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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 38(spe2): 252-262, out./ dez.2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-981681


O objetivo deste artigo é problematizar o dispositivo de obediência, tomado neste texto como um articulador entre a moral cristã, o sistema jurídico-penal e a segurança pública no contexto da juventude em conflito com a lei. Discutimos aqui os efeitos que a produção de obediência assegura, em termos institucionais, para os jovens em conflito com a lei que cumprem medida socioeducativa de internação. Nesse cenário, chamamos a atenção especialmente para aqueles que são, simultaneamente, usuários de drogas e cometem ato infracional associado ao tráfico de drogas. A sobreposição dessas duas configurações implica em uma relação jurídicapenal que se alarga, a partir do dispositivo da obediência, como estratégia de governo para o possível cerceamento perpétuo da liberdade do jovem a outras instituições e saberes, que passam a atuar também em um viés policialesco. O referencial analítico que sustenta o presente trabalho parte da contribuição do pensamento foucaultiano ao campo da psicologia social....(AU)

This article intends to reflect the idea of disobedience, specially within the articulation between christianism and its morality, and a juridical-penal legislation that has some effects in public security, mainly in what refers to the youth in conflict with the law. Our starting point is Foucault's concept of device, discussing mostly the effects of an obeying production that intends to reach a parcel of the youth that is equally a drug user and has committed an infracional act associated with drug trafficking. In this matter, we focus our anaylisis in the youth that is complying educational correction measures. The ascension of both of theses aspects shapes the widening of a juridical-penal articulation that develops a type of government directed to this population, producing a policement way of thinking the practices that revolve them. In order to do so, we based our analysis in Foucault's epistemological point of view, as well as in social psychology studies....(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es problematizar el precepto de obediencia, designado en este texto como un articulador entre la moral cristiana, el sistema jurídico-penal y la seguridad publica en el contexto de la juventud en conflicto con la ley. Analizamos aquí los efectos que la producción de obediencia garantiza, en termos institucionales, para los jóvenes en conflicto con ley que cumplen medida socioeducativa de internación. En este panorama, llamamos la atención especialmente para aquellos que son, simultáneamente, usuarios de drogas y cometen acto delictivo asociado al tráfico de drogas. La adición de estas dos configuraciones implican en una relación jurídico-penal que se amplía, a partir del precepto de la obediencia, como estratégica de gobierno para el posible cercenamiento perpetuo de la libertad del joven a otras instituciones y saberes, que pasan a actuar también en un sesgo policiaco. El referencial analítico que sostiene el presente trabajo parte de la contribución del pensamiento foucaultiano al campo de la Psicología social....(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Psicología , Adolescente , Tráfico de Drogas
Psicol. clín ; 30(1): 61-80, 2018.
Artículo en Francés | LILACS | ID: biblio-895756


Nous proposons une relecture psychanalytique de l'expérience de Stanley Milgram pour souligner les fonctions de la soumission et de l'obéissance, ainsi que des conditions corrélatives à l'établissement d'une logique du commandement. En référence aux concepts lacaniens, sont développés les rapports du signifiant et de la jouissance, convoqués conjointement à l'endroit d'une scène réactualisée, celle du fantasme qui oriente le sujet dans la réalité: c'est autour de ces notions que nous pouvons déplier les rapports d'un sujet et de sa division devant le diverses figures personnifiant un grand Autre, Autre alors supposé en charge de boucher le trou dans la garantie du monde. Aussi, afin de se débarrasser des affres de la division et de son malaise, le sujet peut en appeler aisément à la consistance de cet Autre. Les effets d'une subjectivité orientée par une telle cause peuvent sans doute se décliner de diverses manières dans notre modernité, celle-ci se spécifiant d'un lien social où prime le "fétichisme de la marchandise", soit un discours capitaliste où les promesses de jouissances foisonnent à mesure d'un idéal normatif de liberté du sujet. Mais de quelle liberté parlons-nous en tant que sujet?

We propose a psychoanalytic reading of the Stanley Milgram experiment to underline the functions of submission and obedience, and consequential conditions for establishing a logic of commandment. Refering to the Lacanian concepts, relations between the signifier and the jouissance are developed, jointly arranged in an updated scene of the fantasy, guiding subjectivity into reality: it is around these notions that we can unfold the links of a subject and its division to the various figures personifying the Other, a great Other who is supposed to assume responsibility to fill the hole in the guarantee of the world. So in order to get rid of the pangs of his division and malaise, the subject can easily request the consistency of this Other. The effects of subjectivity oriented by such a cause can probably be presented in various ways in our modernity, which is specified by a social link where reigns the "fetishism of merchandise": it's a capitalist discourse which promises jouissances related to a normative ideal of liberty. Nonetheless what "liberty" are we talking about as a subject?

Propomos uma leitura psicanalítica da experiência de Stanley Milgram para destacar as funções de submissão e obediência, e as condições consequentes para o estabelecimento de uma lógica de mandamento. Em referência aos conceitos lacanianos, são desenvolvidas as relações entre o significante e gozo, convocados juntos em uma cena atualizada, a da fantasia que orienta o assunto na realidade: é em torno dessas noções que podemos desdobrar as relações de um sujeito e sua divisão diante das várias figuras que personificam um grande Outro, Outro então supostamente encarregado de tapar o buraco para a garantia do mundo. Igualmente, a fim de se livrar dos tormentos da divisão e de seu mal-estar, o sujeito pode facilmente apelar à consistência desse Outro. Os efeitos de uma subjetividade orientada por uma tal causa provavelmente podem sem dúvida ser declinados de diversas maneiras em nossa modernidade, esta se especificando por um laço social no qual domina o "fetichismo da mercadoria", ou seja, um discurso capitalista em que as promessas de gozo abundam como um ideal normativo da liberdade do sujeito. Mas de qual liberdade falamos enquanto sujeito?

Psicol. clín ; 30(1): 147-163, 2018. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-895761


Estudos apontam que as metas de socialização da obediência são frequentemente valorizadas na criação de filhos. Contudo, a maior parte deles focaliza mães de famílias nucleares, não considerando a pluralidade de configurações familiares do contexto atual. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar as metas de socialização da obediência infantil em famílias nucleares, monoparentais e reconstituídas. Participaram da pesquisa pais e mães de 50 famílias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com filhos de até dois anos de idade completos. Os participantes responderam ao Inventário de Metas de socialização/desenvolvimento (Keller et al., 2006). Os resultados não apontaram diferenças significativas na valorização das metas de socialização da obediência entre os três tipos de família. Famílias monoparentais, nucleares e reconstituídas valorizaram com a mesma intensidade a meta "aprender a obedecer aos pais" (H(2)=0.179, p=0.914) e a meta "aprender a obedecer as pessoas mais velhas" (H(2)=4.634, p=0.099). No entanto, em famílias reconstituídas, foi observada uma maior valorização da obediência em pais e mães de meninas quando comparados a pais e mães de meninos (U=16, p=0.012). Além disso, em famílias monoparentais notou-se que quanto mais jovens são os filhos, mais valorizada é a obediência (ρ=-0.81, p=0.005). Entende-se que a aprendizagem da obediência aparece, de fato, como uma das mais importantes metas de socialização, na medida em que consiste em uma característica priorizada desde os primeiros anos de vida.

Literature shows that socialization goals related to obedience are frequently valued in childrearing practices. However, previous studies were mostly restricted to observation of maternal beliefs in groups of nuclear families, not fully considering the variety of family configurations in modern contexts. The present study aims at investigating socialization goals related to child obedience in nuclear, remarried and single parent families. Parents of 50 families from the state capital of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, constituted the sample, all with children up to two years of age. Participants filled the Socialization Goals Inventory (Keller et al., 2006). Results did not reveal significant differences in how parents valued socialization goals of obedience among the three different family types. Nuclear, remarried and single parent families valued the goal "learn to obey parents" (H(2)=0.179, p=0.914) and "learn to obey older people" (H(2)=4.634, p=0.099) with the same intensity. However, in remarried families there was a higher valorization of obedience by parents of girls in comparison of parents of boys (U=16, p=0.012). Moreover, in single parent families, valorization of obedience was negatively correlated with the parents valorization of obedience, the younger their children, the more parents valued obedience as socialization goal (ρ=-0.81, p=0.005). Obedience appears to be highly valued by different types of Brazilian families, regardless of their configuration, and is prioritized since the first years of children's lives.

Los estudios apuntan que las metas de socialización de la obediencia se valoran en la crianza de hijos. Sin embargo, investigaciones anteriores detuvieron su foco de investigación en madres de familias nucleares, no considerando la pluralidad de configuraciones familiares del contexto actual. Siendo así, el presente estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar las metas de socialización de la obediencia infantil en familias nucleares, monoparentales y reconstituidas. Participaron de la investigación padres y madres de 50 familias de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro con hijos de hasta dos años de edad completos. Los participantes respondieron al Inventario de Metas de socialización / desarrollo (Keller et al., 2006). Los resultados no apuntaron diferencias significativas en la valorización de las metas de socialización de la obediencia entre los tres tipos de familia. Familias nucleares, monoparentales y reconstituidas valoraron con la misma intensidad la meta "aprender a obedecer a los padres" (H(2)=0.179, p=0.914) y la meta "aprender a obedecer las personas mayores" (H(2)=4.634, p=0.099). Sin embargo, en familias reconstituidas, se observó una mayor valoración de la obediencia en padres y madres de niñas cuando comparadas a padres y madres de niños (U=16, p=0.012). Además, en familias monoparentales, se notó que cuanto más jóvenes son los hijos, más valorada es la obediencia (ρ=-0.81, p=0.005). Se entiende que el aprendizaje de la obediencia aparece como una de las más importantes metas de socialización y consiste en una característica priorizada desde los primeros años de vida.

Interacciones ; 3(3): 141-150, 01 de septiembre de 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-880876


El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el efecto diferencial de variaciones en la señalización de la autoridad y el tipo de sanción administrado por ella, sobre la obediencia en estudiantes universitarios. Método: se utilizó un diseño intrasujeto y se contó con la participación de 9 estudiantes universitarios. Se diseñó un experimento que permitiera observar el efecto de cuatro condiciones experimentales en la obediencia (ajuste a una norma). Las condiciones se construyeron a partir de las variables de señalización de la autoridad y tipo de sanción: Autoridad no señalizada y sanción negativa; autoridad señalizada y sanción negativa; autoridad no señalizada y sanción positiva; y autoridad señalizada y sanción positiva. Resultados: se presentó mayor cantidad de transgresiones a normas (desobediencia) en situaciones de autoridad señalizada, y menor cantidad de transgresiones en situaciones de autoridad no señalizada. Conclusión: La no señalización de la autoridad, tanto si únicamente se administran sanciones positivas o sanciones negativas, incrementa la probabilidad de comportamiento obediente.

Objective: to analyze the differential effect of variations in the signaling of authority and type of sanction administered by it, on the obedience in university students. Method: an intrasubject design was used and nine university students were involved. An experiment that allows to observe the effect of four experimental conditions in rule transgressions was designed. Conditions were created starting from variables of signaling of authority and type of sanction: not designated authority and negative sanction; designated authority and negative sanction; not designated authority and positive sanction; and designated authority and positive sanction. Results: It was found a bigger amount of transgressions (disobedience) in designated authority conditions, and less amount of transgressions (obedience) in not designated authority conditions. Conclusion: When positive or negative sanctions are applied in conditions of not signaling of authority, increases the probability of obedient behavior.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 62-64, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-499493


Objective To reduce unreasonable use of antibiotics in acute suppurative tonsillitis cases. Methods Retrospective analyses of 1107 acute suppurative tonsillitis cases from the pediatric outpatient department were conducted.According to course of antibiotic treatment, these cases were divided into the group of full course of treatment and the group of insufficient course of treatment.According to the types of antibiotic, the subjects were di-vided into azithromycin group and non-azithromycin group.Three months after the onset of illness, the occurrence of complications and illness relapse between full course of treatment group and insufficient course group, azithromycin group and non-azithromycin group were analyzed.Meanwhile, the cases were divided into Chinese mainland group, Macao and Taiwan group, and foreign group according to their native places and nationalities.We compared the num-ber of cases used insufficient course in these three groups and analyzed their reasons.Results The relapse rate was significantly lower in the full course treatment group compared with insufficient course treatment group ( P<0.05 ) , and significantly higher in non-azithromycin group compared with azithromycin group ( P<0.05 ) .The occurrence rate of insufficient course treatment in the Chinese mainland group was obviously higher than the Macao group, Tai-wan group and foreign group (P<0.05).The main reasons for insufficient course of treatment were the insufficient patients′obedience and some doctors′poor understanding of the disease course.Conclusion A full course treatment with antibiotics on acute suppurative tonsillitis are strongly suggested.It may be of great significant to strengthen the awareness of reasonable use of antibiotics among the inland citizens.

Aesthethika (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 11(2): 45-61, 20150900.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-778777


En 2013 Jan De Vos publicó un artículo cuestionando, desde el psicoanálisis, el valor teórico y metodológico del experimento de Stanley Milgram. Este artículo es una crítica a ese análisis, emprendida justamente desde una lectura atenta de la teoría de Jacques Lacan. Se sostiene que Jan De Vos incurre en ironías y generalizaciones que restan consistencia a sus argumentos. Más allá de la crítica, este artículo introduce otras cuestiones que ratifican el valor de las tesis de Milgram, especialmente como matriz para pensar la cuestión de la obediencia, a 50 años de la realización del experimento. Para ello, se recurre a otras fuentes estéticas, culturales y políticas, siempre leídas a partir de los aportes de la teoría lacaniana...

In 2013 Jan De Vos published a paper questioning, from psychoanalysis, theoretical and methodological value of the experiment of Stanley Milgram. This article is a critique of that analysis, made precisely from a close reading of the theory of Jacques Lacan. It is argued that Jan De Vos incurs in ironies and generalizations that make inconsistent his arguments. Beyond the criticism, this article introduces other issues that confirm the value of Milgram's theses, especially as a model for thinking the question of obedience, 50 years after the experiment. To this end, other aesthetic, cultural and political sources, are used, always read from the contributions of Lacanian theory

Humanos , Experimentación Humana/ética , Teoría Psicoanalítica , Psicoanálisis
Paidéia (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 25(60): 115-123, jan-apr/2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-741634


Preschool Education can provide conditions for the construction of moral values in children. This study’s objective was to investigate the judgment of teachers and students in Primary Education regarding the virtue of generosity and whether, in this judgment, it is valued more than obedience to authority. Interviews were held with 26 teachers and 90 children from four municipal schools, using a stimulus-story about an activity using modeling clay. The results indicated that, for the majority of participants, the attitude of the teacher in the stimulus-story, in not helping the child and demanding obedience in first place, is wrong. In relation to the reasons, for the majority of the teachers, the lack of help is justified because the activity with the modeling clay should be free, prioritizing the child’s wishes. For the majority of the children, however, the teachers’ lack of help is felt as failure to attribute postive value. Furthermore, it was observed that the strength of the virtue of generosity among the participants in this study is weak...

A Educação Infantil pode proporcionar condições para a construção dos valores morais nas crianças. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os juízos de professores e alunos da Educação Infantil em relação à virtude generosidade e se nesse juízo ela é mais valorizada que a obediência à autoridade. Foram entrevistados 26 professores e 90 crianças de quatro escolas municipais, utilizando-se uma estória-estímulo sobre uma atividade com massa de modelar. Os resultados indicaram que, para a maioria dos participantes, é errada a atitude da professora da estória-estímulo em não ajudar a criança e exigir obediência primeiramente. Quanto às justificativas, para a maioria das professoras, a falta de ajuda se justifica porque a atividade de massa de modelar deve ser livre, priorizando a vontade da criança. No entanto, para a maioria das crianças, a falta de ajuda da professora é sentida como falta de atribuição de valor positivo. Além disso, foi constatado que é fraca a força da virtude generosidade entre os participantes desta pesquisa...

La Educación Infantil puede proporcionar condiciones para la construcción de los valores morales en los niños. La finalidad de este estudio fue investigar los juicios de los profesores y niños de la Educación Infantil respecto a la virtud de la generosidad y si esta virtud es más valorada que la obediencia. Fueron entrevistados 26 profesores y 90 niños de cuatro escuelas municipales, les presentando una historia-estímulo. Los resultados indican que, para la mayoría de los participantes, la actitud de la profesora es equivocada, además de exigir obediencia primero. Respecto a las justificativas, para la mayoría de las profesoras, la falta de ayuda se justifica porque la actividad debe ser libre, priorizando la voluntad del niño. Sin embargo, para la mayoría de los niños, la falta de ayuda por parte del profesor se percibe como falta de atribución de valor positivo. La fuerza de la virtud generosidad es débil entre los participantes de esta investigación...

Preescolar , Niño , Crianza del Niño , Docentes , Desarrollo Moral , Estudiantes
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-777912


El juicio celebrado en Jerusalén en 1961 a Adolf Eichmann, el responsable de la logística necesaria para el exterminio perpetrado por los nazis, fue el escenario para dos evitaciones. La primera de ellas es la del propio acusado quien, amparándose en el argumento de la obediencia a órdenes superiores, desconocía su lugar en el exterminio. De este modo, se proponía como un mero engranaje. La segunda es la del propio derecho que no puede acusar por obediencia a órdenes superiores. Por ello, se recurrió a argumentos de contenido psicológico para condenar a quien, en verdad, era culpable de obedecer. Este trabajo pone de relieve a la obediencia como un problema culturalmente irresuelto en la medida que sirve de refugio para malestares diversos...

Adolf Eichmann's trial, that took place in Jerusalem in 1961, was the scenario of two fallacious arguments regarding responsibility/accountability. The first one was that of the accused himself who, invoking the argument of 'due obedience to superior orders', denied his responsibility in the part he played in the extermination, claiming to have been a mere clog in the wheel. The second fallacy, was the Law as a discipline, which states that those acting under due obedience to superior orders cannot be accused, which is why it resorted to psychological arguments to condemn a person who, in truth, was guilty of obeying. This work highlights due obedience as a culturally unresolved problem in that it serves as refuge for situations that arouse varying degrees of discontent and unrest

Humanos , Crímenes de Guerra/legislación & jurisprudencia , Responsabilidad Penal , Campos de Concentración , Ética Médica
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-777911


El reconocido sociólogo polaco Zygmunt Bauman destaca un valor central en las investigaciones de Stanley Milgram: la demostración de que los actos crueles no los cometen individuos crueles, sino sujetos comunes que intentan alcanzar el éxito en sus tareas normales. La crueldad tiene escasa relación con las características psicológicas de quienes la llevan a cabo, y sí tiene una fuerte vinculación con la relación de autoridad y subordinación, vale decir, con nuestra normal y cotidiana estructura de poder y obediencia. Este artículo discute las coordenadas que explican tal sumisión a la autoridad: 1) la distancia social; 2) la paradoja de la acción secuencial; 3) la moralización de la tecnología; 4) la responsabilidad flotante; 5) la concentración del poder

The well knowed Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman highlights a core value in investigations of Stanley Milgram: the demonstration that cruel acts are committed by individuals not cruel, but common subjects trying to succeed in their normal duties. Cruelty has little to do with the psychological characteristics of those who carry it out, but does have a strong link with the relationship of authority and subordination, ie normal, everyday power structures and obedience. This article discusses the coordinates that explain such submission to authority: 1) social distance, 2) the sequential action paradox, 3) the moralization of technology; 4) unfunded liability, 5) the concentration of power

Humanos , Autoritarismo , Poder Psicológico , Responsabilidad Social
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-777909


A 50 años de su primera realización en 1963, las manifestaciones del experimento de Stanley Milgram en la cultura popular dan cuenta de su vigencia a la vez que introducen, con su narrativa, la interpelación ética. Desde la recreación teatralizada en el film "l.. como lcaro", hasta la reciente y espectacular réplica de "El juego de la muerte" realizada por la televisión francesa en 2009, la experiencia aparece desprovista de su rigurosidad de laboratorio para desplegarse en el plano social. ¿Podremos hallar en esta suerte de multiplicación dramático-audiovisual nuevas claves para desentrañar el misterio de la obediencia?

50 years have past since Stanley Milgram conducted his experiment in 1963. The manifestations of Stanley Milgram's experiment in popular culture account for its validity, while introducing through its narrative, an ethical appeal. From theatrical recreation in the film "I... comme Icare", to the recent and spectacular replica of "Le Jeu de la mort" on French television in 2009, the experiment appears, without its laboratory rigor, deployed in the social sphere. Can we find in this sort of visual-dramatic multiplication new keys to unravel the mystery of obedience?

Humanos , Películas Cinematográficas , Experimentación Humana/ética , Ética en Investigación , Televisión
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 10(1): 7-22, jun. 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-588370


A pesquisa sobre bases do comprometimento organizacional revela grande diversidade de fatores que modelam diferentes vínculos entre indivíduo e organização. A dimensão compliance encontra-se entre aquelas que foram pouco exploradas. Para alguns pesquisadores, ela se refere a um tipo de comprometimento que remete à noção de submissão ou consentimento. Nesse sentido, argumenta-se que o comprometimento pode apresentar uma dimensão passiva, associada a comportamentos de lealdade à organização, também relacionada à noção de consentimento. Por outro lado, a literatura sociológica analisa o vínculo entre indivíduo e organização a partir de uma perspectiva que, descartando elementos afetivos e psicológicos, enfatiza as relações de controle e autoridade que induzem o trabalhador a obedecer ou cumprir o papel de subordinado dele esperado. Existe, portanto, uma zona conceitual pouco precisa que delimita os conceitos de comprometimento e de consentimento ou obediência. Este estudo propõe uma escala para mensurar "consentimento organizacional", buscando evidências de sua validade por meio de análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias, em uma amostra de 721 trabalhadores. A solução fatorial exploratória revelou três fatores que explicaram 46,83% da variância; entretanto, as análises confirmatórias indicaram um melhor ajuste para o modelo bidimensional, que integrou as dimensões "obediência cega" e "aceitação íntima" como aquelas que melhor definem o construto consentimento.

Research on the dimensions of organizational commitment shows a great diversity of factors that shape different attachments of the individual to the organization. Compliance, among others, is a dimension that has been under-researched. To some researchers this refers to a type of commitment that raises the notion of submission or consent. In this sense, it is argued that commitment can present a passive dimension, associated with the behavior of loyalty to the organization, which also relates to the idea of consent. The sociological literature examines the individual-organization attachment from a perspective that, rather than considering emotional and psychological elements, emphasizes the relations of control and authority that induce the employee to obey or fulfill the subordinate role expected of him. Thus, there is a grey area where the boundaries between commitment and consent or obedience rest. This study proposes a scale to measure "organizational consent," seeking evidence of this through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, undertaken with a sample of 721 workers. The results of exploratory factor analysis elicited three factors that explained 46.83% of the variance, but the confirmatory tests indicated a better fit to the two-dimensional model that incorporated the dimensions of "blind obedience" and "inner acceptance" as those that best define the construct of "consent".

Humanos , Adhesión a Directriz , Psicología Industrial
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-641822


En 2009 se publicaron los resultados de la investigación de Jerry Burger, una réplica parcial del célebre estudio de Stanley Milgram sobre obediencia a la autoridad. A 45 años del experimento original, se reabrieron así discusiones éticas y metodológicas insoslayables. Tales cuestiones éticas se organizan en tres niveles diferentes: (1) Las premisas éticas para la utilización de consignas engañosas en la investigación científica: ¿cuáles son estas premisas? ¿por qué ha sido objetado el experimento de Milgram? ¿Es posible una réplica del experimento que salve tales objeciones?; (2) El contexto de aplicación de la investigación: ¿es posible utilizar sus resultados para explicar la obediencia a órdenes aberrantes en casos tan diversos como el nazismo, My Lai, la dictadura militar de Argentina 1976-83, Guantánamo o Abu Ghraib?; (3) Las condiciones para la transmisión de un experimento metodológica y conceptualmente controvertido: ¿cuáles son los principios éticos actualmente vigentes en materia de "objetividad en la enseñanza"? ¿qué supone, en el caso concreto de Milgram, ofrecer a estudiantes e investigadores una perspectiva ética sobre el problema? Como una contribución a este último punto, el presente artículo discute los parámetros actualmente vigentes en materia de Engaño en la investigación y Consentimiento Informado, analizando las implicancias ético-metodológicas de la "solución de los 150 voltios" propuesta por Burger en su réplica del experimento.

The results of Jerry Burger's investigation, a partial replica of Stanley Milgram's famous study on obedience to authority, were published in 2009. 45 years after the original experiment was conducted, the ethical and methodological issues surrounding this study inevitably resurfaced. Said ethical issues can be organized into three different levels: (1) The ethical premises which outline the practice of deception in research. What are these premises? Why have there been so many objections to Milgram's experiment? Finally, is it possible to replicate this experiment in a manner which would salvage it from these objections? (2) The applicability of a particular context of an investigation. Is it accurate to use the results of this study to explain the phenomenon of obedience to authority in contexts as diverse as those presented by Nazism, My Lai (Vietnam), Argentina's military dictatorship (1976-83), Guantanamo, or Abu Ghraib? (3) The conditions which outline the possibility of transmission of results as controversial as those presented in the subject matter and methodology of this kind of experiment. Which are the currently existing ethical principles regarding "objectivity in teaching"? Which ethical perspective is Milgram's experiment attempting to transmit to students? In regards to this last point, this article pretends to discuss the existing parameters in the areas of Deception in research and Informed consent, analyzing the ethical and methodological implications of the "150 volts solution" proposed by Burger in his replica.

Autoritarismo , Ética , Sujetos de Investigación , Castigo/psicología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533169


This paper analyzes the reasons for quarantined patients' incomplete obedience to medical orders and comes up with relevant countermeasures as follows.1.External compulsory medical treatment should be combined with patients' internal self-consciousness.2.It is necessary to strengthen the mutual communication between doctors and quarantined patients,and observation for patients' condition.3.It is necessary to strengthen mental care and respect for patients' legal rights.4.A positive role should be taken in improving treating environment and give mental support from family members.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-542583


Objective: The study examined adolescents' obedience,justifications,and feelings to parental authority as well as their interrelation in parent-adolescent conflict situations.Methods: 538 adolescents aged 10-to 18-year-old were investigated by questionnaires in light of different domains(personal,conventional,and friendship domains)selected from Smetana(2000).Results: ①The results suggested that their obedience to parental authority changed with different domains,as well as their justifications and feelings;②Adolescents' justifications of obedience focused on conventional rules,knowledgeable attributes,reciprocal relationships and physical consequences;③There were more negative feelings than neural or positive ones accompanied with their obedience;④Their justifications and feelings were different between obedience and disobedience groups,the conventional-rule-attribute was significantly correlated with negative feelings in both of obedience and disobedience groups,and the knowledgeable-attribute was significantly correlated with positive feelings in obedience group.Conclusion: Adolescents' conceptions of parental authority are domain-specific,and their obedience,justifications and feelings interrelate with each other.