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Acta biol. colomb ; 15(3): 3-18, dic. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635034


La producción de embriones in vitro ha sido una herramienta útil para el desarrollo de técnicas como la clonación y la transgénesis, que han revolucionado los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología. La técnica básica para la maduración, fertilización y cultivo in vitro de los embriones produce, desde sus inicios, bajas tasas de desarrollo hasta el estadío de blastocisto con índices reducidos de viabilidad de los mismos. Los avances en el conocimiento de la dinámica celular durante estos procesos condujo a la hipótesis, de que la maduración, entendida como el reinicio del ciclo meiótico, la reorganización del ooplasma y la regulación de la expresión génica, juegan un papel fundamental para sustentar el desarrollo temprano de los embriones, esta capacidad de lograr el desarrollo se ha denominado competencia. La adquisición de la competencia nuclear y citoplásmica ocurre durante dos fases claras del desarrollo del ovocito: la primera, de crecimiento, donde ocurren arreglos moleculares y reorganización de organelas en el ooplasma, y la segunda fase, donde ocurre el reinicio de la meiosis para lograr finalmente el número haploide de cromosomas que se complementarán con los paternos para el desarrollo del nuevo individuo. Esta revisión tiene por objeto describir los procesos celulares y moleculares que conllevan a la adquisición de la competecia del ovocito, se incluyen: la maduración citoplasmática, el reinicio de la meiosis y las interacciones entre el ovocito, las células del cúmulus y el fluido folicular. El tema es presentado en tres partes: 1. el desarrollo del complejo folicular,2. El crecimiento del ovocito y la remodelación intracelular y 3. La maduración nuclear. Se concluye presentando un modelo de comunicación y regulación intercelular, para explicar como este intrincado complejo que involucra diferentes rutas de señalización conducen a la adquisición de la competencia.

The in vitro production of embryos has been a useful tool for the development of techniques such as cloning and transgenesis, which have revolutionized the fields of science and technology. The basic technique for maturation, fertilization and in vitro culture of embryos produced from the beginning, low rates of development to the blastocyst stage and reduced viability of these. Advances in the understanding of cellular dynamics during these processes led to the hypothesis that the maturation, defined as the resumption of the meiotic cycle, ooplasma reorganization and regulation of gene expression, play a key role in sustaining early development on the embryos, this ability to achieve development is called competence. The acquisition of nuclear and cytoplasmic competition takes place over two clear phases of development of the oocyte, the first is the growth, where occur molecular arrangements and organelles reorganization into the ooplasma and the second phase, in which ocurr the restart of meiosis to achieve finally the haploid number of chromosomes that will be complemented by the paternal to the development of a new individual. The aim of this review is to describe the cellular and molecular processes that lead to the acquisition of competence of the oocyte, including: cytoplasmic maturation, resumption of meiosis and the interactions between the oocyte, cumulus cells and follicular fluid. The subject is presented in three parts: 1. follicular development of the complex, 2. Oocyte growth and intracellular remodeling and 3. Nuclear maturation. It concludes with a model of intercellular communication and regulation, to explain this intricate complex as it involves different signaling pathways.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568699


The present study was designed to investigate the regulatory effect of Xenopus oocyte cytoplasm on the functional activity of the injected mammalian erythroid nuclei taken from different developmental stages and the tumor cell nuclei from human HeLa and mouse plasmocytoma (Sp 2/0) cell lines. Experimental results demonstrated that: (1) only 1/3 of the injected erythroid nuclei derived from different physiological status survived and - were induced to become enlarged, accompanied by chromatin dispersion, clear nucleoplasm, and with the ability of incorporation of~3H-uridine for the synthesis of RNA, while most of the injected nuclei in pyknosis or in late differentiated stage were inactivated, stained black and degenerated steadily; (2) almost all the "injected tumor cell nuclei originally in active division of Sp 2/0 and HeLa survived and were activated by showing nuclei enlarged to about 10 to 200 times with fully chromatin dispersion, concomitant clear nucleoplasm and well developed nuclcoli. The state of activation is much more pronounced than that in erythroid nuclei; (3) isoelectrophoretic analysis of the oocytes with transplanted nuclei showed a dark band at pi 6.28 which is corresponding to a homologous component, but other than hemoglobin from rat bone marrow erythrocytes. It is suggested that the gene activities of the injected nuclei were reprogrammed by the oocyte cytoplasm, globin gene originally activated were closed and oocyte selected to open genes that suitable to host genetic state; (4) when injected into Xenopus oocyte with purified rat globin mRNA polyribosomes, it translated efficiently into hemoglobin. The above mentioned results could be concluded that the Xenopus oocyte provided favorable conditions for the translation of purified mRNA polysomes as well as to regulate or reprogram the expression of gones in the injected nuclei. The regulatory effect is closely related to the initial physiological status and the competence of the injected nuclei themselves responsed to oocyte cytoplasm, i.e. the efficiency is much more prominent in originally active proliferative nuclei than those in late or terminal differentiation.