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Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387719


Abstract Introduction: Seed removal by ants is an interaction that may greatly affect the dynamic and structure of the vegetation. This aspect is well known for granivorous ants; however, there is little information on the effect of omnivorous ants. Objective: To assess the potential impact of the omnivorous ant Dorymyrmex insanus on vegetation. Methods: In the Pedregal Reserve, Mexico City, we identified the items in the refuse piles of ten ant colonies, for one year, covering the rainy and dry seasons. For each season we calculated seed diversity and analyzed the possible relationship between seed size and their abundance in the refuse piles, with regression models. We also did germination tests with seeds of Tagetes micrantha, comparing seeds from piles and from plants. Results: D. insanus removed seeds of 19 plant species as well as plant remains (such as leaves, twigs, roots), and remains of insects. Seed diversity was higher in the rainy season but the greatest abundance was in the dry season. When analyzing the relationship between seed length and abundance in the refuse piles, we found that the ants preferred seeds of around 10 mm. We also found that more seeds of T. micrantha germinated when they were previously handled by ants. Conclusions: The ant D. insanus actively participates in the removal of seeds from several species, favoring germination, and seasonality affects the selectivity of resources.

Resumen Introducción: La remoción de semillas por parte de las hormigas es una interacción que puede afectar en gran medida la dinámica y estructura de la vegetación. Este aspecto es bien conocido para las hormigas granívoras; sin embargo, hay poca información sobre el efecto de las omnívoras. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto potencial de la hormiga omnívora Dorymyrmex insanus sobre la vegetación. Métodos: En la Reserva Pedregal, Ciudad de México, se identificaron los ítems en el área del basurero para diez colonias de hormigas, durante un año, cubriendo la época de lluvia y sequía. Para cada temporada calculamos la diversidad de semillas y analizamos la posible relación entre el tamaño de las semillas y su abundancia en los basureros, con modelos de regresión. También hicimos pruebas de germinación con semillas de Tagetes micrantha, comparando las encontradas en los basureros con las provenientes de las plantas. Resultados: D. insanus eliminó semillas de 19 especies de plantas, así como restos de plantas (hojas, ramitas, raíces) y restos de insectos. La diversidad de semillas fue mayor en la estación lluviosa pero la mayor abundancia lo fue en la estación seca. Al analizar la relación entre la longitud de las semillas y la abundancia en el área del basurero, encontramos que las hormigas preferían semillas de alrededor de 10 mm. También encontramos que germinaron más semillas de T. micrantha cuando fueron manipuladas previamente por hormigas. Conclusiones: La hormiga D. insanus participa activamente en la remoción de semillas de varias especies, favoreciendo la germinación, y la estacionalidad afecta la selectividad de recursos.

Animales , Hormigas , Cinturón Ecológico , Dispersión de Semillas , Himenópteros/clasificación , México
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1595-1600, set.-out. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1038643


O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a digestibilidade do farelo de palmiste (Elaeis guineensis) para o tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), em duas classes de peso: 1 (210 alevinos de 4,45±1,18g) e 2 (54 juvenis de 115,91±4,01g). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta do farelo de palmiste foram avaliados pela metodologia de substituição da dieta referência, utilizando-se 0,1% de óxido crômico como indicador externo. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste t de Student, a 5% de probabilidade. Os CDAs da matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta do ingrediente foram iguais (P>0,05) nas classes de peso avaliadas. Os CDAs observados nas classes 1 e 2, respectivamente, foram: matéria seca (17,52% e 20,75%), proteína bruta (62,83% e 63,75%) e energia bruta (14,16% e 22,43%). A capacidade do tambaqui para digerir os nutrientes do farelo de palmiste não foi influenciada pelo peso corporal, e o aproveitamento satisfatório da proteína (63,29%) faz desse ingrediente uma potencial fonte alternativa de proteína em dietas para a espécie.(AU)

The objective of this work was to determine the digestibility of palm kernel meal (Elaeis guineensis) in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), in two weight classes: 1 (210 fingerlings of 4.45±1.18g) and 2 (54 juveniles of 115.91±4.01g). The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein and crude energy of the palm kernel meal were evaluated by the substitution of the reference diet methodology, using 0.1% chromic oxide as an external indicator. Data were analyzed by Student's t-test at 5% probability. The dry matter, crude protein and crude energy ADCs of the ingredient were the same (P> 0.05) in the weight classes evaluated. The ADCs observed in classes 1 and 2, respectively, were: dry matter (17.52% and 20.75%), crude protein (62.83% and 63.75%) and crude energy (14.16% and 22.43%). The ability of tambaqui to digest the nutrients of palm kernel meal was not influenced by body weight, and satisfactory protein utilization (63.29%) makes this ingredient a potential alternative source of protein in diets for the species.(AU)

Elaeis guineensis , Acuicultura/métodos , Characidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Residuos de Alimentos , Alimentación Animal/análisis
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 305-316, Mar. 2012. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-657780


Freshwater decapod crustaceans are important components of food webs in these environments, but little is known about the diet of species that live in tropical waters. We studied the feeding ecology of the prawn Pseudopalaemon bouvieri and its population structure in two different areas with six lagoons, with a different composition and abundance of aquatic macrophytes. At each site of macrophytes banks, 18 prawns sample was collected with a hand net (1mm mesh size) from 1m². In the laboratory, prawns cephalothorax length was measured, sex determined, and a total of 208 stomachs were examined for food items. Our results showed that the population abundance varied between 10 ind/m² and 1 411 ind/m². The cephalothorax length ranged between 6mm and 21mm, and the male:female ratio varied between 0.3 and 1.0, with a higher proportion of ovigerous females (21%) in area one than area two. P. bouvieri is omnivorous, and its diet was principally based on algae, plant remains, Protozoa, Rotifera, Oligochaeta, Crustacea, Insecta, detritus and other items. The analysis of the stomach content did not reveal any significant difference in the diet between juveniles and adults, and males and females of both areas consumed a similar diet (Kruskal-Wallis test p=0.8273). We concluded that the dietary items consumed by prawns and the niche breadth were similar between the two areas, although the proportion of items consumed varied between lagoons of both areas. The density of P. bouvieri was different between areas, but the size of cephalothorax (CL) was similar.

Los crustáceos decápodos de agua dulce son un componente importante de la cadena trófica, pero poco se sabe sobre la dieta de las especies que viven en aguas tropicales. Nosotros estudiamos la ecología alimentaria del camarón Pseudopalaemon bouvieri y la estructura de su población en dos áreas diferentes con seis lagunas, con una diferente composición y abundancia de macrófitas acuáticas. En cada sitio poblado con macrófitas, se tomaron 18 muestras con una red manual (1mm de tamaño de malla) de 1m². En laboratorio, se midió la longitud de cefalotórax de los camarones y se determinó el sexo. Asimismo, fueron examinados un total de 208 estómagos para determinar su alimentación. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la abundancia de la población varió entre 10 ind/m² y 1 411 ind/ m². La longitud de cefalotórax osciló entre 6 y 21mm, y la razón macho:hembra varió entre 0.3 y 1.0, con una mayor proporción de hembras ovígeras (21%) en el área 1 que en el área 2. P. bouvieri es omnívoro y su alimentación se basa principalmente en algas, restos de plantas, protozoos, rotíferos, Oligochaeta, crustáceos, Insecta, detrito y otros ítems. El análisis del contenido estomacal no reveló ninguna diferencia significativa en la dieta entre juveniles y adultos, y los machos y hembras de ambas áreas consumieron una dieta similar (Kruskal-Wallis, p=0.8273). Nosotros concluimos que los ítems alimentarios consumidos por los camarones y la amplitud de nicho fueron similares entre las dos áreas, aunque la proporción de ítems consumidos varió entre lagunas de ambas áreas. La densidad de P. bouvieri fue diferente entre áreas, pero el tamaño del cefalotórax (CL) fue similar.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Palaemonidae/fisiología , Argentina , Agua Dulce , Contenido Digestivo , Densidad de Población , Palaemonidae/clasificación , Estaciones del Año
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(3): 53-60, jul.-set. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-567853


In the present work we aimed to describe the spatio-temporal and ontogenetic variations of Astyanax janeiroensis diet in Ubatiba stream, a coastal fluvial system from Serra do Mar. We analyzed 540 specimens collected monthly during twelve months in six sites differing in the degree of vegetal cover (opened and closed sites). We verified that A. janeiroensis is an omnivorous species whose diet is largely based on autochthonous items. The estimated intestinal coefficient was 0.74 (+ 1.2), being compatible with an omnivorous behavior. We did not register differences in the diet from dry and rainy seasons. Nonetheless, we found differences in the diet from opened and closed sites. We registered quite absolute predominance of autochthonous items in the diet from the closed sites, whereas, in the opened ones we found similar ingestion of alo and autochthonous items. Concerning juveniles and adult specimens, we found differences in the consumption of animal and vegetal items with a relative reduction of animal ingestion among adult specimens. The intestinal coefficient of adult specimens was higher than that of juveniles, corroborating the diet results.

No presente trabalho tivemos como objetivo descrever as variações espaço-temporais e ontogenéticas da dieta de Astyanax janeiroensis do Rio Ubatiba, um riacho costeiro da Serra do Mar. Analisamos o conteúdo gástrico de 540 exemplares capturados mensalmente, durante 12 meses, em seis localidades, sendo três com cobertura (localidade fechada) vegetal e três sem cobertura (localidade aberta). Verificamos que A. janeiroensis é uma espécie onívora, com dieta essencialmente baseada em itens autóctones, majoritariamente de origem vegetal. O coeficiente intestinal da espécie foi estimado em 0,74 (+ 1,2) que é um valor compatível com o hábito alimentar onívoro. Não foram registradas diferenças na dieta dos exemplares coletados durantes as estações seca e chuvosa. No entanto, foram registradas diferenças na dieta dos exemplares coletados nas localidades aberta e fechada. Nas localidades fechadas houve predominância quase absoluta de itens autóctones, enquanto nas localidades abertas houve participação equivalente dos itens alóctones e autóctones. Registramos que os exemplares jovens e adultos diferem no consumo dos itens animais e vegetais com redução relativa do consumo e animais entre os adultos. Os valores do coeficiente intestinal dos jovens foram superiores aos dos adultos, corroborando os resultados da dieta.