging activities were (21.70 - 24.44%) and (15.49 - 17.47%), while the reducing powers were (51.05 -58.00 µg/ml) and (43.54-45.38 µg/ml) for the seeds and pulp respectively. Jackfruit seeds and pulps are therefore highly nutritious, rich in minerals and can be used as natural antioxidants.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 42(1): 14-22, Mar. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-745591


This cross-sectional study aimed to learn the profiles of diners of Community Restaurants in the Federal District, with the goal of future implementation of strategies that guarantee Food and Nutrition Security. Socio-economic, lifestyle and anthropometric data were gathered from 267 individuals with an average age of 38 years, most of them being males (79.5%). Most participants (52.1%) had at least secondary education, and the average family income was equal to three times the minimum wage. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was 50.2%. Age, history of tobacco smoking and a stable union were positively associated with excess weight. Body mass index (BMI) displayed a strong correlation with the remaining parameters in the assessment of nutritional status. Diagnoses of non-communicable diseases and conditions were reported by 20.6% of the interviewees, of which arterial hypertension was the most prevalent (10.1%). The deterioration of the nutritional status of the population, even among people who frequent social programs such as Community Restaurants is a concern due to the disease impact that this population may have on public health of the country. These results highlight the importance of Community Restaurants fulfilling their role in assuring Food and Nutrition Security.

Este estudio transversal tuvo por objetivo conocer el perfil de salud y sócio-demográficas de los clientes de la Comunidad de Restaurantes en el Distrito Federal, con el objetivo de una futura implementación de estrategias que garanticen la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional. Datos antropométricos, socioeconómicos y estilo de vida fueron recogidos a partir de 267 individuos con edad media de 38 años, la mayoría de ellos varones (79,5%). Gran parte de los participantes (52,1%) había estudiado por lo menos hasta la enseñanza secundaria y sus ingresos familiares medios eran tres salarios mínimos. La prevalencia de obesidad y sobrepeso fué el 50,2%, la edad, la historia de tabaquismo y la unión estable se asociaron de modo positivo con el exceso de peso. Índice de masa corporal (IMC) mostró una fuerte correlación con los demás parámetros en la evaluación del estado nutricional. Los diagnósticos de enfermedades no transmisibles fueron relatados por 20,6% de los entrevistados y la hipertensión arterial fue la más prevalente (10,1%). El deterioro del estado nutricional, incluso entre personas que participan de los programas sociales, como los restaurantes comunitarios, es motivo de preocupación debido al impacto que las enfermedades de esa población pueden tener en la salud pública. Estos resultados destacan la importancia que los restaurantes comunitarios cumplan su papel para garantizar la Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional.

Humanos , Restaurantes , Factores Socioeconómicos , Programas de Nutrición , Ingestión de Alimentos , Salud , Dados Estadísticos , Seguridad Alimentaria
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820169


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the complete nutritional profile and identification of bioactive components present in the hydro-ethanolic extract of Alocasia indica tuber.@*METHODS@#The proximate composition and vitamins were assessed from fresh tissue while mineral content was detected from the ash using inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrophotometer. For gas chromatography analysis, the tubers were shade dried and extracted with ethanol using Soxhlet apparatus for 72 h. The extract was dried using rotary evaporator and analyzed for active components.@*RESULTS@#The tuber was rich in carbohydrate, but marginal in protein content. However, it showed moderate amount of dietary crude fibre, very low fat content and sufficient source of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol. The tuber was also found to contain all the essential micro and macro mineral elements. It especially served as a good source of potassium and calcium while moderate source of iron, zinc and magnesium. Gas chromatography analysis also revealed the presence of several components of biological value in the ethanolic fraction of the extract. The extract was basically found to be a good source of poly-unsaturated fatty acids and some amount of polyphenols.@*CONCLUSIONS@#All the major compounds identified and characterized by spectroscopic method were of biological significance. Besides, the tuber also possesses high calorific value and source for low fat and moderate dietary fibre which is essential for maintaining proper health. Moreover, the mineral content of the tuber can be used as supplement for combating malnutrition especially among rural folk and the vitamin content can serve as good source of natural antioxidant. Thus identification of a good number of important compounds from Alocasia indica tubers can focus on its use for future therapeutic purpose apart from maintaining general health.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951752


Objective: To assess the complete nutritional profile and identification of bioactive components present in the hydro-ethanolic extract of Alocasia indica tuber. Methods: The proximate composition and vitamins were assessed from fresh tissue while mineral content was detected from the ash using inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrophotometer. For gas chromatography analysis, the tubers were shade dried and extracted with ethanol using Soxhlet apparatus for 72 h. The extract was dried using rotary evaporator and analyzed for active components. Results: The tuber was rich in carbohydrate, but marginal in protein content. However, it showed moderate amount of dietary crude fibre, very low fat content and sufficient source of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol. The tuber was also found to contain all the essential micro and macro mineral elements. It especially served as a good source of potassium and calcium while moderate source of iron, zinc and magnesium. Gas chromatography analysis also revealed the presence of several components of biological value in the ethanolic fraction of the extract. The extract was basically found to be a good source of poly-unsaturated fatty acids and some amount of polyphenols. Conclusions: All the major compounds identified and characterized by spectroscopic method were of biological significance. Besides, the tuber also possesses high calorific value and source for low fat and moderate dietary fibre which is essential for maintaining proper health. Moreover, the mineral content of the tuber can be used as supplement for combating malnutrition especially among rural folk and the vitamin content can serve as good source of natural antioxidant. Thus identification of a good number of important compounds from Alocasia indica tubers can focus on its use for future therapeutic purpose apart from maintaining general health.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371561


Nutritional profiles in middle-aged trained and untrained women were compared both before and after menopause. Subjects were assigned to one of four groups : (1) pre-menopausal trained (Pre-T: n=14, aged 43±5 years, running distance 56±27 km/week, Vo<SUB>2</SUB>max 49±4m<I>l</I>/ kg/min, mean±SD), (2) pre-menopausal untrained (Pre-UT: n=25, 42±5 years, 34±5 m<I>l</I>/kg/ min), (3) post-menopausal trained (Post-T: n=19, 53±3 years, 49±17 km/week, 42±6 m<I>l</I>/ kg/min), (4) post-menopausal untrained (Post-UT: n=26, 54±3 years, 31±3 ml/kg/min) . There were no significant differences in hematocrit (range 38.7 to 39.3%), hemoglobin (12.8 to 13.1 g/d<I>l</I>) and total protein (6.9 to 7.1 g/d<I>l</I>) among the four groups. Serum iron concentrations in the post-menopausal women (Post-T: 97±30μg/d<I>l</I>, Post-UT: 106±29μg/d<I>l</I>) were relatively higher than in the pre-menopausals (Pre-T: 85±35 pg/d<I>l</I>, Pre-UT: 78±33 pg/d<I>l</I>) . Mean total iron binding capacity in Post-UT (326 pg/d<I>l</I>) was lower than other groups (352 to 361 pg/d<I>l</I>) . Higher serum ferritin levels were observed in the post-menopausal women (Post-T : 35.8±27.5 ng/m<I>l</I>, Post-UT : 60.4±47.1 ng/m<I>l</I>) than the pre-menopausals (Pre-T: 18.3±13.1 ng/m<I>l</I>, Pre-UT: 16.6±10.7ng/m<I>l</I>) . Intake levels of the four groups with regard to the major nutrients were sufficient as compared with the recommended dietary allowance appropriate for age, sex and physical activity level. Intakes of calcium, iron and vitamins B<SUB>1</SUB>, B<SUB>2</SUB> and niacin were higher in the trained groups than in the untrained. Regularly performed endurance exercise resulted in higher protein and iron intakes associated with higher energy intakes both before and after menopause. These results suggest that nutritional status of middle-aged women who regularly perform vigorous endurance running could be adequate for maintaining their health in a good state.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138476


One hundred and sixty nine surgical patients at Siriraj Hospital were assessed foe their nutritional status. There were 119 males and 50 females. The abnormality in weight for height, haematocrit, serum albumin and total lymphocyte count were 56.4, 60.0, 30.8, 27.5 percent respectively. Two or more abnormal paramenters were detected in 49.8 percent of the patients. Significant protein-calorie malnutrition occurs in the hospital