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Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 273-276, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012519


Objective@#To explore two visual acuity standards for examining uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) to define poor vision in lower grade elementary school students, and to compare the difference of screening myopia rates when combined with non cycloplegic auto refraction (NCAR), so as to provide a scientific basis for standardizing UCVA examination methods using CAR as the gold standard of authenticity and reliability.@*Methods@#From March 22nd to April 9th, 2023, a total of 549 first and second grade students aged 7-8 years from a primary school in Hefei City were selected for the study by convenient cluster sampling method. Two methods were employed for UCVA examination:the first method involved charts where the student could not make mistakes in identifying at least half of the characters per line (V1), and the second method used charts with character sizes ranging from 4.0 -4.5, 4.6-5.0 and 5.1-5.3, without allowing 1, 2 and 3 errors per line (V2). While NCAR was performed, then 187 students underwent CAR examination. Paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test and McNemar test were used to compare the differences between V1 and V2 methods in defining poor vision and screening myopia rates. Using CAR as the gold standard, the authenticity and reliability of defining screening myopia rates through the combination of V1 and V2 methods along with NCAR were evaluated.@*Results@#The UCVA examination results for V1 and V2 showed statistically significant differences in both the right eye [5.0(4.9,5.0), 4.9(4.8,5.0)] and the left eye [ 5.0 (4.9,5.0), 4.9(4.8,5.0)] ( Z=-13.95, -13.34, P <0.01). The detection rates of poor vision for the right eye were 43.53% for V1 and 63.21% for V2, and the left eye with 44.08% for V1 and 62.11% for V2, with statistically significant differences ( χ 2= 106.01 , 95.09, P <0.01). When screening myopia rates were assessed for UCNA methods combined with NCAR, the right eye rates were 21.49% for V1 and 24.59% for V2, and the left eye rates were 21.31% for V1 and 23.13% for V2, with statistically significant differences ( χ 2=15.06, 8.10, P <0.01). Using CAR as the gold standard, the detection rates in the right eye and left eye were 16.58 % and 17.11%, respectively. The Youden indices for defining screening myopia in the right eye were 0.80 for V1 and 0.79 for V2, and the left eye with 0.85 for V1 and 0.83 for V2. The agreement rates for the right eye were 91.98 % for V1 and 89.30% for V2, and the left eye with 94.12% for V1 and 91.98% for V2. The Kappa values for the right eye were 0.73 for V1 and 0.67 for V2, and the left eye with 0.81 for V1 and 0.75 for V2.@*Conclusions@#Authenticity and reliability of two UCVA examination methods combined with NCAR in defining screening myopia are higher in V1 than V2 methods. It is recommended to unify the visual acuity examination methods by requiring the correct identification of more than half of the total number of visual markers in a row.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550228


Fundamento: la calidad de un servicio de salud parte del nivel de la competencia y desempeño de sus trabajadores en el cumplimiento de sus funciones laborales y sociales. Objetivo: elaborar un sistema de competencias laborales para tecnólogos de la salud licenciados en Optometría y Óptica. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico en el campo de la educación médica, durante enero 2021- enero 2022 en instituciones del nivel secundario del municipio Holguín. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos que permitieron la triangulación metodológica de los resultados. Se tuvo en cuenta el criterio de especialistas para la valoración del sistema de competencias elaborado. Resultados: se identificaron insuficiencias para ejecutar procederes óptico-optométricos, limitada participación en actividades científico investigativas, baja categorización docente e investigativa, debilidades en la función profesor-tutor y escasa actividad de superación permanente. Se elaboró un sistema de competencias laborales para tecnólogos de la salud licenciados en Optometría y Óptica diseñadas en correspondencia con el ejercicio de sus funciones. Conclusiones: el diagnóstico realizado demostró la necesidad de un sistema de competencias laborales para contribuir al perfeccionamiento del desempeño laboral de estos profesionales, el cual fue valorado como factible, pertinente y útil de ser aplicado.

Background: the quality of a health service is based on the level of competence and performance of its workers in fulfilling their job and social functions. Objective: to develop a system of job skills for health technologists Bachelors in Optometry and Optics. Methods: a technological development investigation was carried out in the field of medical education, from January 2021 to January 2022 in secondary level institutions of the Holguín municipality. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used that allowed the methodological contrast of the results. The criteria of specialists was taken into account for the assessment of the developed competency system. Results: insufficiencies were identified to carry out optical-optometric procedures, limited participation in scientific research activities, low teaching and research ranking, weaknesses in the teacher-tutor function and little permanent improvement activity. A system of job competencies was developed for health technologists with degrees in Optometry and Optics designed in accordance with the exercise of their duties. Conclusions: the diagnosis carried out demonstrated the need for a system of work competencies to contribute to the improvement of the work performance of these professionals, which was valued as feasible, relevant and useful to be applied.

Optometría , Educación Médica , Cursos de Capacitación , Capacitación Profesional
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551003


Introducción: Esta investigación se articula en el modelo de educación superior y el modelo sanitario que se aplica en Cuba, acorde con las necesidades cada vez más crecientes del hombre en relación directa con su entorno socioeconómico, cultural, científico-tecnológico y ecológico. Objetivo: Valorar el estado actual del desempeño profesional de los tecnólogos en Optometría y Óptica de La Habana. Materiales y métodos: La investigación es cuantitativa, no experimental, observacional y prospectiva. Se trabajó con 200 tecnólogos en Optometría y Óptica, que constituyen el 100 % de la población. Para el desarrollo se identificaron cuatro dimensiones, entre las que se encuentran la aplicación de los procederes tecnológicos ópticos y optométricos; producción intelectual: se establece la actuación manifestada en la expresión de conocimientos y habilidades actualizados; comportamiento ético: se entiende por la actuación manifestada en la expresión de habilidades comunicativas y valores; y crecimiento profesional, referido a la actuación manifestada en la expresión de habilidades investigativas. Resultados: El 100 % aborda las funciones en la asistencia, y solo el 10 % declara tener tiempo para investigar; 25 % de ellos han participado en algún curso, el 12 % en diplomado, y solo cuatro poseen maestría; 25 % establece tener dominio en la manipulación de los equipos; entre el 10 y el 20 % no presentan problemas. Conclusiones: Se identificaron insuficiencias en las dimensiones que se establecieron relacionadas con la superación y la aplicación de los procederes tecnológicos.

Introduction: This research is articulated in the higher education model and the health model that is applied in Cuba, in accordance with the increasingly growing needs of man in direct relation with his socioeconomic, cultural, scientific, technological and ecological environment. Objective: To assess the current status of the professional performance of technologists in Optometry and Optics of Havana. Materials and methods: The research is quantitative, not experimental, observational and prospective. The authors worked with 200 technologists in Optometry and Optics, who were 100% of the population. Four dimensions were identified for the development, among which are the application of optical technological procedures and optometric; intellectual production: the performance manifested in the expression of updated knowledge and skills is established; ethical behaviour means the action expressed in the expression of communicative skills and values; and professional growth, referring to the performance manifested in the expression of investigative skills. Results: 100% address the functions in assistance and only 10% declare they have time to research[ 25% of them have participated in some course, 12% in a diploma and only four have a master's degree; 25% state that they have mastery in handling the equipment, between 10% and 20% do not present problems. Conclusions: Insufficiencies were identified in the dimensions that were established related to improvement and the application of technological procedures.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550931


Al revisar la historia de la optometría y la óptica se encuentra que ha tenido procesos de cambio y evolución, debido a la preocupación por la salud visual que ha venido deteriorándose al transcurrir de los años. Para mostrar dichos cambios se realizó una revisión teórica-histórica del origen y la evolución de la optometría y la óptica. Se tuvo en cuenta los datos que han sido de avance científico, tecnológico y humanístico, no solo en la antigüedad sino también en la actualidad, los cuales han servido para mejorar el desarrollo de nuestra actividad profesional y consecuentemente al mejoramiento del bienestar social. Fueron innumerables los hombres que enriquecieron nuestros conocimientos con sus aportes, por lo cual se ha necesitado de muchos siglos de lenta y progresiva evolución para llegar a ser lo que es hoy en día, una ciencia con todas las bases de la óptica, la anatomía y la fisiología de la visión la cual se rige por leyes que nos permiten un conocimiento más exacto de ella. El objetivo es valorar el proceso de origen y evolución de la optometría y la óptica en Cuba y el mundo(AU)

When reviewing the history of optometry and optics, it is found that it has undergone processes of change and evolution, due to the concern for visual health that has been deteriorating over the years. In order to show these changes, a theoretical-historical review of the origin and evolution of optometry and optics was carried out. We took into account the data that have been of scientific, technological and humanistic progress, not only in ancient times but also at present, which have served to improve the development of our professional activity and consequently to the improvement of social welfare. There were countless men who enriched our knowledge with their contributions, so it has taken many centuries of slow and progressive evolution to become what it is today, a science with all the bases of optics, anatomy and physiology of vision which is governed by laws that allow us a more accurate knowledge of it. The objective is to evaluate the process of origin and evolution of optometry and optics in Cuba and the world(AU)

Humanos , Optometría/historia
Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528550


En la actualidad, se vive en una sociedad en la que el conocimiento es el principal motor de desarrollo y crecimiento económico. Para que una persona tenga capacidad de producir conocimientos y de aprendizaje permanente, se requiere tener habilidades en el uso de tecnología avanzada, las cuales se logran con la superación profesional para poder aplicarlos en beneficio de toda la sociedad. La superación profesional posibilita a los profesionales estar actualizados y actualizables en las tecnologías avanzadas que facilitan mantenerse competentes y competitivos en cualquiera de los escenarios. En ese sentido, el desarrollo de las habilidades en el uso de tecnología avanzada significa aprender un lenguaje único, incorporar nuevas reglas y utilizar nuevas experiencias para aprender a interaccionar con eficacia en ese mundo. La tecnología de la salud requiere de profesionales con un perfil amplio e integrador, los cuales, mediante la superación profesional, se apropien de conocimientos y desarrollen habilidades en el uso de tecnología avanzada(AU)

Nowadays, life is experienced in a society in which knowledge is the main engine of development and economic growth. In order for a person to have the capacity to produce knowledge and learn permanently, it is necessary to have skills in the use of advanced technology, achieved through professional upgrading in order to apply them for the benefit of society as a whole. Professional upgrading makes it possible for professionals to be updated and updatable in advanced technologies that make it easier for them to remain competent and competitive in any of the scenarios. In that respect, the development of skills in the use of advanced technology means learning a unique language, incorporating new rules and using new experiences to learn how to interact effectively in this world. Health technology requires professionals with a broad and integrative profile, who, through professional upgrading, appropriate knowledge for themselves and develop skills in the use of advanced technology(AU)

Humanos , Capacitación Profesional
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990910


Objective:To investigate the clinical value of spherical lens with 0.05 D intervals in optometry for small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) in myopic eyes.Methods:A randomized controlled clinical study was conducted.Sixty patients (120 eyes) with low to moderate myopia and myopic astigmatism who underwent SMILE in the 989th Hospital of the PLA from June 2021 to February 2022 were enrolled.The patients were randomly divided into 0.05 D interval group (optometry with spherical lens at 0.05 D interval) and 0.25 D interval group (optometry with spherical lens at 0.25 D interval), with 30 cases (60 eyes) in each group.There was no significant difference in matched age, sphericity, cylindricity, and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) (all at P>0.05). The preoperative monocular red-green balance, 1- and 3-month postoperative monocular red-green balance, uncorrected visual acuity and spherical equivalent of both groups were compared.This study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki.The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the 989th Hospital of the PLA (No.WZLL-2021-034). Written informed consent was obtained from each subject before any medical examination. Results:The preoperative red-green balance rate in 0.05 D interval group was 95.00%(57/60), which was higher than 35.00%(21/60) in 0.25 D interval group, showing a statistically significant difference ( Wald χ2=17.642, P<0.001). The 1- and 3-month postoperative red-green balance rates in 0.05 D interval group were 63.33%(38/60) and 56.67%(34/60), which were higher than 23.33%(14/60) and 21.67%(13/60) in 0.25 D interval group respectively, showing statistically significant differences ( Wald χ2=9.137, P=0.003; Wald χ2=7.483, P=0.006). The 1- and 3-month postoperative visual acuity in 0.05 D interval group were -0.1(-0.1, -0.1) and -0.1(-0.1, -0.1), which were higher than 0.0(-0.1, 0.0) and -0.1(-0.1, 0.0) in 0.25 D interval group respectively, showing statistically significant differences ( Wald χ2=11.624, P=0.001; Wald χ2=12.841, P<0.001). The 1- and 3-month postoperative spherical equivalent were -0.07(-0.25, 0.13)D and -0.13(-0.25, 0.13)D in 0.05 D interval group, which were higher than -0.13(-0.38, 0.25)D and -0.13(-0.38, 0.25)D in 0.25 D interval group respectively, showing no statistically significant difference between the two groups ( Wald χ2=0.029, P=0.866; Wald χ2=0.189, P=0.664). Conclusions:Compared with spherical lens at 0.25 D interval, 0.05 D interval can improve the accuracy of preoperative and postoperative red-green balance rate and postoperative visual acuity in patients with low to moderate myopia who undergo SMILE.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1414-1417, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996322


Objective@#To understand the differences in the application of three distant vision examination methods in children, so as to provide a reference for developing a unified distant vision examination for this population.@*Methods@#The study involved 98 children aged 4 to 16 years who visited the ophthalmology department of a children s hospital in Anhui Province between August 15 and 25, 2022. Vision was measured using the distant vision test method specified in the 2014 National Student Physical Fitness and Health Survey (V1), the 2019 National Student Physical Fitness and Health Survey (V2), and Specification for Screening of Refractive Error in Primary and Secondary School Students (WS/T 663-2020) (V3). The paired samples McNemar s test and Wilcoxon test were performed to compare the detection rate of poor vision and the difference between the visual acuity test results of the three methods.@*Results@#The results of the 98 children examined according to V1, V2, and V3 showed that the M (P25, P 75 ) of the right eye were 4.8(4.6,5.0),4.8(4.7,5.0),and 4.8(4.7,5.0)while the left eye visual acuity M ( P 25 , P 75 ) were 4.8 (4.6,5.0),4.9( 4.7 ,5.0),and 4.9(4.7,5.0),respectively. The rates of poor visual acuity detection for the right eye were 63.3%, 58.2% and 58.2 % for V1, V2, and V3, respectively, while for the left eye, they were 58.2%, 54.1% and 53.1%, respectively. McNemar test results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the rates of poor visual acuity detection between the right and left eyes for V1 vs. V2, V1 vs. V3, and V2 vs. V3 (left eyes: χ 2=2.25,2.29,0.00,right eyes: χ 2=3.20,3.20,0.00, P >0.05).Wilcoxon test results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the right and left eye visual acuity groups for V1 vs. V2 and V1 vs. V3 (left eyes: Z =-4.15,-4.60, right eyes: Z = -4.70,-4.99, P <0.01).@*Conclusion@#Irrespective of whether the starting visual standard starts at row 4.0 or 5.0, different standards of visual standard passage have an impact on the visual acuity results. It is recommended that existing methods of screening for distance vision are standardized.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Jun; 70(6): 2014-2019
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224347


Purpose: To assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and clinical practice of glaucoma among optometry students and optometry practitioners with different years of clinical experience and academic background. Methods: A survey with 20 questions on knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of glaucoma was prepared and self?administered to optometry students and optometry practitioners practicing in an eye hospital/clinic/optical with varied years of clinical experience and education qualification. Results: Among the 558 participants, 57% were optometry practitioners and 43% were students. The knowledge scores among optometry practitioners increased significantly with an increase in the years of clinical experience (P < 0.001). Participants with master’s degrees scored higher than participants with bachelor’s degrees (P = 0.12). There was no statistically significant difference in knowledge scores based on the type of clinical practice ? hospital, private practice, or optical (P = 0.39). Practicing optometrists who performed slit?lamp examination, gonioscopy, IOP measurements, and disc evaluation for the detection of glaucoma had significantly higher knowledge scores than those who did not perform these tests in their practice (P < 0.05). A positive attitude toward glaucoma learning through workshops and hands?on training was reported by optometrists and students. Conclusion: Knowledge about glaucoma was good among optometrists and optometry students and was better among those who handled the diagnostics. All the optometrists had a positive attitude toward enhancing their practice through proper training

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931061


Objective:To evaluate the difference and agreement of cycloplegic refraction between adaptive optics visual simulator (VAO) and conventional refraction methods.Methods:A diagnostic test study was conducted.Thirty-one eyes of 31 healthy subjects including 15 males and 16 females were enrolled in November, 2019 in Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College.Mean age of the subjects was (20.1±1.0) years, and the right eye was taken for data analysis.Cycloplegic refraction was measured by VAO and conventional refraction methods, respectively.Spherical power, cylindrical power, Jackson cross-cylinder power at axis 90° and 180° (J 0) and Jackson cross-cylinder power at axis 45° and 135° (J 45) vector powers were recorded.Paired t-test was used to compare the refractive parameters between different refraction methods, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots were used to evaluate the agreement between VAO and conventional refraction methods.This study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki, and the research protocal was approved by an Ethics Committee of Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College (No.2020ER[A]018). Written informed consent was obtained from each subject prior to any medical examination. Results:For subjective refraction, the ICC for spherical power, cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 between VAO and phoropter were 0.97, 0.75, 0.84 and 0.09, respectively.For objective refraction, the ICC for spherical power, cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 between VAO and autorefractor were 0.98, 0.70, 0.74 and 0.61, respectively.The mean differences in spherical power, cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 between VAO and phoropter were (0.05±0.32), (-0.23±0.28), (-0.10±0.14) and (-0.04±0.16)D, respectively, and the differences in cylindrical power and J 0 were statistically significant (both at P<0.01), whereas no significant differences in spherical power and J 45 were found ( P=0.41, 0.18). The mean differences in spherical power, cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 measured by VAO and autorefractor were (-0.70±0.26), (-0.07±0.46), (-0.03±0.27) and (0.01±0.12)D, respectively, and the spherical power measurement by VAO was significantly more negative than the autorefractor ( t=15.09, P<0.01), while no significant differences in cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 were found ( P=0.39, 0.59, 0.63). No significant difference values in spherical power, cylindrical power, J 0 and J 45 were found between the two objective refraction methods and phoropter subjective refraction (all at P>0.05). Conclusions:With cycloplegia, spherical power obtained by VAO objective refraction is more negative compared with autorefractor.There is a good agreement of spherical power and astigmatism vector values measured by VAO and phoropter subjective refraction, and the measurement differences are clinically acceptable.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931069


Adaptive optics (AO) can measure and correct wavefront aberrations in real time, which enables the optical system to adapt to external changes and maintain excellent optical performance, and has been gradually paid attention in the field of ophthalmology.AO technology can carry out optometry according to wavefront aberrations to improve the efficiency and accuracy of subjective and objective refraction, eliminate the influence of ocular aberrations on retinal imaging, provide more accurate data for the evaluation of optic nerve function, improve the effectiveness of visual perception training and provide vision care and treatment for special people, as well as simulate and predict postoperative visual outcome and give personalized schemes for refractive surgery and intraocular lens implantation.Moreover, AO combined with optical coherence tomography, optical scanning laser ophthalmoscope, and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope, can realize fundus imaging and retinal vascular imaging in real time, provide better sensitivity and resolution of retinal detection, distinguish fine details of retinal vessels and cone cells, and characterize retinal pigment epithelium topology and deformation, the application of which in posterior segment laser surgery, glaucoma diagnosis and follow-up, color blindness and retinal physiological activity research has been attracting attention.In this article, the principle and application of AO in ophthalmology were briefly reviewed.

International Eye Science ; (12): 731-735, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923402


@#In recent years, with the continuous improvement of computer science and technology, artificial intelligence(AI)technology based on deep learning(DL)has developed rapidly and attracted wide attention all over the world. Great progress has been made in the research and application of AI in the medical field. In the field of optometry, AI can assist the diagnosis of myopia, strabismus, amblyopia and other diseases, and has achieved good results in the screening and early diagnosis of keratoconus as well as in the prevention and correction of myopia. Nevertheless, there are some limitations and great challenges in the application of AI in optometry, including clinical and technical challenges, interpretability of algorithmic results, medical legal issues and so on. This paper reviews the application, limitation and prospect of AI in the field of optometry.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908591


With the improvement of computing power, the refinement of learning algorithms and architectures and the disclosure of big data, many achievements pertaining to artificial intelligence (AI) have been achieved in the field of medicine.In the field of ocular anterior segment, AI can provide adjunctive diagnosis for pterygium, corneal injury and fungal keratitis etc.In addition, AI presents potential value in screening, early diagnosis and management of keratoconus.For cataract, AI is expected to aid telemedicine and optimize IOL calculation.AI also shows good performance in diagnosing narrow anterior chamber angle, identifying the mechanism of angle closure, assessing the image quality of anterior chamber angle, and predicting the efficacy of glaucoma surgery.In optometry, AI appears to be available in predicting myopia progress, indicating risk factors and subjects of high myopia, and providing help for selection of orthokeratology and cornea refractive surgery.The development, application and limitation of AI technology in the field of ocular anterior segment and myopia management were reviewed.

International Eye Science ; (12): 692-694, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-815758


@#AIM: To explore the effect of the improved four-stage teaching mode in the teaching process of optometry.<p>METHODS: Totally 109 students majoring in Ophthalmic Optics in our college in 2016 were selected as the subjects of study. Taking the mid-term results of optometry as the reference of baseline results. The control group adopted the traditional teaching mode, while the experimental group adopted the improved four-stage teaching model. Achievements in the final optometry examination, satisfaction of students with the teaching of optometry and self-evaluation were compared between the two groups.<p>RESULTS: There was no significant difference among the three final grades(basic theory of optometry, experimental skills and clinical case analysis)and the baseline scores in the control group(<i>P</i>>0.05). Compared with the baseline scores, the final scores of the three items in the experimental group were significantly improved, and the difference was statistically significant(<i>P</i><0.05). The final scores of the two groups were compared(<i>P</i><0.05). The satisfaction with the teaching process and results of optometry course and the improvement of self-evaluation ability of the two groups were significantly higher than those of the control group(<i>P</i><0.05). <p>CONCLUSION: Four-stage teaching can effectively improve the effect of optometry teaching for students majoring in Ophthalmic Optics, which can make students adapt to clinical work faster and more effectively.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876291


Objective To investigate the visual acuity condition of preschool children in Yangpu District of Shanghai, providing the basis for formulation of corresponding intervention measures for myopia. Methods The inspection equipment was the international standard logarithmic E-word visual acuity chart, and the Canon RK-F1 automatic computer optometry instrument.By using cross-sectional study and random cluster sampling method, a total of 1 415 preschool children in 5 kindergartens in Yangpu District were selected according to their ages and genders, and their visual acuity and refractive parameters were examined with the result being statistically analyzed. Results In preschool children of Yangpu District, their envisage rate was 80.4%, myopia rate 16.7% and hyperopia rate 2.9%.There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of envisage, myopia and hyperopia between different age groups (χ2=3.419, P=0.755) and different genders (χ2=2.433, P=0.296).The rate of poor vision for preschool children in Yangpu was 10.5%.There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of poor vision between different age groups (χ2=9.637, P=0.022) and different genders (χ2=4.191, P=0.041). Conclusion The visual acuity rate and myopia rate in preschool children are not optimistic and need further screening and early intervention.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876309


Objective To investigate the visual acuity condition of preschool children in Yangpu District of Shanghai, providing the basis for formulation of corresponding intervention measures for myopia. Methods The inspection equipment was the international standard logarithmic E-word visual acuity chart, and the Canon RK-F1 automatic computer optometry instrument.By using cross-sectional study and random cluster sampling method, a total of 1 415 preschool children in 5 kindergartens in Yangpu District were selected according to their ages and genders, and their visual acuity and refractive parameters were examined with the result being statistically analyzed. Results In preschool children of Yangpu District, their envisage rate was 80.4%, myopia rate 16.7% and hyperopia rate 2.9%.There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of envisage, myopia and hyperopia between different age groups (χ2=3.419, P=0.755) and different genders (χ2=2.433, P=0.296).The rate of poor vision for preschool children in Yangpu was 10.5%.There was a statistically significant difference in the rate of poor vision between different age groups (χ2=9.637, P=0.022) and different genders (χ2=4.191, P=0.041). Conclusion The visual acuity rate and myopia rate in preschool children are not optimistic and need further screening and early intervention.

MedUNAB ; 23(1): 62-71, 2020/03/30.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087832


Introducción. La ambliopía es un desorden visual originado durante el desarrollo cortical considerándose la causa de ceguera prevenible más frecuente. El diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano han demostrado ser efectivos; sin embargo, su detección es tardía debido, en parte, a falta de conocimiento. El objetivo del presente artículo es describir las percepciones sobre el conocimiento de médicos generales y pediatras en Bucaramanga acerca de la detección temprana de la ambliopía. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo descriptivo de tipo exploratorio, utilizando como técnica entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 20 profesionales de la salud, para ello se usó el enfoque de Taylor y Bogdan. Resultados. Las entrevistas permitieron identificar dos categorías: falencias en el proceso de formación del pregrado y posgrado, y barreras de infraestructura para la realización de valoración visual; además de cuatro subcategorías entre las que se identifican conceptos erróneos sobre la ambliopía, falta de claridad sobre la edad oportuna para la realización de la valoración visual de primera vez, así como imaginarios errados relacionados con la valoración y remisión a servicios especializados de optometría y oftalmología. Discusión. El estudio permitió develar la falta de conocimientos de los profesionales de la salud y las distintas causas que contribuyen a esta problemática, así como la importancia del fortalecimiento de este tema en los currículos. Conclusión. Es necesario fortalecer el conocimiento de los médicos generales y pediatras con el fin de detectar precozmente los niños en riesgo de ambliopía y reducir la carga de la enfermedad. Cómo citar: Maldonado Rueda SJ, Marzal Guerra EE, Delgado-Serrano J, Cepeda-Bareño DF, Oviedo Cáceres MP. Percepciones sobre el conocimiento de la detección temprana de la ambliopía de médicos generales y pediatras de Bucaramanga. MedUNAB. 2020;23(1):62-71. doi:10.29375/01237047.3782

Introduction. Amblyopia is a visual disorder that arises during cortical development, and is considered the most frequent cause of preventable blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment have been demonstrated to be highly effective. However, it is often detected at a late stage, partly due to lack of knowledge. The purpose of this article is to describe the perceived knowledge of general practitioners and pediatricians in Bucaramanga on the early detection of amblyopia. Methodology. A descriptive, qualitative exploratory study was performed, by means of semistructured interviews of 20 healthcare professionals, using the approach suggested by Taylor and Bogdan. Results. The interview results found two types of issues: shortcomings in undergraduate and graduate training, lack of infrastructure to perform the visual assessment. It also detected four sub-categories, including incorrect concepts about amblyopia, lack of clarity about the right age to perform the first-time visual assessment, and erroneous beliefs about the assessment and referral to specialized optometry and ophthalmology services. Discussion. The study found gaps in knowledge by healthcare professionals as well as the different contributing factors to this problem, and indicates the importance of strengthening this subject in the curricula. Conclusion. It is necessary to strengthen knowledge among general practitioners and pediatricians to enable the early detection of children at risk of amblyopia and reduce the burden of this disease. Cómo citar: Maldonado Rueda SJ, Marzal Guerra EE, Delgado-Serrano J, Cepeda-Bareño DF, Oviedo Cáceres MP. Percepciones sobre el conocimiento de la detección temprana de la ambliopía de médicos generales y pediatras de Bucaramanga. MedUNAB. 2020;23(1):62-71. doi:10.29375/01237047.3782

Introdução. A ambliopia é um transtorno visual causado durante o desenvolvimento cortical, considerado a causa mais frequente de cegueira evitável. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoce provaram ser eficazes; no entanto, sua detecção é tardia devido, em parte, à falta de conhecimento. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever as percepções sobre o conhecimento de médicos gerais e pediatras em Bucaramanga a respeito da detecção precoce da ambliopia. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, exploratório e qualitativo, utilizando entrevistas semiestruturadas com 20 profissionais de saúde, fazendo uso da abordagem de Taylor e Bogdan. Resultados. As entrevistas permitiram identificar duas categorias, falhas no processo de formação dos graduandos e pósgraduandos, barreiras de infraestrutura para realizar avaliação visual e quatro subcategorias, entre as quais estão: conceitos errôneos sobre a ambliopia, falta de clareza sobre a idade apropriada para realizar a primeira avaliação visual, bem como uma valoração errônea relacionada com a avaliação e encaminhamento para serviços especializados de optometria e oftalmologia. Discussão. O estudo revelou o desconhecimento dos profissionais da saúde e as diferentes causas que contribuem para esse problema, bem como a importância de fortalecer essa questão nos currículos. Conclusão. É necessário ampliar o conhecimento dos médicos gerais e pediatras na detecção precoce das crianças em risco de ambliopia e reduzir a carga da doença. Cómo citar: Maldonado Rueda SJ, Marzal Guerra EE, Delgado-Serrano J, Cepeda-Bareño DF, Oviedo Cáceres MP. Percepciones sobre el conocimiento de la detección temprana de la ambliopía de médicos generales y pediatras de Bucaramanga. MedUNAB. 2020;23(1):62-71. doi:10.29375/01237047.3782

Ambliopía , Optometría , Pediatría , Agudeza Visual , Conocimiento , Prevención Secundaria
Investig. andin ; 21(38)jun. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550383


Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la curvatura corneal y los defectos de refracción en la población estudiantil de 5 a 19 años de la ciudad de Pereira en el año 2014. Materiales y métodos: el tipo de estudio es observacional correlacional descriptivo. Se indica el modelo de regresión lineal simple entre la queratometría y la retinoscopía. Se evaluó el error refractivo en 915 estudiantes de Pereira mediante retinoscopía estática y queratometría. Resultados: el valor cilíndrico obtenido para el ojo derecho (OD) oscila entre -0,12 y -5,50 dpt, mientras que para el ojo izquierdo (OI), el valor oscila entre -0,12 y -6,12 dpt. El 86,6% del meridiano eje (ME) del OD está entre 38,00 y 43,88 dpt, en tanto que el 87,2% del ME del OI se encuentra entre 32,00 y 43,88 dpt. La ametropía positiva para el OD está entre 0,25 y 8,00 dpt; para el OI en 0,25 y 7,50dpt. La ametropía negativa está en 6,00 para el OD y 6,50 dpt para el OI como valores máximos. En relación a la curvatura corneal y a las ametropías, el OD muestra una correlación de Pearson negativa, de -0,21 (p=0.0001). En el OI la correlación de Pearson también es negativa, de -0,20 (p=0.0001). Por lo tanto, la relación encontrada entre estas dos variables es tan solo del 5,1% y un 4,7% para OD y OI, respectivamente. Conclusiones: la relación entre la curvatura corneal y los errores de refracción según este modelo solo explica un porcentaje insignificante que no tiene importancia clínica, es del 4,9% en promedio del valor obtenido en el error refractivo en ambos ojos. Por ello, no es posible hacer una predicción de los errores refractivos con base en el radio de la curvatura corneal.

Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between corneal curvature and refractive errors in schooled population between the ages of 5 to 19 in the city of Pereira in 2014. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive correlational observational study, in which the simple linear regression model between keratometry and retinoscopy is indicated. Through static retinoscopy and keratometry, refractive error was evaluated in 915 students of Pereira. Results: The cylindrical value obtained for the RE (right eye) oscillates between -0.12 and -5.50 dpt and for the LI (left eye) -0.12 and -6.12 dpt, where 86.6% of the Axis (ME in Spanish) RE is between 38.00 and 43.88dpt, while 87.2% of Axis LE is between 32.00 and 43.88dpt. The positive ametropia for the RE is between 0.25 and 8.00dpt, for the LE 0.25 and 7.50dpt, the negative in RE 6.00 and OI 6.50dpt as maximum values. In relation to corneal curvature and ametropias, the RE shows a negative Pearson correlation of -0.21 (p = 0.0001). In the LE the Pearson correlation is also negative, of -0.20 (p = 0.0001). Therefore, the relationship found between these two variables is only 5.1% and 4.7% for RE and LE respectively. Conclusions: The relationship between corneal curvature and refractive errors according to this model only explains an insignificant percentage that does not have clinical importance, it is a 4.9% on average of the value obtained in the refractive error in both eyes, therefore, it does not allow a prediction of refractive errors based on the radius of corneal curvature.

Objetivo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre a curvatura da córnea e erros de refração na população estudantil de 5 a 19 anos de idade na cidade de Pereira em 2014. Materiais e Métodos. 0 tipo de estudo é descritivo correlacional observacional, no qual o modelo de regressão linear simples entre ceratometria e retinoscopia é indicado. Por meio de retinoscopia estática e ceratometria, o erro refrativo foi avaliado em 915 estudantes de Pereira. Resultados. O valor cilíndrico obtido para o OD (olho direito) é entre -0,12 e -5,50dpt e para o OI (olho esquerdo) e -0,12dpt e -6,12, onde 86,6% do Meridiano Eje (ME) OD está entre 38,00 e 43,88dpt, enquanto que 87,2% do ME 01 está entre 32,00 e 43,88dpt. A ametropia positiva para o OD está entre 0,25 e 8,00dpt, para o OI 0,25 e 7,50dpt, a ametropia negativa em OD 6,00 e OI 6,50dpt como valores máximos. Em relação à curvatura corneana e ametropias, o OD mostra uma correlação negativa de Pearson de -0,21 (p = 0,0001). No OI, a correlação de Pearson também é negativa, de -0,20 (p = 0,0001). Portanto, a relação encontrada entre essas duas variáveis é de apenas 5,1% e 4,7% para OD e OI, respectivamente. Conclusões. A relação entre a curvatura corneana e os erros refra-tivos de acordo com este modelo explica apenas uma percentagem insignificante de nenhuma importância clínica, é de 4,9%, em média, do valor obtido no erro refrativo em ambos os olhos, de modo que, não permite fazer uma previsão de erros refrativos com base no raio da curvatura corneana.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790250


The optometrist education system in the United States has a history of more than 100 years and has become a complete and mature system . It contains five parts: optometry admission test (OAT);a complete curriculum of optometry, including basic medical lectures, optometric theories and skills, large amount of clinical practices; the National Board Exam of Optometry (NBEO) which is mandatory for every licensed optometrist/practitioner, a one-year optional resident program; continue education in every year for renewing optometric licenses. We analyzed differents such as the enrollment requirements, the training time, the graduation requirements and the career perspective of the optometry education system between China and the United States were analyzed , we want to develop a optometrist training system with Chinese characteristics.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790256


In order to satisfy the social and medical demands for optometric talents, the education model combining "medicine, teaching, research and prevention" was established, fully integrated with various resources like talents , facilities , equipment from the affiliated eye hospital , institute of ophthalmology and prevention and treatment center for juvenile myopia . Cultivation of high-quality applicative talents which integrated "knowledge, skills and accomplishment" were taken as the main line, Cultivation goal was established in accordance with requirement of talent . The curriculum system was optimized on the basis of competence. The teaching mode was reformed to "2+2" mode, "double-position teachers" became the requirement for the teaching staff and professional education comprehensive practice platform of"one entity, two wings"was constructed, with good effectiveness being achieved.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-797447


The optometrist education system in the United States has a history of more than 100 years and has become a complete and mature system. It contains five parts: optometry admission test (OAT); a complete curriculum of optometry, including basic medical lectures, optometric theories and skills, large amount of clinical practices; the National Board Exam of Optometry (NBEO) which is mandatory for every licensed optometrist/practitioner, a one-year optional resident program; continue education in every year for renewing optometric licenses. We analyzed differents such as the enrollment requirements, the training time, the graduation requirements and the career perspective of the optometry education system between China and the United States were analyzed, we want to develop a optometrist training system with Chinese characteristics.